2024 Buick Envision Sport Touring at $50792 for sale in Newmarket (2024)

Cash $50,792



NewRoads Price

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.



Term (mo.)




50 031 $

NewRoads Price

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.


Finance For (2.99%)

$19.988 x 84 Months @ 6.49% APR (estimated financing rate, cost of borrowing $4,907).
Plus taxes and license.

$776 / mo


Term (mo.)




NewRoads Price

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.


Lease For (2.99%)

$19.988 x 84 Months @ 6.49% APR (estimated financing rate, cost of borrowing $4,907).
Plus taxes and license.

$776 / mo

' + '

' + '

$' + customFeeValue + '

' + '

' + '

'); }); }}function populateLuxuryTax(){ var luxury_tax = GMincentivesObj.luxury_tax; if(luxury_tax > 0){ jQuery('#cash_luxury_tax, #finance_luxury_tax, #lease_luxury_tax').append('

' + '

' + '

Luxury Tax

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage(luxury_tax) + '

' + '

' + formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage(luxury_tax) + '

' + '

' + '

'); }}function hideIOM(){ jQuery('#acc-cfl').attr('style', 'display: none;');}function hideFinanceLeaseAndEdealerPricing(){ jQuery('#finance_panel').attr('style', 'display: none;'); jQuery('#lease_panel').attr('style', 'display: none;'); jQuery('#gm_prices_cash').attr('style', 'display: none;'); jQuery('#vehicle_price_info').attr('style', 'display: none;');}function populateIncentivesAccordions(){ hideEmptyPanels(); populateDiscount(); populateDownPaymentDisclaimer(); populateCashAccordion(); populateIncentivesAccordionByType('finance'); populateIncentivesAccordionByType('lease'); populateCustomFees(); populateLuxuryTax(); }function getDiscountHTML(discount_amount, type){ var discountLabel = 'Dealer Discount'; if(isEmpty(discountLabel)){ discountLabel = 'Discount'; } if(type === 'cash'){ discount_cash = parseFloat(removeCommas(discount_amount.replace('$', ''))); if(icl_language == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ discount_cash = discount_amount.replace(' $',''); discount_cash = '$' + discount_cash.replace(/\xA0/g,','); discount_cash = parseFloat(removeCommas(discount_cash.replace('$', '')).replace('\u00a0', ',')); } }else{ discount = parseFloat(removeCommas(discount_amount.replace('$', ''))); if(icl_language == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ discount = discount_amount.replace(' $',''); discount = '$' + discount.replace(/\xA0/g,','); discount = parseFloat(removeCommas(discount.replace('$', '')).replace('\u00a0', ',')); } } if(discount > 0 || (discount_cash > 0 && type === 'cash')){ return '

' + '

' + '


'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

-$'+Math.floor(discount_cash).formatMoney(0, ',', '.')+'

'+ '

'; } else { return ''; }}function populateDiscount(){ if(GMincentivesData.data.incentiveModel.cashOffers.length > 0){ var cashDiscountHTML = getDiscountHTML(GMincentivesData.data.incentiveModel.cashOffers[0].discount.formattedAmountRounded,'cash'); jQuery('#cash_discount').append(cashDiscountHTML); }else if(GMincentivesObj.cash_discount > 0){ var cashDiscountHTML = getDiscountHTML(GMincentivesObj.cash_discount,'cash'); jQuery('#cash_discount').append(cashDiscountHTML); } if(GMincentivesData.data.incentiveModel.financeOffers.length > 0){ var financeDiscountHTML = getDiscountHTML(GMincentivesData.data.incentiveModel.financeOffers[0].discount.formattedAmountRounded, 'finance'); jQuery('#finance_discount').append(financeDiscountHTML); } if(GMincentivesData.data.incentiveModel.leaseOffers.length > 0){ var leaseDiscountHTML = getDiscountHTML(GMincentivesData.data.incentiveModel.leaseOffers[0].discount.formattedAmountRounded, 'lease'); jQuery('#lease_discount').append(financeDiscountHTML); } }function hideEmptyPanels(){ if(GMincentivesData.data.incentiveModel.financeOffers.length == 0 || financePaymentIntervalShort == 'none' || vehicle_price == 0){ jQuery('#finance_panel').attr('style', 'display: none;'); } if(GMincentivesData.data.incentiveModel.leaseOffers.length == 0 || leasePaymentIntervalShort == 'none' || vehicle_price == 0){ jQuery('#lease_panel').attr('style', 'display: none;'); } }function populateCashAccordion(){ var total_cash_cash_discount = 0; jQuery.each(GMincentivesObj.cash_incentives, function (key, incentive) { jQuery.each(incentive.stackable_offers, function (keyo, offer) { var cash_offer_length = (offer.name.split(/\W+/).length); var words = offer.name.split(' '); if(cash_offer_length > 3 && offer.name.length > 25){ words[2] += '
'; } var takeDeliveryBy = 'Take Delivery By'; if(icl_language == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ takeDeliveryBy = 'Récupérer La Livraison Au'; } var offer_amount = parseFloat(removeCommas(offer.cash_value.replace('$', ''))); if(icl_language == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ offer_amount = offer.cash_value.replace(' $',''); offer_amount = '$' + offer_amount.replace(/\xA0/g,','); offer_amount = parseFloat(removeCommas(offer_amount.replace('$', '')).replace('\u00a0', ',')); } if(offer_amount > 0){ if(typeof(words[3]) != "undefined" && words[3] == '(Appliqu?e'){ words[3] = '(Applicable'; } jQuery('#cash_incentives').append('

' + '

' + '

' + words.join(' ') + '

' + '

' + takeDeliveryBy + ' ' + offer.expiryDate + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

-$' + Math.floor(offer_amount).formatMoney(0, ',', '.') + '

' + '

' + '

'); } total_cash_cash_discount += offer_amount; }); }); if(discount_cash != 0){ total_cash_cash_discount += discount_cash; } jQuery('#cash_price').html(formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage(vehicle_price + GMincentivesObj.luxury_tax - total_cash_cash_discount)); jQuery('#cash_price_bottom').html(formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage (vehicle_price + GMincentivesObj.luxury_tax - total_cash_cash_discount)); if(total_cash_cash_discount == 0 && !GMincentivesObj.customFeeSettings.showCustomFees && !GMincentivesObj.luxury_tax){ jQuery('#gm_prices_cash').attr('style', 'display: none;'); jQuery('#hr_msrp').attr('style', 'display: none;'); }}function formatKM(num) { if(currentLanguageCode == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ return num.replace(',',' '); }else{ return num; }}function formatprice(num) { if(currentLanguageCode == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ return num.replace(',','.'); }else{ return num; }}function formatCommas(amount) { if(currentLanguageCode == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ return amount.replace('.',','); }else{ return amount; }}if(typeof Localize !== 'undefined'){ if(Localize.getLanguage() == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ jQuery(".maincontent .english-price").hide(); jQuery(".maincontent .french-price").show(); }else{ jQuery(".maincontent .french-price").hide(); jQuery(".maincontent .english-price").show(); }}function formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage(amount){ if(currentLanguageCode == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ return amount.formatMoney(0,' ',',') + ' $'; }else{ return '$' + amount.formatMoney(0,',','.'); }}function replaceDollarAmount(amount){ if(currentLanguageCode == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ return parseFloat(removeCommas(amount.replace('$', ''))); } else { return parseFloat(removeCommas(amount.replace('$', ''))) }}function getDefaultTerm(type, offers){ var default_finance_term = parseInt('1'); var default_lease_term = parseInt('1'); var default_term = 0; var best_term = 0; if(type === 'finance'){ default_term = default_finance_term; // check if custom term from Vehicle Incentives tool is set if(GMincentivesObj.custom_term != 99){ default_term = GMincentivesObj.custom_term; } } else if(type === 'lease'){ default_term = default_lease_term; } // check if default term exist in offers var term_exist = false; jQuery.each(offers, function (key, value) { if (default_term == value.term){ term_exist = true; } }); if(default_term == -1){ //get lowest available jQuery.each(offers, function (key, value) { if (best_term == 0) { best_term = value.term; } else if (best_term > value.term) { best_term = value.term; } }); } else if(term_exist) { best_term = default_term; }else { // get highest available jQuery.each(offers, function (key, value) { if (best_term == 0) { best_term = value.term; } else if (best_term < value.term) { best_term = value.term; } }); } return best_term;}function populateIncentivesAccordionByType(type){ var takeDeliveryBy = 'Take Delivery By'; if(icl_language == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ takeDeliveryBy = 'Récupérer La Livraison Au'; } var i = 0; var j = 0; var best_term = 0; if(type === 'finance'){ best_term = getDefaultTerm('finance', GMincentivesObj.finance_incentives); }else if(type === 'lease'){ best_term = getDefaultTerm('lease', GMincentivesObj.lease_incentives); } var sortedOffers = []; if(type === 'finance'){ sortedOffers = GMincentivesObj.finance_incentives; sortedOffers = sortedOffers.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.term < b.term) return 1; if (a.term > b.term) return -1; return 0; }); }else if(type === 'lease'){ sortedOffers = GMincentivesObj.lease_incentives; sortedOffers = sortedOffers.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.term < b.term) return 1; if (a.term > b.term) return -1; return 0; }); } var frequency = ''; var frequency_short = ''; jQuery.each(sortedOffers, function (key, value) { var active = ''; var checked = '' var payment_amount = ''; var total_cash_discount = 0; if (value.term == best_term) { active = 'active '; checked = 'checked="";' frequency = jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'frequency input[checked=""]').parent(0).text().trim(); if(frequency == 'Weekly' || frequency == 'Hebdomadaire'){ frequency_short = 'w'; payment_amount = value.weeklyPayment.replace('\u00a0', ','); } else if(frequency == 'Biweekly' || frequency == 'Bihebdomadaire' || frequency == '2 semaines'){ frequency_short = 'bw'; payment_amount = value.biweeklyPayment.replace('\u00a0', ','); } else{ frequency_short = 'mo'; payment_amount = value.monthlyPayment.replace('\u00a0', ','); } jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'payment_frequency').html('' + formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage(replaceDollarAmount(payment_amount)) + ' / ' + frequency_short); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'rate_disclaimer').html('(' + formatCommas(parseFloat(value.interestRate).toFixed(2)) + ')%'); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'payment_frequency_disclaimer').html('' + payment_amount + ' / ' + frequency_short); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'rate_disclaimer_hidden').val( formatCommas(parseFloat(value.interestRate).toFixed(2)) ); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'pmt_disclaimer_hidden').val( parseFloat(removeCommas(payment_amount.replace('$', ''))).toFixed(2) ); jQuery.each(value.stackable_offers, function (key, offer) { var stackableOfferAmount = parseFloat(removeCommas(offer.cash_value.replace('$', ''))); if(icl_language == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ stackableOfferAmount = offer.cash_value.replace(' $',''); stackableOfferAmount = '$' + stackableOfferAmount.replace(/\xA0/g,','); stackableOfferAmount = parseFloat(removeCommas(stackableOfferAmount.replace('$', '')).replace('\u00a0', ',')); } var expiryDate = new Date(offer.expiryDate); if(stackableOfferAmount > 0){ jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'stackable_cash').append('

' + '

' + '

' + offer.name + '

' + '

' + takeDeliveryBy + ' ' + offer.expiryDate + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

-$' + Math.round(stackableOfferAmount).formatMoney(0, ',', '.') + '

' + '

' + '

'); } total_cash_discount += parseFloat(stackableOfferAmount); }); if(discount != 0){ total_cash_discount += discount; } jQuery('#total_' + type + '_' + 'cash_discount').val(total_cash_discount); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'final_price').html(formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage(value.amount + GMincentivesObj.luxury_tax)); } jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'terms').append(''); i++; }); calculateBorrowingCostForGMByType(best_term, frequency, type); kms_allowance_disclaimer = GMincentivesObj.kms_allowance_disclaimer;}function formatNumber(num) { return num.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,')}function getFormattedDate(date) { let year = date.getFullYear().toString().substr(-2); let month = (1 + date.getMonth()).toString().padStart(2, '0'); let day = date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0'); return day + '/' + month + '/' + year;}// https://github.com/uxitten/polyfill/blob/master/string.polyfill.js// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/padStartif (!String.prototype.padStart) { String.prototype.padStart = function padStart(targetLength,padString) { targetLength = targetLength>>0; //truncate if number or convert non-number to 0; padString = String((typeof padString !== 'undefined' ? padString : ' ')); if (this.length > targetLength) { return String(this); } else { targetLength = targetLength-this.length; if (targetLength > padString.length) { padString += padString.repeat(targetLength/padString.length); //append to original to ensure we are longer than needed } return padString.slice(0,targetLength) + String(this); } };}function removeCommas(str) { while (str.search(",") >= 0) { str = (str + "").replace(',', ''); } while (str.search(" ") >= 0) { str = (str + "").replace(' ', ''); } while (str.search("\u00a0") >= 0) { str = (str + "").replace('\u00a0', ''); } if(isEmpty(str)){ return 0; } return str;};function isEmpty(obj) { if (typeof obj === 'undefined' || obj === null || obj === '') return true; if (typeof obj === 'number' && isNaN(obj)) return true; if (obj instanceof Date && isNaN(Number(obj))) return true; return false;}function calculateBorrowingCostGM(term, price, interestRate, numberOfPayments, paymentLease) { var borrowingCost = 0; var balance = price; var monthlyInterest = 0; for(var i=0; i < term* numberOfPayments / 12; i++) { monthlyInterest = (balance * interestRate) / (numberOfPayments * 100); var principal = paymentLease - monthlyInterest; borrowingCost += monthlyInterest; balance = balance - principal; } return borrowingCost;}jQuery("#finance_terms").on('change', 'input', function() { var term = jQuery(this).parent(0).text().trim(); var frequency = jQuery('#finance_frequency label.active').text().trim(); getPaymentDatatByTypeTermAndFrequency(term, frequency, 'finance'); });jQuery("#finance_frequency :input").change(function() { var frequency = jQuery(this).parent(0).text().trim(); var term = jQuery('#finance_terms label.active').text().trim(); getPaymentDatatByTypeTermAndFrequency(term, frequency, 'finance'); });jQuery("#lease_terms").on('change', 'input', function() { var term = jQuery(this).parent(0).text().trim(); var frequency = jQuery('#lease_frequency label.active').text().trim(); getPaymentDatatByTypeTermAndFrequency(term, frequency, 'lease'); });jQuery("#lease_frequency :input").change(function() { var frequency = jQuery(this).parent(0).text().trim(); var term = jQuery('#lease_terms label.active').text().trim(); getPaymentDatatByTypeTermAndFrequency(term, frequency, 'lease'); });function calculateBorrowingCostForGMByType(payment_term, frequency, type) { var interest_rate = jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'rate_disclaimer_hidden').val(); var paymentValue = jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'pmt_disclaimer_hidden').val(); var total_cash_discount = jQuery('#total_' + type + '_' + 'cash_discount').val(); var final_price = jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'final_price').html(); var luxury_tax = GMincentivesObj.luxury_tax; var balance = vehicle_price + luxury_tax - total_cash_discount; var numberOfPayments; if(frequency == 'Weekly' || frequency == 'Hebdomadaire'){ numberOfPayments = 52; } else if(frequency == 'Monthly' || frequency == 'Mensuel'){ numberOfPayments = 12; } else { numberOfPayments = 26; } // Start implementation for Effective rate var int_rate = formatprice(interest_rate); var borrowingCost = calculateBorrowingCostGM(payment_term, balance, int_rate, numberOfPayments, paymentValue); var APR_text = '@' + interest_rate + '% APR' + down_payment_disclaimer + '(estimated financing rate)'; var APR_text_with_borrowing_cost = '@' + interest_rate + '% APR' + down_payment_disclaimer + '('; if(type == 'lease'){ APR_text_with_borrowing_cost += kms_allowance_disclaimer; } APR_text_with_borrowing_cost += 'estimated financing rate, cost of borrowing $' + borrowingCost.formatMoney(0, ',', '.') + ')'; if(icl_language == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ APR_text = '@' + interest_rate + '% TAEG' + down_payment_disclaimer + '(taux estimé de financement)'; APR_text_with_borrowing_cost = '@' + interest_rate + '% TAEG' + down_payment_disclaimer + '('; if(type == 'lease'){ APR_text_with_borrowing_cost += formatKM(kms_allowance_disclaimer); } APR_text_with_borrowing_cost += 'taux estimé de financement, coût d\'emprunt ' + formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage(borrowingCost) + ')'; } if(type == 'finance'){ jQuery.each(GMincentivesObj.finance_incentives, function(i, item) { if(item.term == payment_term){ if(item.effectiveInterestRate > item.interestRate && showEffectiveInterestRate){ APR_text = '@' + interest_rate + '% APR' + down_payment_disclaimer + '(' + item.effectiveInterestRate + '% Effective Rate)'; APR_text_with_borrowing_cost = '@' + interest_rate + '% APR' + down_payment_disclaimer + '(' + item.effectiveInterestRate + '% Effective Rate, cost of borrowing ' + '$' + borrowingCost.formatMoney(0, ',', '.') + ')'; if(icl_language == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ APR_text = '@' + interest_rate + '% TAEG' + down_payment_disclaimer + '(' + item.effectiveInterestRate + '% Taux Effectif)'; APR_text_with_borrowing_cost = '@' + interest_rate + '% TAEG' + down_payment_disclaimer + '(' + item.effectiveInterestRate + '% Taux Effectif, coût d\'emprunt ' + '$' + borrowingCost.formatMoney(0, ',', '.') + ')'; } jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'rate_disclaimer').html('(' + parseFloat(item.interestRate).toFixed(2) + ')%'); } } }); } // End implementation for Effective rate var months = ' Months '; var taxes = '.
'; if(type == 'finance'){ taxes += finance_taxes_disclaimer; }else{ taxes += lease_taxes_disclaimer; } if(icl_language == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ months = ' Mois '; if(type == 'finance'){ jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'for_iom').html('Financement Pour '); }else{ jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'for_iom').html('Location Pour '); } } if(borrowingCost == 0 || isEmpty(borrowingCost)){ jQuery('#borrowing_cost_' + type).val('N/A'); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'disclaimer_bottom').html(final_price + ' x ' + payment_term + months + APR_text + taxes); }else{ jQuery('#borrowing_cost_' + type).val(borrowingCost); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'disclaimer_bottom').html(final_price + ' x ' + payment_term + months + APR_text_with_borrowing_cost + taxes); } }function getPaymentDatatByTypeTermAndFrequency(term, frequency, type){ var payment_amount = 0; var interest_rate = -1; var frequency_short = ''; var offer; if(type === 'finance'){ var aOffers = GMincentivesObj.finance_incentives; } else if(type === 'lease'){ var aOffers = GMincentivesObj.lease_incentives; } jQuery.each(aOffers, function(key, value) { if(value.term == term){ if(frequency == 'Weekly' || frequency == 'Hebdomadaire'){ payment_amount = value.weeklyPayment.replace('\u00a0', ','); frequency_short = 'w'; } else if(frequency == 'Biweekly' || frequency == 'Bihebdomadaire' || frequency == '2 semaines'){ payment_amount = value.biweeklyPayment.replace('\u00a0', ','); frequency_short = 'bw'; } else if(frequency == 'Monthly' || frequency == 'Mensuel'){ payment_amount = value.monthlyPayment.replace('\u00a0', ','); frequency_short = 'mo'; } interest_rate = value.interestRate; offer = value; if(value.stackable_offers !== null){ populateStackableOffersByType(value, type); } } }); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'payment_frequency').html('' + formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage(replaceDollarAmount(payment_amount)) + ' / ' + frequency_short); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'payment_frequency_disclaimer').html('' + formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage(replaceDollarAmount(payment_amount)) + ' / ' + frequency_short); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'rate_disclaimer').html('(' + formatCommas(parseFloat(interest_rate).toFixed(2)) + ')%'); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'rate_disclaimer_hidden').val( formatCommas(parseFloat(interest_rate).toFixed(2)) ); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'pmt_disclaimer_hidden').val( parseFloat(removeCommas(payment_amount.replace('$', ''))).toFixed(2) ); jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'final_price').html( formatMoneyByCurrentLanguage(Math.round(offer.amount))); calculateBorrowingCostForGMByType(term, frequency, type); }function populateStackableOffersByType(value, type){ var takeDeliveryBy = 'Take Delivery By'; if(icl_language == 'fr-CA' || languageParamFromUrl == 'fr'){ takeDeliveryBy = 'Récupérer La Livraison Au'; } jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'stackable_cash').html(''); jQuery.each(value.stackable_offers, function (key, offer) { var stackableOfferAmount = parseFloat(removeCommas(offer.cash_value.replace('$', ''))); if(stackableOfferAmount > 0){ jQuery('#' + type + '_' + 'stackable_cash').append('

' + '

' + '

' + offer.name + '

' + '

' + takeDeliveryBy + ' ' + offer.expiryDate + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

-$' + formatNumber(Math.round(stackableOfferAmount)) + '

' + '

' + '

'); } }); }jQuery('#cash_panel > a').click(function(){ var classanswerOne = jQuery('#answerOne').attr("class"); if(classanswerOne === 'panel-collapse in' || classanswerOne === 'panel-collapse collapse in'){ jQuery('#cash_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_collapsed'); }else{ jQuery('#cash_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_expanded'); jQuery('#finance_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_collapsed'); jQuery('#lease_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_collapsed'); } }); jQuery('#finance_panel > a').click(function(){ var classanswerOne = jQuery('#answerTwo').attr("class"); if(classanswerOne === 'panel-collapse in' || classanswerOne === 'panel-collapse collapse in'){ jQuery('#finance_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_collapsed'); }else{ jQuery('#finance_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_expanded'); jQuery('#cash_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_collapsed'); jQuery('#lease_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_collapsed'); } }); jQuery('#lease_panel > a').click(function(){ var classanswerOne = jQuery('#answerThree').attr("class"); if(classanswerOne === 'panel-collapse in' || classanswerOne === 'panel-collapse collapse in'){ jQuery('#lease_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_collapsed'); }else{ jQuery('#lease_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_expanded'); jQuery('#cash_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_collapsed'); jQuery('#finance_icon').attr('class', 'iom_panel_collapsed'); } });

2024 Buick Envision Sport Touring at $50792 for sale in Newmarket (2024)


What's the difference between a Buick Envision and a Buick Envision Avenir? ›

The top Avenir trim adds heated outboard seats along with heated front-row seats. Navigation is added to the infotainment system. The sound system is upgraded to a Bose audio system with nine speakers, and you'll also get a wireless charging pad. A surround-view camera is added to the Avenir for additional safety.

How many miles will a Buick Envision last? ›

How long does a Buick Envision last? The Buick Envision can be a long-lasting SUV. You might sail past 200,000 miles in a regularly maintained used Buick Envision, which adds up to many years of driving considering the average driver puts 15,000 miles on the odometer annually.

Why is the 2024 Envision delayed? ›

General Motors is delaying the launch of the facelifted '24 Buick Envision as it resets the brand with fewer dealers and looks ahead to a BEV future. Envision is in hot product segment, but this '24 refresh won't debut until late next year.

Does Buick Envision require premium gas? ›

Performance. Most Buick Envision models run smoothly on regular unleaded gasoline (87 octane). However, some upgraded models configured with a 2.0-liter turbo four-cylinder engine paired with a 9-speed transmission and AWD, require premium gas (91 octane or higher).

What SUV is comparable to Buick Envision? ›

The 2024 Buick Envision is a standout option in the luxury SUV market, outpacing competitors like the 2024 INFINITI QX50 and the 2024 Lexus NX.

Is Buick Envision a reliable car? ›

Quality and Reliability 81.0/100

The 2024 Buick Envision has a predicted reliability score of 81 out of 100.

Are Buicks expensive to fix? ›

Are Buicks expensive to fix? Buick repairs in general are more affordable than other premium and luxury vehicles. They are also well-built automobiles, and with proper care shouldn't require any major repair work.

Is Buick still making the Envision in 2024? ›

Surround yourself in refinement

Inside the 2024 Envision compact SUV, thoughtfully integrated technology and refined details create an accommodating and commanding driving environment.

Where is the Buick Envision made? ›

Buick Envision – This mid-size crossover SUV is assembled at a GM assembly plant in Shanghai, China.

What is the difference between Buick Envision Preferred and Premium? ›

Impressive Performance All Around. One key difference between the Preferred and the Premium is that the Premium is only offered in all-wheel drive, while the Preferred is offered in both front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive.

How many gallons of gas does a Buick Envision hold? ›

Fuel & MPG

354.2/466.9 mi. 16.1 gal.

Is Buick a reliable car? ›

Buick ranks among the most reliable domestic automakers. These are good, safe, reliable models with the lowest transaction prices. These models are selling below their sticker price, according to CR's exclusive analysis of car deals.

What does Avenir mean Buick? ›

Avenir is a French word meaning “future,” and that's exactly what Buick hopes you see in every line, panel, curve, and stitch of their exclusive Avenir-level vehicles.

How much does a Buick Envision Avenir cost? ›

The price of the 2025 Buick Envision starts at $37,895 and goes up to $47,595 depending on the trim and options.

Is Buick Envision Avenir all-wheel drive? ›

Envision variants include Preferred 4dr SUV AWD (2.0L 4cyl Turbo 9A), Sport Touring 4dr SUV AWD (2.0L 4cyl Turbo 9A), and Avenir 4dr SUV AWD (2.0L 4cyl Turbo 9A).

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Views: 5609

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.