Dalmatian personality, appearance and HD photos - Dogmal.com (2024)

Dalmatian is a popular medium-sized dog breed that originated in Croatia. The Dalmatian was originally bred to guard horses and coaches, and some of the old protective instinct remains. The breed is very versatile and has been used for many purposes over the years. The Dalmatian takes his name from Dalmatia, on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea.

Dalmatian content overview

  • History
  • Different names
  • Appearance and Characteristics
  • Personality and Temperament
  • How to take care
  • Puppy Information
  • Puppy price
  • Things to consider adopting a puppy
  • Photo gallery

History ofDalmatian

The Dalmatian dog’s origin can be recognized in paintings and church chronicles from the 16th to the 18th century. One such painting, a fresco from 1360, is held in the Spanish Chapel of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, Italy.

Dalmatians have performed a wide range of tasks for their human companions. They have been dogs of war and sentinels on the borders of Dalmatia and Croatia.

Origin:Dalmatian originates from the eastern Mediterranean region, in particular, the historical province of Dalmatia.

Dalmatian was alongside the Romani people’s caravans, commonly known as gypsies, during their ceaseless wanderings around Europe.

The American Kennel Club recognized the Dalmatian in 1888, and the Dalmatian Club of America was formed in 1905. The breed currently ranks 62th among the breeds registered by the AKC.

The Dalmatian breed experienced a massive surge in popularity due to the 1956 novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians written by British author Dodie Smith, and later due to the two Walt Disney films based on the book. They became most popularly used in this capacity, though, in England accompanying carriages drawn by horses.

Different names or Types

All names ofDalmatian

  • Dal
  • Carriage Dog
  • Dalmatiner
  • Firehouse Dog
  • Leopard Carriage Dog
  • Plum Pudding Dog
  • Spotted Coach Dog

Recognized Names


  • American Canine Association Inc – ACA
  • American Canine Registry – ACR
  • Canadian Kennel Club – CKC
  • Australian National Kennel Club – ANKC
  • American Pet Registry, Inc – APRI
  • Continental Kennel Club – CKC
  • American Kennel Club – AKC
  • Dog Registry of America, Inc – DRA
  • Fédération Cynologique Internationale – FCI
  • Kennel Club of Great Britain – KCGB
  • North American Purebred Registry, Inc – NAPR
  • National Kennel Club – NKC
  • New Zealand Kennel Club – NZKC
  • United Kennel Club – UKC

Appearance & Characteristics

The Dalmatian is a medium-to-large sized dog with a lean, muscular, proportionate build that is as long as it is high. Dalmatians weigh approximately 23-25 cm; the male dog tends to be slightly taller (58-61 cm) than the female dog (56-58 cm).

Breed basic characteristics

GroupNon-Sporting Group
Size:Medium-to-large sized
Lifespan:11-13 years
Trainability:Moderately Easy Training
Exercise Needs:Require daily exercise
Grooming:Require a lot of grooming
Shedding:Constant Shedding
Protective Ability:Good with Kids
Brushing:Brushed regularly
Hypoallergenic Breed:No
Space Requirements:Gardens and yards
Compatibility With Other Pets:Good
Average Puppy Price:Average $700 – $900 USD
Height19-24 inches
Weight45-70 pounds
Litter size6–18 puppies (avg.: 7–8)



Dalmatians are very intelligent and, as a result, very independent dogs. Without the proper training, they can be willful and stubborn.

Size, Proportion, Substance

Substance: The Dalmatian has good substance and is strong and sturdy in bone, but never coarse
Serious Faults:


The head is in balance with the overall dog. It is of fair length and is free of loose skin.

Muzzle: The muzzle of Dalmatian is well-developed & a strong jawbone, nasal bridge straight.
Eyes:The eyes are set moderately well apart, medium-sized and somewhat rounded in appearance, and set well into the skull.
Ears:The ears are of moderate size, proportionately wide at the base and gradually tapering to a rounded tip. They are set rather high, carried close to the head, and thin and fine in texture.
Teeth:A complete set of teeth (42 teeth) is desired. The teeth are evenly formed and white.
Serious Faults:

Neck, Topline, Body

Neck:The neck is nicely arched, fairly long, free from throatiness, and blends smoothly into the shoulders.
Topline: The topline is smooth.
Body:The body is as long from fore-chest to buttocks as it is tall at the withers, and the shoulders are well-laid back, the stifle is well-bent, and the hocks are well-let-down.
Serious Faults:


The forelegs must be in proportion to the rectangular body. The length of the shoulder blades and the upper arm are approximately equal. They meet at such an angle to allow the feet to be directly under the shoulders and the elbows close to the body. The strong, sturdy legs are straight with a slight angle at the pastern giving the dog flexibility.

Shoulders:The shoulders are smoothly muscled and well laid back.
Front Feet:


The Dalmatian’s hindquarters are strong and powerful with smooth, well-defined muscles, well bent stifle and well let down hocks. When viewed-defined in the rear, legs should be parallel to each other.

Rear Legs:
Hind Feet:
Tail:The tail is a natural extension of the top line. It is not inserted too low down.


Dalmatian puppies are born with plain white coats, and their first spots usually appear within 3 to 4 weeks after birth. However, spots are visible on their skin. The Dalmatian coat is usually short, fine, and dense; however, smooth-coated Dalmatians occasionally produce long-coated offspring.

Winter Coat:
Summer Coat:


Dalmatians are very clean and tidy, but they do shed quite a bit. They have heavy spring and fall shedding seasons but also keep shedding year-round. Daily brushing is needed to keep up with the excess. Most people consider excessive shedding is usually pretty normal for Dalmatians. However, some real clear signs of when it’s more than just him getting rid of his extra fur.

Gait:The gait of the Dalmatian should appear steady, balanced and effortless. There should be powerful drive and good forward extension with the remaining topline level; as the dog’s speed increases, there is a tendency to single track.

Personality and Temperament

Dalmatian Personality

Dalmatians have many talents, but they’re possibly best known for their skills as coach dogs. Dalmatians are often considered to make good watchdogs, and they may have been useful to fire brigades as guard dogs to protect a firehouse and its equipment. They are versatile dog, capable of watching over a house or livestock, performing in advanced obedience competitions or simply acting as a loyal family companion. They are also one of the few breeds with a great memory. Dalmatians can remember a single case of bad treatment for a long period.


If you are a new dog owner and are you looking for information about Dalmatian temperament so here, we provide some information. It can help to improve your knowledge.

Dalmatians are well known for their endurance, their speed, and their protective natures; however, these same traits may also lead to some of the more challenging aspects of owning a Dalmatian.Dalmatians do not like to spend long periods of time alone. They do best when they can be included in all family activities and sleep and live where their human family does.

In general, Dalmatians are friendly, confident and outgoing. The Dalmatian is a good choice for first-time owners providing they are prepared to give an active, highly intelligent canine companion the correct amount of physical exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy.

Activity Requirements

The Dalmatian is a high-energy dog with an endless capacity for exercise. He loves attention and has a strong desire to please, making him easy to train through positive reinforcement such as food rewards, praise, and play. They need to be exercised often to keep in-house energy levels from getting out of hand.

Behavioral Traits

Dalmatians greet strangers with enthusiastic jumping, while others are politely reserved.The popularity of Dalmatians exploded with the Disney franchise 101 Dalmatians. Families flocked to the breed, which unfortunately led to a lot of indiscriminate breeding practices.Dalmatians form great bonds with the families that adopt them, so they are good pets.


Dalmatians are highly trainable dogs, and training should always involve positive reinforcement and lots of treats. Dalmatian can be an unwieldy dog breed. You might notice the puppy become either too obstinate or too timid during training time and will show youthful behavior such as digging and chewing. They should be taught early with plenty of praise and encouragement, preferred behavior, and what is not, as a Dalmatian can easily learn bad good habits.

Health & problems


Dalmatians live between 10-13 years, with the occasional dog living as long as 16 years. Overall, the Dalmatian is a relatively healthy dog. If you’re buying a puppy, find a good breeder who will show you health clearances for both your puppy’s parents. Health clearances prove that a dog has been tested for and cleared of a particular condition.

Health Problems

All dogs have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit the disease. Dalmatians are generally healthy, but like all breeds, they’re prone to certain health conditions.

The two most common hereditary issues with Dalmatians include deafness and blocked urinary tracts. Dalmatians are also prone to allergies, skin conditions, eye problems and laryngeal paralysis.

Other health problem

  • Hyperactivity
  • Obesity
  • Epilepsy/Seizures
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Allergies
  • Renal Dysplasia
  • Entropion

Dalmatian dog feeding Plan

Feeding pan is very important to every pet, are considered a medium-large breed. Adults can generally eat most good quality dog foods. However, this breed is prone to hyperuricemia which means dogs can develop kidney and bladder stones. The first and most important thing you must know is that Dalmatians lack a specific enzyme to help digest proteins.

These dogs have very sensitive stomachs, so watch what you feed them. The best way to do it is by feeding your pup home-cooked food.

Living conditions

A Dalmatian is not an ideal dog for apartment dwellers unless it can be taken out for a brisk walk or run several times a day. They are very active indoors and will do best with at least an average-sized yard. Not suited to living outside in cold climates.

How to take care?


The Dalmatian was bred to run beside a horse-drawn carriage; they have unbelievable energy and stamina and thus require lots of exercises. They can become high-strung without proper exercise and mental stimulation. They should be taken for long daily walks or jogs.

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Grooming & Bruising

Dalmatian’s do require regular bathing and grooming. This energetic dog can be bathed as frequently as every week up to no more than every six weeks depending on his lifestyle. Brushing is very important because Dalmatians shed a lot, and you should use a brush for short hair to remove any dead and loose fur. So take your dog out, if you don’t want all that fur to stay in the house, and brush his whole coat thoroughly at least once or twice per week.

Dental Health Check-up

Proper dental health care is important for every dog; similarly, it is very important for Dalmatian puppy. If you want to adopt this puppy, it is very important to take care of his teeth. Brush your dog’s teeth at the same time every day, making their daily routine training very easy. Please don’t force your dog’s mouth open like you would give them a bell. Instead, gently place the brush between their lips and teeth.

Love & affection

Love and affection are useful for every dog. Suppose you give love and affection to your Dalmatian, then the dog will love you back. Your Dalmatian puppy will be a member of your family, So Give lots of love and affection to your cute puppy. Most importantly, spend time with your dog because that your dog needs love and affection.

Feed Healthy food

Feeding a healthy meal in the dog’s life is the most important. On this day, many healthy foods are available on the market so that you can choose anyhealthy foodfor your dog. Healthy food is the most important for dog health care. The young Dalmatian is not a hearty eater as most breeds his size. He must often encourage meat juices or bacon grease mix in the food to entice him to eat.

The following items should never be feed to Dalmatian dog:

  • Alcohol, beer, wine or liquor
  • Chocolate, coffee, or tea
  • Grapes or raisins
  • Moldy or spoiled food of any kind
  • Onions, chives, and garlic
  • Poultry bones
  • Salt & salty foods
  • Tomato leaves stem or unripe fruit
  • Yeast dough

Dalmatian Puppy information

Puppy training

Dalmatian puppy training starts the moment you bring your puppy home. If you use the wrong teaching method, your puppy will begin making decisions about how he wants you to fit into his life, and that’s a recipe for conflict and behavior problems. It has a reputation for being stubborn, so start training at the earliest opportunity.


Socializing is an important part of Dalmatian puppy development. It helps them overcome certain fears and anxiety of strangers, and it also teaches them how to behave around people. Socialization is what separates wild animals from domesticated pets.

House Training

If you’re going to have a Dalmatian live in your home, there’s little need for me to describe just how important it is to train them to eliminate outside or a very specific designated bathroom spot inside. You can’t have them urinating or defecating anywhere they please.

Crate training

The main purposes of a crate are to help a puppy learn to be clean in the home. And to provide a place of safety when he needs to rest or when you cannot supervise him. We believe crate training your Dalmatian has so many benefits that every owner should at least be able to make an educated decision whether they want to crate train their Lab and then have all the information readily at hand to be able to do so if they desire.

Crate training is a great way to speed up potty training if the puppy is crated for short periods at the right times during the day. So you can use the crate for your Dalmatian puppy training and make it healthy. It is one of the effective ways of taking care of a Dalmatian dog or puppy.

Behavioral training

Behavioral training is very important for any dog. All of us, dog owners, need to administer some dog behavior training at some point in time. Behavioral training is very helpful for taking care of the dog. First of all, if you want to train your puppy to Behavioral training, find out some common behavioral issues like breaking, aggression, food guarding, howling, mouthing and chewing, separation anxiety, etc. and stop these behavioral issues and train your dog easily.

Obedience training

When it comes to obedience training, Dalmatians can be a little trickier to train than some other dog breeds. If you want to learn the specific training methods and tactics used to successfully train Dalmatians to drop their old habits and learn new tricks, check out the – Dalmatian Owners Guides. Dalmatian owners set the house rules from day one and STICK to them. If you catch your dog misbehaving, get his attention and redirect it to something he is allowed to do instead.

Dalmatian puppy price

Dalmatians are of medium size and are extremely active and energetic. They are bold, unique, and are known as the clowns of the dog world.

Dalmatian puppy for sale

The price of a Dalmatians puppy will vary from breeder to breeder and from place to place. www.greenfieldpuppies.com is a source for finding an ideal DalmatianPuppy for Sale.

Dalmatian breeder list

  • Lakeshore Dalmatians
    Mount Olive, Alabama
  • FolkoreDalmatians
    Crown Point, Indiana
  • Dalmatian Plantation
    Adkins, Texas
  • Snow Dalmatians
    Hawkins, Texas
  • Alpha N Omega Dalmatians
    East Granby, Connecticut
  • Gaelic Dalmatians
    Indian Trail, North Carolina
  • Dorothy’s Perfect Pets
    Marshall, Texas
  • Daystar Dalmatian
    York, Pennsylvania

Things to consider adopting a Dalmatian

If you’re seriously considering adopting a Dalmatian, you should know.

  • Before you adopt a Dalmatian, consider how much time your new family member will spend alone. Remember, a puppy requires constant attention.
  • Dalmatian puppies are super cute, but simply put, puppies can be adorable, relentless machines of destruction.
  • Before you adopt a puppy, ask yourself if you can walk your dog several times throughout the day.
  • You also have the advantage of knowing that your dog is physically able to “hold it” for several hours at a stretch.
  • Ask anybody who has adopted an adult dog then adopts an adult dog.
  • If you’re unsure of whether the new dog you’ve chosen is right for your family and lifestyle, consider fostering before committing.
  • Ask if the dog has any behavioral issues or other concerns such as eating or barking
  • Does the dog appear healthy and energetic?

Advantages of Dalmatian

  • Very people-oriented
  • They are natural watchdogs
  • Dalmatians have a natural affinity with horses
  • Dalmatians are social by nature
  • Very intelligent and therefore easy to train
  • Ensuring a Dalmatian is not too expensive

Disadvantages of Dalmatian

  • Dalmatians need to be trained correctly and gently
  • Well-bred Dalmatians puppies are expensive
  • Better suited to families with older children rather than toddlers
  • Sheds a lot throughout the year and copiously during the spring and autumn
  • Dalmatians need a lot of physical daily exercise and mental stimulation

Dalmatian photo gallery

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Dalmatian personality, appearance and HD photos - Dogmal.com (2024)
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