MENARDS -- Latest Catalog 04/01/2020 is out! Get it on line or read the blog on here from Mark the Menards Train Guy (2024)

About 3 years ago, Menards opened one of there Colossal Stores in Glendale, Ohio (a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio). I walked in, was amazed how big it was and they had a TRAIN DEPARTMENT selling 3 Rail and HO Train "stuff". They had an escalator to the Second Floor but this thing was different. This escalator was able to take your shopping cart to the Second Floor. You roll on the darn thing and it grabs your cart and you just ride along to the next floor and push the cart off of this thing. About 8 months ago, Menards opened a second store in my area of town (Florence, Kentucky). It does not have an escalator to the second floor but it has stairs and an elevator. I am impressed with Menards. The help is very nice and they have enough people working there that you can get help and ask questions. I get a Flyer from Menards every week and I make it my business to get to the store when they have 11% Rebates on everything. Around Christmas, they run an ad where you can walk into the store, pick up a brown grocery bag and get 15% off of everything you can stuff into this bag. When I checked out that day, I complained to the clerk, I would like to get another trip through the store and use another brown bag. I asked is that legal? She said, be Menards guest and do it again...or if you want again. I have found that all employees at this Institution are helpful and do a great service to Menards. Back to the new catalog.

The New Catalog is available on line at Menards Train Stuff Right Now and it has been posted by Mark The Menards Train Guy following my blog. If you wish to order something, write the SKU Number down on a piece of paper with the description and the price. Some items such as trains cars, tracks, trucks, etc have dealer packs of 4-6-8 items where you save more on such larger packs. There are 37 "O" Gauge Buildings Listed of which 4 are brand new -- 1. National Power and Light $99 (*illuminated with plug and play) SKU 279-4844. 2. Melrose Park Train Station $49 (*) SKU 279-5551. 3. Schneider Freight Building with a moving cart $99 (*) SKU 279-5098, and 4. Strip Mall Shopping Center (*) SKU 279-4846.

I recently purchased a "Building Facade" SKU 279-5370 (You will have to supply a building) and it had M&Ms on it--$49 (*) 4 Other Signs can be used on the building that are included. I am not too keen about the 4 other signs because you might ruin the M&Ms Signs on the building because it is held in place with "sticky adhesive". I will probably remedy the situation by going out and buying some clear acetate pages. All the signs have sticky adhesive on them and will cut the acetate sheet to fit the signs. Also, the 4 signs in this Facade match the Lighted Billboard which has 26 sticky adhesive signs in this accessory. Billboard SKU 279-4289 $19.99--the Billboard is a fantastic accessory and has quite a few LEDs illuminating it. Menard's should sell these signs separately, so if you mess one up, you would have a back up. I highly recommend the billboard. Bet you can't buy one of em!

BTW ----- If you have Wifi at home you can see Eric Siegel of Erics Trains on You Tube. He reviews Lionel, MTH and other toy trains. Menards has been sending him various train items for review and of course Eric gives you a run down on them. Mr Siegel likes Menards Trains because of the low prices.

And another thing, since I am so hep on Menards, I was looking around on You Tube and quite a few people have bought items from Menards and review them. I hope Menards will get into more "O" Scale Stuff...Such as "O" Scale Passenger Cars, More "O" Scale Freight Cars. and bring on "O" Scale Engines. The sky is the limit with Menards and they just have touched on this vast Market of 3 Rail and HO trains.

Other Menards Items Listed in the new catalog:

Dual Track Train Bridge with LEDs. $79.99 SKU 279-4177

Plug and Play Wall Warts -- 3 different ones ranging in Price from $7.99 to $19.99

Plug and Play Accessory Kits -- 2 different ones ranging in Price from $9.99 to $19.99 These kits (some have lights) are used to extend the cordwires to your plug and play wall warts. Menards makes it easy to light up your accessories at very low prices.

There is a lot of "stuff" in this catalog. Some things have been discontinued from the earlier catalog. There are 82 various trucks that are plastic and die-cast. 29 Quad Hopper cars with coal loads and covered. 12 Gondolas, 15 Tank Cars both single and three domes. 9 -- 14 3/4 inch Flatcars with loads, 9 --11 1/2 inch Flatcars with loads (2 of the loads are illuminated), 18 -- 10 1/2 inch Flatcars with loads, 2 Cabooses that are illuminated and have flashing lanterns on one end (quite unique for a $24.99 item), 1 --14 3/4 inch Bi-Level Auto Carrier with 6 Autos, 53 Boxcars (similar to 6464 style but a little larger), 6 Military Boxcars, 1 -- 14 3/4 inch Military Flatcar, 1 -- 14 3/4 inch Military Flat with Lights, 3 -- 14 3/4 inch Flat Cars with Helicopters (Army, Navy and Coast Guard--these are very cool), 5 --11 1/2 inch Flatcars with various Military Equipment 18 -- Military Cars, (Flats, Gondolas, and Tank Cars) if your into the Military Scene, Menards has the cars that really make a nice Military Freight Train. Also, Double-Stack 17 inch Car SKU 279-3688 with 2 forty foot containersat $49.99 or you can buy a 4 Piece Dealer Pack with different car numbers at $179.96 (Save $20) and if you buy the cars single or four pack when Menards is running there rebate canget 11% off the prices. Really a terrific bargain. Plus extra 40 foot double stack containers2 of them (Schneider, Santa Fe, CN, CSX, & MSC) at $19.99 per two or 8 piece dealer pack of the 40 foot containers at $69.96 save $10 and you can buy 20 foot containers (3 of em--K-Line, Hanjin and Evergreen at $24.99 or 12 piece dealer pack at $89.96 save $10 and buy them when Menards runs there 11% for even lower prices.

Menards has a complete line of "O" Gauge Track at Super Low Prices. The only thing they do not have (yet) is switches and crossovers. Menards offers a straight 10 inch section of there tubular track that has been cut and trimmed with Lionel Fastrack rail joiners so you can use this O Gauge Tubular Transition Track if you wish to use TubularTrack to mate with your Fastrack Layout. I can easily see that one could use Tubular Track on sidings for factories and yards or use it in areas like tunnels. A two pack of this Transition Track cost just $10 bucks.

Railroad plaques at $9.99 each (Pennsylvania, NYC, Milwaukee Road, Santa Fe, Chicago and North Western and UP.

Don't forget Tree and Foliage Packs -- Trees, Fall Trees, Evergreen Trees, Clump Foliage Light Green, Clump Foliage Medium Green, and Foliage Fall Mix Prices Range from $7.99 to $19.99 each.

Old-Fashioned Lamp Posts (3) SKU 279-3710 PRICE $17.98 and Highway Lamp Double (1) SKU 279-3711 $19.98

People Packs & Animal Pack..6 People & 6 Animals per pack-- SKU 279-3918 Street People Figures $14.49., SKU 279-3720 Utility Workers Figures $14.49., SKU 279-3719 Deer Figures $14.49., and SKU 279-3716 Fat People Figures $14.49.

Contact Menards on line at MENARDS.COM/TRAINS (Do Not Call the Store--Toy Trains are a seasonal item at Menards, then they are moved to the second floor until next season). Best to get a catalog and write your SKU numbers down and go to the hardware department of your store to place your order or try to order items on line and either have them shipped to your home or shipped to your closest store --no shipping charge if sent to the store for pickup. You can get onto Menards Mailing List and they will send you an ad weekly and you will know when the 11% Rebates and the Brown Bag Item run.

It is true, that you have to shop at the store you wish to get your rebates from. You should check with Menards about on-line orders --- I do not have the answer if On-Line Ordering will also give you 11% off if it is a 11% rebate day. (Check with one of there stores). If the item is not in the store, they will send it to that store you shop at or mail it to your house. You can get an extra 2% off your entire order if you use your Menards Big Charge Card--Every time you shop at Menards, rebates or no rebates. Make sure you request extra rebate forms on your order for future buys.....Seems like a lot of work, but who in the heck gives you 11% back when you shop in this day and age but Menards on rebates days and some items have 11% rebates on them even though it is not a rebate day. These rebates keep people coming back to shop. Menards use to accept orders over the phone, but they have stopped doing that because it takes up time and involves working employees. So get a Menards charge card and save even more 2% off every time you shop (rebate or not)---this means 11% rebates and 2 % on there charge cars --total of $13% saved. One last thing, if you go into your favorite Menards Store and there warehouse is out when you place your order, they will try to find it at another Menards. That would entail mailing the item to your house in which you will have to pay a shipping charge. Also, some things from Menards Warehouse will not be shipped to your store and they will send it to you by mail via a shipping charge (I have no answer why this is, but it is.) I found this happened on two of the buildings I have purchased. Hope this does not frustrate you. Remember, Menards has excellent train stuff and at there prices....a bargain is a bargain. Menards offers you that choice. Don't forget...if you purchase a Menards charge card you get an extra 2% of your entire order....and if you purchase your items on 11% rebates days you will save 13% all total. And when you shop near Christmas on the Brown Bag Days, you will be able to save 15% on what you can stuff into the bag plus 2% for your Menard Charge which means you will save 17% on what is in that bag. And if you wish, take that out to your car and go back in an fill up another bag an get another 17% off. I am hooked on Menards!

PS--VERY IMPORTANT---I looked up the latest listing of and low and behold, most everything has been reduced. Yes, the entire train inventory listed has some money off. eg. A $20 dollar train car is selling for $17.79. Go into Menards with your SKU Order Numbers written down and the prices. Make sure you are placing an order. Tell the clerk who is taking your order that the latest on line listing (they can check this) has mostly everything on sale. Take the time to do this and save Be prepared when you talk to the order clerk what you want and have the prices listed on your paper.

In Summary--here is a way to get more bang for your bucks at Menards:

1. Apply for a Menards "BIG" Credit Card--You will save 2% on all purchases on everything (whether the rebate of 11% is going on or not). 11% rebates are run for 7 to 10 days. There are some rebates running all the time when you shop--look for them. Use your credit card wisely. You can apply for your credit card by doing the following--IN STORE, ONLINE at, MAIL, or PHONE Text APPLY to extension 20157----Easiest is to apply in store at the Guest Kiosk.

2. Always go on line, stuff today, before you shop Trains. Menards likes to reduce the entire train inventory and you will only know when this happens by looking it up on-line.

3. Best to shop at your favorite Menards, especially for trains, and write down the SKU Number and price that is on the items in #2. Menards does have Train Catalogs and they have prices, but doing item #2 will let you know when there are special reduced prices happen on the train line.

4. Some items will not be shipped back to the store but will be sent to your house directly via a shipping charge.

5. If you do not want a train, they will charge you a 25% restocking fee.

6. Wait for days that Menards runs there 11% off everything rebate in the store to save 11%. And if you use your BIG Menards Credit Card you will save an extra 2% on everything you buy.

7. Make sure you look in the month of December for the Brown Bag Stuffer Shopping. This sale gives you 15% off of everything you can get into the bag. If you want more, just take your first brown bag to your car and go back into Menards and shop it again and again etc. With your credit card 2% off, you will save a whopping 17%. Try this at any Big Box Store!

8. If you buy something from the train department or have it shipped to the store or to your house--that's OK, but what happens if the product is defective. Bring it back to the Menards you shop at with your store order form plus cash register receipt Then the return clerk will either give you a return credit on your charge card or the cash (if paid by cash). Plus, if you wish another of the same item you bought or something else, they will do that too. Remember to save all your store order sheets and the cash register receipts -- And this is most important, make sure you look at every item you buy. Remember, Menards wants you to be happy with shopping there and your purchases.

9. Always save your sales sheet paper and the cash register slip in case you have a return. When you take your item(s) home, check to see if they have a defect. (There are little over sprays in paint, etc and that can be easily fixed with some touch up paint). Remember, you are paying $20 or less for a train car that most of your big train companies charge you $60 dollars and more! They will gladly give your an exchange or refund your money. Always pay for your items via a credit card or Menards Credit Card. Why? If you misplace your register receipt(s), Menards has a bank of computers at the return desk and all you have to do is stick in your credit card and your entire purchase receipts can be looked up and printed on the spot--free! Menards makes it easy and very simple to shop at there stores.

That's it--Enjoy your Trains and Menards..........

Sincerely yours, railbear601

PS--If you got through all of the on. If you look up on line MENARDS.COM/TRAINS before you shop, you will be able to see the lastest listing of trains and IF THERE IS AN EXTRA DISCOUNT ON THEM. As of 4/19/2020, the entire train department is on sale.

MENARDS  -- Latest Catalog 04/01/2020 is out! Get it on line or read the blog on here from Mark the Menards Train Guy (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.