- Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 367 (2024)

The Hour of Intercession

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      The Hour of Intercession is a radio show hosted by Pastor Joseph Parker. This show covers topics of prayer, intercession, the Word of God and features interviews with pastors and religious leaders. - Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 367 (9)

      This podcast is also available on:
      • - Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 367 (10)
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      • - Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 367 (12)
      Episodes (1757)

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      Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 367

      June 18, 2024


      Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he picks up in 2 Kings and in 2 Thessalonians. | 2 Kings 15 (NLT) | 2 Thessalonians 2-3 (NLT) | 1 Timothy 1:1-7 (NLT) | God's Word: Three Chapters a Day


      ID: 82294

      A Christian Man, A Christian Father*

      June 15, 2024


      Pastor Joseph encourages fathers to be mature and to grow in their walk with Jesus. As fathers grow faithful in prayer, and as they follow God's direction to love and equip their children well, fathers can amazingly bless their children's lives. | | Mathew 1-2 (NLT) | Genesis 27:1-40 (NLT) | Portrait of a Faithful Christian Father| A Portrait of Real Manhood

      *This is an encore episode, originally aired June 12, 2024


      ID: 82273

      Today's Guest: Dr. Jessica Peck, Host of the Dr. Nurse Mama show on AFR

      June 14, 2024



      ID: 82263

      The Joy of Discipleship*

      June 13, 2024


      Pastor Joseph Talks about the great commission to go and make disciples and what joy it is to take part in that.

      *This is an encore episode, originally aired May 4, 2024


      ID: 82233

      A Christian Man, A Christian Father

      June 12, 2024


      Pastor Joseph encourages fathers to be mature and to grow in their walk with Jesus. As fathers grow faithful in prayer, and as they follow God's direction to love and equip their children well, fathers can amazingly bless their children's lives. | | Mathew 1-2 (NLT) | Genesis 27:1-40 (NLT) | Portrait of a Faithful Christian Father| A Portrait of Real Manhood


      ID: 82230

      Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 366

      June 11, 2024


      Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he continues in 2 Kings and in 1 & 2 Thessalonians. | 2 Kings 12-14 (NKJV) | 1 Thessalonians 4-5 (NKJV) | 2 Thessalonians 1-2 (NKJV) | Psalm 91 (NKJV) | Praying Psalm 91: Strong Protection | AFA at the Ark -


      ID: 82213

      Reading Through The Word of God, ep. 365

      June 08, 2024


      Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he picks up in 2 Kings and in 1 Thessalonians. | 2 Kings 9:30-12:8 (NKJV) | 1 Thess 1-4:10 (NKJV) | | AFA at the Ark -


      ID: 82202

      Today's Guest: Pastor Bryan Collier of The Orchard Church

      June 07, 2024


      Pastor Bryan Collier is the lead and founding pastor of The Orchard Church, a family of churches in North Mississippi. Today, Pastor Bryan shares how the Orchard has pursued valuing scriptures authority with love and humility. Pastor Joseph and Pastor Bryan continue to talk about the importance of healthy spiritual practices, and they talk about the social side of holiness. | | For AFA at the Ark, please visit | The Intercession Chronicles | A Pastor's Notes


      ID: 82188

      The Ten Commandments Project

      June 06, 2024


      Children and teens face so many difficulties in our broken world. The Ten Commandments Project is a discipleship project meant to plant seeds of truth in the lives of our youth. Pastor Joseph invites children ages 7-17 to write and present a 3-5minute speech (with help or by themselves) on why the Ten Commandments are important. Speeches must be submitted to by June 30. All participants will receive a Ten Commandments t-shirt, bookmark, and coupon code to use in the AFA Resource Center. | 'Thou Shall Not Be a Thug' | Children Who Read the Word of God | AFA at the Ark -


      ID: 82155

      Faith and Obedience: Obey Your Way Into Great Faith

      June 05, 2024


      Pastor Joseph encourages believers to walk in obedient faith. Many may think that "faith" is similar to an opinion or a theory, but the bible teaches that when faith is enacted in obedience, it becomes something with much more substance. | Hebrews 11 (NKJV) | Faith and Obedience


      ID: 82136

      Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 364

      June 04, 2024


      Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he picks up in 2 Kings and finishes Colossians. | What if God Wrote a Book | 2 Kings 8-9:29 (NKJV) | Colossians 2-4 (NKJV)


      ID: 82113

      Today's Guest: Nathan Harkness, Author of Spirit Led Discipleship

      June 01, 2024


      Nathan Harkness joins and shares about his journey in learning to listen to and obey the Holy Spirit. He emphasizes how important it is for the church to listen to the Holy Spirit and walk in obedience, and he prays for listeners to grow in the full joy of Jesus. | |


      ID: 82091

      "The Intercession Chronicles" - A Tool for Discipleship

      May 31, 2024


      Pastor Joseph encourages listeners to be steadfast students in prayer, to ask God to grow our prayer lives, and to pursue praying continually. He encourages listeners to consider buying his book, "The Intercession Chronicles," that can help us grow in discipleship. Isaac Jackson chimes in to encourage listeners to not get distracted by worldly things, but to pursue learning and praying God's will. | | - AFA at the Ark | Students in the School of Prayer | Accessing the Vast Ocean of God's Grace | Kingdom Prayers


      ID: 82065

      Marriage, Family, The Holy Spirit, and Warfare

      May 30, 2024


      Pastor Joseph considers some of the difficulties that couples face in spiritual warfare, and he encourages couples to grow in spiritual maturity, in prayer, and in walking with the Holy Spirit. | AFA at the Ark - |


      ID: 82032

      Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 363

      May 29, 2024


      Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he picks up in 2 Kings and Philippians. | 2 Kings 6-8:9 (NLT) | Philippians 4 (NLT) | Colossians 1-2:18 (NLT) | - AFA at the Ark 2024 |


      ID: 82020

      Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 362*

      May 28, 2024


      Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he picks up in 2 Kings and in Philippians. | 2 Kings 4-6:5 (NLT) | Philippians 2-4:1 (NLT)

      *This in an encore episode, originally aired May 24, 2024


      ID: 82006

      Today's Guest: Sonia Ponce, a Downers Grove Christian School Teacher | Insights and Observations on the Ten Commandments Project

      May 25, 2024


      Several years ago, teacher Sonia Ponce started incorporating the 10 Commandments Project into her 3rd grade class curriculum. Sonia shares about her love for Jesus honoring education and about Downers Grove Christian School in Illinois. Pastor Joseph and Sonia discuss and pray about building lives on God's law | |


      ID: 82005

      Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 362

      May 24, 2024


      Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he picks up in 2 Kings and in Philippians. | 2 Kings 4-6:5 (NLT) | Philippians 2-4:1 (NLT)


      ID: 81981

      Reading Through the Word of God with Students from Downers Grove Christian School

      May 23, 2024


      Sonia Ponce invites her 3rd grade class to read scripture on today's Hour of Intercession. Pastor Joseph shares about this years 10 Commandments Project and encourages listeners in God's calling for their lives. | | | Walking Out Your Calling


      ID: 81966

      Dr. Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis

      May 22, 2024


      Pastor Joseph talks with Dr. Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis, about The Creation Museum and The Ark Encounter. AFA at the Ark is coming up October 31 to November 2. Sign up at


      ID: 81940

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      MAY 20, 2022





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      AFR Public Files
      ©2024 - American Family Radio is a ministry division of American Family Association - Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 367 (2024)


      What happens when you read the word of God everyday? ›

      This changes your outlook on life, your attitude, and perspective. Your goals and desires are shifted, too. The more you know God from reading the Bible, the more you desire him and are changed for the better. You experience more peace and live a better life overall by knowing your creator.

      How do you read the word of God effectively? ›

      10 Tips for Studying the Bible
      1. Begin your study with prayer.
      2. You don't have to start at the beginning.
      3. Choose a topic relevant to you.
      4. Get to know a character.
      5. Write down what you learn.
      6. Listen to the Bible online.
      7. Read or share with someone else.
      8. Look up what you don't understand.

      What is the value of reading the word of God? ›

      Reading the Bible allows us to be certain of what God said. The Bible is our final authority. “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17).

      What happens when we don't read the word of God? ›

      Neglecting regular time with Scripture increases our struggle in battling sin, in finding comfort and strength in God, in serving Jesus, and in loving God's Word.

      Where does the Bible say to read it everyday? ›

      Bible reading is a mandate for kings.

      Rulers should read God's Word every day to learn to fear God, live in reverent obedience, and not become proud or arrogant (Deuteronomy 17:18-20).

      Does reading the Bible change you? ›

      The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. Reading the Bible and taking it to heart—obeying what it says—will change your life.

      How do you pray before reading the word of God? ›

      Father, anoint me with your Holy Spirit, so that as I read your eternal word, your word may penetrate my whole being and transform me. Grant me the blessing to be a faithful disciple in believing the Word of God and that I may be a light shining upon all who are in darkness.

      What does the word of God do when you read it? ›

      When a believer hears the Scriptures expounded by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, or when he reads the Bible to take it by faith into his heart, its supernatural power is unleashed. And when that happens, that person's heart, will, thoughts, emotions, and memories are all touched by God's power as if by fire.

      How to read God's word daily? ›

      How to Start Reading the Bible Every Day & Stick With It
      1. Pick a time for your devotional reading. Make it a priority by calendaring it as you would any other important meeting. ...
      2. Pick a place for your devotional reading. ...
      3. Pick an accountability partner. ...
      4. Tell others. ...
      5. Don't skip a day. ...
      6. Reward yourself. ...
      7. Persist.

      What is our main goal when reading God's Word? ›

      Reading the Bible is how you learn who God is. The Bible contains His message about life, relationships, work — really all the things that give your life meaning. The Bible contains accounts of God interacting with people.

      How often should we read the Word of God? ›

      There isn't, as far as I can see, a daily amount that we must read. Other faith traditions may impose an “expectation” on their adherents, but, for those born again by faith in Jesus, a daily commitment to read the Word and to hear from God through His Word, is something we want to do.

      Why does God want us to read his Word? ›

      Reading the Bible on a regular and consistent basis has several benefits. First, the Bible shows us God's character and provides us God's revelation of himself to his people. In each section of the Bible, we see God's holy, unchanging, faithful, gracious and loving character.

      What hinders you in reading the word of God? ›

      Unconfessed, unrepented sin can hinder our desire and ability to read the Bible. Hearing from God about ways in which we've fallen short of his glory and having to face our sin through the pages of Scripture can be difficult.

      Can I go to heaven if I don't read the Bible? ›

      Reading the Bible and praying are not the proof of our salvation (that is, it's not that we'd lose our salvation if we didn't read the Bible or pray). Nor is it something to check off a list. Rather, it is a time for intimate communication with God. He is after our hearts, not empty appearances.

      Is it a sin not to read your Bible every day? ›

      It's not a sin if you don't read your Bible every day.

      How often should we read the word of God? ›

      There isn't, as far as I can see, a daily amount that we must read. Other faith traditions may impose an “expectation” on their adherents, but, for those born again by faith in Jesus, a daily commitment to read the Word and to hear from God through His Word, is something we want to do.

      What is the power of reading the Bible everyday? ›

      Reading the Bible on a regular and consistent basis has several benefits. First, the Bible shows us God's character and provides us God's revelation of himself to his people. In each section of the Bible, we see God's holy, unchanging, faithful, gracious and loving character.

      How long should I read the Bible per day? ›

      Pray for Perseverance

      The average reader can read the Bible through in about 65 to 75 hours. So if you read the Bible for less than 15 minutes a day, you would accomplish your goal. No matter how busy we are, we can certainly find 15 minutes. The Bible is God's word.

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      Author: Errol Quitzon

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      Views: 5891

      Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

      Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Errol Quitzon

      Birthday: 1993-04-02

      Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

      Phone: +9665282866296

      Job: Product Retail Agent

      Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

      Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.