Hadrianne Potter The Warp Chimera - ETERNAL_0 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: Reincarnated Into This Magical World!!!

Chapter Text

Year 0 Part 1 Start

Pain. Every direction is excruciating pain.

'Where. Am. I?!.'

And then just as quickly as it started the pain instantly faded.

''Welcome to the afterlife.''

''Ah, that's a nice loli Aqua cosplay.''

''Cosplay? What? I AM AQUA! d'ya know me, weirdo?''

'Right. Think. There's obviously no way this is happening. I'm just some neet with a monk lifestyle living in a pattern of downward descent into self-indulgence and depression. I've clearly gone insane and my subconsciousness is giving me what I long for with an extremely lucid dream. I mean, I've had vivid dreams before where everything felt real and it had taste touch, smell, sight and hearing that was perfectly replicated. But I was never aware that it was a dream when that happened. Okay so there's three options for the reality of my current situation.'

Number 1. It's my first ever self-aware lucid-dream.

Number 2. I finally went insane and my delusions snapped something inside me.

Number 3. I somehow died in-between going to bed and waking up, probably from a heart attack or simply my will to live ran out. And now I am in the afterlife.


''Yeah yeah, gimmie a minute, I'm processing.''

'Okay so theory crafting for scenario Number 1. HNNNNGGGGGGGG.. Nope. Can't create any objects with my mind so, I'm doubtful it's a lucid dream. ...But if I truly was insane now how would I know? Yeah f*ck scenario Number 2. It's dumb. I think therefore I am. So that leaves me with Number 3. Holy sh*t I'm so f*cked.'

''Okay. Got it. I'm dead, you're the goddess Aqua. Let me guess, you will give me three options. Number 1, I go to heaven with no sex drive or entertainment simply feeling blissfull in some weird cloud dimension forever. Number 2, you reincarnate me as a baby somewhere else and I get to start over with no memories. Number 3 you send me to another world with my memories and or body intact.''

''Huh.. You're surprisingly calm all of a sudden. But yes, that's how it works, mostly.''

''So can I go for option number 3?''

''You don't want to go to heaven? Maybe just start over as someone else?''

''Option 3 doesn't exist, does it?''

''..It does, but it's my first day and I skimmed the afterlife manual for the first two options and stopped before I got to the last part..''

''Right. Well, it can't be that hard. Did you bring the afterlife manual with you here, by the way?''

''Uhhh... Yes, here. I don't know why you don't want to go to heaven or start over, but it's your life so do what you want I guess.''

Aqua pulls out a small book from what appears to be nowhere and hands it to me.

'Y E A H B O I!~ even as a child she's dumb as f*ck. I seriously doubt mortals should be allowed to read this kinda stuff but I refuse to start over on my version of Earth. That place was a sh*thole ruled by demons in human skin, man.. Never going back to Dystopian-Illuminati-Earth again if I can help it. f*ck that. If I'm going to an alternate Earth I'm going to one where I get super powers, that should fix most of my problems with corrupt governments and corporations if I simply get powerful enough. Might is not Right but Might definitely enforces its will on society. Let's see..'

I read up on what spells a god or goddess needs to cast to create the magic circles to send me to a new world. After about five minutes I figured out that if you only want to send a soul with its memories and not the body then the memories will stay dormant for the first decade worst case scenario give or take a couple of months before your soul can process your past life's memories and merges with your new body's memories. The way you send your soul into your new body is quite simple. Just think of who and where you want to go and it will find a timeline where you're guranteed to live until the soul becomes aware of your past life. If you die before that happens it resets time over and over until you get a timeline that keeps you alive until you do. After that you're on your own. I find the powers and items section and tell aqua to pour Divine Energy into the magic circle. When she does a cardboard box of paper fliers appear on the floor. Then I turn to the page with the ''Reincarnation Point'' magic circle and ask her to the start filling that one too. As she does so, the magic circle is copied appearing slowly on the floor and glows in a blue-white light.

'Alright let's see.. Super Speed, boring. Super Strenght, even more boring. Laser Eyes, Lame. Wait why is there a Superman power underneath those three individual powers when the superman one does all three but better? I guess to weed out stupid people that pick the first ''cool'' looking thing. Hold the f*ck up, what's this? ''|The Gamer System| - Allows for the user to Level Up and interact with the world like a Role Playing Game Character''... Well that could be amazing or complete ass depending on how it works, but somehow this feels right. I'm definitely picking this one. I'll read through the rest of them though to make sure I'm not skipping out on something that stands out to me as better... Alright my gut instinct was definitely on point. I'm taking The Gamer System. The rest of the powers seem so lackluster and very few of them were as vague and potentially broken as that one.'

''Alright. The paper disappeared so I'm assuming it worked, and if this works like I think it does, then.. Status?''

Name: ?
Age: ?
Level: 0
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: 0
HP: ?/?
MP: ?/?
EP: ?/?
SP: ?/?

'Wait!.. I don't remember my name anymore.. Oh well, maybe it was a sh*t name or maybe I am insane after all. Not that it matters. Think. Therefore. I. Am. Calm down. Alright.'

I walk into the magic circle.

'I want to go to the Harry Potter Universe as a Metamorphmagus, and female version of Harry Potter.'


|Identity Confirmed. Please select your Class Type.|

|Spellcaster - Melee - Stealth|

'Alright next up is to pick my class...Spellcaster, Melee, or Stealth? Obviously Spellcasting.'


|Wizard - Sorcerer - Warlock - Cleric - Bard|

'I always used to play a Wizard in D&D... back when I went outside more than once every couple of months.. Nope. Bad thoughts. Wizard it is. Moving on.'


|Character Complete|

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 0
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 0/100
HP: 100/100
MP: 100/100
EP: 100/100
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10

''Alright, Aqua! Wish me good luck!''

''Okay! Goodbye!''

Aqua finished filling the magic circle with Divine Energy and the void started to fade out of my vision, and a shrill older lady started screaming so loudly it began to hurt my ears.


But then I heard no more. And I saw a cupboard ceiling illuminated by a small lamp sitting on a wooden box next to some rags that doubled as my bed.

'Holy f*cking sh*t I'm a Potter living under the stairs. Yeah I don't know why my solitude loving ass thought it was a good idea to go from living alone to living as a slave. Everything hurts so much. Oh sh*t!.. Would you look at that, my body is healing super fast. My body doesn't look all malnourished and broken anymore. Huh. Guess The Gamer System and or the reincarnation ritual repairs a body when it's synchronized with its soul. Neat.'



All of a sudden ten years' worth of memories started flooding into my head.


''Dada loves you, Mama loves you.''


''Hey Prongs do you think Lily would let Anne fly on a toy broom for her birthday?'' ''Don't know Padfoot.. Probably not. Let's not ask for permission but forgiveness instead, yeah?''



''I said UP!''

'Well sh*t.'

'Okay. I'm not dealing with horse-face, twiddle dee and twiddle dum. I'm getting out of here. Although realistically what can I do? I guess.. play along until I can find some money to steal and then proceed to run away to London. Wait. The Knight Bus. Does the Wand you hold out into the street have to actually BE a Wand or is it enough to hold something Wand-shaped as a magical? No point not trying it out I guess. Speaking of, no point not trying. Wandless magic. I REFUSE to be bound to a wooden f*cking stick to bend reality. I doubt that the standardized Wands and spells you learn in Hogwarts and pushed by the Ministry of Magic is the be all end all of spellcasting, especially since I have The Gamer System.
Ok.Ok.Ok. sh*t. Sirius is in Azkaban and I'm in Durzkaban. I have hundreds of different f*cking plotlines swirling in my head and wondering what is where and when. I can deal with this. I WILL DeAl WiTh THiS. No freaking out. Breathe in. Out. In. Out. Ok. I'm Good. I need a plan of action, I can't just run with zero plans. First of all, I must deal with horse-face outside my door. Then I will steal some supplies and attempt to run away.'


''Coming, aunt Petunia!''

'All of the Dursleys were as bad as I could imagine them, huh. Every form of abuse was rampant from them all except sexual according to my memories atleast. Then again, memory isn't all that trustworthy in a universe with memory wiping spells.
So far after making breakfast, and then being pushed back under the stairs for being freakishly healthy after I was done cooking is not doing them favors for their future health.'

I overheard Petunia and Vernon talking about an hour later that they were going to go to the waterpark with Dudley in an hour. They were fretting over whether or not to send me to Mrs Figg's house, and ultimately decided to simply lock the house door and leave me where I was. I had of course planned for either scenario and had smuggled several sharp and small objects in the form of kitchen knives and while the door to my cupboard is locked behind a padlock on the outside, it was not a very strong door. I could easily break it by kicking it down now with my healed body. After I heard the car outside start driving out of privet drive, I went into action. It took me about twelve minutes to finally kick the door down but it went faster than I thought.
I gathered up my backpack that I usually would take to school and emptied it of anything bulky and immediately useless like my muggle school books. I systematically looted all drawers, cabinets, and boxes I could find of anything valuable by prying them open with a kitchen knife like a crowbar if they were locked. I also grabbed a decent amount of foodstuffs like apples, there were few in the house as Petunia was the only one who would eat fruit so about three of those, some dry foods and snacks I could use as rations. nothing major but enough to not starve for a day or two if it came down to it. I found a jewelry box and several other gaudy baubles that would sell easily if I need to barter for things in the wizarding world. All in all I gathered a stupid amount cash, the dumb f*cks didn't even own a safe and kept round £100,000 hidden in a suitcase underneath their bed which I promptly emptied into my backpack.

'Vernon was right about one thing, don't trust banks. Too bad for him it f*cked him over because of his laziness and sh*tty security.. Seriously, f*ck these people, I'll rob the child abusing c*nts for all I can find. Just remembering some of the sh*t they pulled is making my blood boil.'

I made my way back downstairs and walked towards a window facing the backyard. I flicked lock on the window open and stepped through the window with a filled backpack carrying my spoils of war and walked into the garden. I snapped a branch from a bush, snapped a few of the smaller branches off of it, and put the stick into my pocket. I then started walking towards the end of the neighborhood of Little Whinging, intending to never return there again. Once I couldn't see the houses anymore and all around me was empty road, trees, and the sidewalk littered with lamp posts going down into the distance I stopped. I took the stick out of my pocket and held it out in front of me.

'Nothing happened. Damn. Ok, what if I try to channel magic through the stick. Wands are just sticks with dead magical bits from magical creatures in them, right? nothing says you NEED those bits.'



NEW! Spell - |Lumos| - Spell that conjures a ball of light on the tip of a Wand.

Several things happened at once.

Number 1. The stick started to burn lightly at tip I was holding towards the road.
Number 2. I heard a loud BANG and a purple triple decker bus appeared out of nowhere.
Number 3. Shortly afterwards the stick started to really catch on fire and almost burned my hand so I dropped it and started stomping on it to stop the flames from spreading.

''What'd ya set your Wand on fire for?!''

''Not a Wand, actually, just a stick. Worked fine to signal for you though. HAH!. Can't believe that worked.
Do you take pounds or would you mind waiting for me to either return to the bus to pay with Wizarding currency after I return from Gringotts to aquire some?''


''I could owl you the currency if you don't want to wait for me outside of The Leaky Cauldron if you tell me to whom I should forward it to. Assuming of course you will allow me to ride The Knight Bus in the first place, as I find myself without any Knuts Sickles or Galleons on my person.''

''Are you Anne Pottah?''

''Huh? Oh! Yes, my apologies, introductions. My name is Hadrianne Lily Potter, good to meet you Mr.Stan 'hopefuly my conductor for the day' Shunpike.''

''How'd you know my name?! This is the strangest passenger request I've ever had. Must be dreamin', aye that's the only thing that makes sense.''

''Dream or not, may I come along to The Leaky Cauldron, please? No, I don't need a bed toothbrush or hot chocolate, I brought what I need.''

I opened my backpack and then held up a water bottle and toothbrush and grinned at who was unmistakably Stan Shunpike, he looked nearly identical to his movie counterpart.

''Sassy little one ain't ya. First timers always act so shocked when I offer them the bed, toothbrush and hot chocolate...''


''Alright, alright. Yes, we take pounds as well. Get in. Welcome aboard the Knight Bus Miss Pottah, twenty pounds please, we will arive at The Leaky Cauldron Shortly. Also, may I have your autograph?''

''Here's your twenty Pound, and uhh.. sure. Let me just get my pen.. what am I signing?''

Stan took the 20 Pound note and pulls out a small paper card that said 'Stan Shunpike - Knight Bus Conductor' I signed a with a HϟP underneath his name and handed the card back.

''Wicked. Alright! take it away Ernie! next stop The Leaky Cauldron!''

And just like that, with a bang they were off.

As I was sitting inside the knight bus holding on for dear life I looked over at Stan who was reading The Daily Prophet and saw the date on the front of the newspaper.

'2nd of August 1990. Huh, my birthday was two days ago. This places me early enough in the timeline to make several things much easier. First of all, Wormtail is at The Burrow with the Weasleys, and the twins have not started third year yet as it's still the summer break after their first year. Which means I can bribe two future geniuses into taking harder electives, study harder to further their inventive potential and if I plan this out well enough.. Catch. The. Rat. First of all let me check out this Gamer System. Status.'

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 0
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 0/100
HP: 100/100
MP: 100/100
EP: 100/100
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10

Skill - |Enter/Leave - Instant Dungeon| - Skill that transports the user and their party members into a demiplane that spawns enemies you can kill for rewards.

Skill - |Observe| - Identification skill that tells you information about the target.

Trait - |The Gamer System| - Trait granted from The Goddess Aqua before reincarnating you into a new universe.
Allows for the user to Level Up and interact with the world like a Role Playing Game Character.

Trait - |Magical Core| - Trait granted from being the Human subrace: (Magical - HPU). Allows for reality bending up to the user's skill, and power level. When using this trait you do not expend Mana Points doing so unless what you want to do is above your level of skill or power level. The power level of a Magical Core is determined by self-image, emotion, and intuition.

Trait - |Parseltongue| - Trait granted from surviving Tom Marvolo Riddle's Killing Curse and subsequently absorbing a sliver of his soul. Allows for speech with serpents. If the serpent is not technically intelligent enough to converse some unknown magical force makes the serpent smart enough to understand you and respond, if you do so repeatedly over a long period of time the serpent may retain this intelligence permanently.

Trait - |Metamorphmagus| - Trait granted from being a descendant of the Black family: Granddaughter of Dorea Potter Née Black. Allows the user to modify their physical appearance at will. Metamorphmagi are usually unable to alter bone structure and increase or decrease their body mass,
but if they have access to The Gamer System and expend Mana Points to do so they can.

Title - |The-Girl-Who-Lived| - Conditional Charisma Boost/Reduction. Range +1000/-1000

Spell - |Lumos| - Spell that conjures a ball of light on the tip of a Wand.

'Alright, that certainly gives me things to work with. Also, The Gamer System is classified as a Trait like my magical core and Metamorph powers. So is Parseltongue. Does this imply that I won't lose Parseltongue when the Horcru- wait, it says ''absorbing a sliver of his soul'' not having it latch onto me.
Not sure how accurate this information is, but if it IS accurate I shouldn't be a Horcrux. My head does feel lighter than it did before I received my past life's memories.. Also does this imply that since both The Gamer System and Parseltongue are traits that they are genetically hereditary? So many questions, sadly no answers.. Okay. So, new plan. First is go to Gringotts and hopefully the Gobbos will re-issue a key to my Vault.
I know that in fanfics the Goblins have a tendency to do inheritance tests and keeps records of Wills for some reason and dump sh*tloads of noble titles on Harry when he shows up there early. I'm extremely doubtful that will happen. Then again, it would have been nice if that were the case. Oh well. Ok so after the question of the key, if I get access to my money, great.
If I don't gain access to my money I'll try to use my instant dungeon skill and see if I can get money that way. I'm going to enjoy walking into Flourish & Blotts and asking for every book in the store at some point. Right. Good. Next on the agenda after the Weasel & Rat debacle is saving Sirius. No f*cking way am I gonna rely on the Ministry of all institutions to not be corrupt f*cks. No. No that won't do. Even IF I can get into contact with Amelia Bones, who Rowling said was extremely stern but fair, the system she works within is not. If I handed over Wormtail they'll have him killed and silenced instantly. I'll have to break Sirius out of Azkaban first, then go to the media, then mail the rat to the Ministry in an unbreakable cage.
sh*t. f*ck. sh*t. So many things to do so little time to do it in a less than stressful manner. Alright. I appear to have arrived and atleast the first semblance of a plan is done. I can do this.'

''Here we are! The Leaky Cauldron, see you around then Miss Pottah''

''Thank you, see you around''


And like that the bus went as fast as it came.

'Huh. Looks more fantastical than in the movie where it just fades out, more of a distortion in the air. Cool. I want to change my eye color to blue.. Shorten my hair, straighten it, turn it dirty blond, check my bangs, yup covers the scar, good. Okey dokey, disguise complete. Let's do this. I walked through the door to The Leaky Cauldron and was met with chatter from several patrons and I saw an old man behind the counter on the other side of the room. That's almost certainly.. Tom? Right. Tom.'

''Hello, may I have some assistance please. I need to get to Diagon Alley but I have no Wand to open the pathway''

''Muggleborn then? Right this way miss.''

Tom smiled at me and then lead me to the brick wall and opened the path by tapping his wand thrice on the specific three bricks, just like in the movie when Hagrid did it.

''Welcome to Diagon Alley!''

''Thank you for your help.''

I quickly made my way through the bustling street towards Gringotts, occasionally looking through a window to see what was being sold where. Walking up to the bank there were two goblin guards in steel armor looking at me questioningly before looking away and I moved into the Bank and quickly found the shortest line labeled ''Teller''. The line quickly cleared up and I was left alone in front of a grey-haired goblin.

''Good day, I would like to enter my vault. However I find myself without the key in my possession, do you re-issue vault keys or have some way to summon them back to Gringotts?''

The goblin was clearly not expecting that, judging by his double take looking down over the counter.

''Why do you not have your key?''

''I did not know I had a vault let alone a key until.. about one hour ago.''


''Can we take this into a more private venue or do you have silencing magics around the counter?''

The goblin waved his hand and a large, presumably notice-me-not ward appeared around me and the desk the goblin was sitting at. I then dropped my disguise.

''Right. My name is Hadrianne Lily Potter. I did not know of the magical world until today, nor have I ever received any correspondence from any bank as far as I know.''

The goblin quickly paled as he checked his customer identification wards and found the person in front of him to be who she said she was.

''I see.. Your parents registered your magical signature with with Gringotts, so I know you are who you say you are. How did you discover you had a vault when you claim you knew nothing of it?''

''I was living with my mother's muggle sister Petunia Dursley, her son Dudley Dursley, and her husband Vernon Dursley at Number 4 Privet Drive Little Whinging Surrey. For the better part of a decade I've lived in the cupboard under the stairs to the second floor. I did not learn of the magical world from my muggle relatives. I had a dream? Or a vision is more likely correct, that led me to Diagon Alley. The how and why this vision worked to tell me I had money and where to find it so that I may free myself from my life as a slave is unimportant to me.''

''..I concede your point. Very well. I shall re-issue your key and lock for the fee of 100 Galleons immediately and call for an escort to bring you to your Vault.''

''That would be greatly appreciated, how long until the locks are changed?''

''Within an hour after you leave the vault today. Gringotts keeps a spare key for staff to have on hand in the case of suspected theft, which we will use for your trip down there. After you're done withdrawing for the day we shall have the lock and key replaced as soon as possible. The new key will be provided by the end of the week via owl and we shall send you the results of an audit of your vault, and if you wish Gringotts could contact our curse breakers and break the mail-redirection ward on your person, for a 50 Galleon fee.''

''I have a mail-redirection ward on my person?! very well, have a curse breaker see to it. I assume that would be a fairly short affair?''

''Yes, the ward I activated around us can tell if you are using magic to disguise yourself, remember registered magical signatures, or tell if anything is enchanted within its range.
Blood magic is highly illegal outside of Gringotts and tethering a ward to a person is only possible with blood magic, atleast as far as I know. I'm not a ward expert. The removal procedure would take around an hour at most, I shall call for a curse breaker to get ready while you get down to your vault. Resume your disguise, please.''

''Alright. Also, you may want to send cursebreakers down to Number 4 Privet Drive if blood magic is illegal outside of Gringotts. The wards on the house were supposedly blood-wards according to my visions.''

I returned to my blond blue eyed disguise, and the goblin deactivated the notice-me-not ward, and dinged a bell on his desk. A second goblin walked up to me.

''Griphook, take her to vault 687. No key. Here.''

Griphook turned and looked at me, then looked back to the teller and took the key from him, then back to me again this time less angriliy.

''Very well. Follow me Miss.''

Griphook lead me to the minecarts and after a pretty intense rollercoaster ride if I do say so myself, we stopped in front of my vault. We both got out of the minecart and Griphook waddled over with a lamp and key in hand and unlocked the vault door.

'Huh, would you look at that. It doesn't look like the movie at all, it's way larger and has items lined up against the walls and laying inside little stone shelves in the wall. I better check if there's anything useful in here. Alright, let me just step around this gigantic pile of coins in the center of the room.. That's an awfully dusty and suspicious chest in the back right corner..'

I walked towards the chest and realised it was locked.

'No key. Damn. Ok, are there any keys in the vault?..'

I rapidly started casting Observe until a Stone Jar hidden behind several bars of gold piqued my attention.

''Key Jar: Holds several keys that can only be retrieved by one of the Potter bloodline.'' It has 12 keys stored inside of it.
As far as I can tell there's only 10 locked containers in the vault, so the last two are either for properties belonging to the Potters, or the containers the keys belong to are long gone.

'Alright I guess I'll start with that dusty chest in the corner..'

After too many seconds of trying keys over and over than what I'd like to admit, the chest clicked open.

'Should have guessed that the largest most grand-looking container had the key with the most gaudy design and family crest on it. Oh well, no point stressing over it. Well it's clearly a bigger on the inside kinda chest. Neat. Hold up.. Yeah. I know what this is. Portraits. Hopefully whatever ancestor that's stored in here won't be prickly towards me or start yelling. I don't feel like catching a headache.'

I peer down into the deeper-than-should-be-possible chest and grab the frame partialy covered in some cloth, pull it out of the chest and start untangling the cloth from the picture frame.
It's a Portrait of James and Lily Potter.

'Holy sh*t, my not-parents, but kinda-parents. This is gonna be a headache one day. Hopefuly they won't hate me..'

The painting is inactive but there's a note saying all you need to do is tap your wand three times on the frame and say ''Awake'' and it activates. I put the painting back into the chest and walked over to the pile of gold, took a handfull of coins, and then tried to think of an ''Inventory''.


|x7 Galleons added to Inventory|

'HELL YEAH! Is there a limit to the amount of space I have?..'

I walk over to the chest, close it, lock it with my key, then tried to put it into my inventory.It doesn't work. I put my hand on the chest and try again.


|x1 Potter Heirloom Chest added to Inventory|

'It works. Okay so I've got to be in physical contact with the item. Inventory.'

|x7 Galleon. x1 Potter Heirloom Chest.|

'Doesn't appear like there's a limit to inventory space. Oh my god this is so broken..'

'Alright, that's everything not coinage in the vault stored away. It's going to be pain in the dick to sort through all this but hey, that's future me's problem. Then there's this pile of gold, silver, and.. I presume bronze? copper? Doesn't matter. The point is it's massive. Just eyeballing it I can guess it's in the range of 100 thousand to 300 thousand Galleons, depending on if the inside of the gold pile is actually all Galleons. I'll just take around 30 thousand Galleons, hopefuly that will last me until the end of my Hogwarts education and I won't have to come back here for a long time.'

I start filling up my Inventory with Coins until I reach around thirty thousand Galleons worth of coinage.

'Looks like the entire pile is Galleons, neat. That should be all I'll need for the next decade, easily.'

I turn around facing my now emptied backpack, close it and put it back on. I then open the vault door, close it behind me, and quickly get back in the minecart with Griphook. When we made it back to the ground floor I noticed a wizard approaching as we left the minecart, I thanked Griphook and looked to the wizard. He was a ginger with a fang ear-ring and shoulder lenght hair. This was obviously Bill Weasley, my question is why he was here and not in Egypt.

'Is the timeline different here? Will my future knowledge be useful? No. Stop overthinking it. This is a universe with a female Harry. Things are bound to be slightly different.'

''Hello my name is William Weasley, Teller Bladetongue has informed me the one escorted by Griphook were in need of a cursebreaker for a mail-redirection ward?''

''Yes. I found out about it today, apparently I can't receive any wizarding mail.''

''Right. Well, this is usually a painless procedure, takes an hour though. You probably won't feel a thing, Miss?..''

''Ok. Can we do this in a not so public venue?''

''Very well''

Bill takes me to a backroom, erects privacy wards in the room, and I sit down on a bench as he starts casting diagnostic spells on me.


''I'm sorry?''

''I'm Hadrianne Lily Potter. You were wondering about my name earlier and I didn't want to draw a crowd.''

''Oh. How come your hair's not black and your eyes aren't green like the books?''

''I'm a Metamorphmagus. Sorry for distracting your work.''

I change my hair colour and eye colour back to normal for a few seconds.

''Not at all, Miss Potter. This is going to take a while, bear with me...''

About fifty minutes later I feel a tug on the inside of my chest and Bill's wand stops glowing.

''Alright! All done. Let me just drop you off with your guardians in the front hall.''

''I don't have guardians, Mr Weasley.''

''What do you mean you don't have guardians? You came to Gringotts alone?''

''Yes. Where do people think I've been the last decade?''

''Dumbledore said you've lived away from the public eye for your safety. Not much more.''

''Well, a technicality is speaking no lie at all I suppose. Alright Mr Weasley. What I am going to say next may sound crazy, no, completely insane, but I need you to be absolutely quiet and listen until I am done speaking.''


''I've been physicaly, mentaly, and emotionaly abused for as long as I can remember. I've not been sexually abused as far as I can tell, however anything else you can think of has happened to me. Starvation, beatings, neglect, forced labour, but that's not the point. The point is, I woke up this morning inside my cupboard under the stairs and I got several visions. I know some of what could happen in a future timeline for the next eight years. I remember you, your family, and a war that will happen within the next five years if things do not change. The Weasley family lives in Devon, St. Ottery Catchpole, The Burrow.
Your nickname is Bill, you have six brothers, Ronald his nickname is Ron, Fred and George's nicknames are Forge and Gred, Percival's nickname is Percy, and I don't know if Charlie has a nickname. You have one sister, her name is Ginevra, nicknamed Ginny. Your father's name is Arthur, your mother's name is Molly. Arthur will rarely in private call your mother Mollywobbles. Your family has a pet owl named Errol and a pet Rat named Scabbers. Now most of that information is useless trivia simply to convince you, a complete stranger, that I know your family from another timeline. Got it? Nod once if you do.''

Bill at this point is visibly shaken and nods very slowly.

''Good. Does Scabbers have one toe missing from his front paw?''

Bill nods again.

''Scabbers is not a rat. He is an animagus by the name of Peter Pettigrew. He was the secret keeper for the Potters and not Sirius Black. My parents switched to Peter and proclaimed Sirius as the secret keeper publicly as a diversion tactic. As far as I know, Sirius never had a trial and has been in Azkaban for nine years since he was framed for the murder of Peter and twelve muggles. If you've not been told the official story, all that was left of Peter after Sirius got to him was his finger after an explosion killed him and twelve muggles. The real story is that Peter cut off his finger and transformed into his rat form after blowing up the street and the muggles, leaving Sirius at the scene, immediately afterwards aurors arrest Sirius and he is never heard from again. Peter then infiltrated your family and has been living as Scabbers ever since. I'm assuming the reason none of you had a reaction to a common garden rat living for a decade is he casts confundus charms on you in your sleep every few years. That or you are all supremely f*cking retarded. I hope it's number one, you seem like a smart and nice guy. Now, the Ministry is infiltrated by Death Eaters. It is a useless and illegitimate institution and the two reasons that Sirius is not currently raising me in the stead of my abusive muggle relatives, is number one, that he is Heir Black and if he dies before he can name an heir and take up his Lordship Draco Malfoy becomes the new Black Heir. Reason number two is that Dumbledore does not want me to leave my relatives' home. Every Death Eater including those that paid off the ministry claiming to be under the imperius curse got a f*cking trial and Sirius Black did not. Dumbledore was the Chief Warlock even back then and he did nothing about it. Even if he believed Sirius was guilty, you do not, atleast in the muggle world, deny a man a trial for a decade. Everything you have read about me in books is most likely a lie. A lot of if not most of what Dumbledore says is a lie. DO. NOT. TRUST. HIM. Please help me save my godfather, Bill. I need help if I'm to capture the rat and break Sirius out of Azkaban. I also need trustworthy people to help me stop a second blood war that reignites with the return of Tom Marvolo Riddle, and you, at least the you from my vision of the future, were a good man. Are you willing to aid me in this endeavour?''

At this point Bill is silently crying, and he nods rapidly.

''Y-yes..Yes I'll help you. But wha- I mean..who is Tom Marvolo Riddle?''

I take out a piece of paper and a pen from my inventory and write out the anagram of Tom's name and connect the letters with lines and hand Bill the paper. Once bill reads and confirms it says what he thinks it says he looks at me in a panic.

''Yes, he's still ''alive''. Not quite alive but certainly not dead. He's currently without a body and tied to this world as a wraith.
He can possess people and animals and until we destroy the items anchoring his soul to this world he will never die. Five years from now in the alternate timeline he used my blood in a ritual to give himself a hom*onculus body to get his body and full powers back.''

''Oh Merlin.. After we stun the rat what do we do?! If we can't trust Dumbledore then who can we trust! I'm sorry.. I'm freaking out here a little here..''

''Well, I'd recommend we get an unbreakable metal cage for one, if we just stun him he'll wake up in a few hours and run, Bill.''

''This is not the time for sarcasm! f*ck!.. Why would Dumbledore place you with abusive relatives?''

''I don't know for a fact why he does any of what he does only what his alternate self said to an alternate me. He placed blood wards fueled by my mother's sacrifice around the house he left me at and claims they stop Tom and the Death Eaters from killing me when I live there.''

''That's good though, right?''

''Well, sure, if you think so. I mean if you'd rather be tortured and treated like a slave your entire life since you were a one and a half years old rather than die? In my opinion though, I'd prefer Tom's torture to Dumbledore's. Atleast it's over in a matter of hours or days. If you just tell him what he wants you die quickly. More humane if you think about it.''

Bill looked very green all of a sudden listening to my very clinical and detached point of view for preferred torture methods so I moved on with my explanation.

''Look, even the premise that I need esoteric and obscure protections from Tom and his Death Eaters is an unnaceptable position. If I need protection like he says, then the war isn't over. It's simply become a cold war. So to justify his pacifism and ideals he lets children be tortured as it ''Ends the conflict'' for his plans. You don't win wars with fines and stunners, Bill. Thousands died and will continue to die under Dumbledore's command if he isn't stopped. You don't send oprhaned children to be tortured by people who fear magic and then get to claim the moral high ground. No, what he should have done if he cares about my wellbeing is keep me in Hogwarts or somewhere else under a fidelius that he was the secret keeper for. He should have never let those monsters pay off the courts and keep my godfather in jail in a line theft scheme so blatant it couldn't be more obvious if they tried. That is assuming of course that Dumbledore is actually against what the Death Eaters stand for. I have never seen a Wizengamot session. I don't know his voting history. I don't know what he actually believes. What I do know is that Dumbledore placed me with the Dursleys where I was tortured for a decade and he never checked in on me or made them stop hurting me. I know he placed a squib next door called Arabella Figg to ''look after me'' thanks to my visions, but she either told him of my living conditions and he did nothing, or she didn't because she hates magicals too. Either way dumbledore's ass is legaly cleared for any wrongdoing, I'm sure of that much atleast, he is effectively the law in Britain. Nothing I say against Dumbledore will be taken seriously, he may as well be king. He's the magical magical equivalent of a Supreme judge, Foreign relations minister of the entire world, and the Headmaster of the ONLY educational institution that either exists or is considered legitimate in magical Britain. There are several reasons I could think of why Dumbledore wants me to be tortured and broken, that will make sense to you atleast. One reason is there was a prophecy made during the first blood war which was the whole reason the Potters went into hiding. I think that Dumbledore believes his own hype and thinks that he's always correct and knows best, so naturally he's come to a conclusion about the prophechy that needs me to be killed.''

''..What does the prophecy say for you to suspect he wants you dead?''

''The first part of the prophecy was overheard by a Death Eater called Severus Snape before he was thrown out of the pub the Hog's Head, where the prophecy was given to Dumbledore by Sybill Trelawney. He heard this part of the prophecy and told it to Tom. ''The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches.. Born to those who have trice defied him, born as the seventh month dies..'' The next final parts of the prophecy is this. ''And the Dark Lord will mark her as his equal but she will have power the Dark Lord knows not.. And either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can life while the other survives.. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..'' In other words, it's vague as f*ck. So vague in fact, I could make an argument that it doesn't even have to be Tom who is the Dark Lord of the Prophecy.''

''..Do you really think it could mean either Dumbledore instead of You-Know-Who?!''

''Easily, or both. Think about it. I seriously doubt that my parents didn't openly object to some of his more questionable decisions during the first blood war or at school atleast three times or more, that clears the first condition. The second condition is someone's birthday being July 31st, mine is. The next is being marked as his equal, I could make the argument that the mark is not my scar but a metaphor and him sending me to be abused is him marking me for death. Because he believes that the line ''for neither can live while the other survives'' means I will have to die for Tom to be able to be killed, I suspect this can qualify in the neither can live while the other survives part of the Prophecy. He can't live without the prophecy hanging over his head, and I can't live so long as he keeps manipulating and indirectly torturing me. We're both stuck in an impossible situation. He has also marked me as his equal in that he made up the myth of The-Girl-Who-Lived making me a Dark Lord Vanquisher, his equal, just like he himself was with Grindelwald. If Dumbledore knows about Tom's soul anchors and his Wraith form, and he thinks I need to die for Tom to be mortal, naturaly torturing a child and setting her up to die is how he would ''Save everyone else for the greater good''. Now I don't know about you, but grooming a child for slaughter is Dark Lord behaviour, but that's just my opinion. The power he knows not could mean literally anything but Dumbledore in his ultimate wisdom believes the power he knows not to means is the power of love, because he claims that Tom is incapable of it. Naturally that's questionable at best and completely brain-dead at worst. I mean, Tom is a psychopath barely capable of feeling things as we do but that isn't the be all end all when a Prophecy is in play. The Dumbledore of the alternate timeline groomed the alternate me into being a self sacrificing and weak martyr. Next year Tom will possess a teacher at Hogwarts and attempt to get his body back with an artifact stored in the castle. Long story short, he failed and I delayed him by killing the teacher he possessed. The year after that one of his soul anchors make its way into Hogwarts and almost kills Ginny by possessing her, attempting to consume her soul and get a new body that way. If it had worked we'd have had two versions of Tom trying to kill us all. Long story short, I destroyed the soul anchor possessing Ginny and delayed his return again. Year three at Hogwarts starts with Sirius escaping Azkaban and the rat escapes. Sirius becomes a known ally but has to remain on the run. Year four leads to me being entered into a competition called the Triwizard Tournament against my will as a fourth triwizard champion. At the end of the third task Wraith-Tom has fashioned himself a Baby-hom*onculus body with the help of the rat. He captures alternate me with a portkey at the end of the third task and uses alternate me's blood for a ritual. That's when Tom came back to full power and restores his body completely to its prime. Throughout all of these scenarios Dumbledore did f*ck all other than throw me at Tom so that we may clash and I believe he hoped I'd be killed so he could, in his mind, stop Tom.''

''..Alright. We've got five years to save the world then, yeah? I don't know if what you saw was real or even will happen but everything you told me about my family was true. None of this makes sense. I thought Dumbledore was a hero, you know..
I don't see what you've got to gain by telling me this if it's a lie, but I want the long version at some point. We'll confirm if Scabbers is a rat or an animagus and if he is, I'll help you rescue Sirius. I hope Dumbledore isn't a Dark Lord as you said, but if he is I'll help you fight him too. As suicidal as that sounds..''

''I understand this is insane, how do you think I reacted to waking up one day knowing all these potential future events and if I'm lucky I could stop the suffering potentially millions of people?''

''Fair enough.. So what happens now? You can't stay at the Burrow without it being suspicious and possibly alerting Dumbledore. I assume you have a plan?''

''I do. I'm going to move into the abandoned Black family home. I could use a cursebreaker to make sure simply knocking on the door won't curse my ass to death, though.''

''What were you going to do if you hadn't found me?''

''Buy a suitcase or tent that's bigger on the inside as a backup and attempt to enter the abandoned Black family home later anyways and take the risk. One of Tom's soul anchors is in that house and I need to destroy it.''

''I see.... What are these soul anchors though? You've been mentioning them a lot.''

''They're essentially the same as Phylacteries made an evil spellcaster to become a Lich in fictional magic settings. It turns the creator of them immortal by tethering their soul to the mortal plane. To do this you must split your soul and then lock that shard of soul away into an object, so long as the object or objects remain, you cannot pass on. The real version of what I call Phylacteries or soul anchors are called Horcruxes, or Horcrux for a singular one.''

''And uh..How many did You-Know-Who make? You keep saying anchors not anchor.''

''He made seven of them. The first was his diary from when he was a student at Hogwarts. The second was the Gaunt family ring. He murdered his uncle Morfin Gaunt to collect that one.
The third and fourth was Salazar Slytherin's Locket and Helga Hufflepuff's Cup. He murdered Hepzibah Smith and framed her house elf to get those. For the fifth one he tricked Helena Ravenclaw's ghost into telling him where The Lost Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw was, and made one from that too.
The sixth one is his snake familiar Nagini, I'm unsure if he has made that one yet or that was the seventh one. The questionably sixth or seventh and final Horcrux, was my scar.''


''When Tom tried to kill me his body disintegrated and a piece of soul latched itself onto the nearest living creature. One of the reasons Dumbledore drew the conclusion I had to die.
He would have probably refused to perform a ritual to seperate it from me even if I could have made one. Thankfully as a side-effect of me having those visions this morning the Horcrux is gone now.''

''That's.. I don't get how having visions kills a soul shard?!''

''I don't either. It doesn't matter how it happened, I'm just glad it did. The pressure I used to feel in my head is gone and I can almost guarantee that my scar will start healing soon and I'll eventually be able to metamorph the skin on my forehead there. I can already feel it healing.''

Bill starts casting presumably diagnostic charms at my head and sighs in relief.

''There is some leftover Dark magic on your forehead, but nothing that won't fade within a few hours...''

Bill looked pretty exhausted emotionaly so I figured I could give him more information later.

'Dumbledore may keep all of his cards close to his chest and use his allies as expendable pawns but I won't. If I die someone else, preferably multiple people, need to know critical information. Blind agents are useless and in war that gets you killed. There is of course a need for secrets when in a war, but Dumbledore takes it way too far.'

''Alright so I assume by now your bosses are pretty pissed at you chatting with me for so long, I'll give you a more detailed version of my visions for future events later. Eight years of information is a lot to explain. Just play it off as if it took you longer than suspected. I'll go shop for a Wand, some books, an owl and maybe some other things and after your work is done, come meet me at the Leaky Cauldron?''

''Alright, I'll see you in a few hours. Keep the disguise up no matter what, and take this.''

Bill holds up a Knut and casts a couple of silent spells at it.

''This Knut will now let me track you if you hold onto it and I can't find you at the Leaky later, alright?''

I take the Knut and hold out my hand to shake his hand.

''Very well. I'll see you later, Bill.''

By this point I'm getting hungry, the adrenaline is finally going out of my system and I am calming down but also finally noticing my hunger. I pull out an apple from my inventory and eat it quickly as I walk out of the bank and down the street towards Ollivanders.

'I might not want to rely on a wand for my spellcasting, but clearly casting wandlessly or with other foci without getting an idea of how the spell feels first is a bad idea, from my experience with my stick experiment. Either way, a wand is a nice set of training wheels I'm sure I'll be able to overcome with time. Alright, I've arrived. How likely is it good ol' Garrick will recognize me?.. Very likely isn't it.. How about I turn the tables on him. Might be fun.'

The bell over the door dings as I enter the wand shop.


''Good day, Garrick Ollivander, I take it you're in?''

''Yes good day, miss?.. Potter? You're here a year early. No matter. No rule against someone purchasing a wand a year or two earlier than normal.. The trace only applies itself after you go to Hogwarts, after all. Just don't use it openly in the muggle world and we will have no problems. If you don't want to lose your wand rights that's your responsibility. Now, how about you try thi-''

''Reasonable. As for the wand, Holly, Pheonix Feather, 11 Inches, the nice and supple one, please.''

He turns to me slowly and looks at me as if I've told him christmas is cancelled. Then his face brightened up, then went back to a frown just as quickly. He waddles off to the shelf with the Holly Wand and hands it to me and it feels like the correct one straight away.

''How did you!.. You're no fun. Let me guess, you know the significance of this particular wand too, don't you?''

''No, do enlighten me.''

''Well you see the phoenix that gave the feather for this wand gave only one other make another wand, a brother if you will, and it-''

''Gave you that scar.''

''So you did know! You're messing with me?!''

''Well, someone's got to stump your little mystical act for once, and yes, you can expect ''Great Things'' from me, I'm sure.''

''You're definitely no fun, Miss Potter. Getting funny reactions out of youngsters is my favorite source of entertainment. 7 Galleons. Get out.''

''You don't have to get so angry just because you're on the receiving end for once. Here's your money. OH can I get a wand holster as well?''

''...Yes, 5 Sickles.''

''Here you go. Thank you for the wand and the holster!''


''See you around Garrick!''


I leave the shop and immediately Garrick waves his wand to close the blinds and flip the ''Open'' sign to ''Closed'' once I close the door behind me I hear the lock slam shut.

'That went better than I expected. Heh.'

I made my way towards Magical Menagerie and spotted a white and black dot coloured owl.

'That's definitely Hedwig. Alright, gonna buy her and if I can get away with it, a cool snek. You never know when a snake might be useful. Okay, first of all. Scourgify. Reparo.'

NEW! Spell - |Scourgify| - Spell that cleans objects.

NEW! Spell - |Reparo| - Spell that repairs objects.

'Nice. Atleast now I look fairly presentable even with an oversized set of clothes.'

I made my way into the store and walked towards the glass cages to see if any of them stood out to me.

'Okay, apparently I didn't need to worry about choosing the best mundane snake. They've got a f*cking Crimson feathered and white scaled Occamy on sale. Holy sh*t that's cooler in real life.
Ok. Ok. Don't freak out. The Magical Dinosnek is going to be f*cking mine. I doubt the store owner would sell a dangerous creature like that to me though. sh*t. Okay. How would I even deal with it not being seen in the muggle world. This is such a good opportunity though! DAMN IT! I want it. There might even be a need for a license or some other nonsense to keep it to stay within ministry regulations. Not that I care about bullsh*t government rules, never did. But having the ministry breathing down my neck over some petty ''issue'' does not sound fun. f*ck f*ck f*ck. I'm sure having an offical paper trail not only coming from not only Gringotts but also one of the ministry's many registration departments is a bad. f*cking. idea. Okay. Let me think this through. Pros. The occamy in question is only like 15 centimentres long right now. Then again it might be old enough to have control over its size. They can do that, right? It's a magical dinosaur snake. That's a pro on its own. Cons. Snakes in general have so called ''dark'' cultural connotations in british wizarding society. Especially dangerous ones. It would be harder to hide in the muggle world later... Yeah ok, f*ck it, I'm buying it if there's no extensive paperwork issues. '

''Hello little one, would you like to come live with me?''

''It speaks?!''

''I speak. My name is Hadrianne, what's your name?''

''This one has no name. The speaker Hadrianne wants me to live in her nest?''

''Yes, if you would like to live with me I shall provide you a warm space for a nest, food, or the ability to hunt if you so choose. Also, I can provide you a name.''

''If speaker speaks true then yes, I shall move into her nest. What is to be my name?''

''Excellent. How do you feel about the name 'Lilith'?''

''I shall bear the name so long as speaker Hadrianne remains true in promise for nest.''

''Very well, we have a deal. I'll be right back.''

I walk towards the store clerk and clear my throat to get her attention.

''Good day, Miss? I would like to purchase the Snow Owl sitting by the window, and the Occamy in the glass case to the back left corner of the store.''

''Welcome to Magical Menagerie, the name's Annabelle Bullstrode. Where are you parents then?''



''May I purchase the creatures now, if I have sated your curiosity?''

''Do you even have the money for to pay for them? They're both rather expensive. Also, it's not our responsibility to check our customers for getting the proper paperwork to own a class 4X magical creature. Any and all legal disputes as consequence for public harm or the legality of ownership of said creature in question are your own.''

''I am not hearing a ''No, you may not purchase them.'' from those statements.''

''Definitely a Slytherin.. Alright little Miss. The Owl is 30 Galleons and the Occamy is 100.''


''Right, too expens-..Huh?!''

''Here you go.''

After some more back and forth with the shopkeeper, I managed acquire my pets and some pet food for my Dinosnek and birb. I walked out of the shop with Hedwig the Snow Owl on my right shoulder, and Lilith the Crimson Occamy nestled around my neck. I went to Madam Malkin's and bought three sets of robes for different purposes, and four sets of 'muggle' clothes that fit me better and made me look like a steampunk larper more than a muggle. Then I went to Flourish & Blotts to make good on that thought to buy one of every book in the store. I walk into the bookstore and make my way to the shopkeeper's counter.

''Good day sir, I would like to purchase one copy of all the texts available in this store. I don't care for special editions with different covers if that is all that's different about them.''


''Is there not such a concept in the wizarding world? Muggle bookstores will sell the same book with the same contents but with a different cover, or it's a signed copy, when it was printed, which can make them more or less expensive.''

''No! I mean yes! We do have the concept but what do you mean you want all the texts?! That's an obscene amount of money, you'd need a wheelbarrow of gold!''

''How much in Galleons is a wheelbarrow's worth of gold, then? I thought wizards and witches used currency not raw precious metals.''

''Y-YOU LITTLE!.. Yes, wizards use currency it was a figure of speech. Alright, before I spend the time looking through our inventory and getting a tally on the price, what's your budget?''

''Thirty thousand.''

The bookstore owner froze on the spot and dropped the monocle from his eye. And then immediately went running into the backroom to get an inventory list and spent the next two hours with me confirming which editions I wanted for one of every book in the store. And as he repeatedly summoned books to the counter I put more and more books into my seemingly endless backpack and kept dropping more and more gold on his counter that he had to make several trips to dump it all into a chest in the backroom. By the end of it all I was now the proud owner of 1859 new books and my inventory just over thirteen thousand Galleons lighter.

''Everything looks to be in order, a magnificent pleasure doing business with you, Miss Stark.''

''Likewise, Mister Robins.''

I left the shop feeling pleased with myself on my information gathering, and left a dazed shopkeeper wondering if it was all a dream or if he had just made the biggest sale in his entire life.

'That was more stressful than it should have been. I've bought the most critical items on my mental shopping list. I think I'll go get lunch.'

I made my way back through the alley and into The Leaky Cauldron and bought myself lunch, whilst waiting I started reading a book on magical theory for charms. As I was eating my lunch I was reflecting on my actions.

'For the first time in my life buying clothes was an enjoyable experience. I feel disgustingly dapper in the ''muggle'' clothes, though.. Wait. Is this a side-effect from being female now? I hated clothes shopping in my past life. Oh my f*cking god, I think I'm nesting, bro.. Mild identity crisis aside, today went pretty good. I've acquired an ally surprisingly fast. I thought Bill was in Egypt at this point? I guess not, not that I'm complaining. Alright, I need to plot for Operation Dementia.. The first and primary objective is to get Sirius out of prison and return to Grimmauld Place undetected. Secondary objective is to mind-rape the f*ck out of the Death Eaters in there for information and if I can get away with it, kill them all afterwards. If I somehow fail and Dumbledore or Tom stops me before I can stop the war I don't want Tom to have loyal fighters to pull from by breaking them out of Azkaban again.. Am I really capable of murder? I don't feel bad for those monsters and I've never been against killing on principle, in fact, I believe that sometimes killing people is necessary to prevent innocent deaths. But it's one thing to believe a thing and doing it. I've never killed someone before and here I am considering killing dozens of people.. sh*t, man. Hopefuly I do have it in me. If I don't I may doom untold amounts of innocent people to die. I won't let that happen. Could I potentially fake Sirius' death? No, even if that works Lucius will just push for seizing the Black fortune and I need resources to fight a war. Most importantly is a base of operations and the base I'm after is Black owned. I guess I could make it seem like they all escaped. Give the free Death Eaters a bit of a fire under their ass and make them sweat a bit. At the same time I can go to the media and present my case to them. Then again, journos even in this world are f*cking smear merchants. Probably always will be, the corrupt c*nts.. At worst I'd need a second operation to highjack a live broadcast on a Wizarding Wireless channel.. I'll call it Operation Mania. I could probably imperius the people in charge of the Daily Prophet to run a front page story to help me get Sirius a trial if they don't respond well to the idea of publishing my story. Depending on what happens and how the Ministry responds we go to trial and out of hiding. I could also go to Xenophilius and get an article posted in the Quibbler. However that paper has little to no social pull or any massive influence. It should still help my plans though.. And I don't lose anything going for the three pronged attack. Okay. Assuming Operation Dementia is a success, I'll move forward with Operation Mania. f*ck, I'm getting ahead of myself here. There's still Operation Judas to consider. I need the rat in custody first. It should be straightforward with Bill's help. After we've cleared a path to a sleeping quarter in Grimmauld Place I can probably just hole up there and wait for him to stun the rat at night and return with him in an enchanted cage. I also want Bill to to talk to the twins for me. This will probably all work out. I know most of where the pieces are on the board, now all I need to do is wait for Bill and convince Kreacher that I can destroy the locket and after that.. I doubt I will fail if I can get into Azkaban and back out. If that happens victory is almost guaranteed. If I have the information for the Death Eaters' tactics and I know the layouts of their allies' homes through their memories, Sirius, Bill, Kreacher, five years to gain levels, magical power, and allies to help me assassinate the free Death Eaters... Yeah. If I can get them all fast enough before I even go to the graveyard undetected I consider that a winning condition. I still need to deal with Tom and his f*ckery. I don't know if destroying all the Horcruxes when he's a wraith will kill him or not, so best not to chance it.. Tom will have to regain his body but if I can I'll sabotage the f*ck out of the ritual.. I can imperius Barty Sr and set events into motion for Jr to know about the tournament beforehand from his father and save Bertha from being killed, and confunding the muggle at Riddle Manor to go on a vacation is easily done. But this is for the distant future. I can get a clearer idea of how to go about my plans later. For now I'll just feed Hedwig and Lilith whilst I wait for Bill to get done with his work and pray to whatever god is listening he can catch the rat.'

The wait for bill was only about one more hour and we both left the Leaky Cauldron to get on the Knight Bus towards Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Once we arrived Bill started to cast detection charms and gave the go ahead with seemingly no traps to deactivate at the entrance. I knocked on the door and waited ten seconds. I made to knock again and as I did Kreacher opened the door.

''Who is disturbing the great house of Black?''

''Kreacher, I am here to help you complete Regulus Black's final order.''

Kreacher's eyes widen and he stares at me in disbelief.

''She knows of Master's order?''

''My name is Hadrianne Potter, grand daughter of Dorea Potter née Black. Regulus tasked you with destroying a locket, didn't he? I have come to help you, Kreacher.''

''Why does the blood-traitor spawn wish to help Kreacher?''

''I am seeking the same thing as your Master once did. To destroy The Dark Lord by destroying the curse he placed on Slytherin's Locket. I know you're probably confused and don't trust me, but what do you have left to lose by doing so?
I also seek shelter as I am currently homeless. If you would like a new Mistress I am willing to bond with you. I only ask you let me live here in return.''

''......You may stay for now, if you can destroy Master's locket in one week I will obey you as new Mistress, if you cannot then you shall leave.''

''Good, then have a deal. Give me the locket so I can begin figuring out a way to destroy it.''

Kreacher reluctantly takes off the locket and places it into my hand. I pretend to pocket it and store it in my inventory.

As Kreacher made room for us to enter the house and we closed the door behind us a Quest was added to my Status screen.


|NEW QUEST: Horcrux Hunter|
Destroy all of Tom Marvolo Riddle's Horcruxes.
(x) = Objective Incomplete. (o) = Objective Complete.
Objective 1 (x): Tom Riddle's Diary - Reward - ?
Objective 2 (x): Gaunt Ring - Reward - ?
Objective 3 (x): Slytherin's Locket - Reward - ?
Objective 4 (x): Hufflepuff's Cup - Reward - ?
Objective 5 (x): Ravenclaw's Diadem - Reward - ?
Objective 6 (x): Nagini - Reward - ?
Objective 7 (o): Scar-Crux - Reward - ?
Bonus Objective (x): Destroy Slytherin's Locket within 6 Days 23 Hours 59 Minutes 51 Seconds - Reward - ?

|Do you wish to claim Objective 7 Reward Y/N?|

'I guess this confirms that all the Horcruxes were already made before Tom tried to kill me..'

I mentally accept the quest reward from somehow destroying the Scar-Crux.


|QUEST UPDATE: Horcrux Hunter|
Objective 7 (o): Scar-Crux - Reward - |Occlumency| - Mind Arts Skill used to shield your mind, repel Legilimency probes, and organize memories.

'Oh hell yeah!, that's going to be very useful.'

Bill scanned several rooms for cursed objects and started safely moving them to a spare bathroom. I was following behind him repeatedly casting Scourgify to clear out the dust that covered practially everything in the house. By the end of the hour Bill had managed to isolate all of the cursed items in the house except from the Black library and kreacher's nest in the kitchen cupboard. Walburga Black's portrait definitely had.. character, in person. Kreacher went to hide in his nest when she started to scream at us. After Bill and I had sufficiently threatened her with graphic and creative ways to destroy her portrait, she became rather meek when she realised we actually would go through with it if she didn't keep an indoor voice so she started to simply sneer at us as we walked past her instead. After Bill deemed the house secured we sat down and he demanded I explain in detail all I knew from the future timeline. So I went through events in chronological order as best I could and explained all the events of the seven Harry Potter books.
I skipped over most of the romance drama and didn't include the epilogue, but it still took me a couple of hours to go through all of the plot. When I was done and Bill learned exactly how many times he and several of his family members nearly died, Fred lost his ear, and George died he almost lost it.
In the end, Bill had to admit that this was a too convoluted and coherent story, which he cross checked me for several times throughout my retelling. He figured atleast I believed everything that I was saying. Then I started to explain my plans for operation Judas, Dementia and Mania. He agreed that using force would probably be necessary to get Sirius' side of the story to the public and that it had to be done after we rescue Sirius unless we want him to die mysteriously in Azkaban, and together we came up with the idea of using a Boat that's been enchanted to turn invisible like Arthur's flying Ford Anglia from the alternate timeline. I learned the family actually owned that car at this time but it wasn't enchanted yet, atleast to Bill's knowledge. I then went on to explain how I planned for the ritual to happen and explained how I believe there's a chance Tom won't die without being in a body first, so best not to chance it. Once I was done debriefing Bill, he went to the kitchen and took some metal pots and transfigured them into a small rat cage, and placed permanent strenghtening charms on it. I said goodbye to Bill, as he left he told me that when he gets the rat he'll be right back. As I'm waiting for Bill to get back with the rat I take out a piece of paper and a pen from my inventory and write a letter to Fred and George.

'Dear Gred and Forge, it has come to my attention that you have the desire to open a joke shop when you leave Hogwarts. If you want funding to get the shop off the ground, take Arithmancy and Ancient Runes as electives and get good grades. I know you don't want to get good grades because your mother is pushing you to become Ministry workers like your father, but don't worry about her. Once you are seventeen she can't do anything to you so get the best grades possible and I guarantee higher investment funds. If you get EE NEWTS for Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, DADA, Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes I will invest 1,000 Galleons. If you get Os that budget turns into 5,000 Galleons. Don't worry about Snivellus after next year he won't be a problem for you, I'll get him removed as potion's professor by then. Never. Ever. Sell. Love potions. If you decide to do so my investment will not happen. Those things are legal imperius curses in a bottle, boys. Not cool. Also, from now on you need to stop pranking innocent students. People will remember your antics and it will affect your future business.
Bullies are fair game though. I endorse pranking those who torment others completely, have at it. One last thing, in one year I need the artifact back so that I may attempt to study, improve and replicate it. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good - Prongslet, Daughter of Prongs, Goddaughter of Padfoot, Honorary Niece of Moony.'

About half an hour later a slightly out of breath Bill returns with an unconscious Peter in rat form locked inside the cage and walks with me to the third floor, puts the cage inside a guest bedroom and locks the door with magic. He turns to me and hands me two wands. One was clearly Tom's wand, I remember the Voldemort wand replica toys from my last life. It looks just as edgy as I remember, even when it's a real wand. and then there's the other, pressumably Peter's wand. As we were walking back downstairs I thanked Bill for his help.

''Thank you ever so much, and good job, Bill! This time around I won't need to deal with the Brother Core issue. If I can catch Tom unprepared and weak with a botched ritual, and those golden flames still respond to attacks from him against me... Well, it'll be a short fight, I think.''

''No problem, it was my pleasure. I have to go back home quickly. Mum doesn't know I've gone and thinks I'm taking a bath, it'll be dinner soon so gotta go. I'll see you after work tomorrow!''

''Not so fast, here, take this.''

I hand him the letter I wrote to Fred and George.

''This is for the twins, just make sure they read it when your mother's not nearby.''

Bill takes the letter, reads it, then smiles and nods at me.

''Alright, I'll let them know the offer is legitimate and to seriously consider it. From what you've told me we could really use a new joke shop in a few years. Bye for now, Anne!''

And just as quickly as he came, he disappeared with a POP as I closed the door.

'Operation Judas is complete. Feels good, man. Alright, since I don't feel hungry I guess I'll try out the Instant Dungeon skill and try to grind some levels.'

''|Enter - Instant Dungeon|!''

I felt a sudden shift and took in the change to my surroundings. I was standing inside a cave lit up by glowing vines and I could hear footsteps approaching. I quickly stood with my back against the cave wall and leaned over to look around the corner, and see a skeleton wielding a bow.



Skeleton Archer
Level 1
HP 30
MP 10
EP 0
SP 100

I point my wand at the skeleton and aim for center mass.


-15 MP
+50 EXP


NEW! Spell - |Diffindo| - Severing charm, primarily used to prune plants but when overcharged turns into a lethal blade of force.

'Holy sh*t, I cut the skeleton clean in half... I can do this. I need to get stronger. If I have the ability to level up and become stupidly OP I'm going to take advantage of that fact to save as many people as possible.'

I hear several more footsteps running towards me, so I peek around the corner again.

'Three of them this time, huh. |Diffindo|! |Diffindo|! |Diffindo|!'

I fire off three severing charms in rapid succession and cleave the three skeletons, killing them all instantly.

-15 MP
+50 EXP


-15 MP
+50 EXP

-15 MP
+50 EXP

''Haaahhh.. That was intense.''

'Alright, let me check what leveling up does for me.'

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 0
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 0/100 |Next Level: 1 - 100 EXP Required|
HP: 100/100
MP: 73/100
EP: 100/100
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
EXP - |200|

'Level Up.'


Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 1
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 1/100 |Next Level: 2 - 200 EXP Required|
HP: 100/100
MP: 100/100
EP: 100/100
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
EXP - |100|

|Level Up Reward. Pick one 'Tier 1 Spell' from the Wizard Spell List|

'I see. So I get to choose from a spell list whenever I gain a new level. I also gain 10 Stat, Skill, and Spell points, and 100 of some form of currency. Alright, I can work with this. Got to be careful though, there could be more undead lurking.. I hear none for now but I won't let my guard down. Let's see.. spell list..'

'Select Tier 1 Spell |Firebolt|.'


NEW! Tier 1 Spell - |Firebolt| - Launches a bolt of fire at a target within 30 metres. Deals Fire Damage. Costs 10 MP to cast.

'Now for the Stats.. I'm going to assume that it works just like I'm used to from other games and Intelligence gives Mana? I'll try putting one point into int.'

MP: 110/110

Increases Mana Control.
Increases your ability to recall information.
Increases your focus and speed for mental processing.
Increases your Mana Points by 10 per point of Intelligence.

'It does! I'll have to experiment with these stats and see what they all do later. For now I'm just going to dump points into int and con. I don't want to be squishy, after all..'

Increases your Health Points by 10 per point of Constitution.
Increases Health Point Regeneration by 1 per point of Constitution.
Increases Damage Resistance against Physical Debuffs such as Poison and Bleed.


HP: 150/150
MP: 150/150

'Alright, I'll f*ck around with Spell Points and the other stuff later. For now I'll continue to explore the cave..'

I walk around the corner and walk over to the skeleton corpses.

|Loot Skeleton Archer x4 Y/N?|



|x7 Bone added to Inventory. x3 Flint Arrow added to Inventory.|

As I accept the loot, the skeletons disappear in a flash of white light.

'I guess I don't get a bow or quivers every time I kill one of them, so Video Game Mechanics are definitely at play here.
I'll suspend disbelief and treat the Instant Dungeon like an extremely advanced VR Game with deadly consequences, I suppose..'

I keep moving forward and kill so many skeletons I lost count and after what feels like days but was probably more like an hour I level up 9 more times.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 10
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 10/100 |Next Level: 11 - 1100 EXP Required|
HP: 500/500
MP: 500/500
EP: 100/100
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
EXP - |350|

Massively Increases Experience Point Gain.
Increases Spell Power
Increases Skill Power

Tier 1 Spell - |Ray Of Frost| - Fires a beam of frost at a target within 60 metres. Deals Cold Damage. Costs 20 MP to cast.

Tier 1 Spell - |Shocking Grasp| - Covers your hands in energy that shocks a target when you touch them. Deals Lightning Damage. Costs 5 MP to cast.

Tier 1 Spell - |Acid Splash| - Fires a ball of acid at a target within 60 metres. Deals Acid Damage. Costs 20 MP to cast.

Tier 1 Spell - |Flame Blade| - Infuses a melee weapon with fire that burns the target when struck. Costs 10 MP to cast.

Tier 1 Spell - |Sword Burst| - Spectral swords appear out of thin air and spin around the caster dealing Force damage to enemies in a 3 metre radius. Costs 25 MP to cast.

Tier 1 Spell - |Light| - Make one object emit light for one hour or until you cancel the spell. Costs 5 MP to cast.

Tier 1 Spell - |Mage Hand| - Summons a spectral hand within 30 metres that lasts for 1 Minute. The hand can interract with and carry objects that weighs less than 10kg in a 30 metre radius around the caster. Costs 20 MP to cast.

Tier 1 Spell - |Chill Touch| - Summons a skeletal hand that grabs onto a target within 120 metres and prevents the target to restore HP for 10 seconds. Deals Necrotic Damage. Costs 50 MP to cast.

Tier 1 Spell - |Minor Illusion| - You create a sound or an image of an object within 30 metres that lasts for 1 Minute. The illusion ends if you cancel the spell or cast the spell again. Costs 35 MP to cast

I finally hear a new sound as I make my way upwards out of the cave.

'That sounds like a cicada. Am I finally getting out of this cave?..'

I move a couple more steps and the cave opens up to show me the stunning view of where I find myself. The sky is a deep blue with stars shining but no moon or sun in the sky as if it's perpetually dusk. There are incredibly tall trees with flat heads of deep green leaves and white spotted black bark spread thickly over grassy hills, and in the distance I see a square stone arena with a gigantic green snake coiled up, presumably sleeping.


|CONGRATULATIONS! You have cleared a Starter Dungeon: 'Small Cave Hill - Skeleton Archer'|

|x1 Trophy - Skeleton Skull Added to Inventory|

'Well, if there was a time to end my little adventure for the night it's now. This place looks amazing, but I'm exhausted so I'll go to sleep and explore this place further tomorrow.'

''|Leave - Instant Dungeon|!''

I walk up the stairs to the second floor and lay down in my bed and instantly fall into a dreamless sleep.

'It wasn't just a dream, huh? I got f*cking Isekai'd to the Harry Potter universe.. I was kinda hoping it was true but didn't believe it completely until now.. I'll try to 'live' life and not just 'survive' it since I was given this second chance at life. I don't want to fall back into a depression and become a shut-in again. I only lived to survive and distract myself not to be reminded that life sucked. No more. I will live a life worth living. I will become great, no matter what. I refuse to accept rulers who commit heinous crimes and leave the innocent to suffer simply because they can get away with it. I've dreamed of the chance to start over for years and I will not waste it... I should consider what to do with my Skill and Spell Points..I seem to get handed new spells like they're candy by leveling the Wizard Class so it feels like a waste to level those spells, atleast for now. Perhaps I should level up my occlumency skill? That's a skill that probably won't get a replacement any time soon and will help me keep my secrets from Snivellus, Dumblec*nt and Tom.. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. What spell do I level up, though?
Diffindo maybe? Being able to cast a severing charm to catastrophic proportions does sound pretty cool, but then again.. I think I'll hoard all of my Spell Points for now.
I don't know what spells I'm going to get and I could need a power boost in an emergency where an enemy is resistant or immune to most of my damage types and I can't escape.
Alright, now then.. Gacha Coin, huh?.. I hate gacha games.. I won't need to sell my soul to the devil or something to use this right, Gamer System?...'

I wait in suspense for a response for a few seconds. No response from the System appears though.

'Well sh*t. Guess all I can do is try it, worst case scenario I get some garbage item and I move on with my life, right?'

|Use Gacha Coin Y/N?|



|Rod Of Greater Restoration added to Inventory|

Magic Item - Rod Of Greater Restoration - Grants up to three charges of the Tier 6 Spell - |Greater Restoration|. Regains one charge every 8 hours.

Tier 6 Spell - |Greater Restoration| - You imbue a creature you touch with positive energy to undo a Permanent Debuff.
You can reduce a creature's exhuastion level by 1, Remove 1 curse, including the attunement to a cursed magical item.
Restore Stats if they're under a Permanent Debuff, restore HP Maximum if it's under a Permanent Debuff, regenerate a lost limb or organ.

''.....HOLY sh*t!''

'Alright, nevermind! We are proud gacha enjoyers in this house. Jesus-tiddy-f*cking-Christ. So I can just.. casually remove curses from people now.. Does this mean I can cure the Longbottoms?! I could cure Remus! I could probably restore someone like Moody to prime condition given enough time....
Suddenly I can imagine the Ministry hunting my ass immediately if they get even a whiff of what I am capable of. Well, not like that changes plans for today. I won't live in fear over what might happen or might not happen. Once Bill gets here we're going to St. Mungos. f*cking hell, not ten minutes out of bed and today is already going amazing.'

I take a shower and get myself cleaned up and then eat some of my snack rations I stole from the Dursleys. I skip back to my room and hum to myself like a kid on christmas morning.

'Oh, right. I totally forgot I should try to level up my occlumency skill with my Skill Points. Let's see..'


|'Occlumency' has leveled up x100|

|Occlumency - Level 100| - Mind Arts Skill used to shield your mind, repel Legilimency probes, and organize memories.

|Increase Rank for the skill 'Occlumency' Y/N?|

'Increase the skill's rank? Sure, why not.'

|Occlumency ★☆☆☆☆| - Mind Arts Skill used to shield your mind, repel Legilimency probes, and organize memories. Rank 1/5: Perk - |Meditation| - When you meditate you rest your mind and body as if you were sleeping. Instead of an average 8 hours of sleep you can comfortably get by with 4 hours of meditation per day.

'Skills have a star rankings and Perks? That's a cool system I guess.. I.... Oh my god, my memory recall is completely bonkers now. I don't even want to think about how perfect my memory will become when it gets to Rank 5. Probably just straight up Eidetic memory at that point, huh? This is insane..Alright then.
I'll go feed Hedwig and Lilith and send a letter for Remus and tell him to get off his sorry ass, assuming he's even in the country and that Hedwig can find him...'

I make my way downstairs and walk into the living room and walk over to Hedwig and Lilith's corner. Bill transfigured a perch for Hedwig next to a window and a bed next to the fireplace for Lilith yesterday.

''How are you liking the nest, Lilith? Do you need anything or do you want some food?''

''All is well, Speaker Hadrianne. I have never seen a nest with so many flighty prey, very tasty too. I am not opposed to resting on your neck, though. Your magic smells nice.''

''Hunting some of the Doxies, then? Good for you. Sure, you can coil around me whenever you want. Here''

I hold out my hand and Lilith flaps her wings twice to get to up my arm and then slithers up onto my shoulders and around my neck where she hisses in joy for a minute and settles down.
Throughout all of this Hedwig is staring at us and as I turn to look at her she puffs out her chest and looks away. I walk towards her and take out an owl treat from my inventory and hold it out for her.

''Hey, girl.. You settling in too? Here's a morning snack if you want one.''

She eyes the piece of meat in my hand and then quickly leans down and gobbles it up.


'She seems to be in a good mood for now atleast.'

I make my way over to the livingroom table and sit down to compose my letter for Remus.

'Dear Moony, I desire to speak with you as soon as possible. We have much to catch up on and I can guarantee you will not be disappointed if you choose to meet with me for a chat over tea.
It could be in a public setting if wish, if you are worried about seemingly a stranger contacting you out of nowhere, the Leaky Cauldron perhaps? If you agree to talk, then always remember that I have no hatred towards you for what happened after 1981. You left me behind, and sadly trusted the wrong man with my safety. I have suffered for nearly a decade, but I am free now. There are forces out there looking for me and should they find me I fear they will obliviate and return me to my suffering, or worse. Please reply soon so that I can explain everything. Please leave a time and location to know when and where to meet up in your reply. There is too much information for a letter and even if I could fit it all I wouldn't discuss it over one. - Your best friend's Daughter, Prongslet. PS. I do not care about your furry little problem, I just want my uncle Moony back.'

Once I finish writing my letter I cut up some of my oversized shirt I got from the Dursleys into tiny ribbons and folded then rolled up my letter.

''Hey, Hedwig?''


''Can you find Remus John Lupin and deliver this letter to him for me?''

Hedwig flew towards me and landed on my shoulder and held out her leg.

''I'll take that as a yes.. Thanks, Hedwig. When you get back I'll introduce you to the wonders of bacon.''

I tied the letter with my makeshift string to Hedwig's leg and got up to open the window, once I did Hedwig looked at me and then rubbed her head against my chin, then took off into the morning sky.

''Alright. Now we wait, I guess.''

After I closed the window and stored the remains of my shirt in my inventory I heard a tapping noise coming from the kitchen window. I walked into the kitchen to find an owl waiting for me.
I let him in and cast Observe on the owl as he holds out his leg.

HP 20
MP 10
EP 0
SP 50

''Hello Errol, that's for me is it?''

I give Errol an owl treat and untied the letter stuck to his leg.

''Thanks, buddy.''

And as quickly as he came, he flew back through the window. I was left pondering how positively medieval my texting has gotten in the last twenty four hours.

'... I can't remember the last time I got a physical piece of mail. I had an email address since I was like 6 years old.. I guess this is just what my life will be like for a few years now. I want to try to make a Mana-Phone at some point. I could probably make a magic smartphone given enough time.. Maybe even something similar to the internet and PCs if I get a lot of help. But that's future me's problem. For now, letter.'

I open the letter and start reading.

'Miss Prongslet, we accept your terms and look forward to meet you. We will work hard to meet your expectations, we swear on our Marauder's Honour. We will discuss the finer details of our partnership contract with you when you come to collect the artifact. If you want we could show you what we have already made when you meet us next year, some of our prototypes are coming along nicely. - Gred and Forge'

'Well, they accepted my offer rather quickly. Good on them. This time around they will probably make even more amazing things than in the canon timeline. I should go to a convenience store and stock up on some food and normal muggle clothes. Muggle London is literally at my doorstep and the enchantments for the pantry to keep food fresh are still working, according to Bill.
After that I want to keep exploring the Instant Dungeon. My power level was rising surprisingly quickly by just finishing a starter dungeon. So far my new spells have been very D&D-esque and that means that if my hunch is correct, that I will start to scale rapidly and power level will rise exponentially with Tier Magic. I hope that I'm not stuck with a level cap or that my ability to gain EXP Slows down rapidly. That would suck. Then again a D&D Wizard at Max Level is usually pretty insane on its own. Either way, I'll deal with it. Even if there is a level cap and I can't multi-class there will be infinite growth potential with the normal 'Wizarding World/HPU' magic system.'

''Hey, Lilith? I'll be going out into the muggle world to buy some food and a few other things. Can you keep yourself hidden and not poke your head out of my clothes? I will get into trouble if you are seen by the muggles.''

''..I can stay at the nest if being seen is dangerous. What are muggles, Speaker Hadrianne? I have heard that word many times but I don't think I've ever seen one.''

''They are humans like me, except they can't use Magic. Since they can't use magic they have adapted and made tools to do what magic does, some of those tools are extremely dangerous.
Magical humans came together and enforced laws..Rules, if you will, that we are to hide from the non-magical, 'muggle' world. To muggles magic is a myth, a myth they are succeeding every day at replicating with their tools.''

''Interesting.. At the previous nest 'muggles' were considered prey or helpless creatures by the people there.''

''That's only true in a world we're living in today where muggles do not know of magic's existence. Should the muggles become aware of us and not like what they see, the magicals will probably become extinct within decades, if not years. Anyways, I'll be back soon Lilith, see you later.''

''I shall rest for now then, Speaker Hadrianne. Wake me when you return..''

Lilith slides off my body and flies back to her bed by the fireplace and coils up into a pile of scales and fluffy feathers. I made my way into London and explored the shops for a couple of hours and finally got all that I wanted. At first some people were staring at my victorian era clothes, but I eventually got myself some actual muggle clothes. As I was walking back home I overheard a conversation a couple were having from across the street.

''-Alright. I hope Hermione likes her gift, though. She deserves something for getting such good grades, I hate that she won't open up to us more.. ''

''I know what you mean, whenever I ask her about school she never mentions people other than the teachers. I can tell she's putting on a mask and she's been very quiet for the last year-''

I walk up to the couple quickly and speak up

''HEY! You're Mrs and Mr Granger, correct?''

''Erm, yes? How do you know who we are?'' Dan says with visible confusion at the random girl running towards them.

''My name is Hadrianne, that's not important though. You have a daughter called Hermione, correct?''


''Has anything strange happened around her, something you couldn't explain. Especially whenever she was sad or angry? Objects moving on their own, things changing colours, things like that?''

''I don't-..Look. We don't know you, and our business is our own, if you're another bully that's hurting our daughter-''

''No, Dan, let her speak. She doesn't seem to be meaning any harm, why would a bully confront adults like this?''

''Thank you Mrs Granger, and to clarify, yes, I don't wish you and yours harm Mr Granger.''

I look around the street and see that there's no one nearby other than me and the Grangers.

''Your daughter is a Mage. She has Magic in her DNA. It isn't some sort of evil spirit or demon, but a biological aspect of what she is. She can bend the laws of physics with her mind.
If she receives training she could become a powerful spellcaster. Here, let me demonstrate some magic for you.''

I change my appearance from the short brown hair and black eyes I disguised myself as this morning and change into a blonde haired blue eyed girl with medium lenght hair.

''WHAT THE?!''

''..Magic is real, and your daughter is magical like I am. Now, there are several important things you need to informed about. Do you live nearby?''

I revert my hair to brown and shorten it, then I revert my eyes to black.

''Y-yes.. Yes we do. It's a ten minute walk from here...''

''This explains so much, doesn't it, Emma?.. we've both seen Hermione do strange things..''

''Look, there are laws that prevent the general public knowing about magic, either we go to your home and I can explain things to you there, or we need to go to some place with no people that might overhear us.''

''Alright, we were going to go home now anyways and it sounds like we're finally about to get some answers, this way.''

Emma takes my hand and leads the way to their home.
When we arrive she calls out for Hermione, and I revert to my actual appearance with black hair and green eyes.

''Hermione! We're back! Come down here please, there is someone here to speak with us!''

''Coming, Mum!''

''Hello? Dad, Mum, who's this?''

''We'll get to that sweetie, just please sit down first. We'd also like to hear what she has to say, but this concerns you most of all.''

Hermione sits down slowly and measures me up with her eyes.

''Hello Hermione, my name is Hadrianne Lily Potter. I am a Mage, otherwise what's known as a Witch, Spellcaster, Magical, Sorceress, they all practically mean the same thing. You are also a Mage. No, you are not possessed by an evil spirit or a demon. You're performing accidental magic when your emotions go out of control, there is nothing wrong with you. I am here to explain everything as best as I can-''

''Mum, are you messing with me by having a girl prank me? Magic isn't real is it? If it was we'd know, right? How-''

''Okay! calm down Hermione, let me show you that it's real. Look at this piece of paper.''

I take out a piece of paper from my inventory from inside my jacket and hold it up in front of her and rip it into several pieces, then I take out my wand and cast Reparo on them, fixing the paper.


''..That can't be real!''

''|Lumos|.... |Nox|.''

NEW! Spell - |Lumos/Nox| - Spell that conjures/banishes a ball of light on the tip of a Wand.

''Magic is real, Hermione. You are a magical human being, it is a part of your DNA. A gene that enables living creatures to bend the laws of physics by using their minds is active in your body.''

At this point Hermione is damn near hysterical and asking questions so fast I can barely make out what she's saying.

''How does it work?! Why doesn't everyone know! This changes everything?!''

''Hermione, CALM DOWN!''

''..Sorry..It's just.. It shouldn't be possible, right?''

''For most of the population it is not possible to cast magic, no. Now, consider the implications that magic is both real, and the knowledge of it is suppressed to the point where the general public believe magic is a myth.''

''Because.. Is it dangerous?''

''Magic like anything is a tool. I could have just as easily cut up that piece of paper with a spell instead of repairing it. I could use magic as tool to help people or to kill. Magic is simply that, magic. Think of it like a knife.''

''So why doesn't everyone know about it then?''

''Back in the early 1700s magicals were being persecuted and constantly under threat of death from non-magical people. Witch trials, Inquisitions, Burnings, Impalement, Drownings, you get the picture. All of that leads to magicals going into hiding.
For the last three centuries magicals have lived seperately from muggles, that's what they call normal people, and have developed a culture, government and society of their own. They are still effectively in the Victorian Era for most of their culture and technology. They still use parchment, quills dipped in ink, and oil lanterns or candles to light up their homes. That's not to say all of Magical society is behind in terms of advancement, though. They can teleport using fireplaces as gateways or enchant objects to teleport people at set times. They can create something that acts like forcefields that's called Wards to protect buildings. Wards can make muggles unable to see places and make them want to leave, they can prevent teleportation, and countless other things.''

''So there's some kind of secret society of magic users living hidden in our society? Then how am I a Mage, if they live seperately and it's genetic then how could I be one?''

''That's where you get into the more.. Dark realities of the world, I'm afraid. Look. Let's imagine that your entire family is magical and you have a child that can't use magic. what do you think happens to those children in a backwards society?''

''..Oh no.''

''Quite. And not only that, how does Magical society ensure that the statute of secrecy is maintained? Simple. There's magic to remove a person's memories.''

Dan and Emma pale at the implication but Hermione is still seemingly oblivious.

''Just like you can use magic for good it can be used for evil. When a magical family have a non-magical child that is what's called a Squib. When a Squib is born they either go into the Muggle world and eventually Magic reawakens in genes of that bloodline, or they are killed in secret if they are born to influential old families that can get away with it. It's seen as shameful to birth Squibs. There are people who fall in love with muggles and create families with them, but those people are shunned and considered traitors to magical society by most of the old families. Then there are the monsters in human skin that will simply force themselves on Muggles and remove their memories afterwards.. All of this leads to the birth of new magicals outside their very insulated society.''

''That's Barbaric! How could they!''

''I agree, Hermione. It is barbaric. People are capable of both good and bad, if people have power over others some will use it for evil, that's just how the world works I'm afraid. My mother was a Witch born from two Muggles, and my father was from an all magical family, it was not and still isn't socially accepted in magical society for their marriage to have taken place. I understand that this is a lot to take in. There's nothing I can do to stop them. Atleast not yet. One day I will do everything in my power to prevent those old magical families from continuing as they are, but for now I'm just a kid with superpowers and little to no training to use them effectively. There's not much I can do to start changing things right now. I will gladly invite you to join me when the time comes to change things and drag magical society into the modern era if you want, but alas, today is not that day.''

I look to the parents to see if they've got anything to ask or add to the conversation, but they remain quiet.

''Upon the eleventh birthday of every magical child, you are sent a letter that invites you to attend a magical school. Generally speaking the closest one to where you live is usually the school that contacts you. They also send a Professor to introduce you to the magical world around the same time.''

''So I'll receive a letter to join a magical school? Then why are you here now? Not that I mind having a year longer to prepare for magical school if I decide to go.''

''I don't know what happens when Muggleborns don't want to go to magical school. I've not looked into the laws on attendance to magical school for magicals born from muggle parentage, but knowing what I do about magical society I'd guess at best you are forced to attend. I don't think the law enforcement for magical Britain would outright kill you for refusing to go, but they'd probably remove your memories if you didn't cooperate. They probably have some sort of magical item or tool to stop you from doing accidental magic if your parents or you decide to refuse. Either way there's probably permanent government records of the encounter and if you are helpless to defend yourself against magicals that want to do you and yours harm, some might do so a few years down the line. Magical society at the top of governmental level doesn't seem to view Muggles as people but more like really smart monkeys.'



''A lot of magicals consider themselves superior to muggles, especially those from all magical ancestry that's been around for centuries, they call themselves ''Purebloods''. They actively and systematically discriminate against what they would call ''Half-Bloods'' like myself, ''Muggleborns'' like my mother or Hermione, and at the bottom of the pyramid is of course the Squibs and muggles.''

''I'm going to guess that this Professor that comes and gives us the introduction to the magical world isn't likely to tell us about the rampant bigotry, then. And that's why you came to talk to us about this?'' Dan asked sternly.

''Correct, Mr Granger. It's a long story, but basically, I had visions of an alternate timeline earlier this summer. Think of it as being a Seer or an Oracle. I have been making changes to that timeline. One of them is informing you all about magic one year earlier than last time. You were friends with my alternate self, Hermione. We both went to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry together. I didn't see all of it, but I did see several major events. That's not the point of this talk though, but to prove my point.. Mr and Mrs Granger are dentists and own a dental practice, you rarely if ever get to eat sweets at home, the kids in muggle school bully you and call you teacher's pet or a know-it-all. You love books, you go on vacations to France often, you were named after the Hermione from a Shakespeare play, I can't remember which one. I'm the kind of heretic that didn't read Shakespeare, sue me.''

They all look at me open mouthed as I go into specific detail about Hermione's life, and then laugh when I get to the end about Shakespeare.

''Well, I think I consider my work here mostly done for now. I recommend you travel to Diagon Alley and buy as many ''factual'' books on magic and magical history as possible.
Be aware that the books sold in the magical world are not held to a neutral and unbiased standard. They are effectively fictional half the time and wary depending on the country or political group you buy from. It's almost impossible to get undisputed facts out of magical books. Any rule or fact you think exists because you read it either has multiple versions or its simply lies to push a specific agenda. The books from the magical world even with their faults, are great guidelines and a good basis for what most people think and believe in the magical world, and I highly recommend reading as much as possible.
Again, I can't stress this enough, anything found in wizarding books are to be taken with a pound of salt. I recently found out I'm famous in the Magical World, and the official story is complete nonsense. If you get to reading about it when you go through some history books I'll give my side of the story. But that's a talk for another time. I've got to get home to my pet snake and get her some dinner soon.''

''You have a pet snake?'' Emma asked.

''Yes, she's an Occamy that I named Lilith. It's a magical snake that has wings and plumage, a beak like a bird, and lays silver eggs. She's very nice and likes to rest around my neck.''

After some more back and forth I explain how to find Diagon Alley, that they need to exchange Pounds into Galleons to buy anything, and finally that I would like to meet with them again later when I am not busy like today. I then quickly explained owls and how magicals use them to send mail and that's how they could contact me or basically anyone else in the magical world, or how you receive a to wizarding newspaper if you subscribe to one.

'I'm pretty sure I sold Mrs Granger on the owl, she seems to want Hermione to have a friend to invite over for once, and I agree. Hermione deserved better than what happened in canon, so hopefully I will be studying and hanging out with her regularly before we go to Hogwarts.'

After my talk at the Granger's house I took the twenty minute walk home and found myself stumped.

'I didn't know that Hermione lived in London. Was that a part of canon or is that a change that's only in this world? Either way it gave me an opportunity and I took it, so I won't complain.'

After I got back home I fed Lilith and gave her some petting and attention, then she went back to sleep. After that I decided I'd been delayed long enough and activated my |Instant Dungeon| skill and found myself back outside of the cave. I walk down the hill past several trees with torchbugs and cicadas lighting up and screaming into the night? day? It's hard to tell and for some reason it's something is bugging me. Like I know where this is and my brain just can't place it. I walk up to the arena. It has carved stone walls in weird geometric patterns and snake imagery is prominently displayed. I find an Archway with what looks like a magical barrier of green light preventing me entry, and there's a pedestal on either side of the opening. As I touch one of the pedestals the green light flickers and my Skeleton Trophy is placed on the pedestal.


|Trophy: Skeleton Skull has been removed from Inventory. 1/2 Keys activated to unlock Boss Fight: Naga.|


|NEW QUEST: Twilight Conqueror|
Defeat all of the Twilight Forest's Major Bosses.
(x) = Objective Incomplete. (o) = Objective Complete.
Objective 1 (x): Naga - Reward - ?
Objective 2 (x): Elder Lich - Reward - ?
Objective 3 (x): Minoshroom Chief - Reward - ?
Objective 4 (x): Hydra - Reward - ?
Objective 5 (x): Knight Phantom Order - Reward - ?
Objective 6 (x): Ur-Ghast - Reward - ?
Objective 7 (x): Alpha Yeti - Reward - ?
Objective 8 (x): Frost Queen - Reward - ?
Objective 9 (x): Sky Giant Lord - Reward - ?
Objective 10(x): Twilight Emperor - Reward - ?

''Oh sweet buggering Christ. I'm in the Twilight f*cking FOREST?!''

I look around in both a mild panic and excitement and notice several hill mounds spread out around the arena. The Twilight Forrest is a deadly place, but this also gives me safety in that I mostly know what I'm up against.

'Alright. It could be worse, I suppose. Now I just have to find the second key, and I'll have to check if I can grind dungeons before attempting to challenge the Naga.'

I make my way towards the nearest mound and circle around it until I find the cave opening, I don't hesitate and enter the darkness of the dungeon. I cast |Light| on my pants, and get to work exploring.


After I enter the cave after a short corridor that curves to the left I quickly find myself inside a big hollow chamber filled with stalactites and stalagmites and large stone pillars that appear to be sprinkled with metals and gemstones. Some even have some more vines with glowing flowers on them that reflect the light off of the ores. It looks absolutely magical. But my astonishment will have to wait as I see several blue furred rat? or dog looking humanoids with leather vests and wooden clubs taking notice of me.

'Ah sh*t! |Observe|!'

Level 5
HP 200
MP 30
EP 0
SP 100

I point my wand towards the group of Kobolds I can see and start firing spells as quickly as I can.



-10 MP
+80 EXP

The first group of Kobolds start running towards me, screaming in high pitched voices.


''|Diffindo| Maxima!''

I panic and fire off an overpowered severing charm draining my MP rapidly but also thinning out the Kobolds considerably by slicing most of them to pieces, but the remaining four are still coming for me and are within striking distance now.

-300 MP
+80 EXP
+80 EXP
+80 EXP
+80 EXP
+80 EXP
+80 EXP
+80 EXP
+80 EXP
+80 EXP
Level Up Available
+80 EXP

I dodge two kobolds lunging at me but the other two hit me once in the leg and once in the chest.

-53 HP
-88 HP


I pull out a kitchen knife from my Inventory and go to stab the Kobold that hit me in the chest.

''|FIRE BLADE|!!!''

The knife bursts into flame and blasts a hole in the Kobold's chest as I stab it killing it instantly.

-10 MP
+80 EXP

I kick one of the Kobolds trying to hit me and back up quickly, making sure the remaining three Kobolds can't get behind me. The three Kobolds charge at me with rage in their beady eyes and as they get within range I cast |Sword Burst|.

''|Sword Burst|!''

Seven spectral swords spin around me and decapitates two of the kobolds, and cuts the final one in two at the waist as it tries to jump at me. The cave settles, and the echoes of fighting starts to fade.

-25 MP
+80 EXP
+80 EXP
+80 EXP

'sh*t! That was intense! I couldn't sneak up on the Kobolds like I could with the dumb skeletons from the starter dungeon. I suppose getting a taste of combat in a lower risk enviroment like this is better than trying to fight Death Eaters when I'm still extremely new to fighting. I'm going to guess that was only the first group of enemies because this cavern is huge. I think I can get used to this, though. I never knew kicking ass and taking names could feel so good.'

|Do you want to loot Kobold x15 Y/N?|



|x11 Gold Nugget added to Inventory. x18 Wheat added to Inventory.|

'Level Up.'


Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 11
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 11/100 |Next Level: 12 - 1200 EXP Required|
HP: 500/500
MP: 500/500
EP: 100/100
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
EXP - |450|

'I'll keep increasing my Int for now..'

MP: 600/600

'Alright. Tier 2 Spells, huh? The first few choices are always the most important. I'll go back to the tunnel and hide while I look over the new spell list...'

NEW! Tier 2 Spell - |Mage Armor| - You touch a willing creature who isn’t wearing armor, and a protective magical force surrounds it for 8 Hours. The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell. Costs 150 MP to cast.

'This one seems the most helpful right now.'

''|Mage Armor|''

As if light suddenly became solid my body is now covered in a thin layer of multi-coloured, but primarily white light.

'It's so pretty! it looks like a heatwave mixed with the reflections of a prism. Neat.'

I make my way back into the cavern and keep exploring and fighting Kobolds for the next seven hours. I level up 16 more times and gain a couple of Perks, apparently there are Perks for Stats every 100 Points you invest into it.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 27
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 27/100 |Next Level: 28 - 2800 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000
MP: 1000/1000
EP: 100/100
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
EXP - |580|

Increases Mana Efficiency.
Increases your ability to comprehend concepts.
Increases your intuition.
Increases your Mana Point Regeneration by 1 per point of Wisdom.

Skill - |Occlumency ★★☆☆☆| - Mind Arts Skill used to shield your mind, repel Legilimency probes, and organize memories. Rank 2/5: Perk - |Immovable Memory| - Your memories can not be removed or altered magically.

Int Perk 1/10 - |War Caster| - You can cast spells without a spellcasting focus, even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.

Con Perk 1/10 - |Durable| - Increases HP from 1 to 2 per point, and Increases HP Regeneration from 1 to 2 per point of Constitution.

Tier 2 Spell - |Absorb Elements| - When you are hit with magic, this spell captures some of the incoming energy, lessening its effect on you and storing it for your next melee attack. Your next successful hit with a melee weapon deals additional damage of the corresponding spell type's element you absorbed. Costs 100 MP to cast.

Tier 2 Spell - |Magic Missile| - You create three glowing darts of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within 120 Metres. Costs 70 MP to cast

Tier 2 Spell - |Unseen Servant| - This spell creates an invisible, mindless, shapeless, force that performs simple tasks at your command for 1 Hour. The servant springs into existence in an unoccupied space on the ground within 60 Metres. The servant can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do, such as fetching things, cleaning, mending, folding clothes, lighting fires, serving food, and pouring wine. Once you give the command, the servant performs the task to the best of its ability until it completes the task, then waits for your next command. Costs 100 MP to cast.

Tier 2 Spell - |Comprehend Languages| - For 1 hour, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. You also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are written. It takes about 1 minute to read one page of text. Costs 80 MP to cast.

Tier 2 Spell - |Detect Magic| - For 10 Minutes, you sense the presence of magic within 30 Metres of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any. The spell can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 30 Centimetres of stone, 5 Centimetres of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 1 Metre of wood or dirt. Costs 110 MP to cast.

Tier 2 Spell - |Identify| - You choose one object that you must touch throughout the casting of the spell. If it is a magic item or some other magic-imbued object, you learn its properties and how to use them, whether it requires attunement to use, and how many charges it has, if any. You learn whether any spells are affecting the item and what they are. If the item was created by a spell, you learn which spell created it. If you instead touch a creature throughout the casting, you learn what spells, if any, are currently affecting it. Costs 120 MP to cast.

Tier 2 Spell - |Sleep| - This spell sends creatures within 30 Metres into a magical slumber for 1 Minute. Each creature affected by this spell falls unconscious until the spell ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Undead and creatures immune to being charmed aren’t affected by this spell. Costs 140 MP to cast.

Tier 2 Spell - |Shield| - For 10 seconds an invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you from both magical and physical damage, and you take no damage from 'magic missile' type spells. Costs 70 MP to cast.

Tier 2 Spell - |Illusory Script| - You write on parchment, paper, or some other suitable writing material and imbue it with a potent illusion that lasts for 10 Days. To you and any creatures you designate when you cast the spell, the writing appears normal, written in your hand, and conveys whatever meaning you intended when you wrote the text. To all others, the writing appears as if it were written in an unknown or magical script that is unintelligible. Alternatively, you can cause the writing to appear to be an entirely different message, written in a different hand and language, though the language must be one you know. Should the spell be dispelled, the original script and the illusion both disappear. A creature with truesight can read the hidden message. Costs 150 MP to cast.

Tier 3 Spell - |Spider Climb| - For 1 Hour one willing creature you touch gains the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving its hands free. The target also gains a climbing speed equal to its walking speed. Costs 200 MP to cast.

Tier 3 Spell - |Locate Object| - For 10 Minutes you can describe or name an object that is familiar to you. You sense the direction to the object’s location, as long as that object is within 1 Kilometre of you. If the object is in motion, you know the direction of its movement. This spell can’t locate an object if any thickness of lead, even a thin sheet, blocks a direct path between you and the object. Costs 150 MP to cast.

Tier 3 Spell - |Magic Weapon| - You touch a nonmagical weapon, for 1 Hour that weapon becomes magical with all of the capabilites of a Magic Weapon. This includes the ability to damage incorporeal creatures such as Ghosts, Wraiths, and Air Elementals. The weapon will never lose durability when it's under the effect of this spell. Costs 250 MP to cast.

Tier 3 Spell - |Rope Trick| - For 1 Hour when you touch a length of rope that is up to 50 Metres long, one end of the rope then rises into the air until the whole rope hangs perpendicular to the ground. At the upper end of the rope, an invisible entrance opens to an extradimensional space that lasts until the spell ends. The extradimensional space can be reached by climbing to the top of the rope. The space can hold as many as eight Medium or smaller creatures. The rope can be pulled into the space, making the rope disappear from view outside the space. Attacks and spells can’t cross through the entrance into or out of the extradimensional space, but those inside can see out of it as if through a 9-Metre-by-9-Metre window centered on the rope. Costs 275 MP to cast.

Tier 3 Spell - |Shadow Blade| - For 1 Minute You weave together threads of shadow to create a sword of solidified gloom in your hand. If you drop the weapon or throw it, it dissipates and reappears in your hand if you command it to return. Deals Psychic damage. Costs 200 MP to cast.

Tier 3 Spell - |Misty Step| - Briefly surrounded by silvery mist, you teleport up to 30 Metres to an unoccupied space that you can see. Costs 150 MP to cast.

Tier 3 Spell - |Augury| - By casting gem-inlaid sticks, rolling dragon bones, laying out ornate cards, or employing some other divining tool, you receive an omen from an otherworldly entity about the results of a specific course of action that you plan to take within the next 30 minutes. Weal for good results, Woe for bad results, Weal and Woe for both good and bad resutlts, and Nothing for results that aren't especially good or bad. The spell doesn’t take into account any possible circ*mstances that might change the outcome, such as the casting of additional spells or the loss or gain of a companion. Costs 250 MP to cast.

Finally, as I kill the last Kobold I get several notifications from the system.

|CONGRATULATIONS! You have cleared Medium Hollow Hill: Kobold Cavern.|

|Trophy: Kobold Club has been added to Inventory.|

As I let out a sigh of relief a wooden chest appeared in front of me.

|Loot Dungeon Chest Y/N?|


|x1 Moonworm Queen, x50 Torchberry Seeds, x9 Torchberries|

'That's cool. I already have methods of creating magical light but not from long range yet. The Moonworm Queen appears to be a magical construct more than a creature.. When I use |Observe| on it, it won't show me anything other than its name and it moves exactly as I want it to with my thoughts..
Oh well, I won't overthink it. It just works. I'll return home for now, I didn't realise until I just finished clearing the dungeon but god damn, I'm starving..'

I make my way out of the dungeon and return to Grimmauld Place to find a very panicked Bill pacing in my living room.

''Oh, hey Bill what's up?''



''..I checked for the coin with the tracker spell I gave you yesterday at work and no matter when I checked, it didn't respond. I was thinking someone got to you, at worst the Rat or Dumbledore. Don't scare me like that, Anne! How did you even apparate like that?!''

''You wouldn't believe me if I told you?''

''Try me.''

''I have the ability to generate a pocket dimension in which monsters appear and when I kill them I get rewards and grow in power.''

''..You're right, I don't believe you. Stop messing with me Anne! And how are you making your body glow like that?''

''No, I'm being serious. Look.. I may not have been entirely upfront about how I got my visions and what happened for me to get them, and this is one of the benefits of that situation. It was a rather hectic night and the truth is even crazier than you could possibly imagine. Also, the glowing is a full body shield spell.''

I dismiss my mage armor.

''I've never even heard of a magical ability that insane, where would the monsters even come from?!''

''I don't know. Magic? Here, check out some the loot I've gotten.''

I take out several Flint Arrows and bundles of wheat, from Bill's perspective, seemingly out of nowhere.

''WHAT THE?!.. You're serious? What did you fight to get bundles of hay? A scarecrow?''

''Kobolds, actually.''


''Yeah, small humanoid blue furred rat-dog things.''

''....You're going to give me hair loss if not outright send me to an early grave, Hadrianne Lily Potter.''

''I'm sorry?''

''..It's fine, so long as you're safe.. But I want an explanation about your strange magical abilities.''

''That's fine, but first can I make some food? I'm starving. OH! also, after food we need to go to St. Mungos. I've got a patient I want to visit.''

''Alright.. So, did anything important happen today besides fighting those.. ''Kobolds''?''

''Yes, actually. After my shopping trip in the muggle world I coincidentally walked into Hermione's parents, so now they know about magic a year earlier than last time.''

''I see.''

''I also sent a letter to Remus with Hedwig this morning asking for him to meet up with me under my Prongslet alias and for him to give me a location to meet up at in his reply. Whenever the reply arrives that will be on the agenda next.''

''Anything else?''

''Don't think so, no. Now, I'm going to make some food. Do you want some?''

Bill looks at me exasperated and then smiles awkwardly.

''Alright, if you're offering..''

Bill flinches and mutters under his breath as I put my dungeon loot back into my Inventory and teleport with |Misty Step| silently across the living room to get to the kitchen faster.

''Merlin, that girl will kill me if this keeps up..''

I start making homemade burger patties. I bought store made buns though, I'm too lazy to bake buns. With the help of my trusty Mage Hand and my Unseen Servant moving things around and cutting ingredients I finish making two mixed pork and beef cheeseburgers very quickly. Three extra hands to make two burgers is cheating. I thought about adding bacon but it would be overkill, honestly. Also I wanted to keep my bacon for breakfasts to go with eggs and to feed to Hedwig. Bill was standing in the doorway looking at me preparing the meal with extreme speed and when I was done and turned around he looked at me wide eyed.

''Here, your burger. Take your plate to the table, please.''

I walk past him with a floating burger plate towards the dining room table after handing him his plate.

''..What even was that! How can you prepare food so quickly? Mum would've loved that, and immediately demand you teach her your cooking spells. That took five minutes at most, you didn't even use a wand..''

''Eat your food first, young Padawan. I'll do my best to explain later.''

''...Alright, then....This actually tastes really good for how quickly you made it..''

After eating dinner I look up to an expectant Bill and start explaining how my powers work and where they came from.

''Thanks for the food. Now, can I have some answers?''

''Sure, do you want the long version, or the short version? If you ask for the long version it will probably make you question your entire existence, my sanity, and I can almost guarantee you won't like knowing the truth.''

''..Long version.''

''Don't tell me later I didn't warn you. Are you aware of the concept of Reincarnation?''

''Yes? It means to be reborn in a new life after death? I suppose whether or not you one could ever remember past lives is up for deba- .. You remember a past life, don't you? Who are you?''

''I was just a regular human man, but the problem is that the Earth I lived my first life on isn't this Earth. There was no magic on my old Earth. Atleast as far as I know.''

''So you were a muggle man in your past life? Of course you wouldn't know about magic then.''

Bill seems to be getting pretty tense at this point and looks at me with slight distrust.

''It's not that simple.''

''What do you mean?''

''Are you aware of the concept of a Multiverse?''

''Multiverse? Do you mean like.. Alternate timelines?''

''Not quite. Sure there can be multiple timelines in a Universe. a Multiverse is not just alternate timelines, it's alternate universes. Some with different laws of physics and some where entirely conceptual things exist.''

''I don't get what you mean, so people could just fly where you came from at will or something?''

''No. Gravity and Earth history is mostly the same, atleast from the muggle side when compared to my original Earth. The reason why I know magic as you know it atleast, didn't exist back in my original universe is because my favorite book series as a child was called 'Harry Potter'.''


''Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Those were the titles for the books this Universe was based upon back in my original universe. It's a real place with real people now, not just a series of children's novels.''


''Exactly my reaction, too. I found out I had died in my sleep and I found myself inside a void with a fictional goddess named Aqua who was wondering if I wanted to start over without my memories. Long story short, I threw a bit of a fit and I ended up in the Harry Potter Universe as a female version of Harry with my past life's memories. Harry Potter was just a fictional book series where I came from.''

''..Are you a spirit possessing Anne?'' Bill points his wand at me.

I hold up my hands and look at Bill in the eyes.

''No. I didn't even know what I was seeing was real as it was happening at first. I am Hadrianne Lily Potter in this life, not a spirit taking over the body. My past life's memories just came back to me when my soul finished synchronizing with my new body a couple of days ago.''

''....I see.''

Bill lowers his wand and looks at me questioningly and nods for me to continue.

''I deliberately came here by reincarnating myself. I thought it was real, but also not real at the same time. Atleast subconsciously. I didn't completely believe it was all real until I woke up this morning and realised it wasn't a dream.''

''So the reason you know about future events is because you've.. Read fictional books about the magical world?''

''Correct. I also watched the eight movie adaptations of those books. They split the final book into two movies. That's not the point. The point is I was given a second chance at life and I halfway believed it to be true and then decided to go save people that were characters I connected with instead of forgetting who I was.''

''Who were you, then?''

''I don't remember my previous name, but I remember everything else as far as I know. I wasn't someone of importance. I was a very depressed and broken young man that existed to survive and didn't actually live my life. I was a shut in. I didn't talk to people more than I had to. I didn't have a job.
I lived like I was retired and I didn't feel like I had a purpose in my life. I didn't do anything with my life other than distract myself with reading books trying not to be constantly depressed. Other than not dying and making my mother sad, I didn't feel like I had a reason to exist.''

''So.. Either you are insane, or you're some sort of seer that sees impossible things that sometimes turns out to be real, or...''

''We're book characters?''

''Alright, you're not making the whole ''you're not crazy'' thing any more likely.''

''Look, it doesn't matter if reality is a concept someone wrote into a book in some other universe or not, atleast not to me. I think, therefore I am. If you believe you exist, you do. That's all that matters.''

''I guess.. But that still doesn't explain your strange magical abilities. What happened?''

''Back when I was performing the ''ritual'' to reincarnate myself I had the option of taking a soul-bound item or power with me along with my memories, so I did. My power is to Level Up and interract with the world as if I am a Role Playing Game Character.''

''I know what those words mean individually, but not strung together randomly like that?''

''Have you ever played a video game?''

''What's a vee-dee-o?''

''Right.. Muggles have made advancements in technology that replicate the effects of magic, to some degree. This is true even for this Universe even at this point in time. In my old Universe I was actually born in the 2010s, not the 1980s. So, things are different just because this is the past from my perspective..''

''That doesn't explain what vee-dee-o is, Anne.''

''Sorry, how do I put this.. It's like those moving pictures that wizards can make, except you can make them interractive. You can control a virtual character and make it do specific tasks or actions in a game with a machine. Role playing games, or RPGs for short, started to become popular in the 1970s and at first it was effectively just pen, paper, and a rule system based on numbers written down in books to simulate a different world where you could play pretend be someone else.''

''Right. I don't understand most of it, but is it like a novel with multiple choices and endings?''

''Almost exactly like a novel with multiple choices, yes. It's just a visual version, and it has some element of skill or problem solving along with it being something you actively interract with.''

''And what does ''level up'' mean?''

''To Level Up refers to have your character grow in power. To have a game with mechanics and rules that make sense it has to be quantified to be able to be meassured. To simplify it, a level one character is weaker than a level two character.''

''..I see. I mean, I don't see but I'm trying to wrap my head around this madness and I don't think I can.''

''I get it. The only reason I'm not losing my mind is because it was a very popular genre of book to have people reincarnate into new worlds or have the ability to grow in power with Levels back in my old universe.''

''..So. How powerful are you right now? Only powerful people like Dumbledore can cast magic without a wand.''

''I'm not powerful enough to where I'd feel comfortable fighting a war nearly on my own yet, but I am getting there. On a scale of zero to one hundred I'm at twenty seven. Also, that's wrong. You don't need to be powerful to cast wandless magic.''


''There's lines about the Wizarding World from the Harry Potter books that mention Ougadou, it's an African magical school that teaches magic casting by simply pointing their fingers or making hand gestures. Assuming it still exists in this universe that means that magic is not inherently locked behind the use of a focus, and even you can learn to do it.''


''Really. I don't blame you for not knowing history when Dumbledore left Binns as your history teacher. Forget about the DADA curse, the history position being occupied by Binns has done more damage to magical Britain than that curse ever did.''

''...It's a bit sad that someone claiming to be from another universe knows more about my universe's history than me..''

''Not your fault, Bill. It's just one more of the many sins I lay upon Dumbledore's feet I'm afraid. There's nothing inherently wrong about a ghost teaching history, either. Just don't use a ghost that retains dementia and an old body into their unlife.
Nearly-headless Nick would have been great as a history teacher considering all the events he's been around for, if it was about money issues and not simply to keep the population ignorant of their history then someone like Nick would be the teacher instead.''

''That's.. A disturbingly good point. Your whole Dark Lord Dumbledore theory is getting more and more convincing the more I hear and think about it.''

''I always thought the author didn't treat Dumbledore as a character in the books and more like a plot device. All he does is show up and do things to move the plot forwards occasionally or he keeps secrets that ends up killing people later because they didn't know something important. They were children's books that got progressively darker as they went on, and it just makes Dumbledore look like a psychopath in retrospect, which he probably is unless things have changed from the books.''

''Everything you've told me about so far has been the same though? Like with the rat and the locket you got from Kreacher?''

''Yes, but I'm Anne Potter, not Harry Potter. There's bound to be some changes as a consequence of that. Those one and a half years I lived with the Potters as a baby would have gone down slightly differently. Are you aware of the concept of the Butterfly Effect?''

''No, I can't say that I am..''

''Right. Essentially it means that if you change one small thing in the past it will cascade and turn into severe changes later. As an example, what would have changed in the first timeline if Harry's, or in this case my wand, wasn't the wand with a twin core of Tom's wand?''

''......No severe changes until the graveyard, but small ones..Then you'd be hit with the killing curse and die since priori incantatem didn't activate.. And then, if you're lucky, the Horcrux would have been killed instead of you and may or may not have still escaped. Since you weren't the master of death at that time in this hypothetical scenario it could have also left your body possessed with a second you-know-who...''

''Exactly. Conversations would have been different back then after my birth because I'm female and not male. Actions could diverge from this change alone. The consequences could be non-existent in the long run or massive, we don't know yet. So far there hasn't been any noticable changes, though.''

''That's a good point.. Wait, how did you get rid of the Horcrux?''

''When I received my memories my body healed from its malnourished state and I think I somehow absorbed the soul shard whilst expelling Tom's consciousness. Harry in the books couldn't speak to snakes afterwards but I still can. I know what makes it a Horcrux is gone, though.''

''How do you know?''

''I can't feel the pressure on my forehead from it anymore like I could from my memories as Anne without my past life's memories, and my ability to Level Up tells me I absorbed it to be able to use Parseltongue when I look at my status screen.''

''What's a status screen?''

''It's an image that I can conjure that only I can see, it tells me numerical values for what my power level is, what my spells or skills can do, amongst other things.''

''Right.. If it's gone that's all that matters. I can already see the scar turning pink instead of the blood red it was yesterday, and curse scars aren't supposed to be able to heal..I doubt you-know-who would try to manipulate me like this, so you must still be you and not possessed..''

''Accusing me of being possessed was the logical conclusion for you once, why not now?'' I ask sarcastically.

''..Look, I'm sorry. I was under a lot of stress, I got paranoid, and I wasn't thinking straight for a moment there..''

''It's fine, Bill. I don't blame you for thinking that I was possessed. It would be less weird if it was that simple. I feel more like a merge of Anne and the man from my past life instead of just Anne or just the man anyways. I guess it's like.. realising you're more than what you thought you were one day randomly. Memories do make up most of what we are, after all..''

''..This has been a very weird couple of days, Anne. Are there any more world shattering revelations or are you done? I don't think I can take much more of this..''

''Yes. We need to go to St. Mungos. I believe that I can cure the Longbottoms.''

''..Alright, how would you even go about doing that? Your scar seems to be healing as a one time deal from your reincarnation.''

''I got a magic item called the Rod Of Greater Restoration from my pocket dimension when I was fighting monsters to get stronger. It regenerates limbs, organs, and removes curses from living creatures. It has limited uses and only regains uses once every four hours. It should be able to cure them, and probably someone that's suffering from Lycanthropy as well. That's one of the reasons I sent Remus that letter, I'm going to try using it on him too.''

''That kind of magic should be impossible! Can I see it?! How does it work?''

''Here, scan it with your charms if you want. It's an enchanted silver Rod with gemstones and crystals. It shouldn't do harm to anyone when it's used.''

I pull out the rod and place it on the table and let Bill cast his diagnostics charms on the Rod.

''This thing is possibly the most powerful item I've ever seen! It shows up as if it's made from pure magic.. I can't even tell what materials or charms it's made from. But it doesn't radiate any negative intent in its magic, atleast from what I can see. So it should be safe..''

''You ready to go? I don't know where in London St. Mungos is so I need a guide. I could take the Knight Bus if you're too busy?''

''No way, I'm seeing you use this thing. I can't tell what it does, but if it does what you say it does.. Well, that changes things drastically for what are acceptable casualties if we have to fight Death Eaters.''

''True, it's a very powerful item. I consider it a game changer to our plans. I got it by chance as a reward for reaching level ten. I can only cast up to Tier 3 Spells right now. The Rod is a magic item capable of Tier 6 magic. If I understand my Status Screen correctly, I think that I could one day become powerful enough to cast Tier 10 Spells. But that's still a long while to go.''

''That thing is only enchanted with half the maximum power potential of your spells?!''

''Slightly above that, but yes. Can we go and try to cure some potential allies now?''

''Fine. I still want a longer explanation for this new type of magic you are learning later though.''

''Alright, I can do that. But if this works I feel like we somehow have to explain what happened in the last ten years to the Longbottoms and what could happen if we don't change things first.''

''Merlin, you're right.. Do we tell them that you've seen visions or about your past life?''

''Don't know, if they get suspicious and question me about the powers and visions like you did I can tell them. I don't mind if they find out. I just need you and them to keep it to yourselves. The last thing I want is for the Unspeakables to catch on to what I know and to start experimenting on me.''

''That's-.. Why did you trust me? I could have turned you in to Dumbledore or the Aurors..''

''Didn't I already tell you the day we met that I remember the you from my ''visions'' and I thought you were a good man? Even as just a book character, I still knew of your actions and trusted you. Now that I've met the real Bill and took that gamble I still don't think that trust was misplaced. That's one of the major things that makes Dumbledore evil in my eyes. His desperate need for control by using secrets in his little schemes. You can't win a war when you're blind, and I won't make you fight one wearing a blindfold. This is a fight for survival and I don't expect literal blind obedience like Dumbledore would. You're not my pawn to use as a sacrifice, you're my ally. And I consider you to be my first friend in this new life. I won't let you or anyone else die or get hurt now that I've got powers to change things. If I can prevent deaths and suffering of innocents by risking my life and killing Death Eaters before they can fight back, then I will.''

''...Thank you, Anne.. Alright, let's go.''

''Indeed, let's commence Operation Lazarus!''

I get up and put the Rod back into my Inventory and make my way outside. I don't hear Bill quietly mutter or see Bill tear up a little as he gets up and follows me.

''The inevitable stress-induced hair loss will be worth your friendship a hundred times over, Anne.. I won't let you down.''

After walking for about thirty minutes we finally made it to ''St. Mungos Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries''. We made our way towards the receptionist and requested access to visit two patients.

''Which floor and which patients?''

''Permanent Spell Damage, their names are Frank and Alice Longbottom.''

''...Very well, what is your relation to the patients?''

''Alice Longbottom is my Godmother, and this man is a family friend.''

''Alright, fourth floor, please return to the ground floor within one hour and sign this document to record your visit.''

She pulls out a box of forms and takes out Janus Thickey Ward Visitation forms and hands it to both of us.

Bill signs his as ''William Arthur Weasley'' and I sign mine as ''Lilian Prongslet''. she takes the documents back and seemingly lets us go without further questions. As Bill and I start walking up the stairs to the fourth floor I whisper to him.

''Honestly, the security in this place is laughable. There wasn't any identity checks or any fuss about two random people just showing up and seeing people in a hospital? These people working desk jobs here must be paid close to nothing or something..''

''What do you mean? You have to sign documents to enter a floor for visitation?''

''And what happens if you sign with an alias, such as ''Lilian Prongslet'' like I did? Seemingly nothing.''

''That's.. Damn, you're right.''

''Guess this explains how that ministry employee got assassinated with Devil's Snare without anyone noticing in the other timeline.''

''Oh yeah.. You did mention that happening... Well, we're here. Let's see if you can make a miracle happen.''

I walk up to the beds where Alice and Frank are sleeping in and take out the Rod and point it at Alice whilst thinking 'I want to remove cruciatus curse damage' and push some magic into the Rod.'

|Use Greater Rod Of Restoration Y/N?|


|-1 Charge. 2/3 Charges remaining.|

The Rod flashes with golden light which then envelops Alice, and she starts groaning. Then her eyes open and she looks around in a panic.

''What?..'' Alice asked the room.

''Oh Merlin, Anne.. You did it...'' Bill looks at me in awe.

''Where am I? Where's Neville?!''

''Alice, you are currently in St. Mungos, and you have been for the last nine years. I just removed the curse damage preventing your brain from functioning which finally restored your consciousness.''

''W-what?!-Where's Neville! I want to see my baby!''

''Neville lives with Augusta Longbottom, his grandmother. He has been visiting you regularly the last nine years.
I will answer all of your questions, but if you look to your left you'll see that Frank is still cursed. I'm going to heal him too, now. Give me a minute.''

|Use Greater Rod Of Restoration Y/N?|


|-1 Charge. 1/3 Charges remaining.|

Another flash of light later and Frank has pretty much the same reaction. I changed back to my normal looks and introduced myself, they calmed down after a few moments and I got them to listen to my story, and then gave them an abridged version of my ''visions''. They didn't seem to care about the ''how'' when I healed them, atleast for now. Then they hugged and thanked me once I was done explaining. They asked for me to meet with them again after they've dealt with Augusta for the damage she inflicted on Neville. I am most likely getting an owl within the next few days, it seems. A very enraged Alice and Frank Longbottom were making their way to Longbottom Hall through a Floo connection provided by the very confused hospital staff, the Longbottoms were notorious and known for being a lost cause set of patients, that now seemingly had made a miracle recovery. Once Bill made sure I got back safe to Grimmauld Place, he apparated back to the Burrow for the night.

'Well, I think I can consider Operation Lazarus as a success. I can't wait to see if Neville will grow a spine by the time he gets to Hogwarts. That poor kid didn't deserve that dragon of a woman as a grandma.. Yeah, he probably had it worse emotionally. I may have suffered under the Dursleys but atleast they didn't pretend to love me or make me into a replacement for a lost loved one, it was all very straight forward and easy to understand. I hope Neville will get the support he deserves now to become the Herbologist he so clearly wants to be.'

I make my way upstairs to my bedroom and meditate for about four hours. After I feel completely rested I consider my next plan of action.

'Should I contact the Lovegoods as soon as possible? I mean, I will need their help with operation Mania.. But before I have saved Sirius it might be risky to involve them.. And Luna's mother died last year. f*ck, why couldn't I have awakened to my future knowledge a year earlier.. I can't save everyone, atleast not for now. If I can multi-class like I think I will be able to, I might be able to acquire Resurrection Magic at some point. However the Experience scaling might make that something that will take many years. I don't know what to do.. I guess the first thing I should do today is use my new Gacha Coin. Kinda forgot about that thing.'

|Consume 'Cacha Coin' Y/N?|



Skill Orb - |Stealth| - Defensive and offensive buff with which you can move unseen and gain increased damage immediately after breaking stealth.

'..Nice! That makes taking Rogue Levels in the future basically pointless for me. Sure it might be better bonuses for things later on but how well could you really hide and deal damage?'

|Consume Skill Orb - |Stealth| Y/N?|


NEW! - Skill |Stealth| - Defensive and offensive buff with which you can move unseen and gain increased damage immediately after breaking stealth. Costs 50 SP per second.

'Well sh*t. Guess there's a pretty heavy downside using it for now. I could probably only use it for about two seconds as I am right now before passing out. But if I do use it carefully for one second it might lead to some nasty critical hits on Bosses..
I'm also accumulating a large amount of Spell Points but it still seems like a waste to level anything.. So far Diffindo has been the most broken spell in my arsenal for combat. But that might just be because it isn't capped at a set MP Cost, range, or shape. That makes it unpredictable. As for my experience with using Tier Magic.. it feels.. Static. It does what it says on the tin and that's it. The HPU Spells seem to be innately malleable.. I wonder what leveling it up would even do? I guess I'll try leveling Diffindo and Mage Hand once just to see what it does..'

|Use x1 Spell Point to Level Up 'Spell - |Diffindo|' Y/N?|


Spell - |Diffindo Level 1/10| - Severing charm, primarily used to prune plants but when overcharged turns into a lethal blade of force.

'...I can't tell what that did, but it seems that spells have less point requirements?'

|Use x1 Spell Point to Level up Mage Hand Y/N?|


Tier 1 Spell - |Mage Hand Level 1/10| - Summons a spectral hand within 30 metres that lasts for 1 Minute. The hand can interract with and carry objects that weighs less than 10kg in a 30 metre radius around the caster. Costs 20 MP to cast.

'Well, that atleast confirms a pattern for the scale in point investment.. I guess ten points per Rank, assuming spells have ranks and isn't simply capped at Level 10 isn't too bad? I'll try maxing Diffindo once.'

|Use x9 Spell Point to Level Up 'Spell - |Diffindo|' Y/N?|


Spell - |Diffindo Level 10/10| - Severing charm, primarily used to prune plants but when overcharged turns into a lethal blade of force.

|Do you wish to Rank Up 'Spell - |Diffindo|' Y/N?|

'..So there are ranks for spells as well, and probably only 50 Points to invest instead of the 500 points for a Skill. Yes.'

Spell - |Diffindo ★☆☆☆☆| - Severing charm, primarily used to prune plants but when overcharged turns into a lethal blade of force. Rank 1/5: Diffindo can now be cast from up to 10 Metres away in any direction within your line of sight. It can not be cast inside an object or a creature.

'...I feel like a dumbass for being paranoid and not testing my powers to their limits. From now on I will endeavor to experiment ruthlessly. That's so f*cking BROKEN, MAN! So I can just place flying blades of force behind someone at will now?! Holy sh*t! It's like a short range Stealth-Guillotine..'

|Use x9 Spell Point to Level up Mage Hand Y/N?|


Tier 1 Spell - |Mage Hand Level 10/10| - Summons a spectral hand within 30 metres that lasts for 1 Minute. The hand can interract with and carry objects that weighs less than 10kg in a 30 metre radius around the caster. Costs 20 MP to cast.

|Do you wish to Rank Up 'Tier 1 Spell - |Mage Hand|' Y/N?|


Tier 1 Spell - |Mage Hand ★☆☆☆☆| - Summons a spectral hand within 30 metres that lasts for 1 Minute. The hand can interract with and carry objects that weighs less than 10kg in a 30 metre radius around the caster. Costs 20 MP to cast. Rank 1/5: Mage Hand can now generate up to two hands at once. Costs an additional 10 MP for the second hand.

'Yep. Leveling Up spells is officially my new favourite hobby. f*ck it, I'll max out Diffindo and Mage Hand. That's only 100 Spell Points which would leave me with 170 as a backup nest egg like I wanted earlier.'

First I max out my Severing charm.

Spell - |Diffindo ★★★★★| - Rank 5/5: Diffindo can now be cast from up to 50 Metres away in any direction within your line of sight. It can not be cast inside an object or a creature. Rank 5 Bonus: You can now create up to 5 blades of force when casting this Spell.


|Added 1 Gacha Coin to Inventory for reaching Maximum Rank with a Spell.|

''..Oh my god...''

'Let me rephrase that. I feel like a MASSIVE dumbass for being paranoid and not testing my powers to their limits. This power system has so many layers that I should probably write this all down so I can explain it better to Bill...'

Then I max out my Mage Hand.

Tier 1 Spell - |Mage Hand ★★★★★| - Summons a spectral hand within 30 metres that lasts for 10 Minutes. The hand can interract with and carry objects that weighs less than 100kg in a 30 metre radius around the caster. Costs 10 MP to cast. Rank 5/5: Mage Hand can now generate up to five hands. Costs an additional 10 MP for each extra hand. Rank 5 Bonus: Increased weight capacity and duration, decreased base MP cost.


|Added 1 Gacha Coin to Inventory for reaching Maximum Rank with a Spell.|

'I guess I should use my Gacha Coins as well.. This has been a productive start to my day.'

|Use Gacha Coin x2 Y/N?|


|Consumable Item - Evil Piece Set Added to Inventory|

Consumable Item - Evil Piece Set - Includes all 16 pieces, 1 King, 1 Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops, 8 Pawns. When consuming the Evil Pieces it grants access to 'DxD: Devil' Racial Class Levels. If the King piece is consumed to turn into a Devil, you gain a random Clan Trait upon reaching Max Level. Maximum Level: 10.

|Summoning Crystal - Yuriko Misaki Added to Inventory|

Summoning Crystal - Yuriko Misaki 'Electric Wave Humanoid: Tackle' - Biotech-Enhanced Human/Kamen Rider

''..OH. MY. GOD!''

'.....Well. That's just a casual ten thousand year lifespan I could attain for myself and up to fifteen other people. That alone changes everything. But then there's the fact that the Gacha Coins seems capable of, if not replicating atleast transporting items from other universes. And that includes transporting people from other universes to this one.. What's to say I can't one day transport myself to other universes at some point?! This is just.. Too much. I need to talk to someone, anyone.. Probably Bill.. There's ethical concerns for me here. What if me summoning people is against their will and I cause damage to their home worlds when their heroes just disappear... Wait a minute, I've got an idea..'

I take out the summoning crystal and cast ''|Observe|'' on it.

|Summoning Crystal|

Summons creatures from across the multiverse, it is not guaranteed the summoned creature is friendly and it is not bound to your will in any way. Picks the first instance found of a creature with matching characteristics of the crystal's description that agrees to travel to another world. Once the creature is summoned it can not return to its original universe without outside interference, the creature will know this before arriving.

'Well, atleast the ethical concerns are out of the way, but if I get a villain or someone I don't who they are in one of these crystals one day, I won't use it without extreme caution and not while I am on a world with other people that might get killed in the crossfire.. I'll still wait for Bill to get his opinion on summoning Tackle. From what little I remember from Kamen Rider Stronger, she sacrificed herself for Stronger in the fight against a general from Black Satan, which leads him to get his Charge Up form in the aftermath of that fight. It's been many years since I watched Showa Era Kamen Rider.. I didn't finish most of them. And I was either high or drunk at the time for most of it. Atleast I know the general gist of the show and her story, so she should be safe to summon.. I don't think any version of Tackle with the moniker of ''Kamen Rider'' could be evil. Atleast not without special circ*mstances like brainwashing.'

I made my way downstairs, got cleaned up, and and then went to check on Lilith. She seemed really happy with her new life, all things considered. The rooms and halls are tall enough to fly in comfortably and she barely needs me to feed her because of the rampant doxy and mouse infestation in the house. Then I started to to go through some of the chests I got from my vault at Gringotts. There was more than a couple of trunks filled with Books, presumably from past generations of Potters. As I went and started sorting through it all. There was some overlap with the books I bought at Flourish & Blotts, but only 45 of them was the exact same edition. All in all my confirmed collection of books was increasing rapidly and now I sat at a solid 5533 Unique Books, 277 of those books were past editions and edited texts of several other books.

'It seems that censorship is blatant in any universe and retroactive updates to books is not a concept only found on my old Earth. Sneaky little sh*ts. I think I will go visit the Grangers and give them my doubles of any books they don't own. If I can I should try to find the official law records and not just second hand information found in books for Wizarding Britain and see if the laws are as insane as the culture is. And better yet, see if I can't find loopholes and work as loosely with the system as possible. From my experience so far the store owners don't get held to account for crimes commited by customers who purchased something there. There doesn't seem to be a concept of Identification papers in the magical world. There is registration of magical signatures and wands, but from what I can gleam from some of these texts, well.. It seems that it only takes accurate results when the person is standing inside a specific ward that checks for registered magical signatures. They can't just show up to a crime scene and scan for the magical signature and catch their culprit by looking them up on a registry. It doesn't work like that, sadly.. and even if a wand shows positive for illegal spells, that could obviously be cast by someone else. There's precedent for that in canon, so I don't really get the idea of wand registration and ''priori incantatio'' checks being all that useful in investigating crimes. Of course, that's with the lens of someone operating in good faith. This all seems to be blatant loopholes to get off the hook for ilicit activities made by the pureblood elite. No accountability, no checks and balances, how amusingly blunt it all seems if you just read between the lines...'

After I spent about six hours reading and sorting my thousands of books, I heard a tapping noise coming from the window.
I walk up to the window and see Hedwig outside waiting to be let in. I quickly open the window to let her in and greet her.

''Hello Hedwig! You're back earlier than I expected. I'll get started on breakfast now and get you some bacon, in the meantime have this treat.''

''Hoot! Hoot!''

I hand Hedwig an owl treat and pet her for a couple of seconds after I untie the reply from her leg. She flies off to her perch as I leave for the kitchen. I cast Mage Hand and command the five hands to start making two eggs fried eggs along with several pieces of bacon. Then I lean against the wall and open the reply from Remus and start reading.

'Dear Prongslet, assuming the first letter is not some prank or someone else taunting me, I will be in London by the time you read this reply. I will stay lodged at the Leaky Cauldron for three days, if no one shows up within that time I will assume it was just an almost impossibly well informed malicious actor. On the off chance the first letter was real and I really am speaking to who you say you are, come to find me as soon as possible. - Moony'

'Well, it doesn't seem to be a trap and if he's not simply acting out of caution rather than malice I can't see it. I doubt Dumbledore has even gotten wind of my disappearance yet.
The Dursleys would probably simply rejoice at my disappearance and hush up their robbery for fear of being seen as poor. And even if he somehow got a message from Mrs Figg, the old goat is spread too thin with three full time Jobs.
He may delegate a bunch of that work to his lackeys but he's still probably on a one or two week delay in any of his actions. I also seriously doubt he would search in the Magical World to find me.. He could have made some outside form of tracking using my blood at some point that didn't get removed, so he might become a problem faster than I think, but it's highly unlikely.. Although, even unlikely is not impossible. I'll look into finding the fidelius charm from within my books. I could probably ask Bill if he knows of a book that has the details on its incantation. Even IF Dumbledore can find me, at this point he's already too late. He would have to keep me under a mind control spell or potion constantly. My mind can't be wiped anymore and I can't be confunded into thinking something isn't real. If he has to keep me under a curse constantly people will eventually notice it. He could try to kill me, but I doubt he would risk that since he believes in his interpretation the Prophecy so fervently. It has consumed his mind for a decade and that kind of obsession doesn't disappear overnight.. He might try to bargain with me, though.'

By this point my Bacon and Eggs were done, so I scooped it up onto a plate and made my way back into the living room. I fed Hedwig two pieces, Lilith was interested in what human food was like so I fed her one of my five remaning pieces of bacon.
Apparently Lilith didn't mind the taste, but didn't like the fact that it was so crunchy without any squishy. Not that me or Hedwig mind her opinion, more bacon for us.

After the food break I kept up organising my inventory and realised that I was finally done with books. Atleast those from the first five expanded chests. There was still five more to go through, but when I peeked in them it seemed they held primarily other things. One of the extra things I found in one of the trunks from the first five chests was a Pensieve.

'I really need to go buy a Notebook or something to keep track of everything I have in my inventory.. Sure I can just keep it all stashed inside of expanded chests with expanded trunks in them like I already do, but knowing what I have at hand at all times seems really helpful and necessary in the long run.
Who knows what helpful trinkets my ancestors left behind in this veritable dragon's hoard. So far just glancing over the contents it seems to be most of what I would have expected to find at Potter Manor. There was a chest that just had giant bookshelves with the Potter Crest engraved on them and filled with books. Seems like even if my Ancestral Home got burned down in this timeline James was smarter than I thought and moved the items from the property when he went into hiding with Lily. Either that or Dumbledore hadn't robbed me completely blind yet and was slowly emptying my vault of items and that's why in canon the only thing described in the vault was Money laying in piles on the floor. I hope it was simply his arrogance and he hadn't taken anything yet because he assumed he could later. Or if my theory is correct this might be a butterfly effect from me being female instead of male in this timeline. Actions would have diverged and if they thought about storing heirlooms and general items found in Potter Manor should the worst happen, that could have definitely happened and Dumbledore simply didn't know about it.'

As I was lost in thought contemplating the implications of my situation, a thing that happens more often than I'd like recently, I heard someone enter the house. I quickly put away the chests into my Inventory and start buffing myself.

'|Mage Armor|, |Spider Climb|,|Shadow Blade|.'

I then as quietly as possible walk up the side of the wall and onto the ceiling above the door leading into the living room and wait for the person to enter the room. I hear footsteps coming towards the door and as it opens I see Bill walking into the room. I cast observe on him and then let out a sigh of relief.

|William Arthur Weasley|
HP 300
MP 500
EP 50
SP 200

''Good god, Bill. You freaked me out for a second there. You're here early today.''

I say whilst walking down the wall much to Bill's shock. I then banish the Shadow Blade and Mage Armor as I get to the floor.

''Are you some kind of vampire or something?! How-I just-.. Anne, we really need to talk about your new spells. Also, it's Saturday which means I don't go to work today, I came over after breakfast at home.''

''I can see that.. If you were wondering the whole walking against the force of gravity, that was a Tier 3 Spell called Spider Climb. Rather self explanatory. I think it's rather useful.''

''Right.. Spider Climb. That's terrifying.''

''Good. Now, there has been a few new things happening since last night. Number one, I got a reply from Remus, he's staying at the Leaky Cauldron for three days and if I don't show up he'll assume it was a prank letter. Number two, I have some more world shattering revelations about my Level Up powers. Apparently those rewards that gave me the Rod of Greater Restoration can also either recreate or transport items from other universes. It can also give me crystals that transport people from other universes into this one.''


''Whenever I Level Up ten times, or I can upgrade spells to their maximum level as I learn them, I get Coins that when I consume them using my status screen gives me items.''

''No, I heard you.. But uh, why is that important? Did you get something dangerous for me to look at?''

''Not dangerous per se, just.. It could be if it was in the wrong hands. To explain I need to give some context, there's another book series I read back on.. From now on I'll refer to my old universe as Terra, and this world as Earth. So anyways back on Terra I read a book series and much like this one it had a secret society hidden in plain view from regular humans. Instead of it just being magic that's real, it was instead that the Supernatural World was real. The Biblical God and his Angels, The Norse Gods, Egyptian Gods, Greek Gods, Fallen Angels, Devils, Yokai, Dragons with above human intelligence.. All of that and more was literally real. It wasn't just magicals being worshipped as gods in muggle myths but they were real entities and organizations.''

''That's bloody terrifying!''

''Quite. One of the items I got as a reward was a set of Chess Pieces called ''Evil Pieces''. Now, even as omminous that name suggests them to be it isn't actually all that bad. It's not an inherently evil item funnily enough. If you consume one of the Pieces by pushing it into your chest it turns you into a Devil. Now, these Devils are not red skinned fire breathing demonic monsters as you'd think when you hear Devil. They're essentially just Humans with a ten thousand year lifespan, extremely low fertility rates, bat wings which are retractable, and magical powers similar to ours. There are some really evil pieces of sh*t Devils in the story, as well as just regular good people that just so happen to be Devils. Devils usually are a bit eccentric, though. Since they had low fertility rates, one of the Devil rulers, what they call the ''Four Great Satans'' called Ajuka Beelzebub created the Evil Pieces to try and fix their population problems after a massive war amongst the three biblical factions, and then a Devil civil war, by allowing Devils to convert humans and other supernatural races into Devils. It would allow a ''Pureblood Devil'', yes they have the same blood supremacy thing that we do in that world but for Devils, to create a peerage of Reincarnated Devils to serve under them, and eventually the Reincarnates would gain their own peerage to command.
One evil Devil made a hobby of ''seducing'' Nuns for lack of a better word, and then forcefully converting them into Devils using some of his Evil Pieces after they got excommunicated from the church due to his manipulations. He then proceeded to rape and torture them violently until he was killed later in the story. Another Devil in the story simply offered humans on the verge of death that she came across the ability to join her race, and in exchange for their service to eventually get a peerage of their own. She needed help her with a ''Rating Game'' which was why she wanted to create a peerage. A rating game is simply a form of Devil Dueling, used to settle disputes. She was stuck in a Betrothal Contract with another Pureblood Devil she did not wish to marry that was set up by her parents, so to get around it, if she won a Rating Game against his Peerage, she could nullify the contract. The story was very clichë like that. But these things are real now. I could become a Devil and live for ten thousand years, along with up to fifteen other people.''

''That's.. What are you asking me?''

''Nothing. Atleast for now. I don't intend to become a Devil until after I Level Up from 27 to 100 in my Wizard Class, in case I can't Multi-Class. To Multi-Class means to Level Up as something else at the same time. Wizard is the name of my spellcasting class, not a gendered term as it is in the magical world. My status screen says to max out the Devil Racial Class, it requires 10 Levels. If I am capped to 100 Levels I want all of them to be Wizard Levels, if I can Multi-Class however.. Then I shall seriously consider it. I just felt like informing you beforehand in case I stop.. you know, aging.''

''Right. Yes, that's uh.. Certainly good to know. In the event that you are able to ''Mull-tea Class'' and decide to become a ''Devil'' are there any downsides? I'm not hearing any.''

''There are some, but nothing major. If you are a young, and therefore weak Devil, you feel a slight pain and flinch upon hearing words like ''God'' or ''Christ'' or by reading the Bible, and praying to the Biblical God. You will become weaker to Divine spells such as Holy Magic like.. Light Spears wielded by Angels. Which don't exist in this world. And of course the most significant downside is being under the rule of a Pureblood Devil for a couple of centuries. But since I would be ''Reincarnating'' under my own authority.. Well. No major downsides that can't be overcome with items or enough power in the long run. Considering being a Level 100 Wizard should remove all of those weaknesses, effectively no downsides, no.''

''Merlin's saggy balls..''

''Not to ruin your day further with more headaches but the next issue is more relevant and pressing.''

''What is it this time?''

''Well, much like the Evil Pieces, I gained a second Item. This one is called a Summoning Crystal, I mentioned it earlier if you can remember.''

''Yes.. Yes, you said you can summon people from other universes?''

''Indeed. This particular Summoning Crystal will summon a character I know from a Superhero story. Are you aware of what those are, generally speaking?''

''..I am not aware of the term but super being another word for superior and Hero makes it rather self explanatory I guess? So it's a Hero like from a book?''

''Pretty much. I didn't know of her from a Book but a Television Show, but I don't expect you to know what that means if you don't know what a Video is.''

''I don't.''

''I figured. Anyways the person I can summon is called Yuriko Misaki. She's a young Japanese woman from the year 1975 on another alternate Earth. In her universe an evil organization by the name of ''Black Satan'' was set on the path of world domination, and abducted people to perform experiments on them to try and make super soldiers to use as living weapons.
She was one of the abductees and the technology they used on her has biologically and technologically enhanced her strenght to Inhuman levels. She escaped after being experimented on and decided to fight against Black Satan and their agenda.
She has the ability to Transform into the ''Electric-Wave Humanoid'' known as ''Tackle''. Now, I don't expect you to know what most of those words mean, but essentially she could be a useful ally if we do decide to summon her.''

''Right.. How do you know she would even listen to you?''

''I don't. The Summoning Crystal states that the summoned creature is not bound to my will and isn't guaranteed to be friendly, only that the creature in question will know and consent to being transported to a new world.''

''Do you think it's safe to summon her?''

''It should be, yes. She was a hero that died to save her friend, another hero that has the same name of the story she's a character from called ''Kamen Rider Stronger''. I don't know from when in her story she'll be summoned, but according to the crystal it should be after she gets her powers.''

''..I see. I can tell being around you will keep breaking my idea of what's possible. How do you manage to do it several times a day?! Morgana's floppy tit* I'm going to lose my mind... Alright. If you think it's safe to summon her, do it. I was getting a bit worried about being one of the only ones in the know about your ''visions'', now we've got potentially Remus and the Longbottoms to help out, but we'd probably need more people than that to break into Azkaban.. So yeah, if you think it's safe, I vote we do it.''

''Alright, here goes nothing..''

I take out the Summoning Crystal from my Inventory and hold it up for Bill to see.

''sh*t, by the way, I assume you don't know Japanese?''

''Erm, no. Is that going to be a problem?''

''Not really, no. I just need to cast a spell on myself called Comprehend Languages first so I can understand her if she doesn't speak English.''

''You can make yourself able to understand languages?''

''And speak, read, and write them, yes. It lasts for an hour every time I cast it.''

''Go ahead, then..''

I cast Comprehend Languages on myself. Then I use the Summoning Crystal.

|Consume 'Summoning Crystal: Yuriko Misaki' Y/N?|


The Crystal shatters into thousands of shards of light and a Magical circle similar to the one I used to reincarnate myself appears in front of me on the floor. With a flash of white light the circle disappears and in its place stands a fully Transformed Tackle. She's wearing her red, black, and yellow suit with her Ladybug motif and her helmet includes the Perfector, so no half faced helmet and cloth mask mask. It's a full on helmet and she looks f*cking badass.

''Who are you?''

''My name is Hadrianne Lily Potter, and since the gentleman next to me can't speak Japanese, I'll introduce him to you in his place. His name is William Arthur Weasley. It's very good to meet you, Tackle. Or can I call you Yuriko-Chan?''

''... Yes, Yuriko-Chan's fine. I apologize, it's been a very troublesome day for me..'' Yuriko untransforms, and lowers her arms.

''It's fine, Yuriko-Chan. I can already piece together most of what's happened to you, but can you tell us the last thing you remember before you came here?''

'NO! I won't let you kill Stronger, take this, Dr Kate! My final attack!'

''|Ultra Cyclone|!!!''

''Stop it, TACKLE!''


''STOP IT!!!''

'Haaahhh.. So this is what dying feels like.. Don't look at me that way, Shigeru..I'm sorry..I'm so sorry, but I had to save you..'

''I died. I saved my.. My friend. After that, I went to some kind of void..Then-''

Tackle found herself drifting into the realm between life and the next place. After a moment or an eternity, Tackle couldn't tell, she regained her senses and saw a Goddess sitting on a chair in a black void.

''Welcome to the Afterlife, I'm a Goddess by the name of Eris. You have, unfortunately, died. Would you like to start over and reincarnate as a baby, go to heaven, or go to another world with your mind and body intact?''

''I'm dead?! That's.. That's right.. I.. Shigeru..''

Tackle began silently crying, and then quickly shook her head and with determination looked to the Goddess? in front of her.

''Would reincarnating or ascending to heaven let me see Shigeru again?''

''If you become a baby you won't remember him or your past life, so no. If you wait for many years Shigeru might choose to ascend to heaven or if you are unlucky, simply decide to reincarnate. Either way you don't get to know his choice beforehand. Even if he reincarnates himself his soul would return to heaven eventually, but he wouldn't have memories to remember you by anymore, but you would most likely become close friends again in the afterlife no matter what option you choose.''

''I see. And what about the third option? What happens if I go with my memories and my body?''

''That's a special case which happens very rarely. In this instance you are eligible to being summoned by an anomolous reincarnate that tricked my dumbass colleague a couple hundred years ago and ended up in a new body with her old memories.''

''Is she evil? How did she even manage to trick a Goddess?!''

''Huh? No, she's not a bad person. Atleast from what I've seen when looking in on her life. She simply saw an opportunity to live a better life and took it, trick was maybe a bit too strong of a word. My colleague was on duty for her first day and got lazy reading her instruction manual. The real problem is we don't understand how the mortal did what she did. It's stumped us for ages. She shouldn't be able to exist, her transmigration shouldn't have worked at best and at worst destroyed her soul. Aqua got yelled at a lot for that..''

''I see.. Perhaps I should go to another world with my body if it's a rare chance few people get? What do you suggest?''

''You did what you thought was right, and it paid off. With your sacrifice, Shigeru Jou eventually vanquished Black Satan, and he made your old world a peaceful one in the end. Live for yourself a little and don't live in the past, Yuriko Misaki. If you decide to go to this new world you will find a new life with wonders you never knew existed.''

''I see.. Fine. I'll go to this new world.''

''Very well. Stand on this magic circle and pick out a power or item from one of these flyers.''

''Magic's real?!''

''Yes? You accepted Goddesses as real almost instantly and lived a life fighting Evil Cyborgs. Is it so weird that magic exists too?''

''No-I..I see. Give me a minute.''

Tackle starts to read through the flyers quickly and eventually found one she liked. ''|Supernatural Power| - Allows the user to master the use of Supernatural Energies and enhances their abilities beyond natural limits.''

''I picked my ''Power''. Is this one okay?''

''Sure, here you go.''

The flyer disappears in a flash of light and Tackle feels a surge of something awakening inside her body.

''Alright, good luck! Goodbye!''

And just like that, the magic circle stopped glowing and sent Tackle to another world.

''-And then there was a flash of light, and now I'm here. Are you the ''anomalous'' reincarnate?''

''I didn't realise I almost destroyed my soul.. That's horrifying!.. But yes, the description you got fits my circ*mstances.''

''Why did you want to summon me to this world?''

''Are you prepared for a long version, or do you want a short version?''

''Short version first, please.''

''There's a secret society of magic users in this world that hides from the regular world. The magical government is extremely corrupt and filled with terrorists that bribed judges to drop the charges for their crimes in a civil war from nine years ago.
I acquired an item that summoned you from another world with the power a Goddess gave me, and I used it because I need help to rescue my Godfather from a magical prison guarded with soul sucking demons he was sent to for crimes he did not commit.''

''And that's the short version?''

''Yes?'' I smirk at her.

''I see. I'll help you rescue him, but first.. I'm starving. Can I have some food whilst you explain the long version?'' She smiles sheepishly at me.

''I hope you don't mind western food, but yes, I can get you some food. By the way, this world is very similar to your old one. The countries are all the same and human history is mostly identical to your old Earth. However it's not the year 1975 but it's the year 1990. My point is, if you do not want to continue fighting against evil and would rather go live a normal life.. I won't stop you. But if you would help us I will be in your debt.
No matter your choice I'll feed and house you as long as you wish, one more mouth to feed is a negligible cost for me, and if anyone deserves a helping hand it's Heroes like you.''

''I'll think about it..''

I look over to Bill who at first was rather tense but calmed down once he realised the conversation was going well and hostilities seemingly wouldn't break out.

''She's hungry, so I'm going to go make her some food. She got transported after she died saving her friend.. There's no guarantee she is helping us, but she seems willing to do so.''

Ten minutes later I return to the livingroom with a full English breakfast for Tackle with the help of an unseen servant. Bill and Tackle are somewhat communicating.

'It seems that she has a very basic understanding of English. Sounds awfully ''Engrish'' but hey, she's trying. Not that I'm one to judge. I can't speak Moonrune to save my life without the aid of spells, so good for her.'

I start reading again as she eats her meal and I ask Bill if he wants to read anything while we wait.

''No thanks, I'll go do my daily feeding and maintenance of the Rat. Can't let him die on us before we get Sirius free, after all..''

''Right, that has been something I've not thought about for a while. Thank you, Bill. See you soon then.''

Tackle looks to me as Bill leaves the room.

''Bill-Kun is leaving?''

''No, he'll be back. He's just going upstairs to feed our prisoner.. That came out sounding a lot worse than what it is. Our ''Prisoner'' is the person who framed my Godfather for his crimes. It's a long story and you'll get to hear it after you're done eating. The short version is that he betrayed my entire family leaving my Mother and Father dead, and my Godfather in prison.''

''..I see.''

After Bill came back and Tackle was done eating, I spent the next several hours explaining this world and the timeline to Tackle. She also cross refferenced me several times and I seem to have passed her tests for lies. The idea that her world and this one was fictional was really hard for her to accept, though. In the end I told her that ''Surely a world that bleeds into others even as just a story is more real than even my old one. I have not seen anyone mention the hellscape that was my version of Earth of the year 2034.'' Then again it's hard to tell when stories are usually just a slice of the setting in question's timeframe. Terra could have been ancient history in millions of stories for all I know. During my debriefing of Tackle I had taken the Pensieve out of my Inventory and put in the memories of the eight Harry Potter Movies for Bill to watch. Apparently you can speed up time inside a pensieve to ten times the speed faster than the outside world if you cast certain spells on it, according to Bill. So he took in all of the movies and most of the first four audio book version of the books before I was done explaining to Tackle. I didn't want to freak her out too much so I only showed her the Opening Theme sequence for Kamen Rider Stronger to her, and not the very dated and horribly choreographed fight scenes in the show. I'd imagine your life being portrayed as some kind of kids show with enough to cheese to make the moon blush would make her existence feel rather cheap. I did show her several other cross-over scenes from movies with her and Stronger that appeared throughout the years, though. When she came out of the Pensieve she was shaking and muttering.

''Y-y-you were serious about the world being... But.. That changes a lot but also nothing. You were right. I'll consider my world simply more real as it bled into yours like a.. Like some sort of fever dream. This is really weird..''

Bill's reaction to seeing Kamen Rider scenes was quite hilarious.

''Muggles really make the weirdest depictions of magic.. How is it practical to jump into the sky to kick people? Just cast a stunner or something?''

''Bill, Tokusatsu is not about logic. There's was a saying on Terra when it comes to shows like those. ''Feel don't think.'' It was more about the drama, symbolism and imagery than the reasons for why things were happening. I'll show you some episodes and not just cross-over movie scenes so you can get context for what you're seeing at some other point, not today though. We're going to see Remus. Atleast me and you, if you don't mind. I'll let Yuriko have some alone time and collect her thoughts and when we get back I can get her answer on whether or not she'll help us.''

I explain the situation to Tackle that me and Bill are going to meet Remus now and will be back soon, and to think about her choices for what she wants to do after we get back.

''I won't need to think about it. I'll help you. No matter the world I'll find myself in I want to save people. Thank you for your consideration, but I don't think I could ever go back to a normal life..''

''That's fine, glad to have you aboard. I shall have to think over a name for our group at some point.. Anyways, we shall be back soon. Bye for now''

''See you later Lily-Chan''

Bill and I apparated to an alley inbetween the Leaky Cauldron and I have got to say, Apparition sucks major f*cking donkey dick. 'f*ck, that's intense. Misty Step is way friendlier to keeping my insides on the inside of my body.'

''That was probably the worst Teleportation I have ever experienced. Surely there must be a way to improve that.. I know you get used to Apparition eventually, but f*cking hell..''

''Is it really that bad in comparison to your ways of Apparating? Doesn't turning into that mist disrupt your body something major?''

''No, actually. It feels at worst like a slight breeze and then you're standing where you wanted to to go.''

''Well.. More to chat about later. I noticed you didn't really go into the weird spells you know today, I still want to know about them and whether they are unique to you or if you can teach them to others. If you can, be careful who you do teach.. Now, let's get out of this alley before we're spotted by the muggles and go see Remus.''

We made our way inside the Leaky Cauldron and soon found a shabby looking man with scars on his face sitting in the corner of the pub alone. We walked towards Remus and sat down at his table and I returned my eyes to green as I stared at him.

''Good day, Moony. My name is Hadrianne Lily Potter, and I need your help.''

''Anne? Is it really you? How do you remember me?''

''It's a long story and we'll get to explaining it when we are in private. For now I'll simply say this. Wormtail was the traitor. He framed Padfoot and has lived as a rat for the last nine years. We captured Wormtail. We need to rescue Padfoot. We need your help. If we don't save Padfoot I fear that they will kill him and Wormtail before even considering a trial.''

''... You captured Peter?!'' Remus whispered loudly.

''Yes. Do you have a room we can talk in privately?''

''..Yes, I can take you to my room. Who's the gentleman you're with, Prongslet?''

''His name is Bill Weasley. He's an ally and a friend, he was the one that catched the rat for me. We can trust him.''

''...Alright, follow me you two.''

We make our way upstairs and sit down in his room, and then I completely return to my normal looks.

''It's good to finally see you again, Remus. Thank you so much for listening but before we get into any details, I have a serious question and offer for you no matter what happens during this talk. Do you wish to be cured of your Lycanthropy? If you do wish for a cure I can provide it for you immediately.''


''Of course the old man is going deaf, probably senile as well.'' I say cheekily.

''Oi! I heard you, but surely you're messing with me! There is no cure for.. for my condition.''

''There is a cure now. I'll explain the how later, but I assume you would like to be rid of it?''


I take out my Rod Of Greater Restoration from my Inventory and remove Remus' Lycanthropy Curse.

|Use Rod Of Greater Restoration Y/N?|


|-1 Charge. 2/3 Charges Remaining|

A flash of light covers Remus' body and a very faint wolf howl is heard in the room and then just as quickly as the light came, it disappeared along with the howling. He was cured.

''Merlin.. I... It's gone. The wolf is gone..'' Remus breaks down into tears and hugs me whilst repeating thank yous over and over.

''It's alright, uncle Remus. Everything is fine. You're not a burden. You're not a monster. It wasn't your fault. You're going to be fine now.'' I soothe him and rub his back.

''I.. T-t-thank you so m-much.. I just.. How d-did you?! This is incredible.. Impossible, even...''

''Bill do you mind getting a stiff drink for my uncle from downstairs, he's going to need it after hearing the truth.''

''Alright, I'll be back in minute, Anne.''

After Bill leaves the room and goes to bring Remus a drink I start explaining everything from the beginning. The Dursleys and what they did to me. My sudden realisation one day that I had lived a past life, and how I recognized the new world I found myself in as a fictional children's book. It was around this point Bill returned with his drink and Remus thankfully accepted it and downed it instantly. The revelations that he'd been lied to by Dumbledore simply over the fact that I was supposedly fine and living a normal childhood was enough to make him listen to my, frankly deserved bashing of Dumbledore and his actions in the future. Along with how his motives may have driven his actions in the past.

''What do you mean he might have been a Dark Lord even in the past. Nothing he's done in the past sounds like what he will do in the future!''

''Remember, Remus. Who was Chief Warlock at the time when Sirius got sent to Azkaban for life without a trial when every single other Death Eater got a trial? He even let most of them plead ''Imperius'' by bribing the other judges on the Wizengamot. There wasn't justice except from a few scapegoats for their murdering and raping rampage that lasted for decades in the first blood war.''

''I.. Surely he couldn't have done anything about it?''

''Oh he could have, he just chose not to. Another thing I have to question him for is during your time at Hogwarts, was there any other Werewolf students?''

''No? What do you mean?''

''If he cared about the civil rights of people afflicted by Lycanthropy why would he spend all that energy digging a f*cking tunnel, importing and planting a whomping willow, and then proceed to only admit ONE werewolf to Hogwarts? Not even in the future after your time did he take on another student with Lycanthropy. In the movies and books the Shrieking Shack is described as dusty and abandoned. It wouldn't have been if he had kept using it for Werewolf students.''

''I mean.. he has to have a good reason, surely?''

''I can only guess at his reasons but isn't it convenient that around the time Dumbledore realizes Tom is becoming powerful he reaches out to the Werewolves using you. You're sent off to parlay with them to, if not make them fight for you atleast make them not fight with Tom and remain neutral. And then as soon as the dust settles and your entire world is burned to the f*cking ground does he reach out to you and help you? Or did you simply get left behind and lied to in the aftermath of the war? Every time Dumbledore had the means of helping his allies fight he has neutered them and made them fight psychopath terrorists with stunners when they were flinging unforgivables in return, the blood on your side is on his hands. I know his magical might would have been strong enough to end that conflict in mere days if he had wanted to do so. The same thing applies with his actions in regard to Gellert Grindelwald. He let his former lover and best friend go murder people for DECADES before he went after him.''

''Dumbledore was Grindelwald's lover?!''

''That's what you got from that? Yes. He was, as far as I know. It wasn't stated directly in the books but a friendly relationship was mentioned, however the author in later interviews explained that he supposedly was a hom*osexual and this is why there's no mini Dumbledores running around.''

''That.. Actually makes some sense, you'd think he would have settled down with a family after taking down his first Dark Lord..''

''Is that the common consensus on that series of events? Do people believe Gellert to be dead?''

''He isn't dead?!''

''No, he's imprisoned in his own fortress, Nurmengard, and has been since 1945. In the alternate future Tom is searching for an artifact and tortures Grindelwald for the information he needs before killing him in 1997.''

''..I ... I trusted him, he was the only one that ever helped me after my parents.. Well, you should already know..''

''I do. I don't blame you for not seeing his manipulations for what they were. He has spent the better part of a century as effectively the King of magical Britain and yet Pureblood extremism is still rampant. He's not our friend, Remus. I'm sorry. But if you want a more in depth explanation of the alternate timeline and to help us in rescuing Sirius, you need to realise that we most likely won't just be fighting one Dark Lord, but two of them.''

''... Alright, if you can prove to me that Wormtail is alive, then if it comes down to it I will help you in your fight against Dumbledore.. I hope you're right, Anne, and we are not simply shooting ourselves in the foot by acting against Dumbledore.''

''Very well, I can take you to him immediately however you must promise not to kill him. We need him to clear Sirius' name after we rescue him, so if you want to see him it will be without your wand in there. I don't want to have you accidentally kill him in your rage.''

''That's reasonable, just thinking about the possibility that the rat is the one responsible is making my blood boil.. Merlin, I hated Sirius in the past.. I hope he can forgive me...''

''He will. He did last time. Well, in an alternate last time.''

''Alright, I promise not to kill Peter.. Let's go..''

Remus stands up and walks with us out of the Leaky Cauldron back towards Grimmauld Place. Once he gets inside the house he hands over his Wand and walks with us upstairs into the prisoner's bedroom and sees the unmistakable form of Peter in Wormtail form missing a toe, I then show him Wormtail's Wand whilst bill stuns the rat and reverts him to human form outside of his cage briefly and after Remus confirms the Dark Mark on his arm, he's silently crying and shaking with rage. Before he can do something stupid Bill stuns him and puts Wormtail back into his cage and ennervates him.

''What was that for?!''

''Your eyes were set on murder, understandable, but we didn't want to risk you choking or punching the bastard to death.''

''..I ... You're right, I wasn't thinking straight for a minute there, if he'd woken up I probably would have done just that..''

''Exactly. We need him to remain alive, and frankly I don't like torture. Sure I'll do it if it's absolutely necessary such as scouring someone's mind for information with mind magic. Mind rape is extremely painful I imagine, but if it's necessary to save lives then that's fine in my eyes. Torture with no gain, no matter how justified, helps no one and would hurt you more than him in the long run.''

''... I see. Well, you've held up your end of the deal.. I'll trust you. Don't make me regret placing that trust in someone a second time.. I'm sorry I never came to check on you, Dumbledore told me that the wards at your house would have made a ''Dark'' creature like a Werewolf unable to approach the property.. And he assured me you were taken care of with a loving family. Even if I would have pressed him on it, the Wolfsbane potion only came into existence in the last five years, so before then I couldn't have taken care of you without fear of hurting you..''

''It's fine, your entire world disappeared from under your feet and all of your friends either died or went to prison. You were barely able to care for yourself let alone a baby at the time. I don't blame you. I do blame Dumbledore, however. I will never trust him. If he has actual good reasons behind his decisions that are not the reasons I know of from my past life.. I may forgive him, but I will NEVER trust him no matter what. The reality of his actions line up with everything I know from the alternate timeline so far. I have no reason to believe his motives have changed.''

''I understand.. so, should we get downstairs and you can inform me of this alternate timeline in more detail? I find it hard to believe you somehow remember a past life, and that this life is based on a book from your old world. It doesn't make sense..''

''Alright, we have a pensive for you to watch the movies and listen to the audiobooks if you want. It doesn't make a lot of sense, no. I could have simply gone a bit crazy and dreamed it all in a burst of accidental magic, but either way, so far the information from my memories have been 100% accurate. Either way it doesn't matter to me. This world is as real as any world to me now. Though you have got to admit that your name totally feels like foreshadowing in a book. Romulus and Remus? Lupine? You and your parents were either cursed by fate or you took on a different name after Greyback bit you. I don't believe anything else makes sense.''

''As a matter of fact, yes, my birth name was John Robin Davidson.. The packs give new cubs their new identities when they are accepted into the fold.''

''I suspected as much. Not much is known about werewolves from the books..''

''I see.. well, I'll watch your memories and be back with you momentarily, then.''

We go back downstairs to find Tackle asleep on a living room couch, and after explaining to Remus that she's another ally, he goes diving into the Pensieve for the wildest trip into someone else's memories of his entire life.

Year 0 Part 1 End

Chapter 2: Author's Notes #1


Author's notes for Year 0 Part 1

Chapter Text

So, I hope everyone enjoyed Part 1 of Year 0 for my new fanfic. I've been either busy or not all that motivated to continue my first story. I still have the draft for half a chapter laying stored on a text file months later. I probably will at some point come back to Ascendance Of A Wizard King, but for now I consider the story effectively dead. Whenever I do return to writing it I will probably re-write some of it and change the general outline from what I had planned before, ie simply following the canon plot for the most part. The whole D&D magic in Harry Potter survived into this version of my story, although as something completely different. Gamer Fics are a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, and I think this alternate reality version of me could be a fun bit of self reflection. I won't pretend to be perfect, nor even an inherently good man. I'm mostly writing what I think I would do in this position, but I doubt it would go down like this for most of it. I might simply be too cowardly to even do something to change things from canon if given the chance. But that wouldn't be too fun of a story, and that's what I find fanfics should be about. Fun times. So I'll continue to write the best possible version of myself as I can, even if that may seem egotistical. I most likely won't make myself experience major losses in the literal sense, seeing as the power levels I get to later in the drafts is stupidly OP. But I will most likely end up with failures when it comes to interracting with other people. So far all the characters have a reason to help me and stick around, but if the goals we share are resolved I fear that I would find some way to fall back into my old habbits. Which would lead to some annoying and angsty depression. I don't have a life that's absolutely isolated like my 2034 counterpart does, but it's not far from the truth, so expect later on for that to matter and f*ck a few things up. Anyways, until next time, thank you all for reading my stories. Even if I rarely post anything, the few who stick around and do read my fics are appreciated all the same. Best wishes to you all. - Eternal

Chapter 3: Operation Bread & Fish Part One, and building the S.S. Ark MK1!!!

Chapter Text

Year 0 Part 2 Start

As Bill made his way home from visiting Anne and finally finishing the ''Audiobooks'' to get as many of the details from the alternate timeline as possible, he was brooding. He made a grunt of recognition to his mother's greeting when walking in the door and started to walk upstairs to his room. As he sat in bed and went over all he'd learned, he was interrupted by someone knocking on his door.

*Knock Knock*

''Bill? Are you still awake?'' Arthur asked from outside the door.

''..Yes, one minute''

Bill opened the door and let his father into his room.

''What's up, dad?''

''..You've had something happen to you recently. I don't know what you've gotten yourself into, son, but it's clearly affecting you. You look at the rest of the family with either.. what I can only think of as fear, or sadness. And you seem to get lost in your thoughts a lot for the last couple of days. Are you okay? What's going on?''

Bill stiffens and considers what to do. Of course his father would notice something was up, Bill thought. Arthur may play the role of the foolish and eccentric father, but he is the most aware of what's going on in the house out of all the family members.

''If.. If I tell you, will you promise me to not tell anyone else. Not the Ministry, not mum, not the kids, not Dumbledore.. No one.''

Bill and Arthur stare at eachother properly for the first time in days, and Arthur realises something massive has happened. This wasn't just some gambling debt, new girlfriend, or some other thing he could think one his sons could get into trouble for.

''... I promise. What's wrong, Bill?''

''I don't even know where to begin, dad..''

''From the beginning is usually the best place, son.'' Arthur quips, trying to lighten the mood.

''Well.. It's a long story. It all started with me meeting a new client at the bank earlier this week-''

Emma and Dan Granger were talking whilst reading a leather bound book each from a stack of books they'd bought yesterday and taking in the Wizarding World's history, ancient or otherwise. They were slowly realising that this Anne Potter must surely be Hadrianne Lily Potter, and what she said rang true. A baby defeating a ''Dark Lord'' that sounds like the real version of the emperor out of Star Wars with the power of.. They didn't even give an excuse for her having some special magic. Just that she lived. It seems she was right about the rampant bigotry, and that the concept of a Muggleborn Witch and a ''fallen'' Pureblood Heir being able to end Voldemort's reign is seemingly treated like it would have been even more nonsensical somehow.

''.. I don't like this, Emma. Even if we move and run away, some other magical school will contact us and probably remove our memories anyway if we don't accept the invitation there too. Did you read that introductory book to the wizarding world, if you can call it that, called ''So you found out you're not a muggle''?''

''Yes, I tried reading some of it but I had to put it down after chapter two because of my anger. I've not touched it since. I mean, seriously.. Some of these people really do think we are primitives, some kind of animal.. Like how we would see a Neanderthal or some sort of caveman..''

''I've got a feeling that most of these ''Pureblood'' types have never gone into the normal world, and mostly just stayed in their areas for generations. Most of what's described as differences in that book is from the late 1700s peasant version of England. Something changed drastically after about one hundred years of them living seperately.''

''I think it makes sense as to why this could happen, sadly. Witch Burnings have a name to call them by because it was so common. Even though books published in the 1930s onwards seem to change the story from it being a horrible time period to live, into it being some weird commedy. ''Witches just used the flame-freezing charm and repeatedly let themselves be caught and burned'' apparently. Even though it is also stated in ''Spells Through The Ages'' that the flame-freezing charm was invented in the 1920s.. Pureblood Supremacy seems to be them coping with a horrible past...'' Emma said with a shake of her head.

''... I think we should keep trusting Hadrianne, and we should send her a letter to ask her if she'd like to study magic theory with Hermione on the weekends from now on like she offered. She mentioned she doesn't have a phone at her house, so tomorrow we'll go buy that owl you were looking at.'' Dan stated firmly.


Unbeknownst to the couple, Hermione had snuck out of bed and was eavesdropping on their conversation. She quickly and as silently as possible made her way back to her room when her parents were about to get up and go to sleep for the night. She thought to herself happily as she went back to her room and into bed that she might finally have found a studying partner that won't bully her.

Neville's life was changed forever. His parents were back from beyond the veil of death. He couldn't believe his eyes at first when his mother and father woke up him up yesterday just after he'd gone to bed. From downstairs he could hear his dad yelling at his gran, and all he could feel was a sense indignation. His mother and father didn't want him to become an Auror after all, they only wanted him to be happy. He didn't have to sacrifice his dreams to uphold his father's honour anymore. He had never felt so free in his life and it was all thanks to Anne Potter. Just like the storybooks the Warrior Princess saved the day from despair.. He tried several times to write a letter to put to words what she had done meant to him, but after over thirty drafts of the same letter he had given up, and resigned himself that it was an impossible task. His mother told him that they would invite Heir Potter to Longbottom Hall after the next Wizengamot session has concluded and his father is reinstated as Lord of House Longbottom.

Augusta's life too, was changed forever, but not in a good way. She had severely misjudged in her actions in her grief, and now she found herself under house arrest for a year, her Regent possition was permanently removed from her right of succession until the end of her days, and naturally since she was home-bound for a year her social circles would be permanently marred in dishonour. But it would all be worth it since her family is back now.. She may have failed them once, but never again. She cursed her poor judgement and Algernon for encouraging her, but ultimately, she knew it was all her fault. She only hopes that Frank, Alice, and Neville will find it in them to forgive her one day..

After I finished showing Remus and Bill my memories for the day, I managed to persuade Remus to stay at Grimmauld Place with me. He couldn't exactly go back to the packs safely, seeing as he was no longer a werewolf. Once Bill was getting ready to leave for the night I asked him about setting up a Fidelius on the property and we did so within minutes. Apparently all you need is someone that doesn't consider whatever building they are hiding their home, and then to cast a simple spell. The real value behind a fidelius charm it seems, was that basically no one knew about it before the fall of Voldemort in 1981. If you know what you are looking for, getting directly around it may not be possible, but you could realise that you are under the effect of one very quickly if your memories no longer contain the contents of a secret. In other words, if I decided to place a Fidelius over Potter Cottage in Godric's Hollow, sure they won't find it, but everyone will know they forgot about the place and since the fidelius isn't a foreign concept anymore. All you'd need to do is send owls to get a general direction of where the secret was, and then indiscriminately fire around empty places in Godric's Hollow with Fiendfyre and you would eventually hit the Cottage, killing whoever was hiding inside almost instantly. It's not a perfect protection, but for now it will have to do.

'I should get a couple of hours of dungeon grinding done before I take my daily meditation break.. It's a bit strange that I don't need to sleep anymore. Helpful, but strange. I wonder if anyone can learn Occlumency to the point I have and can replace sleep with meditation, or become immune to the Obliviate and Confundus Charm. Somehow I doubt it, but it wouldn't surprise me if the perks from certain spells and skills are just abilities that anyone who trains for long enough can replicate.. Oh well, more questions to be answered later, I suppose. For now..'

''|Enter - Instant Dungeon|''

I find myself standing outside the Kobold Dungeon, even though I was at the bottom of it the last time I was inside the Twilight Forest. I try to enter the cave again to check if I can repeat the same dungeon to grind EXP or if it's still cleared out.

|Enter 'Medium Hollow Hill: Kobold Cavern' Y/N?|


'It seems to reset every time you clear the dungeons.. This is great. That means I can grind safely, albeit slowly, to gain EXP and not risk losing my life fighting a Naga whilst I'm still a baby wizard.'

I buff myself with Mage Armor and Spiderclimb, and take out my Kitchen Knife. Then make my way downwards into the Cavern whilst walking on the ceiling.

'There's that first group of Kobolds.. |Diffindo| Maxima!'

I place five overcharged blades of force around the group of Kobolds down below and watch in amazed horror as it turns the furry little creatures into a pink mist and minst meat.

-750 MP


x15 +80 EXP

''....Pfffhahahahahahahhh!!!.. Holy sh*t..''

'Jesus Christ that's terrifying. This time around the dungeon will go way smoother, but still.. The poor bastards didn't even know what hit them.'

The dungeon clearing did go way faster this time around, since I could kill all the clusters of enemies before they realised I was there, nothing was really capable of stopping me. I very quickly gained four levels, and then paused in wonder when I saw the spell list for Tier 4 Spells. I immediately knew which one to learn first.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 31
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 31/100 |Next Level: 32 - 3200 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000
MP: 1000/1000
EP: 100/100
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
EXP - |130|

Wisdom Perk 1/10 - |Dual Casting| - You now channel magic into two spells at the same time.

Tier 3 Spell - |Air Bubble| - For 24 Hours you create a spectral globe around the head of a willing creature you can see within 30 Metres. The globe is filled with fresh air that lasts until the spell ends. If the creature has more than one head, the globe of air appears around only one of its heads (which is all the creature needs to avoid suffocation, assuming that all its heads share the same respiratory system). Costs 300 MP to cast.

Tier 3 Spell - |Magic Mouth| - You implant a message within an object in range, a message that is uttered when a trigger condition is met. Choose an object that you can see and that isn’t being worn or carried by another creature. Then speak the message, which must be 25 words or less, though it can be delivered over as long as 10 minutes. Finally, determine the circ*mstance that will trigger the spell to deliver your message. When that circ*mstance occurs, a magical mouth appears on the object and recites the message in your voice and at the same volume you spoke. If the object you chose has a mouth or something that looks like a mouth (for example, the mouth of a statue), the magical mouth appears there so that words appear to come from the object’s mouth. When you cast this spell, you can have the spell end after it delivers its message, or it can remain and repeats its message whenever the trigger occurs. The triggering circ*mstance can be as general or as detailed as you like, though it must be based on visual or audible conditions that occur within 30 metres of the object. For example, you could instruct the mouth to speak when any creature moves within 30 metres of the object or when a silver bell rings within 30 metres of it. Lasts until it is dispelled. Costs 350 MP to cast.

Tier 3 Spell - |Skywrite| - You cause up to ten words to form in a part of the sky you can see. The words appear to be made of cloud and remain in place for the spell’s duration. The words dissipate when the spell ends. A strong wind can disperse the clouds and end the spell early. Lasts for 24 Hours. Costs 370 MP to cast.

Tier 4 Spell - |Remove Curse| - At your touch, all curses affecting one creature or object end. Costs 450 MP to cast.

'I was worried I'd have to go into Knockturn Alley or sneak into Hogwarts and kill a Basilisk, or worst case scenario, cast Fiendfyre to destroy the Locket Horcrux soon.. I don't think I could control a volatile spell like that yet, so Remove Curse is a godsend right about now.. I'll backtrack through the cavern and get back home for the night, I've got a well deserved meditation nap to indulge in, and then I'll summon Kreacher to witness when rid the Locket of Tom's curse..'

I made my way back and left the Twilight Forest. After resting for about four hours, I started to hear sounds coming from downstairs.

'I think Remus or Yuriko woke up.. Still, constant vigilance and all that. Buffing up. |Mage Armor, Spiderclimb|'

I walk on the ceiling towards the noise as silently as I can, and confirm that it was just Yuriko that was exploring the house by casting Observe on her.

|Yuriko Misaki|

HP 1000/1000



SP 750/750

'|Comprehend Languages - Japanese|'

''Hey, you need something?''


Yuriko looks behind herself and can't find seem to see me anywhere. Then looks upwards and makes a cute noise of fright.

''Kya! What the hell! How did you..''

I walk down from the ceiling and onto the wall, then back onto the floor.

''Don't stress the small details, Yuriko-Chan. It's just a spell that lets me bend gravity a little. Never hurts to be cautious, I have a habbit of casting spells on myself and to confirm the identity of anyone in the house before engaging in conversation, sorry if I startled you.''

''I see.. I woke up with a blanket covering me, was that you?''

''Yeah, you fell asleep on a couch before I could show you to a guest room, I figured it would feel better to wake up warm. Do you need directions for somewhere?''

''Yes, actually-''

After showing Yuriko to the bathroom and the shower, I took her to a guest room close to mine and told her it was hers to use as she wished from now on. Then I went to make breakfast for everyone. Remus and Yuriko made their way downstairs shortly after I was done cooking, and then after we were done eating I decided to confront the Locket situation, so I went alone into an empty guest bedroom and called for Kreacher.

'I hope this works. It should work, everything my Gamer System has produced worked so far when interracting with HPU Magics..'



''Blood Traitor spawn has found a way to destroy Master's Locket? If she has not why does she call for Kreacher?''

''I believe I have found a way to destroy the curse on the Locket, yes. I would like for you to be able to see the curse being destroyed, so I called for you.''

Kreacher stares at me with a ''Get on with it then'' look, and I proceed to take the Locket out of my inventory and speak Parseltongue at it to open it.


The locket flips open and a storm of black smoke fills the room surrounding both me and Kreacher. A shade of Voldemort appears and starts to taunt us in an overlapping voice.

''Foolish Elf, you think your Master will forgive you for your failure?! Regulus would nev-''

''You can't kill me, Hadrianne Potter, I am immortal! You will die alone! You can't save anyone! Just like you deser-''

''|Remove Curse|!''

The Locket glows in a golden light, and the black smoke is instantly extinguished along with the Shade. The Locket stops glowing, and then flicks back shut, now without the influence of the soul shard or its curse. I put the locket back into my Inventory and then address Kreacher who is standing still in shock.

''Well, that was rather nasty, but I think it went well. Your task is finally complete, Kreacher. The Locket has been cleansed of its curse, and my end of our deal is complete.''


|QUEST UPDATE: Horcrux Hunter|

Objective 3 (o): Slytherin's Locket - Reward: |Comprehend Languages - Parseltongue| - Allows the Tier 2 Spell |Comprehend Languages| to to translate the Magical Language Parseltongue and its written form Parsel Script.

Bonus Objective (o): Destroy Slytherin's Locket within 1 Week - Reward - Skill - |Create/Break Familiar Bond| - Allows the user to initiate or sever a familiar bond with willing magical creatures.

Hidden Objective 1/4 (o): Destroy the Horcrux without destroying the Priceless Artifact it is bound to. Slytherin's Locket (o). Hufflepuff's Cup (x). Ravenclaw's Diadem (x). Gaunt Ring (x). - Reward 1/4 - Slytherin's Locket.

|Do you wish to claim 'Objective 3 Reward' and 'Bonus Objective Reward' Y/N?|


NEW! - Spell Mod - |Comprehend Languages - Parseltongue|

NEW! - Skill - |Create/Break Familiar Bond|

''... Kreacher did not expect new Mistress to succeed where Kreacher had failed..''

''You're welcome, Kreacher. I suspect you will need some time to think and consider the future. If you do not wish to work for me I shall gladly keep cooking my own meals, however I must request you keep your end of the deal and let me remain at Grimmauld Place.''

''Kreacher is no liar Mistress Potter-Black. I will obey you as new Mistress from now on. Kreacher has completed his old Master's final order, Kreacher can finally stop punishing himself at night and serve new Mistress. Call on Kreacher if you needs anything..''



|Trait - 'Familiar Bond' Added. House Elf: Kreacher|

'Huh, guess he's rather shy and prickly towards those that he respects. Not that strange considering his former masters.. Oh well. I'll have to set some ground rules for Kreacher at some point. No punishing himself for any reason. He is to come to me if he feels he has wronged me, for one. Perhaps I can get around the whole clothes issue by asking him to make his own uniform that befits his station as the leading house elf of the House of Black.. I think rewarding Kreacher will be difficult. Perhaps ordering him to tell me what he wants, or ask if he has any hobbies.. I could fund a hobby of his easily. The poor guy went completely mad in the last timeline, I suppose being without a bond and torturing yourself for years will do that... Can totally relate to that. I wonder how the Spell Mod reward helps me since I can already speak Parseltongue, not like I can cast the spell on othe- Wait. If I level the spell it lets me cast it on other people, maybe? That would be nice.. Something to test, for sure.'

|Use x10 Spell Points to level 'Spell - |Comprehend Languages|' Y/N?|


|Rank up 'Spell - |Comprehend Languages|' Y/N?|


Tier 2 Spell - |Comprehend Languages ★☆☆☆☆| - For 1 hour, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. You also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are written. It takes about 1 minute to read one page of text. Costs 80 MP to cast. Rank 1/5 You can now use this spell on another creature by touching it when casting this spell, so long as it is intelligent enough and physically capable of speaking the language. If it does not fit the criteria above, the spell fails. Spell Mod - |Comprehend Languages - Parseltongue| - Allows the user to user to modify the spell to translate the Magical Language Parseltongue and its written form, Parsel Script.

'Nice! That certainly makes communicating easier.. Guess I should introduce Lilith properly at some point since I can do that now, apparently. But first, I should take them clothes shopping. Remus could use some better clothes than the rags he wears, and Yuriko needs more than one set of clothes.'

I made my way back downstairs and found Remus and Yuriko having a light conversation whilst Remus was drinking some coffee whilst reading his Daily Prophet.

''Good news everyone, I destroyed the Locket Horcrux. Two down, five to go. Also, would you mind letting me cast a language translation spell on you, Remus?'' I say slower than normal so that Yuriko can understand most of my words.

''You can do that?!''


I touch Remus' shoulder and cast the spell for Japanese on him and turn to Yuriko.

''It's a spell I learned called |Comprehend Languages|, I recently learned how to apply it to others by touching them. Remus Oji-San should be able to understand us now.''

''That's weird.. I can hear you speaking Japanese which I can't understand, but at the same time I understand what you're saying. It's like my ears and my brain aren't using the same logic anymore.. You'd make a fortune as a translator for government officials, Anne-Chan.''

''Indeed, that's strange from the outside, Lily-Chan. Remus-San speaking perfectly fluent Japanese is.. a bit weird. Still, that's incredible!''

''Keep praising me and you will make me blush, guys.. Anyways. I suggest we go clothes shopping. You are both in need of a new wardrobe. Don't look at me like that both of you. I promised to house and feed you, and some clothes fall within that promise. Consider it a necessity. Stop looking at me like that, Remus Oji-San. I know your clothes are functional but they're all shabby and old. Just because you were doing odd jobs and were practically homeless before now does not mean I will allow that to continue. I have my standards for what is accaptable living conditions when you're under my protection or I consider you family.''

''Y-y-you.. Fine. Thank you, Anne-Chan..''

''Thank you very much Lily-Chan.''

''Alright, we leave in ten minutes. I'll let you finish your business and then we'll leave for the mall.''

As I was waiting for them to get ready to leave I spent a couple of minutes leveling my Comprehend Languages spell, Occlumency Skill, and using my new gacha coins.

Tier 2 Spell - |Comprehend Languages ★★★★★| - For 24 hours, you simultaneously understand the literal meaning of up to any three spoken languages that you hear. You also understand up to three written languages that you see, and can write and read them at your normal speed without touching the surface of the text. Costs 50 MP to cast. Rank 5/5 You can now use this spell on another creature by touching it at the same time as casting it on yourself, so long as it is intelligent enough and physically capable of speaking the language. If it does not fit the criteria above, the spell fails. Rank 5 Bonus: Massively increased spell duration, reduced MP Cost. Spell Mod - |Comprehend Languages - Parseltongue| - Allows the user to user to modify the spell to translate the Magical Language Parseltongue and its written form, Parsel Script.

Skill - |Occlumency ★★★☆☆| - Rank 3/5: Perk - |Unbending Mind| - You are immune to being charmed or mind-controlled magically.

Skill Orb - |Mother's Rosario| - 11-Hit Original Sword Skill.

Book - Thaumonomicon (Thaumcraft).

|Consume 'Skill Orb - |Mother's Rosario|' Y/N?|


Skill - |Mother's Rosario| - 11-Hit Original Sword Skill. Costs 75 EP to cast.

'That's awesome, man.. No matter what people used to say about SAO, I still loved that show. And I bet anyone suddenly being capable of sword skills would find an appreciation for the show as well. I guess the original first season was kinda bland, but the Progressive Series' movies were really good.. Now, I don't even want to consider the implications of owning a Thaumonomicon. There was so many different versions of that Mod, along with addons to it, that if I can learn even half of what I know from Thaumcraft.. Well. It certainly could be amazing, but also horribly dangerous to research. I probably will crack one day and try to discover all that book has to offer, but I refuse to do it in the real world. I don't want to f*ck up the atmosphere with Flux, Warp, or god forbid if there's Taint mechanics.. I'd have to do the experiments inside a different plane, or my Instant Dungeon. However.. Potentially having to fight not only a Naga, but a Warped, or Tainted-Naga.. *Shudders*... Yeah, I think I'll hold off on the Thaumaturgy for now.'

After we got ready to leave I left a note and stuck it to the wall you see when you enter the front door for Bill if he came to visit while we were gone. The shopping trip went and came without incident, and I managed to snag some good good deals for food that was on sale along with some other necessities, like additional soaps, toiletries, etc for Yuriko, Remus and myself. All in all we had a good day. I could tell that Remus was still feeling a bit out of his element and that he didn't want to be a burden, but I did my best squash his protests throughout the day. Yuriko spent most of the time in a state of culture shock, and I felt like a mother hen having to drag her around by the hand to make her stop gawking at everything. When we got back to Grimmauld Place, the note was missing, so I went into high alert mode and did my whole buffing up thing again and made my way towards the living room quietly. Once I peered through a crack in the door I heard Bill's voice talking animatedly with a man, after confirming it was Bill by casting |Observe| on him I made my presence known.

''Hello Bill, we're back-'' I look towards the man, and I cast |Observe| on him and realise this is Arthur Weasley, he looks younger than his movie counterpart.. Bill must have decided to trust his dad and ask him for help.

|Arthur Jacob Weasley|

HP 350/350

MP 400/400

EP 0/0

SP 300/300

''Good to meet you, Mr. Weasley'' I hold out my hand to shake his. He takes it and shakes it once.

''Anne Potter, I assume? I've been informed by Bill that you're in need of an enchanter.''

''That is.. Technically true.'' I raise an eyebrow at Bill.

''He knows about the alternate timeline but not about Terra.''

''I see. Yes, we intend to enchant a sea faring vessel to become invisible and if we can manage it, fly. I take it you're willing to help us rescuing Sirius?''

''Yes. Bill showed me Peter upstairs in his human form. As much as I don't like the fact that you seem to hold no trust in the Ministry, seeing as I work there and not everyone inside it is corrupt, I can see your reasons for being covert when dealing with this situation..''

''With all due respect, Mr Weasley, any government could tell me the sky is blue and I would go outside to make sure. Of course there are good people in the Ministry, however that doesn't really matter when the system the ministry functions within is blatantly corrupt. But let's not get into a debate over pointless issues.. Do you have a list of materials you'd need to start enchanting a vessel?''

''..You're not what I expected, Anne Potter.. Yes, I have a list of materials and recommendations for the size of boat we should use. Brilliant idea, by the way. Flying boat, that is. When I heard that I'd made a flying car in another timeline I pulled together some of my theories on how it could work and got a prtototype schematic made within hours. It might need some testing and fine tuning but it's a good start.''

''I'll have the costs covered immediately once I've gone over the list and the plans. Welcome to Operation Dementia, Mr Weasley.''

''Call me Arthur, please.''

''As you wish, Mr Arthur Please.''

After I read through the plans, I gave Arthur the estimated fifty galleon cost, and then doubled it for his aid in making the schematics in the first place, he tried to refuse but I made the argument that he might need more money for materials anyway, and I'd also rather have my Godfather than some gold, so eventually he grudgingly accepted the gold. We all got to work and began working on perfecting the design for the rescue vessel. Since Yuriko could read english perfectly now, I gave her a few books to read on Magical Theory to not let her feel left out. I eventually had enough of reading and started to practice casting the Patronus Charm. I had limited success, so far I can produce a very small shield of Patronus Mist, but it's a start. Eventually Arthur and Bill had to leave to eat dinner at home with the rest of their family, but they returned afterwards to work with us for another few hours with the excuse of overtime work for the weekend and Bill was supposedly going to meet some friends. Around eight ten o' clock I hear the sound of tapping against the window, and see a grey owl sitting outside waiting to be let in. Once I do so, I feed it an owl treat and untie the letter stuck to its leg.

'Dear Hadrianne Lily Potter, we would like accept your offer to study magical theory with our daughter Hermione every weekend from next week onwards for the rest of summer break. After summer break we can try to find an agreement for days where she's free to partake in extra studies on a day by day basis. We hope to hear from you soon, many thanks for your help with introducing us to the magical world early. We bumped into a pair of lovely muggle parents with a muggleborn daughter in Diagon Alley that would have been very happy to have known about magic earlier themselves. So far having parents with experience in the magical side of things to talk to has been helpful for us, and we doubt we'd have met them by chance without your help, so thank you for that as well. Best wishes, we hope to hear your possitive reply soon. - Emma & Daniel Granger.'

'Well, looks like my influence is already doing good things for the Grangers. I should send them a reply straight away..'

I quickly write a reply agreeing to show up at their house next week, and I give them a booklist for those 45 books I had duplicates for and tell them I'll gift them any they don't own yet themselves. I tie the letter to their owl's leg and let it back out into the night, and close the window. Once Arthur and Bill left for the night, Remus and Yuriko went to bed. So I was left with a bit of downtime, and decided to meditate and then do some more dungeon crawling.

'I wonder if Yuriko can use magic now, considering the Power she got from Eris when I summoned her.. I think she can, I mean, she has a Mana Points now and everything.. We'll have to go to Diagon Alley at some point and get her a Wand, or I could attempt to make some other kind of Focus for her. She might evolve from Cyborg Girl to Magical Girl real quick. How amusing.. Oh well, I've rested long enough. I'll go grind some more levels.'

''|Enter - Instant Dungeon|.''

I found myself back in the Twilight Forest, and made my way towards a new Dungeon.

'I could grind the Kobold Dungeon forever, but I want to see what some of these other Hollow Hills have to offer.. That one looks promising, largest one so far.'

|Enter 'Large Hollow Hill: Spider Nest' Y/N?|

'My god, killer spiders.. Somehow I'm feeling more okay with this than I thought I would be. I know the man from my past life wasn't particularly scared of ''animals'' apart from people, and I did befriend that one spider in the cupboard.. f*ck it. Yes.'

Upon entering the Spider Dungeon I discover that this place is way less saturated with ores, but instead it's filled with what I now know to be Glowberry Vines and spiderweb. Not deterred by the ominous webs, I buffed myself and then pushed forwards into the nest. I soon discover three giant spiders with glowing red eyes sitting on a wall.

'They don't appear to have seen me.. |Observe|'


Level 20

HP 550/550

MP 0/0

EP 0/0

SP 1000/1000

'|Diffindo|' *(((SCHLICK)))* *(((TH-THU-THUD)))*

+80 EXP

+60 EXP

+90 EXP

I fire three severing charm blades below their heads, and three headless spiders immediately fall to the ground.

''Well, that was anticlimactic.''

I walk towards the spider corpses and loot them.

|x6 String Added to Inventory, x4 Spider Eye Added to Inventory, x1 Chelicerae Added to Inventory.|

'That could have gone a lot worse, but I think I can do this.'

I keep exploring and killing spiders for the next three and a half hours before I start backtracking to go home and get a shower. I level up four times and gain quite a lot of Spider Loot. All in all, it was a good day.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 35
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 35/100 |Next Level: 36 - 3600 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000
MP: 1000/1000
EP: 100/100
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
POWER: 100
EXP - |2550|

Power Perk 1/10 - |Arcane Power| - Increases Spell Damage by 10%.

Tier 4 Spell - |Fireball| - A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within 150 Metres, then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame with a 20 Metre Radius. The fire spreads around corners, and it ignites flammable objects in the area of effect. Deals Fire Damage, Force Damage. Costs 450 MP to cast.

Tier 4 Spell - |Sending| - You send a short message of 25 words or less to a creature with which you are familiar. The creature hears the message in its mind, recognizes you as the sender if it knows you, and can answer in a like manner immediately. The spell enables creatures with an Intelligence Stat of at least 1 to understand the meaning of your message. You can send the message across any distance and even to other planes of existence, but if the target is on a different plane than you, there is a 5% chance that the message doesn't arrive. Costs 400 MP to cast.

Tier 4 Spell - |Counterspell| - You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell within 60 Metres, by doing so it drains MP equivalent to the spell you wish to counter. If you run out of MP or if you do not have enough MP to counter the spell, the creature still casts the spell like normal. If you do have the required MP the creature's spell fails to cast.

Tier 4 Spell - |Dispel Magic| - Choose any creature, object, or magical effect within 120 Metres, any spell on the target ends. Costs 500 MP to cast.

Once I got cleaned up and changed into new clothes I made my way down to the kitchen, only to find that Kreacher had already made breakfast. There was no sign of him, so I awkwardly thanked the room and waited for a response.

''Thank you for the breakfast, Kreacher?''

No response. 'I guess he takes the whole ''A good Elf isn't seen'' thing very seriously.. I'll have to push my talk with him about my rules for him up my schedule. I won't let him hurt himself or overwork himself, poor old guy..'

''Kreacher. I need to speak with you.''


''Mistress calls for Kreacher?''

''Thank you for the breakfast, it looks lovely.. Now. I have a few rules I want to go over with you. First of all, from now on you are never to hurt or punish yourself. If you believe you have wronged me, talk to me and we shall deal with the situation together. Second, you are to keep my secrets from any other person unless informed otherwise, members of House Black like Narcissa, Draco, and Bellatrix fall into this category. Third, IF you desire anything, be it to tend to a garden of your own, experience something, or receive compensation for any task, you are to ask for it. I may or may not be able to immediately fulfil your desires, but as I did with The Locket I will try to do so with haste, just as I assume you will do the same for me. And finally, this is less of a rule and more of a request, is there a way to have you fitted into a uniform that won't tarnish the House of Black's image? I could give you money to buy your own cloth to make it yourself, or simply give you cloth to work with if that's easier for you?''

''...Understood, Mistress. I will follow your orders, as for your request.. What's wrong with my current uniform?''

''A rotted and dirty pillowcase does not qualify as a Uniform, it's at best, rags. House Black from now on will consider their Elves extensions of its power, and therefore it would be the equivalent to change the curtains, carpets, and bedding into rags if I were to have you remain dressed like this. The Elves, much like the family members or the furniture is the face of the family. I don't want to have it fall into disgrace. You need to be dressed in a uniform made from high quality, and clean cloth to serve me properly.''

''I see..'' Kreacher stares in amazement at me for my logic, clearly not expecting me to have, in his eyes, a good reason for his change in dress code.

''Very well. I will depart and make a uniform fit to serve the Great House of Black.''


'Huh, that went better than I thought..'

''You know, Sirius told me about the family House Elf, he didn't have anything good to say about him, but maybe he was wrong..'' Remus said, who I just noticed standing behind me.

''That relationship was set up to fail from the start. Walburga and Orion hated Sirius because of his sorting into Gryffindor, and later on because of his political views, amongst his other antics. And Kreacher was loyal to Sirius' Parents and their ways. You can see how that won't make for a friendly relationship. I have managed to have good dealings with him so far, though, as you heard.''

''Quite.. It's just so strange to see him all friendly now, after the things I heard in the past, and knowing about what he did in the alternate timeline..''

''Forgiveness should be given to those who repent and atone for their past actions, just by allowing me to live here and then him going out of his way to serve me is enough for me to overlook Kreacher's past sins. I won't forgive those who do not deserve it. And I can't blame people for what they might have done in a potential future, only what they have done so far.''

''You really are older, huh? Hearing you say things like that with the mouth of a ten year old is.. Strange. Oh well, let's eat breakfast then?''

''Sure, breakfast it is.''

''Alright, I have several things I suggest we do today. First, I believe Yuriko is magical now since she asked Eris for that Power to master Supernatural Energies. If I'm right, she should be able to get matched to a wand and learn how to cast Spells. In other words, I think we should go buy her a wand. Second, I know that you can't go back to the Werewolf packs to live with them as a Human, but can you still send letters to some of the pack members you'd think would accept a cure to Lycanthropy, Remus?''

''I.. I think the majority of them would accept a cure. Only the Alphas would reject it, I think. The problem becomes if we take away the packs from the Alphas they might deliberately go after people like Greyback does to restore their numbers.''

''So.. We just need to kill a couple dozen at most, and then we can safely remove Lycanthropy from Britain?''

''Essentially. We just need to make sure to get everyone in a pack cured and their Alphas killed or cured before they realise what's happening. You mentioned that the Rod only works three times every twelve hours, so six people cured every day and night cycle.. Most packs aren't larger than thirteen members. It will be hard to do it fast enough, but it's entirely possible..''

''OH, I totally forgot to mention I learned a Tier 4 Spell called Remove Curse which removes all Curses from one Creature or one Magical Item I touch. I can't restore organs, limbs, or restore someone's body to good health like the Rod can, but to cure Lycanthropy it should work. I can cast it twice, and then I'd have to wait for.. Around twenty five seconds to cast it again. So, basically I can cast it at will.''

''That's bloody insane... Yeah, I can start calling my contacts within the packs I was with before and after the war.. I could probably take you with me to Knockturn Alley as well, there's a pub called The Blind Basilisk there that has a lot of Werewolf customers. Since it is really cheap and no one minds the homeless and packless werewolves living around there, it has become a popular place for them to congregate.''

''I see. So, to summarise. You send a letter with Hedwig to the nearest pack, we go to Diagon Alley for Yuriko to buy a Wand, take a visit to Knockturn Alley, and start curing the homeless Werewolves, then make our way home quickly. If by some miracle we don't get stabbed in Knockturn Alley before we're done, we win.''

''Sounds like a plan. Let's do this, then.''

''Indeed, Lily-Chan. I'm quite excited to see if I can use a wand.. Let's do it.''

''Very well, let's commence Operation Bread & Fish Part One!'' I get up and walk out of the house, and towards Diagon Alley with Remus and Yuriko.

Once we made it to Diagon Alley, we quickly made our way towards Ollivanders. Upon entering the shop we heard a rustling coming from the back followed by a shouting Garrick.


''Anne Potter! I thought I told you to get out of my shop! You-OH. Oh.. You've brought customers. I'll let it slide for now.. So, who's the young lady?''

''My name is Yuriko Misaki.. I was informed that you could provide me with a wand?''

''I see, we'll get to you in a moment but, I have a suspicion that Mr Lupin will require a replacement-'' Garrick snaps his head towards Remus and in an accusing tone he says ''Cypress. Unicorn Mane Hair. ten and one quarter inches. Rather pliable.. And yet, I sense that it has lost most of its connection to you. Some drastic change has occured within you, and the wand considers its task complete.''

He continues to stare at Remus as if to say that he knows about his cured condition, and then snaps his head towards me.

''You did this, somehow.. Great things, indeed.. Very well. I shall replace Mr Lupin's wand for no charge as it was your meddling intervention that made him have a mismatched wand..''

After about ten minutes of Remus trying out new wands, he was matched with a wand.

''Willow, Phoenix Feather. Try this one..''

A surge of energy surrounded Remus as he grabbed the Willow wand.

''Curious.. That wand has the same lenght as your old wand, along with a similar pliability.. May it serve you well.. Now. Miss Misaki, your turn. What's your wand hand?''

''Right, sir.''

After over thirty minutes later she finally matched with a wand when she grabbed a Blackthorn wand and yellow sparks of electricity came out of the tip of the wand.

''Blackthorn and Thunderbird Feather.. I admit, I based my gut feeling on the Cherry wands on your heritage at first, but a Thunderbird core came out of left field for me.. I've not matched one of those in over nineteen years. May it too serve you well, seven Galleons please.''

I hand Garrick the Galleons to pay for Yuriko's wand, and we make our way out of the store.

'Considering how little he glared at me by the end of the wand matchings, I think he's softening up on me, the crazy bastard.. Well played though, your theatrics were actually quite cool..'


Sarah Oxley was a simple woman, she was a Half-Blood that owned a pub called The Blind Basilisk in Knockturn Alley, and has been running it the last twelve years since her father's death. Sarah did not expect the events that unfolded within her establishment to take place, ever. Before the lunch rush a group of three people, a woman, a man, and a young girl made their way into her pub. Then the young girl asked the patrons that were inside if there was anyone cursed and if they wanted to have their curses broken.

''Attention everyone! Are there anyone suffering the effects of a curse in this establishment?! If you wish to be cured and have your curses broken, simply step forwards and I shall remove the curses from you. There is no limit to what I can cure. Lycanthropy, cursed cuts that prevent you from regrowing limbs, blindness curses, cruciatus exposure, it doesn't matter. Form an orderly line and I will remove the curses on any who volunteer for free. I simply desire to help you, and if you wish to pay me for this, don't give me money, but instead I request any unique knowledge of spells or magical theory you may have made or discovered!''

A cacophany of shouts came in return, most of them seemed to think the girl mad or a con artist, naturally.

''Pull the other one! No way! If I've ever heard a scam it's that claim! Nothing can cure curses like that!'' A woman missing an eye said.

''SILENCE!-'' The girl screamed, and the shouts calmed down almost immediately. ''..I have nothing to gain from lying to you, and everything to lose. Even with my two companions behind me I couldn't fend off over a dozen angry people because I harmed one of them with a spell. If anyone dares to come forwards I swear you shall be cured immediately!''

''Ok then, let me see this spell of yours, lass.'' A man with a scar covering his left arm walked towards the girl.

''I need to touch the person I cure, and to know what curse you are suffering from. What ails you, sir?''


The girl reached out and touched the man's arm, and a distant wolf howl was heard around the pub as his body was covered in a glowing light, and just as suddenly as the light came, it disappeared, and the man started freaking out..


The pub had another burst of shouts, as the patrons realised it might be real, and she could cure them.

''Please! Form an orderly line and I will cure any who wishes me to do so! My spells are family magic, and therefore I can't explain the ''How'' it works, but just know that it DOES work! And I can and will use it to help you if you just give me a chance!'' After that statement, all the cursed patrons started to form a line and waited their turn to get cured.

Slowly but surely, over the course of the next two hours the little girl cured everyone, even when several patrons Apparated out and brought others who suffered from varying curses. Finally there was no one else in line, and by the end of the ordeal the girl had a large pile of books and journals with research notes stacked on a table, which she put into an expanded pocket inside her coat once the line was cleared.

''Let anyone else you suspect to be suffering from curses know that next monday I'll come back here to cure anyone else who shows up again!'' the girl shouted to the pub filled with people, and the crowd roared with joy in response.

Sarah wasn't sure what she had done to deserve such a blessing in the form of a literal miracle child that would attract swarms of customers to her pub, but she knew she had to talk to this mysterious child, no matter what.

''Well, I'd say that went better than I expected.'' I say to my companions in Japanese.

''..Indeed. I was worried when we first entered that your prediction of being stabbed wasn't far from becoming the truth, but it seems my concerns were unfounded in the end.'' Yuriko said.

''If you couldn't have cured them they probably would have, you know..'' Added Remus.

''Well yeah, but I mean, I'd be pissed too to have hope dangled in front of me like that. While perhaps not justified, the response would have been reasonable. Now, let's get out of here, Yuriko-Chan could use some time at home training with her new wand..''

As we got up to leave the pub owner shouted after us, and then quickly walked up to us.

''Hey! Please wait!.. Why my place? Why are you doing this?''

''The place was random, but mostly because I was informed by my companion that Werewolves congregate at this establishment. The why is simply because helping people makes me feel good, and it's just common sense to do so if you can?''

''I see.. It's not common sense, but very well, I'll accept that answer. Are you really coming again next monday?''

''If you do not deem it to be bad thing and wish to ban me from your establishment, then yes, I'll return. I do find myself noticing I didn't purchase anything after using three of your chairs and one of your tables for around two hours, so it wouldn't be an unreasonable response, I suppose..''

''WHA-?! NO! Of course I won't ban you, you've brought loads of customers to my pub and no doubt we won't even be able to accomodate everyone by monday if the rumours spread far enough.. There will be a bloody line all the way out of Knockturn..''

''Oh, I see. Awfully sorry if I disturbed the peace, but seeing my reasons for why I did so, I hope you can forgive me. Now, what do you need?''


''Well you wouldn't walk up to me simply to sate a minor curiosity, right? Or am I wrong?''

''N-No, you're right.. Forgive me, I should've introduced myself. My name's Sarah Oxley, and I have a mother who can't get out of bed or fuction properly on her own, she was damaged by medium degree cruciatus exposure and had a leg cut off with a nasty curse. She's currently stationed at St Mungos as of last year, but she was supposed to be able to get cured within three months, but I think the hospital are prioritising other.. More wealthy patrons first, if you catch my meaning. Can you cure her too, please?''

''Sure. I'd just need you to come along with me and show me where she is, visitation rights and all that..''

''Right, I've put my employees up for overtime with this crowd, so I've got a few hours to spare. Can we go right now?''

''By all means, we were thinking of going home, but a short detour won't matter in the long run.''

All four of us quickly made our way to St Mungos, and towards the temporary spell damage ward, and found where Sarah's mother was. One quick |Remove Curse| later, her shaking was gone, and they could easily restore her leg with human transfiguration and skele-gro since the cut wasn't cursed anymore. In the end, since we were already there it was decided that I'd just heal every patient in St Mungos suffering from curses. It took me another three hours or so to get through everyone, but I'd say it was worth it. And just as quickly as we came, we left, leaving the hospital staff feeling extremely useless.

We left the Sarah at St Mungos and made our way back to Grimmauld Place. Once we got back I finally caught up with Lilith and introduced her properly to Remus and Yuriko, I also asked if she wanted to be bonded with me, and she accepted.


|Trait - 'Familiar Bond' Added. Occamy: Lilith|

After we had ate some food, I suggested to Yuriko to watch and listen to the movies and audiobooks that detail the alternate timeline. She might have gotten the general gist, but now that she that she can understand English without issues and we are alone, it seems a bit obvious that I should have her watch the memories. She got angrier and angrier by the end of watching the memories when she realised that I wasn't exaggerating about the madness in the Magical World, especially the actions of Dumbledore. After she was done watching the memories she started to practice spellcasting with her new wand with determination. Meanwhile me and Remus were busy going through more books.

'I wasn't expecting Runes and Arithmancy to be so ridiculously simple. They function mostly like a linguistic and numerical version of Potions, and Potions is like a ritualistic version of cooking.. The main theme that seems to remain consistent is that Potions, Arithmancy, Runes, and Astronomy to a lesser extent, all function like a ritual telling a story by using symbolism and metaphysics when you want to generate magical effects. Magical Laws are BULLsh*t, It's all memetics. If people believe a thing works, it does, if people believe something is impossible it becomes impossible.. Red paint would make things go f*cking faster if you can make everyone believe it, like a co-creative consciousness mixed with a soft-magic power-system limited only by the Mages as a collective... I suppose, that's all you really need to know for branches of magic to be easily modified and combined into eachother, if it's that conceptually shallow. I've not read any ''Alchemy'' books yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if it follows the same pattern and it's just a ritualistic version of chemistry... Screw Charms and Transfiguration theory books, everything they say is practically useless if this is how it works.. Shame that I'll have to waste my time memorising them anyways to get good grades at Hogwarts next year.. Oh well, it could be worse. Atleast the classes won't be hard to pass, so there's that.'

I presented my theory to Remus, but I had to explain a few terms and ideas for him to be able to wrap his head around it, and in the end he just ended up laughing like a madman when finally he got it.

''Oh MERLIN! That's.. I can't believe I didn't think of it like that. You're right. It's not a Hard-Magic System, it's a Soft-Magic System with the illusion of Hard-Magic rules. That's.. A disturbing thought. And it explains how education is being dumbed down, the old books are more intuitive with less text, and the new are less and less intuitive but riddled with pointless rules to memorise.. If the people in power wanted to stifle the magical potential of the population I'd implement these changes as well. The question is who is pushing for this. Is it Dumbledore, the Death Eaters, or both?.. It could be the Unspeakables for all we know..''

''I have no idea Remus, but it should be looked into. Who funds this sh*t. Who is pushing for ''Advanced'' theory. By looking at the books from my family vault printed in the 1890s it's obviously a thing that happened within the last century. It probably happened gradually, as censorship usually happens that way, so that no one notices or cares enough before it's too late...''

After I made my chilling realisation about magical theory, I decided to change it up and practice my Patronus Charm instead. Eventually I managed to produce a slightly larger shield. As I was thinking of making dinner after going at it for a while I heard a loud crack behind me, and saw that Kreacher had made dinner for us and placed it on the table.

'No sign of him.. What a strange guy.'

''Well, looks like Kreacher has been hard at work.. If you can hear me, thank you for your service little guy!''

I was pretty sure I heard Kreacher drop something in the kitchen when I yelled my praise to him.

Once we were done eating and about to go rest for the night, Bill and Arthur entered the living room with a bag that held several magically shrunken down materials for the boat. Arthur apparently bought the metal, paint and glass bits along with the required enchanting materials whilst Bill had spent the day after work in a forest cutting down trees and transfiguring them into planks. This way there was no way for anyone to track the boat down by looking into who sold boats recently, even if they saw it when we used it for Operation Dementia. I was honestly quite taken aback by the generous deeds of the Weasley Patriarch and Heir, I just expected them to help me transfigure a boat bought in the muggle world to be slightly different along with a paint job or something, but now we have so much more security and freedom to perfect the design. After a quick bit of back and forth with my thanks and their seeming inability to accept a compliment, we bid the Weasleys goodnight and Remus, Yuriko and I went to our rooms for the night. Once I was done with my daily four hours of meditation I went into the Spider Dungeon again and leveled up another five times, before heading back home just in time for a shower and going downstairs for breakfast.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 40
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 40/100 |Next Level: 41 - 4100 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000
MP: 1250/1250
EP: 350/350
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
POWER: 100
EXP - |510|

Increases Energy Points by 10 per point of Energy.
Increases Energy Regeneration by 1 per point of Energy.
Increases Energy Control and Efficiency.

Tier 4 Spell - |Fly| - You touch a willing creature, the target gains a flying speed of up to 10 Metres Per Second for 10 Minutes. When the spell ends, the target falls if it is still aloft, unless it can stop the fall. Costs 470 MP to cast.

Tier 4 Spell - |Phantom Steed| - A Large quasi-real, horselike creature appears on the ground in an unoccupied space of your choice within 30 Metres for 1 Hour. You decide the creature’s appearance, but it is equipped with a saddle, bit, and bridle. Any of the equipment created by the spell vanishes in a puff of smoke if it is carried more than 10 Metres away from the steed. You or a creature you choose can ride the steed, it can travel at a slow trot, a medium speed of 15kmph, or 25kmph at a fast pace. When the spell ends, the steed gradually fades, giving the rider 1 Minute to dismount. The spell ends early if you dismiss it or if the steed takes any damage. Costs 430 MP to cast.

Tier 4 Spell - |Merlin's Tower| - For 24 Hours you conjure a two-story tower made of stone, wood, or similar suitably sturdy materials. The tower can be round or square in shape. Each level of the tower is 10 Metres tall and has an area of up to 100 square Metres. Access between levels consists of a ladder and hatch. Each level takes one of the following forms, chosen by you when you cast the spell: A bedroom with a bed, chairs, chest, and magical fireplace. A study with desks, books, bookshelves, parchments, ink, and ink pens. A dining space with a table, chairs, magical fireplace, containers, and cooking utensils. A lounge with couches, armchairs, side tables and footstools. A washroom with toilets, washtubs, a magical brazier, and sauna benches. An observatory with a telescope and maps of the night sky. An unfurnished, empty room. The interior of the tower is warm and dry, regardless of conditions outside. Any equipment or furnishings conjured with the tower dissipate into smoke if removed from it. At the end of the spell’s duration, all creatures and objects within the tower that were not created by the spell appear safely outside on the ground, and all traces of the tower and its furnishings disappear. You can cast this spell again while it is active to maintain the tower’s existence for another 24 hours. You can create a permanent tower by casting this spell in the same location and with the same configuration every day for 1 Year. Costs 500 MP to cast.

Tier 4 Spell - |Major Image| - For 10 Minutes you create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20-Metre cube within 120 Metres. The image appears at a spot that you can see within range and lasts for the duration. It seems completely real, including sounds, smells, and temperature appropriate to the thing depicted. You can’t create sufficient heat or cold to cause damage, a sound loud enough to deal Thunder Damage or deafen a creature, or a smell that might sicken a creature (like a troglodyte’s stench). As long as you are within range of the illusion, you can use your action to cause the image to move to any other spot within range. As the image changes location, you can alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for the image. For example, if you create an image of a creature and move it, you can alter the image so that it appears to be walking. Similarly, you can cause the illusion to make different sounds at different times, even making it carry on a conversation, for example. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. Costs 400 MP to cast.

Tier 4 Spell - |Haste| - Choose a willing creature that you can see within 30 Metres. For 1 Minute, the target’s Movement, Attack, and Casting Speed is doubled. When the spell ends, the target can’t move or take actions until after 30 seconds has passed, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it. When the spell ends there is a 10% Chance to increase the target's Exhaustion Level by 1. Costs 450 MP to cast.

Skill - |Occlumency ★★★★☆| - Mind Arts Skill used to shield your mind, repel Legilimency probes, and organize memories. Rank 4/5: Perk - |Psychic Thorns| - Even if you are unconscious, meditating, or dreaming, any Legilimency probes or magical mind-reading will automatically be met with Psychic Damage of equal value to the magical energy spent trying to pierce your mind.

|Consume 'Gacha Coin' Y/N?|



Spell Book - |Town Portal| - Creates a portal that allows the caster to teleport to any 'Instant Dungeon Town' they've discovered and back again.

'There's NPC Hubs in the Twilight Forest? That's certainly.. Unique. However, I'm glad I got Town Portal before I discovered several settlements, it would have forced me to backtrack god knows how long to ''Discover'' all the locations I'd been to. It might have given me past locations by default but knowing my luck, no way it'd be that easy. No way of knowing now, but still..'

|Consume 'Spell Book - |Town Portal|' Y/N?|


NEW! Spell - |Town Portal| - Creates a portal that allows the caster to teleport to any 'Instant Dungeon Town' they've discovered and back again. Costs 100 MP to cast.

'Interesting. It's not a Tier Magic Spell, but clearly it's linked to the Gamer System.. It's going to take me f*cking years to make sense of my powers, huh?.. I doubt there's an easy method of figuring out exactly what my limits are. So far they seem limitless, but surely it won't be that easy.. No use worrying about it. I think I'll spend the day writing down what I know about my powers so far. That should put Bill's mind at ease, and it could double as a Journal or Diary for myself.. I haven't written a diary since I was in primary school.. Then again the average lives of people the 21st century wasn't all that fun to write about, perhaps I will write one.. Could be nice source material for an autobiography when all this Dark Lord bullsh*t is finally over and done with.'

As we were eating breakfast Remus received his Daily Prophet and quickly turned it over to me with a smile after he'd read the front page.

''Looks like we've gathered quite a lot of attention, the Ministry must be losing their minds..'' Remus said with a shake of his head.



This reporter can confirm that last afternoon over four hundred patients in St Mungos Hospital for Magical Maladies both in the permanent spell damage wards and temporary damage wards were miraculously cured by a young girl called Lilian Prongslet, or as the people of Knockturn Alley have come to call her, The Knowledge Saint. Yesterday morning Lilian Prongslet made her appearance known in a pub called The Blind Basilisk in Knockturn Alley, and was reported as shouting to the patrons that she would heal them for free but would accept books and knowledge if anyone wished to compensate her for the service. Predictably everyone there called her a liar, but she persisted with her promise and then proceeded to cure over two hundred people of their curses, this included those infected with Lycanthropy, curse scars preventing regrowing of limbs, even one old deaf man ended up with his lost sense restored. Did this Knowledge Saint perform an illegal or Dark Ritual to gain these powers? Where did she come from? Why did she heal the people she did? This reporter intends to find out. She was heard promising to show up next monday before leaving the pub and I promise try to speak to this mysterious girl if she reappears as she promised. Witness testimony by Sarah Oxley Pg2, Witness testimony by John Burke Pg3, opinion piece on The Knowledge Saint by St Mungos healer Rose Davies Pg4..


|Title Added: 'The Knowledge Saint'|

|The Knowledge Saint| - grants the holder the Perk: |Saint Initiate|

Perk - |Saint Initiate| - You can cast the Tier 1 Spell |Spare The Dying| three times for free every 24 Hours, the Tier 2 Spell |Healing Word| two times for free every 24 Hours, and the Tier 3 Spell |Zone Of Truth| once for free every 24 Hours.

''Well, atleast it was a good article, by Skeeter's standards anyways.. I was only implied to be dangerous Dark Lady near the end rather than the start of the article, which is her usual modus operandi.''

''Really? Let me see'' Yuriko pipes up.


''...Yeah, this Rita Skeeter seems to be the same kind of person as the fictional one..'' Yuriko eventually grumbled as she got to the end of the article and started to read the interviews.

''A smear merchant, otherwise known as a Journalist, yes.'' I nod in agreement.

Remus chokes slightly on his coffee before he chuckles at my description.

After I spent a few hours transcribing the last few days worth of events into a blank notebook, I also started the same process on the subject of my Gamer System in another notebook. I didn't quite realize how many moving parts there were, and had to rewrite several parts over and over to get it all written down properly. I also transfigured several phials of glass using some broken glassware I found in the kitchen. I used the phials to store memories that depicted Video Games, especially RPGs and compared them to my memories of The Gamer System along with explanations of how it all worked, atleast to the best of my ability.

'Sorry Bill, but you're a B O O M E R~ of the HIGHEST degree. I get it though. Growing up in what is effectively a Victorian society and seeing 21st century entertainment must be mind boggling, even with magic.. I wonder if I should make similar Memory-Essays for other magicals. Their Muggle Studies textbooks don't exactly do a good job explaining how Muggle Society works.. It might sell really well if nothing else than for the novelty on its own. How the magicals made f*cking Pensieves but still mostly use books made from animal skins for their educational needs or entertainment.. I don't get it. Even if you're a BBEG wanting to make a population into sheep, selling modified Pensieves for Propaganda purposes alone would be an astronomical benefit. I guess they're either incompetent and can't see the reason or didn't realise why investing into making Modified-Pensieves affordable is a great idea. Or maybe they're worried if changing tactics will lead to the plebeians figuring out how to use the new technology against them. Whatever the case may be, this is something I will definitely try to capitalise on. PCs, TVs, Phones, Computers, Games, VR, AI, Cinema.. The magical world has NONE of that. All I've seen in relation to magical culture that they do for entertainment apart from listening to a few magical bands and watching Quidditch, are children's novels, adult novels, a few simple board games, and parties in the form of Balls with a dance. Everything else seems to be just.. Tea parties. Going to eat at a resturant. There's little to no theatre culture.. I can't help but be both disappointed and amazed at the incompetence of these tyrants. The 2030s was riddled with media whose sole purpose was to send a ''message'' and not to make a profit. The fact that none of these magical aristocrats are doing something similar is hilarious, even more so when you realise the idiots gave up BANKING to a third f*cking party in the form of a foreign nation of a different species that isn't especially sympathetic to the wizarding world... Best not to give them ideas though. The censorship and propaganda tactics of Terra's alternate future being as effective as they were, I wouldn't want to allow them to come into existence again. Although, somehow I doubt the screeching aristocrats will be able to do anything other than try to ban it.. Which can easily be circumvented when you don't live in a Technocratic Hellscape.. Oh this is going to be GREAT, I can already tell...'

Meanwhile unbeknownst to me on the outside of my head Remus and Yuriko are chuckling and conversing about my tendency to go into a trance and making goofy faces.

''She's doing it again..'' Remus said.

''Yes. I wonder what she's thinking about.. Usually when she gets like this it leads to some crazy ''Operation'' or she's figured out how to break reality in some new way.. Do you notice how she sometimes doesn't seem to be looking at things, but still looks at something?'' Yuriko asked.

''No, what do you mean?''

''Well, it's like she's.. watching something in front of her that isn't there. I've seen her eyes move like she's reading when she's not holding a book.''

''..Weird. I guess she's a bit eccentric, but atleast she seems to have her heart in the right place..''

''I suppose.. I think it's a little cute. Oh, she's coming out of it..''

''Alright guys, did I miss anything?'' I ask them.

''Nothing.'' said Remus.

''Nope.'' said Yuriko.

''I see. I've made some progress on ideas for the future. I got a bit distracted, sorry.. Anyways, I've written down how my Powers work that I got from that Goddess. I also tried to make a sort of.. Video Essay, explaining the details in Memory Form. If you're interested like Bill is then go ahead and read this and or watch these modified memories.'' I place the notebook and phials on the livingroom table.

After Yuriko and Remus came back from viewing the memories they were both looking at me with a seriously calculating look.

''Whilst the technology from the future was amazing, how come you didn't tell us about the whole traveling to a pocket dimension thing? That looked really dangerous!'' Asks Remus.

''That would be why. I didn't want to endanger people by going into Instant Dungeons with them until I grew sufficiently powerful to protect them from dying. I feel comfortable taking adults with me to the Skeleton or Kobold Caverns, but nothing else for now. That's why you're hearing about it now. I refuse to risk people's lives pointlessly. I'll clear the Dungeons and kill the bosses on my own first to make sure I can protect any person I bring with me into them eventually.''

''Shouldn't that be our choice, considering we'd all willingly fly a boat into a horde of dementors with you?'' He persists.

''Greater love hath no man than this, to put down his life for his friends.. I won't deny you the right to risk your life for the benefit of your friends or innocents, but I didn't want to risk your lives unecessarily by taking you with me at first. If I can take that risk personally and remove most of that risk before I take others with me, I will. I wasn't going to let you risk your lives for something that may or may not make you more powerful. I'm not inherently brave enough to do that when I feel I have a responsibility for your lives when you're in there because of my Power. I probably wouldn't have let you, as you put it, ''fly a boat into a horde of dementors'' before you got a boost to your power levels first anyways. Which we could start doing now, if you wish? I'd rather we wait for Bill though, so he won't get into a hissy fit about being left out too.''

''I can see where she's coming from, Remus-San. Considering that I'd just recently died quite horribly, she probably didn't want to ask me to do something that dangerous so soon.. I can see why she didn't bring us with her immediately if she thought it was dangerous.''

''..Fine. I'm sorry, Anne.. I just get a bit, well.. I don't want you to risk your life for power either. Even though I know you're an adult, I'm seeing a kid doing these things..''

''You were worried about me, which is understandable since I look like this. Knowing something and feeling it are two different things. I've been considering buying some adult clothes and metamorphing into a bigger body to give myself more disguise options, perhaps that would be a good idea for multiple reasons.....''

''And she's off into her head again..'' Yuriko chuckles.

''Heh, it's impossible to stay cross with the little Gremlin... OI! ANNE! Good, we have your attention again. We'll wait for Bill, but once he arrives we'll try, as you put it ''Partying Up'' and you'll take us through a couple of Skeleton or Kobold dungeons, alright?''

''Oh? Yeah, sure. So long as everyone promises to obey my orders when we're inside the Twilight Forest, I'll gladly take you there. No running off. No challenging anything stronger because you think it's safe, I can guarantee it's most likely not. When I used to play games with similar mechanics in my past life, death was merely a speed bump preventing you from your goal. Now it's.. well, death. Treat it seriously.''

''We get it.'' Remus grumbles.

''Your terms are acceptable. Now, shall we get back to studying? I'd like to try casting some more spells.'' Yuriko asks.

''Sure, what spells do you want to practice?''

I had quite a bit of fun learning and teaching spells with Remus and Yuriko, it was surprisingly easy.

'I really think Hogwarts is going to be super easy to pass if the spells are this easy to cast.. The hardest bit will definitely be to keep my sanity whilst I memorise all the useless theory..'

NEW! Spell - |Stupefy/Ennervate| - Spell that stuns/wakes up living creatures.

NEW! Spell - |Winguardium Leviosa| - Spell that levitates objects.

NEW! Spell - |Accio/Depulso| - Spell that summons/banishes objects towards/away from the caster.

NEW! Spell - |Expeliarmus| - Spell that disarms creatures carrying objects, when overcharged can knock creatures backwards at the same time.

NEW! Spell - |Alohamora/Colloportus| Spell that unlocks/locks, containers, doors, windows, and padlocks.

''You're both making amazing progress.. It's a little scary how quickly you both seem to pick up spellcasting.''

''I think it's that we're mostly cheating using the innate Powers we got from our respective Goddessess.'' I say.

''Yes. I don't think we would be able to learn this quickly if it weren't for my Supernatural Power or Lily-Chan's The Gamer System..''

''I suppose that makes sense..'' Remus said.


''...I guess lunch is served.'' I say as I look behind me and see the table has been stocked with food.

After lunch Yuriko and I keep practicing our Patronus Charms, and amazingly enough, Yuriko manages to cast a fully corporeal Patronus with barely any practice, I'm still nowhere close to getting mine yet.

''|Expecto Patronum|!... Shigeru..'' Yuriko stares in awe as her Japanese Rhinoceros-Beetle Patronus flies around the room

''Good job, Yuriko! You're a natural at this.'' I praise her.

''..Thank you, Lily-Chan... I think I'll take a break for now.''

''Alright, suit yourself. I've got to learn how to cast it as well so I'll keep it up for now..''

After improving my Patronus Charm slightly more for one hour, I decided to try out one of my new Tier Magic spells, |Sending|. So I sat down and contemplated what to send to Bill. I immediately decided that sending a message to Sirius was a bad idea. Sure he might escape, but he might also get caught trying to do so, and security would be increased, making our secondary goals a lot harder to complete.

'Does that make me a bad person? I'm allowing a man I consider family to think he's alone in the world whilst he suffers around soul eating demons.. I hate to pull a Dumbledore, but alas.. The greater good is too tempting. It'll only be a couple more days at most before we're done constructing the Vessel.. I think I'll call the it the S.S. Ark... I just hope Sirius won't hate me for being delayed whilst I was outside and free to potentially get him out of his mental prison, even if it was only a few days earlier..'

After contemplating the morality of letting Sirius remain in the dark, I decided what 25 words to send to Bill.

'|Sending|. (Bill, this is a new spell I made. Are you coming alone today or with your father? Will debrief you on my special powers today.)'

'(ANNE?! WHAT?! HOW?! Am I losing my mind or are you talking to me across several kilometres through several wards?! How am I even supposed-)

'...|Sending|. (You are not losing your mind. It is me, Hadrianne. Spell works with twenty five words or less to reply before it cuts off.)'

'.....(That is a lot more secure than owls.. I will make sure to come over alone and earlier today.)'

'|Sending|. (Copy that, over and out.)'

'..(Never a bloody dull moment with you is it.. See you soon, Anne.)'

'Hopefully I didn't traumatise Bill too much..'

Eventually after a few more hours of me reading, Bill arrived earlier than usual as promised, and looked towards me.

''Did you contact me with some weird mind-magic today?''

''Yes, it's a spell called Sending. It sends a target I know a message they can reply to of twenty five words or less with their own twenty five words. I apologize if it freaked you out a little..''

''No, it's fine.. I could instictively feel how the spell worked after the first shock wore off. Now, you said you would finally debrief me on all of your powers?''

''Correct. I've made a specific order of memories that I edited and arranged to explain the details, I also have some more technical details for you in this notebook to read afterwards.''

''That was INSANE! Dad always goes on about the muggles being awfuly clever, but to be able to simulate entire worlds in just a couple more decades.. It's one thing to hear about it, and another to see the evolution of these ''Video Games'' from what they are now to what it will become one day within the span of an hour.. If you'd have showed this to someone like Mum she'd never believe you. Then again, your point about sufficiently advanced technology being the equivalent to magic is.. seemingly not that far from the truth.''

''Thank you, I thought was a rather well put together Video Essay. I might make some more on other pieces of technology for you all later.. Now, I invited Remus and Yuriko to enter my Instant Dungeon. I didn't take them with me yet, as I wanted to wait for you as well. Do you want to come along? If you do, you must promise to obey my orders whilst we are inside the Twilight Forest. I refuse to have your death on my conscience. If I tell you to stay behind, you WILL stop following me and hide. If you are told to run and save yourself, you WILL do so. Even though my Instant Dungeons seem like a Video Game, they are not. It's extremely dangerous. And lethal.'' I look at him with an intense stare.

''..Fine. I'll follow your orders. Let's go tell the others we're ready to leave.''

We both went and found Remus and Yuriko in their rooms and walked back to the livingroom.

'Alright, let's see.. |Instant Dungeon|?'

|Invite - Remus, Yuriko, William, to your Party Y/N?|




''That's what it looks like when you see messages from the system, Anne?'' Bill asks.

''Yes, it's very flashy, I know. Accept the Party Invite, please. If you don't you will be left behind here when I teleport.''

|Party Slots 4/5|

|Party Leader: Hadrianne. Party Members: Remus, Yuriko, William.|

''Good, everything looks to be in order.. It appears that I can only have an additional four people with me at any one given time. Atleast for now, I don't know what happens if I try to upgrade my Instant Dungeon Skill.. Anyways, here goes nothing.. |Enter - Instant Dungeon|!''

With a flash of light, we were transported to the Twilight Forest.

As we took in our new surroundings everyone but me was looking around frantically, and I could see a list of the party members along with their Stats displayed in the bottom left corner of my vision.

|Remus John Lupin|

HP 250/250

MP 550/550

EP 100/100

SP 150/150

|Yuriko Misaki|

HP 1000/1000

MP 300/300

EP 500/500

SP 750/750

|William Arthur Weasley|

HP 300/300

MP 500/500

EP 50/50

SP 200/200

''Well, shall we get going? Which dungeon would you like to challenge first, Skeleton or Kobold?''

''I half expected it not to work.. A virtual world..'' Remus whispered.

''Could we fight the Kobolds first?'' Bill asked.

''Kobolds it is.''

We walked towards the medium hollow hill and quickly made our way to the entrance. I buffed everyone with Mage Armor, and Spiderclimb, and then activated the dungeon.

|Enter 'Medium Hollow Hill: Kobold Caverns' Y/N?|


We made our way inside on the ceiling and quickly spotted the first group of 15 Kobolds.

''Alright, let's do this, everyone.. |HENSHIN|!'' Yuriko quickly Transformed into Tackle and started firing severing charms at the Kobolds.

''|Bombarda| Maxima!'' Remus shouted.

''|Reducto|!'' came a shout from Bill.

''Well, that went better than I expected... Let's keep going.'' I said.

After fighting Kobolds with the rest of my Party for a little over an hour, we finally cleared the Dungeon. I leveled up twice, and the others didn't seem to level up at all until we got to the end of the Dungeon. Once we did, the Loot Chest spawned and I could add ''Resource Points'' to my Party members.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 42
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 42/100 |Next Level: 43 - 4300 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000
MP: 1250/1250
EP: 350/350
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
POWER: 100
EXP - |120|

Tier 5 Spell - |Fabricate| - You convert raw materials into products of the same material. For example, you can fabricate a wooden bridge from a clump of trees, a rope from a patch of hemp, and clothes from flax or wool. Choose raw materials that you can see within 100 Metres. You can fabricate an object (contained within a 10-Metre cube, or eight connected 5-Metre cubes), given a sufficient quantity of raw material. If you are working with metal, stone, or another mineral substance however, the fabricated object can be no larger than (contained within a single 5-Metre cube). The quality of objects made by the spell is commensurate with the quality of the raw materials. Creatures or magic items can’t be created or transmuted by this spell. You also can’t use it to create items that ordinarily require a high degree of craftsmanship, such as jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor, unless you have a deep enough understanding of how the item is made. Costs 550 MP to cast.

Tier 5 Spell - |Stoneskin| - This spell turns the flesh of a willing creature you touch as hard as stone. For 1 Hour, the target gains a 30% Resistance to nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage. Costs 500 MP to cast.

|Open 'Dungeon Loot Chest' Y/N?|


|x1 'Magic Map: Twilight Forest' Added to Inventory.|

|Accept Reward for clearing your first Dungeon with a Party: 'Skill - |Ability Teacher|' Y/N?|


Skill - |Ability Teacher| - Allows the user to assign one Rank 5 Spell or Skill to a Party Member. The Party member will get a Progress Bar to fill up, once they fill up the bar the Spell or Skill is learned, allowing you to assign a new Skill or Spell with a new casting of this Skill. Costs 200 EP to cast.

''Looks like my intuition was correct, we just needed to clear the Dungeon before I could increase your Stats.''

''I was getting worried it wouldn't work.. Do you know how it works?'' Asked Remus.

|Remus John Lupin|

HP 250/250

MP 550/550

EP 100/100

SP 150/150

Resource Points: 100

|Yuriko Misaki|

HP 1000/1000

MP 300/300

EP 500/500

SP 750/750

Resource Points: 100

|William Arthur Weasley|

HP 300/300

MP 500/500

EP 50/50

SP 200/200

Resource Points: 100

''You all have 100 Resource Points I can spend, presumably on increasing your Health, Mana, Energy, or Stamina Points. I don't know what you all want to invest into, but honestly, I'd suggest you try to make all your Stats as equal to any other Stat as possible. They're all good to have, but if you can't gain Points infinitely atleast you'll be boosted in every aspect instead of just one or two. That's what I'm doing myself, in case I can't go beyond Level 100.''

''I see.. Alright, I think that's a reasonable suggestion. Are you all fine with that as well?'' He looks to Bill and Yuriko.



''Go for it, Anne.'' Remus gives me a thumbs up.

''Gotcha, will do.''

|Remus John Lupin|

HP 250/250

MP 550/550

EP 175/175

SP 175/175

Resource Points: 0

|Yuriko Misaki|

HP 1000/1000

MP 400/400

EP 500/500

SP 750/750

Resource Points: 0

|William Arthur Weasley|

HP 300/300

MP 500/500

EP 150/150

SP 200/200

Resource Points: 0

''Do you feel any different?'' I asked.

''..Yeah, there was a slight feeling, atleast for me?'' Bill said.

''Yep.'' Remus agreed.

''I felt like my magic grew a lot.'' Added Yuriko.

''It did. I boosted Bill's Energy, Remus' Energy and Stamina, and your Mana. It will be while before your Stats all become equal in power, but it should happen eventually.. I uh, a-also learned a Skill called Ability Teacher just now, which appears to allow me to assign Rank 5 Spells or Skills to my Party Members that you can learn if you use them enough. In other words, Tier Magic and Skills aren't bound to only me anymore.. Looks like you were right Bill, gotta be careful with who we teach. All of you wouldn't use these powers for evil, but if anyone figures out that they could do what I can.. I fear to think what the Unspeakables, Dumbledore, or Death Eaters would try to do to me if they found out about this.....''

''We won't let that happen.'' Yuriko added firmly.

''Definitely not.'' Said Remus.

''We won't tell anyone about this. If you want to bring more people in on the secret, that's fine, but it won't spread from us.'' Said Bill, as he held my shoulder.

''...Thanks, you guys..''

After spending ten minutes discussing what Tier Magic Spell everyone wanted to start learning, I ended up upgrading Counterspell to Rank 5 and locked in a Spell for everyone to learn.

Tier 4 Spell - |Counterspell ★★★★★| - You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell within 100 Metres, by doing so it drains MP equivalent to the spell you wish to counter. If you run out of MP or if you do not have enough MP to counter the spell, the creature still casts the spell like normal. If you do have the required MP the creature's spell fails to cast. Rank 5/5 Reduce MP cost by 50%. Rank 5 Bonus: Increased range. Once you interrupt a creature casting a spell, it can not cast spells for 1 Minute.

Needless to say, everyone decided to pick Counterspell after I told them what the Rank 5 Bonus was.

''What the hell do you mean 'Can not cast spells for one minute'! That's terrifying!'' Bill was pretty shaken up about the power he was going to end up with.

''I don't know what to tell you, I can't see what each spell will do at its final evolution. If I knew Counterspell would be that powerful I'd have upgraded it the second I got it...''

I used the |Ability Teacher| Skill and added |Counterspell| to their Progress Bars.

|Remus John Lupin|

HP 250/250

MP 550/550

EP 175/175

SP 175/175

Resource Points: 0

|Ability Teacher - Counterspell - Progress: 0%|

|Yuriko Misaki|

HP 1000/1000

MP 400/400

EP 500/500

SP 750/750

Resource Points: 0

|Ability Teacher - Counterspell - Progress: 0%|

|William Arthur Weasley|

HP 300/300

MP 500/500

EP 150/150

SP 200/200

Resource Points: 0

|Ability Teacher - Counterspell - Progress: 0%|

After some testing, their version of |Counterspell| didn't stop the casting of other spells for a minute, atleast not yet, and using it didn't seem to increase their progress bars. I assumed that this meant they'd have to spend Resource Points to increase progress percentage, and I shared my theory with them.

''That makes sense.'' Remus said.

''I may even one day be able to increase the amount of Spells and Skills I can teach you per casting, perhaps the Ability Teacher skill itself can be taught.. I doubt it, but there's a chance. For now I still want to put my Skill Points into my Occlumency skill. It's been extremely useful so far, and I highly reccomend you all take it as the second thing you learn, assuming you gain the Rank bonuses for Counterspell once you complete the progress bar. If you do, it probably means it works the same way with skills.''

''What do you reckon happens if the person already knows a little Occlumency, or what would happen since I already know how to cast Diffindo?'' Asked Bill.

''..I doubt it would give you the Rank 5 version for free. It would probably still cost Resource Points, and then once you spent enough it would grant you the Rank bonuses. That's just the running theory for now. I have no idea if you'll even get Rank bonuses, but it makes sense. We'll just have to wait and see.''

After some more back and forth, we decided to do one more dungeon and leave it at that for the night. I reaplied Mage Armor and Spiderclimb, then proceeded to also add a round Stoneskin for good measure. We quickly went through the dungeon and I leveled up two more times, the rest of the party also gained 100 Resource Points at the end again. There must be a pattern to how it works, I killed more of the Kobolds this time, so it must be based on clearing a dungeon rather than actual kills.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 44
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 44/100 |Next Level: 45 - 4500 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000
MP: 1300/1300
EP: 700/700
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
POWER: 100
EXP - |310|

Tier 5 Spell - |Dimension Door| - You teleport yourself from your current location to any other spot within 500 Metres. You arrive at exactly the spot desired. It can be a place you can see, one you can visualize, or one you can describe by stating distance and direction, such as "200 Metres straight downward" or "Upward to the northwest at a 45-degree angle, 300 Metres". You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed what you can carry. You can also bring one willing creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its carrying capacity. The creature must be within 5 Metres of you when you cast this spell. If you would arrive in a place already occupied by an object or a creature, you and any creature traveling with you each take 100 Force Damage, and the spell fails to teleport you. Costs 520 MP to cast.

Tier 5 Spell - |Merlin's Speedy Courier| - You summon an air elemental to a spot within 10 Metres for 10 Minutes. The air elemental is formless, nearly transparent, immune to all damage, and cannot interact with other creatures or objects. It carries an open, small, empty box whose interior dimensions are 3 Metres on each side. While the spell lasts, you can deposit as many items inside the box as will fit. You can then name a living creature you have met and seen at least once before, or any creature for which you possess a body part, lock of hair, clipping from a nail, or similar portion of the creature’s body. As soon as the lid of the chest is closed, the elemental and the box disappear, then reappear adjacent to the target creature. If the target creature is on another plane, or if it is proofed against magical detection or location, the contents of the box reappear on the ground at your feet. The target creature is made aware of the box's contents before it chooses whether or not to open it, and knows how much of the spell’s duration remains in which it can retrieve them. No other creature can open the box and retrieve its contents. When the spell expires or when all the contents of the box have been removed, the elemental and the box disappear. The elemental also disappears if the target creature orders it to return the items to you. When the elemental disappears, any items not taken from the box reappear on the ground at your feet. Costs 520 MP to cast.

''Alright, who wants to try to use their Resource Points on the Countspell progress bar first?''

''I'll volunteer.'' Remus says.

''Alright, let's see..''

|Spend x50 Resource Points on '|Counterspell|' Y/N?|


|Remus John Lupin|

HP 250/250

MP 550/550

EP 175/175

SP 175/175

Resource Points: 50

|Ability Teacher - Counterspell - Progress: 100%|


|Remus John Lupin has Permanently Unlocked '|Counterspell ★★★★★|' x1 Gacha Coin Added to Inventory|

''Oh my god.. It gives me Gacha Coins whenever I fill your progress bar. Also, it looks like it gave you the Rank 5 bonuses.''


''Yep. You should be able to stop people from casting magic entirely for a minute now as well.''

''..Well, I take it you both want to spend half of your 100 Points to complete your progress?'' I ask

''Yes.'' said Bill.


|Remus John Lupin|

HP 250/250

MP 550/550

EP 200/200

SP 200/200

Resource Points: 0

Tier Magic: Counterspell.

|Ability Teacher - ? - Progress: 0%|

|Yuriko Misaki|

HP 1000/1000

MP 450/450

EP 500/500

SP 750/750

Resource Points: 0

Tier Magic: Counterspell.

|Ability Teacher - ? - Progress: 0%|

|William Arthur Weasley|

HP 300/300

MP 500/500

EP 200/200

SP 200/200

Resource Points: 0

Tier Magic: Counterspell.

|Ability Teacher - ? - Progress: 0%|

''There you go, that should be all of your Points spent and spells learned.''

After some testing we confirmed that the anti-magic effect worked, now it was just figuring out what else to focus on learning next. We discussed it for a while, but in the end we decided to focus on Stats instead of Spells for now and wait for me to get Occlumency to Rank 5 before they invested any more points into Ability Teacher. We teleported back to Grimmauld Place, said goodbye to Bill for the night, and had dinner. After dinner I offered to let Remus and Yuriko watch a movie from Terra with me. They accepted my offer and we ended up deciding to watch the first SAO Progressive Movie. Remus and Yuriko were amazed at the animation quality of cartoons from the future, and it felt rather topical seeing as they were just inside of a virtual world. Thankfully I didn't pull a Kayaba on them, though. Once the movie was done we went to our bedrooms to rest for the night.

After my meditation and cleaning myself up, I went downstairs to continue practicing my Patronus Charm. I also decided to Rank Up my |Fabricate| Spell, incase it would make constructing the Ark easier. And oh boy, did it do just that.

Tier 5 Spell - |Fabricate ★★★★★| - You convert raw materials into products of the same material. For example, you can fabricate a wooden bridge from a clump of trees, a rope from a patch of hemp, and clothes from flax or wool. Choose raw materials that you can see within 100 Metres. You can fabricate an object (contained within a 10-Metre cube, or eight connected 5-Metre cubes), given a sufficient quantity of raw material. If you are working with metal, stone, or another mineral substance however, the fabricated object can be no larger than (contained within five 5-Metre cubes). The quality of objects made by the spell is commensurate with the quality of the raw materials. Creatures or magic items can’t be created by this spell. Creatures can not be transmuted by this spell. Costs 500 MP to cast. Rank 5/5: Reduces MP cost. Increases Cube Quantity for mineral substances. Rank 5 Bonus: Magic Items can now be transmuted using this spell. Your required understanding of an item is Massively Reduced to be able to fabricate it. So long as you understand the general function of the item and you have the required materials, the spell will fill in the gaps to create what you visualize.

'Oh boy. I got myself a f*ckin' Replicator spell.. I take it that since I can also transmute magic items with it, I could theoretically also use it as a Transmog spell. That's pretty cool. And also extremely useful. No more buying clothes, I could simply buy cloth or wool. No more.. much of anything, really. And most importantly.. I could probably build the Ark within hours...'



''Mistress calls for Kreacher?''

''Yes, my apologies for calling you so early.. OH, your new uniform looks dashing. I like the tuxedo look on you. Good choice, and good job Kreacher. Now. I was wondering if you knew of a location anywhere that's mostly remote, close to the shore and facing towards the north sea?''

''Kreacher does not know of such a place, but Kreacher can attempt to find it for Mistress if you want?''

''I see. Don't worry about it then, I'll find somewhere on my own. Thanks for your help anyways, Kreacher.''

''As Mistress commands.''


'Well sh*t. Of course the demented House Elf wasn't allowed to go exploring on his own by his old masters. Can't blame me for trying. Oh well. I'll just have to wait for Remus to wake up to get started on construction, I might as well continue practicing casting my Patronus and keep going over the designs for the Ark to triple check it. I'll use my Gacha Coins first, though..'

|Consume x5 Gacha Coins Y/N?|


Spell Book - |Warp| - Teleports caster to nearest entrance/exit within 'Instant Dungeons'.

Summoning Crystal - Lalatina Ford Dustiness 'Darkness' - Human/Crusader

Magic Item - |Mirror Of Remote Viewing| - A handheld mirror with a gold frame encrusted with ten diamonds. Grants up to 10 charges of the |Remote Viewing| Spell. Regains one charge every 24 Hours.

Skill Orb - |Hamon| - Skill to manipulate Life-Energy with breathing techniques.

Consumable Item - x10 Potion Of Mana II - When consumed restores 1000 MP

'You know, at this point it just feels good to win at life. The Warp spell will definitely save a lot of time for me in the dungeons.. Another summoning crystal is.. Well, if she wasn't so weird it'd be great. She's super hot, but damn it, she's a weirdo. I'll have to think about it. Hard. Heh. The Mirror is undoubtedly going to be amazing for doing recon, but the biggest win from this entire hoard of goodies is the Hamon skill. I am definitely leveling that after Occlumency. Does this mean I get to justify doing cool poses!? Will Hamon have an effect on Dementors and could I rely on that instead of a Patronus incase I run out of MP or I fail to cast it in their presence!? I've got so many questions...'

Eventually Remus and Yuriko woke up and had breakfast with me, I had some light conversation with them and asked Remus if he could look for a location to assamble the boat later, and then I popped the question of what to do with the Summoning Crystal.

''Hey uh, guys. So.. I've got a new Summoning Crystal from one of the Gacha Coins from last night. The problem is, this woman is a bit.. Weird. She's not ''Evil'' or anything, but uh.. How do I put this.. She's a degenerate.''

''What?'' Remus asked.

''What do you mean?'' Yuriko asked.

''Well, she's a massive masoch*st, she enjoys pain and humiliation to an almost unhealthy degree. She's a Noble, a Knight, and a native from Eris and Aqua's world. Well, not the afterlife part, but the human realm where the people worship Eris and Aqua, the person in question is actually faithful to the Eris cult.''



''So I take it that's a negative on the whole summoning her idea?''

''I... Don't know, actually. Could we read the books or see the videos where you know her from?'' Yuriko asks.

''Sure, her name is Lalatina Ford Dustiness, she goes by the name Darkness. She's a character from the Light Novel and Anime, Konosuba. I'll uh, set up the pensieve with some memories..''

I quickly set up the first two seasons of Konosuba in the pensieve with edited memories. As we all dived into the pensieve we sat down in a cinema, and I let the show start playing. I explained that she first appears at the end of episode two, and it will be a while before you get a feel for her character.

''W-w-w-w-will you let me -J-j-join your P-p-PARTY?!''



''...What?'' Remus asks.

''Look, I said she was a weirdo.''



''What's this?... OH! This is just as great a success.. I HIT THE JACKPOT!''

''G-give me back my panties!''



''W-what a savage act!.. IT APPEARS MY EYES DIDN'T LEAD ME ASTRAY!''


I pause the episode because at this point, we're all nearly dying of laughter.

''W-well, I mean.. S-she's not hurting anyone with her.. Tastes. However, should you ever get a Crystal for Kazuma or Aqua, I refuse.'' Yuriko says.

''Understandable. That guy is an asshole of the highest degree, although to be fair, later on he does do the right thing when push comes to shove. Still, way too much of a headache to deal with him, I agree. And Aqua is.... Well, she's Aqua.'' I reply.

''I'm more interested how similar you are to Megumin, Anne..'' Remus said suddenly.


''Well I mean, the whole posing, flamboyant mannerisms, and boisterous personality.. Pffft..'' Remus begins chuckling.

''T-that's.. A little true.. Pfft..'' Yuriko adds.


'I feel attacked, somehow...'

''... Alright I may be a little like her, but I'm not that bad.. But fine. I'll take it as a compliment and run with it. MY NAME IS HADRIANNE! MIGHTIEST AND FOREMOST TIER MAGIC-CASTER IN BRITAIN!'' I proceed to pose whilst covering one of my eyes, and turning my other eye into a bright red colour. The crowd goes wild!

'NICE! Atleast this seems to have removed most of their nerves. I've noticed they both seemed really stressed recently, which is why I decided to start showing them entertainment to just.. Relax. Everything has been so serious and intense the last few days since they learned of our mission. If I can put them at ease, I'll gladly be a clown.'

Many laughs later, we finished watching the first two seasons of Konosuba, then we came out of the Pensieve and decided that we should summon Darkness.

''She seems like a good, but strange person.. I don't see a problem with summoning her.'' Yuriko said.

''It's hard to tell what a cartoon character would be like as a real person, but if she is mostly the same.. I'll leave the choice to you, Anne. I wouldn't want to have to deal with.. Whatever madness she's got. But the issues she has are outweighed by her positives, in my eyes.'' Remus said.

''Considering that the version of Darkness I can summon would have agreed to travel to this world, and most likely will be told about me in some way, like what happened with Yuriko.. I can deal with her crazy mind personally, but I just wanted to make sure neither of you would be against it. Bill won't mind, but he also won't have to live in the same house as her.. But alright then, since you seem to think it's ok here goes nothing.''

I take out the Summoning Crystal and activate it.

|Consume 'Summoning Crystal - Lalatina Ford Dustiness' Y/N?|


Darkness was on the move. She'd overheard her father arranging for a meeting to discuss a courtship contract with Lord Alderp's son.

'That boy is no good! I want to marry someone more grotesque.. Or someone more.. Don't get distracted, Lalatina! I have to get out of here... I'll run away from home and become an adventurer. Since father refuses to let me become a Knight on the front lines, I'll find my path elsewhere instead. From this day forth I shall go by the name Darkness.'

She quickly made her way out of the mansion by climbing out of the window with a makeshift rope made from her bedsheets, and along with a sword and a pouch of gold coins, she ran into the night.

'I've been on the run for a week.. I got myself a set of expensive armor, but no one seems to want to keep me in their party for more than a single quest.. Maybe father was right. Perhaps I should give up.. No no no, I refuse! One. More. Quest. I can find someone that will take me on as a permanent party member this time. I'm sure of it!'

Darkness made her way towards the request board in guild hall, and scanned for a potential quest.

'More missing cats, construction work, escort quest towards the capital.. Why is there nothing interesting to do!... Wait what's this? Why's this flyer glowing? ''Help Hadrianne Lily Potter fight the Dark Lord Voldemort, there will be soul sucking demons, masked terrorists, and manipulative wizards to fight! Take down this flyer to travel to a new world and enter the service of the child of prophecy. If you accept this quest you are granted the ability to speak one of the new world's languages. You also gain the ability to convert your magical power to cast the same type of magic as this new world so you won't stand out. You can not return to this world without finding a way to do so in the new world. I recommend you take this quest, Lalatina. - Eris.''.... That's perfect! Thank you ever so much for this quest, Lady Eris! I'll DO IT!'

Darkness ripped the flyer off the board, a flash of light surrounded her, and she suddenly found herself standing in a different room? She wasn't sure where she was? The room didn't make any sense.

''Welcome to Earth, Darkness. My name is Hadrianne Lily Potter, do you remember how you got here?'' I try to talk to her to see if she can understand me. Her eyes showed recognition at my words, so I think we're safe on that front.

''Yes, Lady Eris somehow posted a quest for me in the adventurer's guild hall?''

''I see. I take it the quest told you the details of what we're fighting?''

''Some ''Dark Lord'' and terrorists? What's wrong with the room!? Nothing here makes sense..'' Darkness says.

I realise she must be affected by the fidelius charm.

''Close enough. We'll get you settled in Darkness, here, read this.'' I hold the written down version of Bill's secret for the fidelius charm we put on the house in front her face. When she finished reading the note, Darkness could finally make out what the room she was standing in looked like, and then frowned.

''What was that?'' she asked.

''A spell that hides a secret in the soul of a human being. You just learned the secret, allowing you to know where you are. The secret can't be learned without the secret keeper either writing it down like on this piece of paper for you to read, or the secret keeper needs to tell you the secret verbally.''

''..I see. That's an awfuly convoluted spell.. How do you know my name?''

''Are you sure you want to know the answer to that question?''

''W-what? Are you some otherworldly stalker?''

''No, nothing like that, but you won't believe me even if I told you.''

''What does that even mean?''

''You had fairy tales in your world, correct? Stories passed down in books or told to children?''


''From my perspective you were a character in a fictional story, but I summoned you here, and now you're real.''

''..What? You're right, I don't believe you.''

I turn to Remus and Yuriko before they speak up and dismiss them, I promised to deal with this on my own.

''Alright guys, how about you go deal with something else like studying or double checking the final draft of my Boat schematics, this is going to take a while.''

''Alright, good luck with that, Anne.'' Remus said.

''We'll go find that assembly site you wanted to start construction on for now, Lily-Chan.'' Yuriko said, and they both walked off to go explore for a good location to assemble the boat.

''W-w-what are you going to do?'' Darkness finally seemed to be a bit freaked out as the realisation of her situation is settling in.

''This metal bowl is filled with my memories, I can set it to go at ten times the speed of the outside world. Using this device you can witness what I've experienced. Just touch the surface of the glowing liquid and you'll see what I mean. I've set it up with the memories that will explain everything.''

''I see.. So you found yourself in a weird situation too.. Anyways I want to hear more about that ''p*rn'' thing you mentioned earlier! The only thing that was similar in my old world was romance novels. I mean, they were good novels, but to be able to see people..D-d-doing t-that..''

''Would you be pleased or disappointed to know that people in my original world made p*rn out of you?''

''They WHAT?!'' She blushes furiously.

''Hahahahah!, your blushing is way funnier than it has any right to be.''

''Nonono, you said something that definitely piqued my interest, what do you mean there's p*rnography of ME?!''

''Well, people enjoy writing and drawing things of fictional characters, and since the story you're from was rather popular.. There was quite a lot of it.''

''Did you ever.. y-you know?..'' She's begins fidgeting.

''Did I what?'' I ask smugly.

''D-did you ever.. you know, m-m-ma..'' She whispers something I couldn't make out, I can guess what though.

''masturbat* to you? Yes. More than once.'' I deadpan to her.

''I-I see.. W-well a-a-a-anyways.. I'll help you defeat this ''Tom'' or Voldemort, whatever he calls himself.''

''Thank you.. Lalatina.''

''Don't call me that!'' She blushes even harder somehow.

''Pfft...Hahaha! Make me, Lalatina.''

''You little!'' she reaches for me with her hands.

I misty step behind her out of her reach and smack her ass once.



''Be nice, Lalatina. If you behave like a good girl I might show you some memories of my p*rn collection later. It was rather extensive, and if you are anything like the ''You'' I know from that story, you'd definitely enjoy most of it.'' I say teasingly.

Needless to say, I had Darkness tamed within hours of knowing her. Today was a good day.

'Darkness really brings the inner Dom out of me, it seems.. I didn't expect to retain my sadism fetish as a girl, but clearly she awakened that fetish in me a second time. Good for her, I guess.'

After I had sufficiently tamed Darkness and explained everything about this world to her and what we are trying to do to change the future, she accepted my offer to let her study this world's magic, and began reading some books on potion theory. After a few hours Remus and Yuriko returned and told me they'd found a remote location to my specifications. It was around dinner time when Bill arrived with Arthur, and I had to introduce Darkness to the Weasleys. It was a strange sight having all of these characters from completely different worlds interracting. I decided to let Arthur in on my secret about Terra before he asked the obvious question of why there was a woman in armor living at my place, and filled him in with the short version of my powers and the reincarnation. He actually managed to wrap his head around multiverses and his life being based on a fictional story really fast, and took it extremely well.

''Well, that makes sense.. I've always felt like everyone is the character of their own stories. What's to say that other worlds, or an afterlife isn't receiving echoes of our experiences?'' Arthur said upon learning the truth.

Arthur keept consistently impressing me with his insightful takes. His bumbling idiot persona was definitely becoming more and more obvious to me. After confirming we were going to start construction on the S.S. Ark tomorrow, Arthur asked if we needed to know the location of Azkaban, or if the books or movies told us where it was. We knew it was in the north sea, but nothing more specific, so he promised to get coordinates from some Ministry records for us tomorrow after work. The next day Remus, Yuriko, Darkness and I made our way to the forest clearing on the northern coast via apparition and I started quickly building the ship whilst Remus started to ward the area against being detected. Using the Fabricate, Mage Hand, and the Unseen Servant spell I quickly assembled a medium sized Steam boat within an hour of trial and error. I then started to use the enchanting and rune carving tools to set up the rune clusters Arthur made and I improved upon for the Invisibility Cloaking and Levitation Charms. Darkness was having a blast being ordered around by me and carrying materials alongside my Unseen Servant, and Yuriko spent her time as a lookout incase anyone showed up. Finally, after three more hours, The S.S. Ark MK1 was complete. We needed to do was make sure it remained hidden, so Remus cast a fidelius charm to complete his wards, and then told everyone the secret whilst handing me a note with the secret written on it. All that I had left to do before we could save Sirius was testing the Ark, brewing a batch of Veritaserum, and learning the Patronus charm. The final stretch before Operation Dementia was within sight.

Year 0 Part 2 End

Chapter 4: Three Operations: Unholy Grail, Dementia, and Nazgûl!!!

Chapter Text

Year 0 Part 3 Start

Albus Dumbledore was in a state of mild panic. He'd just returned to Hogwarts from a trip to the continent on ICW business and had gone through some of the backlog of mail that had arrived since his absence. Anne Potter was missing, according to Arabella Figg. Dumbledore quickly checked his tracking devices tied to Anne's life force through the blood wards, and found them to be dormant. This could either mean she was dead or that the blood wards were destroyed. He quickly apparated to Number 4 Privet Drive and confirmed that the wards were irreperably broken. This was a disaster. All hope was not yet lost because he hadn't confirmed Anne's death, but most of his plans depended on her fighting and dying whilst facing Tom when he inevitably returned. Dumbledore knew that a fragment of Tom's soul was contained in Anne's scar that he had not been able to remove. After he confirmed that Anne was gone, he returned to Hogwarts to call some of his allies to form a search party. As he made his way towards his fireplace to call Alastor through the floo, he noticed the latest edition of the Daily Prophet on his desk in the corner of his eye.


'A cure for Lycanthropy?! How much did I miss so much in my short absence..'

After quickly skim reading the front page he was confused by the familiarity he felt by the name Lilian Prongslet.

'Somehow the name Prongslet is ringing a bell in the back of my mind. I'll have to go through some of my memories and search for why it seems so familiar. Rita Skeeter usually only writes half truths at best, and surely this story is mostly nonsense too.. but there's something that feels odd about this article. For now, I must call Alastor and Kingsley. I'll call for Severus immediately afterwards. We need to find Anne, she is our only hope to stop Tom when he inevitably returns..'

Once he had assembled his small search party, they all started to look for Anne seperately in the muggle world. Any nearby school, hospital, and orphanage all came back negative. Later that night when Dumbledore returned to the castle with a defeated look in his eyes after a day of running around Surrey in the hopes of finding Anne, he scoured his memories both with occlumency and the pensieve for anything related to Anne that hopefully might help him find her. At three in the morning it finally came to him, a faint memory of himself watching James Potter holding Anne in his arms at St Mungos after Lily gave birth looking down whilst whispering to her.

'You're the most amazing thing in the world.. My little Prongslet..'

''I'VE FOUND IT!'' Dumbledore screamed in joy, waking several of the portraits in his office.

'Lilian. Lily. Prongslet. Lilian Prongslet is Anne?! WHAT!? Does Anne remember her early childhood somehow? Is that article the usual nonsense Rita would write or was it actually true?! HOW!?'

''You've found what, Dumbledore?'' Phineas Nigellus Black's Portrait asked.

''...Somehow I fear that my discovery has left me with more questions than answers, Phineas... Perhaps my theory on the ''power he knows not'' is wrong..'' Dumbledore sighs and holds his head in his hands and contemplates if his entire plan is built upon faulty foundations.

The next few days were some of the most painful Dumbledore has experienced in decades, as he felt his control and certainty of both the truth and of the future was rapidly slipping.

At noon we returned to Grimmauld Place from the coast after testing the Ark for a while. Everything seemed to work as intended, but we still needed some extended flights to make sure. As we were about to eat lunch, a Gringotts owl arrived with a letter for me. I paid the bird with some bacon and a few Knuts and started to read the letter.

'Heir Potter, we have thankfully found no proof of attempted theft from your vault. The last withdrawal was in May of 1981 by James Potter and it has remained undisturbed since then. The Ministry did not return the Key for your vault which is highly irregular when all adult members of a House has perished. It appears as if your vault was treated as if it were in limbo between the Key needing to be returned and no Key actually being returned. Everything of the grey area paperwork has been cleared up and we have sent you your new Key along with this letter. We apologise for the inconvenience and have decided to cover the Audit, Lock replacement, and Key replacement fees for missing this anomaly in our paperwork. - Teller Bladetongue'

'If Dumbledore DID steal from me it appears to have been only from Potter Cottage. Or perhaps the Bank is corrupt and these reports are false, not much I can do to prove that so I'll just treat it as the truth for now, I guess.'

|x1 Potter Vault Key Added to Inventory|

''The bank said there hasn't been any theft, but there was a legal grey area not properly cleared up in relation to my vault. They've apparently fixed it now though.'' I hand Remus the letter as I'm petting Lilith and feeding her treats.

''...Weird.'' Remus shrugs after reading the letter.

Lunch passed without incident after that, and Yuriko, Remus, Darkness and I all spent the next four hours in the Instant Dungeon leveling up whilst we were waiting for Bill and Arthur. Darkness was loving my Stoneskin buff which allowed her to take even more damage safely. And I could tell Remus and Yuriko were a little put off by her antics, but mostly amused.

''Hadrianne! These swarms of blue monsters are savage! L-look at their beady little lustful eyes, NOOOO!!! Haaahhh, haaahhh..'' Darkness screams and starts breathing heavily.

''Seriously, she's got issues..'' Remus chuckles.

''I suddenly feel like we're the bad guys somehow, Lily-Chan?'' Yuriko adds.

''Nah, she's just a little weird. Also, as far as I can tell the Kobolds are not real or sentient but merely constructs made from my Magic.''

''..I see.'' She deadpans.

''HYAAAAH!'' Darkness squeeled as two more latched onto her.

'This is going to be a long day..' I thought as I killed five of the Kobolds surrounding Darkness with my severing charm.

In the end I leveled up four more times before we headed back home.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 48
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Female - (Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 48/100 |Next Level: 49 - 4900 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000
MP: 1500/1500
EP: 900/900
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
POWER: 100
EXP - |750|

Tier 5 Spell - |Greater Invisibility| - You or a creature you touch becomes invisible for 1 Minute or until you dismiss the spell. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target’s person. Costs 500 MP to cast.

Tier 5 Spell - |Spirit Tuning| - Your magic puts you in contact with a benevolent Spirit. You ask a single question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity to occur within 7 days. The spirit offers a truthful reply telepathically. The reply might be a short phrase, a cryptic rhyme, or an omen. Can only be cast once every 24 Hours. The spell doesn’t take into account any possible circ*mstances that might change the outcome, such as the casting of additional spells or the loss or gain of a companion. Costs 540 MP to cast.

Tier 5 Spell - |Banishment| - You send one creature that you can see within 60 Metres to another plane of existence for up to 1 Minute. If the target is native to the plane of existence you’re on, you banish the target to a harmless demiplane. While there, the target is incapacitated. The target remains there until the spell ends, at which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. If the target is native to a different plane of existence that the one you’re on, the target is banished with a faint popping noise, returning to its home plane. If you dismiss the spell before 1 Minute has passed, the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. Otherwise, the target doesn’t return. Costs 550 MP to cast.

Tier 5 Spell - |Psychic Lance| - You unleash a shimmering lance of psychic power from your forehead at a creature that you can see within 120 Metres. Alternatively, you can utter a creature’s name. If the named target is within range, it becomes the spell’s target even if you can’t see it. If the named target isn’t within range, the lance dissipates without effect. Deals Psychic Damage. If the target has less than 30% HP remaining after it gets hit by this spell, it gets knocked unconscious. Costs 560 MP to cast.

|Lalatina Ford Dustiness|
HP 1000/1000
MP 500/500
EP 300/300
SP 300/300
Tier Magic: Counterspell.
Resource Points: 0
|Ability Teacher - ? - Progress: 0%|

|Remus John Lupin|
HP 350/350
MP 550/550
EP 350/350
SP 350/350
Tier Magic: Counterspell.
Resource Points: 0
|Ability Teacher - ? - Progress: 0%|

|Yuriko Misaki|
HP 1000/1000
MP 675/675
EP 675/675
SP 750/750
Tier Magic: Counterspell.
Resource Points: 0
|Ability Teacher - ? - Progress: 0%|

As we returned to Grimmauld Place I continued my training with my Patronus until dinnertime and the Weasleys arrived. We informed them of our success in making the Ark, and offered them a seat. Arthur had managed to acquire the exact location of Azkaban from Ministry Records, apparently they've cut security so severely it's not even funny. They don't have human guards at all after 9 PM stationed at Azkaban except from the Dementors. Bill was looking into the legal methods to access the Lestrange Vault to get the Horcrux, but it was looking rather bleak.

''I could get into the vault pretty easily, it's the getting out of there undetected part that's a lot harder.. I don't think they would hand over the Horcrux even if we told them about it without giving them something very valuable, like in the alternate timeline when Harry had to barter with the Sword Of Gryfindor.'' Bill said.

''...Do you know of any goblins suffering from permanent disfigurement or some sort of curse that's a higher up or related to someone in a high position within Gringotts?'' I ask.

''..That's a great point! I think Director Ragnok uses a prosthetic and is missing a leg from a curse he got hit by during the war.'' Bill immediately brightens up.

After some more back and forth we decide to visit Diagon Alley tomorrow with Darkness to get her a wand, and to ask for a meeting with Director Ragnok to secure a deal. Eventually the Weasleys left for the night and we all did our own thing for a while before going to our rooms for to sleep or meditate. I snuck into Darkness' room and showed her some BDSM p*rn from Terra with the Pensieve. I think I saw her soul almost leave her body several times whilst she was watching the memory. It's way too fun to tease her.

After breakfast the next morning we decided to bring Darkness properly into the modern world for the first time. She was currently borrowing a set of Muggle clothes from Yuriko and was staring at everything in a frenzy as we were traveling to buy cloth both for her, and for me to use my Fabricate spell on to make new clothes from the textile store at the mall.

''I knew I should have expected this considering I saw the memories you showed me from the alternate timeline and your past life but.. This is incredible.. How could the steel carriages possibly be moving without horses..'' Darkness muttered as she saw a car for the first time.

''They're not carriages, they're auto-mobiles. We call them ''Cars'', they move by burning fuel. It's like a non-magical version of some of those golems from your world, like The Destroyer.'' I explain.

''It's not even using magic?'' She asks.

''No, magicals fly on enchanted brooms, winged mounts, or simply teleport. Those things are entirely mundane vehicles.''

''The technology present here was only theorized to have existed in ancient civilizations..'' Darkness said with awe.

''The technology here is amazing from your perspective, but from mine it's actually a bit outdated and old.. I originally came from a very similar world but it was over forty years in the future. Sadly there was no magic there, although it wasn't exactly necessary with the level of technology we had I suppose.''

''I see.. I almost feel like Eris understated the value of taking that quest, this place is amazing.. Not to mention t-the.. Things y-y-you showed me l-l-last night...'' She blushes deeply.

Eventually we got all that we needed from the muggle side and made our way to Diagon Alley, this place looked a lot more similar to what Darkness thought of as a town street. I asked Remus if he could brew me some veritaserum if I got him the ingredients. He said that it takes a month to complete a batch, so he'd just go to Knockturn and get it there instead to get it faster. Unfortunately that means more expensive, but no expensive will be spared in getting Sirius out of Azkaban as soon as possible. I gave him a budget of two hundred galleons. Yuriko decided to join him on his errand and they ended up finding luck and getting a batch for cheap from Knockturn alley at fifty galleons per phial. Makes you wonder why there's such a high amount of suply in there, but better not to question the magical gangs of Britain I suppose. Meanwhile Darkness and I were entering Garrick's shop.


''Oi! You still kicking old man?!'' I ask the seemingly empty shop.

''Miss Potter! unless you have brought me another customer I swear to Merlin tha-OH. You did bring a customer. Who's this then?''

''M-my name is.. Darkness.'' She responds with barely a whisper at the end, in the face of his intense glare.

''Her name is Lalatina. She's being edgy and going by a pseudo name, I guess?'' I add.

''I see.'' He nods.

''HEY!'' She blushes.

After trying out wands for fifteen minutes Garrick stops and changes course from a box he was going to try next, and goes to another several shelves away and hands the wand from it to Darkness. When she held it, it flashed with faint yellow light, which quickly died down. Finally a match.

''Fir. Dragon Heartstring. 12 inches. rather springy.. That will be seven Galleons, please.'' Garrick looked at Darkness with what I could only guess was confusion.

I hand over the money and we quickly leave the shop.


After we met up with Remus and Yuriko at the Leaky Cauldron I quickly asked to use the toilet and got changed in the bathroom with new clothes I made using the Fabricate spell, and I started to spend MP to grow and change my body. It took around five minutes, but eventually I grew to around Yuriko and Darkness' size. Once I returned they didn't recognize me at first and did a double take when I sat back down in my seat.

''What? I did mention that I could grow in size by using magic.''

''That is really strange..'' Remus said.

''I know that you said you were older than you looked, but I was used to you being small somehow..'' Yuriko adds.

After we finished our drinks we made our way towards Gringotts. I had already sent several messages with Sending throughout the day and confirmed with Bill that we had a meeting set up. All we had to do was ask Teller Bladetongue to see the Director, he would know what we meant. Apparently Bill was losing his job by the end of the day if we didn't show up or if we lied about the fact that we could heal Ragnok's leg. Bill didn't feel under pressure at all.

Bill and I left everyone else behind to wait in the entrence hall, and we were led to a room behind the Teller counters and finally came face to face with an old and bald goblin sitting down at a desk. I took a seat in the chair in front of the desk and introduced myself.

''Greetings Director Ragnok. My name is Hadrianne Lily Potter. And I've come to offer you a deal.''

''..Heir Potter? How did you-Oh. Polyjuice, I assume? I have heard of your offer from Mr Weasley but he did not disclose who you were. I find it laughable that you are capable of what you say you are, but if you can heal my leg I will reward you handsomely in Galleons.''

''I'm not using Polyjuice potion, actually.. Not the point. Here's the deal. I don't want money. I want one specific item from the Lestrange vault. It is a golden cup with the engraving of a Badger on the front of it. I need both the cup and a promise of safe passage back out of the vault.''

''...Are you messing with me! Even if I wanted to grant you access to someone else's vault.. What do you even want a golden cup for?''

''If you didn't have the cup in your bank I would have simply offered to heal you all for free, but I NEED that cup. It is not for personal or monetary gain, but it is a crucial artifact that I need in my quest to kill Tom Marvolo Riddle once and for all.''

''Why would you heal us for free? And who is Tom Marvolo Riddle?''

''Well, for the first question, you have a monopoly on banking. It makes sense, atleast to me, that if it costs me basically nothing to do something and it helps the people that control my money that I should probably do it. Also, believe it or not.. I genuinely just enjoy helping people if I can. It's a strange concept, I know. Secondly, Tom Marvolo Riddle is Voldemort's real name. I think you can understand why it would be in our best interest to make sure he can't return to the realm of the living.''

''WHAT?!...How is the cup related to the Dark Lord? He's supposed to be dead..''

''It's the cup that's keeping him alive. He is currently stuck as a wraith without a body and can only possess animals right now, but until I get the cup and remove its curse safely, he will remain ''alive'' and eventually be able to reconstruct a body.''

''...I have never heard of such a thing. How is a cup keeping him alive?!''

''He split his soul with a ritual, and then stored a piece of his soul in the cup to keep himself tethered to the mortal plane as a wraith should his body ever be destroyed. Good thinking on his part, since he did have his body disintegrate when he tried to kill me.''

''I.... I see. Very well. I will give you the artifact and let you leave with safe passage if you heal me and my people.''

''Alright, we have a deal.'' I stand up and hold out my hand to shake his.

He shakes it, and I cast Remove Curse and use the Rod Of Greater Restoration to regrow his leg as I shake it back, and then quickly store the Rod back in my inventory before he sees it. The prosthetic that was magically sticking to his stump falls to the ground with a thud as the spell broke because of the change in surface area of his leg from the knee down.

''Well, my end of the deal is mostly complete. Shall we go get the cup? You should probably call for every goblin suffering from a permanent curse to assemble somewhere if you want me to heal your people. I can only restore three limbs per day but I can remove curses indefinitely, and I can only remove curses from people when I touch them, keep that in mind.''

''I... I thought you wand carriers relied upon your wands to do magic?!''

''Not every Witch or Wizard needs a wand to perform magic, Director Ragnok. Only most of them, atleast in Britain.''

''..Very well. I'll send a message for every cursed goblin to assemble in the medical wing. We'll collect the artifact in the meantime. Give me a moment, I didn't actually expect anyone to actually make my prosthetic redundant this morning...''

Ragnok and I traveled down to the Lestrage vault, got past the dragon using the klankers, and entered the vault. Then I quickly picked up the Horcrux and stored it in my inventory. We made our way back without issues, and Ragnok led me into a big medical facility with dozens of goblins suffering from various curses. I got to work, and two hours later all of the goblins were cured. Then I met back up with Yuriko, Remus, and Darkness, we quickly left Diagon Alley and made our way back home to Grimmauld Place after I said goodbye to Ragnok. I could swear I almost saw a smile tugging at his lips when he shook my hand again as I was leaving.

''Alright, who's ready to see another Horcrux kick the bucket?'' I ask with a smug grin.

''Go for it, Anne.'' Remus said.

Yuriko and Darkness nod at the same time.

'That was cute..'

I take out Hufflepuff's Cup from my inventory and cast Remove Curse on it. As I do so, a black smoke flies out of the Cup and turns into Voldemort's face. The screaming face then tries to attack us by flying into us, but it disintegrates before it reaches us, leaving the room eerily quiet.

'Died screaming like a bitch, huh? Eat sh*t, Tom.'

''Well, that definitely killed it. I consider Operation Unholy Grail a resounding success!'' I hold the cup over my head in victory.

The room cheered.


|Quest Updated|

Hidden Objective 2/4 (o): Destroy the Horcrux without destroying the Priceless Artifact it is bound to. Slytherin's Locket (o). Hufflepuff's Cup (o). Ravenclaw's Diadem (x). Gaunt Ring (x). - Reward 2/4 - Hufflepuff's Cup.

Objective 4 (o): Hufflepuff's Cup - Reward: Stone Goblet Of Animagus Ascension - When this goblet is filled with your blood and you drink it, it will instantly awaken your animagus form, this goblet can be used once per person and will do nothing if you are already an animagus.

|Claim Objective 4 Reward Y/N?|



|x1 Stone Goblet Of Animagus Ascension Added to Inventory|

'Damn, that's a great item! I don't need perform some obscure ritual that I swear was designed as if it were a prank to become an animagus anymore.. Nor does it look like anyone else of my allies will have to either. It looks like a reusable item.'

''Three down, four to go. Two of the remaining ones are easy to find, but the Book and the Snake Familiar is going to be harder to get our hands on. But I'd say today went well... I just got a reward for destroying the Horcrux, do you feel like becoming a wolf again Remus?''

''W-WHAT?! NO!''

''Shhh, not like that.'' I take out the stone goblet.

''If you fill this goblet with blood and drink from it, it unlocks your animagus form. Considering you don't have a form I was going to offer, but if you don't want to become a wolf again..''

''...Are you kidding?! James and Sirius spent half a year with a mandrake leaf inside their mouths and you can just.. Merlin, that's.. That's amazing. Of course I want to become an animagus. My question is, is it a one time thing? Because if it is I don't want to use it. It's yours to use first.'' Remus said.

''It doesn't say, but I can try it first if you want? I don't think it only has one use. I think it's reusable.''

We quickly got settled in the living room and I made syringes with my Fabricate spell to draw blood from myself with and to fill the Goblet. Once the goblet was filled I held the goblet between my thumb and two fingers and downed the blood in one swallow.

''Here goes nothing..''


|ERROR. No inner animal available.|


|Metamorphmagus Trait: Evolved.|

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 48
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)

Trait - |Greater Metamorphmagus| - Trait granted from evolving the Metamorphmagus Trait by using the Stone Goblet Of Animagus Ascension. Allows the user to modify their physical appearance at will by spending MP. You can change your bone structure, reduce or increase body mass, and morph your reproductive organs into either that of a male, female, or both, at will.

''Did it work?'' Asked Darkness.

''Yes and no. I did not become an animagus because apparently I had no inner animal? My Metamorph powers evolved instead. I can, well... Fully become a male again if I so desired. I wonder if that theoretically means that I am an Asexual lifeform and I could impregnate myself? That's a disturbing thought.'' I shudder.

''WHAT?!'' Darkness shouted, then blushed.

''I know! I wanted to become something useful like a bird, but nope, I get to experience having male bits again I guess? I wasn't really all that hung, heh, no pun intended, hung up about it yet as I didn't expect to, you know.. have to deal with issues like sexuality before a few more years into my second life. Atleast not until the Tom situation was dealt with and I'd gone through puberty again. Which probably won't be fun either way now that I think about it... Oh well. I have every option to choose from now, I guess.'' I shrug and morph to look more masculine to prove my point.

Darkness gasps and starts to fidget a little. I quickly revert to my normal form before she decides to say something lewd.

''That's really weird. Atleast the goblet didn't didn't hurt you or anything.. Does the goblet still work?'' Remus asked.

I cast Observe on the empty goblet and confirm that it's still a magic item and still functional according to my Status Screen.

''Yeah, looks like it still works. Here, have a sip I guess?'' I hand him the Goblet and an unused syringe.

Remus quickly draws blood from his arm and fills the Goblet with it, and then downs it. Immediately Remus feels something changing within himself, so he quickly puts the Goblet down on the table so that he doesn't drop it. A few seconds later he almost instantly morphs into a red fox.

''Pfft.. Bwahahahhh! I was not far off! You're not a wolf sadly, but you're a very cute fox, Remus!'' I smile at him as he stares at me, then he lays down and curls up whilst laying on the couch and starts to wag his floofy tail.

''T-That's adorable! Can I try too?!'' Yuriko asks me with an intense look in her eyes. Darkness was busy petting Remus, she is also amazed with Remus' cute fox form.

''Go ahead, everyone. I wonder what you'll all become..'' I say.

Yuriko unsuprisingly had a Ladybug Animagus form, and Darkness' form was a white furred dog, I was pretty sure she was a Husky of some sort.

'Lalatina has a cute form too.. Damn it, I feel like I missed out a little. Oh well, can't win them all I guess.'

After awakening all of our forms and talking some more, I tried to use the Goblet again to see if I would somehow gain an animal form by using it again, but there was no such luck for me sadly.

We all traveled back to the coast by the forrest clearing after lunch. Remus started some more extensive tests on the Ark which proved to be a necessary but pointless precaution as everything was working perfectly. Darkness spent more time in the Pensieve learning more about this world and spent some time practicing spellcasting, and Yuriko was training her spellcasting with me. I was finaly able to conjure my Corporeal Patronus after hundreds of attempts. I found out that I couldn't make it work by using a memory, most of my memories from my past life were tainted with regret, and my second life wasn't exactly all that great up until recently either. I got around this problem by simply channeling happiness into the spell instead of using a memory which complicated things. It made a lot of sense to me that the memory itself wasn't necessary, but merely a crutch used by most people to be able to channel enough possitive emotions to cast the spell.

''|Expecto Patronum|!'' A Thestral shot out of my hand and flew around the clearing, then lands next to me and rubs its head against my palm and disappears in a puff of shining smoke.

''You did it, Lily-Chan!'' Yuriko hugs me and I stiffen up instinctively, then hug her back lightly.

''Thanks, Yuriko.. It took me a while, but I got it in the end. We should be ready to start the Operation by nightfall.'' I said with relief.

NEW! Spell - |Expecto Patronum| - Patronus Charm, spell used to repel Dementors and Lethifolds by conjuring a shield of light or a Spirit Animal. You can command the Spirit Animal to send a message that lasts no longer than 1 Minute in the form of a recording of your voice that repeats three times to a creature you know. The Spirit Animal instantly appears in front of your target and then disappears once the message is complete.

I told Bill and Arthur that the preperations were complete via my Sending spell and if either of them wanted to go with us on the Operation, that it was happening tonight. Bill promised to join us, and Arthur said he'd stay behind and inform us of Ministry movements in real time via Patronus if they become aware of our activities during the Operation. I used my messenger Patronus to tell Frank Longbottom that I've got something that I need to ask of him and Alice and to meet me alone at The Three Broomsticks as soon as possible, and to send a return message if he can not make it within two hours. His immediate reply via messenger patronus was a bit shaken, as he didn't expect me to be able to conjure a Corporeal Patronus at my age, but he agreed to show up and agreed to be there within an hour with Alice. Remus side-along apparated me to Hogsmeade after I morphed back into my kid form, then went back and forth for Yuriko and Darkness two more times. We made our way through Hogsmeade and got a table at The Three Broomsticks, and eventually the Longbottoms showed up.

''Hey, Frank! Over here!'' Remus said as he saw the Longbottoms entering the pub.

''Remus, is that you?! You look like almost as bad as I felt when I woke up last week. Grey hairs at your age is a sign of stress, you know?'' Frank said cheekily.

''Oi!, stop making a scene, Frank.'' Alice slapped his arm lightly.

''Yes, mum.'' He replied with somehow an even more cheeky tone.

As the Longbottoms sat down at our table Remus cast Muffliato and a Notice-Me-Not ward to obscure our conversation, I introduced them to Darkness and Yuriko. I then started to debrief them of my plans and invited them to join the Operation.

''Alright. There's really no easy way of saying this, so I'll just get it over with. We're going to break into Azkaban tonight.''

''..What?'' Frank said in confusion.

''We're going to Rescue Sirius. If you remember the last time when I told you about my visions in the hospital, I mentioned that he was innocent and put into Azkaban without a trial. We've got a plan to get him out tonight, and while we're at it we'll neutralize the Death Eaters locked up with him. I was wondering if you would like to come with us. If you don't want to keep fighting a war because of what happened to you the last time, I understand and I'll let you continue your lives in peace. But if you want to come with us you're welcome to do so.''

''..Have you even considered trying to get Sirius a trial before you thought up this suicide mission?'' Alice asked.

''Yes. That seems like a good idea. Shake the hornet's nest and give the dozens of Death Eaters that got off with a slap on the wrist by bribing the Wizengamot the opportunity to quietly kill Sirius in prison, or worse, have a Dementor eat his f*cking soul.'' I shake my head.

''Would the rest of the Wizengamot allow that though?'' Asks Frank.

''In short, yes. We can't trust the government with this. The only reason Sirius is still in prison is because Lucius Malfoy wants his Son, Draco, to become Heir Black when eventually Sirius dies in Azkaban in a couple more years. People don't live on average more than fifteen years in Azkaban and Sirius is nearing his tenth year. If he thinks that his long term scheme is going to fail he would simply speed it along to make sure it doesn't. If there was an unfortunate accident which leads to his family gaining more power all it would take for him to make the line theft allegations go away is to throw some more money around again.''

''.. Let's say that we do manage to rescue Sirius, what then?'' Asks Frank.

''I have a plan. First we get him out of there, then I'll contact the media. I have blackmail I can use as leverage on a very high profile reporter. After that's done I'll simply give the Ministry an out by handing over Peter.''

''..You captured Peter?!'' They both shout at the same time.

''Yes. I didn't tell you that bit yet, sorry. We have Peter secured inside a cage under a fidelius. No one is getting to him. If we just get Sirius out of there, then he's almost guaranteed to get a trial if we give Peter to the DMLE. If it doesn't work out, well alright, atleast Sirius is away from that horrid place. I could try to smuggle him out of Britain instead. I'm sure some other country with no stakes or internal politics in relation to this case would be willing to see reason.''

''...Alright, I'll go. I don't like the idea of you going, though. A child shouldn't go anywhere near Azkaban, let alone act like a general in a war.'' Frank eventually says.

''I'll go where he goes, like always. But I agree. Why are you going?'' Alice said firmly, as she held Frank's hand.

''I'm a lot older in my mind than I look. It's a long story, but it's connected to my visions. It's not that I won't tell you if you ask me to explain, It's that I simply don't think it matters.''

''Can't be a worse answer than a child that wants to fight dementors. How did your visions make you older?'' Alice asks firmly.

''..Fine. I woke up on the 2nd of August and got most of my memories from my past life. I was a man born in the 2010s. The last thing I remember before regaining my memories was going to bed in 2034. I can go into a lot more detail and show you memories later, but it's not important right now. Sirius comes first.''

''...I was not expecting something like that. Why would we not like that answer? I get that being a man from the future is a bit weird when you're a little girl now but..'' Said Frank.

''It's not about the different gender, age or the time period I came from, that's a minor issue in comparison to some of the existential questions for everyone else when it comes to some of the other details. It's not important to the mission, and therefore I won't bother you with them right now. Ask me afterwards if you want, but don't tell me I didn't warn you if you do.''

''Alright. I'll take you up on that and trust you for now, but I expect answers later.'' Alice said.

''The same goes for me.'' Frank said.

''Good. I promise to explain everything once Sirius is free and we get out of there safely. We leave for Azkaban after nightfall. Here, read this note.'' I hand them the secret for the location for the S.S. Ark MK1, and another piece of paper with a map showing where it is.

''What's the S.S. Ark?'' Asks Alice.

''It's a flying steamboat that can become invisible which we'll use to fly to the Island, then we'll simply break into the Prison and fend off the Dementors with Patroni if they get close. The Ministry don't use human guards at night in Azkaban anymore since they've cut the budget for the Auror department to stupidly low levels after the war.''

''...That's actually insane enough to work I think!'' Frank whispers loudly whilst looking at us in disbelief. Alice's eyes light up, she's fully on board with this plan now.

The Longbottoms returned home for now, and promised to show up later at ten in the evening by the clearing. Remus takes us all back again to the Ark, and we huddled up inside the boat and closed the door and started to wait. Then I called for Kreacher after flying the Ark away from the secrecy wards and informed him that if he wanted the to make dinner for us it would have to be served here tonight, then I showed him the secret on the note. He quickly left after he said that it was fine for him wherever we wanted to be served food. I moved the boat back into the wards and then we all decided to watch some entertainment again with the Pensieve whilst we waited for dinner and the Longbottoms. After a short vote over what genre to watch, we ended up watching the 2029 animated and partially AI generated ''Gloryhammer'' movie. It was quite good even if the music didn't quite live up to the hype you felt when listening to the actual songs by the band, but not making it into a musical as they originally planned was a good idea in my opinion. If people wanted a musical version there's the albums for that exact purpose. Remus, Darkness, and Yuriko were all nearly dying from laughter when they found out the reason the Dark Lord Zargothrax turned to the dark side was because the Kingdom Of Fife took away his favourite basket weaving spot by building a castle castle on top of it. It was good times all around. I decided to max out my Patronus charm after the movie by using some of my Spell Points.

Spell - |Expecto Patronum ★★★★★| - Patronus Charm, spell used to repel Dementors and Lethifolds by conjuring a shield of light or a Spirit Animal. You can command the Spirit Animal to send a message that lasts no longer than 6 Minutes in the form of a recording of your voice that repeats three times to a creature you know. The Spirit Animal instantly appears in front of your target and then disappears once the message is complete. Rank 5/5: Increases Spirit Animal Message Duration. Reduced MP Cost by 50%. Rank 5 Bonus: The Spirit Animal now deals Radiant Damage to Dementors and Lethifolds within a 100 Metre radius if the light created by the Spirit Animal touches them. If exposed to the light for long enough A Dementor or Lethifold will disintegrate and turn into dust. The closer the creature is to the Spirit Animal, the more damage it deals.

After dinner I quickly explained that the Rank 5 Patronus would be able to kill Dementors, then took Remus Yuriko and Darkness on a Skeleton Dungeon run to get them the Resource Points needed to unlock the Rank 5 Patronus.

'Sadly Bill couldn't make it to the dungeon run before the Operation, but four Patroni each with a one hundred metre radius sphere of Dementor-Disintegrating Light will have to do. It's most likely going to be f*cking overkill, but who cares. The concept of soul-consuming demons being used as wardens for a prison is a crime against humanity if you ask me. I'll gladly exterminate them all since we can kill them now.'

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 49
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 49/100 |Next Level: 50 - 5000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000
MP: 1500/1500
EP: 1000/1000
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
POWER: 100
EXP - |70|

Energy Perk 1/10 - |Awakened Muladhara| - Your Root Chakra, or Muladhara, located at the base of your spine has awakened, granting you the following benefits: You are immune to Supernatural Auras, Effects, or Spells that inflict a Stun or Fear Debuff.

Tier 5 Spell - |Merlin's Private Sanctum| - You make an area within 120 Metres magically secure. The area is a cube that can be as small as 5 Metres to as large as 100 Metres on each side. The spell lasts for 24 Hours or until you to cancel the spell. When you cast the spell, you decide what sort of security the spell provides, choosing any or all of the following properties: Sound can’t pass through the barrier at the edge of the warded area. The barrier of the warded area appears dark and foggy, preventing vision (including Darkvision) through it. Sensors created by divination spells can’t appear inside the protected area or pass through the barrier at its perimeter. Creatures in the area can’t be targeted by divination spells. Nothing can teleport into or out of the warded area. Planar travel is blocked within the warded area. Casting this spell on the same spot every day for 1 Year makes this effect permanent. Costs 550 MP to cast.

|Lalatina Ford Dustiness|

HP 1000/1000

MP 500/500

EP 350/350

SP 300/300

HPU Magic: Expecto Patronum.

|Remus John Lupin|

HP 350/350

MP 600/600

EP 350/350

SP 350/350

HPU Magic: Expecto Patronum.

|Yuriko Misaki|

HP 1000/1000

MP 700/700

EP 700/700

SP 750/750

HPU Magic: Expecto Patronum.

After Frank, Alice, and Bill arrived I lead them into the boat and started explaining the main objectives and their priority. The first objective was to get Sirius out of Azkaban and onto the boat as soon as possible. The second objective was to force the Death Eaters under the effects of veritaserim to give critical information from the first war to us. The third objective was to Kill every confirmed rapist, murderer, and Death Eater after questioning them. The Longbottoms were a bit freaked out at the concept of murdering prisoners, but I bluntly said that those monsters tortured them into a coma and will do so to again and worse if they escape like in the last timeline, if we fail to kill Tom. They looked a bit shocked after hearing it put that bluntly, and didn't voice any opposition after that. The way Dumbledore ran things clearly didn't work considering their own experience with having lost nearly a decade of time with Neville, they eventually admitted begrudgingly. I then went on to explain the final objective. The complete extermination of the Dementors. I didn't go into a lot of details, but from the look Bill gave me, he knew that the Rank 5 Patronus Charm must have been this new variation of a Patronus we discovered. Frank and Alice were amazed at the idea that Dementors could be killed. During the last war they couldn't be stopped, only delayed. The Dementors were a literal and metaphorical blanket of despair covering Britain during the first blood war, so the fact that they could be killed was a game changer to them. It wasn't going to be the same hell that they had to live through the last time. Not if we had anything to say about it. We came to an agreement that I would primarily spend my time questioning the prisoners and executing them with Frank. Bill Darkness and Alice would focus locating and then transporting Sirius from his cell back to the Ark, Remus and Yuriko would focus on killing any Dementors trying to escape whilst flying the boat around Azkaban, acting like a wall to prevent as many of the Dementors escaping as possible. I made robes with hoods and face masks to cover our faces with my Fabricate spell and some cloth and handed them out to everyone. I went and changed into the robes and grew into my adult form, then came back and announced we were finally ready to begin Operation Dementia.

''Location of Azkaban confirmed at 12 o' Clock. We're going going in for a landing, everyone!'' I shout over my shoulder whilst turning the wheel to the left.

We land safely on the ground and I can see the coblestone path leading towards the doors to the gigantic triangular tower just a few dozen metres away to my right. I turn over the wheel to Remus and point my hand towards the giant swarm of Dementors approaching us.

''|EXPECTO PATRONUM|!'' My Thestral Patronus flies at supersonic speeds towards the horde of Dementors, and began to disintegrate dozens of them.


|Level Up Available|


Title Unlocked - |Dementor Slayer| - grants the holder the Perk: |Soul Sight|

Perk - |Soul Sight| - You are immune to the Dementor's Kiss and any other forms of hostile Soul Manipulation. You can sense the presence, shape, and condition of any Souls within 100 Metres.

Soon afterwards I heard several more shouts of Expecto Patronum behind me and Yuriko's Beetle, Remus' young Stag, and Darkness' Husky Patroni all joined the fray. Before the Dementors could react, hundreds of them perished, exploding into dust and releasing the trapped souls of their victims to return to the cycle of reincarnation. As I watched the thousands souls in the form of blue and white orbs of light fade out existence, finally allowed to find peace, I smiled and walked forwards and made my way towards the doors.

''|Bombarda| Maxima!'' Shouted Bill, and the doors blew off their hinges.

We made our way inside the prison and quickly started to question the Prisoners, making our way up the tower at a reasonably quick pace, occasionally killing some Dementors that were trying to find safety inside the tower as Remus and Yuriko's patronus were patroling the outside of the tower, killing any of them who tried to escape the island. Most of the prisoners on the bottom floor were not big time criminals, the rapists and murderers were killed, the rest of the more petty criminals were left behind. Frank didn't even complain or try to stop me from decapitating people with my severing charm after he heard what they had done, especially when every single one of them admited they would wilingly serve Voldemort if he rescued them from their life sentences. These people were absolutely vile and I felt nothing as I steeled my resolve and removed them from the world. Apparently almost no muggleborn or half-blood magicals go to Azkaban for life sentences, they just get thrown through The Veil, most likely to save resources. Also, even if they are later found to be innocent from trumped up charges you can't exactly undo a death sentence. The more I learn about the Ministry the more I want to burn the f*cking place to the ground. About halfway up the tower we ran into Bill, Darkness, and Alice with an unconscious Sirius.

''We have secured Padfoot, there are still Dementors upstairs. We only killed those that came after us before securing the prime objective.'' Bill said quietly with a levitating Sirius floating behind him.

''Roger. Bring Padfoot to the Ark and maintain a barrage of Patroni outside the tower until we have collected the secondary objective.'' I said.

The rest of the the tower had a lot more Dementors to act as security, but also a lot less prisoners. Eventually we reached the Death Eater section at the very top of the tower. We still had almost an entire phial of veritaserum left by the time we got through all of them, I was glad we brought enough to make sure we got all of the prisoner testemonies and didn't have to rely on Legilimency. Just listening to some of these people made me want to throw up, let alone experiencing it from their memories. After four hours since we entered, Frank and I made our way back down and out of the tower after killing all the remaning dementors and executing the the worst prisoners of Azkaban. The adrenaline was finally starting to leave my system and I threw up a little as we shut the door behind us on the Ark after I let my body relax.

''Are you alright?!'' Frank held my shoulder.

''Yeah, just.. I'm sorry. I don't exactly enjoy killing people.. I know that they're monsters who admitted that they would have done horrible things again if they could or weren't caught, but it was necessary. Let's get out of here. May God have mercy on their souls for I find myself having f*cking none..'' I remove the vomit with a quick scourgify, and Remus quickly starts flying the Ark away from Azkaban Island, which now only housed about half as many prisoners and no longer housed Dementors.

Operation Dementia was a resounding success, but at what cost, I thought to myself as I sat down in the back of the boat.

'Am I a monster? I thought that I would feel regret or disgust by killing all those people, but I feel nothing. I mostly just feel relief that it's over for now...'

I thought back to the interrogations of the Death Eaters and shuddered. Turns out that their namesake was f*cking literal. To acquire a Dark Mark and enter the inner circle you had to kill and eat the flesh a muggle or a muggleborn during a ritual for the mark to become functional. Otherwise it was just a mundane tattoo.

'I was going to let Severus retire peacefully after confronting him later, but not anymore. That bastard is going to die, no matter what. The creepy f*cker probably does not care about anything or anyone else but himself and his obsession with my dead mother. He should not be allowed to live. Dumbledore is f*cking complicit in covering up ritualistic cannibalism... I think Frank is dealing with it somehow, but I can tell. He also knows. Dumbledore is condoning Severus' actions as simply something that you come back from with forgiveness after turning to our side. He isn't able to wash his hands of his sins in my opinion, six Death Eaters confirmed his actions as a rapist, torturer, and cannibal. He should NOT have been allowed anywhere near people, let alone children, ever again.'

I finally remember to send Arthur a message with Sending telling him we are halfway back on our return trip, still invisible, and in flight above the clouds. He replies with his congratulations for a successful mission, and confirms that no one seems to have noticed anything wrong.

''Only a few more things more to do. Then I can finally end this war and save everyone...'' I say to myself out loud, unbeknownst to me Alice and Frank hear me, and look at eachother with pained looks. They didn't want Anne to have to experience this. She was James and Lily's kid for merlin's sake, they both conveyed with a single glance at eachother their immense regret about this entire situation.

'Even if Anne has memories from a past life and considers herself an adult.. War is hell. And now she has learned of it, just like I did as a young adult..' Frank thought with regret.

I kept thinking back on the interrogations, and the one for Bellatrix kept repeating in my head over and over the most.

''What is your name?'' I ask the tied up Bellatrix with a commanding tone.

''Bellatrix Druella Lestrange'' She replies in a dazed state from the veritaserum.

''What is it you fear the most for the enemies of The Dark Lord to find out?''

''The location of the artifact entrusted to me by The Dark Lord.''

''I already found the cup in the vault and know the secret behind the cup. What is the second thing you fear the most for the enemies of The Dark Lord to find out?''

''The location of The Dark Lord's collection of rare books and artifacts.''

''Where The Dark Lord's collection of rare books and artifacts located?''

''Inside a safehouse called ''Riddle Manor'' in the basem*nt behind a secret door covered by a cabinet.''

''Is Riddle Manor located in a small village called Little Hangleton?''


After several more questions mostly about their tactics and how they organized their raids, I finally asked her if she had regret any over her past actions.

''Do you regret your actions during your service to The Dark Lord?''

''No. The mudbloods and the blood traitors deserved everything I did.''

''What did you do to them?''

''I tortured and killed hundreds of the filthy creatures. I raped mudblood children in front of their muggle parents, sometimes by using their wands as a phalus if they were old enough to own a wand. Once their innocence was taken I would usually explode the wand when it was inside them with a curse as they begged for mercy. Or sometimes by using a wooden stakes coated in a potion that would melt their insides slowly if they were too young to have bought a wand. The little ones made the sweetest sympnony of screams as I violated them to death. ''Please no! it hurts! Mum help me!'' they would cry as I shoved it deeper and deeper into their foul holes not even suited for Trolls to breed with. They died after the stake pierced and melted their insides enough to make them bleed to death. Playing with and drinking their filthy blood afterwards almost always drove me to the greatest org*sms I ever had within seconds.'' Her eyes take on a glint of madness and joy as she remembers the most happy days of her life.

Needless to say, Bellatrix ate Diffindo for dinner. As I was stuck gazing into space and contemplating the horrors I'd just witnessed and commited, eventually Yuriko and Darkness hugged me, snapping me out of it.

''Thanks, guys. I got a bit lost in thought it seems. Are we back already?''

''Yeah. We've been back for over five minutes.'' Yuriko said.

''Alright. I'll start your debriefing immediately, then we'll figure out what to do next.'' I said with determination in my voice I wasn't sure I actually had on the inside.

Sirius was still unconscious. We wanted him to have plausible deniability about the identity of his saviors, and to let him rest. The Longbottoms and the others all joined me inside the pensieve after I set up a series of memories covering the relevant intelligence we gathered from the Death Eaters.

''Well. We mostly just got confirmation on what we already knew from the last war, but the one safehouse only known to the Lestranges and the hidden collection was a nice find, I suppose?'' Said Alice.

''It was. It's also located nearby another objective I need to retrieve, so I might as well go get the collection at the same time when I eventually go start that Operation.'' I say.

''Are you going to tell us about what you warned us against knowing now?'' Asks Frank.

''If you want me to, I can explain it, yes.'' I nod and Remus, Darkness, Bill, and Yuriko all step outside. They've heard this before, after all.

''This world was fictional in my past life. The reason I know of future events is because I've already read about them in books from my past life.'' I finally tell them.

''What?'' Frank says.

''Are you messing with us?'' Alice adds.

''Sadly, no. I died in my sleep in the 2030s, ended up in the waiting room for the universe with a fictional Goddess asking me if I wanted to start over or go to Heaven, and ended up reincarnated as a fictional character from a book series. I am Hadrianne Potter, but at the same time I have memories of a lifetime where this world was not real. Magic did not exist. And I have been making a lot of changes to the timeline since I got my memories back.''

''...I didn't expect that, I'm not sure what I expected.. But not that.'' Said Alice.

''Look, it's easier to just show you than it would be to tell you. Dive back in the pensieve and you'll see for yourself.'' I offer as I pull out several glass phials with memories from my Inventory.

After spending a little over two hours inside the pensieve at ten times speed and finishing the Harry Potter Movies, the Longbottoms were a bit shaken, but also extremely proud of the alternate Neville. He went from a pudgy and weak willed boy to being crucial in bringing down Voldemort by killing his final Horcrux with the f*cking Sword Of Gryfindor. They were mostly worried about Anne when they were at the ''Harry is a Horcrux Scene'' memory flashback scene. The Scar was a Horcrux. What were they going to do? But their worries were quickly resolved.

''Oh, don't worry about the Scar-Crux. When I received my memories the powers from the Horcrux got absorbed whilst Tom's consciousness and soul shard was expelled from my body. It's a long story. We'll get to some of my theories on the circ*mstances that made that happen the next time we meet up if you want.''

''Right..'' Said Frank.

''I see..'' Said Alice.

After finally finishing the movies I had to explain my future plans.

''How many of the Horcruxes are still left?'' Asked Alice.

''Four of them. The diadem, the diary, the snake, and the ring. I'm going to pick up the ring very soon along with Tom's secret stash of books and other items at Riddle Manor. Arthur and I will tell Amelia after Sirius' trial about Lucius' dark artifacts under the drawing room floor to get his manor raided, and we'll get the Diary from the raid. I'll get the Diadem next year when I go to Hogwarts. Finally for the snake.. This may not sound like a good idea, but I'm going to try to manipulate the timeline to play out mostly the same for fourth year. I need Tom to restore his body, then I'll kill the snake and finally Tom when I arrive in Little Hangleton at the end of the tournament.''

''WHAT?!'' They both shout at the same time.

''Look, I don't know what happens if I destroy all of the Horcruxes. Does he die and disappear when he's in his wraith form with no more Horcruxes? Does he become an immortal and permanent spirit? Would he be able to possess me even if I did find him since I'm no longer a Horcrux, if that was what protected me and not the power of ''Love''? He's always around his snake familiar even as a wraith so he'd be there when I try to kill it. There's too many unknowns and we only have one chance to get it right. I need him contained and inside the baby hom*onculus body before I even attempt to get close to him. I don't want to mess up and somehow doom the world. The only way to make one hundred percent sure this works is to recreate the same scenario. Give him a body, then kill the snake, then finally kill him. I was considering messing with the ritual, but I don't think that's a good idea anymore and don't want to risk it to potentially weaken him. He should die like a regular man permanently if everything plays out right, just a lot earlier than last time and with no innocent deaths. I'm confident that I can beat him by the time I need to face him in the graveyard. He won't have his original wand, because Bill took it from Peter and gave it to me. So he won't be at full power in that sense I suppose.. There's also no reason why I can't have reinforcements waiting inside Little Hangleton to help me fight him as soon as he gets his body back, even if I weren't confident in my power when that time comes.''

''...Alright, that makes sense I suppose.. I still don't like it though.'' Said Alice.

''I don't like it either, but I understand why you're paranoid, Anne. You're right, if this fails then a lot of innocent people will die..Your plan is reasonable, and we'll go along with it. But I expect to be one of the reinforcements lying in wait when you go to face him in the graveyard. I want to end this war once and for all as well..'' Said Frank firmly.

''And I won't deny you that right, I hoped you would face him with me in the end. I just want to make sure it works out. There's not a lot of information on Soul Magic and what little there is might not be entirely accurate. This is a delicate situation and it's hard to know the consequences, unfortunately.. I think we should get back to our homes now. It's very late, and it's going to be a big day tomorrow when the Ministry realises that their prison was compromised.'' I suggest.

''Fair enough. Keep us in the loop if you intend to go on any more ''Operations'' please?'' Asked Alice.

''I will. Goodnight, Alice, Frank. We'll see you soon.''

After splitting up with the Longbottoms a very tired Remus apparated us all back after I tried to store the S.S. Ark MK1 in my Inventory. Hilariously, it f*cking worked. So we collapsed the secrecy wards and popped away, never to return to the clearing again.

|x1 Ship: S.S. Ark MK1 Added to Inventory|

After returning to Grimmauld Place I levitated Sirius into my bedroom and put him in my bed. Then I sat down in a chair to do my meditation for the night after removing and storing my prisonbreak robes in my inventory. Once late morning arrived, Sirius finally started to come around when I was in the middle of a chapter on fourth year Ancient Runes, so I put down my book and addressed him.

''Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!..'' I smile at him awkwardly.

''..What? Who are you? Where am I?.. Did I finally lose my mind..'' Sirius mutters.

''No, you are still quite insane, but I would also suggest that losing your mind just because of that madness is out of character for you. It's good to have you back, my stupid Dogfather.. I know that I'm a lot larger than you remember, but surely you can recognize me?'' I ask him as I look into his eyes.

''....Anne?'' He finally croaks, like he can't believe his eyes.

''Lilian Prongslet, also known as Hadrianne Lily Potter, at your service and in the flesh. Now, read this.'' I stand up and do a little bow as I introduce myself, then walk over and show him the secret note for Grimmauld Place. When his eyes adjust to the room and he recognizes where he is, I hug him before he can ask more questions.

'He smells like sh*t even after our scourgify charms, but I don't even care. He can shower after my hug is done.'

He breaks down into a sobbing mess as he realises he's finally out of that hell, that Anne knew he was innocent, and then decided to go rescue him. It was too much for his heart to take, he never expected to get out of there, much less for someone to care about him enough to rescue him.

''It's alright, Sirius. You're safe now. We'll get you a trial. If the Ministry doesn't comply I'll smuggle you out of the country and you can stand trial in a foreign nation with no interest in British affairs. Everything will be fine.''

''...Thank you so much, Anne.. How long was I in there? YOU'RE HUGE!'' He breaks the hug but still holds me by the shoulders to look at me.

''You were in Azkaban for nine years. It's a long story, but the short version is I can increase and decrease the mass of my body with magic. Makes for a nice disguise to look more grown up than what my body actually is. You've got a lot to catch up on, I'm afraid.'' I smile at him and morph my hair to a shorter lenght to prove my point.

Over the course of several hours I get Sirius cleaned up and outfitted in new clothes. Then I start the long and honestly tedious at this point, explanations about the future, my past life, and my strange powers. Sirius takes it all rather well to be honest. He's probably just happy to be free from Azkaban, so I suppose existential questions doesn't really matter that much to him anymore. He was amazed by my Spiderclimb, Fly, and Illusion spells, though.

''The amount of pranks I could have gotten away with if I'd had the ability to do that as a kid..'' he whispers with stars in his eyes.

Later that day after bringing Sirius into the loop I finally checked my Status Screen after lunch and nearly had a heart attack.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 49
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 49/100 |Next Level: 50 - 5000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000
MP: 1500/1500
EP: 1000/1000
SP: 100/100
LUCK: 10
POWER: 100
EXP - |131,240|

'Over one hundred thousand EXP?! Holy sh*t.. I didn't expect the Dementors and the prisoners to be that good for EXP, but clearly violence was the solution in this scenario. ''Level Up'' please.'



Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 50
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 50/100 |Next Level: 51 - 100,000 EXP Required|
EXP - |126,240|

Level 50 Reward: Perk - |Wizard Scrollscribing| - Spend time and MP to transcribe your known Wizard Spells into consumable Scrolls that cost no MP to use. 1 Hour = Tier 1, 2 Hours = Tier 2, 3 Hours = Tier 3, 4 Hours = Tier 4, 5 Hours = Tier 5. Upon reaching higher levels more Tiers are Unlocked.

'Huh.. I appear to have hit a massive EXP wall at the halfway point of my class levels.. That sucks. But it's good that I atleast can replicate Tier Magic in more ways other than with the ''Ability Teacher'' Skill.. Silver lining, I suppose. ''Level Up''...'



Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 51
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 51/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
EXP - |26,240|

'Alright, guess I'll pick my spells and allocate my points and stuff..'

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 51
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 51/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000
MP: 1500/1500
EP: 1000/1000
SP: 300/300
LUCK: 10
POWER: 100
EXP - |26,240|

Increases Stamina Points by 10 per point of Endurance.
Increases Stamina Point Regeneration by 1 per point of Endurance.
Decreases chance to gain a level of Exhaustion.

Skill - |Occlumency ★★★★★| - Mind Arts Skill used to shield your mind, repel Legilimency probes, and organize memories. Rank 5/5: Perk - |Mind Palace| - When you meditate, you can organize your memories and hide them inside your mind as objects inside a mental projection of a three dimensional world. Inside of this space anything you imagine can be created or destroyed at will. The Mind Palace's space grows in size in proprotion to your maximum MP. Successful Legilimency probes become trapped inside of your Mind Palace in the form of the attacker's Astral Body until you either cast them out by spending MP equal to the Magical Energy spent to create the probe, or the attacker dies.


Tier 5 Spell - |Morgana's Black Tentacles| - Squirming, ebony tentacles fill a 20 metre circle on ground that you can see within 100 Metres. For 1 Minute, these tentacles will attempt to grapple creatures that are standing inside the circle. The tentacles deal Bludgeoning damage when holding a creature, and they may attempt to simply attack a creature within range it they fail to grapple them for long enough, dealing Bludgeoning Damage on a hit. The tentacles do not have HP, but the |Dispel Magic| Spell will cancel the spell's effects. Costs 590 MP to cast.

'...Oh. OOOOH!.. I definitely understand why the EXP wall is there now. Some of these Tier 6 Spells are f*cking INSANE. Especially this one. I'm getting it. The material cost for casting it is huge, but there's a spell on the Tier 6 Spell List to fix that problem which I can get next level anyways..'

Tier 6 Spell - |Create Manaship Helm| - When you touch a chair that's attached to a Ship that weighs atleast 1 Tonne it transforms into a Manaship Helm. Costs 700 MP and 100KG of Gold to cast.

|Manaship Helm|

(Requires Attunement)

The function of this ornate chair is to propel and maneuver a ship on which it has been installed through space and air. It can also propel and maneuver a ship on water or underwater, provided the ship is built for such travel. The ship in question must weigh 1 Tonne or more for the helm to function. While attuned to a Manaship Helm and sitting in it, you gain the following benefits: You can use the Manaship Helm to move the ship through space, air, or water up to the ship's speed. If the ship is in space and no other objects weighing 1 ton or more are within 1 mile of it, you can use the Manaship Helm to move the vessel fast enough to travel 100 million Kilometres in 24 hours. You can steer the vessel, albeit in a somewhat clumsy fashion, in much the way a rudder or oars can be used to maneuver a seafaring ship, even if you do not design the ship to move or steer properly. At any time, you can see and hear what's happening on and around the vessel as though you were standing in a location of your choice aboard it. You can transfer your attunement to the Manaship Helm to another creature you touch instantly, ending your attunement.

'..Space, huh.. Are there aliens in this world?.. If there are, I guess I'll find out at some point.. This is great.'

I speak up and give everyone the good news.

''Alright guys! I have some massive news! I'm now capable of creating spaceships with a spell I just learned that can travel to other planets.''

''What?'' Darkness asked.

''What do you mean you can create spaceships? How?!'' Sirius shouted in confusion.

''I got a Spell from my latest Level Up called Create Manaship Helm. It lets me create a chair that, when installed inside of a vessel that weighs atleast 1 tonne will make it travel at 100 million kilometres per 24 hours if it's in space. Which means all I'd need to do is create a metal version of the Ark that can enter orbit, and then we can easily travel to literally any planet in the solar system. Probably even beyond that given enough time... I call dibs on being the Martian Empress if there are no aliens living on Mars.'' I deadpan to the room with a serious face before smirking.

''Are you serious?!'' Yuriko asks.

''No, he's Sirius. I'm Anne the future Martian Monarch.'' I point to Sirius.

''You know what I meant.'' Yuriko says exasperatedly.

''Look, this isn't necessarily going to be a thing I will attempt to do any time soon.. But I still felt like sharing my discovery. I'll make the spaceship and spacesuits in my spare time, but I probably won't use this tech a lot before Tom has been dealt with. I'll totally set up a moonbase, though. I could use a safe place to perform some my experiments.''

''What experiments would warrant having to set up a base on the moon, Anne?..'' Remus asks.

''Incredibly dangerous ones, naturally? I got a book from a gacha coin that would give me access to Thaumaturgy. Now, I assume that doesn't mean anything to all of you since Thaumcraft was a mod for a video game where I came from. Basically, it should make learning how to craft magical technology and powerful magical items possible. The problem is if you mess up it can end up poluting the enviroment with dangerous magical residue.''

''...How dangerous?'' Asks Remus.

''It could cause strange magical phenomena to occur in an area. Like sparks of lightning, wormholes, and cracks in space. At its worst it could convert land slowly into tainted soil with purple goo that spawn mutated tentacles and swarms of flying and hostile orbs of magical energy. It can be reversed or contained with certain magics, but it's still extremely dangerous if you let it get out of control. Which is why I ignored the book until now because I didn't want to risk doing it on Earth. I don't want to start a taint apocalypse by infecting the world with purple-goo monsters after all.''

''And the moon is worth this risk?'' Asks Sirius with a frown.

''Yes? What are the people of Earth using the moon for anyways? I'll even set up shop on the back of the moon so that no one notices my structures. There's no guarantee it's dangerous. I don't know what rules the Thaumaturgy from this book follow as I've not read it yet. It might do little to nothing to the enviroment, but better safe than sorry. My original plan was to wait until I found out a way to travel to other worlds with magic and then go to an empty world. The moon isn't a different world, but close enough right? Unless there's friendly aliens on the moon I'll just.. Use the backside as my laboratory?'' I shrug

''..I can see the reasoning behind that logic. Just be careful, alright?'' Remus said.

The rest of the room made noises or nods of agreement.

''I'll be careful. I won't go on missions in space alone after all. I'll have to find volunteers to come with me. You're all invited, but I expect no funny business just like in the Instant Dungeons. Traveling in space is f*cking scary and could easily go horribly wrong.''

Later that night when I entered my meditative state, I found myself in an empty black void with a white floor. And there was hundreds of books of varius colours and sizes in a large pile lying in front of me.

'I guess that's my memories, huh.. I'll be here for a long time sorting through all of them. What should I even make my Mind Palace into? Hogwarts? One of my old bases from video games that I built? I have so many options.. I suppose the easthetics come after I deal with the memories.'

I got to work slowly sorting through the jumbled memories. It was going to be a very a traumatic experience to actually have to go through every memory I had. I decided that for now I'd just try to organize the memories in chronological order as best as I could. First up was to seperate my past life from my life as Anne. It was slow but tedious work, but I made a big chunk of progress in my four hours of meditation.

I rang the doorbell and knocked on the front door of the Granger's home, I was ready to teach Hermione some magical theory. I heard someone from the inside approach the door from inside the house.

''Hadrianne! Good to see you again.'' Mrs Granger said.

''It's good to see you as well, Mrs Granger. I've arrived to make good on my promise to study magical theory with Hermione. May I come in?''

As I was led inside the house Emma called out for Hermione to notify her of my arrival. Once I'd sat down in their living room, I took out several piles of books from my inventory from a seemingly endless purse.

''Please take some of these tomes if you don't own a copy of some of these texts.''

''..We did see the book list you sent, Hadrianne.. Are you sure it's fine to give us this? They're quite expensive books..'' Emma looked conflicted.

''If you don't want to take them that's fine. I don't need exactly need them as I've got extra copies, but if you feel uncomfortable because of the price of the books you can return them after you've all read them, how about that?'' I suggest.

''..That's... More reasonable. I'll agree to that. Thank you for the offer.'' Emma breathed a sigh of relief

She didn't quite know how to reject such an insanely generous offer without sounding rude to the young girl. As Emma was picking through the pile and moving them into an empty section of a bookshelf, Hermione came down the stairs and entered the room.

''Good to see you, Hermione. Are you ready to study some magic?'' I ask her with a smile

''Yes! I've read a bunch of the books already and want to know what you think about the theory of it all. It's very fascinating don't you think? what's your favourite branch of magic?''

''Charms, easily. Although I must admit that the theory from books sold in modern times are horrible. I've brought with me books from my family vault that were printed in the 1890s and earlier. They are a lot easier to understand and the theory in them covers a lot more spells with fewer pages than in the new books. There aren't actually all that many complicated rules for casting magic as you'd think.''

''Really?! Then why does the new books stress that following multiple steps and rules are absolutely necessary to cast a spell?''

''I don't know. It seems, to me atleast, like the authorities in the magical world want to make more people less magically powerful, and therefore easier to control. If people believe that casting powerful magic is nearly impossible because of a bunch of artificial rules there would be a lot less people to challenge the status quo after all. But that's a debate for another time. For now I'll try to teach you some Potion theory from the 1890s.''

''...I see.. Alright, what's the difference between the old Potion theory and the modern Grade 1 Potions book?'' Asked Hermione with a thoughtful frown.

I went into a lecture whilst occasionally reading excerpts from the old texts, and over the course of six hours I think I blew Hermione's mind. She almost cried begging me to let her read some of the older books on her own when I went to leave for the day. I refused to let her borrow the original books as they were family heirlooms from a hundred years ago and older, but I made her some paperback copies of a few theory books with my Fabricate Spell using some ink from the family's printer in her dad's office and some paper. Those paperbacked copies were the starting point to a lifelong friendship between two scholars who would shake Hogwarts to its core, though neither of them knew that yet.

Dumbledore felt like he'd aged twenty years in the last couple of days. Dozens of prisoners were dead, and not a single Dementor remained inside Azkaban. There was no message, no warning, and no particular connection between the murders other than the fact that the prisoners were people serving at least one life sentence, apparently.

'Is Tom already back? Did he fake the deaths of his followers somehow? This is even worse when I consider the fact that Anne is missing. Why is everything going wrong at the same time!? Was Anne responsible for this? That's doubtful, but certainly possible...'

As Dumbledore was waiting and paced inside the Minister's office, finally an hour later Cornelius Fudge returned to give him confirmation of his last report and an update on the situation.

''Well?'' Dumbledore asked the Minister.

''Sirius Black is the only prisoner that has gone missing, and we confirmed the number of deaths. One hundred and fourteen prisoners. There is still no sign of rogue Dementors anywhere. The DMLE has questioned the remaining prisoners but we have no leads. The terrorists entered Azkaban and questioned every prisoner with Veritaserum, then started to execute them if they deemed them to be, what we can only assume is evil. We have confirmed no faces, no names, no identifiable logo or symbols worn. Just that they were brown robed and masked men and women of average builds. There doesn't appear to be a motive apart from the capture of Sirius Black and killing the convicted rapists and murderers.''

''Sirius was captured?'' Dumbledore asked in shock.

''Yes. The remaining prisoners saw several of them levitating his body as they left the tower. We don't know if he's dead or alive, but he was the only prisoner that left the island.''

As I made my way back inside Grimmauld Place and sat down just in time for dinner with everyone, I decided to use my Gacha Coins once I was done eating my food.

|Consume x12 Gacha Coins Y/N?|


Potion Ingredient - x10 Nether Wart.

Book - Death Note.

Crafting Material - x10 Blaze Rod.

Spell Book - |Blood Sacrifice| - Melee buffing spell, causes each hit to cost HP in exchange for Necrotic Damage for 1 Minute. Costs 100 HP per Strike.

Magic Item - Eye Of Chronos - A Clockwork Eye that you need to place in an empty eye socket to equip. It replicates the sense of sight equal to your Stats perfectly. When equiped you can cast the Tier 4 Spell |Haste|, Tier 4 Spell |Slow|, and the Tier 2 Spell |Featherfall| at will for no Mana cost. You can cast the Tier 10 Spell |Time Stop| once every 24 hours, time stops for 12 seconds when doing so. Requires Attunement.

Consumable Item - Helheim Fruit - When held wearing a Sengoku Driver you can transform the fruit into a Lock-Seed. If you eat the fruit you have to resist the fruit's power or turn into a mindless Inves, if you succeed you are granted access to 'Gaim: Overlord' Racial Class Levels. Maximum Level: 10. +1% Increased chance of resisting per point of Constitution. Current Chance: 100% Success - 0% Failure.

Crafting Material - x10 Soul Sand - 1 cubic Metre.

Book - Lexica Botania (Botania).

Consumable Item - x15 Potion Of Experience I - When consumed grants 1000 EXP/100 Resource Points.

Weapon - Azurewrath - Rapier. +10 to all Stats, +25% Increased Attack Speed, +30 Cold Resistance, +50% Damage to Undead, 5% Chance to cast |Holy Bolt| on striking. This sword deals Cold and Piercing Damage when striking a target. Requires Attunement.

Spell Book - |Draconic Guardian| - Summons a multiheaded beast of flame for 1 Minute that shoots enemies within 30 Metres. Deals Fire Damage. Costs 250 MP to cast.

Consumable Item - SHOP CREDITS - 10,000

'That's an amazing haul!.. I don't know if I feel like poking my eye out no matter the benef-Wait! Could I use my metamorph powers to reduce the size of my organs or limbs until they disappear like my genitals? I'll have to test that asap... I don't even want to consider the implications of using a Death Note. *Shudder*..I'll definitely only use it as a last resort... The Lexica Botania however will be very useful if I can get my hands on Mystical Flowers at some point... It's safe to assume there's a pattern for these things. So far nothing I've summoned using Gacha Coins have been unfamiliar to me. Something tells me it's using my subconscious to generate or summon these things. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. That or I've just been extremely lucky which I find extremely unlikely.. Then there's the Helheim Fruit.. That's tempting to try using after my Wizard Levels are done. I think I will still try the King Evil Piece first, though.' I nod to myself and speak up again to everyone.

''Listen up everyone! I got some Potions of Experience from a Gacha Coin just now. Essentially, they will give me a minimal amount of EXP but if another person drinks them they get 100 Resource Points. I have fifteen of them, which means that I can get five people to Rank 3 in the Occlumency Skill. I suggest that Arthur, Sirius, Bill, Frank, and Alice drinks them. At Rank 3 the Occlumency Skill prevents any mental manipulations, which means even if they get questioned with veritaserum or someone tries to Imperius them, it shouldn't work. I think. I'd like to test it first though, to make sure it works for potions and not just spells.'' I take out a phial of veritaserum and wait for their response.

''Alright, I'll drink them. That power you got from your reincarnation is amazing, Prongslet..'' Said Sirius with awe.

''Why those specific people, Anne?'' Asked Remus.

''If they get asked questions during Frank's reinstatement as Lord Longbottom or at Sirius' trial then they can safely accept the use of veritaserum and not fear being questioned about our Azkaban break in. Arthur was working for us and on standby on my orders in case something happened. He knew about the plan. Bill knew about the plan and is connected to Arthur as his Heir. The rest of you are less busy than them, it's easier to just have the rest of you go into the dungeons with me to get the occlumency skill up that way instead before the trial. It's most likely not necessary, but the extra precaution isn't a bad idea.''

''When you put it like that, I guess that makes sense..'' Remus said.

''Now, if you ask me inapropriate questions and the Occlumency Skill doesn't protect me from potions like veritaserum I'll make your lives a living hell. Don't test me. I was not the best kind of person in my last life and I have a lot of embarassing memories I'd rather not be forced to remember and answer questions about.'' I glare heavily at Sirius until he looks away and mumbles a promise that he won't try to prank me.

''Good. I'll drink this, then ask me how many Gacha Coins I have, and nothing else.'' I continue glaring as I drip three drops of Veritaserum on my tongue.

Remus waits for a few seconds then questions me.

''How many Gacha Coins do you have, Anne?''

''Seven.'' I lie.

''Was that the truth?'' Asked Sirius.

''No, the Potion seems to be negated by my Occlumency Perk. It still tastes horrible, but it doesn't force me to speak the truth thankfully, so I think we're good to go.'' I take a swig from my glass of water.

''Yep, she's definitely immune.'' Remus nods.

''Here, bottoms up Sirius.'' I hand him three of the Experience Potions.

Sirius quickly downs the first one, as he does so the glass phial and cork disappear in a flash of light after he finishes drinking it, then he frowns.

''These things taste like water? Are you sure it's a Potion and not just yellow coloured water?'' He asks.

I cast Observe on him and confirm that the potion worked.

|Sirius Orion Black|

HP 200/200

MP 600/600

EP 100/100

SP 100/100

Resource Points: 100

''Nope, it's definitely working. You have 100 Resource Points now.''

''Alright then, weird.. A tasteless potion. That's a first, atleast for me.'' Sirius said as he shrugged and downed the last two.

After I spent his three hundred points we confirmed that he was immune to Veritaserum.

|Sirius Orion Black|

HP 200/200

MP 600/600

EP 100/100

SP 100/100

HPU Skill: Occlumency

Resource Points: 0

|Ability Teacher - Occlumency - Progress: Rank 4 - 0%|

I went to the bathroom and turned my attention to the rapier and the clockwork eye after sending a Patronus message to Frank, informing them of a gift I have for them and an invitation to meet me tomorrow at the Leaky Cauldron. I got a reply from Frank accepting the invitation and he said he'd be there for lunch.

'Now.. How do I attune to these items? Do I need to rest with them? That makes sense I suppose, that's how it used to work in D&D.'

I went into my meditative state and instantly got a notification.

|Attune to 'Azurewrath' and 'Eye Of Chronos' Y/N?|



|2/5 Attuned Items|

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter
Age: 10
Level: 51
Race: Human - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Class: Wizard - 51/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
MP: 1500/1500 - {1600/1600}
EP: 1000/1000 - {1100/1100}
SP: 300/300 - {400/400}
STRENGHT: 10 - {20}
DEXTERITY: 10 - {20}
CONSTITUTION: 100 - {110}
INTELLIGENCE: 150 - {160}
WISDOM: 100 - {110}
CHARISMA: 10 - {20}
LUCK: 10 - {20}
ENERGY: 100 - {110}
ENDURANCE: 30 - {40}
POWER: 100 - {110}
EXP - |26,240|

'Sweet. So I don't need to actually rest for an hour to attune to items, but I do need to start resting to do so. Alright, here goes nothing..'

I slowly shrank my right eye until it disappeared. It felt really weird to gradually lose the sight in one of my eyes, and even weirder when it disappeared. It's not like I see darkness to the right now, there's just nothing there. It's something you have to experience to really understand. The depth perception being all wonky had a subtle but noticable effect, it felt like the world was projected from a 2D perspective, like when you watch a 3D video game on a monitor. Once I confirmed that my eye was completely gone in the bathroom mirror I put the clockwork eye into my head, and then blinked several times as I readjusted to having my my sight returned back to normal.

'Woah.. That was a trip and a half. Feels good to have my sight back, though.. I'm surprised that worked.'

I look into the mirror and stare in awe at my right eye. It's got the same white eyeball like a normal eye, but the pupil and iris is replaced with a bronze clock with hands that move around twelve roman numerals. There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to the positions of the hands on the clock. They seem to have constant and random movement both backwards and forwards and their speed randomly increases and decreases. I find myself a bit shocked and highly amused at my new appearance, so I do some silly poses.

'I look like some kinda edgy supervillain! Damn, that's so cool looking though.. The aesthetic really pleases my role-playing spirit, somehow..'

''ZA WARUDO! TOKI WO TOMARE!.. Pfft hahahahah! yep, that's definitely cool. I'm sold. I wonder how everyone will react to my new eye.. Hopefuly they won't freak out.''

I walk back downstairs and clear my throat to announce my presence.

''I've got an update for you all, I got a magical item known as an Eye Of Chronos. Essentially I now have a mechanical eye instead of my regular one. It looks cool and does useful things like allow me to cast a few spells like ''Haste'' at will. I can also stop time for twelve seconds a day. Don't freak out over it please, I'll just wear an eyepatch in public, problem solved.''

''WHAT?! Did you go to the bathroom to gouge your bloody eye out?!'' Sirius asked in a panic.

''I asked you not to freak out, guys.. To answer your question, Sirius, no I didn't gouge my eye out. My first reaction to getting the item was almost exactly like that too. But then I thought ''What if I just shrink my eye with my metamorph powers until it disappears'' so I tried that, and it worked. I could just pop the new eye in without any issues or pain. Works just like a regular eye too, apart from the whole time manipulation powers.''

''Is there anything else insane that you've done within the last five minutes that we should know about?'' Asked Remus with an exasperated sigh.

''No... Maybe. I also attuned to a magical sword called Azurewrath, it's a crystaline rapier with a golden handle?''

I take out the sword from my inventory and the translucent blue sword ominously generates a tiny amount of mist around the blade. It's a cold-based weapon, after all.

''Right. Of course you did.'' Remus facepalms.

''OOOOOH! That's cool looking..'' Yuriko said.

''I agree! That rapier makes my family sword seem a little cheap, somehow.. How does the mist work?'' Darkness moved closer to get a better look at the blade.

''It's enchanted to deal cold damage, so don't touch the blade unless you want frostbite.'' I warn her.

''WHA?!.. I see. Huh, cool. Do you want me to give you some memories? I wasn't allowed to fight on the front lines by father, but I did sneak out occasionally into my brother's fencing and combat training classes. I never liked a rapier as it was too small a blade for me personally, but I have the memories from his classes if you want them?'' Darkness offered.

''Sure, that sounds like a good idea. I'd learn how to wield it on my own eventually by fighting monsters in the Instant Dungeons, but having the memories from classes of professional tutors is going to speed that along nicely. Thanks, Darkness!'' I give her a smile and a thumbs up.

''W-w-what!? You didn't call me by-'' She stutters out in amazement before I interrupt her.

''Fine, I'll stick with Lalatina since it bothers you that much to hear me call you by your Adventurer Name.''

''I didn't mean it like that!'' She blushes.

''Whatever you say, Lalatina.'' I nod with a smug look on my face.

The room got a few good laughs out of our antics, even Darkness laughs eventually as she gets over her embarassment. Darkness thought to herself that this new world was definitely a great place. No one treats her any differently even though she's a noble, the technology and food is amazing, and Hadrianne knows just how much to tease her without making her angry. She didn't have her family or kingdom backing her noble title in this land, but it still stuck with her. These people didn't care about her title, and she didn't have to hide that part of herself around them. It was nice, she thought as her blush deepened.

The next day I was waiting inside the Leaky Cauldron in one of my adult disguises, wearing a black eyepatch because of my new eye. Alice and Frank to arrived just in time before the lunch time rush, I quickly lead them to Grimmauld Place and showed them the secret on the note. Once we got to the livingroom I explained the strange powers I got from reincarnating and my reasons for believing the Scar-Crux was dead. It took a while to get through it, but by the end of lunch the Longbottoms were in the know about everything I could do with my powers. They were both taking the idea of God-Given-Superpowers really well. Mostly they were baffled by my claims of the ability to travel to other planets, I ended up having to tell them muggles had traveled to other planets before. That they'd even managed to go to the moon in this world even at this point in the timeline, was shocking to them. They'd heard my mother talk about about the moon landings in one of her rants at school, but they thought it was just a joke said in passing. I realised that muggle-studies shouldn't be an elective taught in Hogwarts. Atleast not in its current state. It must be doing more harm than good if it doesn't cover recent muggle history or their technological advancements. I hadn't read much from the muggle studies books yet as it wasn't a priority, but from their reactions and what little I've picked up from dealing with magicals from all-magical families clearly something was horribly wrong. There was something most likely, hilariously out of date at best, written in the muggle studies corriculum for the average person in the magical world to not know what a Video or a TV is, or that people went to the Moon. That didn't surprise me since Quirinus ''Two-Face'' Quirrel was the muggle studies professor. There probably wasn't a good teacher in the position before him either in recent times going by their reactions. I then went to explain my plans for Operation Nazgûl and that it was happening tonight. I was going to do a quick swipe of Little Hangleton and pick up the ring and clear the secret stash. I assured them that they'd get updates from me before and after the operation, and that Remus, Yuriko, and Lalatina were enough for me to bring on such a small operation. After the debriefings I handed them their EXP Potions and gave them Rank 3 Occlumency with Ability Teacher. They were blown away by the new speed of their memory recall, just like Sirius and I were at first. After some more back and forth they quickly said their goodbyes and returned to Longbottom Hall. As I was reading an Ancient Runes book in the living room I started to consider how I would go about making runic cloth.

'I wonder if it would be possible to add runes with stiching or patches to clothing. Maybe not. Perhaps I'd need to dye the runes into the cloth to be able to make a magical effect work. I think this calls for some experimentation. I'm getting tired of changing outfits when I grow and shrink my body. If I can make the clothes grow in tandem with me that would be great. The applications would be endless if I can get runes to work when it's not carved into wood, stone or minerals but incorporated into cloth somehow instead.. Speaking of endless applications. All runic magic seems to be 2D. There is no such thing as a 3D Rune Cluster. I wonder why. Did no one consider adding a third dimension to the positions and shapes of runes? Perhaps it simply wasn't necessary or it created unpredictable results..'

I let out a sigh and closed my book. I realised that my endless theory crafting was getting me nowhere, and that I'd need to actually test things to know if it works or not. I spent the next few hours testing and experimenting on some of the cloth I had to see what would work and finally got a breakthrough on a prototype. I was halfway correct. I needed the cloth to be dyed for the effect to take place. The shapes in a runic sequence apparently needs to be distinguished with contrast from the original material, which is why the precision in runic carving was so important. I could also simply use thread stitched into a specific pattern onto patches or directly onto the cloth, if it was almost perfectly representing the shape of the runes. So long as there was contrast, be that from a colour or a shadow with a dent invards by using tools like a chisel on materials like stone or wood, or with a coloured thread shaped outwards with some stitching of a different colour or simply dyeing the material, it didn't matter. I thought to myself that I'd mentally rename the Magical Art of Runes into the Symbolic Art of Contrast. Symbols had power. Especially if you used magical energy, or the consciousness of magical people to fuel that conceptual power. As I put down a piece of cloth on the table with my prototype rune cluster, I put some of my magical energy into the cloth by touching it with my hands, spreading it into the two rune clusters with the concept of light that I'd stitched into and used Fabricate to apply dye into the cloth. As I did so the cloth slowly started to glow with light in a medium sized area around both of those clusters.

'Woah, that actually worked?!.. This method might not work for more advanced rune clusters, this is a very simple runic sequence after all. It wouldn't surprise me if I tried to do something a lot bigger or more intricate it would at best not work, or at worst, the runes could rebound on me as I tried to activate the them. I thought that expensive materials and chisels were necessary for even the simplest of runes to function, but clearly not.'

I stopped powering the cloth and the lights died down.

'This opens the door for so many different products to be made. From what little I can tell so far, the magicals, atleast from Britain, simply use charms to shrink or grow an item's size. They also regularly use transfiguration to make clothes rather than making it by hand, which is why there doesn't seem to be a any needles sold anywhere in Diagon Alley. Stitching seems to be seen as below them, or a barbaric concept in general. Why learn to knit or stitch when you can enchant needles to knit for you and simply transfigure clothes and then use charms to change their size. No one seems to have considered applying runes to clothing. At least not from the texts I have read so far. I guess this is one of the reasons why Fred and George's Shield Hats sold so well during the alternate timeline's second blood war. It was probably a new idea in wizarding Britain to enchant clothing with effects of such a scale. Makes me wonder what these people are doing with their magical gifts, to be honest...'

I shake my head and reconsider that thought and reach a new conclusion.

'No. I'm being dumb. This is too simple to not have been considered, surely, even with magical Britain's critical thinking issues. It's not that it can't be done or the people don't get it. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason is simply that the Ministry are paying off people not to sell items like this, or arresting people selling what they consider to be ''Auror Grade'' robes. Fred and George were probably just lucky to have made a prank repelling hat during war time, and so the government at the time decided to leave them to their own devices if they sold the hats primarily to the govermnent. Which they did. In bulk to hundreds of ministry workers. Even though every magical has a weapon in their hands starting from the age of eleven at the latest, making the people incompetent with that weapon and then making sure they are a lot more squishy than your enforcers makes a lot of sense if you look at it from the Ministry's perspective. I should probably give the civilian population some slack. They're probably simultaneously smarter and dumber than what I expect them to be. Good to know nothing changes by crossing universes I suppose. Govermnents will still stifle advencement in technology if it can't easily be put under its monopoly of force.. Damn. That doesn't exactly make me feel better. Atleast if it was just a society struggling with borderline retardation it could be remedied fairly easily. I'll have to open my own shop for some of my inventions on another planet to get off of the ministry's radar with something like this. If Magical Britain's population decides to emmigrate in droves to my new Martian nation and leave the ministry with a half-empty nation without a slave class to tax because of their foolish or bigoted policies that's not my problem...' I smile to myself as dreams of a supernatural empire exploring the stars takes form in my mind's eye.

After dinner I sent a message to Frank with Sending and then Remus, Yuriko Darkness and I traveled to Little Hangleton. I left Sirius at home to look after Lilith and hide for now. I don't want the Ministry to catch wind of his whereabouts after all. As we made our way up the hill, towards the abandoned house that used to belong to the Gaunt family I shuddered as we crossed what was clearly a series of wards. Several inferi started to crawl out of the ground as we made our way towards the door with a snake nailed to the door.

''We're being surrounded! Prepare for battle, everyone! Inferi are weak to fire!'' I shout as I cast a Fireball at group of seven Inferi, which disintegrates them in a fiery explosion.


''Understood! |HENSHIN|!'' Yuriko transforms into Tackle, and punches an Inferi with an electric powered fist as its trying to bite her, then blasts it with an Incendio charm.

''|Denpa Punch|! |Incendio| Maxima!''

The Inferius is thrown backwards onto its feet and instantly turned to dust from the electrical and magical fire.


''|Bombarda|!'' I hear Remus shout from behind me.


As the Inferi were disposed of within seconds, the sounds of battle stilled and left an eerie silence.

''I don't want to jinx it, but do you think that was it?'' Asked Darkness

''For now, most likely, yes. There might be more undead inside the house ready to awaken as we break the door open. Keep your guards up everyone.'' I said as I made my way towards the door.


|Cursed Door - Entrail expelling curse - Activates upon touch.|

''Don't touch the door, it's cursed been to expell your entrails at your touch. Give me a second...''

I cast Remove Curse, and as my hands light up with energy I touch the door, breaking the curse and turning the door harmless.

''Great, I was hoping that would work. Good to know that there's a few second long window to touch something cursed with Remove Curse and it won't have a chance to curse me..'' I mutter as I cast Alohom*ora silently and flick my hand to open the door with a burst of magic.

As we entered the deteriorated house I cast Scourgify and Reparo several times to clear any rubble and to activate any motion sensitive curses, should they exist. Nothing happened, and I decided to cast Light on my rapier and hold it like a torch as I moved deeper into the house, then I cast Detect Magic to locate the potential hiding place for the ring.

'Good lord, what the f*ck is that.' I thought in horror.

As I cast Detect Magic and looked at the floor I noticed a black box from underneath the floorboards in the corner of the living room. The magic protecting the box felt like pure malice concentrated inside of an iron cage, waiting to devour any who dared touch it.

''I see a cursed box under the floor boards, everyone. The box will most likely kill any who touches it directly unless you cast Remove Curse just before you touch it. If I remember correctly, the ring itself should have a compulsion charm to make the thief attempt to put it on, which would almost certainly kill you with a powerful withering curse. I am the only one here immune to mind magics, so take a step back, please. There doesn't appear to be any more undead. I'll secure the Horcrux.'' I tell my companions as I walk towards the box.

As I reach the corner of the room I cast a severing charm at the floor, cutting into the floorboards leaving a circular hole, as I do so the rotten wood falls onto the box and disintegrates as it touches it. Looks like there's a withering curse on the box as well. I slowly reach down towards the box as I cast Remove Curse and confirm that it dispells the withering effect with my Detect Magic spell still active. As I slowly open the box with a Mage Hand I peer into the box and see what appears to be a Black Hole inside the Resurrection Stone on the ring lying in the box. I can see that the ring itself has a crippled and disgusting looking soul attached to it, it looks like its writhing in pain and is repelled from by the Stone held by the ring itself. There's also a purple aura and a black malicious aura around the ring, I assume that's the compulsion spell and withering curse.

'What the f*ck? Clearly something insane is up with that Stone. Did the three brothers make it or was it actually something Death literally gave to them? Either way it doesn't matter. That looks insane, I wonder why it looks like a black hole..|Dispel Magic|'

When I cast dispel magic with a wave of my hand, the purple aura disappears. I reach down and cast Remove Curse on the ring itself. As I do so, the black aura and the soul gets snuffed out in an instant. No screaming face, no taunting visage, nothing.


|QUEST Update: Horcrux Hunter|

Hidden Objective 3/4 (o): Destroy the Horcrux without destroying the Priceless Artifact it is bound to. Slytherin's Locket (o). Hufflepuff's Cup (o). Ravenclaw's Diadem (x). Gaunt Ring (o). - Reward 3/4 - Gaunt Ring.

Objective 2 (o): Gaunt Ring - Reward: Spell Mod - |Phantom Steed - Thestral Form| - Allows the Tier 4 Spell |Phantom Steed| to summon a Phantom Thestral in place of the regular Phantom Steed. The Thestral Form retains all the Traits of a regular Thestral.

|Claim Objective 2 Reward 'Spell Mod - Phantom Steed - Thestral Form' Y/N?|


'...Huh. That was rather anti-climactic. I guess the Stone was containing the soul shard or something? I'm not going to complain.'

As I stand up and turn around I nearly sh*t my f*cking pants as I notice a black robed, hooded skeleton wielding a scythe standing in front of my companions. Time seems to be frozen as I finally notice that Remus, Yuriko and Darkness are not even moving a milimeter, but the unmistakable figure of Death himself takes a step towards me.

''(((Greetings to you, Prophet. We are Death, but you seem to already know that.. Good. You have claimed one of our artifacts as your own, and cleansed it of the soul shard it was cursed by. We wish to congratulate you on your work so far in bringing us the soul shards of this ''Flight-From-Death'' as he likes to call himself, as the prophecy from demands of you. Would you be willing to listen to a request from us? We wish to petition you, Prophet.)))'' Death asks me with a bone chilling tripple layered voice. The being sounds like three men speaking at the same time, and his sight is somehow noticeable like a freezing wind, even without eyes I can feel Death's gaze searching me for my answer.

''...I am not sure why you call me ''Prophet'', but very well. I am willing to listen to your request, but I will make no promises about fulfilling any tasks for you before I hear your terms and I agree to them.'' I eventually reply with more courage in my voice than I had in every bone of my body. I wanted to run, but the only reason I didn't is because I know instinctually that if I displease this mighty entity it could snap me like a f*cking matchstick with barely a thought.

''(((Thank you, Prophet. We call you Prophet because that is what you are, are you not? You speak of different futures and find yourself bound to one of Lady Fate's Prophecies. That is enough to qualify as Prophet to one such as we. But alas, we are getting distracted. Our apologies. We desire for you to collect our three artifacts and to return them to whence it came. If you collect the Cloak, the Stone, and the Wand, then cast them into the Arch between realms we will reward you greatly, Prophet.)))''

''You want me to collect the Hallows and to throw them through the Veil?.. Why? What will that do?''

''(((We want to return to three from one, and to return to our eternal slumber. We are a being created from a collective dream, and our souls are trapped to act as its image. Either the artifacts need to be removed from this reality, thus ending our physical tie to the dream, or you must remove the myth from every dreamer for us to find peace once more. That is why we wish for you to cast the artifacts into the Arch.)))''

''...So you are the three brothers, and because of the legend of the Hallows your souls are manifesting as an entity we know as Death?''

''(((Yes. We are Antioch-Cadmus-Ignotus, three as one, one as three, a being now known as Death. Because of our foolishness in life with the manipulation of the Arch in creating the artifacts and the consequences of our actions, we are trapped and cannot rest. We wish to return to rest as three seperate ones once more. We discovered a path to contact you through an anomaly from outside of our domain, it created a way for us to petition you for your aid. Do you accept our request, Prophet?)))''


|NEW QUEST: The Apprentice Becomes The Master|

Collect and destroy all of The Deathly Hallows to release the Peverell brothers from their accidental ascension into a higher being known as Death so that their souls may rest once more.

Objective 1 (x): Collect The Elder Wand.

Objective 2 (o): Collect The Resurrection Stone.

Objective 3 (x): Collect The Invisibility Cloak.

Objective 4 (x): Throw the Hallows through the Veil Of Death - Reward - ?

|Accept QUEST: The Apprentice Becomes The Master Y/N?|

'..I don't need a wand, and the stone is not something I want to ever use. I lived through a society that clung to AIs made from people's deceased loved ones' online activity. It was not healthy, and it made people unable to move on. ''Why live your life in the real world if your lover, parents or child has left the real world. Just join them in the virtual world'' was the general attitude for the average person who suffered loss back on Terra. The Stone is effectively the exact same thing as that, and I want no part of it. I saw the results of that choice, and it wasn't pretty.. The cloak could have been useful, but I can cast Greater Invisibility on myself, so it isn't that big of a deal. If they are truly stuck as some sort of metaphysical entity and want to move on I should help them, I think.. Although, I don't know if I can trust them.. I think I should give them the benefit of the doubt.. The System hasn't lied to me so far. I have no reason to doubt the validity of the quest... 'Yes'...'

|QUEST: The Apprentice Becomes The Master - Accepted.|

''Very well. I will help you as you've asked, ancestors. I will bring the Hallows to the Veil and throw them into it as soon as I can. However, if this is a trick and ends up being a lie for you to pursue some nefarious ends, I will do everything in my power to stop you. I've tricked a Goddess, I can outsmart you as well.'' I say with fake confidence to the mysterious being.

''(((We are grateful for your understanding, Prophet. We shall speak only once more, when you are ready to cast the artifacts into the Arch.)))'' Death bowed and disappeared in a silent blink, and time started to move once more.

Once time resumed and the pressure of Death's presence disappeared I nearly threw up in my relief of being away from its presence.

'I'm supposed to be immune to supernatural auras that generate Fear, right? Was that all just a regular response from my mind, or does higher beings like Gods ignore immunities? That was f*cking terrifying...'

''Anne, are you okay? What's wrong?'' Asked Remus.

''I.. I'll tell you after we clear out Riddle Manor. Some heavy sh*t just went went down, but I'm fine.'' I reply with a shaky voice.

''...Alright, let's move on towards the secondary objective.'' Remus nods at me.

I put the rapier back into my inventory and leave the Gaunt house with my companions, as we get outside Yuriko de-transforms and returns to her regular form. Remus quietly enters the house next door to Riddle Manor and confunds the muggle living there, he will move away and spend the rest of his life miles away from this place within the next six months, never to return. As Remus is busy dealing with the caretaker, I infiltrate the manor with Yuriko and Darkness. We quickly find the basem*nt and the cabinet hiding the door to the hidden room. I carefully check for curses and quietly levitate the cabinet out of the way, and then we enter the hidden room. The room is clearly enchanted to be bigger on the inside, and there's a permanent magical fireplace burning at the back of the room. There's a massive pile of treasure in the middle of the circular room, and the circular room's walls are covered in two half circles made up of half a dozen bookshelves each, holding hundreds of books in every bookshelf from the floor to the ceiling. I quickly store the bookshelves with all of the books stored inside of them in my Inventory, and then get to work storing the horde of treasures.

'This must be the entirety of Tom's collection from all the extinct magical houses he killed off with his minions.. Thousands of years worth of collective knowledge from magical clans all over the world all concentrated into one man.. It's no wonder the world thought him to be unstoppable, he probably was to some extent.. There's so much obscure and ancient knowledge that it's making my head spin... The amount of gold alone is baffling. There must be at least half a million galleons here..'

As I was storing all of the gold coins and chests containing god knows what else from the middle of the room, I eventually noticed that the round rug the Horde was sitting on had a dent in it from the massive weight of the treasure. I quickly stored the rug in my inventory and found a trapdoor hidden underneath it. I quickly stored everything from the horde, leaving an empty circular stone room, and looked over at Yuriko and Darkness as I started to lift the trapdoor open after checking it for curses. As they peered down into the hole I saw their faces grow pale and Darkness started to dry heave, and when I looked into the hole, I nearly threw up as well.

'Is that human babies stored in glass jars?!' I thought in disgust, as I took in the sight of hundreds of babies floating in jars of green liquid illuminated by the fireplace.

Some of the jars just held limbs, others were complete bodies, most of them were clearly organs of a specific type methodically categorized and stored in bulk in the large jars.

''What the f*ck?!'' Shrieked Yuriko.

''Hadrianne, I'm going to stand guard outside, I.. I'm sorry but I can't-just.. I'm sorry.'' Darkness quickly ran out of the room with tears in her eyes.

''..I understand if you don't want to join me and would rather go wait outside with Lalatina. I feel a need to somehow put these poor souls to rest. I'll clear out the.. the pit. And then find somewhere far away to give the bodies a burial afterwards.'' I stand in front of the hole by the trapdoor and look Yuriko in the eyes.

''No, it's..it's fine. I'll help you bury them. Just please get them out of there quickly. I'll go take care of Darkness for now, she needs someone now.'' Yuriko said.

With a nod I turn around and walk down the ladder and start to store the jars in my inventory. There were a few more chests that I did check the contents of, and atleast from a glance there didn't appear to be any human remains, but mostly magical items stored in bulk. I methodically stored the jars and then left as quickly as possible once everything was gone. There didn't appear to be a third layer to this pit of Hell thankfully, so I moved back to the book room, and cast Dispel Magic on the fireplace, leaving the room in darkness. I cast Light on my shirt and walked back out of the house, I heard Remus talking with Yuriko and Darkness throwing up into a bush as I walked outside. Remus looked furious, he must have been told, then.

''We're ready to leave. I consider Operation Nazgûl complete. We got our objectives, but we sadly found more than we bargained for. I'll make sure that the little ones get a proper burial, even if we can't give them names for their graves, we will put them to rest at last. All this did is reaffirm to me that we are doing the right thing. These f*cking monsters need to DIE. I won't stop until every Death Eater is sent to Hell. No matter what.'' I said in a hollow voice tinged with sadness.

We quickly dispelled our light spells and let Remus apparate us back to Grimmauld Place. As we walked upstairs I sent a message to Frank with Sending to let him know that the operation was done. After meeting up with Sirius I started my debriefing.

''Operation Nazgûl was a success. At first we collected the ring, as we did so I encountered a strange phenomena. Death asked me to complete a quest for him whilst he stopped time around everyone else.''

''WHAT?!'' Remus and Sirius said at the same time.

''I agree. It was the most terrifying moment of my life. Apparently, according to Death, he is a metaphysical creature. Much like how Peeves is the manifestation of a thousand years worth of Hogwarts children, Death is the three Peverell brothers trapped in the form of an avatar. The three brothers created the Hallows by experimenting on The Veil. In their folly, the items and their legend has made them unable to find rest in the afterlife. Death asked me to collect the Hallows and to cast them into the Veil from whence it came so that they may find peace and become three again. And I accepted the request. I'll show you a memory of the encounter later if you wish. I think the only reason I could talk to them was because of some weird side effects from my Gamer System and reincarnation.''

''..Right.'' Sirius said.

''Then we get to the second objective. We found the bookshelves and the artifacts. We also sadly found the preserved corpses and body parts of hundreds of infants inside of jars in a secret room underneath a trapdoor. I will see to their burials and make sure to put them to rest as soon as possible.'' I said in a monotone voice.

Sirius looked a bit green after getting the second bit of intel. As I pulled out a memory to let them see the encounter with Death, I heard a noise from the kitchen. I quickly finished filling the pensieve and got up to see what the noise was. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Hedwig with a letter tied to her leg outside the kitchen window. I quickly let her inside and cast Observe on the letter and Hedwig to make sure both she and it was safe to touch. I saw no traps or anything wrong from my Observe skill, so I quickly fed Hedwig some owl treats and took her to the living room on my arm and walked her over to her perch. She slowly stepped off my arm and got some well deserved rest, I pet her head softly and thanked her for the service quietly. The others upon seeing that it was only the mail and no emergency decided to all go into the Pensieve, when they returned I placed the letter from the Werewolves on the table for everyone to read.

'Dear Remus, ever since the news of this Knowledge Saint and her reported actions of curing several werewolves the Alphas were restless. They could feel their grip on power waning as all of their justification for power was gone amongst their packs. When the owl you sent arrived with a confirmation of the rumour, and our pack got to read the letter, we decided to stage a coup. We contacted as many like minded packs as possible, all of the Biter Alphas except for Greyback and Bloodmoon are dead. Hundreds of werewolves are on their way to London as you're reading this letter. Greyback and Bloodmoon escaped to the mainland, most likely to try and regrow their numbers by absorbing the native packs of Germany and France. We still don't know if they're coming back, but needless to say, most of us are going to go fight them even if this cure does not exist. The civil war ended within three days with us as the victors but with some severe losses. British werewolves now number only at four hundred and seventy-three from our original six hundred and eighty-nine. I hope that you're not lying, Remus. For all of our sakes. Momentum in morale is stable for now, but I fear there will be revolts if the cure doesn't exist and the fighting was pointless. Make sure to show up on monday with the cure, no matter the cost. - Madam Luka Fangborn'

''..They did it, then.. It's going to be over soon..'' Muttered Remus with hope in his eyes.

''I didn't expect for them to fight a civil war on their own, but atleast the situation will be mostly resolved after tomorrow. Atleast according to this Luka person. I take it you know her?'' I ask Remus.

''Yes. She's one of the elders from my old pack. She was the wise woman, she was a highly respected member of our pack as the mate of one of the most prominent non-biter Alpha in Britain. Her mate was killed five years ago by Greyback and his pack, and ever since she has been the leader of the pack I grew up in. She is like everyone's grandmother, if you could call it that..'' Remus explained with a nostalgic look in his eyes.

''I see. Good thing that we're going to cure her and everyone else tomorrow, then. She sounds like a great person. We leave at the crack of dawn, except for you Sirius. My apologies that you're stuck up in here, but considering you are currently undesirable number 1, we need to keep you safe for a bit longer. We'll start our plans for Operation Mania tomorrow. It won't be that much longer to wait, hopefully.''

''It's alright, Anne. This is a massive upgrade in lifestyle to.. to Azkaban. Don't worry about it. I saw what going stir crazy did to the alternate me, so I decided to go through some books and a bunch of those memories you left behind with entertainment. And you don't keep me in the dark like Dumbledore would, so it's fine-'' Sirius babbled his assurances to me, but I put my finger on his lips to silence him.

''Thank you, but I can tell you're still getting a bit stir crazy. It's understandable that you feel that way when we're going on Operations without you.''

I take my finger off his lips.

''I promise I'll take you with me to the Instant Dungeon tomorrow, it's just been really hectic the last couple of days. You need to feel like you're doing something or you're going to lose your mind. I can't really relate as an introvert, but you are the kind of person that needs to spend time outside. The Instant Dungeon is a nice replacement for your mind to experience something like a forest, even if you don't want to go into a dungeon, just being in there for a bit and running around as Padfoot will be good for you.''

''Alright, thank you Anne. I look forward to it.'' Sirius grinned at me.

Remus, Darkness, Yuriko and I left after giving Sirius his debriefing, Remus apparated us deep inside the forest next to the coast we were at building the Ark at. When I arrived I quickly went to work cutting down trees and collecting rocks with my Mage Hands. Once I had a massive pyre set up, I started to dump the corpses and the organs into the make-shift mass grave. The slimy liquid easily slid off of the preserved remains leaving them mostly dry as I directed my Mage Hands to stack the remains inside the pyre. After an hour it was finally complete and I set it on fire. After the fire ran its course, I covered the ashes and bones in hundreds of stones and other debris I could grab with my Mage Hands from the forest like sticks, leaves, and dirt. It was another late night, but we eventually apparated back to Grimmauld Place. Darkness was still deeply shaken, and I decided I would comfort her tonight. She didn't look like she wanted to be alone, considering she kept holding my hand and followed me everywhere for the last few hours. So I took her to her bedroom and meditated whilst lying in bed with her, waiting for her to fall asleep. Once she did fall asleep it was obvious she was having a nightmare, so I stroked her hair and held her hand until she calmed down, and then went back to my meditation. This was a cycle that I repeated at least six times that night. Once the next morning arrived we all got cleaned up and got ready for breakfast. Operation Bread & Fish Part 2 and Operation Mania was rapidly approaching, and I was determined to ensure their success after last night's depressing events. There were only a few more steps to ensure that my plans would come to fruition. We have seen too much to turn back now, the pit truly was the turning point for everyone. It confirmed everything we had heard from Azkaban. I hoped that Darkness would smile again soon. She hasn't smiled since before we peered down into the pit. I didn't realise that her smile was the thing I felt was missing when we left for Diagon Alley after breakfast later that morning.

Year 0 Part 3 End

Chapter 5: Operation Bread & Fish Part 2, Operation Mania, The Raid, and The Trials!!!

Chapter Text

Year 0 Part 4 Start

As Fenrir Greyback looked back towards the British isles he contemplated his recent failure and the deaths of the majority of the Biters.

'I will rip you all to pieces, Moon-Traitors. The wolf is a GIFT not a curse. The wolf will eventually find its rightful place as the Alpha above all living beings in the eternal hunt.. I will return, and when I do none you will be spared from my wrath. I refuse to let them exterminate this glorious gift from the world.'

Fenrir growled in rage and howled at the moon along with his allied Alpha, Radolf Bloodmoon and their now significantly smaller pack as the boat finally reached its destination, the shores of France.

As we made our way towards Knockturn Alley we noticed a line of people starting halfway up Diagon Alley starting at Olivanders' shop and leading towards the entrence to Knockturn Alley.

'Clearly Sarah was right in her assumptions. This is going to take a while..'

As we made our way through the crowd and took the turn into Knockturn we saw a man that could be no one else other than Albus Dumbledore blocking the way into the pub down the street. He didn't appear to have noticed us yet, so I had some time to prepare. He had pastel purple robes with golden stars and crescent moons dotted around his robes. He looked both amused and was looking around the crowd.

''Guys, get out of here. I'll deal with this.'' I say in a stern tone.

''Anne, are you sure-'' Started Remus.

''Now. Get away. That man is dangerous and I am the only one he can't mind rape out of all of us. He hasn't noticed us yet but he WILL soon. GET. AWAY. NOW.'' I whisper with a shaking voice to my companions.

''..Come back in one piece, Hadrianne.'' Darkness said whilst holding my shoulder.

''I will, now go. Please. I'll contact you with a spell if things go to sh*t.'' I frantically whisper.

My companions back off and I walk towards the mightiest wizard of this era with a sudden case of shakes in my body as I can feel them walking away, like a safety net I didn't know I had was gone.

'You'd think this pressure would count as a Fear effect, but clearly not considering my shaking.. Perhaps it's mostly because I know that he's dangerous. Get it together, Hadrianne. YOU. CAN. DO. THIS. Just face down the equivalent of Saruman in this world. Big bad evil guy number 2. What could go wrong.... Probably not much actually, he's in public and he won't try to fight in the open. I can definitely do this. COME ON..'

Dumbledore finally notices me as I make my way closer and closer towards him.

Dumbledore had been waiting outside the pub since six in the morning, hoping to see any sign of Anne Potter. After several hours of waiting a young girl walked towards him. She had blonde hair tied up in a pony tail, and she had a black eyepatch covering one of her eyes. She was wearing a white coat like those worn by muggle scientists, a black T-shirt, and a pair of blue jeans with a belt adorned with a Thestral on the brass buckle. She stood out like a sore thumb, and she radiated a dense aura of magical energy that made the crowd shy away from her by instinct, letting her move towards the pub as she split the crowd. As the girl approached him she stared at him with her exposed sky-blue eye and introduced herself.

''Greetings, my name is Lilian Prongslet and I am here to remove the curses that afflict these people. I have already made arrangements with the owner for my arrival today. Could you please stand aside so that I may enter this establishment and prepare to begin my healing, sir?'' She said with a clear voice as her coat billowed lightly in the wind.

Dumbledore stood his ground and observed the child's strange mannerisms for a moment and then stood aside slowly.

'Is this girl Anne Potter? Surely not. I can't feel Tom's aura from her at all.. Was I wrong? Is her name a coincidence? I have too many questions. I'll observe her surface thoughts for now to confirm whether or not she is Anne..'

Dumbledore tried to peer into her mind with a wandless and passive legilimency probe to get a feel for her surface thoughts as she walked towards the door. As he did so a loud gong echoed through the street like that of a massive bell being rung and he felt his legilimency probe disintegrate instantly. His head was in a lot of pain, and his nose was bleeding heavily. He had to lean against the wall of the pub to not fall over, and he instantly panicked. NO ONE had EVER repelled him like this.


'WHAT IN MERLIN'S NAME WAS THAT?! I'm a MASTER Legilimens! Not even Severus can keep me out of his mind, and he is both a Master and Natural Occlumens with decades of practice.. What is this girl?! A MONSTER?! She can't be human. It's impossible. This can't be Anne, two weeks on the run would not be enough to become.. Whatever this creature is! I've never heard of anyone with this amount of strenght in the mind arts in the entire world, human or otherwise!'

Dumbledore was holding his bleeding nose and the crowd was looking at him with confusion, then the girl spoke up with a cold voice.

''Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, how DARE you try to invade my mind? You could have simply asked me if you wanted to know something and I would have answered your questions to the best of my ability! Why do you resort to mind rape when I have commited no crimes nor any actions that would warrant the use of such foul magics?''

The crowd went completely silent and listened intently to see how the confrontation would play out.

''Why are you here?!'' Dumbledore incoherently shouts.

''I already told you that, sir. I am here to heal people. I do not mean to cause anyone harm, simply to help them. But if anyone tries to penetrate my mind then my occlumency shields will strike back with overwhelming force. Don't attempt to do so again if you intend to stay alive.'' She glares at him.

''..Is that a threat?'' He glares back and wipes the blood from his face with a wandless Tergeo.

''Yes. Perhaps you aren't going senile after all? Stop trying to invade random people's minds lest you find yourself poking another dragon one day. As Headmaster of a school with a rather appropriate motto for situations like this, take the founders' advice to heart.'' She smirks at him.

'How dare this monster lecture me in public?! I WILL NOT LET THIS STAND!' Dumbledore seethed, and took out his wand.

''I will not let you roam freely. You are clearly dangerous and would attack anyone for the most minor of slights. Come with me quietly or I will have to force you!'' Dumbledore said with an unhinged voice, the crowd started to frown and whisper amongst themselves.

''Under what authority are you to restrict my freedom to go wherever I please? I have commited no crimes and have only defended myself from your attacks. The right to arrest civilians is reserved to the DMLE and their aurors, isn't that right everyone!?'' The brat asked the crowd, leading to shouts of agreement.

'Damn her! She's good at manipulating the public's perception.. If she isn't stopped now she might become unstoppable in the future! I can't afford to let that happen. I failed to convince Gellert to see reason, I failed to notice Tom's evil early enough, I will NOT have a third Dark figure arise in my lifetime! You will be stopped, Lilian Prongslet. Even if it is the last thing I do!'

Dumbledore quickly cast a patronus and sent a message to the DMLE asking for reinforcements as he got properly to his feet and blocked this new Dark Lady's path towards the pub.

''The DMLE will be here shortly! Surrender now!-'' He started to say, and then he lost consciousness.

Dumbledore cast a patronus and pointed his wand at me as he started to look at me with a deranged expression that promised nothing short of murdering me would appease him.

''The DMLE will be here shortly!

'f*ckING CHRIST! This guy is unhinged! I'm not taking the risk he won't try to have me killed! |Time Stop|!'

Surrender now!-''


I quickly cast Experliarmus and a stunner at the same time knocking him backwards towards the wall and causing the Elder Wand to fly into my grasp.




|The Elder Wand Added to Inventory|

|QUEST UPDATED: The Apprentice Becomes The Master|

Objective 1 (o): Collect The Elder Wand.




|Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore| (Unconscious)

HP 230/350

MP 3000/3000

EP 0/0

SP 100/100

Trait - Familar Bond - Fawkes (Slavery)



'Did he enslave his f*cking Phoenix?!.. I guess in retrospect considering the events of Chamber of Secrets, and the fact that we never see Fawkes again after The Half Blood Prince, that makes sense..'



'|Break Familiar Bond|'


|Familiar Bond - Fawkes (Slavery): Broken|


|Time Stop Cooldown: 23 Hours 59 Minutes 59 Seconds|

Time resumed, and from the crowd's perspective, Dumbledore moved two metres instantly seemingly without apparating and flew the rest of the way into the wall with a soft thud. His wand was nowhere to be seen and he was somehow unconscious without anyone seeing a spell being cast.


The crowd went completely silent and looked on in awe as the mightiest Wizard in Britain was somehow lying on the ground unconscious.


''W-What happened?'' The lady behind me asked after a few seconds.

''I don't know, but we should probably call the aurors? He seems to have gone insane. I think he had a burst of accidental magic or something..'' I said in a voice tinged with concern.

'Hopefully the amount of witnesses to this confrontation will clear my name of any wrongdoing. That's two out of three Hallows down. I really need to look through the chests in my inventory from my vault to make sure Dumbledore doesn't have my cloak.. If he suspects me of being Anne Potter then I will never get it from him peacefully if he has it..'

As I was considering my next move and the crowd started murmuring I heard a voice adressing me.

''Miss Saint! I'm Rita Skeeter from the Daily Prophet, do you have any comment on what just transpired?!''

I turn to look at the face of Rita, who looks like she was just handed a bag of gifts from God himself, with a floating quill next to her.

''I take it you are from the press, then?.. I would like to talk with you after I have informed the aurors of this unprovoked attack. May I have an interview with you in private in a few hours instead of in public right this second, Miss Skeeter?'' I ask with a genuine tone.

Rita smiles at me as if she somehow won the lottery and agreed to my suggestion instantly, she was noticing the crowd glaring at her and decided to make her retreat for now.

''Alright! I'll be expecting your company later today, then.'' She smiles at me with a shifty look in her eyes as she backed up and simply observed for now.

A few seconds later I heard a commotion from the edge of Knockturn Alley and several shouts coming from up the alley.

''AURORS! Stand aside!'' A deep voice said.

The crowd split and the unmistakable form of Rufus Scrimgeur backed by four aurors glared at me as he noticed Dumbledore's unconscious body behind me. I recognized Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor Moody, but I couldn't place the three other aurors standing behind Scrimgeur.

'Oh man, someone as paranoid as Moody could be hard to deal with..'

''Good day gentlemen, I take it you are the aurors? I want to press charges. My mind was assaulted by Albus Dumbledore with mind magics, and I demand justice.'' I said with a small bow and then I stared into Scrimgeurs' eyes waiting for his answer.

''Who are you?'' Asked Scrimgeur

''My name is Lilian Prongslet. I am a researcher of the supernatural arts and a healer of curses, and I came here today to cure these people waiting here. I arrived as I had arranged with the owner of that establishment last week, and came upon Albus Dumbledore blocking my way to get inside. I asked him to stand aside and as I went to walk past him he sent a legilimency probe at my occlumency shields. He did not take kindly to being forced out of my head, and then pointed his wand in my face after screaming at me when I made it clear I would retaliate with lethal force should he attempt to mind rape me again. After that he somehow flew backwards on his own and lost consciousness in what I can only assume was a burst of accidental magic on his part after screaming at me to surrender. I demand to be questioned under veritaserum to confirm my testimony and for you to press charges against him.'' I said in a clear voice.

'f*cking christ, this went to sh*t really fast. Hopefully they will listen and not try to charge me..'

''...I see. Are you willing to come with us to the auror's office?'' Scrimgeur's voice was tinged with confusion. He clearly didn't expect this when Albus sent them an emergency patronus.

''I am, however I wish to heal these people as I had promised. Several of them might not be here after this investigation is over, and I don't want to leave people with curses without treatment. Can we be back here within an hour? Speaking of cursed people requiring aid, that auror behind you looks like more scar tissue than flesh at this point. What say you, auror? If you wish I will remove the dark magic lingering in your wounds, it would let you regrow your limbs and skin to their natural state?'' I ask Moody.

''Is the lass messing with us?'' I heard Moody grumble to Scrimgeur in disbelief.

''I am not lying to you, ask anyone else standing here if I speak the truth and they will confirm my story. My offer will stand for as long as you wish, auror. I only want to heal others and live in peace. I demand no payment for my services, but if you wish to compensate me for my efforts I only accept knowledge in the form of texts like books or research notes with your personal discoveries as donations. I consider myself a researcher with a desire for obscure knowledge before I am a healer, after all.'' I say in an exasperated tone as I shake my head.

The crowd starts telling the aurors that my story is true and several of them beg the aurors to let me heal them in a cacophany of shouts. Most of these people knew someone that was cured last week and don't want to risk being stuck with their curse if Dumbledore manages to put me in Azkaban for a crime I did not commit.

''SILENCE!'' Scrimgeur roared and the crowd stilled again.

''We can't confirm your testimony with veritaserum without a legal guardian's approval, Miss Prongslet. Please come with us to the aurors' office so that we may confirm this story and get permission from your guardians to administer veritaserum.'' Scrimgeur said.

''I do not have legal guardians to gain any approval from, I am an orphan, sir. Surely in this instance you can use veritaserum? I don't trust the possibility of a fair trial when you deny me the opportunity to give you proof of my innocence and the Chief Warlock's word is againt mine and these non-influential people. I refuse to accept being set up to be imprisoned for a crime I did not commit. Take my offer of veritaserum questioning or I will refuse to listen to your orders as I fear I would have no choice but to fight back, lest I find myself shipped off to a cell for the rest of my life because of legal loopholes.'' I answer sternly.

The crowd roars in agreement to my words, many of them probably have no love for the Ministry and the possibility of me being set up is high in their minds. Scrimgeur frowns and eventually takes out his wand and casts a sonorus charm.


He cancels the charm and looks at me with disbelief and responds to my plea as the crowd goes silent again.

''If you do not have guardians to grant permission for veritaserum then this will be a over a bit quicker... Magical Minors without guardians to speak for them are considered wards of the Ministry of Magic and may request the use of veritaserum in a criminal investigation like this. Please come with us quietly to sort through this mess at the office.'' Scrimgeur ordered a tone of remorse.

I looked around at the crowd of people and shrugged.

''Very well. So long as I may present my evidence before the courts and I do not feel that you are breaking my trust, I will follow your orders. I'm sorry everyone, it appears that the Ministry are taking me away for now! I will be back as soon as I am released! I take it you will release me after my questioning within an hour at most, sir?'' I ask Scrimgeur.

''The name's Rufus Scrimgeur. And yes, you will be released shortly if you are found innocent like you claim. Dawlish, Shacklebolt, take care of Dumbledore. This is going to be a long day..'' Scrimgeur sighed.

As I was escorted back through Diagon Alley and into the Leaky cauldron I sent a message with Sending to Remus that I was being questioned by aurors. He was freaked out for a while until I reassured him I would be fine and that I could handle it. I told him to stay where they were and to remain calm as I dealt with the aurors. He agreed begrudgingly and asked if he should go back to Knockturn alley to reassure the werewolves that I was coming back, and I said that it's probably a good idea. So Remus went on his own back to Knockturn Alley and tried to do damage control for the situation. I was taken through the fireplace connected to the Floo in The Leaky Cauldron and into the Ministry Atrium. Scrimgeur, Moody, and one unkown auror escorted me to the wand register and she asked me for my wand.

''I don't have a wand on me, I don't use one.'' I said calmly.

''You don't use one? Are you a muggle?'' She asked with disgust.

''No, miss. I simply don't need to use a wand. Allow me to demonstrate.''

'|Wingardium Leviosa|'

I wave my hand and I levitate the stack of papers on her desk behind the glass, then slowly return it to the desk.

''...I see.'' She says with a raised eyebrow.

I turn to the aurors behind me and look at them with confusion as to what they want me to do.

''Give her a name badge as a ward of the Ministry under the name Lilian Prongslet, she's going to be answering questions for an investigation.'' Scrimgeur told the woman.

I was quickly taken to the elevator and taken down to the auror offices. I was escorted to a room where the unknown auror sat me down at a table and quickly brought in some veritaserum and then left. After Moody confirmed the seal of the small phial and put three drops on my tongue, twenty seconds passed and Scrimgeur set up an enchanted quill to start taking notes of the questioning and started asking me questions with Moody standing behind him looking at me. I start to answer Scrimgeur's questions in a droning voice.

''What is your full legal name?''

''Hadrianne Lily Potter.''

Moody gasped then started to chuckle.

''I see. When were you born, Miss Potter?'' Asked Scrimgeur.

''The 31st of July 1980.''

''Why did you introduce yourself under the pseudoname ''Lilian Prongslet''?''

''I had several reasons. I am famous and did not wish to cause a scene, or give anyone a reason to kidnap me if they found out about my name. I believe that I have enemies after me that would like to see me dead, tortured, or both.''

''Are you using polyjuice potion?''

''No, I am a Metamorphmagus.'' I quickly morph my hair and eye colour back to their proper colours and back to my disguise.

At this point Moody is barely containing his laughter.

''Aye, I like her, the lass has got a pair of big brass ones..'' I heard Moody mutter to himself as he tried to keep a straight face.

'If only he knew how accurate that statement could be, heh'

''What happened prior to our arrival outside the Pub inside of Knockturn Alley?''

I repeat my story exactly like I told them the first time with a droning voice.

''You can remove people's curses?''


''And you do so for free?''


''...Do you have legal guardians?''

''As far as I know, no. I grew up with my maternal aunt's family, when I was there I was repeatedly beaten and used for slave labour such as cooking their meals, tending to their garden, and cleaning their house. I figured out on the 2nd of August 1990 it was because I had Magic and my relatives did not, so they beat me out of fear. I feared for my life and safety every day and I escaped when I had the chance on the 2nd of Agust 1990 after I received visions that gave me knowledge about the magical world in a fit of accidental magic. Before my visions I did not know that Magic was real and not simply me losing my mind as I performed accidental magics before or during my beatings. I looked for paperwork, but I could not find a will nor any paperwork in regards to legal guardians for myself, magical or muggle in their house or in my vault.'' I say with a droning voice.

As I remember the memories from before my past life's memories came to me I shed a single tear from my regular eye at the helplessness I felt back then every day.

'Never again. I won't go back there again. Everything will be fine.' I thought to myself.

At this point Scrimgeur and Moody are both gaping at me with shock and rage in their eyes. Moody may been Dumbledore's friend and tolerated a lot of his bullsh*t, but he drew the line at children being abused. There was no way Dumbledore didn't know about Anne's home life, Moody realised in horror.

''..What erm.. What did your visions show you?'' Scrimgeur said with a tired voice.

''I saw people suffering like I had suffered, I saw that I had the power to heal people, I saw that I had resources in a bank ran by little men with pointy ears that was located in London. I saw that I could use that money to survive on my own and not rely on my relatives for the tiny portions of leftovers they sometimes gave me in return for my slave labour. I saw that if I did not leave, a future where I was dead after receiving a letter to go to a School of Magic called Hogwarts would occur. My relatives wanted to beat the ''Freak'' out of me and make sure I didn't turn out like my late mother, if I didn't get out of there I would have died just after my eleventh birthday.''

''I see. Alastor give her the antidote, I've heard enough...'' Scrimgeur said.

I bent my head backwards and let Moody drip a phial of veritaserum antidote into my mouth.

''Ugh, those potions taste like sh*t.. I take it you will let me go, then? I fear that if I don't get back soon a bunch of people might lose hope and not come back to get cured, and time is of the essence. If you need anything else from me you can most likely find me in The Blind Basilisk for the next several hours or simply send me an owl? OH and I want to meet with Madam Bones as soon as possible since I am already here.''

''Yes, Miss Potter, your testimony will be recorded and you will be released. We will owl you later for a trial when we take your case to the Wizengamot. Welcome back to the magical world.. We're sorry no one realised you were suffering like you were. If we knew, we would have come for you sooner. If you do not mind me asking, where are you living now?''

''I live in London under a Fidelius charm cast by a person I trust. I feel safe where I live now only because it is secret. Please don't make me give up my secret keeper, I clearly have enemies looking for me and I don't want to leave myself exposed out in the open. Speaking of enemies, I had a mail redirection ward tied to my person, here is the document I was sent by Gringotts confirming my treatment and removal of the illegal ward. I don't know who placed the ward on me, but it prevented any and all wizarding mail to find me in the muggle world, which is why I never replied to anyone's letters. I still don't know where any letters or packages that may have been sent to me between the 31st of Octoboer 1981 and the 2nd of August 1990 are located.''

I seemingly make the paper appear out of nowhere in my hands and hand it to Scrimgeur by taking it out of my Inventory. Both of them gasp and widen their eyes at the impossible magic I performed in front of them.

''Where did you keep that?! You can't conjure things without using a spell, can you? I saw no magic being used with my eye.'' Moody asked me.

''Don't be daft of course I can't conjure things without a spell, I just kept it inside my magical core to be retrieved for later use.'' I look at Moody as if he grew a second head.

''You kept it inside of your magical core?!..'' Scrimgeur asks with a baffled expression.

''Yeah, think of it like inwards apparition. When you apparate you move yourself through space using your magical core by going through a tube-like wormhole, I simply held an object with my magical core and kept it in the tube until I needed to retrieve it.'' I look at them with confusion as I take out an apple from my Inventory and take a bite from it and shrug.

Moody starts to laugh loudly as Scrimgeur sputters in disbelief.

After some more back and forth and signing a couple of documents to make the veritaserum testimony legal to present as evidence, I was taken to meet with Amelia Bones. Scrimgeur frowned and asked me why I wanted to speak with the Head of his department.

''Because I have information that may lead to the arrest of a prominent member of wizarding society. Also, I have evidence that may lead to the charges being pressed against another individual to be dropped. My visions show me a lot of things and so far all of them have been correct. It was only recently that I learned where it was necessary to look to know what I was seeing, if that makes sense. It probably doesn't.'' I frown and shrug as I finish my apple before levitating the core wandlessly into a trash can in the corner of the room.

''Alright lass, I can take you to the boss, but before I do I need to know what that eye of yours can do. It's showing up as a ball of energy when I scan it with my eye.''

''It's a magical item that will let me increase my own speed to twice its normal rate at the cost of my stamina. I rarely use it when I practice because it leaves me exhausted very quickly. I made it myself, but sadly I haven't been able to replicate the enchantment again. I don't quite know how I did it but I'll figure it out eventually.'' I respond as I take off my eyepatch and both of them gasp as they take in the wirring hands spinning around the clock where my Iris and pupil should be.

''Did you lose your eye, then?'' Asked scrimgeur with a frown.

''No, I did not. I am a Metamorphmagus and I have learned how to change my body's mass to some extent using those powers. I could take the eye out and regrow my old one easily within a minute or two. It's cool looking and useful so I kept it instead of my normal one? It also works as a nice disguise. I haven't gotten around to making the eyepatch see through from the inside yet but that's my next goal.'' I put my eyepatch back on.

''..I see. Could you demonstrate you regrowing you eye? I would feel more comfortable knowing you didn't permanently gouge your eye out to use a questionable magic item?'' Scrimgeur asked.

''I mean, I could. But I don't want to. It's disorienting as hell to be attuned to a third eye and regrowing my old eye. But if you insist?''

''Please do.'' He nods.

I take the eyepatch off again and pop the Eye Of Choronos into my inventory and regrow my eye slowly over the course of two minutes.

''See? Not dangerous.'' I shrug.

''Remarkable..'' Scrimgeur frowns as I start to shrink my eye again and finally stuff my fake eye back into my eye socket.

''..How are you doing that, lass? You can't just regrow organs on a whim..'' Moody asked, still visibly confused after seeing the entire ordeal of me regrowing and shrinking my eye into nothingness.

''Why not, is it illegal?'' I ask sarcastically.

Both of them looked taken aback at that question and started to chuckle.

''Fair enough, lass. HEH.. Very well, I'll bring you to the boss. Scrimgeur, I suppose it goes without saying that we are keeping this case completely silent? No one but the boss' ears for now, got it? I'll take the documents with me to the boss. You're dismissed.'' Moody gestured for me to follow him after dismissing Scrimgeur to his regular duties.

''Understood, Mad-Eye.'' Scrimgeur nodded and leaves.

I put my eyepatch back on my head and followed Moody through the main auror office and finally ended up standing outside a massive wooden door. Moody touched the door with the tip of his wand and we waited for about half a minute before the door swung open to let us in. As we walked inside the door closed behind us and I observed the office filled with bookshelves and a desk with a stern woman wearing a monocle peering over a pile of paperwork at us.

'Yeah, that's clearly Madam Bones. The monocle and red hair really is iconic, isn't it?.. Shame she had such a small role to play in canon before she got killed off..'

''Boss, I have a witness coming forwards with information she claims is of interest to the DMLE, one Hadrianne Lily Potter.'' Moody gruffly explained.

''..I see. What do you have to report, Miss Potter?'' She looks at me with a look of uncertainty.

I change my hair to black and my eye to green as I start to explain my reasons for coming here.

''I have several shocking pieces of information that I need you to be quiet and listen to before you ask questions. Firstly, Lord Voldemort, originally known as Tom Marvolo Riddle is not dead. He is keeping himself alive by using Soul Anchors known as Horcruxes to tie his soul to this plane of reality and preventing himself from passing on to the afterlife. He split his soul into several pieces using dark rituals to secure his immortality. He is currently a wraith only capable of possessing animals and I am hunting down the artifacts that keep him tethered to this plane. The reason I am coming to you with this information is because the Horcrux I am currently looking for is at Malfoy Manor. It's a black leather-bound diary with the name Tom Marvolo Riddle written in gold letters on the cover. To destroy the artifact we need to either stab it with an item coated in Basilisk venom, burn it with Fiendfyre, or let me cast a spell on it to remove the curse. I also know Lucius keeps the rest of his dark artifact collection underneath his drawing room floor, so if you can't find the diary at the manor at least you will find those. And finally, this is the most important bit of information I have to deliver to you, Peter Pettigrew is alive and he was the real traitor that told Tom Riddle the secret to the fidelius guarding the location of my house, not Sirius Black. I have Peter in custody inside my safe-house that's currently under a fidelius charm and I want him to face a full trial for the betrayal of my family and his sworn allegience to Tom Riddle as a marked Death Eater. I expect nothing short of a death sentence for him. Preferably as quickly and painless as possible, since I don't agree with torture. Personally I feel a Bombarda Maxima to the face would be a symbolic death for Peter as he framed Sirius with that spell when he killed those twelve muggles in 1981. I vote for that method of execution, if you care for my opinion on the matter.''

''....WHAT?!'' She shrieked.

I look at Moody who has apparently dropped his jaw on the floor and make a joke to him at his boss' expense.

''Do I have to repeat myself or perhaps send her the information in writing? I think your boss has lost her hearing?'' I grin at him.

''I'm of half a mind to stun you and stuff you full of veritaserum! Were you responsible for Azkaban?!'' Amelia shrieks at me.

''What do you mean?'' I ask with a frown as I stare down Amelia Bones.

''...We had a break in at Azkaban, lass. The Ministry has kept a tight seal on the situation but we can't keep it secret for much longer. We don't know where the Dementors are, thankfully no attacks have been reported so far since hundreds of them disappeared.'' Moody helpfully added with a suspicious glare.

''..Well, sh*t... Do you mind taking the veritaserum back out, Moody? I would like to testify I had nothing to do with your Azkaban situation and you may confirm my information at the same time?'' I lie, convincingly too, judging Moody's reaction.

After half an hour of being asked questions I manage to convince them I didn't know about Azkaban's break in and they confirm that I believe my visions to be real in relation to the Horcruxes, Voldemort's identity, Lucius' dark artifacts, and Peter Pettigrew. After getting them both on my side I was given the antidote and I got Amelia's word that she would give me the diary if they found it inside Malfor Manor. In return I would give them Peter Pettigrew for them to put on trial when Lucius was put into a holding cell. Amelia agreed that it would be likely that Peter would end up dead before justice was served if Lucius was free. Amelia was frothing at the mouth with rage over her brother and his wife being killed even after all of these years, and me showing up out of nowhere with critical intelligence to fight the people responsible for their deaths was a godsend in her eyes. She may not have fully believed everything I said, but she also knew I had no reason to lie and every reason to come forward if it was true. After giving my testimony and finishing signing documents to make it official and on the record in a sealed file only accessible to the Head of the DMLE, Moody asked me if I could heal his curse damage and I replied that I gladly would do so immediately.

''Hang on for one second..'' I channel magical energy into my hand and touch his chest as I cast Remove Curse.

'|Remove Curse|'

A golden glow of energy surrounded most of Moody's body and he let out a sigh of relief from the dark energies in his wounds receding. He felt two decades younger instantly, and barely suppressed a grin.

''Would you like me to restore your leg for you now? I can only restore limbs three times a day with a magical item that I made, so I usually don't use it in public.'' I asked him.

''Wait.. How fast can you restore limbs?'' Amelia asks with a frown.

''To restore a limb or an organ with my enchanted Rod takes around one to seven seconds, depending on the size of the area that I am restoring. My method does not need a slow and painful week with Skele-Gro and human transfiguration to be performed by trained healers to restore a leg. Again, the offer is simply that, Auror Moody, an offer. The better equiped aurors are to deal with criminals the better it is for me and the general public, but it's up to you.'' I shrug.

''...Alright, just don't restore my eyeball, lass. I've got used to the benefits of a magical eye much like yourself.'' He eventually grumbles out.

I take out my Rod Of Greater Restoration and gesture for him to get the prosthetic off his leg. After he takes it off I restore his leg and put the Rod back into my inventory.

''There, good as new.'' I grin as I look at his very new and pink leg.

Moody moves his toes and stares in awe at his restored limb and chuckles as he transfigures the prosthetic leg into a sock and shoe for his new foot and rolls down his pant leg again.

''...Whatever these visions are that allow you to make these mysterious artifacts with wandless magic, and see random pieces of information are not to spread outside of this room. Am I clear?'' Amelia glared at me.

''If you are ordering me to keep my visions and artifacts secret from my allies, I refuse. I won't go to the media about my visions beyond calling for the Wizengamot to give Sirius a trial for now. I hope whoever took him from Azkaban didn't kill him and that Sirius will see the articles and be able to show up to prove his innocence if I push for his trial personally. I also won't sell the artifacts I make in a business for profit, at least not until I have figured out how to mass produce them if that's what you are worried about? So far every item I make is one of a kind and I've had no luck in recreating any of them. I most likely won't figure out how to do so for years, if not decades. Until I figure out how to replicate my items I refuse to sell them to either the public or the Ministries of the world.'' I said as I glare back at her.

''..That is.. Acceptable, I suppose. For now. Should your information in regards to Lucius be correct, and this raid ends up going well, I do expect you to come forward with any other pieces of intelligence you gleam from your visions.'' Amelia finally said as she let out a sigh of exasperation.

After I was finally let go by Amelia, I sent several messages with Sending to Remus and informed him of what had happened and told him I was on my way back to Knockturn Alley. He said that the people there were getting worried and would leave soon if nothing changed and to get there as soon as possible. Less than five minutes later I found myself back outside The Blind Basilisk, the crowd cheered as I was let inside and finally started healing everyone. Rita Skeeter was hanging around the back of the pub waiting for me to get done with healing people and furiously scribbling with her quill taking witness statements from the few of my patients that gave her the time of day. After several hours of removing curses, I was done and Operation Bread & Fish Part 2 was finally complete. I received a substantial amount of texts as donations this time around as well. I thought to myself in pleased exasperation that I would die of old age before I could get through all of my books at this rate considering my personal collection and Tom's collection of texts on top of everything I receive by healing the public.

'I haven't even checked out the Black Family Library or taken into account the Room Of Requirement when I go to Hogwarts. I will have tens of thousands of tomes to sift through by the end of my hoarding efforts.. Thankfully my reading speed is disturbingly fast thanks to my Occlumency and my Stats, but it will still take me a while to read through an average book..'

As I was finishing putting away the donated texts, Rita walked up to my table.

''Would you be willing to take that interview now, Miss Saint?'' She asked me with a deceptively innocent tone.

''Very well, I will be with you as soon as possible, Miss Skeeter. Moony, would you mind informing the others that everything worked out? I can deal with the press on my own.''

''Alright, I'll see you later Lilian.''

I watched Remus leave the pub and I turned towards Rita.

''Would you mind we do this in a private venue, Miss Skeeter? I have information that might be of interest to you.'' I say with a smile.

''..Interesting. I can take you to my office at the Daily Prophet if you wish? It's right next to Florean Fortescue's ice cream Parlour, it should only be a three minute walk.'' She asked with a smirk as if she was a cat that had caught a particularly tasty bird.

''Sounds good. Let's go.''

Rita walked with me towards the offices for the Daily Prophet and guided me inside her office, once we sat down I smirked at her and started to spill several facts that made her face go pale.

''So, I'm just going to get to the point. You are an illegal animagus in the form of a small winged beetle. You can and have been using this form to fly around people to get blackmail material on them and also using information gathered in this manner for your articles. If I go to the Ministry with this information you will undoubtedly get put into Azkaban for life considering the anger you have attracted from powerful people throughout the years. Fortunately for you I don't want to do that and before you think about obliviating me, I have safety meassures should I forget this conversation. Do you understand Miss Skeeter?''

She looked as if she had been hit the face and started to stutter out a reply.

''Y-yes, I understand. W-what do you want?''

''Nothing much. I simply want you to use your powers for my agenda from now on and to make sure whatever you print is approved of by me. If you work with me I will give you stories that will be written about in the history books with importance lasting centuries if not millenia, among other more minor stories that will captivate the entirety of Magical Britain's attention even if only in the short term, short term meaning years if not decades of cultural relevance. Please calm down, I don't want any money, sexual favors or anything else bad you are thinking about from you, only a magically binding contract that makes me your unnoficial editor. If you don't want to take my offer I'll simply walk out of this room and you will never get an interview with me again, and I won't bother your little illegal sh*t-stirring schemes. It's not relevant to me if you continue as you have been for the most part and I can find others who would love to have this once in a lifetime chance.'' I grin at her.

She looked even more dumbstruck now.

''Really?.. I take it you're not going to tell me what these stories are before I sign a contract? Can you tell me the general theme of the stories?'' She rapidly started asking with hunger in her eyes.

''For the major stories the general theme is interplanetary travel. Most of these stories and their implications would be world defining events. For the smaller stories, massive conspiracies perpetrated by the Ministry of Magic in relation to Hadrianne Lily Potter and her upbringing, amongst other things. For now I will only start giving you the smaller stories before in a few years getting into the massive world defining ones if you sign the contract. The world is not as it seems and should you decide to sign my contract you will be rewarded beyond your imagination.''

''...T-there's no no way you're being serious?!'' She eventually asks.

''I am. I don't really care what you do for the most part, just leave my allies and myself alone and I will make your name legendary in the reporting scene for centuries.''

Rita opens her desk drawer and takes out a folder of documents and puts it on the table, then opens a bottle of liquor that she retrieves from under the desk and takes a swig from the bottle.

''Let's get started then, Miss Saint.'' She looks at me with an exasperated smile and shakes her head as she starts to show me her current contracts.

After another two hours I finally finish writing up the contract with Rita. It took shorter than I expected but in the end I had essentially secured her silence and got her to act as my mouthpiece. As we were about to sign the contract I stunned her and bound her to her chair. Then I made her take a dose of veritaserum and ennervated her. I confirmed that she was genuine and wouldn't attempt any trickery or that she didn't attempt to use any legal loopholes that I didn't catch to f*ck me over in the contract, then I released her. She wasn't pleased at first but understood why I did what I did when I signed the contract with Hadrianne Lily Potter as my legal name and metamorphed my hair and eye back to their normal state.

''... I see.. The whole paranoia thing you got going for yourself didn't make much sense before now, good to meet you Miss Potter. I look forward to working with you.'' She was shaking from the adrenaline, but shook my hand all the same when I made to shake hers after she signed the contract.

''I have a lot of enemies, I'm sorry I had to do that, but I had to make sure you were being honest. Call me Hadrianne if you wish, Miss Skeeter. Now, I believe I owe you a story and this one has a lot of implications I'm afraid..''

''I see, call me Rita then, Hadrianne. What's the damage?''

''First, let me tell you the story of Sirius Orion Black. We'll write the articles together as we're going, this will take a while..''

After writing two articles together, one being an interview with Lilian Prongslet as the Knowledge Saint and another being an interview as Hadrianne Lily Potter, I left her office and went back home for the day.

As I entered Grimmauld Place I hummed a song of victory to myself, I had sent several messages with Sending to the Weasleys and Longobottoms and both pairs agreed to come over quickly to learn Rank 3 Occlumency. As I made my way up the stairs towards the living room I put a finger to my temple and started to fill a phial with the relevant memories from today's events so that everyone can get their story straight should it be necessary. I took out the master copy of the magical contract I signed earlier today with Rita from my Inventory and opened the livingroom door, and I see the gang sitting around eating dinner or reading.

''Great news everyone! We have Skeeter as our mouthpiece and I have secured help from the Head of the DMLE to find the Book-Crux with a raid on Malfoy Manor and give us trials. Your trial should be coming by the end of the week at the latest, Sirius!'' I smile to myself as I float the document and my memories over to Sirius and place my pensieve for him to use at the livingroom table next to his book.

''Really?! How did the trouble with Dumbledore go?'' Sirius asks.

''It's all in the memories for you to see for yourselves. That old goat f*cker is a psycho, man! He tried to mind rape me and started to threaten me, so I may have bonked him a little.'' I said with a mischievous grin.

A feeling of pure unadulturated happiness spread through Fawkes' soul. He had been stuck under the thumb of the nasty-bad wizard. For the most part, in his former master's early years he was a good person all things considered, but after the battle between him and his He-Mate he was a shell of his former self. Fawkes knew of the nasty-bad wizard's plans for his saviour, and he wouldn't stand for it now that he was free. Fawkes immediately flamed away into several safe-houses and vaults across Britain once he had felt his bindings be removed, and started to bring treasures and secrets that the nasty-bad wizard had hoarded over the years into his new nest in a massive underground cavern inside a mountain. After several hours of hard work Fawkes trilled with happiness at finally being able to hinder his former master's foul plots. He sat atop his pile of loot and considered his next move. Should he trust his saviour or would she be like nasty-bad wizard? He didn't know what to do and flew back and forth between piles of his stolen hoard for hours. He finally decided to see what his saviour was like before making a final decision and flamed away towards her location.

After the Weasleys and the Longbottoms arrived I finished my debriefing for today's successfull operations and had them all drink their Experience Potions and learn Rank 3 Occlumency, then we got our story straight should it ever become an issue for the trials. After we were done with our meeting the Weasleys and Longbottoms quickly left to get some sleep at their homes, and I decided to send a letter with Hedwig as everyone else decided to get to bed as well. Darkness whispered in my ear if I could come to her room later. I gave her a confused look but nodded at her.

'I suppose she wants me to keep the nightmares away.. I hope she's not severely traumatized from Riddle Manor..'

|William Arthur Weasley|

HP 300/300

MP 500/500

EP 200/200

SP 200/200

HPU Skill: Occlumency

Tier Magic: Counterspell.

Resource Points: 0

|Ability Teacher - Occlumency - Progress: Rank 4 - 0%|

|Arthur Jacob Weasley|

HP 350/350

MP 400/400

EP 0/0

SP 300/300

HPU Skill: Occlumency

Resource Points: 0

|Ability Teacher - Occlumency - Progress: Rank 4 - 0%|

|Alice Roxanne Longbottom|

HP 200/200

MP 350/350

EP 0/0

SP 200/200

HPU Skill: Occlumency

Resource Points: 0

|Ability Teacher - Occlumency - Progress: Rank 4 - 0%|

|Frank Gerald Longbottom|

HP 250/250

MP 400/400

EP 0/0

SP 150/150

HPU Skill: Occlumency

Resource Points: 0

|Ability Teacher - Occlumency - Progress: Rank 4 - 0%|

I sat down and started to write my letter and considered my next actions.

'Operation Mania is mostly complete. I think my bombshell articles for tomorrow's edition of the prophet will be enough.. For now I'll focus on my letter for this piece of sh*t..'

'Dear Horace Slughorn, my name is Hadrianne Lily Potter, I'm a seer of sorts and I know what you told Tom Riddle. Seven pieces. You could have told someone of your suspicions and perhaps it would have ended Tom's reign of terror that led to the deaths of my parents before it happened. I am NOT very happy with your inactions, and if you want me to keep your life from becoming a living hell you will do me a favor. Spend all of your influence and favours you have amassed and oust Severus Snape as Potions Professor. I refuse to be bullied and belittled by one of the people responsible for my parent's deaths for seven years in his potions classes. Even if you are a cowardly piece of sh*t, at least you are not a Death Eater like he is. Dumbledore does not have my best interest at heart, and clearly not the wizarding world's interests either considering he keeps his pet Death Eater around to torment the future generations of Healers, Aurors, and Potioneers. Because of Severus Snape the amount of people capable of helping stop the damage with the inevitable return of Tom Riddle has been severely reduced. Barely any people pass his classes to NEWT level. I am only going to offer you one chance to make up for your mistakes lest you suffer my wrath. I expect your reply within a month and the possitive news of your reinstatement as Potions Professor by the time I enroll at Hogwarts on September the 1st 1991. - Best wishes and luck to you, Hadrianne Lily Potter. PS Should you succeed and oust Snape as I have asked, I would gladly forgive your past inactions and join your little club as allies. Choose wisely.' I draw a pineapple and a skull next to my Post Script message.

''Hello Hedwig, do you mind delivering a letter for me?''

''Prek!'' She puffs out her chest in pride as she lifts her leg out for me.

''Thank you, girl. I need you to take this to the slimy walrus called Horace Slughorn. Leave immediately after he takes the letter, please. He probably won't do anything to you, but best not to take any chances, alright?''

''Hoot!'' She said in an understanding sort of tone.

As I attached the letter to her leg she rubbed her head into my chest with affection, then she quickly flew through the window into the night.

'Hopefully that lights a fire under his ass to do the right thing. I have other means of getting rid of Snivellus but not attracting that level of attention at this point is the better call. I'll make sure the greasy f*cker dies, but whether or not he does in a few years or not doesn't matter to me that much. He's probably bound by unbreakable vows from Dumbledore, so I find it unlikely that he's still up to his old torturing, raping, murdering, and cannibalistic antics.. At least I hope so..' As I grumble to myself over the prospect of being wrong about Dumbledore's actions, a flash of fire appears in front of me leading to me rolling off my chair and getting under the table in a panic to get to cover.

'JESUS f*ckING CHRIST! How am I under attack?!' As I take in my surroundings and look at the doors for the intruders who fired spells at me, I notice a soft trilling and bird song which instantly puts me at ease.

I get up and can hardly believe my eyes, a Phoenix, presumably Fawkes, is softly singing at me and sitting on the dining table.

''Hello Fawkes.. I saw that Dumbledore had you under some form of slavery bond and set you free. I didn't expect to ever meet you now that you have regained your freedom, is there anything you need?'' I ask as I take in his song with awe.

Fawkes stopped singing and looked me up and down and clearly made a decision as I felt a sense of longing for a friend coming from him.

''You want to be my famliar?''

He trilled a soft note which gave me the sense of a yes, and if there was any doubt about what I was feeling his head bobbed twice afterwards and then he continued staring at me.

''I already have a familiar called Lilith, she's an Occamy, and I have an Owl called Hedwig, I haven't bonded with Hedwig since she hasn't asked yet, but if you are alright with me having multiple famliars then I can bond with you if you wish?''

He looks at me for a few seconds and considers my words, then trills another few notes that make me feel like he's sure.

''Alright, welcome to the family, Fawkes.'' I reach out to pet him and cast Create Familiar Bond on him.

'|Create Familiar Bond|'


Trait - |Familiar Bond| - Phoenix: Fawkes

As I finished petting him he gave me another quick song of happiness and then he flamed away.

''What a strange guy? Guess he's fine on his own for food then? I was about to give him a snack but then again, what do immortal fire birds eat?..'' I mutter under my breath.

'Oh well, I guess I'll go to sleep now..' I start walking upstairs.

I approached the bedroom door and stilled as if I had been struck by lightning.

''Haaah.. Hadrianne.. F-f*ck me! HNNG!'' Darkness was masturbating and moaning my name.

'..What!? I thought she was only into men, and not.. well.. huh?.. This might just be Lalatina being Lalatina. Why would she even like me like that anyways?!..'

As I fully opened Darkness' bedroom door and she noticed me she stilled like a deer looking into headlights. She was clearly not fully prepared for me to find her naked and in the middle of masturbating.

''So, when did you start to become attracted to me? Assuming you are into me since I heard you moaning my name and all..''

''W-w-w-w-wait! I uh.. Stretching. Yes. I was just s-stretching.'' Darkness blushed and didn't make eye contact no matter how hard I tried to make her look at me.

''I see. Stretching.. You were definitely stretching your puss* walls and moaning my name, begging me to f*ck you.''

'' I j-j-j-just.. I m-mean..'' She still can't seem to look at me.

I put my clothes into my inventory and got under the covers and looked at her with a serious face as I start to morph my body to become bigger and morph my vagin* into a penis.

''Look, I need to know, Is this just a coincidence and you don't feel anything for me except from some misplaced lust or is there more going on here? I was hurt too many times in my past life to even consider being intimate with anyone again at first and I would want more from anyone than just being my f*ckbuddy, I would have several conditions.''

''I..I see..''

''So, unless you think you actually could see yourself being with someone like me and it's just lust then I won't pursue you in that way.''

''..I think I do, I know everything has happened fast since I came to this world but you've been.. W-Well.. A-A-ANYWAYS! W-what conditions?'' She finally looks at me and I notice she's about to cry from embarassment.

''Three conditions. Number one, no males. I know that might be deal breaker for you, but I would refuse to let anyone else with a dick anywhere near you that way. The closest thing I could see myself being fine with is other women joining us eventually, but not other men. If I am going to f*ck you or anyone else then it means that you would become mine alone.''

''I see.. A-alright, what's the second condition?''

''The first condition was what I was most afraid of you rejecting, I knew that you had orgy fetishes but if you don't mind being mine then I doubt the second condition will be a problem.''

''Orgy fetishes?!'' She whispers loudly.

''Do you deny it? Or do you not share those desires like your fictional counterpart? Either way as I said, that's the closest thing that I can accept that would come close to those things.''

''...No, I don't deny it.. B-b-but being a harem s-s-slave would also be good so I don't mind, I think..'' She blushes again and hides half her face under her covers.

''Alright.. The second condition is for you to submit to me. I am a sad*st, but I don't expect you and your masoch*st tendencies to be bothered by that.''

''I D-don't.. What's the uh.. T-t-third condition?'' She blushes even more somehow.

''The third condition is understanding that if I ever find out you betrayed my trust and wilingly decided to be intimate with anyone else that I don't control, I will immediately cut off all contact with you permanently. I don't give second chances to anyone that's cheating on me, and I think those that do are f*cking pathetic.''

''... I understand.'' She looks at me with hope in her eyes.

Lewd Scene Start

''....Alright. I'll trust you, Tina.'' I quickly leaned over her as my body finished morphing and kissed her deeply, then groped her left boob with one hand whilst the other held her hip in place.

She stiffened at first, and then started to kiss me back and leaned into my touch after a few seconds. I quickly spread her legs with the hand by her hip and started to rub her puss*. She was extremely wet already so I abandoned the foreplay and positioned my co*ck at her entrance and broke the kiss, then looked into her eyes for a few seconds and she realised what was about to happen.

''P-please! I need-!'' was as far as she got before I rammed my entire co*ck into her sopping puss* in one thrust, slamming into her cervix. I felt her hymen tear and she made a frightened noise as she felt some pain but then started to moan loudly as I began to move.

''Hnnhg! hunnh o-ohh sh*t! don stahp! fashter!'' she held me by the neck with both of her arms and put her face into the crook of my neck as I increased my speed and started to really f*ck her.

''I'm going to break you, Tina. I'll-haahhh-make you unable to walk straight or sit down without feeling pain for a week because of the abuse to your holes.. hahhh-f*ck, you're so tight..'' I start to grope her ass with my hands, a finger eventually makes its way to her asshole, prodding at her backdoor.

''WHA?! T-t-t-that's filthy! M-m-my behind is-AAahnn!'' I push a finger up her ass.

''Your ass is mine-ohh f*ck!-do you understand?-hnn!-I'll make you cum with my co*ck up your ass!-Ohhh sh*t-you're so tight!'' I push a second finger inside her asshole with the help of her puss* juice as lube and start to rapidly finger her ass, I stop f*cking her and keep fingering her. My was co*ck is still lodged up against her cervix as I put my weight on her chest as I lean on her and kiss her neck.

''Y-yesh Mistress! I'm yours! I understaahhn!'' She c*ms around my co*ck, I quickly pull out of her fluttering folds and get up to stick my co*ck covered in her juices up her ass. She screams in pain into my neck and sobs lightly as I violently f*ck her asshole as she's cumming.

''Good girl! I'm-ahh!-getting close, clench your ass around my co*ck, I'm going to mark your insides with my hot stinky cum!'' I start to pant as my release is drawing near, she lifts her legs and folds them around my waist as I keep violating her ass faster and faster.

''Gonna-AHHhhh!-cumming agahnnn!'' She c*ms again and the way her ass constricts around my co*ck as she does so finally brings me over the edge, and I release at least five ropes of cum into her asshole.

''f*ck! Such a good girl!..'' I pull out of her ass and quickly move her position on the bed as she shakes helplessly in post org*smic bliss.

''.. M-mistress, I l-love you..'' She looks at me with the most grateful and brightest smile I've ever seen a girl have after getting absolutely ravished.

Her smile and the sight of my cum leaking out of her ass almost instantly restored my erection. I immediately began round two.

''We're not done yet.'' I giggle at her look of disbelief as I flip her over and stick my co*ck back inside her ass and she instantly started to shake helplessly as I f*cked her into the bed.

''OHHH! M-M-Mishtress! P-Please! M-my assh iso fire!- I-I can't stop cuhmming!-AH!'' *SMACK*

I slap her ass, leaving a red handprint.

''Be a good girl and-f*ck!-cum for me!'' *SMACK* I slap her other asscheek.

At this point she's barely coherent and a blubbering mess, but I lean on her and whisper in her ear as I f*ck her ass.

''Do you like being my cumdump?'' I felt her ass clench when I called her that.

''You do, don't you-haahhh-I just felt you clench when I called you my cumdump-ooohh sh*t you clenched your ass again, you really must like that huh?'' I nibble on her ear.

''W-WHA?!-Y-y-you-aahhn!-YESH!-break my assh!-I c-c-can't!'' She screams into her pillow as I continue to f*ck her as she c*ms again.

I continue to whisper in her ear as I violate her ass.

''I'm close! going to-hooohhh-make you swa-aah-make you swallow my cum like a good cumdump.'' I flip her over and get off the bed. Then I tilt her head backwards off the edge of the bed and f*ck her throat until I cum and she swallows every drop of my sem*n, my balls slapping against her nose.

''GHUK! GHUK! GHUK! GHUK!.. GHAAAH! F-F-f*ck!..'' I move back onto the bed and move her so that her head is back on her pillow. I grab her nipples and start to twist them until my co*ck hardens again. Once I'm hard I position my co*ck at her puss* and tease her by putting the head in and pulling out over and over, I reach for her hands and keep them at the sides of her head.

''..W-why are you!-f*ck ME!-P-Please don't T-t-tease me!'' She squirms under my gaze and I lean down and whisper in her ears again as I hold her hands and continue to tease her puss*.

''Do you want me to breed you? Do you want to become my literal bitch? Should I permanently end your adventuring career and keep you barefoot and pregnant?'' She stiffens and begins to breathe so hard I almost think she's about to pass out. I ram my co*ck into her cervix before she can answer me and I stay perfectly still.

''AAHNN!.. I.. I w-want to become your c-c-cumdump b-bitch..'' She whispers so quietly that I can barely hear it.

''..You don't sound all that convincing.'' She whimpers in protest as I pull out of her puss* and keep it aligned with her entrance.

''M-M-Mistress, please! I need it! I want your cum!'' She practically growls at me, I wanted nothing more than to listen to her request but I knew that I needed to fully assert myself as her alpha. This is a test of dominance now. I can feel her giving in and dropping all of her walls for me, submitting to me. All she needs now is one more push.

''No.'' I smirk at her look of disbelief and her whine of frustration.

''Please!..'' She whimpers and tries to roll her hips to make me penetrate her. I pull back before I slip inside her.

''Not until you beg me properly like a good girl, my little bitch.'' Her body loses all tension and she looks at me with barely restrained hunger. I stare into her eyes and I notice the look of defeat, the look of acceptance. She is mine.

''Please f*ck me, Mistress. I'm your bitch. Your cumdump. I'm yours. Only yours. Take me. Make me into a mommy.'' She spreads her legs as far as she can and looks at me with hope.

''Good girl.'' I surprise her by ramming my co*ck up her asshole and f*cking her as hard as I can.

''WHA?!-M-M-MY ASS AGAIN?! Ahhn!-B-but I thou! AAHN!'' I morphed my co*ck to be significantly bigger.

''Mine. You are mine.'' I growl as I continued to f*ck her ass.

''Yesh! Only yours!'' She stopped caring about anything except the pleasure and pain she felt. I took my dirty panties out of my inventory and stuffed them into her mouth as a make-shift gag.

She almost lost her mind after that. I f*cked her ass the hardest I could with almost no breaks for another two hours. She fell asleep in my arms from the exhaustion and pain at some point but I kept f*cking her even after she fell asleep and I came one final time inside her. She whimpered in her sleep as I filled her with my cum and I finally pulled my co*ck out of her abused asshole. I fell asleep from exhaustion a few seconds later, and I had a dream for the first time since I left the Dursleys.

Lewd Scene End

I found myself inside a void in my old body. I was fat and covered in scars like I should be. I took in my surroundings and realized that this must be what limbo is like. Not Hell, not Heaven, just empty nothingness, a fitting punishment for someone who was so scared of the world. Put them somewhere they don't have to be with anyone for eternity since they clearly wanted to reject reality so much.

'I see.. this new chance at life was too good to be true. You don't just get to have f*cking superpowers and a fresh start. Especially not if you are broken like I am. Didn't I already learn not to expect anything? I'm better like this. Being alone means I don't have to get hurt again. I'm being stupid as usual. Why is smothering the subconscious need for hope so hard? I thought I had given up after.. after my brother left. From that point on it was just trying to cope, wasn't it? I'm disgusting. It's all my fault. MAKE IT STOP.'

The dream shifted and I was face to face with Lord Voldemort as he was about to strike down Lily Potter.

''Stand aside girl!''

'Why is she fighting so hard for me? I'm a failure..'

''No! Not Anne!''

'What's the point of throwing your life away for a waste of resources? WHY don't you stand aside? I'm a f*cking LEECH. I'll amount to nothing in the end. Everyone rejects me eventually and sees me for what I am so why!-'


'..All my fault. Everything is my fault. I should disappear.'

''I take it you don't have any last words?'' Tom chuckles to himself before he fades into smoke and disappears.

'That.. was not how this is supposed to go down, is it? Why didn't he kill me?'

I look down and notice Lily Potter is gone. The room changed and I found myself back inside my room from Terra, back inside my place of solitude. All of the windows in my house only showed me a white void with nothing beyond my walls.

'How quaint.. I understand. Whatever deity that's tormenting me for my sins was sending a message. Fine. I'll stay in my self imposed prison. The dreams of a better tomorrow only made me a murderer anyways.'

I look down at my hands dripping an impossible amount of blood, and the heads of the inmates from Azkaban appear on the floor in the pool of blood and start laughing at me. I smile at the impossible situation and wake up as I realise this is merely a dream.

I groan as I feel the weight of something on my chest. I move my hand on instict and find myself groping Darkness' ass and look down to see her still aseep on my chest.

'Heh, so last night wasn't a delusion, then?.. f*ck.. Clearly meditating for days without sleeping leads to some intense dreams. Perhaps it was just my head trying to cope with the change in the situation I've found myself in.. Or maybe there is more trauma from my time as the man from Terra still haunting me than than what I thought. You'd think that the cupboard and the beatings would be worse, but maybe not..' I grin to myself as I subconsciously keep kneading Darkness' ass with my hand and she groans.

'Well, better get up for the day, I can't stay sorry for myself forever.' I slap Darkness' ass to wake her up.



''Wakey wakey, Tina.''

''WHA?!.. Be more gentle with my ass.. It still feels like it's on fire from last night..'' She grumbles into my chest with a massive blush.

''I refuse to be gentle, the pain is a good thing. Remember the pain, it means that you're mine. Let's get some food, I'm starving..'' I get up and push her up along with me to a sitting position on the bed.

''F-f-fine.. sh*t! that really stings..''

''You're a big girl, Lalatina. Come on.''

We take a quick shower together and get dressed, when we get downstairs for breakfast I realise it's actually lunchtime and Sirius is grinning like an idiot, Remus is chuckling and poor Yuriko looks like she's about to die of embarassment when she spots us.

''Did we miss breakfast? Pity.'' I said in a neutral tone and then I walk over to my chair and start to fill my plate.

''I was going to tease you in a few years and give you the talk, but you clearly beat me to the punch. Next time keep up silencing charms, yeah?'' Sirius says with a chuckle.

''Silence your own rooms if it bothers you, I don't mind being an exhibitionist. The idea of getting caught clearly turned on Lalatina and I aim to please.'' I deadpan as I take a bite from my salad with exactly zero shame.

''HEY! D-d-don't tell them that!'' Darkness said as she awkwardly sat down with a wince of pain.

At this point Remus can't keep the laughter away and is practically howling, and sirius soon follows suit. I think I see steam coming out of Yuriko's ears at this point. I reach for Remus' copy of the Daily Prophet since he was finished reading it by now and smirk as I take in the headlines on the front page.




'Dumbledore wasn't just ennervated after I left? Did breaking the slavery bond with Fawkes put him into a temporary coma? Serves the c*nt right if it did. I bet he's got a fire the size of the moon under his ass at this point. He f*cking deserves it too..' I barely notice Lilith flying and landing on my shoulder and I instinctively pet and feed her a treat from my Inventory as I keep reading.

The first two articles were word for word what me and Rita had written together but I still made sure an editor hadn't decided to mess with them. The article about Dumbledore was hilarious and made me chuckle, he apparently was heard ranting and raving about a Dark Lady rising up and dooming us all if we didn't act now once he woke up. No one appeared to take him seriously for once, thankfully.

'Hopefully this will make people question Sirius' case for the first time in a decade.. I'll still keep up weekly interviews for a while.. I think it was a good idea to call for everyone that wants healing to show up at St. Mungos every Monday from now on. The Healers there should remember my previous visits and won't stop me, at least I think they won't. It will still be a long and tedious process but it should slow down really fast. There's only so many magicals in wizarding Britain, they will run out of cursed people for me to heal eventually..' I grin to myself as I finish my salad.

''I have a minor announcement, everyone. Last night after sending a letter I was visited by Fawkes and I ended up bonding with him. I never expected to meet him since I freed him from Dumbledore's slavery bond, but he seemed really insistent on being my friend, so if you notice a Phoenix flaming inside the house every now and then don't worry about it.'' I sip from my tea.

''Who was the letter for?'' Darkness asked.

''A slimy walrus.''

''What?'' Yuriko was confused.

''Horace Slughorn. I threatened him and demanded he oust Snivellus as Potions Professor by calling in all of his favours that he has collected over the years.'' I said casually as if I was discussing the weather.

''...I see. True, a lot of grief could have most likely been prevented if old sluggy had spoken up about his suspicions of Tom in the last war..'' Sirius growled.

''That's essentially what I told him in my letter. I gave him a month to reply and until I start attending Hogwarts to get his old job back. Anyways, I'm going to go into the Instant Dungeon alone today and try to push forward in the Spider Cave to make sure it's safe and there isn't some weird or powerful boss at the end of it. I'll leave the pensieve and stuff for you to use..'' I take out several memories of entertainment I have organized and modified over the last couple of days and the pensieve from my Inventory.

''Alright, be careful Anne.'' Sirius holds my shoulder and looks at me with a complicated look before letting me go.

''I will.'' I buff myself and leave for the dungeon.

I fought my way through the remaining sections of the Spider Dungeon slowly but surely. After killing the final spider I claimed the chest for clearing the dungeon.


|x1 'Spider Trophy: Spider Head' Added to Inventory|

EXP - |67,390|

'Huh.. I guess it's not a worthless spot to grind for Experience but it will still take me a lot longer than usual to get levels.. Perhaps it's time to challenge the Naga. I only needed two trophies to enter the arena and this is my third trophy.. If this was a game it means that I am overleveled and I've hit a wall. The question is do I care about the wall and take the safety or do I risk my life to become powerful as fast as possible. Dumbledore had three thousand MP and Tom most likely has MP capacity of comparably insane levels as well, never mind the skill gap. Sure, I could stop Dumbledore with Time Stop last time, but he might find countermeassures againt my time magic by the time I encounter him again. And the possibility of fate f*cking with me when I get around to facing Tom is high. Everything has been going too perfectly for me. Where's the catch. Is there no catch? Am I just paranoid?.. I mean yes I am paranoid, but maybe there is a catch..' I hear my stomach grumble and realise it's probably dinnertime by now.

''sh*t.. It's been that long? I'll decide what to do tomorrow. |Leave - Instant Dungeon|!'' with a flash of light I was gone and returned to Grimmauld Place.

''Oh thank God you're back!'' Darkness said and instantly runs up to hug me.

''I'm fine, Lalatina. The spider dungeon wasn't dangerous, it was just massive with a lot of small paths. Took a bit of time to find every spider.. I wasn't gone for that long though, was I?''

''W-w-well, it felt like a long time..''

''I see.'' I pat her head, and I hear Sirius chuckle.

''She was fretting over you for most of the day like a lost puppy.'' Yuriko added.

''I wasn't!'' She blushes and glares at Yuriko.

''Uhuh, I'm sure you weren't worried, Lalatina. Now, did you guys eat dinner yet or did I return in time for food?'' I asked as my stomach grumbled again.

''Kreacher is working on it now, actually. Clearly having him bond with you and helping him with my brother's final wish has changed that elf for the better. I saw him talking back to my mother's portrait earlier this morning.'' Sirius grinned at me.

''I take it he isn't all that prickly with you anymore?'' I ask

''Well.. He's not calling me names, or being ordered by my parents to mess with me, so I suppose so.. I don't think we'll ever see eye to eye but I can easily deal with him now at least.'' Sirius shrugged.


The sudden appearance of food almost made me drool and I quickly dragged Darkness with me towards the table.

''Thanks for your service little guy!'' I sat down and started filling my plate.

Last Night - Madam Bones' Office

Amelia Bones was scratching her head in frustration. She had known that Death Eaters had paid Wizengamot members to keep their freedoms. She also knew that a vast majority if not the entirety of the Dark Faction were Death Eaters. But she had no proof up until recently, and she couldn't make a move without proof. She had to make a massive choice, it was a turning point in wizarding Britain's history. Does she go through with the raid on the word of The-Girl-Who-Lived's Seer abilities, or does she keep ignoring it impotently and hope to stay mostly left alone.

'..I won't get a better opportunity than right now. If Hadrianne is correct then I can start the slow tedious work of dismantling the network of Death Eaters still having a stranglehold on the Wizengamot.. Susan will become a target if I do this, but at some point I can't keep living in fear of the future. Susan is old enough now that she can understand if things get dangerous. She'll understand if I make her stay inside the Manor or a safehouse for a year before she goes to Hogwarts.. Although her being at Hogwarts doesn't necessarily put my worries at ease.. The questionable or outright criminal acts of Dumbledore has seen to that..'


Dumbledore entered her office by slamming the door open with a wave of his hand, causing Amelia to get up from her seat and pointing her wand at him.

''What in Merlin's name is wrong with you Dumbledore?! You almost gave me heart attack..'' Amelia slowly lowers the wand but keeps it in her hand.

''You didn't hear my requests to open the door, Amelia. I had to get your attention.'' Dumbledore flicked his hand again and shut the door as he conjured a chair for himself to sit in.

''What can I help you with, Dumbledore?'' Amelia frowned as she sat back down for this surprise meeting.

''Do you know where Lilian Prongslet is? I heard that your aurors had her for questioning.'' He said with a grave tone.

''... I don't know where you heard that, but yes we did open an investigation into the incident between you.'' Amelia makes sure to not look into Dumbledore's eyes, which makes him frown.

'Is she suspicious of me reading her mind? Damn that upstart Dark Lady! She has already gotten her claws into the DMLE in my short time at the hospital..'

''I see.. Is there anything I should know?'' He continues to look at her and applies pressure with his aura as he smiles lightly at her.

''..Nothing important, no. She gave her statements and we let her leave. I have already tasked Arthur Weasley with sending her letter of summons when we have a trial date.''

''...Very well. I'll be there for the trial.'' Dumbledore stands up and vanishes his chair as he leaves the office with another loud bang, leaving Amelia to ponder his strange behaviour.

'Well, sh*t.. He knows I'm suspicious of him now.. What is he even thinking?! First he leaves Wizarding Britain's saviour to be abused in a muggle home and then he decides to illegally invade the mind of a Healer that's doing miracles for charity in public.. What else nefarious has he covered up? Hadrianne did mention that he is using Snape as his spy into the Death Eaters but that Snape isn't innocent like Dumbledore claims.. Is Dumbledore orchestrating things behind the scenes? A few days ago I would consider that thought outrageous but now... Damn it, I can't afford to wait if Dumbledore is poking his nose into this. I'll start the raid on Malfoy Manor tonight. I should have the time to quickly file the paperwork in my office within a few hours... I'll trust you, Hadrianne. I hope you're right, for all of our sakes...'

It was three in the morning and Amelia Bones was leading a team of seven veteran aurors for the raid of Malfoy Manor. A restored Alastor Moody along with Rufus Scrimgeur set up the anti-apparition and ant-portkey wards outside the manor as Amelia confirmed that the floo-connection was blocked inside the manor by the ministry. After ten minutes of preparation the group of seven assembled outside the ward-line and started the raid on the manor. They broke into the front door quietly with several spells, then started to clear rooms. They confirmed the locations of the people inside the manor with a revealing spell and quickly made their way towards their bedrooms.

''Lord Malfoy is behind that door down that corridor, let's make this quick.'' Moody growled to the two aurors behind him.

They quietly unlocked the door and fired stunners at Lucius and bound him in magical ropes, the same process was repeated with Narcissa and Draco.

''Good job, everyone. Let's move them downstairs..'' Moody whispered.

The aurors behind moody started to levitate the Malfoys as they were going downstairs.

With the group led by Amelia, they walked towards the drawing room and started to remove the floorboards one by one, and eventually after half the floor was gone she found a staircase leading downwards into the dark.

''Scrimgeur, with me. Davidson, Fawley, stay upstairs and keep a lookout.'' Amelia whispered as she lit her wand with a lumos and walked down the stairs.

Scrimgeur and Amelia reached a metal door and after a two minutes managed to spell it open with mostly brute force. Amelia was grinning from eye to eye. She could see dozens of illegal potion ingredients such as Unicorn's Blood and could practically feel the dark magic radiating of the artifacts lined up on shelves across the room. They had hit gold.

'Trusting you was the best decision of my career.. Thank you so much, Hadrianne..' Amelia thought to herself.

Scrimgeur and Amelia started float all of the items into expanded bags with official number tags to present as evidence in a court of law, and eventually the shelves were emptied. Much to Amelia's shagrin she hadn't seen a diary anywhere and was frowning, wondering where it could be.

'Damn you Lucy, where would I keep an artifact given to me by the Dark Lord if I were you..' She grumbled.

As Scrimgeur moved several shelves to make sure none of them had anything underneath them he was giving up hope until finally the second to last shelf he found something.

''Boss, there's an enchanted box here..'' Scrimgeur called out to Amelia.

''Good work, Scrimgeur.'' Amelia floated the box onto a nearby table and opened it after casting several diagnostic charms and dispelling several curses.

As she peered inside she saw a diary with gold letters spelling out Tom Marvolo Riddle on the front, just like Hadrianne had seen in her visions. Her face grew pale as the realisation that everything the girl said was true hit her like a ton of bricks as she came to face the reality that she was looking at a piece of the Dark Lord's soul. She quickly composed herself and put the diary in a regular bag and put the metal box in a numbered bag for evidence.

''Let's just do a quick scan of the rest of the place and be on our way.'' Amelia said.

Scrimgeur checked the last shelf and found nothing, then they want back to their team upstairs. Amelia sent a patronus messenger to Moody that gave him confirmation for the suspected items and gave her permission to wake the suspects in holding cells once they regrouped. Amelia's group searched the rest of the house for anything illegal but found nothing until they made their way down into the basem*nt.

''Who be's-'' Amelia stunned Dobby and opened the door the elf was guarding after checking for spells and curses.

''Merlin's saggy balls!?'' Scrimgeur was dry heaving as he took in the room, and Amelia almost instantly threw up herself because of the smell.

''...I'll f*cking kill him! I want him through the veil for this!'' Amelia growled as she looked towards the prison cells filled with mutilated naked children sitting in their own filth chained to the walls.

As the four aurors got inside the basem*nt they managed to recover eight children ranging from the age of four to nine. All of them were boys, and all of them showed signs of sexual abuse and cruciatus exposure. Several of them were missing some of their limbs, or eyes. Amelia didn't think she was going to get sleep for the next several days. They made their way back to Moody's group and explained the situation. This case just became a lot larger. Dozens of children's human remains were found in the basem*nt preserved inside of jars. After a grueling two hours of recovery and evidence labelling, everything was taken from the manor and put into official evidence. The only remaining resident in the house was Dobby, left stunned on the floor. They couldn't take legal property with them, so he was left there and woke up in the morning to an empty house.

All of the Malfoys found themselves ennervated inside their own holding cells a couple hours later. Lucius was furious and refused to speak. Draco was confused but answered the questions of the aurors to the best of his ability and Narcissa was terrified. After finding herself in this situation and understanding that Lucius' crimes were discovered, she decided to come clean and begged for veritaserum questioning. Pureblood wives like Narcissa who found themselves in marriage contracts almost always couldn't go against their husbands' orders unless they were facing prison time because of their husbands' actions, and since she was arrested she finally had the option to come forward without being killed or turned into a squib by the contract. It was a long and scary night for Narcissa, but giving up Lucius' secrets that she had overheard over the years she would later come to consider to be the smartest choice she made in her entire life.

As I was about to go to bed for the day with Darkness, Arthur Weasley came to visit and said that he had information that we had to know about for tomorrow morning.

''What's wrong, Mr Weasley?'' I asked.

''Madam Bones performed a raid on Malfoy Manor last night with a small team of aurors. The trials for yourself, Lucius Malfoy, and Peter Pettigrew will be held starting from ten in the morning tomorrow in front of the entire Wizengamot. I was put in charge to deliver the letter of summons for you so I decided to show up in person with it instead of mailing you earlier today just to make absolutely sure it got to you. Dumbledore showed up at the DMLE yesterday and apparently broke into Madam Bones' office to ask questions about you..'' Arthur handed me my letter.

''That doesn't surprise me. I doubt it's anything to worry about since Dumbledore mostly reacts to events rather than act upon things preemptively.. He'll be too busy trying to cover his own ass to worry about Peter's trial. At least I hope so. In the extremely unlikely event that I have to flee from Britain after tomorrow's trials going horribly wrong, then you never spoke to me. You don't know me. And you won't come looking for me. I can probably escape capture and get back here with the help of my new friend.''

''Who's your new friend?'' Arthur asked, then Fawkes flamed into existence and landed on my shoulder.

''Speak of the Devil and he shall appear.. His name is Fawkes, he was Dumbledore's slave before I broke the bond keeping him hostage. I'm pretty sure he could easily teleport me out of any wards the Ministry has if they decide to hold me hostage or imprison me.'' Fawkes trilled a few notes that gave me the impression of: ofcourse he could do that, don't worry about it.

''I see, if you've got a Phoenix as backup then you're definitely going to be fine..'' Arthur smiled and shook his head in disbelief at the sight of my new familiar.

After some more back and forth Arthur left for the night. I had sex with Darkness in the shower and we both went to bed. I got to work sorting more of my memories in my Mind Palace. Then after I was done doing that for four hours I decided to look over my spells to figure out what HPU spells I should try to learn next.

'Man, my spell list is massive.. I wonder what I should focus on for now. Perhaps some more stealth spells, like Muffliato. I can become invisible but not silent so maybe Silencio as well.. The Stealth Skill has been very useful for me recently, I can use it safely for seven second bursts now.. Wait. Augury.. I could have used that spell to check if I'd get good results in my raid on Azkaban!.. I guess having so many new spells makes one forget things, I thought the first fortune telling spell I took was Spirit Tuning but clearly not. My memory clearly isn't perfect just because I have a high Occlumency skill or Int Stat. Am I even going to be able to win this war if I f*ck up this badly?.. Haaah, damn it. What's done is done. I guess I'll use Spirit Tuning to see if the trials will go well. I'll make some scrying tools for my Augury spell afterwards as well.. |Spirit Tuning: Will the trials before the Wizengamot that I'll attend tomorrow go my way?|'

The droning voice of an adult woman responds to my question telepathically.

'The one of Bad Faith will fall and make way for a Panther, the King will be weakened but persevere in the face of the Storm, and the Betrayer will face the Raven.'


|Spirit Tuning Cooldown: 23:59:59|

'...Huh.. The one of ''Bad Faith''.. That's obviously Malfoy, but who's the ''Panther''?.. I didn't expect Dumbledore to be affected a lot but is the ''King'' reffering to me or him?.. As for the ''Betrayer'' I hope that's not me either. I did lie to Amelia which could be considered a betrayal of trust, but if it's reffering to Peter then that could mean he gets the death penalty, or countless other things a raven could be symbolic for.. Divination even with Tier Magic is vague as f*ck, apparently.. The only thing I can do is hope for the best I suppose.. Assuming none of these characters in the prophecy is reffering to me, then I think everything will work out.' I smile to myself as I feel more confident in the trials later today.

Darkness clings onto me in her sleep, taking my attention away from my Divination analysis.

'f*ck, someone that degenerate doesn't have the right to be this cute when they're asleep. Fine, Sleepy-Tina. I'll cuddle you for now and let you use me as a pillow again since you're being cute.' I hold her tighter and get lost in my thoughts until Darkness woke up a few hours later.

As Darkness woke up she clung to me tightly, making me stop my investigation of the Status Screens. She looked into my eyes then blushed and put her face back in the crook of my neck.

''Good morning, Lalatina. Today's the day everything we've worked towards either goes to sh*t, or we win. If things go according to our plans and I don't end up arrested, I have a reward planned for you when I get back tonight.''

''Good morning, Mistress... Wait, what kind of r-r-reward?'' She stutters in embarassment.

''It will be sufficiently humiliating, but that's all you'll get out of me until later tonight. Now, let's get up for the day.''

We both quickly took a shower together and went downstairs for Breakfast. Sirius, Yuriko, and Remus were on edge and worried about today's trials but despite the mood being tense time moved on and I made my way out of the house. Fawkes flamed in front of me as I was about to go down the stairs to open the door. He appeared with what was unmistakably, The Invisibility Cloak.

''WOAH?!.. Buddy, you really have to give me some kinda warning when you're going to do that.. Wait. Is that the cloak Dumbledore stole from me? Thank you! I was wondering where that thing disappeared to. I suppose you could somehow feel that I intend to destroy it and you don't mind me doing so?'' I took the cloak from his talons and he gave a trilling chirp that gave me the sense that he knew.


|The Invisibility Cloak Added to Inventory|

|QUEST UPDATE: The Apprentice Becomes The Master|

Objective 3 (o): Collect The Invisibility Cloak.

''Well, as I said, thanks buddy. Hopefully I'll get access to the veil today so that I can finally put my ancestors to rest..''

It wasn't long before I found myself standing alone carrying a metal cage holding the traitor and covered with a blanket in front of a red phone booth.

'The Ministry certainly has a taste for weird entrances. I guess I'll play a little prank on them.. Let's see.. 62442..'

''Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please state your name and business.'' A woman's voice said.

''My name is Hadrianne Lily Potter, I am the Head of the Mischief Department, and I solemnly swear I am up to no good.''

''Thank you, Lady Potter. Please take the badge and attach it to the front of your robes.''



'HAH! Lovely. Let's see if my badge came out as I wanted it..'

I pick up the metal badge from the hole coins usually would come out of inside the phone booth and read the front of it as the phoone booth sunk into the ground.

Hadrianne Lily Potter

Head of the Department of Mischief

Solemnly sworn to be up to no good

''Sweet. Padfoot would love to have one of these..'' I chuckle to myself as I attach the silver badge to my lab coat and step into the Ministry atrium.

As I opened the booth's front door and walked out of the phone booth I changed my hair and eye colour back to normal. I made my way towards the elevator. People were starting to stare and mutter as they took in my appearance. I got into the elevator with half a dozen people and I asked the lady next to me which floor held courtroom ten.

''Courtroom ten? That's the bottom floor, miss..'' She looked at my badge and then quickly noticed my faded scar and gasped.

I found out her name by using observe, this was Bertha Jorkins.

''Cheers for that, Bertha.'' I tapped the button on the bottom of the list.

''Y-you're..'' She seemed a bit starstruck, the poor lady didn't expect to meet me today randomly it seems.

I made an internal promise to myself to make sure she survived unlike in the canon timeline, I already wanted her to live of course, but seeing her in person made it even more personal somehow.

''Yes?'' I smirk at her and she damn near fainted before she started to pester me for a handshake.

I shook her hand and stepped out of the elevator after it reached my floor. I followed the signs that showed the way towards the courtroom and entered courtroom ten. I noticed Madam Bones to my left walking down the hall and making her way towards me and Rita Skeeter was sitting in the stands.

''Good day, Amelia. I've brought you the rat, as promised.'' I give her the small metal cage and put the blanket into my inventory, revealing the unconscious rat.

''Good day indeed, Miss Potter. The trial for Lucius Malfoy will take place first, then we'll deal with Albus Dumbledore, and then finally this one.'' She points to the cage, then pulls the Diary Horcrux out of the front pocket of her red robes and hands it over to me. It feels evil to even touch it so I quickly put it away in my Inventory.


|Tom Riddle's Diary (Horcrux) Added to Inventory|

''I doubt it will take long, right? It should be a pretty open and shut case?'' I ask her.

''I'm afraid not, actually.. Narcissa Malfoy came forward with a lot of additional information after our raid.. Let me show you to your seat. The first trial might take a while.'' She finally notices my badge and snorts before regaining her composure.

''-Criminal Trial for alleged crimes for one Lucius Abraxas Malfoy resident of Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire, interrogator Cornelius Oswald Fudge Minister for Magic. Court Scribe Dolores Jane Umbridge Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic, Prosecutor Amelia Susan Bones Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.'' Fudge finished his opening lines as was required with a worried face. He clearly did not expect this to go well and was wondering how to mitigate any damage he might suffer from this trial.

Lucius looked like sh*t. He was bound in magical chains and sitting in a chair in the centre of the courtroom and was looking to his allies for any clues if he was getting help.

''I call forth my first witness, Narcissa Druella Malfoy.'' Madam Bones said with a clear voice to the chamber.

After that point all of the ''Dark'' faction knew the case was almost definitely lost and immediately tempered their strategy to damage control and decided to throw Lucius under the metaphorical bus. Lucius realised after less than two minutes of his wife talking that he was completely f*cked and decided to try to drag his wife and as many of his co-conspirators down with him as he could purely out of spite. He could see them abandoning him already and knew if he did not speak up now then his betreyal would go unpunished as he went to Azkaban for life. Magical Britain was not a ''fair'' court system, it was mostly theatre and didn't really care about evidence if it suited them, the ''Neutral'' and ''Light'' factions were going to be feeling this victory for decades. After Narcissa and the muggle boys had finished their testimony, most of it under veritaserum, Lucius came clean and started to name all of his associates in the hopes of escaping his fate by pleading down to exile. After he got several minutes into his plea, Nott Sr, Crabbe Sr, and Goyle Sr all fired various curses at Lucius from their seats in an attempt to silence him before he could name them.


I managed to block all three of the curses, my shield spell almost broke but it held for just enough to where it didn't let me get hit by the curses. Before I could react I heard a fourth voice fire off a killing curse.


I looked over to my left and noticed the green beam coming at me before I could move. My shield broke.


'OH sh*t'


|Immune to Soul Manipulation. Spell Absorbed.|

'f*cking hell, that hurts like a bitch!.. I was extremely lucky that wasn't a blasting or cutting curse aimed at my head..'

I saw almost a dozen aurors all trying to apprehend the Death Eaters, Dumbledore was finally moving and trying to stop the chaos from continuing by casting stunners but he was too late to stop me. I cast Diffindo at the Death Eaters, aiming for centre mass and cutting them all in half within five seconds. The aurors started to get control of the situation after about thirty seconds when they realised all the attackers were dead. Needless to say, a break was immediately called. Thankfully, the only ''Innocent'' person who died was Dolores Umbridge, she got a Piercing Curse to the face because an auror dodged an attack from Goyle Sr. There were several others injured, but nothing permanent or life threatening.

'Mcnair, Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Avery, and Umbridge all just got taken down.. I hate that I don't feel anything from killing people anymore.. I guess I'm used to it now.. Hopefully the rest of the Death Eaters are smart enough to stop trying to kill me for now. There's not many left. Surprisingly few, actually.. I'll just hope the rest of this corrupt body doesn't deem me a murderer for saving their lives or something like that. Wouldn't surprise me, honestly..'

''Are you alright?'' I heard Madam Bones ask me.

I finally took in my surroundings and realised everyone was staring at me with awe and horror, and I smelled something foul from behind me. Clearly Lucius had lost control of his body because I'm pretty sure he just pissed and shat himself. Understandable I suppose, considering I just took a killing curse to the face to save his life and then proceeded to cut his friends to literal ribbons with wandless magic.

''..Yes, I'm fine. You weren't lying when you said this was going to take a long time. I would be surprised if anyone here gets home before the sun rises again.'' I quip, and start to walk away from Lucius to escape the smell.

''Good, come with me Miss Potter. I need you to give a statement on the record during the break.'' She whispered quietly to me as she took my hand, the other still carrying the small rat cage with a very freaked out Peter.

''I feel like that's unlikely to help my case considering how the past five minutes went, but then again I suppose it doesn't hurt to be prepared for the worst case scenario..'' I scoff as I shake my head.

I sit down with Madam Bones and give a quick statement in the office next to courtoom ten. She first wondered what method of apparition I was using to teleport inside of the ministry and I corrected her that I was not apparating, merely turning my body into water vapor and reforming elsewhere with a spell. She was quite surprised, considering everything that she knew about magic told her that human transfiguration to that extent would kill you, but considering my strange magic I had demonstrated in the past and the fact that she had been debriefed about my metamorphmagus powers, she accepted that answer. I played off the shield as a regular shield, just spoken with english instead of latin, and me surviving the killing curse a second time just being another instance of ''The-Girl-Who-Lived'' being the reason why it didn't kill me. The cutting curses I explained as panic induced accidental magic from having a killing curse hit me in the face, and surprisingly enough it was very painful no matter how non-lethal it is to me. She was satisfied with my answers and eventually we and everyone else returned to the courtoom to let Lucius speak for a second time with Rufus Scrimgeur taking up the role of Court Scribe. Most of the people Lucius had dirt on were dead, but a few were still around. Most of them were either out of the country or protected by alibis, however. Lucius was sentenced to death for his service to the ''Dark Lord'' and his other crimes. Fudge was voted out of office with a vote of no confidence almost immediately after the first trial, and Madam Bones was elected as interim Minister until the next election. There was no proof of Lucius' allegations against Fudge, but his political career was effectively over so I didn't really care that he got off with being fired for now. As we were about to take a second break Dumbledore approached us.

''Good day Amelia.. I take it you are not Lilian Prongslet, but you are in fact Anne Potter?'' He asked me.

''One person can be two things at once, Chief Warlock. Do you wish to settle our trial out of court? I expect nothing short of the entirety of your Lemon Drop Retirement Fund and everything you stole from my family returned to me with interest, along with a public apology for every crime perpetrated by you against me if that is the case.'' I deadpan, causing him immense confusion and from what I can hear, Madam Bones begins to giggle behind me at the madness of my antics.

''I.. What?'' He stutters out.

''No? What a shame. Very well. I have no fear. Justice shall prevail. The courts shall decide our fates. They say the girl who represents herself has a fool for a client. Well, with magic as my witness.. I AM THAT FOOL!'' I take Madam Bones' hand and leave for the backroom, leaving a stunned Dumbledore behind. Amelia is practically howling with laughter by the time we reach privacy.

''YOU!.. You are absolutely insane! Sweet Merlin, his face!'' Amelia continues to laugh for a solid two minutes. After she finally recovers she asks me if I thought provoking him like that was a good idea.

''Honestly? Probably not. But I don't care. Just because you have titles does not make you above the f*cking law and I will not back down. I want my family home back. It was stolen by the Ministry under his reign as Chief Warlock and turned into a monument against my wishes. I was kidnapped and placed with monsters that abused me for nearly a decade. What happened to the rest of my family's property? I already told you about the suspicious activity around my Gringotts account. I want answers for all of these things and more, preferably yesterday.''

''Yes, I get that you have legitimate reasons, but.. This entire situation has ruined any semblance of stability in Magical Britain's politics. It will be a while before things calm down and we can try to make sense of what has happened. Several dozen investigations will need to take place. Countless manhours of paperwork.. And I'm the bloody Minister now thanks to you. This entire situation is.. Insane.'' She covers her face with her hands and sighs.

Madam Bones went through the tedious process of naming the people involved in the trial, now with her taking the place of Interrogator and giving the position of Prosecutor to Alastor Moody and Rufus Scrimgeur taking the post as Court Scribe. Dumbledore was forced to step down as Chief Warlock for the trial as he was one of the accused parties and was replaced with Griselda Marchbanks as interim Chief Witch.

''I present myself as witness and offer testimony. My name is Hadrianne Lily Potter and I accuse Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore of assault by legilimency probe, abuse of authority and intimidation, child endangerment, instigating child abuse, neglect, kidnapping, and theft!''

The chamber stirs and whispers loudly at my accusation.

''I shall present my first pieces of evidence. I have a phial of memories that show several events of my life, including the time I spent living with the muggles called Petunia Dursley, Vernon Dursley, and Dudley Dursely. Petunia was my mother's sister and Albus Dumbledore decided in his infinite wisdom to place me in their care without ever checking up on me. I won't take any more of your time and let the memories play.''

I pour the phial into the court pensieve and a projection of my memories start playing. The memories started with the attack in Godric's Hollow and the death of my parents. Tom's body disintegrated when the curse rebounded and his spirit exploded the house. Peter Pettigrew enters the room and panics when he finds his master's robes and wand lying on the floor, he pockets the wand, turns into a rat, and runs into the night. Severus Snape arrived barely one minute later and held Lily Potter as he cried and ignored the crying Baby Hadrianne in the cradle with a bleeding scar. He quickly left with a crack of apparition when he heard a motorbike arriving outside. A distraight Sirius finally came into view upstairs and he picked up Baby Hadrianne trying to calm her. He was muttering about the rat and how he was going to kill him. He encountered Hagrid as he was about to leave the front door and reluctantly gave Hadrianne to him on Dumbledore's orders and offered the motor bike to him to get her to safety. The memory faded as I fell asleep. The memory quickly changed into baby Hadrianne being woken up by a scream and a bright light.

''AAAAHHHHHH!!!'' Petunia screamed in horror and disgust.

''What is it Pet?!'' Vernon shouted.

Baby Hadrianne started to cry and Petunia quickly picked her up and closed the front door.

''Vernon, read this letter!'' Petunia hands him the letter.

''WE WILL NOT BE TAKING A FREAK INTO OUR HOME! HOW DARE THEY DO THIS TO US!'' Vernon rips the letter into several pieces.

Baby Hadrianne continues to cry and the lightbulbs in the hallway start to flash before exploding. They both look in horror at what happened and Petunia quickly puts the baby into the cupboard under the stairs. There was absolute darkness and shouting was heard from outside the cupboard of them arguing about what to do until the memory faded as I had fell asleep. The next memory was two years later and a three year old Hadriannne Potter was being instructed by Petunia Dursley on how to cook meals.

''We have decided that you will earn your keep since we've been gracious enough to take you into our home.'' Petunia looked at Hadrianne with disgust.

She then started to explain how to make several dishes and demanded she begin helping to cook their meals. Hadrianne tried her best follow the instructions but accidentally dropped a pot of water as she was standing on a chair to reach the stove and froze the water and pot in the midle of the air before it could hit her. She quickly ran away before the pot and water clatttered and hit the floor, Petunia saw it all and started to shake with rage.

''..You freak! How dare you! You little demon possessed-'' *CLANK*

Petunia hit Hadrianne's head with a frying pan and the memory faded as she lost consciousness. Several months passed before the next memory, at this point Hadrianne was starting to look underfed and scrawny. She was in the middle of cooking breakfast and was wearing worn out clothes that were way too big for someone her size. She had clearly learned in the last few months how to cook with decent enough proficiency to manage the stove. She took the finished food and placed it on three plates and brought it out to the Dursleys. They made her sit at the far end of the table and wait as they began to eat, then without saying a word Petunia handed her a small slice of bread and a glass of water once they were done. Hadrianne quickly drank the water and left towards the cupboard and ate for the first time in days greedily inside the cupboard. The memory faded again and showed a birthday celebration for Dudley and how they taunted her for not being able to eat cake or get any presents as she was set to work outside pruning the plants in her aunt's garden, her stomach growling. A little more than one more year had passed.

''Aunt Petunia, do you know what day it is?'' Hadrianne asked genuinely.

Uncle Vernon and Petunia both froze and looked at her as if she had somehow spat in their face.

''... How dare you imply you deserve birthday presents, girl! You are to earn your keep! We spend way too much money keeping you as it is and now you demand we spend more for your birthday?!''

''..What!?'' Hadrianne asked with fear in her voice, she didn't know she had a birthday, she thought only Dudley had those.

That was clearly the wrong thing to say since she was quickly put over her unlce's knee and had her bottom spanked five times, once for every year she had been alive, and then thrown into the cupboard without food for the next five days. Two years pass and a seven year old Hadrianne is being sent to school much to her aunt and uncle's displeasure but they let her go all the same. As Hadrianne was sitting on the school bus she whispered to herself that maybe she could show her family that she could earn her keep. She would do well in school. The memory changed and Hadrianne was sitting inside a classroom.

''Amy Bonham?''


''Anne Potter?... Anne Potter?'' The teacher looked around class and was surprised no one answered.

The rest of the class was called and accounted for as being present but then the teacher noticed one girl with green eyes and black hair with shabby and large clothes that she didn't get a reply from.

''Are you Anne Potter?'' She asked.

''No? I'm freak.. I am also called girl.'' Hadrianne looked at the teacher with confusion, and the teacher's face paled as she realised the child was being serious.

The memory faded to later that day and Hadrianne arrived back home and immediately got shouted at by her aunt and beaten by her uncle for slandering them as abusers.

''Lie to your teachers like this again and you will have no food for a week! You little freak!'' Uncle Vernon growled as he threw Hadrianne's limp and beaten body into the darkness of the cupboard by her hair and slammed the door shut, her sobs echoing in the dark before the memory faded.

A new memory came into focus, she had just finished the first test for school. She talked to herself quietly on the bus home. Surely now her aunt and uncle must be pleased. She worked as hard as possible to earn her keep and get good grades. She smiled to herself as she gazed at the A with pride.

''GIRL! How dare you cheat to get better grades than Dudley! Do you think you'll get away with using your freakishness against decent hardworking people?!'' Hadrianne's heart broke completely that day, and you could see it in her eye as the uncle's fist connected with her ribs.

She didn't cry anymore now. She was a freak and no matter what she did it would never be enough. A new memory came into focus and Hadrianne was running into an alley near her school, she looked a few years older and Dudley and several other boys were chasing her. Eventually she stumbled and scraped her elbows as she took the fall with her arms on the ground. Before she could get back up the boys had caught up with her and Dudley pulled back and kicked her in the side. She curled up and begged them to stop. They did not stop. She coughed up some blood and screamed. She was dragged up by her hair by a ratlike boy and the boys laughed at her. She punched the boy in the face, and he let go of her hair as he yelped in pain and grabbed his bleeding nose. She ran further down the alley and tried to jump onto some rubbish bins to climb to safety over the fence. She suddenly found herself on top of the school building's roof, several hundred metres away.

''H-How did.. I jus-'' Hadrianne threw up what little food she had in her stomach.

A new memory came into focus and a different teacher was shouting at her for doing so poorly at her tests. Hadrianne started to hyperventillate from being repeatedly questioned and refusing to answer, and a flash of light centered on her body turned the teacher's hair blue. Later that day she was beaten by her uncle for her freakishness. The scenes kept repeating. Over and over again Hadrianne was starved, forced to remain inside her cupboard in her own filth, and forced to do chores. Then, just after her tenth birthday a flash of accidental magic occured when she was waking up from a nightmare, and the entire cupboard was covered in light for a brief moment. She looked like she was stuck in the most painful experience of her life as her mouth took the appearance of a silent scream and her body started to rapidly heal and morph into a healthy size.




''I said UP!''

The memory continued and showed how she stole supplies and managed to escape. The memory cut several times and showed her walking into a Gringotts and explaining her ''visions'' to the goblin and getting the anti-mail ward dispelled, and then the memory faded for the last time. The entire courtroom was completely quiet and several faces were drenched in tears. Many were scowling at Dumbledore who was looking really pale and shaking in what I could only guess was fear.

''... I really did not wish to show my childhood to the wider world but since I learned that the most powerful Wizard in the world was responsible for placing me with my abusers, never mind the fact that he is responsible for hundreds of children in the ONLY magical school in the British isles.. Well, I felt it was necessary to show you all what he let happen to a child. Those were just some of the highlights of my early life. No one came to save me. No one helped me. No one questioned the wise old man who assured you all that everything was okay. Didn't anyone question why your so called ''saviour'' never replied to your children's letters? WHY did no one care. Can anyone explain to me why I should stay in Magical Britain and not run for the f*cking hills when the people responsible for my safety let THIS happen to me? Think about those facts when you see what happens next.''

I start the memories of myself curing people in The Blind Basilisk, me reassuring and holding them as they sometimes break down and cry. Then the memory changes to when I confront Dumbledore a week later and he stops me from entering the pub. The memory shakes violently when he tried to peer into my mind and it did the same shaking effect when it skipped over the ten seconds of stopped time, the memory faded again once I was escorted away by the aurors. The memory changed to me returning and healing the rest of the people in rapid flashes and then finally stopped.

''All I wanted was to live in peace. All I wanted was family. I was denied my heritage. I was denied a childhood. I was denied a family. I got cursed with an unforgivable curse that would kill anyone else, twice in my life so far in this country. I'll let you all in on a secret, even though I don't die from the killing curse it still hurts like a BITCH! It felt like my entire soul was on fire and getting dipped in acid, but I barely react to pain anymore.. This country has done nothing for me my entire life, whether it was muggle or magical. I ran away and hoped to be able to help people in need since no one would do the same for me, and then the people at the very top of your society decide to attack me yet again when I had finally managed to find purpose in my life by healing people. Then I learned that you f*cking THIEVES decided to make a f*cking monument out of my parent's home and stole it from their cold dead hands. Then you all proceeded to wear my face as a cultural skin-suit to make yourselves feel better about yourselves. You started printing false stories about some sort of fake ''Warrior Princess'' in my name. My FAMILY'S name!'' I throw several dozen copies of The-Girl-Who-Lived Fairy Tale books that I made with Fabricate into the Wizengamot stands at random with mage hand and hold up a copy myself.

''Look at this! This is what you all pretended was real because looking at reality was too scary for you, you COWARDS! You all DISGUST ME! Thousands of children think I am some sort of Messaiah when I was just a girl that got abandoned at the word of your cult leader and NO ONE CARED! Your entire government and your society is broken. You all made sure I was broken. I tried everything I could to appease and help people and I still find myself standing before you at your mercy with my word against Dark Lord Dumbledore's word. He most likely has everyone here in his f*cking pocket and my words will fall on deaf ears for all I know.. Do some soul searching and choose your next moves wisely. For now, I rest my case.'' No one said a word. I don't know what approach Madam Bones expected I would take with my evidence, but clearly not this one considering the conflicted look of guilt and sympathy she had.

As I turned to leave to the backrooms again, Scrimgeur awkwardly called for a break and for the defense to prepare their counter-evidence, and the crowd started to converse in rapid but hushed voices. The defense turned out to be very predictable. Dumbledore claimed it was a mistake and he did not know of the severity of my living conditions, and that at the time it seemed like the best option. He pulled at all of his political capital and favours as far as I could tell to deal severe damage control and prevent him from going to Azkaban for life. In the end, a motion barely passed to prevent Dumbledore from ever taking a political office in Britain ever again. He had his In Loco Parentis priviledges that allow him to act as a guardian to students in the event of an emergency permanently revoked, and he was put on probation for the next six months in his role as Headmaster of Hogwarts. Rita's head was running at a thousand miles an hour and she was wondering if every other day will be like this thanks to her contract with Hadrianne Potter. She realised there wasn't enough space in a single issue of the Prophet to get every detail from today's events, they'd have to do an emergency evening issue to cover everything that happened. The reports from the investigations being launched from Lucius' and Narcissa's testimony alone would be creating articles for at least a year.

''I call for a break until we proceed with the final trial of the day, return in thirty minutes.'' *BANG* Griselda banged her gavel indicating the end of this trial.

As I entered the backrooms again Rita was asking me questions at a hundred miles per hour to get clarification on several topics and was rapidly writing down what appeared to be nearly a book's worth of text. She was thankful that she didn't even have to embelish anything that happened today because the articles that would come out due to this would shake the entire country if not the world even if all it did was report dry facts. I had a few more words back and forth with Madam Bones in preperation for Peter's Trial and then finally the last trial could begin.

Once everyone came back into the chamber there was several people who gasped once they saw Peter bound in chains in the middle of the room, his Dark Mark was exposed since he had been put in a grey T-Shirt instead of his jacket I found him in, and he started to frantically look around the room in hopes of finding anyone that would help him. Madam Bones droned out the formalities to open the trial.

''You are facing the charges of being a member of the illegal terrorist organization known as the Death Eaters, aiding He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in murdering the Potters, twelve murder charges against muggles, wilingly breaking the statute of secrecy to attempt to escape your crimes, being an unregistered animagus for over a decade, and infiltrating a family's home using your animagus form. How do you plead?''

''N-not guilty!'' He squeaked.

Suddenly a ball of fire appeared in the middle of the courtoom and just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared and in its place Sirius Orion Black was standing there looking confused with a Phoenix on his shoulder, which then immediately decided to burst into flame and disappear. Chaos ensued. Sirius noticed where he was and saw Peter, and then saw red. The aurors pulled Sirius off Peter after he had broken his nose and had him declare who he was.

''My name is Sirius Orion Black! My apologies for my violent entrance but seeing the TRAITOR that had my brother and sister killed put me over the edge.. A Phoenix suddenly appeared in front of me and transported me here without my knowledge of where here was, I'm assuming it would be to finally put me on trial? Or do you all intend to send me to Azkaban again without a trial like last time?!'' Several people in the crowd gasped and then realised that he was right, no one could remember a trial happening for Sirius. Even I was shocked and my reaction was genuine because Fawkes decided to be sneaky and pull a Deus Ex Fire-Chicken.

'I swear to god I'll give that little sh*t so many treats later, he deserves everything he wants and more because that move was brilliant..' I try to contain my giggles.

Peter's ''not guilty'' plea instantly collapsed when Sirius accepted the use of veritaserum for questioning on the stand and started to give the actual sequence of events, and since he was immune to veritaserum he could give an alibi during questioning that he was camping in a forest in Russia. He claimed to not know who rescued him from Azkaban but that he woke up with a backpack filled with preserved food in an abandoned factory. He then claimed he was trying to figure out where exactly he was, what happened to me, where Peter was, and getting back to Britain to find me before a Phoenix flamed him to the courtroom. Peter's Order of Merlin Third Class which he was granted posthumously was revoked and he was sentenced to death like Lucius was. Sirius was compensated with fifty thousand galleons for every year he was illegally held in Azkaban, and he was promised to be reinstated as a Hit Wizard immediately if he passed a mental health check. He got the last nine years worth of salary he was owed since he never got a trial, he technically never got fired and therefore the Ministry owed him money which was pretty funny. Bartemius Crouch Sr was fired and denied the ability to work in the Ministry for the rest of his life for his misconduct. Griselda Marchbanks successfully nominated Frank Longbottom as Interim Chief Warlock until the next election. Sirius took up the Black family seat, brought the Tonkses into the black family and named me his Heiress. I assigned him as my Proxy for House Potter. And then the Wizengamot session that destroyed Magical Britain's political landscape over night and gave everyone revelation after revelation, was finally over.

Year 0 Part 4 End

Chapter 6: The Veil, Hogwarts, Marauders Inc, Helheim, Pottermore Inc and Blackstone City!!!

Chapter Text

Year 0 Part 5

The burrow was in chaos. The latest edition of The Daily Prophet had destroyed most of the the Weasley family's perception of reality. Percival was shaking as he was reading about Peter Pettigrew and how he infiltrated the Burrow as a pet rat called Scabbers. Molly was screeching in rage at even the idea of a Death Eater in that close of a proximity to ther babies. While Bill and Arthur were apologetic about their subterfuge and the rest of the family understood why they didn't say anything about the situation, they were all still deeply rattled. When Fred and George saw the picture of Hadrianne ''apparating'' inside the wizengamot and surviving the killing curse a second time, they noticed a silver badge on her robes. It stated that she was the Head of the Mischief Department and was solemnly sworn to be up to no good.

''Well, it looks like we found out who Lady Prongslet is, my less handsome brother...'' Fred whishpered to George.

''That we did, my less charismatic brother. Now it makes sense why she would meet us in a year..'' George wishpered back and sighed.

''Where do we even begin if we want to top this? She played a prank on the entire country..'' Fred whined.

''We don't. Lady Prongslet gave us our task and we'll stick to it with no major distractions. Bill assured us it was a real opportunity and that it wasn't a scam, this just confirms that even further. We should finish our Transfiguration homework and start testing prototype seven immediately.'' George whispered back and smiled.

Sirius and I were granted permission to be shown the way to the Veil by Madam Bones and her Aurors to observe the executions after the end of the trials. After being taken deeper into the Department of Mysteries we finally arrived in front of the massive stone arch that held the Veil. Lucius was shaking in fear and resignation as the whispering gateway of death was calling to him as he was dragged towards his doom. Sirius and I stood back and watched the proceedings calmly.

''Do you have any last words?'' Madam Bones asked.

''Sanctimonia vincet semper.'' He ground out with a glare.

''... |Depulso|.'' Madam Bones cast a banishing charm at Lucius sending him through the Veil, never to be seen again.

''Good riddance.'' Moody scoffed as Lucius disappeared, then he ennervated the unconscious and shackled Peter Pettigrew.

''Wait.. where?-OH. OH NO NO NONONONONONO! PLEASE! ANNE HAVE MERCY! JAMES WOULD HAVE SHOWN MERCY!'' Peter squeaked out in terror, grasping at any possible straw to somehow get out of his situation. I stepped forward as he started to cry.

The room's temperature decreased and I looked at him with a glare so cold that unbeknownst to me and Peter, everyone else felt a primal fear and started to shake from my rage induced aura, then my face shifted into an unreadable mask as Peter looked up towards me, not noticing my earlier glare.

''You are right. My father would have shown mercy to you. You were his brother in all but name, after all.''


''But my mother would never have shown you mercy. And to honour that sentiment, neither shall I.'' I point my hand towards Peter and cast a banishing charm at him.

Before he even realises what happened, he slips through the Veil and the temperature returns to normal. As I go to turn around I feel something tug at my magic and then I notice that the Veil stopped flowing. Death materialized in front of the frozen arch and another figure appeared to Death's right. It was a boy wearing the same clothes as I am, and he looks like a shota version of me. He notices me and then speaks up with hope in his eyes.

''Finally!.. We don't have much time, minutes at most, so SHUT UP and let me talk. You can think later and I'll try to explain as quickly as possible. When we tricked the Goddess and reincarnated using her magic book, we f*cked up. I'm your higher self, you are my lower self. I am your other half that's supposed to observe myself when I live a new life. The Scar-Crux and the volatile nature of our reincarnation lead to our soul being crushed like.. Imagine a glass window with spiderwebbing. The only reason you didn't explode was because the soul-shard in your scar sort of got absorbed by that Divine Power you took with you and held you together. The problem is when your power grew by using The System, it also made your soul less stable. It turned into for lack of a better word 'glass powder' instead of cracked pieces, either of those two things could have easily been fixed but.. After you got hit with the killing curse a second time your soul is not even powder anymore it's more of a gas or a liquid, and it has bonded with your magical core to the point it's irreversible which let me speak with you. I have no idea how to reverse it or what the effects.. Look, I'm not supposed to be stuck down here. I'm supposed to be 'upstairs' to observe. I only have two solutions for you. The first is to ignore it and hope someone else upstairs is fixing the problem because I can't access the upstairs anymore and I don't know what's going to happen. I can only speculate it being really, REALLY bad. The second option, which personally I feel is the better one is to try and fix the problem from downstairs even if I have to break some rules. I have a plan, but it's very dangerous to meddle with souls. Especially if one half doesn't trust the other, so it's up to you at this point other half. Do you trust the people upstairs or should we take our chances and try to fix it ourselves?''

''...Well sh*t. Okay. No, I don't trust the forces upstairs. Clearly someone f*cked up horribly by assigning Aqua to us without supervision.. I'll trust you.'' I scratch my head and look towards Death.

''(((Please hurry, first you need to throw the Hallows into the Veil. Start with the Wand, then the Stone, and finally the Cloak.)))''

I look to my higher self and he nods. I take out The Elder Wand from my Inventory and banish it at the Veil. The stone arch starts to rumble and the Veil flashes once the Wand enters the fabric. I quickly banish the Ring once the arch stops shaking, and get a similar reaction. Then I finally banish the Cloak and once it hits the surface of the veil, Death splits into to three people.


|QUEST UPDATE: The Apprentice Becomes The Master|

Objective 4 (o): Throw the Hallows through the Veil Of Death - Reward - Title - |Master Of Death|


|QUEST COMPLETE: The Aprentice Becomes The Master|

+1,000,000 EXP

''What now?'' I ask my other half.

''Your body is barely containing your liquified soul and the only way to make it stop hurting you is to either die and hope that you reform upstairs, that would destroy me permanently and prevent you from reincarnating again since you would be without a higher self, so.. Please don't do that. The second option is to try and stick your soul into a new conjured body made entirely from magic. It should become stable. Probably.''

''...A new body.. Does it HAVE to be entirely new or does changing my species work?''

''... You can do that? I felt you try to become an animagus, but because we were out of sync and I was dragged downstairs and mostly out of commision that didn't work. Metamorphing will not be enough either, if that's your plan.'' My other half says.

''I didn't want to do this in case I had a limit to my Levels but if my other options are exploding or being stuck in the afterlife, I'll do it. I don't know how much you could see from upstairs or in your crippled state from downstairs, but I aquired several items that give racial class levels. In theory it should change my body, if it's my human body that is the issue because it can't contain my soul anymore.. I have the options of either a Gaim Overlord or a DxD Devil, do you think that will work?''

''...That's a way better plan than the one I had. Plan C it is.. Why can't you do both? Doing both will make it even more likely to succeed, I think.''

''... I didn't want to risk being locked out of Tier 10 Spells and by doing both I may lock myself out of even Tier 9 Spells. I'm going to need power if I want to save everyone that I want to save on Earth, and I almost certainly will need it if I want to colonise the solar system like I planned, I also have to protect my family and friends from my enemies..''

''I.. Don't think you have a limit. If your Divine Power had a limiting safeguard before, whatever accident we had with our soul upon awakening in this world broke that safeguard. Usually divine gifts like those are grafted onto people's souls and follow very strict rules, but it looks like its melted and become a part of us rather than just stapled on. I think your paranoia about levels or whatever aren't an issue you need to consider.'' My other half smiled.

''Oh. Well, that definitely changes things.. Alright..'' I take out the Helheim Fruit from my Inventory and peel the leaves back, then I eat the white fruit with two bites and quickly stick the remains of the fruit back into my inventory. I feel my body start to heat up and then I felt immense pain. I fell to the ground and started shaking in a silent scream, and after about thirty seconds I felt a new power inside myself and the pain faded.


Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black
Age: 10
Level: 51
Race: Overlord - (Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Racial Class: Gaim: Overlord - 0/10 |Next Level: 1 - 10,000 EXP Required|
Class: Wizard - 51/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
MP: 1500/1500 - {1600/1600}
EP: 1000/1000 - {1100/1100}
SP: 300/300 - {400/400}
STRENGHT: 10 - {20}
DEXTERITY: 10 - {20}
CONSTITUTION: 100 - {110}
INTELLIGENCE: 150 - {160}
WISDOM: 100 - {110}
CHARISMA: 10 - {20}
LUCK: 10 - {20}
ENERGY: 100 - {110}
ENDURANCE: 30 - {40}
POWER: 100 - {110}
EXP - |1,088,920|

I looked over towards the Peverells and my other half and they were speaking together frantically. I stood up and got their attention.

''..Did it work?''

''She lives! OH WELL DONE!'' Screamed Antioch

''Oi, calm down.'' Cadmus scolded his brother and slapped Antioch's shoulder.

''Stop it, both of you..'' Ignotus sighed.

''I thought we weren't going to make it for a second there, other half, but it looks like it worked..'' My higher self looks me up and down and breathes out a sigh of relief.

''Do you still want me to use the Evil Piece to become a Devil or should I use experience points to increase my levels as an Overlord first?''

''..No. Don't increase your levels yet, levels decrease stability. There's a reason you went from leveling with an increase of EXP by 100 per level to suddenly needing 100,000 per level. I couldn't do or see much in my crippled state but if I didn't slow us down we would have blown up. I think I know how to fix this now. First I need you to use the Evil Piece to stabilise your body further, then I am going to try and meld with you. I should be able to inhabit the Divine Power you got from upstairs thanks to it acting as a bridge between us. Doing so will either give me a link to return upstairs, or it will lock me inside your head until you die and we both go back upstairs but either way we both live so I don't mind.''

''..Okay. I don't know how I feel about you messing with the system before asking me, but I assume you couldn't talk to me without these extrenuating circ*mstances so I'll let it be for now. But make no mistake, we are going to talk about this later if you get stuck inside my head.'' I give my other half a glare and take out the King piece and stick it into my chest. This time there was only a brief pain before something clicked and made me feel 'complete' again for the first time since I woke up in this new world.


Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black
Age: 10
Level: 51
Race: Devil/Overlord - (King - DxD/Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Racial Class: DxD: Devil - 0/10 |Next Level: 1 - 10,000 EXP Required|
Racial Class: Gaim: Overlord - 0/10 |Next Level: 1 - 10,000 EXP Required|
Class: Wizard - 51/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
MP: 1500/1500 - {1600/1600}
EP: 1000/1000 - {1100/1100}
SP: 300/300 - {400/400}
STRENGHT: 10 - {20}
DEXTERITY: 10 - {20}
CONSTITUTION: 100 - {110}
INTELLIGENCE: 150 - {160}
WISDOM: 100 - {110}
CHARISMA: 10 - {20}
LUCK: 10 - {20}
ENERGY: 100 - {110}
ENDURANCE: 30 - {40}
POWER: 100 - {110}
EXP - |1,088,920|

''Good!.. This will work. I can feel it..'' My other half takes my hand and I feel a warmth spreading throughout my entire body as he got sucked into me after turning into light particles. The Veil starts to disintegrate and the three brothers smile at me as if to say thank you and then fade out of existence. Then I felt my consciousness leave me and I fell asleep.

''But my mother would never have shown you mercy. And to honour that sentiment, neither shall I.'' Hadrianne held out her hand and pushed the rat through the Veil with a spell, and then she turned around and fell unconscious as the Veil started to disintegrate, leaving an empty stone arch.

''Anne!..'' Sirius runs towards his Goddaughter and picks her up off the ground, holding her in his arms.

''Oh thank Merlin!.. she's alive..'' Sirius muttered as he checked for a heartbeat, then he let out a sigh of relief.

''Mad-Eye, I need to take Miss Potter and Lord Black to St.Mungos immediately. Please contact the unspeakables and put them on the task to figure out what happened here..'' Moody sent a Patronus towards the spinning doors.

''Lord Black, we need to get you and Miss Potter to the hospital. I have no idea what magic caused the Veil to disintigrate, it might have been random or it could have been because of something Miss Potter did accidentally and it hurt her..''

''...You're right, we should have healers take a look at her.'' Sirius got back on his feet and carried Anne in a princess carry hold and quickly followed Madam Bones back through the Department of Mysteries and into the nearest Floo connection.

''St. Mungos!'' With a flash of green fire Madam Bones, Sirius and Hadrianne traveled to the hospital as the remaining Aurors and the Unspeakables were guarding the Death Room and studying the disappearance of the Veil.

I found myself waking up inside a white void surrounding by piles of books. As I got up I noticed my other half sitting in a chair and reading one of the books with a smile on his face.

''So, how is it that you are inside my Mind Palace?'' I asked my other half.

''OH! Good. You're awake. The bridge formed perfectly. All you need is a bit of sleep and then we are no longer in any danger of exploding. I can enter and leave the upstairs section of reality freely with your Mind Palace acting as a gateway.. Normally people only communicate with their higher selves by getting a gut feeling or getting random bouts of inspiration in the form of thoughts that you think are your own. This is honestly kind of weird. It's like being able to experience sight for the first time conversing with lower-me like this..'' He smiles at me and all semblance of anger I may have had melted away.

'How dare I be so cute as a shota! I can't be mad at him. Damn it..' I take a breath and exhale in exasperation.

''Alright. So, what did you do to us before you found a loophole to contact me?''

''.. I really am sorry for that, but if I didn't do what I did we would have died. Maybe permanently. I nudged your thoughts to make certain decisions a couple of times and I also meddled with your Gamer System a little. I actually may have helped you in the long run, though.''

''What do you mean?''

''Well, as far as I understand it was supposed to start at a required 100 EXP and increase by 100 EXP every level indefinitely. I changed the system in several ways, one of which was setting it to requiring 100,000 EXP for regular Classes permanently. I needed your growth to stall so that you didn't destabilize further. Eventually after level 1000 you would have hit a level where EXP would exceed that hard cap and making the EXP necessary to level up become more expensive in the long run. Even if it is a lot slower than it was before at the start, you won't need more and more EXP forever to level up. In the long run having a hard capped EXP will save you a lot of time. I doubt you would have enjoyed having to grind for literal centuries to get levels. Ten thousand years is a long lifespan, and to be stuck in a powerlevel plateu for most of it sounds less than ideal. Assuming we're even going to be stuck with a lifespan to worry about at all. At the rate you grow in power you'll become an immortal demi-god within the next decade at the longest. Honestly I you really need you to chill out with your paranoid tendencies, you'll be fine. You are already extremely powerful in comparison to most people in this world. By the time Dumbledore or Tom realises just how dangerously powerful you are you won't have to worry about them.'' He nods to himself.

''I see... Fine, I get it..'' I sigh and open my System Menu.


Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black
Age: 10
Level: 51
Race: Devil/Overlord - (King - DxD/Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Racial Class: DxD: Devil - 0/10 |Next Level: 1 - 10,000 EXP Required|
Racial Class: Gaim: Overlord - 0/10 |Next Level: 1 - 10,000 EXP Required|
Class: Wizard - 51/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
MP: 1500/1500 - {1600/1600}
EP: 1000/1000 - {1100/1100}
SP: 300/300 - {400/400}
STRENGHT: 10 - {20}
DEXTERITY: 10 - {20}
CONSTITUTION: 100 - {110}
INTELLIGENCE: 150 - {160}
WISDOM: 100 - {110}
CHARISMA: 10 - {20}
LUCK: 10 - {20}
ENERGY: 100 - {110}
ENDURANCE: 30 - {40}
POWER: 100 - {110}
EXP - |1,088,920|

''Great, everything appears to still be as it should be.. Wait a minute, what the f*ck?''

Title - |Master Of Death| - ???

''Oi, shota-half, do you have any idea why the Master Of Death title is just three question marks?''

''... Shota-half, really? What are you then, the loli-half?'' He asks with exasperation

''Naturally.'' I deadpan with no shame.

''Figures.. I assume there's atleast one condition or more that needs to be met for you to unlock the Master Of Death Title and whatever benefits it may have.'' He shrugs.

We spend the next five hours talking and bonding in my Mind Palace. It was really weird talking to myself and being able to use a copy of me as a sounding board for ideas. It was what I imaged being a crazy schizo was like, without the negatives. I wondered if this is what it feels like to have a twin.

''...So, I'm good? Because I totally want to level up my racial classes but I don't know if that's a good idea when I'm unconscious.''

''Yep, you're good to go. Level your classes as much as you want, it shouldn't matter by now.''

''Alright then, don't mind if I do..''

|Level Up x1 Racial Class: DxD: Devil Y/N?|




-50% Holy Magic Resistance.

Trait - |Supernatural Beauty| - You radiate an aura which makes you as attractive as possible to other Non-Holy creatures.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black
Age: 10
Level: 52
Race: Devil/Overlord - (King - DxD/Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Racial Class: DxD: Devil - 1/10 |Next Level: 2 - 20,000 EXP Required|
Racial Class: Gaim: Overlord - 0/10 |Next Level: 1 - 10,000 EXP Required|
Class: Wizard - 51/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
MP: 1500/1500 - {1600/1600}
EP: 1000/1000 - {1100/1100}
SP: 300/300 - {400/400}
STRENGHT: 10 - {20}
DEXTERITY: 10 - {20}
CONSTITUTION: 100 - {110}
INTELLIGENCE: 150 - {160}
WISDOM: 100 - {110}
CHARISMA: 10 - {20}
LUCK: 10 - {20}
ENERGY: 100 - {110}
ENDURANCE: 30 - {40}
POWER: 100 - {110}
EXP - |1,078,920|

'Okay? Does the racial level requirement double every time or does it just increase by ten thousand?...'

|Level Up x1 Racial Class: DxD: Devil Y/N?|




+5% Holy Magic Resistance. +10 Strenght, +10 Dexterity, +10 Charisma.

Supernaturally increases your physical strenght.
Increases bone and muscle density.
Increases damage with a Weapon, Skill or Spell with a Strenght Modifier.

Supernaturally increases your speed.
Increases your reaction speed.
Increases damage with a Weapon, Skill or Spell with a Dexterity Modifier.

Increases chance of persuasion, intimidation, and deception succeeding.
Decreases Prices when when haggling.
Decreases Vendor Prices in Instant Dungeons.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black
Age: 10
Level: 53
Race: Devil/Overlord - (King - DxD/Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Racial Class: DxD: Devil - 2/10 |Next Level: 3 - 30,000 EXP Required|
Racial Class: Gaim: Overlord - 0/10 |Next Level: 1 - 10,000 EXP Required|
Class: Wizard - 51/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
MP: 1500/1500 - {1600/1600}
EP: 1000/1000 - {1100/1100}
SP: 300/300 - {400/400}
STRENGHT: 20 - {30}
DEXTERITY: 20 - {30}
CONSTITUTION: 100 - {110}
INTELLIGENCE: 150 - {160}
WISDOM: 100 - {110}
CHARISMA: 20 - {30}
LUCK: 10 - {20}
ENERGY: 100 - {110}
ENDURANCE: 30 - {40}
POWER: 100 - {110}
EXP - |1,058,920|

'..Okay. So it only adds ten thousand per racial level. That's good to know. I'll be able to max out the Devil class, then..'

|Level Up x8 Racial Class: DxD: Devil Y/N?|


+45% Holy Magic Resistance. +40 Strenght, +40 Dexterity, +40 Charisma.

Trait - |Devil's Tongue| - Can speak, read, and write any language you know of or encounter instinctually.

Trait - |Magical Core - DxD: Devil| - Magical Core +1 ★

Trait - |Devil Wings| - Enables permanent magical flight with bat-like wings.

Perk - |Family Magic Circle| - When used in tandem with your Magical Core to visualise spells it Massively Decreases MP cost. Can be used to create summoning contracts, if you complete a task for the summoner you earn EXP of proportional value to the task.

Max Level Reward: Title: |Devil King| Grants holder the Perk - |Peerage System|

Perk - |Peerage System| - Allows the user to bind creatures with Evil Pieces as members of their Peerage and bind a family magic circle to them. By binding your Peerage members with your magic circle you gain 50% of the EXP earned by them completing contracts under your orders.

Trait - |Clan Trait: Power Of Doppelgänger| - As you grow in power you gain the ability to replicate and store Traits from creatures that you touch. Every 100 Levels you gain 1 Active Trait Slot and 5 Memorized Trait Slots. You can change your Active Traits once every 24 Hours. If you attempt to learn a Trait and you exceed more than your Memorized Trait Slot limit, you can choose to delete a Trait and replace it with the one you want to memorize. Trait Slots: Active Trait Slots 0/1 - 0/5 Memorized Trait Slots.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black
Age: 10
Level: 61
Race: Devil/Overlord - (King - DxD/Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Racial Class: DxD: Devil - 10/10 |Level Max|
Racial Class: Overlord - 0/10 |Next Level: 1 - 10,000 EXP Required|
Class: Wizard - 51/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
MP: 1500/1500 - {1600/1600}
EP: 1000/1000 - {1100/1100}
SP: 300/300 - {400/400}
STRENGHT: 60 - {70}
DEXTERITY: 60 - {70}
CONSTITUTION: 100 - {110}
INTELLIGENCE: 150 - {160}
WISDOM: 100 - {110}
CHARISMA: 60 - {70}
LUCK: 10 - {20}
ENERGY: 100 - {110}
ENDURANCE: 30 - {40}
POWER: 100 - {110}
EXP - |538,920|


|Integrating and Evolving Racial Class Traits.|


|Magical Core Upgraded|

Trait - |Magical Core ★☆☆☆☆| - Trait granted by becoming a Supernatural creature: (Magical - HPU/DxD: Devil). Allows for reality bending up to the user's skill, imagination, and power level. When using this trait you do not expend Mana Points doing so unless what you want to do is above your level of skill or power level. The power level of a Magical Core is determined by self-image, emotion, and intuition.


|Racial Traits 'Devil Wings', 'Devil Tongue', and 'Supernatural Beauty' combined and evolved into 'Origin Devil'.|

Trait - |Origin Devil| - You can speak, read, and write any language you know of or encounter instinctually. Enables permanent magical flight with bat-like wings. You radiate an aura which makes you as attractive as possible to other Non-Holy creatures. You can awaken permanent copies of Traits you do not have from any Devil that you touch.

'Hell yeah!.. The Origin Devil Bonus is less impressive thanks to my Clan Trait, but hey, it's definitely opened up a lot of versatility for me.. I can't wait to start a peerage. Passive EXP aside, having a network of clients that feel like they owe you favors is extremely useful if you choose the correct people.. The question now is, do I grind a couple thousand EXP to gain all my levels as an Overlord or do I dump five levels into Wizard straight away.. I hope Lalatina still won't mind continuing being with me since I became like this, I mean I did explain the possibility to her that in the future I might use the King Piece and she seemed cool with it at the time but then again.. I don't know. I'm probably overthinking it and she'll love it. I'll deal with that potential landmine when I get home, for now I've got to decide how I'll spend my EXP.. I think I'll take one more level of Wizard and dump the rest of my EXP into Overlord for now.' I nod and smile to myself as I feel my powers growing rapidly.

Tier 6 Spell - |Creation| - By touching a non-living object, you can duplicate the material it is made out of. The object created must be no larger than a 1-Metre cube. There are 5 Tiers of materials that can be created and each Tier have different cooldown durations before the spell can be cast again at that Tier. Tier 1 - Vegetable Matter/Wood: 1 Minute, costs 250 MP to cast. Tier 2 - Stone/Crystal/Base Metals: 10 Minutes, costs 500 MP to cast. Tier 3 - Precious Metals: 1 Hour, costs 750 MP to cast. Tier 4 - Gemstones: 12 Hours, costs 1000 MP to cast. Tier 5 Magical Metals/Magical Gemstones: 24 Hours, costs 2500 MP to cast.

Trait - |Overlord Physiology| - Once per day you can eat an Helheim Fruit and earn 10,000 EXP. Anything other than Helheim Fruits is tasteless to you due to your new physiology. (Metamorphmagus Trait will allow you to restore your taste buds).

Trait - |Magical Core - Gaim: Overlord| - Magical Core +1 ★

Trait - |Helheim Plant Creation| - You can create Helheim flora and fruits at will. Costs 1000 MP per 100 Square metre of flora, and 1000 MP per fruit created. You can disintegrate any Helheim flora and fruits at will within 10 metres.

Trait - |Inves Creation/Control| - You can create 1 subservient, permanent Inves per day at will. Costs 1000 MP per Elementary Inves (Maximum Cap = 100 Every 100 Levels), 10,000 MP per Advanced Inves (Maximum Cap = 10 Every 100 Levels), and 30,000 MP per Evolved Inves (Maximum Cap = 1 Every 100 Levels). Costs half as much MP to make wild Inves Elementary and Advanced within 100 metres subservient, this method is not limited by your daily cap but you cannot excede your level cap's maximum capacity using this method.

Trait - |Helheim Magic| - You can open and close Cracks to and from Helheim at will. You can manipulate Helheim flora at will.

Trait - |Overlord Form| - Your Overlord form gives you damage resistance to Physical attacks. -25% damage taken from Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning damage when transformed. This transformation-buff does not stack with other forms, such as Armored Rider forms.

Trait - |Helheim Weapon Creation| - You can summon and banish a weapon that is Soulbound to yourself at will. This weapon can take any shape you desire, and it can be used as a Spellcasting Focus.

Trait - |Overlord Magic| - As an Overlord you gain control of several innate spell-like abilities. You can use up to 3 of them at the same time and change which ones you wish to use from a list of 10 abilities every 24 hours. Choose 3: Telekinesis, Disintegration, Telepathy, Fire Manipulation, Electricity Maniuplation, Levitation, Teleportation, Intangibility, Force-Field Generation, Enhanced Awareness.


|Magical Core Upgraded|

Trait - |Magical Core ★★☆☆☆| - Trait granted by becoming a Supernatural creature: (Magical - HPU/DxD: Devil/Gaim: Overlord). Allows for reality bending up to the user's skill, imagination, and power level. When using this trait you do not expend Mana Points doing so unless what you want to do is above your level of skill or power level. The power level of a Magical Core is determined by self-image, emotion, and intuition.

'Overlord Magic, huh? .. I am not good at choosing between things on the spot, at least it isn't permanent like the Wizard Spells I get.. f*ck it. My shota-half did say that I should chill out and not stress about these things so much.. I can do this. I'll pick Disintegration, Telepathy, and Enhanced Awareness. I guess I'll allocate my stat points next..'

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black
Age: 10
Level: 70
Race: Devil/Overlord - (King - DxD/Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Racial Class: Gaim: Overlord - 8/10 |Next Level: 9 - 90,000 EXP Required|
Class: Wizard - 52/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
MP: 4000/4000 - {4200/4200}
EP: 1000/1000 - {1100/1100}
SP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
STRENGHT: 60 - {70}
DEXTERITY: 100 - {110}
CONSTITUTION: 100 - {110}
INTELLIGENCE: 200 - {210}
WISDOM: 100 - {110}
CHARISMA: 60 - {70}
LUCK: 40 - {50}
ENERGY: 100 - {110}
ENDURANCE: 100 - {110}
POWER: 100 - {110}
EXP - |78,920|

Increases chance for drop rates from enemies in Instant Dungeons.
Increases chance for appearance rates for better items from Vendors in Instant Dungeons.
Increases chance for more loot from containers inside Instant Dungeons.

Perk - |Boosted Stamina| - Increases SP from 10 to 20 per point, and Increases SP Regeneration from 1 to 2 per point of Endurance.

Perk - |Ambidextrous Body| - You no longer have a subconscious limiter on your body causing you to have a dominant hand, eye, or leg you lean on. Your body's movements are now perfectly responsive to your mental commands.

Perk - |Arcane Blood| - Your blood can now be used as a Potion, Ritual, and Blood Magic 'Ingredient' as a more potent replacement for sacrifices. Increases MP from 10 to 20 per point of Intelligence.

'..Nice. I'm not sure how I feel about becoming a source of valuable magical ingredients, though.. That's definitely a scary thought. Perhaps keeping my new status as a renewable source of Arcane Blood a secret for now is the best option. I don't know if giving away your blood is dangerous or not yet. Tom used it in a Ritual in Canon to come back in a new body, but I assume with the caveat that it had to be forcibly taken. Perhaps willingly given blood is less magically potent or innert for curses that are applied to you. I'll need to research this before considering if this is a thing that I should be selling or simply be stockpiling in bottles for my own personal use. I don't exactly want to get cursed or have some weird voodoo bullsh*t happen to me because someone got ahold of my blood if that's how it works. Perhaps at best I can perform rituals for people at a price, that seems more safe than just letting people run off with my blood doing who knows what to it.. I'll need to study what books I have on Blood Magic as soon as possible..'

''..Ah, it looks like you'll be waking up any minute loli-half.'' My shota-half informed me, knocking me out of my train of thought.

''Alright, will you remain in my Mind Palace for now or are you going back 'upstairs' to make sure we didn't f*ck up?'' I asked him.



''I mean.. What if they're pissed that we broke the rules! I could be screwed if I go back there and they're angry at us. I can do the same things from here as upstairs and more, so.. Don't ever kick me out, please..'' He looks at me with tears in his eyes.

''If they are angry at you then they're stupid. It was their fault. I was just some dumb mortal that stumbled around like a toddler with a gun which they left in the open without any safety in place. Not our fault it went tit* up when it was their duty as omnipotent entities or whatever to keep their dangerous magic out of ignorant hands. If you have a fear that they'll hurt you, you can stick around downstairs with me for as long as you want. Just don't ever try to take over my body, if you want to experience life as a mortal for some reason then I'll find a way to make you a body to possess instead.'' The white void started to fade out existence and I heard my shota-half call out to me as I started to wake up.

''Thank you loli-half! I'll organize the rest of our memories for you and start working on our mental defenses!'' The last thing I saw before looking at the white ceiling of St.Mungos was my shota-half's tear filled smile.

As I woke up from my evolution induced slumber, I heard several people shouting inside the room. One of them was Sirius, the other Madam Bones, and a third voice of an old man I didn't recognize. I looked down and realised that my clothes were still on and I wasn't under any covers or bound to the bed, so I got off the bed and spoke up.

''Oi, do you mind not screaming so much? I feel fine.'' I said and the three of them froze as I made my presence known.

''Miss Potter, what did you do?!'' An old man with a hooded robe said with a hysterical voice.

''Who is asking?'' I raise my head and glare at him.

''Saul Croaker. Head of the Unspeakables.'' He gruffly answered.

''... I see. Now, why is it that you are shouting at me?''

''The Veil disappeared. What did you do?'' He glares back at me.

''I pushed Peter Pettigrew into the Veil with a banishing charm and presumably into the afterlife after being provoked by his dishonourable screeching, then I fell unconscious most likely from the stress and trauma of all the events of today finally causing me to run out of energy and collapse. Then I woke up here in a hospital bed. That is all I know. How could I, as you seem to be implying, make the Veil disappear by falling asleep from stress? For all we know throwing people and random objects through an ancient artifact like the Veil may have been what made it disappear..'' I look him in the eye and see him flinch at my glare as the temperature lowered in the room.

''..T-that's not the point. Are you s-sure you didn't see anything odd?'' Croaker ironically, croaks out.

''I did not, no. I'm sorry that I broke procedure and undoubtedly created a cubic buttload of extra paperwork for you since I pushed the rat into the Veil, but I doubt that even if I did so in an emotional state that I am the reason for the Veil Of Death disappearing. Perhaps finally whoever or whatever was on the other side got fed up with us pushing trash through a rip in space and decided to close it.. Unless anyone here are looking to press charges against me or my Godfather then we will be on our way home.'' I stared down the Unspeakable and met his eyes until someone else spoke up.

''...No, we are not pressing charges, Miss Potter. However, I would like to see you in my office next week. Expect my owl.'' Madam Bones eventually said.

''I'll see you next week, Madam Bones. I want a meeting with you as well, Mr. Croaker once I am done with my meeting with Madam Bones. Perhaps she can escort me to your department and ensure everything goes smoothly next time? First of all, I know there is a prophecy orb in your department with my name on it. I want to claim it should it still remain active like I believe it is, and second of all.. I really wanted an internship with the DoM after Hogwarts, you know? I can't begin to describe my disappointment that we got off on the wrong foot. This entire situation is a mess and I really wanted an in with the people that study obscure magic, hopefully in the future we may still be co-workers even if my first visit to your department ended in a coincidental catastrophe..'' I shake Madam Bones' hand awkwardly with a forced smile, the temperature returns to normal. I go to give Croaker my hand to shake, but he simply nods at me, which I think is the best I can get out of him right now so I awkwardly turn around, drag the stunned Sirius with me out of the hospital, then quickly make my way back home.

As Sirius and I landed on the pavement with a loud crack outside of Grimmauld Place and made our way inside the front door, we both looked at eachother and we finally released all the stress and tension in our bodies as I began hysterically laughing.

''Ohhh man, I can't believe that f*cking worked!.. Sorry for the scare back there when I went unconscious, Sirius. There was apparently some major issues with my soul after the memories of my past life came back and I got hit with the Killing Curse a second time. It's a long story, but essentially my soul went from a metaphorical solid piece of glass, to a shattered piece of glass, to dust, to liquid before I got it fixed. I should have exploded like a meat balloon and had my soul cease to exist but due to some extreme luck I'm fine now. I also have a different aspect of my soul living inside my head now instead of him being tethered to me in the afterlife- or 'upstairs' as he likes to call it. I'll have the memories pulled out and ready to be viewed right away.'' I chuckle as I see his face go a bit green at the thought of having a soul turn into a liquid.

''..What? How can a soul become f*cking liquified!''

''I have no idea, but I clearly f*cked up somewhere when I reincarnated without someone competent helping me. I'm also a Devil now, by the way. It was necessary to stabilize my body so that I didn't go 'poof' and turn into a modern art exhibit.'' I deadpan as we get to the top of the stairs, then I spread my devil wings.


''Devil?!.. Alright, I'm going to give up questioning things when you're involved, clearly it's a mistake trying to make sense of anything with you around, pup.'' Sirius chuckles to himself in disbelief as I pull several memory strands out of my head and we walk towards the living room.

''That's probably for the best, yeah. I gave up keeping track of reality a while ago myself.. I also changed my physiology into a plant-based alien. So if you were worried about the Devil part at least it's only a hybrid devil I suppose.'' I nod to myself and retract my wings.


''.. You know what, I'll bite. What in Merlin's name do you mean by 'plant-based alien' Prongslet? You were only unconscious for about thirty minutes..''

''I'll get you all debriefed by showing you my memories. It's honestly easier for you all to see it than me trying to explain at this point I think..'' I sigh and open the livingroom door.

I started the slow process of accumulating materials with my new Creation spell and creating Inves meanwhile Lalatina, Remus, Sirius and Yuriko all dived into the pensieve. Once they were done they all looked at me with concern. It took me a while to convince them that I wasn't going to die on them anytime soon, but once I convinced them I was fine and that I felt great with my new non-human body they mostly calmed down. Lalatina was quite interested in my recent transformation and what it meant for the future. You would think that she would be upset about her lover becoming a Devil since she was a Crusader and all, but this was Lalatina so of course she didn't mind. Especially since I wasn't even the same type of Devil like those from her old world that ate a human's negative emotions, coupled with the fact that I got the items to transform into my current state from my Divine Power that I got from her world's Heaven. I was worried over nothing. I will admit though, finding out that she has gained a Devil fetish thanks to my wings was hilarious. Who knew Devil wings would be a turn on for her... Alright, of course it was. It was Lalatina. That girl could find a particularly angry inanimate object attractive so long as it was enchanted to insult and give her enough pain her to her liking. masoch*sts, man.. It was very late by the time I got the gang fully debriefed about the day's events and my immediate future plans. I was very tired after today's events, but I did manage to stay conscious for a very late meal with everyone, a couple rounds of sex with Lalatina, which amusingly enough I could sense with my Enhanced Awareness we were getting peeped on by Yuriko of all people, and opening my inventory to gift Tina a reward like I promised before passing out with her in bed.

''I promised you a reward this morning for when I returned.'' I said with a husky tone as I groped one of her breasts as we were laying in bed.

''Y-yes.. What kind of r-reward is it?'' She looked up at me with anticipation and perhaps some fear in her eyes? I couldn't quite tell.

''I made a couple of items for you. I hope you like them.'' I grin at her and feel smug when her eyes light up upon seeing what my gifts were.

It was a metal dog bowl with a paw print with Tina engraved on it and a collar with an identical metal name tag. The leather of the collar was engraved with Parselscript spelling out extremely lewd things from a snake's vocabulary such as egg warmer, nest keeper, among other things which translated roughly to cumdump, concubine, sex slave, etc. The collar was also engraved with runes on the inside that allowed it to shrink and grow with her ever so sligtly so that it was comfortably tight, and it was non-transfigurable so that it would remain with her in both her human and her Animagus form.

''T-t-this is amazing! I love it, Mistress!'' She hugged me very hard and I responded in kind by groping her asscheek, making her let out a small squeak.

''I'm glad you like it. I'll take you on date tomorrow. Perhaps we should have some outdoor sex to break in your new collar? Think about it, you might even be seen in public as I violate you. Maybe I'll even attach the leesh for your collar when you are in your human form for a walk.'' I smirked as she blushed furiously and stammers incoherently at the idea of being humiliated in such a bold way, and she ultimately passed out from the intensity of her emotions with a smile on her face and a nosebleed as I put the collar on for her.

She didn't understand what the seemingly gibberish marks on her collar meant at the time, but she would the next morning when I reaplied Comprehend Languages on everyone.

Lewd Scene Start

I felt warm. Then cold. Warm. Cold. Pleasure. Confusion. More pleasure. I slowly open my eyes and notice Lalatina bobbing her head up and down on my co*ck at a fast pace. I desperately try to keep myself from cumming in my newly awakened state as Lalatina moans and practically f*cks me with her throat.


'f*cking HELL!.. That's certainly one way to wake up.. Sleep-Play is one of my fetishes, but still.. What a bad girl!.. Perhaps she is testing my boundaries? Hnng! sh*t!.. Yep, this calls for some punishment, I think..' I grab her head with both hands making her squeak in mild fear and look up at me with an expression of getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar.. She almost looks like a squirrel if instead of a mouth full of nuts-..

'Well. I'll give her the 'Nut' she longs for, then..' I glare at her and hold her head down all the way to the base of my co*ck. I smirk a little at her panicked look and then I start thrusting desperately and without mercy.

''Nngh! Such a bad girl? Are you perhaps desperate for me to punish you?'' I try to sound as disappointed as possible, but then again.. Waking up with my lover literally balls deep in the process of worshipping my body made my tone probably sound amused more than anything.

''-GLUCKGLUCK-MMMHMMMFPFT!-GLUCKGLUCKGLUCKGLUCK!'' She looks at me practically with hearts in her eyes and goes limp in my hands besides her muffled cries and sloppy gagging noises as I f*ck her throat.

Within seconds of her enthused squeals I feel myself unraveling underneath her and I pull her to the base of my co*ck. I start to cum into her throat, directly into her stomach. Once I feel that my org*sm is going to slow down I quickly drag her off my co*ck and cum the last two ropes on her face.

''GHAAAH *COUGH* HAAAH.. *Cough*...F-f*ck!-T-that was amazing! I felt like I was going to die for a second there.. Erm, good morning. Did you like my surprise, Mistress?'' She smiles unapologetically at me with my cum and spit sliding down her face. The sight of her like that is enough to burn away at my initiral irritation at her and to make me give an involuntary snort of amusem*nt.

Lewd Scene End

''... You did good, Lalatina. However.. So far I have been either lucky or uniquely capable of reading you to where I didn't cross a line with that actually hurt your feelings, and the same goes for you. I hadn't told you I enjoy sleep-play so you were lucky I didn't get angry, had that not been the case.. I'm not used to dealing with relationships like this and I don't want to f*ck it up, so.. Safe-words and safety gestures. Do you know what those are?''

''No?'' She tilts her head cutely as she wipes her face clean with one hand and swallows my sperm casually.

''..It's a sex thing from at least this world and my last one, I don't know if the concept is common in your world-.. Not the point. Basically, they are simple rules, if you will. If you don't want something and you want me to stop, you simply state a word or perform a gesture with your hand that we agree on that you are not likely to ever use accidentally, and I will stop. Such as tapping my hip if you want me to let you breathe whenever I f*ck your throat like earlier, or simply saying a random word we agree on like 'Tomato' that means to stop whatever we're doing. You have not seemed opposed to my rather.. rough treatment so far, and I've gotten a bit carried away the last few days in the excitement of-... Well. Not the point, but still. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?'' I end lamely. She frowns a little and then nods.

''...Very well. I don't think I'll ever need a 'Safe-Word' or a gesture like that for myself, but if it makes you feel better I'll humour you and keep them if you wish?'' Lalatina looked a bit confused and put off at the idea of such a safety-net.

''Look I get it, I can for the most part read your emotional state whenever we are intimate, but... I'll get you a couple of BDSM books that will explain these things better for you than I could. If we're going to keep doing more and more depraved things together, eventually I might hurt you in a way you won't like.'' I gave her a look of genuine concern as I rubbed her shoulder briefly, then I got up from bed and began to pick my outfit for the day.

''..Okay. I will take your word for it. So far you have hurt me only in the ways I've always wanted but no one dared to, but if it makes you feel better then very well, my 'Safe-Word' shall be 'Aqua'.'' I almost drop my fresh pair of panties that I took out from my Inventory.

''Pfft, I think Aqua would be annoyed to have her name used as a safe-word.. f*ck it. I'll use Aqua as my word too, to keep it simple. Imagine if she ever found out though? I'd almost feel sorry for her.'' I grin at her and we both laugh at the mental image of Aqua finding out about us blaspheming her name in such a manner.

Divine Realm

Aqua sneezed and felt a disturbance in her very being, as if she was being used as the punchline to a raunchy joke. This irritated her and she vowed to investigate at some point.

Eris was laughing loudly as she observed Darkness and the anomalous reincarnate. She was going to hold this over Aqua's head for decades, her most faithful follower and Aqua's pseudo-champion's antics were going to give her wrinkles from all the laughter within just a couple of centuries if this kept up. 'Not like Aqua doesn't deserve it, damn her for shaming me for paddi- no! There are no pads!' She thought to herself in desperate denial.

After we were done taking a long shower on the account of Lalatina being horny we eventually made our way downstairs for lunch. Yuriko was red in the face as usual after hearing us during our daily routine again, and somehow grew redder once she realised that Lalatina's collar had 'lewd' Parselscript written all over it. Sirius and Remus just shared a look and shook their heads in amusem*nt at my antics. I was maybe a tad bit smug and pleased with myself. Perhaps a little too much. Oh well. Anyways, I then decided to try using my Clan Trait and I gained several abilities. Sadly I couldn't copy Lalatina's Animagus form, but I could copy and store all of my Familar's 'Magic' Traits, including Hedwig's since she arrived earlier that morning. Thanks to my Overlord Telepathy I could also communciate with all of my familiars perfectly now. Hedwig was a bit confused at first, but once I explained that it wasn't painful or anything bad, she wanted to be bound to me as well so now I'm up to four official familiars.

Trait Slots: Active 1/1 - Phoenix Magic. Memorized 4/5 - Phoenix Magic, House-Elf Magic, Occamy Magic, Owl Magic.

Trait - |Phoenix Magic| - Flame Regeneration: When your body is damaged it regenerates using Phoenix Fire, Increases HP Regeneration by 50%. Flame Travel: You can turn living creatures into Phoenix Fire and Teleport yourself or any other living creatures you are touching anywhere you have been before instantly for 100 MP per creature. Phoenix Tears: For 250 MP you can make a Phoenix Tear capable of restoring a living creature from the brink of death to full HP. Phoenix Immortality: Once every 24 Hours if you reach 0 HP, you catch fire and turn into a pile of ash, you get reborn from the ashes and 'de-aged' physically to a 1 month old Baby with full HP. Over the next 24 hours you rapidly return to your peak age, if you are killed before you reach your peak age you remain dead permanently. If you die from old age you get reborn without losing your daily bonus life, but you must still 're-age' like normal from the ashes.

Trait - |Familiar Bond| - House-Elf: Kreacher, Occamy: Lilith, Phoenix: Fawkes, Snow Owl: Hedwig.

It was a good start to my day, and it only got better as I was sitting down in the living room skim-reading this morning's three times larger than usual Daily Prophet's front page article titles with a satisfied smirk.














|Titles And Perk Evolving|

Title - |The-Girl-Who-Lived|

Title - |The Knowledge Saint|

Perk - |Saint Initiate|


Title - |The-Saint-Who-Lived| - Conditional Charisma Boost/Reduction. Range +1000/-1000. Grants holder the Perk: |True Saint|

Perk - |True Saint| - You can cast Tier 1 'Saint' Spells three times for free every 24 Hours, Tier 2 'Saint' Spells two times for free every 24 Hours, and Tier 3 'Saint' Spells once for free every 24 Hours. Grants access to the Unique Class: Saint.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black
Age: 10
Level: 70
Race: Devil/Overlord - (King - DxD/Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Racial Class: Gaim: Overlord - 8/10 |Next Level: 9 - 90,000 EXP Required|
Unique Class: Saint - 0/10 |Next Level: 1 - 100,000 EXP, Level 10 Required|
Class: Wizard - 52/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
MP: 4000/4000 - {4200/4200}
EP: 1000/1000 - {1100/1100}
SP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
STRENGHT: 60 - {70}
DEXTERITY: 100 - {110}
CONSTITUTION: 100 - {110}
INTELLIGENCE: 200 - {210}
WISDOM: 100 - {110}
CHARISMA: 60 - {70}
LUCK: 40 - {50}
ENERGY: 100 - {110}
ENDURANCE: 100 - {110}
POWER: 100 - {110}
EXP - |88,920|

'Damn.. The more I learn about The System the less I understand it sometimes.. I'm not going to complain though, considering this Saint class I got access to is obviously a Holy Magic class. Does this mean access to Resurrection Magic down the line? I mean, if that's the case then holy sh*t that changes a lot of things real f*cking quick. If I can teach my people resurrection spells with Ability Teacher.. Even if we do lose people if a second blood war breaks out we can recover indefinitely. Hell, even if only I can use those spells we can recover so long as we are careful. That's not even considering all the good people who died in the last blood war. My parents, Fabian, Gideon, Marlene, Dorcas, countless murders could be undone assuming their souls haven't moved on and I can still reach them... I think I'll keep this to myself for now. Even amongst most of my allies the concept of bringing people back from the dead is Alien at best and evil necromancy at worst. I won't get my hopes up that this will work, but if it does.. No. Not counting my eggs before they are hatched. I'll assume my parents are gone forever until proven otherwise.' I nod to myself in resignation and read some of the articles, mostly just to make sure Rita is keeping her word.

Reading the articles that weren't written by Rita was actually a bit entertaining even if it was simply confirmation. Most of it I already knew, and what I didn't was negligble in the grand scheme of things. I was pleased to know that no one seems to blame me for the deaths of those five Death Eaters. My word and testemony under veritaserum where I said it was either accidental magic or whatever protection my mother placed on me the night she sacrificed herself that's saving me from lethal malicious intent, seems to have held up in the court of public opinion. I suggested to Madam Bones the internal reports should be leaked by the DMLE, just without the bits that had sensitive information such as Tom's Diary Horcrux and some of my more obscure powers, and it looks like she took my idea to heart.

'Good on her for seeing reason, making Tom be an invincible villain in the mind of the public is a bad idea. His old life should be more known than his time as a Dark Lord.. If she ever learns of my deception and vigilante antics I doubt I will find her being too happy with me, though.. Hopefully I won't have to deal with that scenario anytime soon, if at all.' I thought to myself, then I continued reading.

My statements in the Rita interviews are word for word what I said, so everything went to plan. Now no one in the magical world will think I'm a spoiled Princess that didn't deign to respond to people's letters. I think that information alone should be enough to excuse any and all social unrest I may have incurred by 'Ignoring' people's letters until now. My fierce defense of Dudley Dursley should also gain me several points with the public for being mature and kind considering what came out in the trials of what he did to me throughout my childhood. Not to mention that the ones who are really to blame are Petunia, Vernon, and Marge Dursley. I wouldn't be surprised if Madam Bones had to put the Dursleys into forced protective custody to stop the Wizarding public from lynching them before she let those articles get released. I decided that I wouldn't talk about the Dursleys in public again unless I'm asked about them directly. I already asked Madam Bones to deal with this mess, and she gave me her word so I'll trust her competence and put Dudley's safety in her hands. As I was reading the newspaper and leaning on Lalatina next to me on the couch, Sirius walked into the living room and announced that a letter had arrived.

''Who's it from?'' I asked.


After allerting Bill, Arthur, Madam Bones and the Longbottoms about the request for a meeting sent by Dumbledore with my Telepathy Sirius and I traveled towards Hogwarts. We all had a debate for about an hour over the mental call whether or not we should accept the old goat's request, but in the end knowing thy enemy won out. It was a smart idea to have a lot of witnesses knowing where we went, because should he try something and Madam Bones did not get a response from us after an hour they'll storm the castle if need be.

After teleporting with Phoenix Fire with Sirius to Hogsmeade we began our slow walk towards the castle. Once we arrived Sirius led me towards the Headmaster's office and we found ourselves outside the bronze eagle statue.


|Headmaster's Office Guardian|

Password: Jelly Baby

Parseltongue Password: OPEN

''Jelly Baby.'' I said clearly.

The bronze eagle slowly turns, and with it the staircase lifts slowly gaining us access to the Headmeaster's office's front door. On the way to the office I inform Madam Bones that I am about to enter the office and to be alert for my message should something go wrong. I hear Dumbledore say to enter, so I don't bother knocking to announce myself, and simply enter. Immediately I noticed Minerva standing inside the office, aparently this was a two on two encounter. Yet again I am surprised at the sight of a character turned to life. Minerva much like Arthur looked decades younger than the movie counterpart. I highly suspect at this point that magicals age slowly in this world, and only age into their actual age's looks after a long, long time.

''Good day, what can I do for you, Dark Lord?.'' I said with a casual tone as if discussing the weather. Minerva looked close to tears, and Dumbledore went slightly pale at my announcement but quickly steadied himself.

''...For all it's worth, Anne, I'm sorry.'' He said with a sad frown. I offer a chair to Sirius from my Inventory and then proceed to sit down myself on a chair I take out of my Inventory and glare at Dumbledore, who has his eyebrows raised at my sudden display of strange magic.

''... You are sorry? Well that certainly clears things up. I suspect you are only sorry for being caught. No matter, I will be the bigger lady and hear you out, for Minnie's sake.'' I shake my head in disbelief.

''Very well.. I asked you to come to this meeting because there are several important pieces of information you need to know.'' Dumbledore paused to gauge my reaction.

''Oh, I see. Information. Are you going to pretend it wasn't to make sure that I was not possesed by Tom Riddle because of the soul shard known as a horcrux that was lodged in my scar?'' He paled.

''WHAT?!'' Minerva shrieked.

''I hope I don't need to convince you that no, I don't have Tom's mangled soul stuck in my forehead anymore. The day my accidental magic healed my abused body and I managed to escape my prison it seemingly died from the magical backlash and as you can see, the scar has healed rapidly ever since.'' I point to my now barely visible pink lightning-bolt scar.

''... H-how did you find out about horcruxes?'' He asks carefully.

''I'm a seer, and not a fraud like Trelawney that only gives bogus predictions and very rarely, accurate prophecies she doesn't even remember giving such as the one in relation to me and Tom. I've been a very accurate seer ever since I banished Tom from my scar. I also have near-perfect memory recall now that he is no longer a drain my subconscious mind constantly, allowing me to piece things very together quickly. Speaking of divining the future. Point number two. The prophecy. Please explain to me why I shouldn't do everything in my power to imprison your pet Death Eater in the deepest darkest dungeon in the country for his role in giving the first part of the prophecy to Tom? He only turned to your side, which need I remind you is NOT my side, after he realized his derranged Master would kill his childhood obsession.'' Dumbledore tried to speak up but I shushed and continue in a cold voice.

''Don't tell me it was love, it was never love. He had lust at best and obsession at worst. He chose Pureblood ideology over her again and again for years. She only saw him as a friend at best before she got sick of his bullsh*t and moved on. He didn't give a f*ck if I died so long as Lily didn't. I represent his childhood enemy successfully mating with his object of obsession, so naturally he hates my very existence, and the feeling is mutual. That's not even considering the ungodly amount of damage he has done to Magical Britain's Healer and Auror recruitment numbers with his outright criminal conduct as potion's teacher.. But I'm rambling so let's move on, was there anything else you think I need to know?'' I asked Dumbledore. The silence was deafening.

''... Voldemort is still out there, even now, Anne. We need to work together to make sure Voldemort is stopped for good. I know I have made grave mistakes but I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I wanted to make sure you survived and that Voldemort could be defeated.'' Dumbledore said, in a sad tone. I sigh and look at Sirius and he simply gives me a look that tells me it's up to me.

''Very well, Dumbledore. I'll humour you and forgive your grave mistakes which include letting my Godfather get tortured in a prison guarded by soul sucking demons without a trial, abandoning me to be tortured at the hands of my magic-hating relatives, you protecting and pardoning one of my family's enemies, and your assault on my mind in public when I was just trying to improve the lives of the people of this gods-forsaken, war-torn country. I forgive you for all of that-'' I look him up and down and see his eyes light up in hope. His disgustingly bright pastel blue robes irk me.

''-but honestly.. Pastels? That's one step too far. Absolutely headache inducing.. Your crimes against fashion alone make you unforgivable. Anways-'' I turn to Minerva and she startles as I adress her.

''I don't blame you for being deceived by him. I'm sure at one point he seemed like a great man, and he convinced you against your better judgement to trust him. I may not have a normal memory to draw upon, but my sight showed me, you on that night sitting there as a cat observing them, pleading with Dumbledore to not leave me at the Dursleys. I forgive you, Minnie. It wasn't your fault. Thousands of good people have been deceived by him and his quest for his so called greater good. You were not the first and probably not the last.'' Minerva breaks into sobs and I get up to offer her a hug. She accepts it and I turn to Dumbledore as I comfort the woman.

''Tom is not going to win, I'll make sure of that Dumbledore, even without your so called help.'' I let Minerva go and sit down again.

''I have to ask though, why did you do it? And by it I mean, well it's only a theory on my part but.. It wasn't an accident that my parents died, was it? Did you set them up to die in the hope of my death or perhaps Tom's death should he come after me because you wanted the prophecy fulfilled? Did my father not give you his invisibility cloak when that alone could most likely have saved our lives? If they trusted you and you took advantage of that to play your games with fate..'' I glare at him and then sigh and look away.

''Well. That's only my suspicion. If you truly believed in the prophecy then you knew that either Tom or I had to die, so if you could set that up to happen, you would, wouldn't you?''

''..I-I WOULD NEVER! Is.. Is that truly how low you think of me?'' Dumbledore silently shed tears. Minerva looked angry, but also thoughtful.

''Yes. I do think that low of you. Your past actions and potential future actions all lead me into seeing a rather grim picture.'' I said without any hesitation.

''... I swear that I had no hand in setting up your parent's deaths. I made a mistake hoping that Arabella's reports were blown out of proportion and deciding to let her deal with the friction in Privet Drive. I should have made sure you weren't mistreated, but I thought it was only some tension and rivalry between you and Dudley, I also trusted in my gut feeling that Petunia would get over her jealousy after all those years. I was wrong. I should have made sure Sirius was guilty, but he and the Potters went behind my back and swapped secret keepers! I didn't know! I hated him because I thought.. I thought he killed my students and betrayed my trust... Please understand I didn't mean for any of this to happen? I tried to do what was best for everyone.'' He looks at me with pleading eyes. For the first time since I entered his office I look at him properly and realize that maybe he's actually feeling remorse for his actions, or maybe he's just a good actor. I can't really tell.

'Even if he does feel remorse it's too little, too late.. I know what madness he would have done in the future. Setting me up to fight Tom with the Philosopher's Stone as bait, for one.. But very well. I'll not work against him any further if he truly intends to leave me alone and listen.'

''I've forgiven you, but I will never forget. Look, just leave me and my family alone, Dumbledore. We don't need your 'help' to fight Tom. You've done enough damage on that front, but there is something you CAN do to help. Consider this my first and last offer to a road of redemption for you.'' I frown at him and wait for his answer.

''..What do you need my help with, Anne?'' Dumbledore asks me with a resigned voice.

''I need your expertise in soul magic, more specifically how to extract memories from a horcrux.'' He instantly goes on guard and frowns.

''..Y-you have a horcrux in your possession? How many did he make?! Why do you need.. memories..'' Dumbledore starts pacing and muttering to himself for a brief moment before he catches himself and looks to me for my answers.

''In 1943 Tom Riddle framed Rubeus Hagrid for the murder of Myrtle Warren, he used her ritualistic murder to create the first. Tom made six intentional ones, and one accidental horcrux. I've already destroyed the accidental one in my scar from a bout of accidental magic earlier this summer, then I hunted down three of his intentional ones and destroyed them. I have a fourth one on my person right now. The same horcrux he made with Miss Warren's sacrifice, his diary from his time at school. It should contain the memories, and more importantly, the proof for Hagrid's innocence. I want Hagrid to be offered his birthright as a Hogwarts student like he is owed. I want him to have his wand rights restored. That is what I am asking your help with. Hagrid was an innocent person at the wrong place at the wrong time and he lost a potential future with magic because of it, I want to change that. I could destroy the horcrux like I did the rest of them, but I am running out of them and I really wanted to have him exonerated before I lose the ability to prove his innocence. If I can't get proof I would have to lean on my influence alone to maybe get his sentence overturned. I don't exactly trust the courts to get it right becuase of his racial status as a half-giant but if you can help..'' I take out the diary from my Inventory and place it on Dumbledore's desk with a soft thud.

The portraits and Minerva all gasp in horror and are staring at the diary as if it's going to destroy them all. To be fair, if given enough time and a proper vessel, it probably could.

''.. I-I understand why you wanted help with this.. May I?'' I nod at his unasked question and he starts to cast spells at the diary before flipping it open with his wand.

''Oh, Tom.. Why? what have you done..'' Dumbledore mutters in despair as he confirms that it is a real horcrux.

Minerva was glaring at the diary, she could vaguely remember Tom carrying it in the past, now that she was looking at it more closely. During all of Dumbledore's testing on the horcrux I sent an update to Madam Bones that everything seems to be going well so far, and to stand down for now. After half an hour of Dumbledore casting spells and taking several magical gadgets from his shelves and placing them near the diary, he slowly managed to pull a thin strand of silvery liquid into the air from it and guide them into a small phial.

''I managed to invade the horcrux with a legilmency probe and collect the memories you need. You can confirm they are the correct memories first, but after that I demand this abomination to be destroyed immediately.'' He holds a small phial of memories out to me, I take it and nod.

I quickly place the pensieve back on the table and we all dive into the memory to confirm it being the correct one. It sadly was. Minerva cries as she watches Tom command the Basilisk to kill Myrtle inside her bathroom, he confronts Headmaster Dippet and Dumbledore, and then finally the memory ends when he confronts Hagrid and frames him with Aragog as the killer. When we all get back from the memory I sigh and place it back into the phial and put the memory and the pensieve back into my inventory.

''Alright, thank you for your help, Dumbledore. I'll make sure Madam Bones gets these for a closed trial for Hagrid. I can attempt to persuade the Basilisk in The Chamber Of Secrets or kill it if I must, assuming it isn't willing to listen to reason. For now it's hybernating and won't be wake up on its own until at least 1992 or 1993-ish, but I'll deal with that today with your help if you want. You need a Parselmouth to open three sets of doors to get into the chamber where it sleeps, thankfully I am a Parselmouth so we can deal with it easily without fear of getting locked out permanently by trying to mess with the wards.''

''B-b-basilisk.. Waking up in two years.. My lion cubs..'' Minerva mutters incoherently and looks like she's about to faint at the concept of the creature waking up anytime soon around her students.

''.. It's probably for the best if we deal with the thousand year old serpent underneath the castle as soon as possible, yes.. I.. I agree..'' Dumbledore looked a bit green at the revelation of a basilisk living under the school. He grabbed the diary and got up from his seat. He looked at me in confusion when I didn't get up to follow him towards the door.

''Why are you leaving?'' I asked with a frown.

''I was about to ask you to join me outside, you need fiendfyre to burn away at soul containers like this. You don't mean to tell me that you intended to do so inside the castle?''

''Ah. Well, there are three ways to destroy a horcrux that I know of. One is fiendfyre as you pointed out, the second is basilisk venom, and the third is the curse removal spell that I made, which coincidentally also works as a cure for lycanthropy, and a few other things.'' I walk towards him slowly and touch the diary, then I silently cast Remove Curse when I finish my explanation.

A gust of black smoke in the shape of Tom's face errupts from the diary. Tom's face screams in agony as the smoke disipates. Dumbledore looked on in horror as the diary horcrux was destroyed, now left completely innert.


|QUEST UPDATE: Horcrux Hunter|

Objective 1 (o) :Tom Riddle's Diary - Reward:

Skill - |Legilimency| - Mind Arts Skill used to boost Legilimency probes that can attack mental shields, read and meld minds, and influence emotions.

''May I have the diary back, Dumbledore?'' He gapes at me and then closes his mouth with an audible snap. He starts to cast detection spells rapidly at the now innert diary and sighs in relief. He then hands me the diary quietly. I quickly put it back into my Inventory.

''So.. If I am t-to understand t-this correctly-'' Minerva says with a shaky voice, then collects herself slightly. ''-there are two more of those abominations somewhere out there, that you haven't destroyed yet?''

''Correct. One of them is Tom's familiar, a snake called Nagini, which I have no idea where it's at right now, but I know where it will be in the future if things play out as they should. The last one is in this castle, actually.'' I said casually as if it's not a big deal.

''W-WHAT?! IT'S HERE!?!'' Minerva shrieks in terror.

''Yup. I was thinking of destroying it on my way out. It was the biggest reason I decided to come to this meeting in the first place, it gave me an excuse to visit Hogwarts a year early and deal with all of Tom's influence in this place.'' I shrugged. Sirius was shaking his head at my antics and comforting Minerva by rubbing her back soflty.

''It's alright Minnie, she does the impossible on the daily from what I've seen and heard so far from Remus. It's best not to think too hard about it.'' Sirius said and nodded sagely.

''Getting back to the point at hand, where exactly is the Horcrux located in the castle? And what is it?'' Dumbledore asked me.

''It's Ravenclaw's Lost Diadem.'' I drop that bomb on them casually and watch as Minerva grows slightly pale at the idea of something so historically significant and culturally sacred being defiled by such dark magics.

''.. I see. And where exactly is it?'' Dumbledore persists with his questioning.

''Before I agree to show you where it is, I want both your words that I may take possession of any and all objects or creatures located in the hidden room the horcrux is located in and the Chamber Of Secrets, including the horcrux itself. Now, before either of you deny my request, I will clarify that neither of you knew about two these room's existence and nothing integral for the future of this school's continued existence will be taken. It's not hidden in anyone's private quarters so no personal belongings of the current staff or students are subject to my petty looting. The objects in question inside the hidden room and the chamber are more historical in value, and I am an avid collector of ancient artifacts and knowledge. Consider it payment for removing the DADA curse, I believe it's tied to the Diadem and destroying the horcrux naturally will destroy the curse as well.'' Dumbledore and Minerva frowned, contemplating what I told them for a moment before Dumbledore sighed and they agreed to my request.

''...Very well. You may, as you so aptly put it, engage in petty looting inside the hidden room and the chamber, but only those two rooms.'' He said sternly. Minerva nodded.

''Pleasure doing business with you.'' I grin at them with no shame and shake Dumbledore's hand, sealing the deal.

As we made our way to the seventh floor tapestry I casually explained where I discovered the other four Horcruxes and what they were made from. Minerva and Dumbledore were saddened to learn about the fate of several of the items Tom corrupted, but were happy to know I managed to cleanse them all.

''Coincidentally, I indirectly saved your life, Dumbledore.'' I chuckle at my realization.

''How so?'' He asks with a frown.

''I saw a future timeline where you found the ring in the Gaunt shack and succumbed to the compulsion charm to put the ring on your finger. The ring was cursed with a withering curse, Snape managed to slow the curse down but you died after one year of stalling the effects of the curse.'' I finished my explanation and started to pace in front of the tapestry, much to Minerva and Dumbledore's confusion.

After I turned back for the third time and finished pacing the doors to the Room Of Hidden Things appeared on the wall across from the tapestry. Sirius whistled and looked in awe.

''I knew it was real since you told me about it, but still.. This place would have been amazing to have known about back when I was in school.'' Sirius said with a grin as we opened the large double-doors together and revealed the gigantic room filled with furniture, artifacts, books, and detritus that has accumulated for one thousand years. I turned back towards the Proffessors and grinned.

''Welcome to The Room Of Requirement, in this configuration it's called The Room Of Hidden Things. This is where Tom stored the diadem and cursed your school after you rejected his offer to take up the DADA position.'' I left the gaping Proffessors behind and entered the room, then I began to rapidly store everything in the room in my Inventory.

After some light experimenting I realised that I could store things in my Inventory if I touched the object with Mage Hand, which increased my efficiency at scooping up the hoard several times over. Within just fifteen minutes I had emptied the gigantic hall of any objects and I turned around and spotted the frowning proffessors glaring at me.

''Hey, we have a deal, not my fault that you didn't fight me harder on the wording of said deal. Don't be grumpy. You should both take great comfort in the fact that I didn't want these objects for material wealth unlike what most others would have, I intend to start the first British Magical Museum in the future. Artifacts and ancient objects like this should be appreciated as cultural treasures for the people, not hoarded in some long forgotten hidden room.'' I hold my hands at my hips as I justify myself to them. Minerva at least seems to be mollified with my explanation but Dumbledore still frowns.

''A museum?'' Dumbledore asks me with a baffled tone.

''Yes, a museum. I think it's a great idea. If you would like to donate anything else, like say for instance student trophies, ancient or otherwise-Don't look at me in that tone of voice. You both know they simply collect dust in your trophy room without serving a purpose, apart from you know.. Being a mundane task you sick your misbehaving students at to pollish every now and then. Cultural awareness and a collective pride from a shared history will certainly do wonders in breaking down the divide amongst school houses and blood. Perhaps in the future, scheduled visits and tours to my museum could be arranged like how you have weekends set up for Hogsmeade. It's all up in the air at this point, I might be rambling, sorry.. First let's deal with the Horcrux, then the killer snake, then I can worry about my little cultural renaissance, I suppose...'' I pull out the diadem from my Inventory and cast Remove Curse on it. Tom's snake-like face errupts once more in a large plume of smoke and shrieks in agony, then slowly disappears leaving the empty room in silence with his echoing cries.


|QUEST UPDATE: Horcrux Hunter|

Objective 5 (o): Ravenclaw's Diadem - Reward: The Room Of Requirement: Schematics - Instruction manual on how to replicate the life's work and masterpiece made by Rowena Ravenclaw.

Hidden Objective 4/4 (o): Destroy the Horcrux without destroying the Priceless Artifact it is bound to. Slytherin's Locket (o). Hufflepuff's Cup (o). Ravenclaw's Diadem (o). Gaunt Ring (o). - Reward 4/4 - Ravenclaw's Diadem.


|Hidden Reward: QUEST UNLOCKED - Genesis Hallow|

|QUEST: Genesis Hallow|
Collect 7 legendary artifacts and combine them in a ritual to create a Divine Object known as a ???
Objective 1 (o) The Elder Wand
Objective 2 (o) The Resurrection Stone
Objective 3 (o) The Cloak Of Invisibility
Objective 4 (o) Slytherin's Locket
Objective 5 (o) Hufflepuff's Cup
Objective 6 (o) Ravenclaw's Diadem
Objective 7 (x) Gryffindor's Sword - Reward ?
Objective 8 (x) Combine the Hogwarts founder's artifacts with the Deathly Hallows currently inside sealed within your soul with a ritual. - Reward: ???

'Sweet! A new quest!.. Wait, what the f*ck does it mean by 'sealed within your soul' I threw the hallows into a portal to the afterlife! Also, could I even get the sword? Isn't it inside of the sorting hat and you can only get it by being a true Gryfindor performing an act of bravery? I really didn't want to be sorted into Gryffindor or Slytherin because of the political and social divide from both of those houses, but if I want to complete this quest would I need to be a Gryffindor when the time comes? If so, that sucks..' I frown as I put the diadem back into my inventory. Then I feel a sudden weight on the top of my head.

''WOAH?!'' I eloquently state, with no panic at all.

'You're a bit early to be sorted, so why is it I find myself on your head?' A voice in my head told me.

''..I think because I subconsciously wanted to inspect you and acquire the artifact stored inside you, Mister Sorting Hat, that this room decided to summon you to my head.'' I said with uncertainty.

''I see.. Oh dear, you are either completely mad or the world is a lot larger than I could ever dream it was!.. Your memories are certainly confusing-'' I interrupt Mister Sorting Hat.

''Yes yes, I know that my head is an awfully confusing place to be, but I assume that you will keep anything you saw in there to yourself, right?'' I ask it.

'I really wish I didn't have to deal with madness for just one day, but that would be too easy.. Wait, is the room telling me I can get the sword by sending me the sorting hat?..'

''I keep everyone's secrets but surely you can understand my reaction.. Now as for the sword-'' Suddenly I felt pain on the top of my head, and I winced.


''GAH! f*ckING CHRIST!'' I pulled the hat off my head and The Sword Of Gryffindor clattered to the floor, and then I rubbed the bump on the back of my head from where the sword dropped onto my head.

''As I was trying to say, I don't think you have to worry about the requirements to find the sword. I believe you were supposed to find it, if what I saw in your head was anything to go by. You probably just needed to desire for it to appear when wearing me in this room...'' The sorting hat finished lamely as I continued to rub my head.

''Great warning... thought that counts I suppose...-'' I mumbled then asked ''-Would you like to join us on our adventure to The Chamber Of Secrets, Mister Hat, or would you like to return to the Headmaster's office?'' I asked the hat, completely ignoring the stunned Proffessors and the chuckling Sirius in the room as I picked up the sword and put it into my Inventory.


|QUEST UPDATE: Genesis Hallow|

Objective 7 (o) Gryffindor's Sword - Reward: Book - Divine Rituals 4 Dummies

''I can go with you? I rarely do anything except think up new songs to sing before sorting students.. Iwould like to go on an adventure.. But should I?..'' Mister Hat grumbled and contemplated as I held him up in front of my face like a hand puppet much to the Sirius' amusem*nt.

'Is The System taking the piss out of me? 'Divine Rituals 4 Dummies'? I get it already! I f*cked up the first time around.... At least it seems to be a useful book for completing my new quest.. And that's not even considering what other valuable knowledge is hidden in that thing. I'll be extremely careful this time, though. One botched ritual was enough for me, I think.'

''I've decided. I'll come with you, it's not every day an opportunity like this presents itself. Hahah!'' Mister Hat nodded, clearly pleased with his decision.

''..Am I the only one wondering what in Merlin's name just happened?'' Minerva asked the room.

''No, you're not the only one..'' I heard Dumbledore mutter.

''What do you mean? We've got a fifth companion in the form of a talking hat coming with us on our quest to reason with or if we have to, kill a giant snake. And naturally he decided to gift me with a magical sword to aid me with said quest. For me this is just an average afternoon ever since I returned to the magical world. Do you people not do whimsically fantastical things like this all the time, or is that just me?'' I deadpan at the baffled proffessors as I put Mister Hat back on my head and walked out of the room with a cackling Sirius following me.

We quickly made our way down to the second floor and found ourselves inside of Myrtle's bathroom. I hissed at the correct sink which opened the passage into the first section of the chamber. I gesture for Dumbledore to go down first in feigned politeness, then once I hear him thud at the bottom of the slide I cast fly on myself, Sirius and Minerva. At first Minerva was quite baffled that a child that hasn't even entered Hogwarts as a first year has seemingly figured out the secret to an unassisted flight spell, but she quickly collected herself and thought to herself that if anyone could do such a thing then the slightly mad girl in front of her would definitely be the one to do so. We all quickly flew down the pipe and met up with Dumbledore.

''... If you had the ability to cast a spell which grants you unassisted flight, was it really necessary to be so petty and allow me to soil my clothing needlessly?'' Dumbledore said with the ever so slightest of pouts.

''Good riddance, I say. Those blue pastel robes do NOT work for you. You look like an inverted, slightly evil Santa Claus.'' I shrug shamelessly.

''Putting aside your taunting for my stellar choices of robes, how in Merlin's name did you even achieve unassisted flight? There are very few people ever recorded of being capable of such a feat, Tom being the latest amongst those few.'' He eyed me suspiciously for a brief moment.

''OH! It was quite easy actually. Did you ever read Peter Pan? Just a bit of fairy dust, thinking happy thoughts, and minding your own f*cking business usually does the trick. Also, to set the record straight, Tom did not succeed in creating unassisted flight like I did. The way he did it was simple yet painfully obvious in hindsight. He modified his wand by carving runes into it to also make it function like a broom coupled with a levitation charm that activates to support his weight during flight. Why do you think the handle of his wand looked like a bone? The handle was added later to cover up the runes and to look creepy to intimidate enemies and allies alike, the same goes for the black smoke when he flies. It's all for flashy theatrics and doesn't serve a purpose except for psychological warfare.'' I grin unrepentantly.

Sirius barked a laugh and even Minerva let out a short huff of laughter at Dumbledore's baffled expression.

''.. That's.. That does make a lot of sense..'' Dumbledore muttered in disbelief.

''Shall we move on?'' Minerva asked.

''Yes, forwards my noble sky-steed!'' The sorting hat replied.

''... I don't know how I feel about being relegated to that of a mount, usually it's me who mounts people. Lalatina does love it ever so much when I do so, at least..'' I see Sirius about to lose his sh*t at my casual deadpanning of lewd innuendos, and Minerva tilts her head in confusion along with Dumbledore.

'' ''What?'' '' They both question. I glance at them as I walk forwards further into the chamber.

''Let's just say that Mister Hat's assigned title of steed fits, in more ways than one. I don't know about noble, though...'' I mutter to myself, then Sirius whispers something to Minerva, making her face pale.

''Oh look, shed Basilisk skins! we're getting closer to the second entrance. By the way, here's the plan for when we enter the chamber. First, I need all of you to hold a conjured, preferably silenced rooster and stay back. If the negotiations fall through I'll send a patronus message to notify you-I said don't look at me in that tone of voice, proffessors. Don't worry, I'll be fine.'' I put the shed skins into my Inventory with a flick of my wrist by the way of Mage Hand, then kept walking deeper into the chamber.

Both of the proffessors shook their heads at my antics, but quietly complied with my plan. Dumbledore conjured three roosters and quickly silenced them. We quickly at the circular metal door that blocked the way into the chamber. I hiss at the door and the group watches in amazement as the snake slithers across the edge of the door, making the other snakes rear back, and finally opening the chamber door.

''Now, please stay back and don't look inside the chamber until you hear me yell back that it's safe, or a patronus sounds the alarm. Wish me luck, Dogfather.'' Sirius looks conflicted, then quickly leans down and hugs me. I hug him back and look at him, then nod once I see him calming down.

''Be careful..'' Sirius whimpers as I walk into the chamber.

I walk past the stone snake heads towards the gigantic stone face of Salazar Slytherin. Once I reach the end of the path I hiss at the face.

''Speak to me, greatest of the Hogwarts four!''

The face opened its mouth slowly and left a gaping hole. Nothing seemed to happen, so I decided to fly inside the snake chamber to see if it's simply asleep or if it's simply missing because it's out hunting for food somewhere. As I flew into the hole I saw the tunnel went downwards at a slope. Once I went deeper I saw the tunnel open up into a big round chamber with seven doors leading to unknown rooms, but most importantly of all I saw the sleeping basilisk curled up in the middle of the chamber.

'Holy sh*t it's massive..' I give an involuntary shudder, then I cast Observe on it.

HP 3000/3000
MP 500/500
EP 0/0
SP 2000/2000
Familiar Bond: Tom Marvolo Riddle (Slavery)

I can see the basilisk licking the air as if to smell me, and I suspect it will slowly wake up within a couple of seconds so I decided to immediately break the slavery bond.

'|Break Familiar Bond|! There, if she's hostile at least it's not against her own will..' The basilisk opened its eyes and quickly scanned the chamber and her eyes finally land on me.

''Who dares enter my Master's sanctuary! Are you a new speaker who will attempt to bend me to their will?'' She asked with a hint of anger.

''Greetings, Roko, I am Hadrianne. I freed you from the slavery bond you were bound by. I am not going to insult you by attempting to lie, I feared you being used to kill students again by the man who bound you. I am here to verify that you are not a threat to the children who live inside the school upstairs for most of the year. I don't desire to bend your will, but if you intend harm people with your new freedom, I will kill you.''

''.. I... I am free?'' She hissed in disbelief.

''... Yes. Now, what is your answer?''

''That should be impossible.. But I can feel the last speaker's tainted magic has left me.. Curious. How is it you are not dead? I am looking at you with my eyes exposed and I do not smell Master's blood on you like the last speakers.'' She tilted her head in confusion.

''I'm built different. Now, are you a threat, or was the murder of Myrtle Warren done against your will on Tom's orders?'' She hisses at Tom's name.

''I would not willingly harm hatchlings with the spark! The last speaker tainted my master's will when I was under his spell, do not speak his name in front of me!.. I put my trust in the last speaker. He was the first to find me in many sleep cycles, I was desperate for a new Master after so long but.. He deceived me.'' Her head droops.

''I see. You are not the first to fall for his deceit. He murdered my parents and many others after he left you here by deceiving others. My quest is to see him dead.''

''Truly? Then our goals are aligned, if only temporarily. I am here to guard the hatchlings from the spark-less, like my Master ordered me to. If the last speaker ever returns to harm them I will not be deceived a second time, and I will end him.''

''..I take it your first Master was Salazar Slytherin, then?''

After a bit more back and forth I confirmed what I suspected. Roko was placed here as a guardian for the castle in the event of a siege. Salazar didn't hate muggleborns but he did hate muggles. And to be fair considering the times he lived in, totally justified. The vast majority of them at the time were willing to burn, drown, and impale their own children for having magic, or as Roko calls it, the 'spark'. Roko hissed in anger as I explained what has happened since she went into hybernation after Tom left her here. She was overjoyed by the fact that I had managed to find her Master's locket, though. When I told her that Tom had tainted her Master's locket with his soul shard, she almost became inconsolable and asked if she at least could see the remains, but when I explained that I found a way to cleanse the locket safely she was overjoyed again. She was even happier when she learned I had cleansed Salazar's wife's Goblet, and his friend's Diadem as well. Once I felt absolutely sure she wasn't a threat I decided to telepathically call out to Sirius and Amelia. I explained that everything was fine, and that the basilisk wasn't a threat and to be at ease. I told Roko that I would leave her be since she didn't seem to be a threat, but she refused to let me leave at first.

''What do you mean I can't leave?''

''You have done so much for me! The diary of the last speaker is proof enough to me that he truly did defile my old Master's most precious item, and that you managed to cleanse it. I need a new Master, and I want that Master to be you. I won't let you leave before you bond with me.'' She looks at me expectantly.

''... Really? Are you sure? The last time you trusted someone he enslaved you. It's not like I am a good person! I mean, If I'd thought you were a threat I would have killed you and stolen whatever items were stored here and slept soundly tonight without any guilt on my conscience. Also, I already have four familiars. I mean- WAIT NO! Don't cry!'' I pet the basilisk on her snout to calm her sad hissing.

''D-d-do you not want me?'' she looked at me sadly.

''... If you want me to bond with you, I will, but only if you really want to bond with me for.. Well, me. Not out of some twisted sense of guilt or gratitude to me because of something I would have done anyways. Don't think so lowly of yourself.''

''I want to. Please.'' She hissed with determination.

''... Alright. Welcome to the family, Roko.'' I smile at her and cast Create Familiar Bond, then pet her snout again briefly to learn her Trait with Power Of Doppelgänger

Trait - |Familiar Bond| - Basilisk: Roko, Phoenix: Fawkes, House-Elf: Kreacher, Occamy: Lilith, Snow Owl: Hedwig.

Trait - |Clan Trait: Power Of Doppelgänger| - Trait Slots: Memorized 5/5 - Basilisk Magic, Phoenix Magic, House-Elf Magic, Occamy Magic, Owl Magic.

''Now that the situation is settled, do you mind covering your eyes with your internal eyelids? Your gaze won't harm me but the companions I brought with me are waiting for me to return outside the chamber. I could introduce you to them if you wish? Just, you know, don't kill them with your eyes, please.'' Roko nods and I see a thin membrane cover the yellow eyes turning them into a darker shade of yellow, closer to orange.

''I won't harm Master's friends, only spark-less that decide to attack the nest, silly Master.'' She hisses with fake offense.

''.. This was less of an adventure and more of a, as your memories put it, 'talk-no-jutsu filler-episode'.'' The sorting hat said in obvious disappointment.

''It's alright Mister Hat, not everything has to be a dangerous adventure. Sometimes things just work out. If you ever want to go on a quest again just ask and I'll comply with your requests, you know?'' I said with a tone meant to cheer him up.

''Very well, I may take you up on that..'' The sorting hat replied in a slightly touched tone.

After making my way back with Roko towards the circular door I called out to the rest of the group.

''Oi, it's safe, everyone! The Basilisk was enslaved with magic and was entirely innocent for her part in Myrtle Warren's untimely demise. She was placed here by Salazar to guard the school from the sieges of muggle armies back in the day!'' I shouted as I was riding on Roko's back, much to their immense confusion and awe.

After convincing Minerva and Dumbledore of Roko's innocence by letting them talk to her themselves by casting Comprehend Languages on them, we said goodbye to Roko and left for now. I promised to come visit her every day and to have my elf-friend clean the chamber soon. We all made our way back and flew back up the hole into the second floor bathroom and I sealed the chamber after we all made it out out.

''SO! All that's left of Tom's influence is his snake familiar, Nagini, and his Prime Wraith form. There's still the issue of Aragog and his family to deal with, but I can do that later with Hagrid in a year or two. I'm sure the acromantuala colony would appreciate moving somewhere peaceful without predators and with plentiful food. It certainly would be safer for everyone involved, I think.'' I muttered to myself.

''What do you mean by acromantula colony? I was told of Hagrid's pet acromantula living in the forest, but not an entire colony!'' Minerva asked me, then turned and screeched in Dumbledore's face.

''.. Erm, well, Hagrid was saddened that Aragog was lonely so I.. May have helped him find a mate for Aragog. I trust that Hagrid has the situation under control. He collects acromantula silk in such large amounts annually that it drastically lowers the price of high quality robes in Britain and beyond. Nothing dangerous has happened, and no students have ever been harmed as far as I know. The gold generated by the silk is a large part of what keeps the school open at the moment, actually..'' He finished, with a sad voice.

''...Y-you did WHAT?! It's a miracle no one has been hurt! OR WORSE! Hagrid may be harmless, but his sense for danger when it comes to magical creatures is..'' She groans in exasperation.

''Wait really? You didn't know, Minnie? Didn't you do basically all the paperwork for the school when Evil Santa over here decided to abandon his Headmaster's duties and play King on the political stage?'' I asked Minerva.

''No, I did not know, Miss Potter. I highly suspect that most of the documents forwarded to me by Dumbledore that he claimed to have been annual donations were mostly the records of silk profits.*Sigh* It was not a bad idea to generate additional income for the school, Dumbledore, but I am very disappointed you didn't tell me about this. Are you certain it's safe?'' She asks him with suspicion.

''I trust Hagrid to care for them as he has done for the last forty odd years, surely if nothing has gone wrong by now then it's fine?'' He tried to assure us.

''No, it's not fine. Once Aragog dies the colony will not listen to Hagrid anymore. The only reason your symbiotic relationship with the colony works is because of the debt Aragog feels towards Hagrid, and the rest of the colony currently listen to Aragog. Should Aragog ever die or find himself overthrown by his children, then they will attempt to kill the residents of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts without mercy once they have either exterminated or pushed out the local Centaur tribe out of the forest. It's not a concern for now, but my sight hasn shown me that around the time of my sixth year at school Aragog is going to die. He's already blind and he's not exactly getting any younger.'' I deadpan, which causes Dumbledore to frown in thought.

''...Now, as wonderful as our little adventure has been, I think it's time for us to leave for today.'' Sirius said.

''I agree. Thank you both for your help, Dumbledore, Minnie. This meeting has been illuminating, but I have a dinner date to get ready for. May you live in interesting times, Headmaster.'' I grin at Dumbledore as I hand Minerva the sorting hat. I silently cast Dispel Magic on Minerva and Dumbledore to dispel the flight and translation spells I cast on them with a wave of my hand, then I take Sirius' arm and teleport us both back to Grimmauld place using my phoenix fire.

After taking a shower and getting into a set of my male, and more importantly, adult-sized clothes, I ask Kreacher if he can do me a favour.

''What can Kreacher do for Mistress Potter-Black?''

''I need two things aside from your regular duties. Firstly, I need someone to clean Salazar Slytherin's Chamber Of Secrets. I recently re-discovered the chamber inside of Hogwarts and initiated a familiar bond with the Basilisk that lives there after freeing it from a slavery bond created by The Dark Lord. This task is not a main priority, it can wait for now. Secondly, I want you to try and reach out to other elves and ask if they do not enjoy serving their current families. Before you ask me Kreacher, you have done nothing wrong, I still need you and I deeply value you as the family's Head Elf. But I also intend to expand my influence, and doing so requires more manual labourers. I intend to build a museum that will display any magical artifacts and art I can get my hands on. I also intend to start my own business to sell luxury goods, and operating a shop on my own with perhaps one or two other humans for help would not be enough for the scale I desire. I need more elves. I have the ability to sever their familiar bonds from their old families and I will gladly offer them a place within this family if they want it. I want you to lead these new elves of House Potter-Black, Kreacher, do you think you are capable of performing this task for me?''

''.. Kreacher does not know many elves, but if this is what Mistress desires of me, then it shall be done.'' He seemed a bit shocked, but at least I didn't sense any form of anger or disappointment from him because of my request.

''Thank you for being so understanding, Kreacher. I have gleamed from my sight that there is an Elf inside of Malfoy Manor called Dobby. His previous abusive master was executed yesterday because of information I provided to the newly appointed interim Minister, tell him of my role in the ending of his abuser and he will no doubt be pleased. He would definitely be a great second in command for you. I doubt you could ever find another elf, except maybe yourself, that desires to further our House's influence more. After you have secured Dobby's aid, we will ask him if he knows of any other elves that he thinks would like a new family. If he doesn't, you will exhaust your network of elves, and if all of those leads fall through.. I suppose we could ask the Hogwarts elves.''

''As you wish, Mistress. When do you want to meet with Dobby?''

''Depending on when he can slip away from the eyes of his current family.. Either tonight after I return from my dinner with Tina, or at any point tomorrow after I finish resting.''

''Understood, Mistress.'' Kreacher bows and disappears with a loud-


I decided to take Lalatina with me to a pizza place. After that I wondered if I should keep my word about engaging in outdoor sex to break in her collar. Lalatina was wearing a purple blouse and a black skirt, I decided to wear a white shirt with a black vest and pants. I felt quite smug about how smooth it looked, but then again morphing into any shape I want makes any set of clothes I buy seem perfectly tailored. If anyone who knew James Potter were to have spotted me they'd have thought he had come back from the dead with a missing eye covered up by a black eyepatch, up until they noticed my exposed green eye that is. Lalatina was amazed when she discovered junk food. The traditional and mostly healthy food prepared at Grimmauld place had nothing on greasy extra cheese and pepperoni pizza.

'I can only imagine what a person that grew up in a medieval society, one with magic and a level system to be fair but still, feels after trying processed food for the first time. It must me mind blowing, huh? I hope this wasn't a bad first date.. She looks happy spending time with me, at least.. I really hope that I'm not f*cking this up.. I always wanted a fresh start, but what if a new start won't fix anything? Will I always be a failure? I know she, well.. said she loved me during our first night together but was that just a thing she said in the heat of the moment?... Is that why I haven't asked her to join my peerage yet? Am I scared that she will reject me and find someone else and die within a mere century whilst I live on for millennia back in my self imposed solitude? I.. Might be. f*cking christ I might have some serious issues, and I don't think.. God damn it, have I already f*cked up my new start? I mostly just pushed forwards and didn't look back since I got my memories back in the cupboard, but what if I truly can't find the strenght to live like a normal person. What if I tire my mind out and crash like I always used to do whenever I tried to live rather than survive in my past life? I don't think I could ever live with myself again if I fail this ti-''

''Are you okay?'' Lalatina asked with a worried tone.

''Yeah, I'm fine.. I need to ask you something.'' I sigh.

''What is it?'' She frowns and looks at me in concern.

''Would you like to jo-'' I was interrupted by the waitress asking if we were ready for the bill.

I hadn't noticed we were out of food when I was busy staring into Lalatina's eyes. I quickly turned to the waitress and paid for our food and took Lalatina with me to the local park whilst I psyched myself up to have this conversation with her all over again.

'God f*cking damn it. Just ask her. Surely she likes me enough to commit to me, she did say that she wanted me.. I think I have fallen for her already, but I was so touch and love-starved I don't trust myself to know for certain. I may have just latched onto the first person to show any interest in me in.. decades..'

'She said she loved me, but so did your brother before he betrayed you' a traitorous voice in my head said.

'DAMN IT! I can't live not knowing. If I ignore this situation and pretend my trust issues are not there and let her slowly begin to age, eventually she might think that I don't really care about her. And if she doesn't want to become my near-permanent family then at least I tried. Getting rejected and sleeping alone again will break me like it did the last time, but I survived the last time too. I just hope I can survive this time too, and that I don't give up on everything again after losing the one I cared for..' I sit down at a bench and pull Lalatina down with me and look at her face and notice that she seems worried.

''Are you sure you're okay? Is it about what you meant to ask me earlier?'' She tilted her head cutely. Damn her, she's shaking my resolve.

''... I was wondering if you would like to be the first person to join my Peerage. I want to have you in my life. Permanently. I don't want to lose you to old age, and spending thousands of years alone.. well, I won't force you or anything, I understand if you don't wa-''

''I'll do it.'' She said with determination.

''I understand. It was unfair of me to think you wou-Wait what?! Are you serious!?'' I was shocked.

''Of course. I love you, Mistress. Coming to this world was the best decision of my life, my only regret was leaving my friend Chris behind, but you already helped me put that behind me when you proved to me with your memories of my world's counterparts that she almost certainly was Lady Eris, who pushed me into coming to this world in the first place. Letting you change my 'race' so that I can live a full life with you wouldn't be a burden to me, in fact I would consider it a gift if the explanation you gave us about the evil pieces was accurate. The power dynamic would permanently place you as my King, right? Kinda turns me on, actually..'' She smiles at me.

''... I.. Thank you, Tina. I didn't want to be alone again.'' I muttered under my breath, then I leaned into her and kissed her.

Lewd Scene Start

I started to feel around us as we kissed with my Enhanced Awareness power to make sure that we were the only ones nearby, once I made sure we were alone in the park I discreetly took out the leesh to Lalatina's collar and clipped it on with a near silent click. Then as I used my hands to roam accross her body as we kissed, I put all of her clothes into my inventory, leaving her only wearing stockings and her shoes. She jumped at the sudden cold on her body broke the kiss, then noticed her new state of undress and squeaked in turned on fear.

''Wha-wha-what if we're seen?!'' Lalatina panicked and started to hyperventilate with the largest blush I have ever seen her have.

''It would make it better?'' I grin at her betrayed look of panic.

I pulled on her collar with the leesh and dragged her back into a new kiss, then as we kissed I started to pinch one of her erect nipples, making her moan loudly into my mouth. I broke the kiss after I put my pants and underwear into my Inventory then I stood up and faced her, with my erect co*ck at eye level. She instinctively began to suck it in her horny and dazed state.

''Good girl, that's right, suck daddy's co*ck!'' I pulled on the leesh, making her gag lightly as I pushed her nose into my crotch and held her there for ten seconds with my co*ck down her throat. When I let her get some air she gasped and stammered with a derranged tone-

''D-d-daddy?!'' She began panting heavily.

''Yes, I'm your f*cking daddy, now be a good girl get your knees on the grass and point your ass up for your King.'' I slapped her face with my co*ck lightly and pulled on her leesh to get her off the bench.

''Y-y-yesh daddy!'' She moved so quickly that if you blinked you would have missed it. Within a split moment I face her shaking and arched back. I slap her left asscheek, making a loud crack and her moan echo around us, then I lean down and position my co*ck against her quivering c*nt and push my co*ck up against her cervix in one thrust. Once I get all the way inside of her quickly I morph my co*ck to be longer, pushing her insides and stretching her further than she ever has been before.

''HMMMNG!'' Lalatina instantly c*ms and starts pissing herself as she loses control of her body, leaving her looking like a bow-legged dear. I don't give her a moment to rest and give her a second slap on her right asscheek.

''You like that, huh? My little girl is such a perverted co*ckslu*t!'' I pull on her leesh making her arch her back further, lifting her hands off the grass.

''Am alreahtee cummin! Pleashe! Aaahnn!'' I f*ck her puss* as fast and hard as I possibly can, ignoring her spasming insides as much as I can. I slap her ass over and over.

''Your puss* gets so-oohhh-tight whenever I spank you. Does daddy's little girl like it when she gets her spanking?'' I feel myself getting closer to cumming, and I was desperately wondering if I should bother to pull out or not.

''YESH! D-d-daddy's spahnkin feelsh sho good! HNNNoooOOoo your c-co*ck ish messhin my inshides uuuhp! AAAAH!'' She c*ms like a fountain for a second time and goes limp in my arms as she quivers and groans in org*smic bliss. I drop her and barely manage to pull out in time, painting her back and her ass in ropes of my sperm.

''Haaahh-f*ck!...-'' I groan as I feel my co*ck shrink down and I take in the lewd sight of Lalatina's soiled, shaking form. I flip her over so that I can look into her eyes, then I fall on my side to the ground and mutter-''I think I love you, too..''

Lewd Scene End

I teleported us with Phoenix Fire directly into our bathroom and for a brief moment we just laid there gasping and gazing lovingly into eachother's eyes. I held her close and kissed her one final time, then I got up with her into the shower. As Lalatina turned on the water, I took two handfulls of evil pieces out of my Inventory and then noticed that all of my pieces started to glow slightly. I laughed softly in disbelief when I noticed the black surfaces shimmering and turning into a transparant red. I quickly cast Observe on one of them.

|Evil Piece - Queen: Mutated|

''Well, that is certainly not normal.. I took out a pawn to cast Creation with to make an Agarasite cube last night, but it didn't mutate back then?.. One mutation piece is supposed to be one in a million type of rare, but all fifteen pieces at once is statistically impossible...'' I mutter in confusion.

''..So, what do the different pieces do again? I remember you saying they had specific powers..'' Lalatina asks me as I place each type of piece on the shelf next to our shampoo.

''The Knight increases your speed, the Rook increases your body's durability, the Bishop increases your magical power, the Queen does all three of those things, and the Pawn can do all of those things depending on the situation if you use the Pawn to promote to any of the other type of pieces in what I consider 'enemy territory'. In the end, whatever piece you choose is not that big of a deal. You can grow to become faster, more durable, or wield stronger magic, no matter the piece you use. It's just that it gives a boost in that specific category you start off with. Over the course of hundreds if not thousands of years I'm sure that it won't matter all that much.'' I chuckle lightly as I revert to my female form and start to lather Lalatina up in soap.

''I see.. Then I shall play to my strenghts, I'll pick a Rook.'' I smile and reach over to the shelf and pick one of the tower shaped chess pieces and hold it up in front of us.

''.. Are... Are you sure that you want this? If you truly want this then I will never let you go-'' Lalatina interrupts me by kissing me, the cheeky minx. When she breaks the kiss she nods and looks into my eyes, I activate my family magic circle for the first time. It's a mandala of white light that has a circular shield, with the symbol of the Deathly Hallows in the middle of it, the shield also depicts a Lion, Snake, Eagle, and Badger surrounding the triangular symbol on the shield. I softly push the Rook piece into her chest and bind her as the first member of my new infernal family.

After finishing the shower Lalatina and I were walking towards our bedroom in our bathrobes when a loud-

*CRACK*-stopped us in our tracks. Kreacher and Dobby were standing in the hallway.

''Anne Potter, what an honour it is! I is Dobby, Kreacher told Dobby that the great Anne Potter wanted to bond with Dobby? I is confused, Kreacher said yous could free Dobby from his family's bond? But surely even someone as great as you could not do such a thing?'' The excitable elf introduced himself and questioned me with trepidation.

''Yes, I have the power to break and create familiar bonds at will. If you would like to work for me I can make that happen right now, however I demand that you listen to my conditions before accepting my offer. First, you will never directly or indirectly harm yourself, if you feel that you have done something that warrants punishment you will come speak with me and we will discuss what went wrong and how to prevent it from happening again in the future. Second, you will wear a uniform like Kreacher because members of House Potter-Black are all my family and therefore precious to me. Seeing my family wearing rags hurts both my feelings, and the public's image of my family. It would be like living in a dirty house in disrepair, I won't stand for it. Third, you are not to tell others of my, my friends', or my family's secrets. This means you are not to communicate with your old family directly or indirectly unless given permission to do so by me. And most importantly, fourth, if you desire anything you are to ask me for it. I might not be capable of whatever you desire immediately, but I will do my best to ensure it is in my power to grant your desires. For example, you want to tend to a garden? I'll get you a garden as soon as possible. You want to maintain a library? Done. You want to pick up a hobby like learn how to read and write, or play music? as I said, done. These are conditions that I refuse to budge on for any elf that join my family, are these conditions acceptable?''

The poor elf's eyes buldged and leaked tears as his surprise grew more and more the longer I was speaking, by the end when I asked if he thought my conditions were acceptable the poor guy bobbed his head up and down so fast I could barely make out the shape of his face.

''Very well, welcome to the family, Dobby. |Break Familiar Bond, Create Familiar Bond|.'' A brief flash of light surrounded Dobby, and he instantly became my bonded familiar.

Trait - |Familiar Bond| - Basilisk: Roko, House Elf: Dobby, Kreacher, Occamy: Lilith, Phoenix: Fawkes, Snow Owl: Hedwig.

''.. I... Dobby knew of Anne Potter's greatness, but her goodness, and her power!.. Never.. Never ever...'' Dobby began to weep softly.

''Everything will be fine now, Dobby. I'll see you tomorrow, alright? Kreacher is this family's head elf, and you'll be acting as his second in command..'' I awkwardly get down on one knee, pat his head and smile at him, then I pull out my Rod Of Greater Restoration and use it twice to repair all the damage to his body. He cries loudly and thanks me, then I continue walking with Lalatina to our bedroom to sleep for the night.

After getting into my meditative trance to rest, I immediately felt myself get pulled into my Mind Palace again. I noticed my higher self had finished sorting through all of the books of my two lives and kept them seperate, but was now seemingly busy trying to get all of them in chronological order. The white void was filled with Bookshelves in neat rows and he slowly sifted through two piles of books and ran back and forth to place books in their proper place.

''You good, buddy?'' I asked him.

''OH! You're finally back. Yes, I'm just slowly organizing memories. It's quite tedious work, but it's not like I have anything better to do in here aside from peeping on your life. Good job on confronting your fears and finally dropping the question to Tina, by the way.'' He smiles at me.

''Thanks man, it was.. Terrifying.'' I give him a grateful smile and nod.

''Also, I may or may not have had a hand in the mutation pieces. I occasionally try to get access to The System like I had earlier but I have had limited success and my meddling usually just tends to rebound, that time I managed to funnel some of my Magic into the pieces which boosted the sh*t out of their powers. Good things all around. Another thing, It feels like that new quest you got today erm, Genesis Hallow, was it? Anyway it feels like once that one's complete something will happen. It doesn't feel dangerous but I assume that the reward involves my connection to The System in some way.'' He conjured a comfy couch for us after placing one more book into place.

''...Huh. Neat. I'm not going to complain, you know more about the backside to The System than I do, Mini-Me. Just be careful, yeah? I don't want to almost explode again.. I've got to say though, I'm impressed by your work so far in here. The air feels dense like inside of Hogwarts, did you place wards in here?'' I asked him as I sat down with him.

''Yep. Anyone brave or stupid enough trying to get into our Mind Palace will be in for a world of pain. That is assuming they even have the power to get in here at all, you have an insanely large magical core and the overcharged external shields should keep out most people you don't want coming in here.''

We spent the next four hours that my body was busy resting to catch up and had a couple rounds of theory crafting on what to do next. It was a humbling experience to have access to such elaborate conversations with my higher self, and it felt good being completely understood for once. Not that me understanding myself is all that surprising, I suppose.

I felt myself leave my meditative trance and looked over at Lalatina in shock. Her hair had lost its usual blond colour and turned white, exactly like her animagus form. Speaking of animagus forms, her head now had dog ears and I was almost certain I could feel a fluffy dog tail against my leg as she clung to me in her sleep.

'Holy sh*t, did having her turn into a mutated Devil boost her powers to the point her animagus form bled into her human form? I hope that she can learn how to suppress them like Koneko could in DxD and that she's not stuck like this considering the statute and everything.. If she is stuck like this I hope she'll forgive me, I didn't know this was going to happen, but it was still my responsibility.. Still, I could get used to this. The fluffy ears and tail tickle the primordial pervert inside of me, somehow..' I feel myself lose control of my face and grin as I pet her fluffy ears softly. Lalatina moans lewdly in her sleep.

''M-mistressh, feelsh sho good.. awoo...'' She mumbled in her sleep. I almost lost my cool and started to laugh but I caught myself before I woke her up.

'I swear, this is the best day of my life. She's so cute! How can you be so degenerate and adorable at the same time. Should honestly be illegal. Now. How do I get up without waking her..' Lalatina clung to me harder in her sleep and I immediately gave up on trying to get up on my own.

'I almost want to give her some payback for her molesting me yesterday when I was sleeping, the thing is I don't know how she'll react to her animal bits when she wakes up... Hopefully she won't hate me for her new state, but you never know.. I guess waking up to a mind-shattering org*sm could alleviate most of her anger?... f*ck it.' I shrug and decided to move my hand downwards.

Lewd Scene Start

I started to rub her puss* slowly with my free hand, as I did so she moaned lightly in her sleep and let go of me just a little bit, which let me get my other hand around her waist and busy fondling her ass. I started to slowly pump two fingers inside her puss* and rubbed her cl*t with my thumb occasionally. She moved erratically for a moment and turned over on her back as her breathing increased and became louder. I moved between her legs, pushed them apart and continued my ministrations to her puss*. I pulled back the hood covering her cl*t with one hand and began to lick it as I massaged the flesh around her cl*t. With my other hand I continued probing inside with two fingers until I found her G-Spot underneath her cl*t. I rubbed at the sensitive flesh inside of her and sucked harder and harder on her cl*t as her moans grew intensity. I could feel the tension in her body rising and then I sensed her breathing changing as she woke up in a half delirious and horny state.

''Whah?! aaahhh-aaahn! Oohhh Gods, Mistress that f-feels!-AaAAAaahh FFFf*ck!'' I felt her body give in and tighten up as she came furiously, but I didn't stop rubbing her G-Spot and sucking on her cl*t until she went completely limp and I felt all the contractions in her puss* slow down to a halt.

She fell asleep almost instantly after she came down from her peak, but I didn't stop there. I started to lightly finger her asshole with two fingers, I let her loosen up and after minute or two, I lined my co*ck up with her gaping asshole then pushed inside her very slowly. Once I was hilted inside her I pulled out most of the way, Then I pushed into her all the way in one quick thrust. She woke up almost instantly as I did so.

''WHA?!-OOoohhh-I-i-i-it wasn't a d-dream?!'' Lalatina gasped as I continued to f*ck her ass without mercy.

''Did my surprise feel good, Tina?-Hhnng!-your ass feels so good..'' I moved my hands from the now awake Tina's hips and started to pinch both of her nipples as I leaned on her body. I didn't stop my merciless assf*cking as I kept twisting her nipples and sucking on her neck.

''HaaAAAhhh! you're-aahn!-messing me up inside! hurts sho good! OHH f*ck-I'm!.. I'm gonna!'' I felt her clench her ass around my co*ck as she came.

I kept f*cking her through her anal org*sm, just as she finally went limp again I felt myself get over the edge. I let go of her nipples, pushed one final time as far as I could get inside her and started cumming. I held her tight with my arms around her back and she wrapped her legs around my waist. As I came I moaned into her neck before desperately gasping for breath.

Lewd Scene End

After we both catched our breaths Lalatina sighed and smiled at me, then frowned as she looked down at her hair.

''N-n-not that I mind you using me as your cumdump, Mistress, but what happened to my hair?''

''I don't know how exactly it happened but, well..-'' I began to explain everything I learned from my higher self inside my Mind Palace about his attempt at increasing the Evil Pieces' power. She tried to make her ears and tail shrink and disappear after I explained that it should be possible to do so, even though I didn't know for sure. I was relieved to see her almost instantly figured out how to control her new animal bits.

''This is amazing! N-now.. now I can become your d-doggy even in my human f-form...'' Lalatina was excited and embarassed at the same time at that realization.

I left her to continue resting until she felt refreshed after some more back and forth, a goodnight kiss, and getting cleaned up in the bathroom. Then I went back downstairs and started to do my daily downtime activities. After that I decided I should start taking a look at what spells or skills I should level up with my accumulated points.

'Alright, first of, skills.. The only thing that I really want to level up right now is either my Legilimency or Hamon skill. Maybe my Observe or Instant Dungeon skill at some point later.. If the choice is between Sun-Karate or Mind-Reading I feel like the former is better right now. Also, if I get good at using Hamon it gives me a lot more benefit from my Energy Point pool. Right now I occasionally use that resource but not as often as I'd like.'

As I went to put points into the Hamon skill I froze in confusion.

|Spend x10 Skill Points to Level Up 'Hamon' Skill Y/N?|

'Ten? TEN!? Why is the ranks for Hamon only ten points? Wait. Whenever I try to intuitively fill up a skill or spell it does the maximum amount I can have, so far that has come in bursts of fifty for spells and I can rank them up all at once. Surely Hamon doesn't have only two skill points per rank? There's gotta be something fishy going on with Hamon in particular..' I confirm my suspicions immediately when I accept the System Prompt and spend the ten points.


|Tier 1 Hamon Skill Tree Unlocked|

Skill - |Hamon ★☆☆☆☆| - Skill to manipulate Life-Energy with breathing techniques. Rank 1/5: Tier 1 Skill Tree.


|NEW QUEST: The Birth Of A Viking|
Purchase all sub-skills in the Hamon Skill Trees and achieve Rank 5 in the Hamon Skill.
Objective 1 (x) Complete the Tier 1 Skill Tree 0/5 - Reward - Access to the Tier 2 Skill Tree, +1 Gacha Coin
Objective 2 (x) Complete the Tier 2 Skill Tree 0/? - Reward - Access to the Tier 3 Skill Tree, +1 Gacha Coin
Objective 3 (x) Complete the Tier 3 Skill Tree 0/? - Reward - Access to the Tier 4 Skill Tree, +1 Gacha Coin
Objective 4 (x) Complete the Tier 4 Skill Tree 0/? - Reward - Access to the Tier 5 Skill Tree, +1 Gacha Coin
Objective 5 (x) Complete the Tier 5 Skill Tree 0/? - Reward - ??

'Goddamn, nothing is simple nowadays is it? Alright then, I'll check what the costs are for the sub-skills..'

|Costs 5 Skill Points per Sub-Skill|

'... Yeah okay, I'll take it. At least for the first tree that's a Gacha Coin for half price. Hells to the f*ckin' yeah.'

|Zoom Punch| - The Hamon user launches their fist forward and strikes the target via an elongated arm, the attack involves a Hamon breathing technique that dislocates and stretches the joints to extend the arm and give it greater reach while also using the same Hamon to dull the pain caused by the move. Due to the increased length, the strike immediately reaches the target's face, which from that perspective seems 'zoomed in'. Deals Radiant and Bludgeoning Damage. Costs 50 EP to cast.

|Hamon Cutter| - The Hamon user spits globs of liquid from between their teeth, the Hamon combined with the liquid makes it sharp and dense enough to cut through solid objects, as well as agile and accurate enough to deflect other projectiles. Deals Radiant and Slashing Damage. Costs 50 EP to cast.

|Sendō Wave Kick| - A Hamon-infused strike with the Hamon energy originating at the knee or the foot of the user. Deals Radiant and Bludgeoning Damage. Costs 75 EP to cast.

|Hamon Detector| - The user imbues a contained liquid with Hamon. The Hamon will pass through the liquid's holder's body and the environment, enabling the holder to sense their surroundings and detect others even through walls. Costs 30 EP to cast.

|Sendō Hamon Overdrive| - The user charges a Hamon wave through their arm and releases it into a solid object, such as a wall or partition. The Hamon can travel through and reach anything on the other side, and anything hit by the Hamon is sent flying in a spiral. Deals Radiant Damage, applies a Knockback effect. Costs 60 EP to cast.


|QUEST UPDATE:The Birth Of A Viking|
Objective 1 (o) Complete the Tier 1 Skill Tree 5/5 - Reward - Access to the Tier 2 Skill Tree, +1 Gacha Coin.

'Sweet. Looks like the next rank is also only five sub-skills. If the prices for higher Tiers is consistently thirty five Skill Points instead of every fifty per Gacha Coin then continuing to level up the Hamon skill would be the most logical option right now..'

|Spend x10 Skill Points to Level Up 'Hamon' Skill Y/N?|



|Tier 2 Hamon Skill Tree Unlocked|

Skill - |Hamon ★★☆☆☆| - Skill to manipulate Life-Energy with breathing techniques. Rank 2/5: Tier 2 Skill Tree.

'Yep. Looks like it's five sub-skills and five point costs for this rank as well. If it remains consistent I should have twenty-five skill points left after I finish leveling up my Hamon..'

The consistency of the skill trees turned out to be exactly as I suspected, and I ended up spending almost all of my new skill points. By the end of my learning spree I felt a wave of power rolling off my body as I breathed, as if something primal was finally back where it always should have been.

Big Hamon Information Dump, Scroll Down for TL;DR

|Bubble Launcher| - The user fires out a barrage of bubbles from clothes covered in a thin layer of soap, each coated in a layer of Hamon energy. This increases the density of the bubbles and allows them to hit objects with a great impact. Deals Radiant and Bludgeoning Damage. Costs 80 EP to cast.

|Bubble Barrier| - Sometimes used in conjunction with Bubble Launcher, the difference is that instead of multiple bubbles being used in a barrage, the Hamon user conjures a single gigantic bubble capable of absorbing and trapping its target. Deals Radient Damage, applies a Bind effect. Costs 70 EP to cast.

|Bubble Cutter| - Based on the Hamon Cutter, this technique is a direct improvement on the Bubble Launcher, and creates bubbles with the ability to slice. Unlike the original attack, the bubbles spin at high speed and use centrifugal force, but are able to stay intact due to the thin Hamon layer. This causes them to form shapes much like saucers with a small blade-like ring surrounding each bubble. These bubbles move at a higher velocity and have a higher tractability, allowing the user to fire them in any direction with ease. Deals Radiant and Slashing Damage. Costs 200 EP to cast.

|Bubble Cutter Gliding| - A more versatile version of Bubble Cutter, The user sacrifices the quantity of the attacks, and focuses on effectiveness. By launching a few bubbles, he is able to aim them much like homing projectiles. They are able to go around objects and have a higher chance of hitting the opponent. Deals Radiant and Slashing Damage. Costs 150 EP to cast.

|Bubble Lenses| - The user produces Hamon-infused bubbles that have the ability to refract light and focus them into beams, much like a magnifying glass. After launching them, the bubbles become stationary and any light source passing through will cause a domino effect, connecting the bubbles together and eventually shooting multiple beams at their target. Deals Radiant Damage. Costs 130 EP to cast.

|Repel| - As a Hamon user, you capable of using Hamon as a repellent of sorts, as well as a shield. Costs 30 EP to cast.

|Tornado Overdrive| - The Hamon user leaps into the air and points their legs towards their target. From here, they are able to move the Ripple to their lower half and essentially dive bomb the target in a spinning motion, much like a drill. Deals Radiant and Bludgeoning Damage. Costs 120 EP to cast.

|Hamon Hair Attack| - The user infuses his Hamon into strands of hair to make them hard and fast enough to block incoming projectiles such as small arms fire. Costs 90 EP to cast.

|Overdrive| - Much like any other Overdrive, the technique sends a large pulse of Ripple through an object. Deals Radiant and Bludgeoning Damage. Costs 175 EP to cast.

|Hamon Hypnosis| - A Hamon user can hypnotize people by using Hamon on them. The process can involve a kiss or simply touching the head with the hands. The hypnotized person will act according to the user's demands and be stronger than an ordinary being, being imbued with Hamon. A Hamon Master can also extract forgotten memories using this technique. Costs 190 EP to cast.

|Scarlet Overdrive| - Charging Hamon into one hand, the Hamon user can create a red Hamon flame. The user is able to transfer over this flame to another part of their body, and anything that touches that body part has a chance of catching fire. Deals Radiant and Fire Damage. Costs 200 EP to cast.

|Turquoise Blue Overdrive| - A Hamon user can release high powered tempests while underwater with enough force to blast enemies away. In most cases, a good portion of the water is propelled outward as well, capable of draining something like a lake to waist-high depth. Deals Radiant and Force Damage. Costs 250 EP to cast.

|Overdrive Barrage| - When a Ripple user jabs fast enough consecutively, he can release multiple Overdrives at once. Deals Radiant and Bludgeoning Damage. Costs 150 EP to cast.

|Life Magnetism Overdrive| - With the aid of another Hamon user, one can draw all the leaves in the immediate area and magnetize them together to form one giant leaf, which can be used used as an impromptu-hang glider. This move can be applied to most plants, and has the ability to revive them passively, for example making dead flowers bloom. Costs 110 EP to cast.

|Silver Metal Overdrive| - Essentially the same as a Sendo Ripple Overdrive, but with the ability to transfer through metal. Deals Radiant Damage. Costs 100 EP to cast.

|Sunlight Yellow Overdrive| - A devastating and extremely strong Hamon-infused strike with power comparable to the sun itself and has the ability to completely obliterate the Undead. Either performed as a single attack or as a rapid-rush of Hamon-infused punches. Deals Radiant and Bludgeoning Damage. Costs 300 EP to cast.

|Indigo Blue Overdrive| - The user channels their hand with Hamon and strikes the floor creating a circle on the floor harming anyone in range. Deals Radiant and Force Damage. Costs 230 EP to cast.

|Rebuff Overdrive| - The user charges Hamon into their elbows and delivers a powerful strike. Deals Radiant and Bludgeoning Damage. Costs 200 EP to cast.

|Hamon Overdrive| - The user channels Hamon into their arm and does a powerful chop attack. This slowly transfers the Hamon blast through the point hit, making it advance until blowing up the target. Deals Radiant and Force Damage. Costs 300 EP to cast.

|Hamon Beat| - The user charges their hand with Hamon and strikes their target with a chop. Deals Radiant and Bludgeoning Damage. Costs 200 EP to cast.

|Forced Hamon Breathing| - The Hamon user gut punches someone with their little finger raised, allowing them to reach the diaphragm. By doing so, the target will momentarily lose their breath and be in agony, but will momentarily be able to produce Hamon. Wounds sustained by a normal person can be healed faster by performing this technique on them. One can also gauge how much Hamon a person can produce in one breath, enabling one to determine a person's potential for becoming a Hamon User. However, the technique requires precision and is difficult to perform. Costs 500 EP to cast.

|Deep Pass Overdrive| - One of the most powerful Hamon techniques in existence. Before death, a Hamon User can transfer all their life energy into another Hamon User. Using this technique, the survivor obtains all of the performer's power, causing his strength, agility, and Ripple technique to increase dramatically. This rapid loss of life energy naturally also changes the performer's physical appearance, causing their skin to thin and wrinkle as well as their hair to turn white, as if greatly aged in the short time. Costs all EP and your remaining life force to cast.


|QUEST COMPLETE: The Birth Of A Viking|
Purchase all sub-skills in the Hamon Skill Trees and achieve Rank 5 in the Hamon Skill.
Objective 1 (o) Complete the Tier 1 Skill Tree 5/5 - Reward - Access to the Tier 2 Skill Tree, +1 Gacha Coin
Objective 2 (o) Complete the Tier 2 Skill Tree 5/5 - Reward - Access to the Tier 3 Skill Tree, +1 Gacha Coin
Objective 3 (o) Complete the Tier 3 Skill Tree 5/5 - Reward - Access to the Tier 4 Skill Tree, +1 Gacha Coin
Objective 4 (o) Complete the Tier 4 Skill Tree 5/5 - Reward - Access to the Tier 5 Skill Tree, +1 Gacha Coin
Objective 5 (o) Complete the Tier 5 Skill Tree 5/5 - Reward - Secret Hamon Sub-Skills - |Forced Hamon Breathing|, |Deep Pass Overdrive|, +100,000 EXP.

Skill - |Hamon ★★★★★| - Skill to manipulate Life-Energy with breathing techniques. Rank 5/5: Sub-Skills - |Zoom Punch|, |Hamon Cutter|, |Sendō Wave Kick|, |Hamon Detector|, |Sendō Hamon Overdrive|, |Bubble Launcher|, |Bubble Barrier|, |Bubble Cutter|, |Bubble Cutter Gliding|, |Bubble Lenses|, |Repel|, |Tornado Overdrive|, |Hamon Hair Attack|, |Overdrive|, |Hamon Hypnosis|, |Scarlet Overdrive|, |Turquoise Blue Overdrive|, |Overdrive Barrage|, |Silver Metal Overdrive|, |Life Magnetism Overdrive|, |Sunlight Yellow Overdrive|, |Indigo Blue Overdrive|, |Rebuff Overdrive|, |Hamon Overdrive|, |Hamon Beat|, |Forced Hamon Breathing|, |Deep Pass Overdrive|

'Good Lord! I feel so f*cking B U F F right now. I want to try punching something. Really hard. Preferably an undead. This is so awesome..' I grin to myself like a maniac and relish in my new power for a brief moment, before calming down and thinking slightly more rationally.

'Alright, I've gotta calm down. Getting co*cky will get me killed, and I am SO not willing to die less than a month into my second chance at life. Okay. I've got four hundred Spell Points left over to spend as I want. Should I even get something? I really don't want to miss out on something cool or get killed in a dungeon because I need a specific spell to be more powerful.. But at the same time hoarding resources like this isn't a good idea..' I started the long process of analyzing several spells I had picked and decided which spells I wanted to Level Up.

'I've got it. These five should be immediately useful, and I can upgrade three other spells later if I feel like I need to in a pinch.' I picked Haste, Remove Curse, Merlin's Tower, Merlin's Private Sanctum, and Creation.

Tier 4 Spell - |Haste ★★★★★| - Choose a willing creature that you can see within 30 Metres. For 1 Minute, the target’s Movement, Attack, and Casting Speed is doubled. Costs 200 MP to cast. Rank 5/5 Reduces MP cost. Rank 5 Bonus: Removes all Debuffs from the Haste Spell.

Tier 4 Spell - |Remove Curse ★★★★★| - Within up to 100 Metres, all curses affecting creatures or objects end. Costs 200 MP to cast. Rank 5/5 Reduces MP cost. Rank 5 Bonus: Increases range up to 100 Metres.

Tier 4 Spell - |Merlin's Tower ★★★★★| - For 24 Hours you conjure a tower made of stone, wood, or similar suitably sturdy materials. The tower can be round or square in shape, you can choose the height and width at will. Each level of the tower is 10 Metres tall and can be up to thirty floors tall, it also has an area of up to 100 square Metres in width. Access between levels consists of a ladder and hatch. Each level takes one of the following forms, chosen by you when you cast the spell: A bedroom with a bed, chairs, chest, and magical fireplace. A study with desks, books, bookshelves, parchments, ink, and ink pens. A dining space with a table, chairs, magical fireplace, containers, and cooking utensils. A lounge with couches, armchairs, side tables and footstools. A washroom with toilets, washtubs, a magical brazier, and sauna benches. An observatory with a telescope and maps of the night sky. An unfurnished, empty room. The interior of the tower is warm and dry, regardless of conditions outside. Any equipment or furnishings conjured with the tower dissipate into smoke if removed from it. At the end of the spell’s duration, all creatures and objects within the tower that were not created by the spell appear safely outside on the ground, and all traces of the tower and its furnishings disappear. You can cast this spell again while it is active to maintain the tower’s existence for another 24 hours. You can create a permanent tower by casting this spell in the same location and with the same configuration every day for 1 Year. Costs 500 MP to cast. Rank 5/5 Greatly Increases Floor Capacity. Rank 5 Bonus: One casting is now enough to create a permanent Tower if you consume 10kg of Gold when casting this Spell.

Tier 5 Spell - |Merlin's Private Sanctum ★★★★★| - You make an area within 120 Metres magically secure. The area is a cube that can be as small as 5 Metres to as large as 100 Metres on each side. The spell lasts for 24 Hours or until you to cancel the spell. When you cast the spell, you decide what sort of security the spell provides, choosing any or all of the following properties: Sound can’t pass through the barrier at the edge of the warded area. The barrier of the warded area appears dark and foggy, preventing vision (including Darkvision) through it. Sensors created by divination spells can’t appear inside the protected area or pass through the barrier at its perimeter. Creatures in the area can’t be targeted by divination spells. Nothing can teleport into or out of the warded area. Planar travel is blocked within the warded area. Casting this spell on the same spot every day for 1 Year makes this effect permanent. Costs 550 MP to cast. Rank 5/5 Allows for the caster to turn all ward effects on or off at will, you can also white or blacklist specific creatures to either become affected or not by the ward effects. Rank 5 Bonus: One casting is now enough to create a permanent set of Wards if you consume 10kg of Gold when casting this Spell.

Tier 6 Spell - |Creation ★★★★★| - By touching a non-living object, you can duplicate the material it is made out of. The object created must be no larger than a 1-Metre cube. There are 5 Tiers of materials that can be created and each Tier have different cooldown durations before the spell can be cast again at that Tier. Tier 1 - Vegetable Matter/Wood: 1 Minute, costs 125 MP to cast. Tier 2 - Stone/Crystal/Base Metals: 10 Minutes, costs 250 MP to cast. Tier 3 - Precious Metals: 1 Hour, costs 375 MP to cast. Tier 4 - Gemstones: 12 Hours, costs 500 MP to cast. Tier 5 Magical Metals/Magical Gemstones: 24 Hours, costs 1250 MP to cast. Rank 5/5 Reduces MP cost by 50%. Rank 5 Bonus: Allows the caster to automatically create an object the second the timer runs out and store it into their Inventory. If you do not have enough MP to cast the spell when it attempts to create an object, the Tier of Item it failed to create will stop generating objects until you cast the spell again.

'Hell yeah! Now I don't have to stress over cooldowns when generating my materials.. I also feel kinda silly now considering I could have just upgraded my Remove Curse spell to fix the problem of having to spend hours upon hours curing people.. Oh well, at least it makes it easier for me in the future...' I decided to roll some of my new Gacha Coins before I began reading some of the books from my huge hoard in my Inventory.


|Use 7 'GACHA COINS' Y/N?|



Weapon - Luck & Pluck - Broken Longsword. This legendary sword was gifted to Jonathan Joestar by Dark Knight Bruford after his human soul was restored. The sword was later split in half by Dio Brando, rendering it into this broken state. The sword yearns to be reforged and wielded once more.

Consumable Item - x10 Potion Of Stamina II - When consumed restores 1000 SP.

Consumable Item -x10 Potion Of Experience II - When consumed grants 10,000 EXP/1000 Resource Points.

Crafting Material - x1 Adamantine Ingot - 10KG

Tech Item - Psychic Paper - When this 'small document' is presented to someone it shows them what you want them to see, when in reality it's a blank piece of paper.

Crafting Material - x10 Gold Ingot - 1KG

Magic Item - Gale-Force Reading Glasses 120x - Magical reading glasses that boost your reading speed by 120 times.

'Did just I get the most amazing item to ever exist?... I think I need a minute. Don't freak out about the amount of books I can read. I totally won't freak out about the insane amount of books I can now read. Breathe in. Out. In. Out. Okay... I was going to say this is the best day of my life, but that was yesterday, this is still the second best day of my life but it's strange for them to be so close together...' I began to giggle uncontrollably to myself as I put on the glasses and picked up a book. I could feel the information flowing into me at lightspeed.

Sirius was busy. Ever since Anne had given him her Occlumency Skill he had found himself in the Black family library reading during the hours he didn't need to sleep. He had rejected his family's dark knowledge in the past, but no more. Anne had lit a metaphorical fire under his ass to do everything in his power to protect his family, just like she had decided to do herself. And wasn't that something? He had a family again. His brother and daughter in all but blood had come to save him. Remus, Anne, Frank, Alice, Bill, and Yuriko had all decided to save him. At first he couldn't understand why they cared so much about him. He was a bully, a monster that was responsible for killing James and Lily. But even as they knew those things, at Anne's call to action they all stood with her to lay siege to the tallest tower guarded by literal demons in a flying boat like some fairy tale. Sirius quickly found out that he could conjure a more powerful patronus than ever before by using that particular memory of Anne waiting for him to wake up reading a book in the corner of his bedroom.

'Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!' Sirius would always remember those words fondly, to the end of his days.

As Sirius placed a book back on the shelf closer to the hallway he heard Anne and Lalatina going at it like rabbits, again. That cheeky brat is too precocious for her own good, he thought to himself with a chuckle. Even if he knows that she has enough memories to be his mental age, he just couldn't help but see her as anything more than a teenager since her physical age was that of a child, and quite frankly, he didn't want to let go of the prospect of being the cool older brother or uncle, turned father. He sighed, and got back to the deeper section of the library to grab another spellbook. Anne's thoughts on magic was something almost everyone in the Order of the Phoenix were thinking, but didn't say or act on in the last war. Magic was magic, only intent mattered. Might simply makes might, not right. Decide what's right for yourself, huh? How he wished they hadn't believed in the lies of his time. Both sides of the war were swayed by leaders that looked out for themselves first and foremost, even at the cost of their followers. That was the major difference between them and her, he thought. Anne didn't see her people as disposable and considered a loss of a single life on her side to be a losing condition, not simply a minor inconvenience. That was the reason everyone she met and asked for aid seemed to follow her, they could sense her earnest desire to do good for all of her allies, even if it meant becoming a ruthless killer to save them. In Sirius' youth he would have been horrified at such an attitude but after a decade of living in the company of soul sucking monsters, he found himself being very sympathetic to that mindset. After he finished reading the first three chapters of the next spellbook, he felt slightly peckish and decided to take a break to get something to eat.

I was in the middle of reading a magical history book when I heard someone walking downstairs. I looked up and saw Sirius standing in the doorway holding some snacks.

''Good morning, Sirius. You're up early, too?''

''Yes, ever since you gave me your Occlumency Skill I've been reading in the family library whenever everyone goes to sleep and you go shagging your lovebird. What's with the glasses?'' He grins at me and starts eating his snacks.

''They're called 'Gale-Force Reading Glasses'. When you wear them your reading speed is boosted by one hundred and twenty times its natural speed. Also, I'll have you know I'm not 'shagging' Tina, I lovingly violate her.'' I put the book down and smirk at him with a smug aura one only properly manages to exude when you've just gotten laid.

''.... I see. Wait wait wait, what do you mean one hundred and twenty bloody times?'' He stared at my glasses.

''Yep, they are as insane as they sound. The lenses are made from a material called 'Lacrima' and have been enchanted with Wind Magic. The second I'm capable of replicating these babies I'll do anything in my power to mass produce them. Perhaps I should push for them to become mandatory for Hogwarts students and demand several more electives get added, maybe even make sure all of the 'electives' stop being elective and core classes instead. That is if I do manage to mass produce them at some point in the future..'' I hold out the glasses for him to try them on.

He grabs them shakily and gasps as he opens the book I hand him.

''No f*cking way...-'' He sighs and hands them back. ''-I know your magic can do some crazy things but you don't seem to ever stop surprising me. If you can figure out how to mass produce those glasses the implications would be world shattering. The economy in Wizarding Britain would literally explode because all of the Ministry workers could get things done in hours as opposed to days, companies would increase productivity by several hundred fold, and as you mentioned everyone would demand that they become mandatatory in school and that Hogwarts expands its corriculum, which would drastically increase the skills of citizens, boosting the economy even more..'' Sirius started laughing.

''Pfft, you just wait until I figure out how to replicate the Internet and Smartphones with magic. Those two things will speed up cultural shifts and innovation by several thousand percent-'' I muttered under my breath.''-Anyways, I got a bit of an update. Lalatina has become the first member of my Peerage. If you or anyone else want to join my Peerage that's now an option on the table, so to speak. I managed to get Kreacher in contact with Dobby and bonded with him, and finally, I spoke with my higher self again earlier. We both decided on the best route forward. First, we need send someone to take up the DADA position at Hogwarts from our faction since the curse has been removed. Second, I have access to accurate Divination Spells and I should be exploiting that fact. The muggles have this thing called a lottery, and they also gamble in places called Casinos. Now personally I believe both of those things to be complete scams that act like a low IQ tax on the poor so I don't feel bad cheating at them, but I could do so and then get sh*tloads of money out of it to buy land.''

''That's.. Not a terrible idea. We do need land to build that Museum and the store you wanted to make, and even as much as I don't mind spending the Black family fortune because I'd never need that much gold in several lifetimes, more money isn't exactly a bad thing.''

''Exactly.. Now, we've not really confronted this issue but do you want to take that mental health check at the Ministry to get your old job back, or do you want to do something else, or simply do nothing at all? I won't judge you either way but it would be nice to know before I continue with my plans.''

''... I'll take the health check, assuming I pass it, I will then apply as DADA Proffessor. I want to hire Moony as the Black family steward, he has already shown great interest in the job when I asked him the other day. I think the only reason he took the DADA job in the alternate timeline was that he wanted to see other-you again.. Now, as for joining your Peerage.. I want to join. I don't know about Moony and Yuriko's opinion but no matter what I won't let myself die on you like the other-me did in the alternate timeline.''

I warned Sirius about the potential appearance of a retractable tail and dog ears, but he still wanted to go through with it even with my warnings of other unknown side-effects. He ended up picking a Pawn piece. He could also control his animal bits perfectly and unlike Lalatina his hair didn't change, but his eyes did. They went from his regular silvery grey to the dull yellow of his animagus form, which made him look slightly otherworldly. He also noticeably de-aged. He now looked like he did in his prime during the first blood war. I wasn't that worried though, I could probably play off any prominent members of my Peerage de-aging as an effect of some one-time-use items I made if Madam Bones asks about it. Which technically wouldn't be a lie, I still don't know how to make Evil Pieces even though I have a nearly limitless supply of Agarasite. I'm sure I'll eventually figure it out one day, though. A while later Remus, Yuriko, and Lalatina all woke up and joined us for breakfast. After eating I explained to Remus and Yuriko why the others looked different and asked if they wanted to join my Peerage like Sirius and Lalatina did, Remus agreed almost instantly but Yuriko took a couple of hours to decide.

''I want to join your Peerage..'' Yuriko started with an uncertain tone.

''I'm sensing a 'But' in that sentence. Is something wrong? You seem tense. If it's about the fact that you were watching me f*ck Tina the other day whilst masturbating outside the door, we thought it was hot and don't care.'' I finished bluntly.

''You didn't?! Wait, no! Tha-that's not the.. Oh.'' Yuriko blushed furiously.

''Oh? Did you feel guilty? Don't. I might have been a little pissed if it was Sirius or Remus peeking since they're family but you're not, so don't feel sad. Is there any other reason you feel hung up on joining my Peerage?'' I ask.

''I.. I thought I was going to die before coming here. I was willing to kill myself for my friend, but.. I was so scared. I don't want to feel like that again. Ever. Or at least anytime soon. I also f-feel, w-well.. you know.. attracted to you and Lalatina-Chan. So that might become a hindra-'' I interrupt her.

''You won't become a hindrance for me or Tina, Yuriko. If you want to join us in bed that's fine, but if you do I expect you to only be with me or Tina that way. Is that what you want?-'' I leaned into her as she blushed even harder and whispered into her ear''-Do you want me to make you scream like Tina does every night, too?''

''Yes.'' She said as she breathed out unconsciously.''-I mean, NO! I.. I-'' She stammered but I leaned into her and kissed her.

''It's alright, Yuriko. I understand, just let go.'' I leaned down and began to suck on her neck.

Lewd Scene Start

I pushed my knee into her panties and held her pushed against the wall as I continued kissing her neck. I couldn't sense anyone in this corridor, so I kept fondling her and made contact with Tina using Telepathy to make her come find us. I started to grope her left boob over her clothes, and I kept the rhythim up with my knee against her panties. She moaned and shuddered helplessly at my ministrations.

''I.. I-I! OH! Lily-chan! W-what about Lalatina-chan! Shouldn't she-ooohh sh*t- sh-shouldn't she get a s-say about thIIIIS!'' She whispered and moaned loudly as I slipped a hand down her panties in place of my knee.

''Tina loves that I want to f*ck other women. Speaking of Tina, there she comes now-'' I put all of Yuriko's clothes into my inventory within a split second, quickly pulled her around and leaned onto the wall so that her back was exposed to Lalatina. ''-Tina, why don't be a good girl and lick Yuriko's ass for me.'' I put all of my clothes into my inventory and line myself up with Yuriko's c*nt, I could feel her leaking all over my co*ck.

''Y-yes Mistress!'' She scrambles forwards and gets on her knees, and start to press her face into Yuriko's ass.

''Oh.. I-I! Ohh L-lily-chan I can't! HNNG!'' She gyrates her hips and presses herself into me as Lalatina starts to lick her backdoor with no hesitation.

''Is this what you want? If you want this then we won't stop, just tell me what you want?'' I ask smugly as I pull on her asscheecks to give Lalatina better access to her butthole.

''I.. I want you to.. do it...'' She mumbles.

''Do what? I can't hear you.'' I slap her right asscheek once.

''AAAaahh!-I-I want you to f*ck me! Please!'' She wraps her hands around my neck and begins to kiss me furiously. I line myself up and push inside of her. I feel a barrier blocking my path, I keep pushing slowly and feel it tear and give way.

'Huh, she was a virgin as well... What a kinky bitch, asking to be deflowered in a hallway where we could get caught. That's hot.' I thought to myself in amusem*nt as she cried out in pain into my mouth.

After I felt myself hilt completely inside her with my co*ck pushing her cervix into her stommach, I began to f*ck her. Slowly at first, then faster and faster until I reached an acceptably fast pace. I could feel Lalatina move down and lick where I was connected with Yuriko for a few moments, then she moved back up to Yuriko's asshole. From the slight clench of Yuriko's puss*, I assumed Lalatina had started to finger her ass with one or two fingers. I assumed correctly. Yuriko screamed into my mouth as she came like a waterfall and completely collapsed in my arms a few seconds later. I felt myself get over the edge after f*cking her limp body for another five minutes. By the time I was about to cum Yuriko was a leaking, gasping, inchoherent, shaking mess hanging limp on my co*ck. I pulled out as I came just in time, and sprayed Lalatina's tit* with several ropes of my sperm, which she quickly began scooping up and swallowing.

''T-that was amazing... I almost t-t-thought I was going to die..'' Yuriko was gasping for air and still spasmed every now and then.

Lewd Scene End

In the end, Remus picked a Pawn and Yuriko picked a Knight Piece. Remus visibly de-aged like Sirius and looked better than he ever has, probably due to the strain of being a werewolf destroying his body in the past. His hair changed from his light brown into a bright orange like his red fox animagus form, and his eyes changed a second time. The first time they were yellow from becoming a werewolf which remained with him even after getting cured, now they were an electric blue colour like his fox form's eyes which apparently, was how they used to look like originally when he was a child. He could also perfectly control his new animal bits and now had a poofy fox tail and ears. Yuriko's change was slightly less drastic, but only slightly. She sprouted fuzzy ladybug antennae from the top of her head, her arms and legs became covered in black-dotted bright red exoskeleton plates that seemed to act like natural armor. She could also morph her devil wings into transparent ladybug wings. She also thankfully didn't have any issues with retracting her animal bits either.

The next couple of months went by very quickly. I barely managed to squeeze time to get into my Instant Dungeon because of all the things I had to juggle. I heard back from Slughorn within one week of the trials taking place with him agreeing to attempt to take over as Potion's Master, he succeeded in the end but didn't end up becoming the Head of Slytherhin House, Dumbledore kept Snape in that position. I was also busy teaching Hermione more often than once a week now that I was no longer desperately busy with getting Sirius free, she came to visit Grimmauld Place several times during that summer. I went to the meeting with Madam Bones I was called to, I managed to calm her concerns about the incident in the death chamber and I even brought her into the know about my secret Animagus Goblet. With my permission I lent her the goblet and hundreds of Aurors and Hit Wiazards signed magical contracts stating that they would not to abuse their new powers and to keep the knowledge of how they got their forms secret. Madam Bones was extremely pleased with my services and put in a good word for me with the DoM when she forwarded the classified documents with the explanation of the sudden and dramatic increase in Animagi in the Auror and Hit Wizard forces. Sirius passed his mental health check and was accepted for the DADA post, Remus became the official steward of House Potter-Black and managed our paperwork. He apparently liked to do paperwork, never let it be said that Remus didn't have strange hobbies, but he was a godsend during that summer helping us dealing with the legal work for my underhanded acquisition of gambling money. I managed to practically bankrupt several casinos all over Europe with different identities and won several hundred million dollars worth of various currencies in lotteries from all over the continent. The best part? All of my new assets were considered completely legal and pooled into my new company: Marauders Inc. I then invested heavily into tech companies I knew from my last life would explode in value such as Intel, Apple and Microsoft. My next big move was to hire hundreds of people to work on developing the first major electronic payment processor since the Internet was currently in its infancy state, and I didn't want to let someone else capitalize on the idea first. If I pushed for this obviously revolutionary technology earlier than it came to be in my last life I would definitely generate a godly amount of money through processing fees. I took some time every day to visit Roko, and the chamber was eventually cleaned by Dobby and Kreacher. I found several valuable books and artifacts inside the chamber along with fully furnished rooms easily capable of housing half a dozen people. Sadly we didn't find any other elves that wanted to work for me until we spoke with the Hogwarts elves where we finally got a positive response and managed to recruit three more elves into the family. They were called Deet, Teak, and Mipsy. Deet seemed to be growing interested in Dobby, Teak and Deet were a twin brother and sister. Teak was already the house-elf equivalent of married to Mipsy, which at first felt like the only reason Mipsy came along with the twin elves. After a couple of weeks however I caught Mipsy smiling to herself and muttering about how much better it was working for House Potter-Black. That put a smile on my face for the rest of the day. I was very proud of my achievment of making a friendly atmosphere for the magical creatures in my family. Then I finally got around to visiting the Lovegoods.

Rookery Flashback Start

I knocked on the front door of the Rookery. I heard a pair of feet coming towards the door from the inside and heard someone click the lock open, then Luna opened the door.

''You're Anne Potter. I have married you hundreds of times. Well, I've played a Prince for Ginevra to marry when she was acting like you.'' Luna said with a confused frown when she saw me standing outside of her house.

''Yes, I am. And you're Luna Lovegood. I can't say that I have had the same experience of pretend marrying you but that does sound amusing.'' I replied in the same airy tone before smiling at her shocked expression.

''Would you like to come in, Anne Potter?'' She asked me with her head tilted to the side in growing confusion.

''Yes, please. Sorry for coming unannounced but I've been rather busy with everything since returning to the magical world. Now, is this a timeline where you're a Seer or do you not see things in this one? I remember you from a future past, you see, and decided to attempt befriending you earlier in this timeline. If you remember or have seen us in a possible future then this conversation might go a little faster, is all.'' I smiled at her confused face.

''I only see invisible creatures, such as Wrackspurts and Nargles. My mother is a Seer but sadly I don't believe I have inherited her gift for Divination in this.. Timeline?'' She looked me up and down with great interest.

''Oh?.. Your mother is still alive? That's great news! In the other timeline she sadly passed away after a spell she made went wrong last year..'' I said with a sombre tone at the end.

''Moonbeam, do we have guests!?'' I heard Pandora Lovegood ask from upstairs with an excited voice.

''Yes, mum! It's Anne Potter!'' She shouted back up the stairs after looking back at me with questioning eyes.

Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood both came downstairs and prepared some tea. I spent several hours that day explaining my, by now, well rehearsed story of being a special kind of Seer. They all got a bit freaked out when they learned about my weird branch of Divination magic, especially when I could show immediate and consistent results in front of them. I just did what I usually do when I go to a Casino and predicted good or bad fortune on small games of chance over and over with one hundred percent accuracy thanks to my Augury spell. When I explained what happened to the other Luna in the alternate timeline and why I was there, I was hugged by a crying Pandora and a grateful Xenophilius, thanking me desperately for looking out for their Moonbeam. She was their treasure, after all. After looking over some of Pandora's spellcrafting notes she found a spell that, when she double checked, would have killed her. She wasn't sure what had pushed the accident forwards in this timeline but was thankful to me for seemingly preventing her death. She swore to never attempt any new spells without being in the pressence of multiple people ever again, she never wanted to leave her daughter behind like she did in the alternate timeline. I used my Clan Trait to learn Mrs Lovegood's Seer Trait Luna's specific type of Magesight before I left when I shook all their hands goodbye, it sadly took away my House-Elf Magic and Owl-Magic traits until I reached Level 101, but that was a sacrifice I was willing to make.

Trait - |Magesight: Empathic| Trait - |Seer: Oracle|

Rookery Flashback End

I met up with the Tonks family with Sirius, and I also ended up finally meeting Neville, which was a slightly amusing first encounter. He was a true plant nerd and I got an instinctual urge to protect him when he rambled about magical plants to me. Frank and Alice didn't want to accept my offer of becoming devils until I could guarantee both Neville and a potential future Bride for him getting the same choice, but they gladly accepted my offer of being able to use the Animagus Goblet, both of the elder Longbottoms turned into Bear Animagi. Frank was a Polar Bear and Alice turned into a Black Bear. Bill refused to become a devil for the same reason as the Longbottoms, he wanted his entire family and their potential spouses to get the option as well so it was shelved for now. Bill did accept the goblet though, he turned into a Lion Animagus. I assured both Bill and the Longbottoms that I would eventually figure out how to replicate the Evil Pieces or something else with the capability to expand their lifespans. It would probably just take some years.

Helheim Flashback Start

I decided to level up my Overlord Class but hit a brief snag and realized I might have to explore Helheim properly for the first time.

Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black
Age: 10
Level: 71
Race: Devil/Overlord - (King - DxD/Magical - HPU)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)
Racial Class: Gaim: Overlord - 9/10 |Next Level: 10 - 100,000 EXP, x1 Golden Fruit Charge Required|
Unique Class: Saint - 0/10 |Next Level: 1 - 100,000 EXP, Level 10 Required|
Class: Wizard - 52/100 |Next Level: 52 - 100,000 EXP Required|
HP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
MP: 4000/4000 - {4200/4200}
EP: 1000/1000 - {1100/1100}
SP: 2000/2000 - {2200/2200}
STRENGHT: 60 - {70}
DEXTERITY: 100 - {110}
CONSTITUTION: 100 - {110}
INTELLIGENCE: 200 - {210}
WISDOM: 100 - {110}
CHARISMA: 60 - {70}
LUCK: 40 - {50}
ENERGY: 100 - {110}
ENDURANCE: 100 - {110}
POWER: 100 - {110}
EXP - |108,920|

Perk - |Golden Fruit Transmutation| - You can transmute a piece of the Golden Fruit into a Lockseed or extract a Golden Fruit Seed for one of the five Charges on a Golden Fruit at will.

'I need to consume a charge of the Golden Fruit to level up? I suppose that isn't the most outlandish concept considering The System already introduced Level Requirements, but I still didn't expect to be co*ckblocked in this way.. The question now is, do I bother going into the dangerous alternate dimension or do I focus on my Saint Class for now?.. I think I'm too tempted by the prospect of finishing my Overlord Levels. I'm sure it'll just be a quick trip, no point stressing over it.'

I found myself into Helheim and decided to take to the skies with my devil wings to fly above the trees, hoping to escape the attention of the denizens of the forest below. As I flew over the trees I noticed a mountain the distance with a faint glowing light eminating from its peak after less than ten minutes later.

'OH! Is that the Golden Fruit? Already!? Surely not? I'll check it out, but.. I'll remain vigilant.' I flew towards the glowing light and sure enough, it was a Golden Fruit attached to a big tree at the very peak of the mountain.

I picked the divine object up and quickly cast observe on it.

|Golden Fruit - 5/5 Charges|

The fruit was shimmering with golden light and was lightly vibrating and emiting a humming sound. I took a small bite of the fruit and immediately felt overwhelming power surge within my body.

|Golden Fruit - 4/5 Charges|

Racial Class: Gaim: Overlord - 9/10 |Next Level: 10 - 100,000 EXP Required|

''Sweet..'' I sighed in relief at the condition lifting for my Level Up.

|Level Up!!!|

Racial Class: Gaim: Overlord - 10/10 |Level Max|

EXP - |8,920|

|Max Level Reward|

Title - |Overlord| - Grants holder the Perk - |Gaim Technology Creation| - Once every 24 hours you can create one of the following items: Sengoku Driver, Genesis Driver, Energy Lockseed, Lock-Vehicle Lockseed, Special Lockseed.


|Gaim: Overlord Traits Evolving and Combining|


|Traits 'Overlord Physiology' 'Helheim Plant Creation' 'Inves Creation/Control' 'Helheim Magic' 'Overlord Form' 'Helheim Weapon Creation' and 'Overlord Magic' have combined and evoled.|

Trait - |Man Of The Beginning| - Once per day you can eat a Helheim Fruit and earn 10,000 EXP. You can create Helheim flora and fruits at will. You can disintegrate any Helheim flora and fruits at will within 100 metres. You can manipulate Helheim flora at will. You can open and close Cracks to and from Helheim at will. You can summon and banish a weapon that is Soulbound to yourself at will. This weapon can take any shape you desire, and it can be used as a Spellcasting Focus. You can create 1 subservient, permanent Inves per day. Costs 1000 MP per Elementary Inves (Maximum Cap = 100 Every 100 Levels), 10,000 MP per Advanced Inves (Maximum Cap = 10 Every 100 Levels), and 30,000 MP per Evolved Inves (Maximum Cap = 1 Every 100 Levels). It costs half as much MP to make wild Inves within your line of sight subservient, this method is not limited by your daily cap, but you cannot excede your level cap's maximum capacity using this method. Your 'Overlord Form' is now entirely cosmetic and fully customizable. You gain a permanent +50% Phys Damage Resistance. You can now use every type of Overlord Magic at once: Disintegration, Telepathy, Fire Manipulation, Force-Field Generation, Telekinesis, Electricity Maniuplation, Teleportation, Levitation, Intangibility, and Enhanced Awareness.

I put the Golden Fruit into my Inventory and as I was about to open a crack to get back home I heard a voice behind me.

''Foolish one, how did you manage to get into my forest? This world shouldn't have any entrances to my forest at this point in time. What have you done with the Forbidden Fruit?'' I turned around and saw a gigantic black serpent with glowing blue eyes covered in Helheim flora and floating ominously in the air.

''Greetings, Serpent, I have consumed one fifth of the fruit for myself and I intend to experiment on the remaining four fifths. As for how I'm here? I blame divine intervention for my ability to come here earlier than you intended. Your forest's invasion and test of evolution will not be allowed on my home world.'' As I was speaking I made a Sengoku Driver with my new perk and conjured a Helheim Fruit, then put the driver on my waist, which instantly turned the fruit in my hand into a Lockseed. It was the Apple Lockseed. The Sengoku Driver activated and my faceplate shimmered into existence on the front of the driver.

I could tell the serpent was getting more and more furious with me the longer I explained myself to him, so before he could get out of his stunned rage I quickly transformed.







''I will protect my world and family, Serpent! I am Armored Rider Morningstar! And I will never stop fighting for my second chance at life!'' I hold my sword and shield in a defensive stance and wait for the serpent's next move.

''Die, irregular one!'' The serpent moved with great speed and precision, he instantly struck my shield with his tail and pushed me backwards almost twenty five metres. The serpent quickly flew after me with great speed and instantly broke my Force-Fields like they were made of paper.


-753 HP

''NNNGH!..|Haste, Slow|.. |Mother's Rosario|!.. HAAAAAHHHH!!!'' I cast a buff and de-buffing spell and activate my eleven hit sword skill. My Apple Sword began to glow with bright purple energy, I slashed five times at the serpent back and forth to the left, then another five times back and forth to the right, then finally I stabbed forwards through it's head.

The wounds on the serpent's flesh instantly healed, I heard him laugh as he teleported with a bright flash of green light and a sudden erruption of Helheim flora. I could feel him behind me with Enhanced Awareness so I rolled out of the way of his vicious bite attack and I quickly reached for my Driver again.



My Apple Sword starts to glow a deep crimson red and I make three swift slashes through the air, creating a triangle of energy that blasts into the serpent. The blast of energy barely slows the serpent down and I feel it bite down on my shoulder.

-522 HP

'f*ck! WHAT DO I DO?!.. I need an opening! I can't win if I can't find its weakness-WAIT! What is that?!-' What I felt in that moment of desperation was my Origin Devil trait activating'-I forgot. The Serpent from Gaim is that world's version of The Devil! I can do this!'


Name: Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black
Age: 10
Level: 72
Race: Devil/Overlord - (Greater Animagus)
Sex: Male & Female - (Greater Metamorphmagus)

Trait - |Greater Animagus| - Allows the user to transform into a magical creature. You can transform into a Helheim Serpent.

The serpent was thrashing and still holding me down, tearing at my shoulder with its teeth. But I steeled myself and reached for my driver again.

-140 HP



I felt the Apple Sword start to glow with crimson energy and at the same time I channeled Hamon energy into the blade.

''Apple Sword-|Silver Metal Overdrive|!'' I thrust the sword directly into one of the serpent's eyes, it let go of my shoulder and began to scream in pain. Radiant energy was its weakness.

I took that window of opportunity to transform into my new Helheim Serpent form. My entire body started to glow with green energy and I felt myself elongate, my vision somehow beceame clearer but at the same time I only saw in shades of green. I exploited the serpent's moment of frozen panic at my new form, and struck forwards and chomped down around the serpent's neck. Then, I channeled as much MP as I could into my Disintegration magic and watched the serpent turn into fine white dust.

''Damn you..'' The Serpent died, cursing me with its last breath and leaving me alone with my adrenaline induced panic.


|Trait 'Man Of The Beginning' has evolved.|

Trait - |Serpent Of The Garden| - Once per day you can eat a Helheim Fruit and earn 10,000 EXP. You can create Helheim flora and fruits at will. You can disintegrate any Helheim flora and fruits at will within 100 metres. You can manipulate Helheim flora at will. You can open and close Cracks to and from Helheim at will. You can summon and banish a weapon that is Soulbound to yourself at will. This weapon can take any shape you desire, and it can be used as a Spellcasting Focus. You can create subservient, permanent Inves using your MP. Costs 1000 MP per Elementary Inves (Maximum Cap = 100 Every 100 Levels), 10,000 MP per Advanced Inves (Maximum Cap = 10 Every 100 Levels), and 30,000 MP per Evolved Inves (Maximum Cap = 1 Every 100 Levels). It costs half as much MP to make wild Inves within your line of sight subservient. You can now turn humanoids into Overlords at will with your touch, there is no risk of turning the target humanoid into mindless Inves by using this innate magic. Feeding an Overlord a piece of a Golden Fruit made with this method will give it access to 1 new, random type of innate magic per charge. Your 'Overlord Form' is now entirely cosmetic and fully customizable. You gain a permanent +50% Phys Damage Resistance. You can now use every type of Overlord Magic at once: Disintegration, Telepathy, Fire Manipulation, Force-Field Generation, Telekinesis, Electricity Maniuplation, Teleportation, Levitation, Intangibility, and Enhanced Awareness.


|Perk 'Golden Fruit Transmutation' has evolved.|

Perk - |Golden Fruit Transmutation/Creation| - You can transmute a piece of the Golden Fruit into a Lockseed or extract a Golden Fruit Seed for one of the five Charges on a Golden Fruit at will. You can create a Golden Fruit for 10,000 SHOP CREDITS at will.

After getting back from the forest safely I gathered my faction, which I now officially named House Morningstar, for a meeting and turned them all into Overlords. It was a simple solution to my lack of Evil Pieces, but I was still experimenting with the Agarasite as a side project anyways. I didn't turn any of the children in my faction into Overlords, but the parents all agreed that if they wanted to gain these powers and increased lifespan once they were of age, I could do so. This included Hermione's parents, whom I had taught Hamon earlier in the year along with Hermione. They didn't have magic at that time, but all of the Grangers had a decently large Energy pool to draw from. Not that it mattered in the end because turning them into Overlords let them have to access magic as well.

Helheim Flashback End

I managed to buy a large plot of land in Scotland just twenty kilometres away from Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, and I decided to found my own magical settlement. I already bought out Borgin & Burke's and converted that shop into my own pawn shop/luxury goods shop in Knockturn Alley that I decided to name: Pottermore. I also opened a Pottermore branch store inside Hogsmeade. It was easy work to convert some of the materials I generate daily with Creation and make things such as unique and elaborate jewelry with Fabricate, I made a LOT of profit. Something the elites of the Wizarding world love is to look unique, and they were wiling to pay huge amounts of Galleons for something custom made that cost me effectively nothing to make except some time. The people with less money also found themselves entranced with my goods that I simply mass produced and my brand's name recognition exploded in the Magical World seemingly overnight. I also sold books, music, comics and movies from Terra's future, since I published those when they technically didn't exist yet I all of a sudden had several dozen popular well written IPs under my name in both the muggle and wizarding world published. The vast majority of them ended up becoming big hits. I had to hire several dozen more people to properly manage things for me. A lot of my time was dedicated to just reading fanmail and signing documents for a couple of months. f*cking beaurocratic bullsh*t, man. I was extremely grateful to Remus when he took over the majority of our paperwork after I figured out how to replicate the Gale-Force Reading Glasses' enchantment by using runes on lenses made with Creation produced Lacrima.

Blackstone City Flashback Start

After I bought the land and had it hidden behind several wards to make it unplottable and muggle repelled, the slow task of creating the main wards started. First I carved a massive wardstone and made a room for it underground that served as a basem*nt for my central tower. I eventually managed to errect a massive permanent dome of force that should block out any harmful spells in the event of an attack. Inside that dome I began to make permanent 'towers' by casting Merlin's Tower that were slightly curved and missing their outer walls on both left and right sides over and over inside of a ring of stone I had made with spells terraforming the area. Once I was done I was left with a massive circular wall made from black marble with one empty spot for a 'tower' missing, that's where I placed the final tower to act as the gatehouse and entrance into the city. The wall was twenty metres thick, three kilometres wide, three hundred metres tall, and filled with mostly empty rooms inside. It was engraved with intricate patterns along the outside and the machiculations came up with spiked points all around the structure. It looked like a city wall version of Orthanc, and speaking of that particular tower, guess who decided to place a near perfect replica of it in the middle of the city on top of that wardstone room? This Devil did, and it was my new home. Inside the wall I started to make more smaller regular towers that were placed at random where they would look nice on the slopes of natural terrain. Those smaller towers would serve as apartments for people to rent or homes to buy. I made the entire thing in just over ten hours, but it cost most of my stockpiled gold blocks. When I was finished I decided to play a small prank on Sirius and Remus.

''Do you guys want to check out the land I bought? I think I need some feedback on where to begin. I got the wards all set up now, and taking a look at the area together might spark some creative juices for us in, you know, city planning.'' I asked the two Marauders, heavily implying it to be an empty plot of land.

''Sure thing Pup, flame us over.'' Sirius said, Remus nodded.

I grabbed both of their hands and teleported us just inside the wall in front of the gatehouse, looking directly at my massive Orthanc-esque tower surrounded by the half-built tower city.

'' ''Bloody Hell!'' '' They both shouted simultaneously.

''I was wondering what type of roads you thought would be the best option, do you think we should stick with the black marble or should we go for a more dark grey? Should we just keep it simple and use asphalt roads?'' I asked the stunned men.

''Merlin's saggy balls, cub.. How did you make all of this so quickly?! This is huge!'' Remus questioned excitedly. Sirius was staring and gaping at the gigantic tower, and then eventually he said-

''-Are uh.. Are you sure the style won't make you look like some kind of upstart Dark Lady? That thing looks menacing!.. I still love it, though!'' Sirius rambled in concern and started to giggle as he took in the sight of the gigantic wall and towers.

''It'll be fine. Did you forget that we're using the Black family as the inspiration and namesake for the city? The traditionalists will love it for being 'Dark' and traditional enough, and the regular people like the muggleborns and half bloods will love it for being a cheap place to live and remain in the magical world without fear of breaking the statute. There's a reason why most people live in the muggle world after Hogwarts. The properties in Hogsmeade and Diagon are super expensive, and even if you can afford to live there, most of the purebloods that live there are bigots and can easily make life hell for you.'' I justified.

''I guess.. Still, this is amazing.'' Sirius ruffled my hair and grinned at me. Remus was busy taking notes rapidly.

''Yes. I think this will do nicely, cub.. I'll have to get back to you about those roads you were asking about..'' Remus said as he finally put his notebook down.

I gave them a quick tour of the place. There was a lot of excitement that week and hundreds of families from all over the magical world decided to move into my city within months. I petitioned for organized Auror patrols of the new settlement, the request was easily accepted when I let the ministry have free access to several hundred rooms inside the wall surrounding the city, functioning like living spaces and offices for the ministry workers and their families stationed in Blackstone City. Blackstone Museum and another branch for Pottermore opened within a few days of the city becoming the second offical all-magical settlement in Britain. Both establishments were a major success. I also opened a public theatre and built a massive open stage where concerts, movie screenings and plays were regularly performed, two public Quidditch Pitches with one of them being inside a Stadium for the sport fans to watch and play for proffesional and local events, and a public waterpark with waterslides and massive pools. The city had access to electricity for those that wanted it, but I made sure to keep the streetlamps and general theme of the city as magical looking as possible. There was no need for a gas powered or enchanted candle based lighting system but I still kept the same lanterns you'd find in Diagon Alley, but instead it just covered an electric lightbulb. The point of doing so was to try to make the magically-raised people more and more comfortable in the presence of electric technology, slowly but surely. The city was slowly becoming a quasi amusem*nt park and we ended up getting a lot of tourism from the magical side of the European and American continent due to the cultural hotspot I had made with the creation of Blackstone City.

Blackstone City Flashback End

A few days after I finished building the foundations for Blackstone City I began the arduous task of constructing the ritual site required for the ritual I needed for the Hogwarts artifacts and, as the quest put it, 'seal them inside my soul'. I went into Helheim and began construction. It took me a couple of days to complete the ritual and gather the ingredients, but I managed to get everything ready without issue. I poured my magic into the ritual and let the energies wash over me and the four artifacts placed in four corners around me. The pain was suprisingly negligible, and just as suddenly as the ritual started, it finished. The founders' artifacts faded out of physical reality and merged with the Hallows sealed inside of me.


|QUEST COMPLETE: Genesis Hallow|
Collect 7 legendary artifacts and combine them in a ritual to create a Divine Object known as a Sacred Gear.
Objective 1 (o) The Elder Wand
Objective 2 (o) The Resurrection Stone
Objective 3 (o) The Cloak Of Invisibility
Objective 4 (o) Slytherin's Locket
Objective 5 (o) Hufflepuff's Cup
Objective 6 (o) Ravenclaw's Diadem
Objective 7 (o) Gryffindor's Sword - Reward: Book - Divine Rituals 4 Dummies
Objective 8 (o) Combine the Hogwarts founder's artifacts with the Deathly Hallows currently sealed inside your soul with a ritual. - Reward: Trait - |Sacred Gear: Genesis Hallow|, 100,000 EXP.

Trait - |Sacred Gear: Genesis Hallow ☆☆☆☆☆| - A Divine Relic sealed within your soul housing your Higher Self. Rank 0: Your Higher Self is now perfectly integrated into The Gamer System and can communicate with you at will. Level 100, 1,000,000 EXP Required for next Rank Up.


|Title Activated|

Title - |Master Of Death| - You can cast the three unforgivable curses for no MP cost, speak with Souls from the afterlife, and become Invisible at will.

''Damn. I don't know how much I trust myself with the ability to speak with the dead constantly, this is why I threw the stone away in the first place..'' I muttered.

|You'll do fine, loli-half. The fact that you're worried about losing yourself to this power is reason enough to know you won't. Also, hello!|

''Hello shota-half, thanks for your vote of confidence but you know me just as well as I do. I might be fine right this second but in the long run..''

|We'll get through this together. Don't worry about it, loli-me. Think of it this way, if you ever gain access to resurrection spells you can now make sure that the person in question wants to come back? Doesn't sound all that bad, right?|

''I suppose..''

Several months after getting the ability to talk to the dead, I finally unlocked resurrection magic and I was a stressed out mess. I had been mostly neglecting my growing pool of Gacha Coins and Spell Points. I was mostly just slowly gaining EXP every day from eating Helheim Fruits and getting passive EXP from my small Peerage completing contracts, or the miniscule amounts of EXP I got from joining Yuriko on her raids by killing child traffickers and the occasional Death Eater. I had been so busy with everyone and everything else in my life. When I looked at my status screen one day and realised that I had access to resurrection magic.. Well. It changed everything. I had almost lost hope at first of ever getting a resurrection spell since every level of my Saint Class picked the spells automatically for me, and it didn't give me one for the first nine levels, but at Character Level 101 it finally happened.

Big Spell Information Dump, Scroll Down For TL:DR

Tier 1 Spell - |Word Of Radiance| - You utter a divine word, and burning radiance erupts from you. Each creature of your choice that you can see within 10 Metres take Radiant Damage. Costs 100 MP to cast.

Tier 2 Spell - |Purify Food And Drink| - All nonmagical food and drink within a 5-Metre-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice 10 Metres is purified and rendered free of poison and disease. Costs 250 MP to cast.

Tier 3 Spell - |Lesser Restoration| - You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned. Costs 300 MP to cast

Tier 4 Spell - |Create Food And Water| - You create 10kg of food and 3 litres of water on the ground or in containers within 30 Metres. The food is bland but nourishing, and spoils if uneaten after 24 hours. The water is clean and doesn’t go bad. Costs 400 MP to cast.

Tier 5 Spell - |Heal| - Choose a creature that you can see within 50 Metres. A surge of positive energy washes through the creature, causing it to regain 500 HP. The spell also ends blindness, deafness, and any diseases affecting the target. Costs 575 MP to cast.

Tier 6 Spell - |Greater Restoration| - You imbue a creature you touch with positive energy to undo a Permanent Debuff such as a lost limb or a permanent injury. You can reduce a creature's exhuastion level by 1, or Remove 1 curse including the attunement to a cursed magical item. Costs 680 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |Regenerate| - You touch a creature and stimulate its natural healing ability. The target instantly regains 500 HP. For the next 10 minutes the target regains an additional 50 HP per second. If the target is missing severed limbs then they are restored after 5 minutes. If you have the severed part and hold it to the stump, the spell instantaneously causes the limb to knit to the stump. Costs 750 MP to cast.

Tier 6 Spell - |Morgana's Hand| - You create a Large hand of shimmering, translucent force in an unoccupied space that you can see within 50 Metres. The hand lasts for 10 Minutes, and it moves at your command, mimicking the movements of your own hand. The hand has a pool of HP equal to your Maximum HP, if it reaches 0 HP the spell ends. You can move the hand at 50 Metres per second and use it to damage creatures, destroy objects, grasp something, or push something. Deals Force Damage. Costs 650 MP to cast.

Tier 8 Spell - |Saint's Feast| - You bring forth a great feast, including magnificent food and drink. The feast takes 1 hour to consume and disappears at the end of that time, and the beneficial effects don’t set in until this hour is over. Up to 12 creatures can partake of the feast. A creature that partakes of the feast gains several benefits. The creature is cured of all diseases and poison, becomes immune to poison, fear, and charm effects. The creature also gains an increased 1000 Maximum HP. These benefits last for 24 hours. Costs 850 MP to cast.

Tier 6 Spell - |Animate Objects| - Objects come to life at your command for 10 Minutes. Choose up to 10 nonmagical objects within 120 Metres that are not being worn or carried. Each targeted object animates and gains 500 HP and becomes a creature under your control until the spell ends or until reduced to 0 HP. You can mentally command any creature you made with this spell if the creature is within 100 Metres of you (if you control multiple creatures, you can command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one). You decide what action the creature will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the creature only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete. Costs 630 MP to cast.

Tier 6 Spell - |Steel Wind Strike| - You flourish a melee weapon used in the casting of this spell and then vanish to strike like the wind. Choose up to 5 creatures you can see within 30 Metres, and choose an unoccupied space within 10 Metres of any of the 5 targets to reappear. Deals Force Damage. Costs 600 MP to cast.

Tier 6 Spell - |Transmute Rock| - You choose an area of stone or mud that you can see that fits within a 50-Metre cube and that is within 120 Metres and choose one of the following effects. Transmute Rock to Mud: Nonmagical rocks turn into mud, a creature that falls into the mud begins to sink and if the creature fails to climb out it starts to drown, and if it needs to breathe, it will take damage until it either gets pulled out or dies. Transmute Mud to Rock: Nonmagical mud or quicksand in the area transforms into stone. Any creature in the mud when it transforms becomes restrained by the rock. Costs 680 MP to cast.

Tier 6 Spell - |Remote Viewing| - For 1 Hour you create an invisible divination-sensor that can see and hear a particular creature you choose that is on the same plane of existence as you. The sensor can observe the creature from any angle within 10 Metres, and will follow the creature as it moves. Alternatively, you can choose a location you have seen before as the target of this spell. If you do so, the sensor appears at that location and doesn’t move. This spell requires a focus such as a Crystal Ball, Silver Mirror, or a Potion Cauldron filled with a liquid, for the spell to be successfully cast. The focus can be nearly anything, but you must use some physical medium to manifest the sensor. Costs 685 MP to cast.

Tier 6 Spell - |Teleportation Circle| - You pour magic into a Teleportation Circle drawn on the ground. The circle must be a at least 5 Metres in diameter and either be carved into a singular piece of stone, wood, crystal or some other solid material. Every circle has its own unique series of runic passwords depending on its location, if you have the password for a circle you can travel to it instantly by casting this spell whilst standing inside a second circle. The circles need you to pour magic into them for every departure and after every arrival after one use for them to activate. A permanent circle can be made by teleporting to it or simply filling it with magic every day for 1 Year. Costs 660 MP to cast.

Tier 6 Spell - |Passwall| - A passage appears at a point of your choice that you can see on a wooden, plaster, or stone surface (such as a wall, a ceiling, or a floor) within 30 Metres, and lasts for 1 Hour. You choose the opening’s dimensions: up to 5 Metres wide, 10 Metres tall, and 20 Metres deep. The passage creates no instability in a structure surrounding it. When the opening disappears, any creatures or objects still in the passage created by the spell are safely ejected to an unoccupied space nearest to the surface on which you cast the spell. Costs 620 MP to cast.

Tier 6 Spell - |Dream| - This spell shapes a creature’s dreams. Choose a creature known to you as the target of this spell. The target must be on the same plane of existence as you. You, or a willing creature you touch, enters a trance state that last for 8 Hours, acting as a messenger. While in the trance, the messenger is aware of their surroundings, but can’t take actions or move. If the target is asleep, the messenger appears in the target’s dreams and can interract with the dream and in increase its intensity in nearly countless ways. The messenger can change their shape, change the surroundings, the sounds, smells, tastes, the sense of touch, and the target's shape. The messenger can even inflict psychic pain upon the target, dealing Psychic Damage as they do so, but doing so immediately ends the dream. Costs 610 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |Move Earth| - Choose an area of terrain no larger than 40 Metres on a side within 100 Metres. You can reshape dirt, sand, or clay in the area in any manner you choose. You can raise or lower the area’s elevation, create or fill in a trench, erect or flatten a wall, or form a pillar. The extent of any such changes can’t exceed half the area’s largest dimension. So, if you affect a 40-Metre square, you can create a pillar up to 20 feet high, raise or lower the square’s elevation by up to 20 Metres, dig a trench up to 20 Metres deep, and so on. It takes 10 minutes for these changes to complete. Because the terrain’s transformation occurs slowly, creatures in the area can’t usually be trapped or injured by the ground’s movement. This spell can’t manipulate natural stone or stone construction. Rocks and structures shift to accommodate the new terrain. If the way you shape the terrain would make a structure unstable, it might collapse. Similarly, this spell doesn’t directly affect plant growth. The moved earth carries any plants along with it. Costs 720 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |Programmed Illusion| - You create an illusion of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that's tied to an object within 10 Metres. The illusion on the object activates when a specific condition occurs. The illusion is imperceptible until then. It must be no larger than a 30-Metre cube, and you decide when you cast the spell how the illusion behaves and what sounds it makes. This scripted performance can last up to 10 Minutes. When the condition you specify occurs, the illusion springs into existence and performs in the manner you described. Once the illusion finishes performing, it disappears and remains dormant for 10 minutes. After this time, the illusion can be activated again. The triggering condition can be as general or as detailed as you like, though it must be based on visual or audible conditions that occur within 30 Metres of the object. For example, you could create an illusion of yourself to appear and warn off others who attempt to open a trapped door, or you could set the illusion to trigger only when a creature says the correct word or phrase. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. Costs 750 MP to cast.

Tier 9 Spell - |Sacred Missile| - You form 12 missiles of Radiant energy. Each missile hits a creature of your choice that you can see within 120 Metres. Deals Radiant and Force Damage. Costs 1200 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |Contingency| - Choose a spell of Tier 5 level or lower that you can cast, and that can target you. You cast that spell (called the contingent spell) as part of casting Contingency, expending MP for both, but the contingent spell doesn’t come into effect. Instead, it takes effect when a certain circ*mstance occurs. You describe that circ*mstance when you cast the two spells. For example, a contingency cast with Haste might stipulate that Haste activates upon sprinting for ten seconds continuosly, drawing a sword from its scabbard, or speaking a command phrase. The contingent spell takes effect immediately after the circ*mstance is met for the first time, whether or not you want it to, and then Contingency ends. The contingent spell takes effect only on you, even if it can normally target others. You can use only one contingency spell at a time. If you cast this spell again, the effect of another contingency spell on you ends. Costs 600 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |Create Homunculus| - You cut yourself with a jewel-encrusted Athame and drip your blood over an ash-covered Mandrake Root. The ashes must come from the wood of an Elder tree. Casting this spell and performing this ritual will create a creature called a 'Homunculus' at the cost of your life-force that's bound to you. You lose 500 Maximum HP until the Homunculus is killed, at which point you can perform the ritual again to restore it to life. ('Arcane Blood' Perk Nullifies Permanent Max HP Loss.) You can enter a trance to experience the world through its senses at will. You do not gain control of the Homunculus when doing so, but you can mentally command it at will, and it will attempt to complete the task to the best of its ability. The Homunculus can cast spells and use skills that you know if it has the required Resource Points to do so. If you cast this spell while your Homunculus lives, the spell fails. Costs 750 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |Create Undead| - Choose up to three corpses of Medium or Small humanoids within 10 Metres. Each corpse becomes an Undead under your crontrol, the type and strenght of the Undead depends on the corpse's life experience and the strenght it had during its life. You can mentally command any creature you animated with this spell if the creature is within 120 Metres of you (if you control multiple creatures, you can command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one). If you issue no commands, the creature only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete. The creature is under your control for 24 hours, after which it stops obeying any command you have given it. To maintain control of the creature for another 24 hours, you must cast this spell on the creature before the current 24-hour period ends, if the 24-hour period ends the Undead becomes a mindless monster that will attack any living creature it can see until you cast this spell on it again to reassert control of it. The use of this spell reasserts your control over up to three creatures you have animated with this spell. Costs 800 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |True Seeing| - This spell gives the willing creature you touch the ability to see things as they actually are. For 1 Hour the creature has truesight, notices secret doors hidden by magic, and can see into the Ethereal Plane, all out to a range of 120 Metres. Costs 700 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |Circle Of Death| - A sphere of negative energy ripples out in a 60-Metre-Radius Sphere from a point within 150 Metres. Each creature inside that area takes Necrotic Damage. Costs 775 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |Chain Lightning| - You create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of your choice that you can see within 150 Metres. Seven bolts then leap from that target to as many as seven other targets, each of which must be within 30 Metres of the first target. A target can be a creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts. Deals Lightning Damage. Costs 780 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |Arcane Gate| - You create linked teleportation portals that remain open for up to 10 Minutes. Choose two points on the ground that you can see, one point within 10 Metres of you and one point within 500 Metres of you. A circular portal, 3 Metres in diameter, opens over each point. If the portal would open in the space occupied by a creature, the spell fails, and the casting is lost. The portals are two-dimensional glowing rings filled with mist, hovering inches from the ground and perpendicular to it at the points you choose. A ring is visible only from one side (your choice), which is the side that functions as a portal. Any creature or object entering the portal exits from the other portal as if the two were adjacent to each other; passing through a portal from the nonportal side has no effect. The mist that fills each portal is opaque and blocks vision through it. You can rotate the rings so that the active side faces in a different direction at will. Costs 740 MP to cast.

Tier 7 Spell - |Ray Of Disintegration| - A thin green ray springs from your pointing finger to a target that you can see within 60 Metres. The target can be a creature, an object, or a creation of magical force, such as the wall created by wall of force. A creature that's hit by this spell is instantly disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. The creature can be restored to life only by means of a True Resurrection or a Wish spell. Costs 760 MP to cast.

Tier 8 Spell - |Merlin's Magnificent Mansion| - You conjure an extradimensional dwelling and its entrance by increasing the size of a small model of a white marble doorway that you use as a focus for this spell. The doorway lasts for 24 hours, then shrinks back to its original size. You choose where the marble door appears in front of you within 10 Metres. The marble entrance shimmers faintly and is up to 3 Metres wide and up to 10 Metres tall. You can lock or unlock the door if you are within 30 Metres of it. Beyond the door is a magnificent foyer with numerous chambers beyond. The atmosphere is clean, fresh, and warm. You can create any floor plan you like, but the space can’t exceed 50 cubes, each cube being up to 10 Metres on each side. The place is furnished and decorated as you choose. It contains sufficient food to serve a nine-course banquet for up to 100 people. A staff of 100 near-transparent servants attends all who enter. You decide the visual appearance of these servants and their attire. They are completely obedient to your orders. Each servant can perform any task a normal human servant could perform, but they can’t attack or take any action that would directly harm another creature. Thus the servants can fetch things, clean, mend, fold clothes, light fires, serve food, pour wine, and so on. The servants can go anywhere in the mansion but can’t leave it. Furnishings and other objects created by this spell dissipate into smoke if removed from the mansion. When the spell ends, any creatures or objects inside the extradimensional space are expelled into the open spaces nearest to the entrance. Costs 850 MP to cast.

Tier 10 Spell - |True Resurrection| - You touch a creature that has been dead for no longer than 200 years and that died for any reason except old age. If the creature’s soul is free and willing, the creature is restored to life with all its HP. This spell closes all wounds, neutralizes any poison, cures all diseases, and lifts any curses affecting the creature when it died. The spell replaces damaged or missing organs or limbs. If the creature was undead, it is restored to its non-undead form. The spell can even provide a new body if the original no longer exists, in which case you must speak the creature’s name. The creature then appears in an unoccupied space you choose within 10 Metres of you. Costs 3500 MP to cast.


Tier 7 Spell - |Programmed Illusion ★★★★★| - You create an illusion of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that's tied to an object within 10 Metres. The illusion on the object activates when a specific condition occurs. The illusion is imperceptible until then. It must be no larger than a 30-Metre cube, and you decide when you cast the spell how the illusion behaves and what sounds it makes. This scripted performance can last up to 5 Hours. When the condition you specify occurs, the illusion springs into existence and performs in the manner you described. The triggering condition can be as general or as detailed as you like, though it must be based on visual or audible conditions that occur within 30 Metres of the object. For example, you could create an illusion of yourself to appear and warn off others who attempt to open a trapped door, or you could set the illusion to trigger only when a creature says the correct word or phrase. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. You can add conditions to Pause, Unpause, Rewind , and Fast Forward the illusion. Costs 750 MP to cast. Rank 5/5: Greatly Increases Spell Duration. Rank 5 Bonus: Removes Dormancy Effect and adds Pause, Unpause, Rewind, and Fast Forward conditions.

Tier 7 Spell - |Create Homunculus ★★★★★| - You cut yourself with a jewel-encrusted Athame and drip your blood over an ash-covered Mandrake Root. The ashes must come from the wood of an Elder tree. Casting this spell and performing this ritual will create a creature called a 'Homunculus' that's bound to you. You can enter a trance to experience the world through its senses at will. You do not gain control of the Homunculus when doing so, but you can mentally command it at will, and it will attempt to complete the task to the best of its ability. The Homunculus can cast spells and use skills that you know if it has the required Resource Points to do so. If you cast this spell while your Homunculus lives, the spell fails. Costs 750 MP to cast. Rank 5/5 Reduce Maximum HP cost to 0. Rank 5 Bonus: You can now give your Homunculus a name. Doing so increases its intelligence enough to be capable of Telepathic Speech in any language that you know, and it will empower the Homunculus' Resource Points Maximum to always be 50% of your Maximum. Homunculus Name: Bombastus.

Tier 7 Spell - |Create Undead ★★★★★| - Choose up to three corpses of Medium or Small humanoids within 10 Metres. Each corpse becomes an Undead under your crontrol, the type and strenght of the Undead depends on the corpse's life experience and the strenght it had during its life. You can mentally command any creature you animated with this spell if the creature is within 120 Metres of you (if you control multiple creatures, you can command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one). If you issue no commands, the creature only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete. Costs 300 MP to cast. Rank 5/5 Reduced MP cost. Rank 5 Bonus: The Undead created by this spell are now permanently under your command and will slowly evolve and increase in strenght over time.

Skill - |Legilimency★★★☆☆| - Mind Arts Skill used to boost Legilimency probes that can attack mental shields, read and meld minds, and influence emotions. Rank 3/5: |Passive Legilimency| - |Control Emotion| - |Multi-Probed Attack|

Perk - |Passive Legilimency| - Allows you to read the surface thoughts of any creatures within 100 Metres.

Perk - |Control Emotion| - Allows you to suppress or increase your own or another creature's current emotional state. You must look into the creature's eyes for this perk to take effect.

Perk - |Multi-Probed Attack| - Allows you to create unlimited amounts of Legilimency Probes with the Legilimens Spell. Each new probe takes its own toll on your Magical Core.

STRENGHT Perk - |Mighty Body| - Your body's muscles have been molded by magical energy to reach their absolute natural peak. You also gain complete control over your body's innertia. This allows you so to perform Supernatural feats of strenght, such as pausing your movements' force instantly without taking any damage from innertial forces, and increasing the innertial forces allowing you greater speed and increasing your natural, base-strenght at the cost of some strain and possible damage should you excede your body's durability.

LUCK Perk - |Fortune Draught| - Potions that you drink Restore +100% More Resource Points.

INTELLIGENCE Perk - |Spellslinger| - You can cast spells without the need to think or speak an incantation, by the feeling of the spell alone. Increases Spellcasting Speed by 100%.

WISDOM Perk - |Mana Focus| - Assuming that you are not floating in space but standing on a celestial body, you intuitively know which direction is North, South, East, and West. You also know the exact time of day, how long it is before the next sunrise or sunset, and which direction gravity is pulling you. Increases MP Regeneration from 1 to 2 per point of Wisdom.

NEW SPELLS - |Morgana's Hand|, |Animate Objects|, |Steel Wind Strike|, |Transmute Rock|, |Remote Viewing|, |Teleportation Circle|, |Passwall|, |Dream|, |Move Earth|, |Contingency|, |True Seeing|, |Circle Of Death|, |Chain Lightning|, |Arcane Gate|, |Ray Of Disintegration|, |Merlin's Magnificent Mansion|, |Word Of Radiance|, |Purify Food And Drink|, |Lesser Restoration|, |Heal|, |Greater Restoration|, |Regenerate|, |Saint's Feast|, |Sacred Missile|

|True Resurrection|


|Perk 'True Saint' has evolved|

Perk - |True Saint| - You can cast Tier 1 'Saint' Spells 10 times for free every 24 Hours, Tier 2 'Saint' Spells 9 times for free every 24 Hours, Tier 3 'Saint' Spells 8 times for free every 24 Hours, Tier 4 'Saint' Spells 7 times for free every 24 Hours, Tier 5 'Saint' Spells 6 times for free every 24 Hours, Tier 6 'Saint' Spells 5 times for free every 24 Hours, Tier 7 'Saint' Spells 4 times for free every 24 Hours, Tier 8 'Saint' Spells 3 times for free every 24 Hours, Tier 9 'Saint' Spells 2 times for free every 24 Hours, and Tier 10 'Saint' Spells 1 time for free every 24 Hours.


Saint Max Level Reward: Title - |Saint| - Grants access to 1 new Saint Spell from the Saint Spell List, per spell and tier you have increased to Max Rank. For example, If you rank up a Tier 1 Spell to Rank 5, you can learn another Tier 1 Saint Spell.


|Conditions Met: Level 100, Capable of Casting at least 1 Tier 10 Spell, x1 Bound Familiar. Unlocks: Familiar Evolution|

|Kreacher, Dobby, Deet, Teak, Mipsy: House-Elf| < |Kreacher, Dobby, Deet, Teak, Mipsy: Greater Faeruling|

|Hedwig: Snow Owl| < |Hedwig: Blizzard Harpy|

|Roko: Basilisk| < |Roko: Venomous Gorgon|

|Lilith: Occamy| < |Lilith: Winged Lamia|

|Fawkes: Phoenix| < |Fawkes: Fyre Celestial|

|Power Of Doppelgänger| - Trait Slots: Active 2/2 - Fyre Celestial Magic, Magesight: Empathic. Memorized 9/10 - Gorgon Magic, Fyre Clesestial Magic, Faeruling Magic, Lamia Magic, Blizzard Harpy Magic, Veela Magic, Magesight: Empathic, Inner Eye: Oracle.

Trait - |Fyre Celestial Magic| - Fyre Regeneration: When your body is damaged it regenerates using Phoenix Fire, Increases HP Regeneration by 100%. Fyre Travel: You can turn living creatures into Phoenix Fire and Teleport yourself or any other living creatures you are touching anywhere you have been before instantly for 50 MP per creature. Fyre Form: You can transform your entire body into sentient fire, you are immune to all damage except Cold Damage, Psychic Damage, and being hit by or submerged in water. Phoenix Tears: For 250 MP you can make a Phoenix Tear capable of restoring a living creature from the brink of death to full HP. Phoenix Immortality: Once every 24 Hours if you reach 0 HP, you catch fire and turn into a pile of ash, you get reborn from the ashes and 'de-aged' physically to a 1 month old Baby with full HP. Over the next 24 hours you rapidly return to your peak age, if you are killed before you reach your peak age you remain dead permanently. If you die from old age you get reborn without losing your daily bonus life, but you must still 're-age' like normal from the ashes.

''Holy sh*t what!? That was an obscene amount of notifications for a single level up! I expected something grand like this for Level 100 not 101.. I hope my Familars are fine and that this so called 'Evolution' doesn't harm them, though..''

|I'm sure they're fine, I can still feel their connection to the System. But before we worry about our bonded friends, we just got access to Resurrection Magic.. I know you didn't want to use your Master Of Death powers to contact the souls from the afterlife, but at this point I think you kinda have to for our own sanity and peace of mind.. You and I need to know if we're doing the right thing, and our parents from the other side should be good judges of character, right? Also, we can ask them if they want to be resurrected or not. We should never assume even if the spirit is willing, the mind might not be.|

''...You're right, Shota-Half. I don't like the fact that you're right, but you are. I held on to hope for this day to come with what felt like at the time, a foolish and naive dream. I feel like if I don't face my parents and keep running, like how I never wanted to activate their portraits, we'll never stop running from this.. I was in my Mind Palace with you for hours talking through the pros and cons of doing so, but the prospect of becoming addicted to the 'Magical AIs' and getting absorbed by the echo of my parents wasn't worth it. I was scared of repeating my past, but this.. This is an acceptable solution. Just this once, I will call them back and ask if they want to be a part of my life again. If they do not... We will continue living with those that still remain with us, and keep our heads held high. No matter how painful their potential words and rejection might be. No more running.''

|No more running.| My higher self affirmed.

I made my way to the top of Orthanc and stood at the peak looking at the sunset for a moment, then I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and imagined slowly turning the diamond shaped resurrection stone inside of my soul three times. I let out my breath and took in the forms of my parents' translucent souls standing in front of me. I stood there with tears streaming down my face, James spoke up first.

''Hello Prongslet, we are so, so proud of you. We were always with you, we watched you, your thoughts, your struggles, and your pain. Two girlfriends by the time you were ten! Even with memories of a past life that is impressive! Did I mention I was ever so f*cking proud?'' James smiled at me.

''We are ready to come back to the mortal world, if you still want us in our life after we failed you, sweetie. Just know that if you decide to resurrect us, we will forget everything from the afterlife until we return there. From our perspective we will simply have woken up after Halloween 1981. It will be hard to adapt for us at first, but we will be fine in the end, I think.'' Lily said with a tone of finality.

''..I ... Thank you so much, I was so scared that you both would-*sob*-W-would hate me now.. I'm a murderer, I'm a monster in more ways than one, but you still want to come back... You two NEVER failed me. Do not ever believe that.'' I steeled myself and began to pour Mana into my Resurrection Spells.

The souls faded and I saw the gigantic magic circle encompass my body like a half-dome, sigils spinning around me in glowing white light with a rainbow hue. My family magic circle materialized at my feet and several bands of light around the edges of the circle began to rapidly rearrange itself until finally the two spells were done charging up. I spent my daily free Tier 10 Saint Spell and felt my MP rapidly drain by over three thousand points. Then, just as suddenly as the magic started, it was over. In front of me were two very confused and very naked parents. I began laughing hysterically at the sudden image, the moment that was supposed to be a sweet reunion was utterly ruined, but years later I was fond of the memory anyways.

''Bloody hell.. What, what happened?!... Erm, Tiger-Lily, I know you probably don't want to hear this considering we're both naked in front of.. Seemingly a cackling madwoman, but I hope that she's not laughing at my little friend. I'm not vertically challenged downstairs, right? Right?'' James smirked, then remembered his last moments before death and started to panic.

''Pfft, no, I think it might be the whole naked thing that's the problem... We've got to find Anne! Vol-sh*t! Tabboo, You-Know-Who! HE!..He...'' Lily began sobbing and clinging to James.

''I.. I'm sorry, both of you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Hadrianne Lily Potter-Black, the current year is 1991 and I have managed to do the impossible, Resurrect and bring you both back from the afterlife. Here's a couple of robes to erm, cover yourselves up. Not that you're a bad pair of specimens of the human race or anything, but gazing upon the exposed forms of my birth parents feels a tad bit too kinky, even for me, and my girlfriends sometimes call me mommy or daddy depending on the mood.'' I hand the stunned and shaking couple two sets of clothes and turn around until I stopped hearing movement.

When I turn back around and stare into their eyes with my one exposed green eye, they both gasp in shock as they make eye contact. Getting a good look at my eye was enough proof of my identity for them, according to my Passive Legilimency. I was relieved I didn't have to convince them that I was their daughter. Now I just had get them catched up on the last ten years.

''..Anne? Is-Is that really you?'' Lily asked in a shaky voice. James just stared at me gaping like a fish.

''Yes, mum. It's been over ten years since you died. I've got a lot to tell you. So much has happened in the last year alone, but no matter what I tell you, don't worry. I'm fine now. You saved me.'' Both James and Lily instantly hugged me when I finished speaking and began fussing over me.

''W-what did they bloody feed you?! Aging potion laced food? You're huge! Taller than me, even!'' Lily rambled.

''Yeah, you're massive for a ten year old! Are you sure it's only been ten and not twenty years?'' James asked me when he took a step back and held his hands on my shoulders.

''It's a long story but the short of it is erm, turns out I inherited auntie Dorea's Metamorph powers, except they're stronger. Like way, way stronger. I'm barely 'human' at this point, I can morph my bones and grow to any size I want. I can even morph into a male with all the erm, plumbing working as intended...'' I finished lamely after stiffening at the sudden affection.

I took my parents downstairs to one of the living rooms inside Orthanc and called for Sirius, Remus, Lalatina, and Yuriko to come over to deal with a family emergency immediately with my Telepathy. Within minutes they all arrived and saw me talking animatedly with my parents.

'' ''Prongs...'' '' Sirius and Remus breathed out in disbelief at the same time when they saw my parents.

''AH! You've all finally arrived.. Mother, Father, let me introduce you to my two girlfriends, Lalatina and Yuriko. You already know the old mutts.'' I added cheekily as I grinned at everyone.

''Y-y-you weren't kidding about that?! I thought you just said that stuff to ease the tension!'' James sputtered

''Wait, two of them?!.. Two girlfriends..-''Lily looked both of them up and down and sighed when they both blushed''-I'm not ready to become a grandma at twenty one, Anne! You're so young.. Too young to be.. Girlfriend. Two... Grandbabies..'' Lily went into a series of severe processing errors.

It was going to be a long, long night of getting them all catched up on the future and my current powers, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. My family was finally back again, and soon enough everyone else's would be too. Time passed in a rapid blur for the next few months until it was time for me to attend Hogwarts. I felt a deep sense of joy as the day to board the Hogwarts Express for the first time arrived.

Year 0 Part 5 End

Hello everyone, sorry about the long break. I won't make excuses for the three month long hiatus, you won't care and I won't blame you for not caring for the reasons for the delay, content is king after all. I got to finish off the first year with this chapter, which was a nice surprise. It might have seemed a bit rushed at the halfway point this chapter but if I didn't speed things up soon the entire story would be relegated to the year 1990 alone with ten million plus words. I mostly write as I go with this story. I have a few outlines, mostly for future powers that align with major plot points, but the vast majority of the story itself is something I think up as I'm writing it. This usually leads to horrible outcomes and I go back and rewrite sections dozens of times before I decide that it's good enough, but I also personally like that style of writing. Planning out every scene and plot point from the start like I know some writers do sounds like a pain in the ass, and I like the creative freedom of making it up as I go. Now, some minor news: Before I put out Year 1 Part 1 I'll compile all of the 'The Gamer System' notes, NPC stats, etc and put all of that in its own seperate Part of this story for those that are interested in keeping tabs on that kinda thing. I will obviously only update the stats with new chapters detailing what Anne's Stats look like at the end of a year. And dare I say, they are already some insane stats. As I mentioned in the first Author's Notes of this story, this is not a story about my characters struggling with external threats, but rather internal and interpersonal ones. Think of it as the same dynamic as the Overlord Light Novel written by Kugane Maruyama. This is a story for flexing on people in a commedic fashion, but instead of being the Villain like Ainz, I at least try to portray my alter self as the Hero in her own story. It will have the same vibe, though. Actually, I just thought of a better comparison as I was writing this down: Misfit Of Demon King Academy, but with emotional stakes. Anos has literally no internal struggles and is the peak incarnation of the 'King Flex' Archetype. Imagine that, but with mental illness and degenerate lewd scenes. Sounds like absolute trash, I know. Stop reading my sh*tty story, idiots. - Eternal

Year 0: Prologue FIN

Hadrianne Potter The Warp Chimera - ETERNAL_0 - Harry Potter (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.