2012 freightliner cascadia diagnostic codes - Cars & Trucks (2024)

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    rose blancetPosted on Jan 22, 2012

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    Service engine light comes on and code eec61 is problem

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    • 7 Answers
    • Posted on Mar 26, 2011

    SOURCE: 2011 freightliner Cascadia with DD15. Fault code



    Doug Adams

    • 682 Answers
    • Posted on Jan 20, 2012

    SOURCE: i have a freightliner 2012 m2 1800 kms i got a eec61 engine code freightliner said its fuel filters i changed them the problem still exsists the engine is a 60 series any help would be great thank you

    Its a 2012? I would take it back to the dealer and make them fix it! Even if it could be out of warranty, which I doubt, I would make them fix it. Please rate my answer so I get points for it.

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    2012 freightliner cascadia diagnostic codes - Cars & Trucks (5)



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    Codes my 2012 freightliner cascadia is giving mefault 1cab 33spn 522108fail 05fault 2chs 71spn 520919fail 05fault 03eec 61spn 4364fail 18fault 04eec 61spn 3364fail 02fault...

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    What would cause a code 4354 on a 2016 Freightliner Cascadia?

    the code means something but only if the engine make , type and transmission make and type is known
    Freightliners run 3 different engine and up to 4 different transmissions and the code will be specific to that combination
    take it to a freightliner service center and have it fixed

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    Oct 01, 2016 •



    What does the fault code s42 mean on a 2012 freightliner cascadia

    as there can be 4 different engines in the make and each has specific codes for each engine, you will have to give more details as to engine make and size, year, model

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    Nov 28, 2015 •



    2012 freightliner cascadia eng 0 code fault and engine lights on

    Eng 0 code means that there is a fault, but it does not point to what it is. To know why the Eng 0 code got illuminated, go to the diagnostic section.

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    Sep 29, 2013 •



    I have a 2012 Freightliner Cascadia with DD13 engine. Engine will turn over but won't start. Code on dash reads no enG. Any ideas what I need to be looking for?

    cascadia 2013 DD13 get code ENG 2 001 SPN002631 01

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    List of diagnostic codes for 2012 frieghtliner cascadia engine type dd15

    Igot a code Eng - # 1 5323 spin fail 13 on my 2014 Freightliner Cascade DD15 will not start up

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    Jan 22, 2012 •



    I have a freightliner 2012 m2 1800 kms i got a eec61 engine code freightliner said its fuel filters i changed them the problem still exsists the engine is a 60 series any help would be great thank you

    Its a 2012? I would take it back to the dealer and make them fix it! Even if it could be out of warranty, which I doubt, I would make them fix it. Please rate my answer so I get points for it.

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    Jan 20, 2012 •



    2011 freightliner Cascadia with DD15. Fault code EEC 61 comes on. What does this mewnijju


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    Mar 26, 2011 •2008 Chrysler Sebring Convertible

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    2012 freightliner cascadia diagnostic codes - Cars & Trucks (2024)


    What is the code chs 71 on a 2012 freightliner cascadia? ›

    CHS 71 identifies your chassis control module. Cab 33 indicates your SAM module. The fault codes are going to be on the subsequent screen. Those code numbers are going to tell the technician or anyone what circuit has a problem within the chassis control module.

    What is the code EEC 61 on a 2012 Freightliner? ›

    EEC 61 is basically saying there is a problem in the After-treatment control module. This is the module the Engine uses for the aftertreatment system. Your Check Engine Light, and/or your Maintenance light will be on at the same time. The maintenance light is the light that looks like a solid yellow engine.

    How do I read diagnostic codes? ›

    How do you interpret OBD-II DTC codes?
    1. P codes: “P” indicates a problem with the powertrain. ...
    2. C codes: “C” indicates a problem with the chassis. ...
    3. B codes: “B” indicates a problem with the body. ...
    4. U codes: “U” indicates a problem with the vehicle's onboard computers and integration functions that the OBD manages.
    Jun 22, 2023

    How do you read trouble codes without a scanner? ›

    You first want to press and hold the odometer reset button and the trip button at the same time. While holding those down, turn the ignition on and release the odometer reset and trip buttons. After taking these steps, the diagnostic codes should appear in your odometer display.

    What is Cascadia code SPN 4364? ›

    Description This code sets when the Aftertreatment Control Module (ACM) detects that the Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) NOx Conversion efficiency is low.

    What does SPN code mean? ›

    Next, we see SPN which stands for suspect parameter number, this is used to identify the specific component or condition that is triggering a fault. In our example, we see SPN 3216, when looked up this SPN shows that there is an issue with the Aftertreatment Intake NOx sensor.

    What is diagnostic code SPN 111 on Freightliner? ›

    SPN 111/FMI 4

    Description This Fault Sets when the Common Powertrain Controller (CPC) Detects that there is a Short to Ground on the Coolant Level Circuit or the Engine Coolant Level is Low. Check as follows: 1. Connect DiagnosticLink ®.

    What is Freightliner code SPN 521052 FMI 31? ›

    SPN 521052/FMI 31

    Description This Code Sets When SPN 521050/FMI 31 has been Present for One Hour of Idle Time, the Vehicle has been Restarted or Six Gallons of Fuel has been Used.

    What is Freightliner code SPN 1243 FMI 14? ›

    SPN 1243/FMI 14

    Description This Fault Code Indicates a Missing Message from the Antilock Brake System (ABS) Module.

    What is Freightliner code spn 879 FMI 6? ›

    SPN 879 or 881 FMI 6 Active Fault Codes. SPN 879 FMI 6 Fault Code in Service Literature described as Front Left Turn Lamp - Current above expected value, and is associated with CHM C3-N pin.

    How do you manually reset engine codes? ›

    Simply place your key into the ignition and turn it on for 1-2 seconds, then turn it off for 1-2 seconds. Repeat this step three or four times. If the check engine light remains after the reset, you might still have a problem with your vehicle.

    What does the red stop engine light mean on a freightliner? ›

    Red Stop Engine Lamp Indicates that engine must be stopped as soon as it is safe to do so. Flashing Red Stop Engine Lamp Indicates driver has 30 seconds to stop vehicle safely before automatic engine shutdown (if the Engine Protection Shutdown feature is enabled).

    What diagnostic program does Freightliner use? ›

    DiagnosticLink is a subscription-based application supporting Detroit EPA 07, EPA 10, GHG14, GHG17, GHG21, and Gen 5 engine platforms including Freightliner, Western Star, & Thomas Built Buses vehicle support.

    Where is the diagnostic port on a Freightliner? ›

    The diagnostic port is behind the driver's seat.

    How do I know what engine my Freightliner has? ›

    By using a VIN check, you can get the vehicle's configuration information, including the engine and vehicle class.

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    Author: Eusebia Nader

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    Name: Eusebia Nader

    Birthday: 1994-11-11

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    Job: International Farming Consultant

    Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

    Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.