Diablo 4: Glyphs Explained (2024)

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As players enter the endgame in Diablo 4, they will gain access to their first Paragon Board. This board will consist of numerous nodes, including one into which fans can insert a Glyph. This particular node may leave some players with questions about Glyphs in Diablo 4, and this guide is here to provide full details on this important endgame system.

Diablo 4: How to Get Glyphs

Players will receive a set of eight Magic Glyphs simultaneous to hitting Level 50 and unlocking the first Paragon Board. While these preliminary Glyphs provide useful bonuses, which can be viewed by navigating to Diablo 4's Paragon Board and highlighting the Glyphs at the bottom, there are better options available. Those options take the form of Rare Glyphs, and they can be obtained by engaging with a variety of activities in World Tier 3 and beyond.

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Of those activities, Diablo 4's Nightmare Dungeons seem to be the best place to obtain Rare Glyphs. For the uninitiated, Nightmare Dungeons are more-difficult versions of standard dungeons, and they are activated by using Nightmare Sigils from the Consumables tab of the Inventory. Players can get their hands on a Nightmare Sigil by completing the Tree of Whisper's post-campaign quest, and they can also be crafted at the Occultist and found as random drops.

Diablo 4: How to Use Glyphs

The first step toward using a Glyph is unlocking the Glyph Socket in the Paragon Board. To do this, Diablo 4 players must simply use Paragon Points, which are earned by continuing to gain XP after hitting Level 50, to create a path through the Paragon Board and to the Socket.

Diablo 4: Glyphs Explained (1)

Once the Glyph Socket is unlocked, players should simply click on it and then select the Glyph that they would like to insert. This action will slot the Glyph into the Board and place a translucent red foreground on the nodes that fall within its Radius.

Diablo 4: How Glyphs Work (Bonuses & Radius)

Every Glyph, regardless of its rarity, provides a standard Bonus, which is granted so long as the Glyph is inserted into a Socket. As players read through these Bonuses, they will see that they are connected to nodes "within range," and that is a reference to the Glyph's Radius.

To understand this concept, ARPG fans can imagine that there is circle around every Glyph, and the size of that circle is determined by its Radius. When inserted into a Glyph Socket, every purchased node that falls in the Glyph's circle (which is indicated by the aforementioned red foreground) is considered "within range" and will count toward an applicable bonus.

Diablo 4: Glyphs Explained (2)

Glyph Radius is also important to the Additional Bonuses that appear on Rare Glyphs. For the uninitiated, these bonuses go into effect when a designated requirement is fulfilled, and those requirements are directly connected to purchased nodes that are "within range." For example, a Rare Glyph might have an Additional Bonus Requirement of +40 Strength, and players would need to unlock nodes worth a total of 40 Strength within the Glyph's circle to activate it.

Diablo 4: How to Level Up Glyphs & Increase Radius

With the import of Glyph Radius established, players should know that is possible to increase a Glyph's Radius by leveling it. More specifically, a Magic Glyph's Radius will go from two to three upon reaching Level 4, and a Rare Glyph's Radius will go from three to four upon reaching Level 15.

To level up a Glyph, players must allocate XP to it upon completing Nightmare Dungeons, and the amount of XP that is awarded follows this formula: Nightmare Dungeon Tier*2 +2. This means that players will need to run quite a number of Nightmare Dungeons to take a Glyph to Level 21, the max Glyph level in Diablo 4, as that requires a total of 3,002 XP.

To note, fans can continue to allocate XP even after inserting a Glyph into a Socket. In fact, it is recommended that players do exactly that, as increasing the Radius of a Glyph that is in use is a great way to boost the power level of a build in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Diablo 4: Glyphs Explained (2024)
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