The Patriot and the Preacher, where politics and religion do mix, starts right now!
Here are your hosts. Welcome everybody to the Patriot and the Preacher. It's our first show in a while.
We are back. I am Mark Anthony, your Patriot, and I want to introduce you to somebody I'm very proud to have join the show as our preacher, which is Todd Kochenau. Todd, it's good to have you, brother. Hey, it's great to be here, Mark, and what a time to be here in our country and our world, and I'm excited about what God's going to do in the show.
I am as well. As you and I have been discussing, this was time to come back. So much is going on that this was the perfect time. It was God's timing that we get back on the air, talk to our audience. Christians, conservatives out there, we're glad to have this audience back, our new audience, our existing one I'm sure is with us.
There's a lot to cover right now, and we're just excited to be back on the air to bring you what we will do every week. Right, Todd, which is the truth from the biblical perspective, and I think what we commit to you is that we're not going to spin anything. We want to bring you the truth so that you're going to hear things on this show that you're not hearing on the mainstream media or even Fox News or any of the other networks. Our only agenda with our listeners is to bring you the truth, and you know that that is what we're going to strive to do each and every week. That's right, and the Bible says the truth shall set the captive free, and we know that the ultimate truth is found in Jesus Christ and his word, and so what we're trying to do is just speak from that world view, a biblical world view and the lens of truth. And just as Mark said, time is the best truth teller, so we have no agenda.
We just want to share from our hearts and what we're talking about amongst each other and with you. There's a lot of propaganda out there, Mark. We talk about this often, but the mainstream corporate media, which I call them the corporate media, is because they're 90% owned by five corporations, so there's a lot of agenda there, wouldn't you say?
Oh yeah, and of all times we're seeing it right now. I'm sure people have seen those videos where you see a video montage of like 20 different news networks that are regional saying the same thing, and that goes back to what you said, my friend, about there is an agenda going on right now, and it's now more clear than it's ever been before. And this is the time where we need to hold onto God's word and what the truth really is because, you know, if you're watching certain networks, and I'll name them right now, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, then you're hearing a different version of reality. And I think what's really one of the catalysts for us to get back on the air is I want to make sure that our Christian conservative brothers and sisters out there are not being discouraged. We need to be bold and courageous. And look, as a lot of people are saying out there in social media, if it's safe enough to go to Walmart and it's safe, it's safe enough to go vote this November. And now more than ever, we better make sure our voices are heard because we're seeing what the other side has to offer. And what the other side has to offer should really be that's what's scary, not what's going on. What's scary is the alternative, right?
Absolutely. I mean, we've seen this in California and a couple of other states where they're, you know, they've been doing ballot harvesting over the last couple of election cycles. And we've seen the dramatic impact that that's given to the tally and the end vote. And now, you know, the Democrats are pushing for these mail-in ballots.
Well, because they want to initiate that same type of method where they can utilize voter fraud and, you know, people are saying they're finding bags of ballots in different places. They just appear out of nowhere. It's the strangest thing. I remember last November that they were appearing in high school gymnasiums, people's trunks. I mean, they were everywhere.
That's right. And I heard a really scary story, Mark, where a woman was saying she was hired to be a ballot collector and she was being told to throw away bags of ballots. So how many people's votes that voted that way aren't getting counted? And by the way, those are probably conservative voters, right? They're probably Republican. What a coincidence.
What a coincidence. And so, you know, before we go into some of the that there is no coincidence when it comes to that, we know what the agenda is. You know, a lot of our new listeners might be wondering, I'm sure you are. Why is it called the Patriot, the preacher? You know, we're calling back to our founding fathers. And if anybody is wondering, we're going to keep bringing that up during the show. You're going to see a theme there. It's because the preachers of that time, if you go back and look at their writings, inspired John Adams and George Washington, all of our founders to achieve the impossible.
Because you and Todd, you and I both know we've talked offline and we'll say it right now. It is impossible that those 56 men could have achieved what they achieved without their faith. It's the same faith we practice today.
Yes, absolutely, 100 percent. And, you know, that's why I believe our nation, as Reagan so eloquently put it, a shining city on a hill. We've sent out missionaries around the world. You know, we've prospered more than any other nation in the history of the world. I mean, if you think about even the Roman Empire, I mean, America has been just the most prosperous, the most wealthy, sending out missionaries, sending out the gospel. And something has changed, Mark, in the last 10, 15, 20 years. We've seen a rapid moral decline and now people are sending missionaries to the United States. And that to me is telling of where we are now in the timeline. Yeah, what a difference it makes when you consider that this nation was the biggest church plant in the world.
Wear that shining city, like you said, as Ronald Reagan famously said, we need God more than he needs us. And if we ever forget that, we're going to be a nation gone under. And so that's what we're experiencing today. And the reason why I know you'll agree with this is that it's hard to distinguish the truth anymore because there's so much evil out there.
And even even Christians, even Christians are finding it hard to tell when the truth, what the truth is and what deception truly is. And so all the bills that are meant to help people, the Democrats that just introduced their their latest bill, it's in the late it's in the third round as well. Todd, not surprising. They want to what undermine states voter I.D.
required. And yeah, and this is this shouldn't surprise many people. But as you know, they call it pork when it comes to putting stuff in legislation that wasn't meant for that legislation. But this here, again, is is really what that crux of that bill is. It's meant to remove voter I.D. It's meant to make it much easier, as you pointed out, for fraud to occur.
That's right. And they're pushing for vote by mail. And here it is. If anybody wants to know why that is exactly why that's in The Washington Times, Democrats corner coronavirus bill would undermine states voter I.D. requirement.
The only reason that they would be doing that, Todd, is to is to really flood the voting system with fraud. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
I mean, why are they pushing it so hard? And the thing I always think about is like you need an I.D. to go buy a pack of cigarettes. You know, I remember when you're younger, you used to try to get someone to buy alcohol. Right.
I mean, before I was saved. Why? Because you need an I.D. to get alcohol. You got to be 21. Right. Why is it that when you vote, though, for some reason, you don't need an I.D.?
It just doesn't make any sense because, you know, get on an airplane. You need an I.D. I mean, there's so many things that you need an I.D.
for. Why would we not take it seriously enough to ask for voter I.D. when it comes to the election? Yeah, that's that's that's right. And and really, the logic's been lost on a lot of people. If you notice, the other side is called that racist and that's not fair and all the other things they throw out there.
But you just brought up great points. If you're going to go if you're going to go buy a gun, if you're going to go really actually do anything at all, you go to a doctor's office, whatever you show your I.D. That's just simple logic. You get over in a car, you show your I.D., you show your I.D. That's what happens, whether you like it or not. Some of us has been pulled over more than others. But, you know, we are we're really excited.
We've got two great actually three great guests that are going to be joining us for the show. And I think that, well, Dr. Jerome Corsi has been been in the fight for a long time, 26 bestsellers, New York Times bestsellers. He certainly is an authority when it comes to what's going on with the Spygate situation. There's another example, Todd, when those facts are actually put out there. We hear things like, well, that happens all the time.
No, it doesn't happen all the time that like that that happened. It was Nixon. And we saw what happened there.
So, you know, clearly this I think this is worse than Nixon. I mean, as this starts to unravel and people see all the different layers and, you know, as Hannity said and others. I mean, this is the biggest political scandal in our nation's history.
And yet you're barely seeing any coverage of it. So we're going to unpack that as well. We're going to bring some truth and shed some light on that, because I think after our listeners really understand this story, they will, they will undoubtedly have only one choice as to who they're going to vote for and what side to vote for when it comes to November. And we're also going to have somebody on this probably very familiar with our listeners are very familiar with him. He's the co-host of Fox and Friends on the weekends, Pete Hegseth.
He has a brand new book out. We're excited to have him join us to chat about that. Todd, you, we, we brought somebody on that has an amazing story.
Tell the listeners about that. Yeah, we have a wonderful woman of God named Debbie Pruitt who just, you know, shared her story. And I think you're going to really enjoy this to me. I mean, I was thinking, this is the kind of story I like to cover, you know, because it's right. It's encouraging and it's, you know, right in my lane as far as being a pastor.
And so you're going to enjoy her story about women's ministry and somebody that got saved in a meeting recently. We're going to be right back with our first guest. But first, we're going to a commercial break. Stay with us. This is the Patriot and the Preacher.
We'll be right back. Welcome back to the Patriot and the Preacher. We're excited to have join us somebody familiar to our listeners, Pete Hegseth, who's the co-host of Fox and Friends on the weekend.
And he has a brand new book out called American Crusade. Our fight to stay free. Hey, Pete, thanks for coming on. Thank you so much for having me. Really appreciate it.
We appreciate it as well. So I wanted to get right to it. I love your book.
I had the chance to read it over the last couple of days. And one of the things I wanted to get to is that in the beginning of your book, you have a quote from Roosevelt. There is no room in the country for any 50 50 American.
How true. And there could be only one loyalty to the stars and stripes. How can we renew that patriotic attitude? You covered it in the book.
What do you think? Oh, man, it starts with education. It starts with first principles. It starts with reminding our kids, our grandkids of why America is a special place.
You can't you can't expect reverence from people of something they don't understand and therefore appreciate as special and rare. So you've already got people throughout our politics and our culture and our media who see and we see it throughout leftism as the enemy of this country. What we can affect as crusaders is in our communities, in our schools, with our families, ensuring we're raising up the next generation to understand why free markets work and understand that our rights come from God, not from a governor. If you look at the moment right now, it is so you can't expect full allegiance from people who've been trained that America is evil. But in the meantime, you have to look at the fact that the Democrat Party has been captured by leftists and internalize that reality. They are not fully in for this country.
They're in for a totally different agenda. And in that case, if we are, we have to do everything we can to win politically or we're doomed. Absolutely. That's absolutely correct. And it's changed so much, Pete, because even back with Reagan, Tip O'Neill was willing to work with Reagan to get things done.
That's not the case anymore. As a matter of fact, they've come out and said, we're not going to give the president a win under any circ*mstances. So what what can we do right now? We're seeing citizens rise up. They're coming up against those governors that have done the lockdown and the crackdown on our freedoms.
You were even at that gym in New Jersey where the police came by. As our listeners are wondering what to do, they're feeling a little lost and how to how to rise up. What would you say to people that are kind of feeling lost out there and wondering what it is they can do? Well, just remember, you have the greatest job in human history, which is to be citizen of the greatest republic that the world has ever seen. And with that, with that title comes a responsibility. And that responsibility is to understand your rights and exercise them. And there we are at a moment where these governors drunk with power. You know, Phil Murphy, where I'm at New Jersey, said the Bill of Rights is above his pay grade.
He said, I'm going to make decisions and ignore what our founders laid out. You have a responsibility. And listen, you can be responsible and courageous at the same time. And that's what you see from what I call the revolt of the salon owners and the revolt of the of the barbers and gym owners and restaurant owners who are saying, you know what? You're telling me on lockdown, you're signing me up for a death sentence.
You don't respect me enough to know that I can open responsibly. So I'm going to do it. So as free people, it's our job to push past some of the anxieties we have and get out there. And again, all of that is to say, if you don't want to go out, if you are more elderly, if you do have pre-existing conditions, don't go out. You have the choice.
But otherwise, you know, we can't cower to cheap dictates from governors who are drunk on their own power and don't respect private business owners enough to understand that a two month, three month shutdown is a death sentence. That's awesome. Hey, Pastor Todd here.
Thank you so much for everything you're doing. Got a question. So there's something happened in California where about 3000 pastors are gone. The 31st of May are going to start having services. They should go out and open services and people don't have to come to church if they don't want to.
And they can go watch virtually still if they want to. But if there's one essential service that we have protected and enshrined in the First Amendment, it's the right of assembly and freedom of worship. And you talk about the ultimate essential business.
That's what it is. Pastors have always led the way for liberty. I mean, the Bible, the gospel, you know this better than I do, ultimately sets us free.
And it was the underpinnings of Jerusalem combined with Athens that created Western civilization. And our founders understood that in America. And it's heartening to see pastors in California starting the course in our country and saying, if faith is more important than your stupid rules. Yeah, that's good.
It absolutely is. And so you you did a whole chapter on this about about God being deported from America. And we're seeing signs in the last 20 years. And the result of that. How do we how do we get people reengaged in our history? Which is something we talk about this all the time on this show. What is your opinion of that right now? We have to do it ourselves first.
I mean, I point to things like Prager University. I point to ways in which you can educate the people around you quickly on real truth and being aggressive. But to start with the younger people in your life whose minds are still moldable. But I also talk about if I you know, I travel the country all the time. And if I had a dollar for every time someone came up to me and said I had a patriotic young kid who left for college and came home a Bernie supporter.
How did that happen? And it's because we've this COVID-19 moment has given us a chance to look at what our kids are learning. And shame on us if we don't reexamine every part of that and reorient because we spend all this time on what car we time and money. What kind of car are we going to buy? What kind of house are we going to buy?
What kind of vacation are we going to buy? And then we just mindlessly send our kids to government schools, mindlessly send them to state colleges or private universities, except for a handful of colleges. They're all left wing indoctrination camps. We have to stop sending our kids.
We have to know they're fortified if we do send them so they can be salt and light. And otherwise, we need to find alternatives, whether it's homeschooling or Christian classical school or real solid rock solid Catholic schools or Baptist schools, whatever it is. We have to be as laser focused, as intentional as we can, because government schools are trying to create lemmings, surfs in service of big government, in service of left wing priorities, in service of political correctness.
And that's what we get. So it's intentionality with our family, not just the easy way, not just the convenient way, not just, oh, hey, I pay property taxes, so I just have to send them to my local school, look at what they're being taught and then fight back against it. Because what they're doing on the left is illogical. It's ridiculous.
So lunatic that standing on on on firm ground is not hard to do. You're standing for first principles, not radical ideas. Absolutely. So I know that you're homeschooling your kids right now.
Are you going to keep them home once things go back to normal? Well, I don't know. We're we're pulling them out of the school they're in and putting them in a real good Catholic school, classical Catholic school that's in our and I'm not Catholic, I'm Baptist, but I've been there and they're great. And it's history and all that. And then there's another classical school as well.
So that's I don't think we're going to homeschool right now because my wife and I both worked across the country all the time. But if we could, we would. And we valued this moment. And we're going to keep doing some of the things we're doing now, which is lectures and discussions with them, which we fell out of the habit of doing Bible reading all of the things that kids need every day. We're going to continue. And I think that's a residue of this moment.
Yeah, it absolutely is. So let's get to current events right now. We're watching Joe Biden every time he he gets being gets in front of the camera.
There's another gap. He just recently said that he's going to beat Joe Biden. Do you think he's actually going to be on the ticket when the general election comes around? Open question.
Huge open question. That's why everyone emphasizes presumptive Democratic nominee right now, because they're looking for an alternative. And it starts with their VP speculation. He just said today, you know, if you don't vote for Joe Biden, you ain't black. I mean, first of all, that is actually how most Democrats think. So thank you for saying what you've been thinking for years in taking black voters for granted.
But it's also a reflection. He just doesn't know what he's saying from minute to minute and he doesn't know if he's offending people at all. I don't know if he'll be the nominee.
I really don't. If he is, then pop the popcorn for those debates, because I cannot wait. Yeah, I agree with that. A lot of people say that, you know, the people surrounding him and even his wife, this is actually elder abuse to let him go out there and and just talk freely because it's he's a train wreck. He really does it really at this point makes sense that they're even allowing him to speak because every time he does, you just pointed out a number of gaps. What what is going on within that party? Well, I think my estimation is he's an empty vessel for all the priorities of the left. They still think that Biden in his basem*nt is their best chance to try to beat Trump, which is insane.
And he's moving to the left from there. I think they probably feel stuck and they probably don't know what process by which they would find an alternative. Joe Biden's not just going to give up and say, sorry, guys, it was all a joke.
I'm done. He would be they're going to look for a serious team around him to shelter him and push their priorities. Remember, it's all about power. So if they can get him in there, then they can install all of the Obama era people that were transforming America.
And they continue on that task, whether Joe Biden knows what's going on or not. Yeah, absolutely. So, Pete, as we wrap this up right now, what are some of the things that people can hope to learn from the book you just put out? You know, I think you're going to be surprised. I think you're going to be infuriated.
I think you're going to be challenged. You can realize how how far we've gone, how bad it is for the left, how serious they are about the destruction of America. Donald Trump has opened the door for us to win, but he hasn't. You can't was one man shut the door to save America. And it's up to us to follow through in a cultural and educational realms.
What he has done in the political realm, he's opened the door. He's given us a fighting chant. Now we have to collectively muster. That's why I called it American Crusade. It truly is a holy war for the righteous cause of human freedom.
We have to we have to rely on God, stand, stand for what we believe in and be unapologetic, just like the president is. Absolutely. Amen to that.
Pete headset. Thanks so much for joining us. We really appreciate it. Thank you, guys.
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Don't forget to call 800-851-9287 or go to my pillow dot com and use the promo code Mark. Welcome back to the Patriot, the preacher. We're really excited to have a good friend of the show join us. Dr. Jerome Corsi. His latest book is coup d'etat.
He is the best selling author of over 26 books. Dr. Corsi, welcome back to the show. It's good to have you. Mark, great to be back with you and Todd.
Good to see you both. So there's a lot to cover here. You've been quite busy, as we mentioned before we started the interview. Bring the listeners up to date. You have pointed out in the last three weeks that Dr. Fauci owns patents that are that are main ingredients, if you will, in COVID. But you found out much more than that.
Tell the listeners why you believe there's going to be a second wave and how we're going to get there. Well, I've been publishing on Corsi Nation dot com a series of articles on first I recognized back in January that this COVID 19 was a first. It was made in a laboratory. There were some studies from Indian scientists that were published and they sequenced the COVID 19 virus. And it was clear that there were splices of this element from HIV one disease that were inserted into COVID 19 to combine an attack on the immune system with an attack, which is SARS.
It was like a SARS chassis, which is attacking the lungs. And when I researched it further, I realized this was on a glycoprotein 120 glycoprotein glycomine sugar. And these are in the spikes of the virus. The virus is like a little ball with these little nails coming out of it.
And these spikes are what attach into a healthy cell. This glycoprotein 120 comes from the HIV one disease and Fauci from the NIH and the CDC holds patents on various treatments related to the glycoprotein 120. You got to understand that the CDC and the NIH are not really government organizations.
Their structure is a 501c3 foundation and they have public private partnerships in them where they actually bring in big pharmacy and they work with big pharmacy. And so the scientists who are government scientists like Fauci has not practiced medicine with patients in decades, at least 30 years, becomes a little power monger. And the NIH, he either gets in his own research or steals from somebody else, putting his name on a patent for a treatment of a aspect of the AIDS virus, which he's studying.
In this case, glycoprotein 120. And then, of course, whoever uses those elements in a vaccine or treatment has to pay the patent. So it's a great way and they assign the patent to HHS, but they never let you see the assignment. So I don't know what Fauci's take on this is, but I know this is the game they play and it's not a government agency. He poses as if he's, you know, Mr. Government Health, but he's not.
He's in a public private partnership working with big pharmacy. So I said, let's look back at the Fauci patents, because if they're going to make a COVID 20, maybe they'll use Fauci patents as a reverse engineered. This is he's telling you what to add into COVID 19 besides the glycoprotein 120 to make it really deadly. And first, I came across Fauci patents for this CD4 receptor, which is a receptor receptor is a like a portal in the cell that allows a foreign cell to enter. And glycoprotein 120 makes the healthy cell think it's food. So it lets the virus in thinking it's food.
It comes in through the CD4 and then it destroys the T cells in your intestines, which is the kind of the core of your immune system. And then I found one other element of it. I got a call about four in the morning from international sources. They told me that what I was saying they had validated was correct, that there would be this this kind of a virus was possible. I was also saying that Putin released it and with the Chinese and they weren't really they knew there was going to be another one released in September.
They could confirm that, but they didn't know if it was precisely the one I had predicted. This is one more element I found in the call. I found one more element, which is this. Receptor is it's a integrin, which is a amino acid structure that's like a messenger. And this particular amino acid structure is it's called the Alpha four Beta seven. And if you just add that into the envelope of the virus, so you have to add two things like a protein 120 and spike of the virus and then the envelope of the virus is integrin, which is the Alpha four Beta seven. And the virus knows exactly it has two actions to it. Now it's you've made the HIV virus and you've spliced it into a SARS chassis. The HIV will go into your intestines and get in there and it'll destroy the T cells. So now your immune system is knocked out and then the SARS will come into your lungs and there'll be nothing to stop it.
Even if they give you medicine, it won't work because your immune system is down. And now the severe acute respiratory syndrome will advance very quickly and you'll die. OK. And as I did that, I also found out this was my article I published on Monday, is that Putin and Russia have had a crash program that began in 2018, but now in 2020, this Mikhail Muraschko, he is the minister of health for the Russian Federation, has instructed Russian pharmaceutical companies, big ones, to change direction and start making hydroxychloroquine.
Wow. And the even the the ministry of the Russian National Medical Center for Cardiology, the Russian Federation Ministry of Health has said will even allow this unregistered Chinese hydroxychloroquine to be used. And they're implementing it through the regions. The Federation governments are getting involved in distributing the hydroxychloroquine that's made to the people. Now, one thing that proves to me that hydroxychloroquine must be effective is that Putin's put in all this effort into making sure his population gets hydroxychloroquine. I don't need really much more proof that it's probably a good thing to take for preventing the next covid, if not the current covid. And yet our government with Dr. Fauci is doing everything he can to demonize this. And he's saying that a that a new vaccine developed by this bio tech company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a little darling company.
It's gotten billions of dollars of capital investment from investment bankers. And I don't think the company has has not yet produced a successful vaccine and the this company. But what it does is it it works with the RNA is mRNA and the RNA goes in and it reconstructs your DNA. So the whole idea of this is to recreate you with a new DNA as a new human being.
And I think it's, you know, one of these fantastic reengineering biotech ideas that would appeal to a Bill Gates. But I don't think it's got a chance of working and a promise of vaccine will come along. And the Democratic governors will say, yeah, we won't open up the society again until a new vaccine is developed. A vaccine is not going to come. These viruses are too difficult to do with. You know, they mutate too fast. There has not been a successful vaccine for AIDS. There won't be one for covid.
I'm sorry. Is the deep state working with China and Russia on this or is this like a separate military operation between China and Russia, you think? Well, I think both China and Russia have decided that this is the time to go to World War Three. I think we're in World War Three.
Wow. I think China sees that their destruction of their economy is certain with the steps that Trump has taken, especially on the tariffs. And, you know, by the end of this next six months, China's looking at food riots and the and the people are going to throw the government out. And, you know, Z and the other nut cases in the communist government might as well go to World War Three because they have nothing to lose. Otherwise, they're going to be hung in the streets from Lamport, maybe from one of their own detection devices by the the people like they did in the, you know, the Cultural Revolution under Mao.
I suspect China's at the edge of a famine and food shortages on massive rioting Russia. I think Putin just calculates this is his moment. You know, he was trying to create the evidence where if Trump won the election, he could be indicted. We now know, thanks to this Richard Grinnell, the acting director of intelligence, that he has at least forced Barr to release the footnotes in the Horowitz, Inspector General Horowitz report on the FISA abuse. And those footnotes prove that Comey, the boys, Brennan, they all knew that there was Russian disinformation in the Steele dossier aimed at destroying Donald Trump. So the whole Russian collusion thing was a hoax because it was really Hillary and Podesta and Obama who were colluding with Russia. Right. Iranian won and all the rest of that that I've written about and pointed out.
And I think that the attack of the virus, what Fauci and the others have just demonstrated based on faulty mathematical models, is that they can just help destroy the United States economy without firing a shot. And that's exactly what's happened. You mentioned to me offline that you were unsure about Barr.
In fact, you were very concerned about him and his background and what he's been involved with before. But, you know, I think a lot of Trump voters, myself being one of them, I know Todd feels this way. We're waiting to see if there's going to be action.
That's one of the things that the president promised. Do you believe that any of these people will ever be held accountable? Now as to Barr, Barr was the architect of the Iran-Contra cover up. Followed these intelligence reveals. And as far as I can see, Barr was covering up again, even within the last few days saying the investigations wouldn't reach, Durham's investigations wouldn't reach Obama or Biden. Well, then in the last few days, we've had a, you know, a barrage of these revelations, the declassifying from Grinnell. And if you follow them, you know, we now know that Biden was involved in the unmasking of Flynn. We know that Rice wrote this.
We've seen the entire cover up menu, you know, by the book three times in a memo written. The day Donald Trump was inaugurated, January 20th, 2017. And it was Claire Comey and Obama discussing Flynn. So Obama's in on that. OK. And then we get the revelations dropped in the last really 48 hours about Biden. And now we have from a press conference in Ukraine and I'm tweeting about this. You can actually listen to the press conference and you can hear the discussion between Biden and Poroshenko on the airplane.
You could hear my favorite, Swift Boat John, John Kerry. Right. Again, in setting the stage for Biden and Susan Rice says that was an operation that Obama ordered. OK, that's all because of Grinnell. And what Grinnell is doing is he's saying, Barr, you wouldn't release these things. I'm declassifying them.
Do you have any objection? And if you do, I'm investigating you next. OK, I'm done trusting Sessions and trusting the plan. The only plan I trust is the plan of Jesus Christ. I'm willing to try that plan.
Right. But other than that, I'm not trusting anybody's plan, especially when there's no indictments. And now I'm down to I want indictments. Dr. Corsi, it's always good to have you on. Thank you for joining us and shedding light on the truth, which you're so good at. We appreciate it.
We'll be having you back soon. Thank you. And in the end, God does always win. You're right.
He does, especially in your situation. Thank you. God bless. Hey, baby.
Hey, everyone, it's Marc Anthony. I want to talk to you about my pillow because it's truly changed my life. I've had over seven spinal surgeries on my neck and back, and I've never been able to get a good night's sleep. But after trying my pillow, I'm getting the best night's sleep that I've ever had before. Trust me, my pillow has made a believer out of me. I never go anywhere without it.
The company has a 10 year warranty and a 60 day money back guarantee, and it's made right here in the USA. My pillow has an amazing offer for our listeners. And if you call 800-851-9287 and use the promo code Mark, you can take advantage of special offers on all of their products. Call right now, 800-851-9287 and use the promo code Mark.
You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain with the 60 day money back guarantee. Trust me, my pillow will make a believer out of you. And you know that jingle.
Don't forget to call 800-851-9287 or go to my pillow dot com and use the promo code Mark. Mr. President, welcome to the show. I love the name of your show.
I will be a good Christian. You're going to be very proud of me and I certainly will also be a good patriot. It's a great name for a show. I heard you have a great show and thank you very much.
Thank you, Mr. President. We appreciate that very much. And it has been an honor to have you on the show. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found Was blind but now I see Everybody, we want to welcome you back to the Patriot and Preacher Show.
And we have an amazing segment here that I think you're really going to enjoy. We have a woman who is a woman of God, a woman of integrity. She's also been a pastor and served with her husband in all different types of ministry for many, many years.
And her name is Debbie Pruitt. Debbie, welcome to the program. Thank you.
It's amazing. You just said offline a little bit about your background, but would you mind sharing a little bit of that with the audience today? Of course. My husband is currently pastor at Shoreline Baptist Church in Southport, North Carolina. But before we moved here three years ago, he served for 25 years as a professor of missions at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and also at Truett McConnell University in North Georgia.
We've been able to go to 85 different countries sharing the gospel. Before that, he was a pastor and I served on staff as his women's ministry director. While he was at Southeastern Seminary, I was able to teach classes on women's ministry programs and how to set up women's events in the local church. That's awesome.
Wow. I love that you have a heart for women's ministry as well. And you were telling us a story that we, both Mark and I, felt like we need to share on this program because it's truly eye-opening and just lets us know the importance of spreading the gospel. Would you mind talking through that story that you share with us?
Absolutely. When I first came to Shoreline, my heart is to serve women and to share the gospel. I started a women's ministry program at Shoreline and we formed together a committee that would set up. First, we wanted to do a ladies' tea and see how many ladies would come from around the community.
So we started the tea and we found a speaker. Her name was Ann Marie Armstead from the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina. She agreed to come over and speak and share her testimony of her faith through her trials of multiple cancer stories.
She's had cancer over and over and over. And just her faith through that and how God has continued to heal her and bless her and allow her to minister to others who are going through similar things. Well, at that tea, we had each lady, different ladies from our church, set up a table and decorate it with their own china and their own decorations. Well, one of the ladies had befriended one of her neighbors named Susan. Susan wanted to set up a table and so we allowed her to do that. And so she set up her table and she came to the event.
She sat there and listened very quietly to the message from Ann Marie, who shared her story. And then my husband, his pastor, came out and he shared an invitation, a very clear gospel presentation, and invited anyone to pray to receive Christ who had not done so. Susan had been raised in a Christian home, but had converted to Judaism when she got married to a Jewish man. So once he had passed away, she began searching for her Christian roots again. And so this tea was that venue for her to find Jesus. And so she accepted Christ that day. We placed little cards on the table that allow you to acknowledge if you have made any decision for Christ, and she did so. So we called her back and followed up with her and prayed with her. She had made a commitment to begin Bible study and also to begin coming to our church. That was in May.
Well, in November, she went to Atlanta for a Christmas shopping trip on Thanksgiving weekend, and she suddenly had a heart attack and died. So for us as a church, that was such an eye opening and just a stop in your tracks kind of a moment to realize that ladies ministries are not about just having fun. It's not about the fluff. It's not about just the everybody weepy stories. It's about women sharing their faith and women being able to share their faith in a way that leads others to know Christ.
And without that message, without that day happening, Susan's eternity would have been completely different. That's so true. Debbie, I love your heart and your heart to share the gospel. And I think, you know, we have to remind ourselves of this because you just mentioned, you know, sometimes it's really nice when men do the same thing. You know, we like to get together and, you know, men's ministry. Yeah, we're you know, we're all hanging out. But, you know, sometimes we forget that there's somebody there that maybe not, you know, has yet received Christ as their Lord and Savior in their heart.
And, you know, they could leave there. And I always say this when I preach, because I've been a pastor for many years as well. You know, if you were to die, if you were to get killed, if Jesus were to come, are you sure you're on your way to heaven? And, you know, I say that and sometimes people mock me for it. But the truth is, there's usually at least one or two people in every service, sometimes a lot more. You know, and as you know this, you know, sometimes 20. You know, I mean, it just depends on the size of the congregation and the message, you know, but how the Lord moved that day. But it never ceases to amaze me that people that I thought had accepted Christ before and they raised their hand. And you think, wow, this person's been coming here for, you know, a couple months and I didn't even know they never accepted Christ in their heart. You know, and so it's what we've been commissioned to do as pastors and ministers of the gospel and Christians.
It's our commission. And you just gave us a shiny example of how important that is. And so thank you for sharing that story with us, Debbie. I truly appreciate that. Well, Debbie, thank you so much for coming on the show. We appreciate you. And we'll definitely be staying in touch with you. OK, great. Thank you so much.
Hey, everyone, it's Mark Anthony. I want to talk to you about my pillow because it's truly changed my life. I've had over seven spinal surgeries on my neck and back, and I've never been able to get a good night's sleep. But after trying my pillow, I'm getting the best night's sleep that I've ever had before. Trust me, my pillow has made a believer out of me. I never go anywhere without it. Look, this company has a 10 year warranty and a 60 day money back guarantee.
And it's made right here in the USA. My pillow has an amazing offer for our listeners. And if you call 800-851-9287 and use the promo code Mark, you can take advantage of special offers on all of their products.
If you call right now 800-851-9287 and use the promo code Mark, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain with a 60 day money back guarantee. Trust me, my pillow will make a believer out of you. And you know that jingle for the best night's sleep in the whole wide world.
Don't forget to call 800-851-9287 or go to my pillow dot com and use the promo code Mark. Mr. President, welcome to the show. I love the name of your show.
I will be a good Christian. You're going to be very proud of me and I certainly will also be a good patriot. It's a great name for a show. I heard you have a great show and thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. President. We appreciate that very much.
And it has been an honor to have you on the show. And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up next to you and admit her still today, because there ain't no doubt I love this land. God bless the USA.
Welcome back to the Patriot and the Preacher. I'm sure our listeners are still wondering what to make of Dr. Jerome Corsi's interview, Todd. Yeah, a lot of information there. A lot of information. So what did we learn?
Number one, let's just make sure we do a quick recap. We do now know that Obama was involved at the highest level with the Ukrainian deal. That's just come out. We also we also know that Obama clapper Brennan, Sally Yates, which was the acting attorney general. And yes, Vice President Joe Biden were well aware of what was going on with the spying on then candidate Trump that continued into when he became president.
Yeah, it's like President Trump said. I mean, it's it's the biggest political scandal in probably our nation's recent history, if not all time of our nation. I mean, this is unbelievable. Bigger than Watergate every day. More information is coming out.
You know, we just found out today that Italy is involved. No surprise. You know, just it seems like, Mark, the information is just slowly dripping out and it's really just confirming things that you and I have known for a while. It really is.
It really isn't. You know, I want to caution our listeners when they hear things that they haven't heard before. Don't dismiss it as a conspiracy theory, because all the things that you and I have been talking about for years have now come to fruition.
That's true. These aren't you know, these aren't our little fantasies or dreams that we've been having. This is actually these are proven facts now that Obama and Biden, that entire administration, Todd, used every intelligence apparatus, along with working with Hillary and the DNC to go after a political opponent.
Set aside the IRS scandals. That was itself. But now we know what we had all suspected. People like John Solomon and Sarah Carter have uncovered this bit by bit. And now it's become fact. And you really can't overlook it anymore.
You can't dismiss it. And, you know, one thing I want to say with what Pete said during his interview, and I encourage everybody to get his book. It's a great book is that this we are really in.
Jerome said it as well. We're in a war right now for the soul of this nation. Yes. Yeah. I mean, I couldn't agree more, Mark. I mean, you know, there's a lot of people that say there's seven mountains of influence.
And it's really something I would encourage everybody to look into. But one of those is government. And right now, it seems like a lot of the battle that we're waging from a spiritual standpoint is in government, because, you know, there's a lot of aspects to government that would, you know, solidify that. And the fact that we're fighting on so many fronts for our Supreme Court for who's going to be nominated in the next presidency up to maybe three new justices, which is a lot for a presidential term. And I think why the left is freaking out so much because they know that the president is going to put people that are constitutional, constructionalists and people that are going to uphold the way that our nation was founded from the forefathers versus a lot of these activist judges.
That's right. And we've seen enough of activist judges that follow an agenda rather than, as you pointed out, the Constitution. The Constitution is what should be followed in every ruling. We have something to celebrate.
And since we're airing this weekend, the president stepped up and did something that we were waiting for, which is to declare what? All churches essential. Yes. And we've got a lot to celebrate because that goes back to our very founding. And that's another thing that the blue states or the Democrats didn't want is for us to assemble and congregate together and worship God because we are stronger together as a body of Christ, aren't we?
Yeah, that's right. The Bible says do not forsake the assembling together of the brethren. And we've talked about this in the past, you and I. But it's so essential. And people say, well, you know, God is doing a lot online.
And I do believe he is. A lot of people are getting saved. And there's something that's said to that. But, you know, there's nothing like getting together, laying hands on the sick. You know, we can do it in a responsible manner, Mark. We can do it, you know, practicing some of the guidelines and social distancing and making sure the facilities are clean.
But at the end of the day, we need to get together. The church is essential. And I am so thankful that we have a president that was willing to come out today and declare that and decree that over this nation. And I would not be surprised if this is a turning page moment in our nation where we will see a move of God.
And I'm not saying the president started the move, but he has given the church and the body the freedom to be the head and not the tail and to stand up in this hour and lead the culture. And I am excited. I'm elated. I was jumping up and down, Mark.
I was as well, because this is I agree with you. This is something that we'll look back on and see that this is when the tide will start to turn, when the body of Christ comes together and becomes a powerful voice. And we need to be a powerful voice in November.
We need to be engaged. As I've always said, when people say talk about separation of church and state, that's not what the founders meant. And our faith dictates what happens in government. And so we need to insist upon the fact that our voices stay strong and stay heard. And so, you know, before we go and we wrap up in prayer, as many people know, Ben Kinchlow was my co-host for four years. This show, this episode is dedicated to him and we are thankful, Todd, that you have joined the show. And we've got a lot of work to do, my friend.
Yeah, there's a ton of work to do. It's a it's the right timing. It's an honor for me, Mark. And, you know, thank you to Ben and to those that have been forerunners on this show in standing for liberty, freedom and the word of God. Amen to that. So let's close this show out in prayer.
All right. Well, Heavenly Father, we just thank you. And, Lord, I want to pray for the people that are running for president in our nation.
We're not here to, you know, make fun of Joe Biden or these people. We pray that he would come to know you. We pray that that those that are listening would come to know you if they don't know you. We pray for our nation. We thank you for a president that was willing to stand for righteousness today, to deem churches as essential.
It's really the backbone of this society. Lord, if we don't have a moral compass in a church that's leading and standing for righteousness, then we're really bankrupt as a society. So I pray we would not go back to just business as usual, but we would stand in a way that we've never stood before. We'd be bold and unafraid and stand for the truth of the gospel, because you say in your word that it's the truth that sets the captive free. So we thank you for this exciting hour that we're in. And, Lord, we just are excited about what you're going to do in this season.
Please give us favor and your mercy and grace in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Todd. We will be back next week telling the truth, being bold and courageous. And we appreciate you joining us.
I'm Mark Anthony, your Patriot. I'm Todd Coconado, the preacher. Thank you for tuning in.
Mr. President, welcome to the show. I love the name of your show. I will be a good Christian. You're going to be very proud of me.
And I certainly will also be a good patriot. It's a great name for a show. I heard you have a great show. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. President. We appreciate that very much. And it has been an honor to have you on the show.
Hey, everyone, it's Mark Anthony. I want to talk to you about my pillow because it's truly changed my life. I've had over seven spinal surgeries on my neck and back, and I've never been able to get a good night's sleep. But after trying my pillow, I'm getting the best night's sleep that I've ever had before. Trust me, my pillow has made a believer out of me.
I never go anywhere without it. Look, this company has a 10 year warranty and is 60 day money back guarantee. And it's made right here in the USA. My pillow has an amazing offer for our listeners. And if you call 800-851-9287 and use the promo code Mark, you can take advantage of special offers on all of their products. Call right now, 800-851-9287 and use the promo code Mark. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain with the 60 day money back guarantee. Trust me, my pillow will make a believer out of you. And you know that jingle. For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit Don't forget to call 800-851-9287 or go to and use the promo code Mark.