right people, wrong place - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Some might say you can experience all four seasons in a single day in Boston. Many claim that the weather changes its mood as the sun moves across the sky. It's as if the city has its own personality, unpredictable and stubborn.

Jeon Jungkook watched the busy streets outside his office window as a light rain began to fall on the cobblestone streets. He always found it fascinating how Boston could be so volatile, mirroring the ups and downs of business and life. For him, this unpredictability was a constant reminder of the need for adaptability and flexibility, qualities he valued in himself and his team.

"Good morning, Mr. Jeon," Byun Baekhyun greeted, his voice warm and familiar.

Jungkook smiled, looking up from his laptop. "Morning, Baekhyun. How was your weekend?"

Baekhyun chuckled. "Too short, as always."

“Don’t worry, I’ll give you more days off next week. What's on for today?

"We have the quarterly meeting with all the department leaders at 10 AM, a conference call with Seoul headquarters at 2 PM, Ia 3 PM appointment with the R&D team to discuss the new product launch, and a press conference at 5 PM," Baekhyun recited, tapping his screen to provide additional details.

Jungkook listened, furrowing his brow in concentration. "Make sure the documents for the conference call are ready, and let the R&D team know I need a comprehensive update on the project's status," he instructed.

Baekhyun nodded, then hesitated. "And don't forget, sir, you have dinner with your parents tonight."

Jungkook's gaze softened slightly. "Of course. Thanks for the reminder."

Despite not yet holding the official title of CEO, Jungkook had already shouldered many of his father's responsibilities, seamlessly transitioning between the roles of heir and leader.

He slid into the elevator on his way to his first meeting, going over all the relevant information. He twisted his neck from side to side and sighed, feeling the old tension forming knots in his neck and shoulders. He had gone to a masseuse the night before because the pain had become unbearable.

"Good morning, everyone!" he called out, taking his seat at the end of the table. He opened his briefcase and took out a folder with the day's main topics, his fingers flipping through the papers as everyone got organized. Jungkook arranged the papers on the table and clapped his hands together, a polite smile on his lips. "I hope you're all doing well today. Thank you for being here. Let's get started, shall we?"

The meeting went smoothly, a routine check-up to ensure all departments were functioning properly and meeting their goals. After a little over an hour, Jungkook leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath.

"I just wanted to give you a quick update on the financial front, sir," said Natasha Reid, the new head of finance, as she passed out copies of her report. "So far, everything is going smoothly. We're meeting our financial targets, but I think we can do better."

Jungkook scanned the report, impressed by the detailed graphics. Natasha, despite her straightforward manner, was still adjusting to her new role. However, her strong references and resume had made her an excellent choice for the position.

"I believe there is always room for improvement, especially in optimizing our expenses," Jungkook said, placing the report in his folder. "Let's work together to identify areas where we can cut unnecessary costs and maximize our profitability. Come up with a plan and present it to me. You have a week. Thank you all for your hard work."

The quarterly meeting transitioned seamlessly into the conference call with Seoul headquarters, the threads of communication weaving effortlessly through the global network of the conglomerate.

As the workday neared its end, Jungkook stood at the expansive windows overlooking the city. The Boston skyline bathed in the hues of twilight, a serene backdrop to the chaos of corporate life. A call disrupted his thoughts. The screen displayed "Sohee," and Jungkook answered with his usual efficiency.

"Jungkook, where are you? Mom and Dad are already here," Sohee's tone carried both amusem*nt and reproach.

Jungkook glanced at his watch. "I'll be there shortly, Sohee," he responded, a hint of chagrin in his voice. Swiftly gathering his belongings, he left his office with the same determined stride that marked the day's accomplishments.

As he walked through the lobby, he dialed Choi Miyeon, his housekeeper. "Miyeon, it's Jungkook. I'll be home later than usual today."

"Of course, sir. I'll ensure everything is prepared for your return," Miyeon replied with practiced efficiency.

"Could you pass the phone to Binna?" Jungkook requested, his voice softening.

"She's still too young to talk on the phone, sir," Miyeon replied with a chuckle.

"I know, but I'd like to hear her anyway."

After a brief pause, Jungkook was greeted by his six-month-old daughter's laughter and coos. "Hey there, Binna," he said gently. "Daddy will be home soon. Be good for Miyeon unnie, okay?"

Binna's babbling sounds brought unexpected warmth to Jungkook's composed exterior. Miyeon chuckled softly in the background. "She's growing up fast, sir. Soon enough, she'll be talking up a storm."

"I look forward to that day," Jungkook replied, a fleeting smile softening his features.

The mention of Binna brought forth memories of a marriage that went awry. Jungkook's marriage to Kim Eunae had been orchestrated by their parents for strategic business reasons. Eunae had left shortly after Binna's birth, leaving Jungkook with the sole responsibility of raising their daughter.

Now, Binna was the anchor in Jungkook's life, a source of genuine love amid calculated alliances.

As Jungkook arrived at the restaurant, he felt a sense of warmth and contentment seeing his parents and sister, Sohee. The restaurant, known for its elegance, transformed into an intimate space filled with familial connections that transcended the corporate world.

"Jungkook, it's been too long," his mother said, her eyes sparkling with maternal warmth.

"It's good to see you, son," his father added with a rare smile.

Sohee, beaming with happiness, hugged him. "We've missed you."

As they settled at the cozy round table, Jungkook explained, "I apologize for not visiting more often. Things have been demanding."

His father nodded understandingly. "Your dedication is commendable. We've been occupied at headquarters, and Sohee is deep into her studies in London. It's a challenging time for all of us."

Sohee interjected, "But today, we're here. That's what matters."

The family conversation shifted from polite exchanges to genuine updates about their lives. His mother asked about Binna, "And how is Binna?"

"She's growing fast. Keeping up with her is a joy I wouldn't trade for anything," Jungkook replied, smiling.

His father added, "Raising her alone must be quite a task. How are you managing?"

"It has its moments, but I have a good support system. Miyeon has been a tremendous help," Jungkook said. "And the moments with Binna make everything worthwhile."

Sohee chimed in, "We're here for you, Jungkook. Family is the best support system."

As they shared stories and laughter, the months of separation began to dissolve, leaving only the familial bonds that endure despite the demands of their respective lives.

The evening progressed, and a sense of warmth and contentment settled over the family. The familial camaraderie momentarily dissolved the walls of formality, allowing Jungkook to be not just the heir to the conglomerate but simply a son, brother, and father.

However, as the conversation shifted, the weight of business reasserted itself.

His father began, "Jungkook, your mother and I have been talking. We're worried. Raising Binna and managing the company's responsibilities alone... it's a lot for anyone."

"I've been handling it just fine," Jungkook responded defensively.

His mother interjected, "We understand, but it's a lot for one person. You don't have to bear the burden alone."

"What are you suggesting, Mom?" Jungkook asked.

"We think it's time you consider marriage again," his father said delicately. "Someone to share the responsibilities, especially with Binna and the company. We've been discussing it with the Kim family, and we believe Taehyung would be an excellent match for you."

Jungkook's brows furrowed. "Taehyung? The fashion designer?"

"Yes, Taehyung. He's the son of our loyal business partners, and we believe he would be a great companion for you," his father explained.

"I appreciate your concern, but I've been down this road before. I married for business once, and Binna was the consequence of that," Jungkook asserted. "I can't make the same mistake again. I need to make decisions that are best for both of us, not just for the business."

His mother added, "We understand your reservations, but Taehyung is different. It's not just about business this time; it's about finding someone who can be a true companion to you."

Jungkook looked between his family members, torn between the expectations of tradition and the desire for a life of his choosing. "Fine. I'll consider it. But I can't promise anything. I need to get to know him before making any decisions."

His mother smiled. "That's all we ask, Jungkook. Just give it a chance."

And Jungkook actually gave it a try.

Less than a week after the tension-filled dinner, Jungkook found himself back in his office. As he delved into his work, Baekhyun walked in with purpose, holding a folder that seemed to carry a weight of its own.

"You asked me to gather information about Taehyung, sir. I did as instructed," Baekhyun said, placing the folder on Jungkook's desk.

Jungkook nodded, signaling for Baekhyun to continue. "Taehyung, the prodigal son of the Kim family," Baekhyun began, "graduated with honors from a SKY league university and has made a significant mark as a successful fashion designer."

Jungkook absorbed the information, the clash of familial expectations and personal autonomy echoing in his mind. "Taehyung's background is impressive. He has garnered attention in the fashion industry for his innovative designs and collaborations."

As Baekhyun detailed Taehyung's professional achievements, Jungkook's frustration began to mount. With a frustrated sigh, he interrupted Baekhyun. "This is all well and good, but did you manage to get any information beyond his professional life? I need to know more about him as a person."

Baekhyun, sensing the shift in Jungkook's mood, cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, sir. I did my best, but beyond his professional life, I could only find old articles about how Taehyung loved extravagant parties and parades. There's not much recent personal information available."

Jungkook's frustration deepened. "Extravagant parties and parades? That doesn't tell me anything useful. I need to know who he is beyond the glitz and glamour."

Baekhyun, empathetic to Jungkook's predicament, offered, "If there's anything specific you want me to dig deeper into, just let me know."

Jungkook, feeling the weight of his decision-making process, decided to shift his focus. "Thank you, Baekhyun. For now, can you try to move up my next meeting or cancel it if that's not possible? I need some time to clear my head."

Baekhyun responded affirmatively. "Of course, sir. I'll take care of it right away."

As Baekhyun left, Jungkook decided to take a break from the complexities of business and spend some time with Binna at the daycare.

Upon arriving at the daycare, the nursery manager greeted him warmly. "Mr. Jeon, what brings you here? Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. I just wanted to see Binna for a bit. I've missed her," Jungkook replied with a small smile.

The nursery manager's eyes sparkled with genuine affection. "Binna is a happy and calm baby. She's adapting wonderfully. Seeing you here will surely make her day."

Jungkook, heartened by the reassurance, nodded appreciatively. "I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for taking good care of her."

As Jungkook approached Binna, she greeted him with a wide smile and excited squeals. Overcome with affection, Jungkook scooped her up and settled her on his lap. "Did you miss Daddy today?" he whispered, fully aware that Binna couldn't understand or respond.

Jungkook began to talk quietly to her, reflecting on the thoughts swirling in his mind. "You know, Binna, Daddy has some big decisions to make. There's someone named Taehyung, and they want Daddy to be friends with him. What do you think?"

Binna looked at Jungkook with wide-eyed curiosity, absorbing the tone and cadence of his voice. Jungkook, finding solace in the simplicity of this moment, continued to seek clarity within the depths of his own musings, holding onto the comforting presence of his daughter.

Weeks passed in a rhythm of routine, Jungkook alternating between the demands of his work and the cherished moments spent with Binna. Amidst the juggling act of responsibilities, he remained in regular contact with his parents, providing updates on both professional and personal fronts.

One evening, as Jungkook settled into a video call with Sohee, the conversation took an unexpected turn. "Jungkook, Mom has been thinking. She wonders if we could arrange a meeting between you and Taehyung," Sohee said delicately.

Jungkook, normally composed, felt a subtle tension. "Sohee, you know my stance on this. I'm not sure it's a good idea."

Sohee responded with understanding. "We all care about Binna, and we respect your dedication as a father. But Taehyung might be able to support you in ways you haven't considered. Mom is only thinking about what's best for you and Binna."

Jungkook sighed, a mixture of reluctance and acceptance in his voice. "Alright, I'll try to get to know Taehyung before making a decision. If Mom insists, we can arrange a meeting."

Days later, disbelief painted Jungkook's expression as he answered a call from Sohee. "Jungkook, I have something to tell you. Brace yourself," Sohee began, her tone carrying a hint of amusem*nt.

"Taehyung is in the middle of a big project for Seoul Fashion Week. He can't leave the city right now," Sohee explained.

Jungkook chuckled sarcastically. "You have to be joking, Sohee. What makes Taehyung think I can just leave Boston on a whim?"

Sohee tried to ease the situation. "Mom insists it's crucial for you two to meet. She thinks it'll be a good opportunity for both of you to understand each other better."

Jungkook, still incredulous, retorted, "I have a job, Sohee. Responsibilities. I can't just drop everything and fly to Seoul because Taehyung is in the middle of a project. This is ridiculous."

Sohee attempted to justify the situation. "I know it's not ideal, but Mom believes it's necessary. Can you at least try to find a way to make it work?"

The conversation hung in the air, the unexpected turn of events leaving Jungkook grappling with the reality of a journey he hadn't anticipated.

In the last few weeks, Jungkook found himself caught in a whirlwind of unexpected changes. He had to reorganize his entire schedule, packing essentials, making arrangements for Binna's care, and ensuring that Miyeon, his steadfast housekeeper, could accompany them on this unplanned journey.

Throughout the chaotic preparations, Jungkook couldn't help but voice his frustrations. "Can you believe this? I'm dropping everything to fly to Seoul because of some family drama," he exclaimed to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun chuckled. "It’s not every day you get summoned across the globe for a fashion emergency."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Fashion emergency? This whole thing is absurd. I have a life, a job, a daughter to take care of. And for what? To meet someone I barely know for the sake of family politics."

Baekhyun tried to lighten the mood. "Maybe it won't be so bad. Taehyung might turn out to be an interesting person."

Jungkook sighed. "Interesting or not, this trip is turning my life upside down. I just hope it's worth it."

As the plane ticket to Seoul sat in his hand, Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling of being swept away by a tide of unexpected events.

Amidst the chaos of preparations, Jungkook found a moment of respite when he decided to meet his longtime friend, Kim Namjoon, before embarking on the trip to Seoul.

Namjoon, an old confidant who had been a guest at Jungkook's ill-fated wedding to Eunae, had been a steadfast source of advice. As they settled into a cozy café in Boston, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of relief in Namjoon's presence.

"Jungkook, my friend," Namjoon greeted. "It's been a while. How have you been?"

"Busy, as always. And now, of all things, I have to fly to Seoul because of some family drama. Can you believe it?" Jungkook sighed.

Namjoon arched an eyebrow. "Family drama? You've had your fair share of that, haven't you?"

Jungkook nodded. "You could say that. This time it involves meeting Kim Taehyung, someone I'm supposed to get along with for the sake of family harmony."

Namjoon leaned back, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Taehyung, huh? I remember advising you against marrying Eunae. Seems like my intuition was on point."

Jungkook chuckled. "You always did have a knack for seeing through things. How's your perfect life, by the way? Wife, kid, and a successful career. You've got it all figured out."

Namjoon's expression softened. "Jungkook, there's no such thing as a perfect life. Yoon-ah and I have our struggles too. But we work through them because we're a team. You, my friend, are also stronger than you think. You'll navigate through this."

Jungkook, caught in a moment of vulnerability, couldn't help but let out a sarcastic laugh. "Navigate through this? My life is spiraling out of control. I can't even plan a trip without it turning into a circus."

Namjoon placed a reassuring hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Well, sometimes it's in the chaos that we find unexpected clarity. Embrace the journey, even if it seems absurd now. Who knows what you might discover in Seoul?"

Jungkook sat in silence, sipping his coffee, contemplating Namjoon's words. There was a lingering question in his eyes, a curiosity that danced on the edge of his thoughts. Namjoon, attuned to his friend's unspoken inquiries, chuckled softly.

"You've got that look, Jungkook. Just go ahead and spill it," Namjoon said with a knowing smile.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you have any advice about Taehyung? I know you know him. I mean, what's he like?"

Namjoon leaned back, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "I met Taehyung a few years ago, back when he wasn't even half as big a name as he is today."

"And?" Jungkook pressed.

Namjoon chuckled. "Even then, Taehyung was already an eccentric figure. Artistic, passionate about his work, with a flair for the dramatic. He's not your conventional businessman, that's for sure."

Jungkook furrowed his brow. "Eccentric how?"

Namjoon leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "He has a… unique way of seeing the world, let’s put it this way. From his fashion choices to the way he approaches life, Taehyung marches to the beat of his own drum."

Jungkook sighed. "That doesn't tell me much. What am I supposed to expect?"

Namjoon shrugged. "Expect the unexpected, I suppose. Taehyung is an enigma. He definitely brings a splash of color to our black-and-white lives."

As the days ticked by, the impending trip to Seoul drew closer. On the day of departure, Jungkook stood in the bustling airport terminal with Binna snuggled against his chest. Miyeon, a steadfast presence at his side, expertly juggled bags and travel essentials. The journey had been meticulously planned for the three of them to spend four days in Seoul — a timeframe Jungkook deemed sufficient to gauge who Taehyung was and whether accepting his parents' proposal was worth considering.

As they navigated the airport crowds, Jungkook stole a moment to engage Miyeon in conversation. "Can you believe that I'm doing all this for a stranger?"

Miyeon chuckled. "Well, sir, you’re indeed crossing the globe for this mysterious man. Must be a pretty special stranger."

Jungkook sighed. "That's what worries me, Miyeon. What if he is special, but not in a way I can handle?"

Miyeon laughed. "Oh, come on. Taehyung can't be that bad. You're a strong and capable man. I'm sure you can handle whatever comes your way."

Jungkook couldn't help but smile. "That's what I'm afraid of, Miyeon. What if he's not bad at all, and I find myself stuck in a situation I never signed up for?"

Miyeon patted him on the shoulder. "Sometimes, sir, it’s simple. If Taehyung turns out to be too much to handle, well, you give him a polite nod and hop on the next flight home."

Jungkook chuckled. "You always have a way of simplifying things, Miyeon."

Miyeon winked. "That's what I'm here for, sir. Now, let's get through this flight, meet this mysterious Taehyung, and see what unfolds. Who knows, it might not be as complicated as it seems."

As they boarded the plane, Jungkook couldn't shake the lingering uncertainty, but Miyeon's pragmatic perspective served as a reassuring anchor.

Seoul welcomed Jungkook, Binna, and Miyeon with the vibrant energy of a late August day. The air was thick with the warmth of summer, a stark contrast to the climate they left behind in Boston. The city's skyline, a blend of modernity and tradition, stretched out beneath a sky painted in hues of blue.

As the plane touched down at Incheon International Airport, Jungkook couldn't help but marvel at the palpable difference in atmosphere. The scent of unfamiliar blossoms and the murmur of conversations in Korean signaled the beginning of a journey into the heart of Seoul.

Binna, held securely in her father's arms, observed the new surroundings with wide-eyed curiosity. The flight had been relatively smooth, a testament to the seasoned travelers Jungkook and Miyeon had become. Despite being her first time on a plane, Binna displayed remarkable composure.

Seated in the bustling airport terminal, Jungkook looked around, taking in the diverse faces and the hum of conversations. The anticipation of meeting Taehyung loomed, but for a moment, Jungkook allowed himself to savor the simple pleasure of experiencing a new place with his daughter.

The trio ventured outside, greeted by the warm embrace of Seoul's summer. The streets, alive with the cadence of life, beckoned them into the heart of the city. Miyeon, always practical, adjusted their course with a knowing smile. "Seoul in August is a different kind of heat, sir. But I hear the evenings are beautiful."

Jungkook nodded, Binna now comfortably nestled in the baby sling.

Seoul, a city steeped in history and innovation, unfolded before Jungkook with a sense of familiarity tinged with novelty. Born in this bustling metropolis, his early years were immersed in its culture and traditions. However, life had led him away from Seoul's embrace, transplanting him to distant lands in pursuit of knowledge and experience.

Now, returning to his birthplace, Jungkook found himself in the midst of a city that had evolved in his absence. The streets, once etched in his childhood memories, had transformed into a vibrant tapestry of modernity. Skyscrapers reached for the heavens, blending seamlessly with historic palaces and bustling markets.

Despite being a native, Jungkook's connection with Seoul was like that of a stranger navigating a new world. His upbringing had been a fusion of cultures, a deliberate choice by his family to broaden his perspectives. Fluent in multiple languages and well-versed in the nuances of global business, Jungkook's return to Seoul was a reunion with a city he knew but had yet to truly understand.

As the plane touched down, the Jeon family's driver, a familiar face from Jungkook's childhood, greeted them with a warm smile. The black luxury sedan seamlessly glided through Seoul's traffic, taking them to one of the Jeon family's properties — a residence in a prestigious neighborhood, meticulously prepared for their arrival.

The spacious home, a blend of modern aesthetics and traditional Korean influences, welcomed them. Binna's cries, now softened by the soothing atmosphere, seemed to harmonize with the subtle sounds of the city beyond the windows.

Miyeon ensured that everything was in order. The rooms were adorned with a touch of elegance, and the nursery, crafted with care, awaited Binna's presence.

As Jungkook settled into the master bedroom, adapted to accommodate the needs of a baby, he spoke softly to Binna, coaxing the weariness from her tiny frame. The room, adorned with soft colors and gentle lighting, became a sanctuary for father-daughter moments.

Binna, cradled in Jungkook's arms, succumbed to the soothing whispers, eyelashes fluttering until they finally closed in peaceful slumber. Jungkook gently placed her in the crib, his gaze lingering for a moment.

Despite the quietude, Jungkook felt the subtle tug of responsibility. Navigating the dimly lit halls, he descended to his home office. The familiar hum of the computer greeted him, casting a soft glow across the room. With Binna settled, the weight of the day's fatigue began to settle on Jungkook's shoulders.

He seated himself at the desk, the ambient glow casting a gentle light on his determined features. The computer screen flickered to life, and a video call connected him with Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun, I need you to handle the negotiations with the Boston branch. I trust your judgment on this," Jungkook instructed.

Baekhyun nodded. "Understood, sir. I'll take care of it. Anything else?"

Jungkook leaned back in his chair. "No, that should be it for now. Keep me updated."

The following morning, Jungkook's eyes bore the evidence of a night immersed in work. As the sun painted Seoul in hues of morning warmth, Jungkook found himself in a quiet moment of reflection.

"Baekhyun, I messed up with the jet lag. Apologies for keeping you up all night," Jungkook confessed.

Baekhyun chuckled. "No worries, sir. I'm used to your unconventional hours. But maybe it's time to consider a power nap?"

Jungkook nodded, acknowledging the advice. As Baekhyun's image vanished from the screen, Jungkook took a moment to gather his thoughts before embarking on another day.

The day unfolded as a seamless continuation of work. Jungkook delved into the intricacies of business while also acclimating to the rhythms of Seoul. He had deliberately set aside the first day for adaptation.

As the day progressed, Jungkook, Binna in tow and Miyeon at his side, ventured out to find Sohee. The reunion with his sister carried an air of familiarity. Sohee had adjusted her schedule to align with Jungkook's brief visit.

"Sohee, you're the expert here. Help me navigate through this sea of Korean," Jungkook teased.

Sohee laughed. "Come on, Jungkook, you used to be fluent. It's like riding a bike. You never forget."

The trio strolled down the bustling streets of Seoul, the air infused with the city's vibrant energy. As they walked, Jungkook's attention was suddenly drawn to a colossal billboard, its bright lights and vivid colors demanding notice.

Sohee, attuned to her brother's gaze, chuckled. "I forgot to warn you, brother. Seoul is Taehyung's world."

Jungkook's eyes remained fixed on the imposing display. The billboard showcased Taehyung, smiling with an effortless charm, discussing the upcoming clothing collection set to debut in the winter.

The visual spectacle held Jungkook captive. Taehyung's influence permeated not just the fashion industry but the very streets of Seoul. The city seemed to breathe with the rhythm of Taehyung's creativity.

Sohee's laughter accompanied the realization. "Looks like you're in for an interesting stay, oppa."

The air inside the upscale restaurant carried an aura of sophistication. Jungkook, clad in a perfectly tailored suit, stood at the entrance, a subtle nervousness prickling the edges of his composed exterior. He took a steadying breath before approaching the receptionist.

"I have reservations in Kim Taehyung's name," he stated.

The receptionist nodded and checked the reservation list. "Of course, sir. Right this way."

As Jungkook followed the hostess through the meticulously adorned dining area, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment. The restaurant exuded an atmosphere of exclusivity. Seated alone for a moment, Jungkook felt the anticipation building. The absence of his father's counsel left him in a state of uncertainty.

As he scanned the menu, his mind wandered to the myriad possibilities. Would Taehyung be receptive to the proposed collaboration, or would there be tension stemming from the complexities of family dynamics? Jungkook had navigated corporate negotiations with finesse, but this encounter felt like uncharted territory.

The waiter approached, ready to take his order, and Jungkook's gaze flickered. The choice of the meal became an inconsequential decision. What lay before him was a table laden not just with culinary delights but with the potential for significant shifts in the trajectory of his family's conglomerate.

He opted for a selection. As the waiter retreated, Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling that he stood at the precipice of a pivotal moment — one that held the power to redefine alliances and reshape destinies.

Every passing minute felt like an eternity as Jungkook's gaze remained fixed on the entrance. The low hum of conversations around him transformed into a distant murmur. He fidgeted with the stem of the wine glass, the rhythmic tapping echoing the erratic beat of his own heartbeat.

Anticipation hung in the air like a silent companion. The restaurant, with its opulent décor and attentive waitstaff, seemed to fade into the periphery of Jungkook's consciousness. All that remained was the weight of the impending meeting.

He couldn't pinpoint the source of his anxiety. Was it the blend of familial expectations and business intricacies? Or was it the uncertainty of what lay ahead? Jungkook's rational mind grappled with these questions, yet the answers remained elusive.

The minutes stretched into moments of contemplation. Every shuffle of footsteps drew his focus like a magnet. It was as if time itself had decided to elongate, each passing second a deliberate test of his composure.

And then, everything stopped. The background noise dulled to a mere whisper. The entrance seemed to glow with an ethereal light, capturing his undivided attention.

There he was — Kim Taehyung.

Walking towards him with an effortless grace, Taehyung appeared like a living, breathing masterpiece. Dressed in a casual ensemble that defied traditional norms, he exuded an air of sophistication. Each step seemed choreographed, a dance of confidence and style.

Jungkook's breath caught in his throat. The fashionista approached the table with a demeanor that hinted at the duality of his existence — a man of both elegance and rebellion.

Taehyung's eyes, framed by a cascade of dark, tousled hair, met Jungkook's with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. There was a subtle playfulness in that gaze, a knowing acknowledgment of the anticipation that hung in the air.

The arrival of Kim Taehyung at the table triggered a moment frozen in suspended animation. Jungkook, caught in the magnetic force that seemed to envelop the space between them, continued to stare in silence. The ethereal glow of the restaurant's ambiance reflected in his eyes.

Time, for a fleeting moment, felt like it had become elastic, stretching and distorting as Jungkook remained captivated by the enigma that was Taehyung.

In the quietude of that moment, Jungkook seemed to forget the customary niceties of social interaction. He was lost in the sheer presence of Taehyung, the weight of familial expectations and business decisions momentarily eclipsed by the aura of the man who stood before him.

As seconds turned into an extended pause, Taehyung, ever the charismatic presence, broke the silence. He tilted his head to the side, a playful glint in his eyes. "Aren't you going to greet me, Jeon Jungkook?" he teased.

Jungkook blinked, awakening from a trance. With a subtle flush coloring his cheeks, he moved to stand. The quiet intensity in his gaze softened into a more composed expression. "Please, have a seat," he offered.

Taehyung chuckled. "Well, we have a gentleman here. I appreciate the gesture, but a simple hello would have been enough," he remarked.

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh. "Apologies, Taehyung-ssi. It seems I got lost in thought for a moment," he admitted, his own smile breaking through the composed exterior.

As they both settled into their seats, the ambiance of the restaurant regained its usual rhythm. The initial moments of Jungkook's dinner with Taehyung unfolded with an air of awkwardness. Seated across from each other, the challenge of finding common ground loomed over Jungkook.

As Jungkook racked his brain for a suitable topic, he found himself caught in the gaze of Taehyung. The fashionista's eyes, playful and filled with an almost mischievous glint, bore Jungkook with a scrutiny that made him feel like a specimen under observation.

With every passing second, the weight of the silence became more palpable. Taehyung's playful glances left Jungkook feeling out of place, like a puzzle piece desperately trying to find its fit. Amid this discomfort, the need for conversation became almost desperate.

"So, uh, how's the fashion industry treating you lately?" Jungkook stuttered. The question, intended as a lifeline, hung in the air. Taehyung, however, seemed to find amusem*nt in Jungkook's struggle.

A knowing smile curved Taehyung's lips. "Oh, you know, the usual glamour and chaos. Fashion has its own way of keeping things interesting," he replied.

Jungkook sensed that he was being observed with a playful fascination. "Right, I can imagine. I've always been more immersed in the business side of things. The corporate world has its own set of challenges."

Taehyung's gaze, undeterred by Jungkook's efforts, lingered. "The corporate world, huh? Must be thrilling," Taehyung mused.

The fashionista leaned back in his chair. "Business is a world of its own, isn't it? So structured, so... serious," Taehyung mused, his playful demeanor amplifying Jungkook's sense of awkwardness.

The silence settled over the table after Taehyung's remark. Jungkook shifted his attention to his own fingers, which drummed rhythmically on the top of the table.

Taehyung continued to observe Jungkook with an inscrutable expression, waiting for him to make another attempt at breaking the silence. Jungkook, feeling a mixture of frustration and reluctance, chose a different approach this time. Instead of forcing a conversation, he allowed the silence to stretch, an unspoken acknowledgment of the challenge posed by the elusive figure across the table.

The atmosphere grew increasingly strained as the silence persisted. Just when the tension threatened to become unbearable, Taehyung broke the quietude with a relaxed laugh.

"Is there anything else about the fashion world you're itching to know?" Taehyung asked, his tone laced with playful humor. The question, delivered with a casual air, served as a subtle invitation for Jungkook to steer the conversation in a direction of his choosing.

Taehyung's question hung in the air like a challenge. Jungkook, feeling the weight of scrutiny, took a deep breath. "Honestly, I—I'm not well-versed in the intricacies of the fashion world," Jungkook stammered. "I guess I'm just nervous. This isn't my usual territory, and I want to make a good impression, for some reason."

Taehyung observed Jungkook with an amused glint in his eyes. "Nervous? About what, exactly?" he inquired.

Jungkook mumbled an apology. "I'm not used to this... the whole fashion scene. It's a bit overwhelming."

Taehyung chuckled. "Ah, Jungkook, you're trying too hard. Relax. We're just here to enjoy a nice dinner together, right? No need to make it an interview."

The remark, delivered with a lightness that bordered on teasing, prompted Jungkook to glance down, realizing the depth of his own unease. "I just... I'm not good at this kind of thing," he admitted, his tone betraying a touch of vulnerability.

"Why? It's just dinner," Taehyung quipped, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Are you always this nervous around new people?"


Jungkook managed a weak smile. "No, not always. It's just... well, I didn't expect this, and I guess I'm not handling it as well as I thought I would."

Taehyung's laughter filled the space between them. "Fair enough. Let's drop the business talk then, shall we? We're here to enjoy each other's company, not to discuss work strategies."

As Taehyung's laughter dissipated, a newfound ease settled over the table. Jungkook, grateful for the shift in tone, took a deep breath, attempting to shake off the residual tension that had lingered. Still uncertain about the appropriate topic of conversation, he decided to approach the situation differently, opting for a more direct and personal approach.

"So, hum," Jungkook began, his voice carrying a genuine curiosity, "what do you want to talk about? I mean, aside from work and all that."

Taehyung's eyes glimmered with amusem*nt at Jungkook's attempt to redirect the conversation. "Hmm, good question. Let's see... Ah, I've got something interesting. Our parents seem to think we should get married. Ever thought about that?"

Jungkook, caught off guard, raised an eyebrow. The revelation hung in the air, and for a moment, he was uncertain how to respond. A more sincere smile graced Taehyung's lips this time. "Yeah, it took me by surprise too. But I'm here to figure out why they think it's a good idea. And, of course, to understand why they think you're a good choice for me."

Jungkook leaned back in his chair, processing the unexpected turn of the conversation. "So, what do you think about it?" he asked, his gaze fixed on Taehyung's face.

Taehyung's expression remained thoughtful as he considered the question. "Honestly, I'm not against the idea of marriage. I believe in finding the right person, and maybe our parents see something we don't. I just want to understand their perspective, and yours too."

Jungkook nodded, absorbing Taehyung's candid response. The revelation opened a door to a conversation that delved into personal realms, beyond the realms of business and formality. The weight of honesty hung in the air as Jungkook contemplated how to express his reservations about the idea of marriage. He took a moment, his gaze drifting momentarily before settling back on Taehyung's earnest eyes.

"I appreciate your openness about it," Jungkook began, his voice measured. "But, you must know about the whole situation involving me and Eunae..."

Before Jungkook could delve further, Taehyung's soft murmur interrupted him. "I don't know anything about you other than what I've been told, Jungkook. But I want to know if you're comfortable telling me."

Caught off guard by Taehyung's unexpected compassion, Jungkook hesitated for a moment. The sincerity in Taehyung's gaze left him feeling both exposed and, strangely, understood. Despite having done his own research on Taehyung before agreeing to the date, the roles were now reversed, and Jungkook felt a sense of vulnerability.

"Well, it's a complicated story," Jungkook admitted, choosing his words carefully. "My marriage with Eunae was... arranged by my parents for business reasons. We didn't love each other, and the whole thing was more like a business transaction. I agreed because I thought it was the right thing to do at the time — fulfilling my duty as the heir."

As he spoke, Jungkook noticed the empathy in Taehyung's eyes, a stark contrast to the probing curiosity he half-expected. The atmosphere between them shifted from guarded to a shared understanding, transcending the constraints of their predetermined roles.

"Eunae and I had a daughter, Binna," Jungkook continued. "But the marriage fell apart, and she left, leaving Binna in my care. It was a challenging time, and since then, I've been navigating the complexities of being a father while managing the family business."

Taehyung's expression remained attentive, devoid of judgment or preconceived notions. "I appreciate your honesty, Jungkook," he said, his voice gentle. "It sounds like you've been through a lot. I can understand why marriage might not be the most appealing idea for you right now."

Jungkook nodded, grateful for Taehyung's understanding. The lingering tension began to dissipate as Jungkook found himself gradually opening up to Taehyung. The conversation flowed more smoothly, blending seamlessly with the exquisite flavors of the meal that adorned their table. With each passing moment, the walls that had initially separated them seemed to crumble, paving the way for a connection that transcended the constraints of their predetermined circ*mstances.

Taehyung, savoring a delicate bite, glanced at Jungkook with a playful twinkle in his eyes. "So, Jungkook, if you weren't exactly keen on the idea of marriage, why agree to meet me?"

Putting down his fork, Jungkook paused for a moment, contemplating his response. The question hung in the air, demanding honesty. "My parents and my sister, Sohee, kept insisting that marrying you would be good for both me and Binna. They've been saying that you would be a good influence, and, well, as much as I hate to admit it, that sparked my curiosity."

Jungkook's admission lingered in the air, the vulnerability in his words underscoring the complexities of familial expectations. He continued, "I'm here to understand, to draw my own conclusions. I just want to make decisions based on what I believe is right for me and my baby, not just what's convenient for the business."

Taehyung listened attentively, his gaze fixed on Jungkook's face. There was a genuine curiosity in his eyes as if he were trying to unravel the layers of the man seated across from him. The restaurant's ambient sounds provided a gentle backdrop to their conversation, creating a cocoon of intimacy amid the bustling city outside.

"Well, Jungkook, I appreciate your honesty," Taehyung responded, a warm smile gracing his features. "It's refreshing to meet someone who values authenticity. And as much as I may have reservations about the idea of an arranged marriage, I'm open to understanding and, who knows, maybe even finding common ground."

As the evening progressed, the atmosphere between Jungkook and Taehyung shifted from cautious curiosity to a more genuine exchange of perspectives. The restaurant's ambient glow cast a warm hue on their faces as the conversation meandered through various topics, creating an unexpected connection between two individuals whose paths might never have crossed under different circ*mstances.

With a playful glint in his eyes, Jungkook decided to reciprocate the earlier question. "So what made you agree to meet me? I'm genuinely curious."

Taehyung chuckled, the sound a pleasant melody in the quietude of the upscale restaurant. "Ah, do you want to know what my parents said about you?"

Intrigued and slightly anxious, Jungkook nodded. There was a part of him that couldn't fathom what someone like Taehyung, with his stature in the fashion world, would find interesting or compelling about him.

"Well, my father, you see, is getting older," Taehyung began, a nostalgic glint in his eyes. "And with each passing year, he tries to convince me that I need to find something more meaningful in life than making clothes."

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed in genuine curiosity, waiting for Taehyung to elaborate on his father's perspective. The fashionista continued, his laughter carrying a fondness for the man who had paved the way for him.

"Yes, despite having built an empire in the fashion world, my father is a businessman like you," Taehyung explained. "He always imagined that I would follow his path, but he never considered that I would be more interested in the creative side of things. But even though he doesn't fully approve, he respects my work, and that's enough."

The revelation hung in the air, a delicate thread connecting two worlds that, until that moment, had only brushed against each other's peripheries. Jungkook, leaning back in his chair, took a sip of his wine as Taehyung's words lingered, each sentence peeling away layers of the intricate story that had led them to this shared evening.

"My dad and your dad go to the same club here in Seoul, in case you didn't know," Taehyung continued, his voice carrying a hint of amusem*nt. "And one day, my dad found yours. They must have talked a lot about the two of us, enough for my dad to call me the next day and tell me he found the right person I've been looking for."

A soft laugh escaped them both, the absurdity of their parents' indirect matchmaking not lost on either. Jungkook, intrigued by the unfolding narrative, couldn't help but ask, "What made your dad think that?"

Taehyung's eyes sparkled with mirth as he shared the anecdote. "My dad gave me a long speech about how this Jungkook person could make me see that there are more things to life than work. And don't get me wrong, I'm no workaholic, but I enjoy it, and I'm very good at it…" He paused, a contemplative expression crossing his features. "In making clothes."

Jungkook chuckled, finding an unexpected camaraderie in Taehyung's blend of sarcasm and sincerity. The realization that their fathers, in their own way, were attempting to guide them toward a connection beyond professional realms added a layer of irony to their encounter.

"It's amusing how our parents think they have it all figured out for us," Jungkook remarked, a wry smile playing on his lips. "But I suppose we're here to see if there's any truth in their matchmaking."

The revelation, instead of creating awkwardness, seemed to dissolve any lingering tension between them. The rhythm of their conversation flowed seamlessly, like a dance where each step revealed more about the partners involved. The clink of wine glasses and the murmur of other diners formed a harmonious backdrop to the unfolding exchange.

Taehyung, his laughter still lingering in the air after one of Jungkook's jokes, sighed contentedly. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Jungkook, and with a subtle shift, he changed the trajectory of their discourse.

"So, Jungkook, tell me about Binna," Taehyung said, his tone soft yet genuinely curious.

Jungkook, taken aback by the unexpected turn of the conversation, hesitated for a moment. The evening had been a delicate balance, and the mention of his daughter introduced a variable he hadn't been sure how to navigate. He had been cautious, fearing that Binna might be perceived as an obstacle to forging a genuine connection.

However, sensing Taehyung's sincerity, Jungkook took a deep breath and allowed himself to open up. "Binna," he began, a soft smile playing on his lips, "she's an adorable six-month-old. I might be biased, but she's incredibly intelligent for her age. Already crawling, can you believe it?"

Jungkook found himself immersed in recounting the joyous details of his daughter's milestones. The affection in his voice painted a vivid picture of the bond he shared with Binna. He spoke about her with a warmth that only a parent could convey, inadvertently monopolizing the conversation.

As he paused to take a sip of his wine, Jungkook caught the realization that he had veered into a monologue. The flicker of concern crossed his face, and he offered a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I got carried away. It's just... Binna means the world to me."

Taehyung, however, welcomed the insight into Jungkook's life. His eyes gleamed with genuine interest as he responded, "No need to apologize. It's clear how much she means to you. It's refreshing to meet someone so devoted to their family. Tell me more; I'd love to hear more about her."

Jungkook felt a palpable sense of relief as Taehyung not only welcomed the conversation about Binna but also expressed genuine interest. The tension that had subtly lingered in the air seemed to dissipate, replaced by a newfound ease between them. Leaning back in his chair, Jungkook began to share more about his precious daughter.

"Binna is… she’s such a joy," he mused, a soft smile on his face. "The daycare nurse keeps me updated on her progress. She loves playing with the other babies, although she's not as noisy as them. A bit of an observer, just like her dad, I suppose." Jungkook chuckled, a warmth in his eyes as he spoke about the little nuances that made Binna unique.

When words alone couldn't capture the essence of his daughter, Jungkook retrieved his cell phone from his pocket. With a fond glint in his eyes, he started scrolling through a gallery of photos, each capturing a different facet of Binna's journey.

As Jungkook continued to scroll through the gallery of photos on his cell phone, each image capturing a different milestone in Binna's journey, Taehyung found himself increasingly captivated. At first, his attention was split between the screen and Jungkook's animated narration. However, as the stories unfolded, Taehyung's gaze gradually shifted from the digital snapshots to the real-time expression of Jungkook's devotion.

There was a genuine warmth in Jungkook's eyes, a pride that transcended mere parental fondness. The businessman's voice carried an undertone of joy and love as he shared the intricacies of Binna's growth. The first smiles that melted his heart, the endearing attempts at crawling that painted scenes of determination, and the curious glances that hinted at an unfolding exploration of the world.

Taehyung, known for his keen observational skills, couldn't help but redirect his focus from the screen to Jungkook. In that moment, the phone and its images became secondary; the foreground belonged to the father who spoke with unwavering affection. As Jungkook's stories flowed, Taehyung witnessed a spectrum of emotions playing across his features – a journey from the tender glow of pride to the subtle vulnerability of a parent sharing the most cherished moments of their child.

The realization struck Taehyung with a quiet intensity. In those minutes, he saw beyond the titles of businessmen.

Taehyung's own father had seen something in Jungkook, a quality that transcended professional success. Now, as he observed Jungkook's expression, Taehyung understood. It wasn't just about Binna; it was about the depth of commitment and the unwavering dedication that Jungkook brought to the role of a father.

In that shared moment of understanding, Taehyung felt a bridge forming between their seemingly disparate worlds. Binna, with her innocent charm, had become the catalyst for this connection. The revelations of the night – from business strategies to personal vulnerabilities – culminated in this shared appreciation for the joys and challenges of parenthood.

Taehyung's smile, though subtle, reflected an acknowledgment that surpassed mere agreement. It was a recognition of the genuine and unfiltered Jungkook standing before him – a man whose devotion to family resonated in a way that transcended the boundaries of their initial arrangement.

As the night continued, the conversation flowed seamlessly between them. The photos of Binna were tucked away, and what remained was the shared understanding that, perhaps, this meeting was destined to unravel more layers than either of them had anticipated.


The laughter echoed through the airy café as Taehyung and Miyeon shared a lighthearted moment, watching the scene unfold before them. Binna, adorned in a tiny bib, seemed to have declared a war of sorts on Jungkook's neatly pressed shirt, resulting in a silent yet comical argument between father and daughter. Taehyung's eyes sparkled with amusem*nt as he leaned back in his chair, sipping his coffee.

Miyeon, the ever-observant companion, chimed in with her own brand of humor. "You know, Taehyung, if they keep this up, Jungkook's entire wardrobe might end up sacrificed to the baby's artistic expression."

Taehyung chuckled, casting a playful glance at Jungkook's futile attempts to negotiate with the six-month-old culprit. "Ah, well, parenthood does come with its unique set of challenges. And apparently, impromptu fashion alterations are one of them."

Amidst the banter, Jungkook, sporting a now noticeably stained shirt, managed to shoot a mockingly indignant look at Binna. The baby, unfazed by the entire scenario, responded with a gurgle and a triumphant smile.

The previous night's dinner had set the stage for a surprisingly agreeable understanding between Jungkook and Taehyung. Over shared stories and a delightful meal, they had discussed everything from Binna's latest escapades to the nuances of the fashion industry. The connection that began as a curious exploration had evolved into a genuine camaraderie.

As the night drew to a close, Taehyung extended an invitation for Jungkook to accompany him to work the next day. The offer included an open invitation for Jungkook to bring Binna along, an idea that appealed to the businessman's desire to balance fatherhood with professional responsibilities.

True to his word, Taehyung had sent the location to Jungkook, revealing the venue of their unconventional father-son day out. And so, the following morning found them at the café – a quaint establishment that struck a harmonious balance between chic aesthetics and a welcoming ambiance.

The café served as a prelude to their day, a meeting point where Taehyung's world and Jungkook's responsibilities intersected. Miyeon, the trusted ally in their shared adventure, became the amused witness to their evolving dynamics.

The gentle hum of the café filled the air as Jungkook, still holding Binna at arm's length, mumbled a one-sided conversation with his daughter. The stained shirt served as a canvas for the baby's accidental masterpiece, and Jungkook, with an expression of feigned seriousness, continued his soliloquy.

"Binna, sweetheart, we can't keep redecorating Daddy's clothes like this. What if I have an important meeting later? We need to talk about your artistic vision. Daddy doesn't want to end up on a 'Fashion Disaster' list."

As Jungkook continued his endearing yet futile attempt at negotiation, the infectious laughter of Taehyung and Miyeon bubbled in the background. Their amusem*nt painted a vibrant backdrop to Jungkook's comical interaction with Binna.

Unbeknownst to him, his impromptu dialogue had captured the attention of Taehyung and Miyeon, who found the entire spectacle thoroughly entertaining. Taehyung, leaning back in his chair, couldn't help but join in the lighthearted banter. "I must say, you're lucky to have such an avant-garde designer like Binna working on your wardrobe. It's an exclusive collaboration."

The fashionista's playful comment drew another round of laughter from Miyeon and Jungkook himself, who finally acknowledged the absurdity of his conversation with a six-month-old. Binna, oblivious to the entertainment she provided, continued to gurgle and smile in her father's arms.

As the laughter subsided, Taehyung, ever the considerate friend, gestured towards a bag by his side. "Here, Jungkook, consider this a token of appreciation for your unwitting participation in our little fashion experiment."

From the bag, Taehyung produced a stylish t-shirt from his latest collection. The fabric bore the unmistakable mark of Taehyung's avant-garde designs, a testament to his unique flair in the world of fashion. With a playful smirk, Taehyung handed the shirt to Jungkook.

"There you go, a sneak peek from my upcoming collection. Consider it a trade for Binna's creative contributions."

Jungkook, accepting the stylish shirt with a grateful nod, found himself inadvertently orchestrating a moment of unexpected intimacy. Without consciously realizing his actions, he gently handed Binna into Taehyung's awaiting arms. The sudden exchange seemed to surprise even Taehyung, but he welcomed the baby into his embrace with a mixture of curiosity and warmth.

Miyeon, the ever-watchful observer of their evolving dynamics, observed the scene with a soft smile playing on her lips. As Taehyung cradled Binna in his arms, his eyes, usually accustomed to scrutinizing fabrics and designs, softened with genuine affection.

His gaze met Binna's curious eyes, and in that silent exchange, a connection formed. Taehyung, known for his expressive persona in the fashion world, found himself enchanted by the innocence of a six-month-old child.

He leaned in closer to Binna, his voice a tender murmur. "Well, aren't you the most adorable little muse I've ever had the pleasure of meeting?" The words, spoken in hushed tones, carried a sincerity that transcended the playful banter of their previous interactions. Binna, in response, offered a toothless grin as if understanding the unique connection between her father and this newfound friend.

Unbeknownst to Taehyung, Jungkook returned with the clean shirt on. The sight that greeted him, however, stopped him in his tracks. Taehyung, holding Binna with an innate gentleness, seemed entirely engrossed in their silent conversation. The world around them seemed to fade as Jungkook's heartbeat quickened, a subtle acknowledgment of the unexpected warmth that stirred within him.

Taehyung finally looked up, his gaze meeting Jungkook's as if realizing the depth of the moment. The exchange between them held a quiet understanding, an unspoken acknowledgment of the bridge being built between their worlds. Binna, content in Taehyung's arms, became a symbol of unity, a thread connecting two individuals who, despite their differences, found resonance in the shared language of connection.

The day unfolded with an intricacy that mirrored the delicate dance of creativity and professionalism in Taehyung's world. Taehyung's personality shifted seamlessly as he navigated the dynamics of the photo shoot.

His expressions became more serious, his movements purposeful as he adjusted the garments on the models with a discerning eye. In conversations with the team, he communicated his ideas with clarity and conviction, showcasing a depth of understanding that went beyond the flamboyant persona he often portrayed.

Jungkook, positioned on the periphery of this dynamic production, found himself captivated by the intricate interplay between creativity and execution. The models, clad in Taehyung's designs, moved with a fluidity that echoed the seamless collaboration between fashion and art. As the day progressed, Taehyung's passion for his craft radiated through the lens of the camera, capturing not only the essence of the clothing but also the essence of the artist behind it.

Amidst the hustle of the shoot, there were moments when Taehyung's gaze would subtly drift toward Jungkook. Their eyes would meet, and in that shared glance, a language of unspoken understanding unfolded. The softening of Taehyung's eyes, a fleeting expression of connection, spoke volumes about the bridge being built between their worlds.

As the day drew to a close, the decision to say goodbye to Miyeon and Binna after dinner stemmed from a shared desire to spend more time together. The cityscape, illuminated by the gentle glow of streetlights, became the canvas for the unfolding narrative. Miyeon, with a knowing smile, bid them farewell, recognizing the unspoken connection that had blossomed throughout the day.

The passage of days, marked by shared moments and deepening conversations, unfolded in a rhythm that seemed to defy the constraints of time. Jungkook and Taehyung continued to meet, their encounters becoming a tapestry woven with threads of laughter, understanding, and the subtle exploration of each other's worlds.

Yet, beneath the surface of this burgeoning connection, there lingered a quiet awareness — a shared acknowledgment that their interactions were part of a deliberate exploration. The specter of an arranged marriage, with its implications and expectations, cast a nuanced shadow over the evolving relationship.

Despite the genuine enjoyment Jungkook found in Taehyung's company, a residue of reservations clung to him like a persistent echo. The fear he had harbored from the beginning — the fear that Taehyung might indeed be the good person his parents envisioned — hovered in the background, its presence both comforting and disconcerting.

Taehyung, for all his surprising qualities and the genuine moments of connection they shared, represented a variable that challenged the very foundation of Jungkook's reservations.

The fear wasn't rooted in Taehyung being an obviously absurd choice; rather, it stemmed from the fact that he was, in many ways, the sensible and agreeable match that Jungkook had been led to expect.


The fourth and final day in Seoul dawned with a gentle warmth, casting a golden hue over the city. For Jungkook, it was a day of closure and reflection — a day to gather his thoughts and perhaps find the answers to the questions that had lingered in the air throughout his stay.

As the day unfolded, he found himself seated across from his parents in a quaint Seoul restaurant, a place that held memories of family gatherings from years past. The atmosphere was a blend of familiarity and the weight of unspoken conversations.

His mother, a figure of quiet strength and understanding, delicately broached the subject that had been the undercurrent of his visit. "Jungkook, dear, have you come to a decision about Taehyung?" she inquired, her eyes carrying a blend of hope and concern.

Jungkook took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding, "I... I'm not entirely sure, Mom. Taehyung is... different from what I expected. He's not a bad person, not at all. In fact, he surprised me in many ways." There was a vulnerability in Jungkook's voice, an openness to share the conflicting emotions that had stirred within him.

His father, a man of measured wisdom, chimed in, "Different doesn't necessarily mean wrong, Jungkook. Sometimes, it's the unexpected that brings the most joy. What are your reservations?"

Jungkook sighed, his gaze shifting as he navigated the maze of his thoughts. "I was afraid he wouldn't be or suitable for us. But now, that's exactly what scares me. It's like everything fits a little too well. I've grown fond of him, of the time we spent together. It's just... I never expected to feel this way."

His mother reached across the table, her hand resting on his. "Jungkook, love, it's natural to feel conflicted. Life is filled with uncertainties, and sometimes, the right choice isn't the easiest one. What does your heart say?"

He glanced at his parents, genuine appreciation in his eyes. "My heart says there's potential, that Taehyung could be a wonderful addition to our lives. But there's still fear, fear of what comes next, fear of committing to something as significant as marriage. I can't shake that, no matter how much I try."

His father nodded, understanding etched into the lines of his face. "Fear is a companion on any significant journey. What matters is how you navigate it. Listen to your heart, but also consider the practicalities. Can you see a future where Taehyung is a part of our family?"

Jungkook pondered the question, a medley of emotions playing on his features. "Yes, I can. And that's what terrifies me… it feels right, but it's so unexpected. I never thought an arranged marriage could be... this."

Jungkook's father chuckled softly, a sound that held both warmth and understanding. "Doubts are part of the process, Jungkook. It's only natural to question when faced with decisions that carry such weight. The unexpected, as you put it, can be both daunting and beautiful."

Jungkook nodded, his gaze reflecting a swirl of thoughts. "I never thought an arranged marriage could be like this. I had my mind set, almost stubbornly so, that I would reject any notion of it. But then, Taehyung happened, and everything feels... different."

His father leaned back in his chair, studying Jungkook with a discerning look. "And is 'different' a bad thing, son?"

Jungkook sighed, acknowledging the complexity of his feelings. "No, it's not. It's just... I never considered the practicalities. Taehyung has a life here in Seoul — his work, his recognition. It's not like he can simply uproot everything and move to Boston. And I have my life there too."

Jungkook's mother interjected, her gentle voice cutting through the contemplative air. "Have you talked to Taehyung about these concerns, dear?"

Jungkook shook his head. "No, not yet. It seemed premature, and I didn't want to complicate things further. But now... I can't ignore it. How do two people with established lives in different places come together like that?"

His father leaned forward, his expression thoughtful. "Planning and communication, Jungkook. If both of you are willing to make this work, these logistical challenges can be overcome. It's not an insurmountable obstacle. What matters is the commitment you share. Have you considered discussing this with Taehyung?"

Jungkook sighed, his mind still wrestling with uncertainties. "I suppose I've been avoiding it, afraid of what the conversation might reveal. But you're right; it's a conversation that needs to happen."

His father nodded, a reassuring smile on his face. "The success of any marriage lies in the ability to navigate challenges together. Talk to Taehyung, Jungkook. Understand each other's perspectives, and if the commitment is there, the rest can be figured out. Marriage isn't just about the grand moments; it's about building a life together, step by step."

As the lunch continued, the family conversation delved into the intricacies of relationships, commitment, and the art of finding common ground. Jungkook, armed with a newfound clarity, recognized that the path ahead required open communication and shared understanding.

As Jungkook and Miyeon packed their bags under the watchful assistance of two family employees, Jungkook's phone buzzed with a message from Taehyung. The unexpected situation at work had prevented him from leaving, and Jungkook, despite the initial disappointment, decided to call him.

The connection was swift, and Taehyung's voice came through with a mix of regret and sincerity. "Hey, I'm really sorry about not being able to see you before you head back to Boston. It's a bit chaotic here."

Jungkook, his mind already filled with the wisdom shared during the family lunch, responded with understanding. "No need to apologize, Taehyung. I get it; work can be unpredictable. I would've liked to see you too before I left, but these things happen."

Taehyung's tone lightened, "Well, it seems our schedules aren't in sync this time. But we'll make up for it, right? You're not getting rid of me that easily."

Jungkook chuckled, "No, I suppose not. We'll definitely stay in touch. Besides, I've got to keep you updated on Binna's adventures, right?"

Taehyung's laughter echoed through the phone. "Absolutely. I'm looking forward to that. And you better be ready for my barrage of pictures from my next runway."

Jungkook smiled, appreciating the lightheartedness despite the circ*mstances. "Deal. Take care of things there, and let me know if you need any help. We'll figure this out, Taehyung."

Jungkook found a quieter room in the house, closing the door behind him to ensure privacy. As he settled into a chair, Taehyung's voice came through the phone, a thoughtful pause preceding his words.

"Jungkook, there's something I've been thinking about. About us and what this could mean. You mentioned figuring things out, and I think we should talk about it."

Jungkook's curiosity piqued, and when Taehyung switched the call to FaceTime, he could see the fashionista's earnest expression. There was a moment of connection through the screen, the distance between them seemingly narrowed.

"About that, about deciding things," Taehyung continued, "I wanted to know if you're still so resistant to the idea of marrying me."

Jungkook's heart quickened. It was a question he couldn't evade, and he respected Taehyung's straightforwardness. Taking a deep breath, he replied, "I've been doing a lot of thinking, Taehyung. I can't deny that I had reservations at the beginning, but meeting you changed some things. I'm not as opposed to the idea as I once was."

Taehyung nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I appreciate your honesty, Jungkook. It means a lot to me. I want you to know that I'm open to this, but only if it's something you genuinely want. I don't want either of us to feel pressured into something that doesn't feel right."

Jungkook appreciated Taehyung's sincerity. "I understand. This is a big decision, and I want to make sure we're both comfortable with it. It's not just about us; it's about Binna too."

Taehyung's eyes softened, reflecting a genuine understanding. "Absolutely. I've seen how much she means to you, and I respect that. I don't want to rush into anything, but I also don't want us to dismiss the possibility without exploring it further."

The conversation unfolded organically, weaving through the complexities of their individual lives and the potential they saw in the connection they were building. As the FaceTime call continued, the mutual understanding between Jungkook and Taehyung grew, setting the stage for the next chapter in their journey, where decisions would be made with careful consideration and open hearts.


As the plane taxied to a stop, Taehyung's anticipation morphed into impatience. He adjusted the strap of his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder, and grabbed the handle of his suitcase with determination. The cabin door swung open, releasing a flood of passengers into the bustling chaos of Boston Airport.

Noise assaulted his senses from every direction: the incessant chatter of travelers, the metallic clang of luggage being wheeled, the echoing announcements over the intercom. Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed as he waded through the throng, his steps quickening in search of familiar faces.

With a sigh, he fished out his phone from his pocket, fingers tapping impatiently as he dialed Jungkook's number. The call went straight to voicemail, and Taehyung couldn't help but grumble under his breath.

"Typical Jungkook," he muttered, his voice lost amidst the cacophony around him. "Supposed to be waiting for me, but he's probably off in his own world."

Dragging his suitcase behind him, Taehyung weaved through the crowd, his frustration mounting with each step. He shot Jungkook another annoyed glance as he left a voicemail, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Hey, Jungkook," Taehyung began, his voice laced with irritation. "Just wanted to let you know I've landed, not that you're here to pick me up or anything. But don't worry, I'll just navigate this sea of people alone, it's not like I expected you to be punctual or anything."

As he spoke, Taehyung dodged a group of chatty tourists, his eyes scanning the bustling terminal for any sign of Jungkook. Finding none, he sighed heavily, resigned to his fate of solo navigation.

"Anyway, I'll be making my way out," Taehyung continued, his annoyance seeping into his words. "I'll see you whenever you decide to show up, I guess."

With a final click, Taehyung ended the voicemail, shoving his phone back into his pocket. He squared his shoulders, determination replacing his frustration as he plunged back into the chaos of the airport, ready to conquer the world, or at least find his own way out.

A month had slipped by since Taehyung and Jungkook's fateful meeting in Seoul, where the seeds of an unlikely connection were sown amidst the city's bustling streets. Their agreement to explore the possibility of marriage had lingered in the air like an unanswered question, leaving both men to ponder the intricacies of their burgeoning relationship.

In the intervening weeks, messages flew back and forth between them, filled with tentative inquiries and playful banter. They navigated the delicate dance of getting to know each other, their conversations ranging from the mundane to the profound as they peeled back the layers of their respective lives.

But now, as Taehyung stood outside the airport in Boston, a month's worth of anticipation and uncertainty weighed heavy on his shoulders. His suitcase lay abandoned at his feet, a testament to his journey thus far, while his backpack perched precariously atop it, as if ready to make a break for freedom.

With a frustrated huff, Taehyung pulled out his phone once more, his thumb jabbing at the screen as he dialed Jungkook's number. The phone rang and rang, each unanswered tone fueling Taehyung's growing annoyance.

"Seriously, Jungkook," he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with irritation. "You're supposed to be here."

As he spoke, Taehyung remained oblivious to the curious glances thrown his way by passersby, his attention consumed by his one-sided conversation. He paced back and forth, his agitation palpable in the air around him, his mind racing with thoughts of missed connections and misplaced expectations.

"Where are you?" Taehyung grumbled into the phone, his frustration mounting with each unanswered ring. "I've been standing here forever."

As Taehyung's grumbles echoed through the air, a voice sliced through the chaos behind him, interrupting his tirade. "I thought you said you'd be going for something more casual."

Taehyung jumped at the sudden intrusion, his heart leaping into his throat as he spun around to face the source of the voice. There, standing before him with a playful smirk, was Jungkook, his presence commanding attention despite the airport's bustling backdrop.

"You're late," Taehyung shot back, his tone a mixture of annoyance and relief at Jungkook's arrival. "And I am casual," he added, gesturing to his impeccably tailored ensemble from head to toe.

Jungkook's laughter filled the space between them as he stepped closer, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt. "If this is your idea of casual, I'd hate to see what you wear on formal occasions," he teased, his gaze sweeping over Taehyung's crimson-toned Louis Vuitton suit, perfectly paired with sleek sneakers and stylish sunglasses.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips despite his best efforts to maintain his facade of irritation. "I'm paying homage to a colleague's latest collection," he retorted, a hint of pride coloring his words as he mentioned Jung Hoseok's collaboration with Louis Vuitton.

Jungkook's laughter subsided into a warm smile as he reached out to pat Taehyung's shoulder reassuringly. "Well, you certainly wear it well," he complimented, his tone genuine as he admired Taehyung's fashion-forward choice.

Taehyung's cheeks flushed slightly at the praise, a rare moment of vulnerability slipping through his confident exterior. "Thanks," he muttered, his gaze flickering away momentarily before returning to meet Jungkook's eyes. "And sorry for snapping earlier. I just...expected you to be here on time."

Jungkook's expression softened at Taehyung's apology, understanding shining in his eyes as he reached out to squeeze Taehyung's hand gently. "No need to apologize," he reassured, his voice warm with sincerity. "I'm here now, and I’m sorry for keeping you waiting."

As their fingers intertwined, a sense of calm settled over them amidst the chaos of the airport, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment. As the tension between them dissipated, Jungkook's hand lingered on Taehyung's shoulder, a silent invitation for a moment of closeness amidst the bustling airport. With a hesitant smile, Taehyung leaned into the gesture, allowing himself to be pulled into a shy hug.

Jungkook's arms enveloped him gently, drawing him closer until their bodies were pressed together in a comforting embrace. Taehyung's heart fluttered at the unexpected intimacy, his senses overwhelmed by the warmth of Jungkook's touch.

In that moment, Jungkook took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of Taehyung's hair as if committing it to memory. It wasn't the overpowering fragrance of a luxury brand, but rather a subtle essence of orange blossom that lingered in the air around them, hinting at Taehyung's unique presence.

With a soft murmur, Jungkook spoke, his words barely above a whisper as he addressed Taehyung in Korean. "It's good to see you again," he confessed, his voice tinged with a vulnerability that mirrored Taehyung's own. "Personally, I mean."

Taehyung's breath caught in his throat at the sincerity in Jungkook's words, his heart skipping a beat as he met Jungkook's gaze. In that fleeting moment, their connection deepened, bridging the gap between them as they shared a moment of unspoken understanding.

With a gentle squeeze, Jungkook released Taehyung from the embrace, but the warmth of their connection lingered between them like an invisible thread, binding them together in a way that transcended words.

In the weeks following his trip to Seoul, Jungkook and Taehyung had maintained a steady stream of communication, their texts and video calls serving as lifelines that bridged the physical distance between them. Each exchange brought them closer, deepening the connection that had formed during their brief encounter in the bustling city streets.

It was during one of these conversations that Jungkook had extended the invitation for Taehyung to visit him in Boston, a proposition that had been met with eager acceptance. And now, as Taehyung stood before him in the crowded airport, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a surge of relief mixed with apprehension.

In the weeks leading up to Taehyung's arrival, neither of them had broached the topic of marriage again, opting instead to focus on getting to know each other better. But now, with Taehyung's presence in Boston, it became increasingly clear to Jungkook that they could no longer avoid the subject.

His parents' expectations loomed large in the back of his mind, their persistent inquiries about his future weighing heavily on his shoulders. With each passing day, their anticipation grew, and Jungkook knew that he could no longer delay the inevitable conversation that lay ahead.

As he watched Taehyung navigate the chaos of the airport with ease, Jungkook couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them. Would they be able to bridge the gap between their worlds and find a way to make their unconventional arrangement work?

As the morning sun cast its golden glow over the city of Boston, Jungkook and Taehyung set out on their adventure, their steps light and their spirits high. They strolled through the cobblestone streets of Beacon Hill, marveling at the elegant brownstone buildings and lush greenery that lined the sidewalks.

"This neighborhood is gorgeous," Taehyung remarked, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the picturesque surroundings.

Jungkook nodded in agreement, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, it's one of my favorite areas in the city. So much history and charm."

As they continued their leisurely stroll, Jungkook pointed out various landmarks and shared anecdotes about his favorite spots. They passed by the Massachusetts State House, its gleaming golden dome standing tall against the blue sky, and wandered through the quaint shops and cafes that dotted the streets.

"I used to come here all the time when I was younger," Jungkook said, a hint of nostalgia coloring his voice. "My mom and I would spend hours exploring the neighborhood, trying out different restaurants and browsing the antique shops."

Taehyung listened intently, hanging on Jungkook's every word as he painted a vivid picture of his childhood memories. His laughter rang out like music as they exchanged playful banter and shared inside jokes, their easy camaraderie filling the air with warmth.

As they rounded the corner, Taehyung spotted a street performer playing a lively tune on his guitar. "Hey, let's check this out," he suggested, nodding towards the musician.

Jungkook grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Sure, why not? I love street performances."

They approached the musician, tossing a few coins into his open guitar case as a gesture of appreciation. The melody filled the air, blending seamlessly with the chatter of passersby and the distant hum of traffic.

"This is so cool," Taehyung remarked, swaying slightly to the rhythm of the music.

"Yeah, it really adds to the atmosphere," Jungkook agreed, his gaze drifting to Taehyung's animated expression. "You know, I used to play guitar when I was younger."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk quirking at his lips. "Really? I never would have guessed. Maybe you should give it a try sometime."

Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't think I'm quite as talented as this guy," he admitted, nodding towards the musician.

Taehyung nudged him playfully. "Come on, I bet you're better than you think."

Their laughter mingled with the music as they lingered on the sidewalk, enjoying the moment of spontaneity amidst the chaos of the city. Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more between them, something unspoken yet undeniable. And as they stood together in the heart of the city, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Jungkook realized that he was falling for Taehyung, harder and faster than he ever could have imagined.


The afternoon sunlight filtered through the large windows of Jungkook's spacious kitchen, casting a warm glow over the pristine countertops and gleaming appliances. Jungkook and Taehyung stood side by side, aprons tied securely around their waists as they surveyed the array of ingredients laid out before them.

"So, what are we doing today?" Taehyung asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he glanced at Jungkook.

Jungkook grinned, a hint of excitement dancing in his gaze. "I was thinking we could try our hand at making homemade pasta," he suggested, gesturing towards the pasta machine on the counter. "I've got a great recipe we can follow."

Taehyung's eyes lit up with enthusiasm as he eagerly rolled up his sleeves. "Sounds like a plan," he agreed, reaching for the bag of flour with a determined expression.

As they worked together to mix and knead the dough, their laughter filled the air, mingling with the tantalizing aroma of herbs and spices. Taehyung's playful banter and infectious energy brought a sense of joy and lightness to the room, and Jungkook found himself unable to suppress his smile as they worked side by side.

But amidst the laughter and camaraderie, Jungkook couldn't help but steal glances at Taehyung when he wasn't looking, his heart fluttering with each casual touch and shared smile. There was something about the way Taehyung moved, the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, that left Jungkook feeling breathless and exhilarated.

As they rolled out the pasta dough and cut it into thin strips, Taehyung suddenly looked up, a curious expression crossing his face. "Hey, where's Binna?" he asked, referring to Jungkook's daughter.

Jungkook's smile widened as he glanced at Taehyung, a warm glow of affection in his eyes. "Sohee, my sister, took her and Miyeon to stay with her for the weekend," he explained, his voice tinged with fondness. "She thought we could use some time to ourselves."

Taehyung's eyes softened with understanding as he nodded in appreciation. "That was really thoughtful of her," he remarked, his gaze lingering on Jungkook's face. "I'm glad we have this time together."

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat at Taehyung's words, a rush of warmth flooding his chest as he returned Taehyung's gaze.


The cozy glow of the TV screen bathed the living room in a soft, flickering light as Jungkook and Taehyung settled onto the couch, blankets draped over their laps and bowls of popcorn nestled between them. The movie had just begun, but already the tension of the day had melted away, replaced by a sense of relaxation and comfort.

"So, what movie did you pick?" Taehyung asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation as he glanced at Jungkook.

Jungkook grinned, reaching for the remote to start the film. "I thought we could go for a classic tonight," he replied, pressing play. "How about 'The Shawshank Redemption'?"

Taehyung nodded in approval, settling back against the cushions with a contented sigh. "Great choice," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the screen as the opening credits rolled.

As the movie unfolded, they fell into an easy rhythm of conversation, sharing their thoughts and opinions on the characters and plot twists as they unfolded. They laughed at the witty one-liners and gasped at the dramatic moments, their voices blending together in a comforting cadence.

"That scene was intense," Jungkook remarked, his eyes glued to the screen as the tension mounted.

Taehyung nodded in agreement, a small smile playing at his lips. "Yeah, definitely didn't see that coming," he replied, his gaze flickering to Jungkook's face before returning to the movie.

But as the movie progressed, Jungkook found it increasingly difficult to focus on the screen. His attention kept drifting to Taehyung, the soft glow of the TV casting shadows across his features and highlighting the curve of his lips and the sparkle in his eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Taehyung asked, noticing Jungkook's distraction.

Jungkook blinked, tearing his gaze away from Taehyung's face to meet his eyes. "Yeah, sorry," he replied sheepishly, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "I just...I keep getting lost in thought."

Taehyung smiled softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Jungkook's arm. "It's okay," he reassured, his touch sending a shiver down Jungkook's spine. "Sometimes it's nice to just get lost in the moment."

Jungkook sighed, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders as he leaned into Taehyung's touch. "You think so?" he murmured back in Korean, his words laced with vulnerability.

It was moments like these that reminded Jungkook of the depth of their connection, the way they seamlessly switched between languages depending on the seriousness of the moment. While English was more comfortable for Jungkook, having grown up in the USA, there were times when using his mother tongue felt more appropriate, as if he wanted to ensure that Taehyung understood the full extent of his emotions.

Taehyung's smile widened at Jungkook's response, his eyes twinkling with understanding. "I do," he replied softly, his hand still resting gently on Jungkook's arm. "Sometimes it's okay to let go of everything else and just be in the moment."

As Taehyung's words sank in, Jungkook felt a knot of anxiety tighten in his chest. He had grown up surrounded by a well-established routine, everything in his life meticulously planned and executed according to the timer he had set for himself. The idea of simply letting go and embracing the moment was foreign to him, a concept that both intrigued and terrified him in equal measure.

But as he watched Taehyung's calm demeanor and infectious laughter, a longing stirred within Jungkook, a desire to break free from the confines of his carefully constructed life and just… be. To do something simply because he wanted to, without the need for a preliminary meeting or a detailed plan.

With a shaky breath, Jungkook reached out, his fingers trembling slightly as they brushed against Taehyung's cheek. Taehyung turned to him, his eyes shining with warmth and understanding, and Jungkook felt a surge of courage swell within him.

Without hesitation, he leaned in, capturing Taehyung's lips with his own in a kiss filled with passion and longing. It was a bold move, one that defied all logic and reason, but in that moment, Jungkook didn't care.

As their lips met, Jungkook felt a sense of relief wash over him, a weight lifting from his shoulders as he surrendered to the moment. The kiss was electric, sending sparks of warmth and desire coursing through his veins, and for the first time in his life, Jungkook allowed himself to simply exist in the present, without worrying about what tomorrow might bring.

And as they broke apart, their breaths mingling in the air between them, Jungkook felt a sense of exhilaration coursing through his veins. In that brief moment of connection, he realized that sometimes, just sometimes, it was okay to let go of control and embrace the unknown, to live in the moment and savor every precious second of it.


As they settled into their routines in Boston, Jungkook found himself cherishing the moments he spent with Taehyung, whether it was stealing glances during their morning coffee runs or sharing laughs in the park. And amidst their adventures, there were moments where Binna, Jungkook's daughter, became an integral part of their dynamic, her giggles, and innocent curiosity bringing a sense of joy and warmth to their time together.

Taehyung's stay at Jungkook's house for the week was initially meant to be a short visit, but as the days passed, they found themselves growing closer, their bond deepening with each passing moment. And amidst their exploration of the city, they made time for quiet lunches together, where they would talk about everything and nothing at all, their conversations ranging from their favorite foods to their hopes and dreams for the future.

But one day, as they sat down for lunch, Taehyung's expression grew more serious, a hint of concern in his eyes. "Jungkook, we need to talk about something," he began, his voice steady.

Jungkook furrowed his brow, a sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach. "What's on your mind?" he asked, his tone cautious.

Taehyung took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking. "I think we need to discuss the practicalities of our situation," he explained, his gaze never wavering from Jungkook's.

Jungkook nodded in understanding, his mind racing with possibilities. "You mean, about the possibility of us getting married?" he ventured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Taehyung nodded solemnly. "Yes, exactly," he replied. "For the sake of our families' businesses, it's something we need to consider."

Jungkook's brow furrowed in concern as he processed Taehyung's words, a sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach. "But why do our parents seem to need this wedding so much?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I mean, the finances are going well, aren't they?"

Taehyung's expression grew solemn as he hesitated, carefully choosing his words. "Well, not exactly," he admitted reluctantly. "My family's business isn't doing as well as they'd like everyone to believe. There's pressure to secure alliances and strengthen our position in the market."

Jungkook's heart sank at Taehyung's revelation, a wave of sadness washing over him as he realized the gravity of their situation. "I see," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Their conversation grew increasingly somber as they discussed the implications of their families' expectations, the weight of responsibility heavy on their shoulders. Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gnawed at him, the fear of rushing into something that could irreparably damage what they had built together.

"I'm afraid of us making a mistake," Jungkook confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I like you more than I thought I would, Taehyung, and I don't want to risk losing what we have by rushing into something more serious than I'm comfortable with."

Taehyung nodded in understanding, his eyes shimmering with sadness. "Jungkook," Taehyung began, his voice steady but gentle. "I need to be honest with you. My family has always come first for me. They've been my rock, and I owe them everything. This arranged marriage... it's not just a business deal for them. It's a way to ensure our family's future and stability."

Jungkook's eyes reflected a mix of understanding and uncertainty. He listened intently, sensing the gravity of Taehyung's words.

Taehyung took a deep breath before continuing. "I really value the time we've spent together. I truly enjoy your company, and I would love to get to know you better. But if you decide that you can't accept this marriage arrangement, I will have to put my family first and marry someone else."

The silence that followed was heavy, filled with the weight of Taehyung's confession. Jungkook looked down, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. He appreciated Taehyung's honesty, but the reality of the situation was difficult to digest.

Taehyung reached out, gently placing a hand on Jungkook's. "I don't want to pressure you, Jungkook. I want this to be your choice. But I needed you to know where I stand and what this means for me and my family."

The gravity of Taehyung's words hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the weight of their situation. Jungkook's mind swirled with a myriad of thoughts and emotions, each one pulling him in different directions. The idea of marriage, especially an arranged one, brought back memories of his previous marriage to Eunae. The wounds from that relationship were still fresh, and the thought of making the same mistakes loomed large in his mind.

Later the same day, Jungkook leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting to the window where the afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the room. He watched the world outside, his thoughts turning inward as he tried to make sense of his emotions. As Jungkook revisited that conversation with Namjoon in his mind, he couldn't help but draw parallels between his past with Eunae and his present with Taehyung. Eunae had been driven by money and status, marrying Jungkook for what she could gain from the union. Their marriage had been a facade, crumbling under the weight of unmet expectations and hidden motives.

But Taehyung was different. From their interactions, Jungkook could sense that Taehyung's intentions were genuine. He wasn't seeking material gain or using their relationship as a means to an end. Taehyung had shown kindness, understanding, and a willingness to connect on a deeper level.

The memory of Namjoon's words echoed in Jungkook's mind. "There's no such thing as a perfect life." Jungkook realized that expecting perfection was unrealistic. What mattered more was finding someone who understood and accepted him, flaws and all.

Taehyung had shown that acceptance. He had embraced Jungkook's past, including Binna, without hesitation. He had listened to Jungkook's concerns and fears, offering support and understanding. And most importantly, Taehyung had shown that he wasn't like Eunae. He wasn't driven by ulterior motives or a desire for personal gain.

Jungkook took a deep breath, feeling a sense of clarity wash over him. He couldn't let the shadows of his past cloud his judgment or taint his present with Taehyung. They were different people, with different intentions and motivations. And while there were no guarantees in life, Jungkook knew that he wanted to give their relationship a chance.

With a newfound resolve, Jungkook made a decision.


Three months had passed since Jungkook made the decision to move forward with the arranged marriage to Taehyung. Now, standing in a room at the venue where the ceremony would take place, Jungkook felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. Nervousness and anticipation had tied knots in his stomach, and his hands trembled slightly as he adjusted his tuxedo for what felt like the hundredth time.

The fabric of the tuxedo felt stifling against his skin, the sweat from his palms making it cling uncomfortably. He paced back and forth in the room, his mind racing a mile a minute as he muttered to his sister, Sohee, who stood by with a calming presence.

"I don't know, Sohee," Jungkook fretted, his voice a mixture of anxiety and uncertainty. "What if I mess everything up? What if Taehyung realizes he made a mistake in agreeing to this marriage? What if—"

Sohee cut him off gently, placing her hands on his shoulders to still his restless movements. "Jungkook, listen to me," she said firmly, her eyes meeting his with a reassuring gaze. "You've thought this through. You've talked to Taehyung, and you both know what you're getting into. Trust in your decision and trust in Taehyung."

Jungkook took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of thoughts raging in his mind. Sohee's words offered some solace, reminding him of the conversations he'd had with Taehyung in the past months. They had discussed their fears, their hopes, and their commitment to making this marriage work despite the unconventional circ*mstances.

He glanced at the clock on the wall, realizing that the ceremony would start soon. The arrangements for the wedding had been completely handled by their families, as both Jungkook and Taehyung had been swamped with work. Jungkook had been managing the Boston branch of the family business, while Taehyung had been busy with preparations for a special collection in partnership with Bottega Veneta.

The weight of the situation hit Jungkook anew. The fact that their families had taken charge of the wedding details added to his nerves. What if something went wrong? What if the pressure of their families' expectations became too much to bear?

Sohee must have sensed his thoughts because she squeezed his shoulders reassuringly. "Everything will be fine, Jungkook," she said with conviction. "This is a new chapter for you, for Binna, for all of us. Embrace it with an open heart and mind."

Jungkook nodded, trying to muster a smile. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, signaling that it was time for the ceremony to begin. Jungkook took one last look at himself in the mirror, straightening his tie and trying to steady his racing heart. Sohee stood by his side, her presence a source of strength.

With a deep breath, Jungkook followed Sohee out of the room and into the venue where their families and guests were gathered. The music started, signaling the start of the procession, and Jungkook felt a mix of nervousness and excitement wash over him.

As he walked down the aisle, his eyes locked with Taehyung's, and a wave of calm washed over him. Taehyung's reassuring smile and the love shining in his eyes reminded Jungkook why they had chosen this path together. It wasn't just about fulfilling family expectations; it was about building a future based on trust, understanding, and genuine affection.

As Taehyung stood before Jungkook, ready to recite his vows, a sense of calm washed over him. His gaze met Jungkook's, and he began, his voice steady yet filled with genuine emotion.

"Jungkook," Taehyung started, his eyes softening with sincerity, "meeting you was unexpected, but it's a journey I'm eager to continue. Each day, I look forward to getting to know the person and the remarkable father you've shown yourself to be."

He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing, "While our paths may have crossed through situations beyond our control, I believe in the strength of our connection. I vow to stand by your side, to support you in all that you do, and to embrace the challenges and joys that life brings our way."

Taehyung glanced at Binna, now their daughter, who was being held by Sohee, and a fond smile graced his lips. "I promise to cherish our family, to nurture our bond, and to create a home filled with love and understanding. Together, let us embark on this journey with open hearts and a willingness to grow, knowing that with each passing day, we'll learn more about each other and the life we're building together."

As Taehyung finished his vows, he locked eyes with Jungkook once more, a silent understanding passing between them. It wasn't a declaration of fiery passion, but rather a commitment grounded in respect, admiration, and the shared desire to make their marriage work.

A slight blush tinted Jungkook’s cheeks as Taehyung finished his vows.

"Kim Taehyung," Jungkook began, a hint of shyness in his tone, "I didn't plan elaborate vows, but I want you to know that I share the desire to respect and support you in all we do from this day forward."

He took a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing, "I promise to put effort into building something beautiful together, to listen to your thoughts and dreams, and to be there for you through life's challenges and triumphs. Together, let's create a home filled with laughter, understanding, and unwavering love. I may stumble along the way, but I vow to always try my best for us and our family."

As the ceremony unfolded, Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged their vows, sealing their commitment to each other in front of their families and friends. The atmosphere was filled with a mixture of solemnity and joy, and as they exchanged rings, a sense of anticipation for the future lingered in the air.

After the official proceedings were over, the couple and their guests moved to the reception area, where a lavish celebration awaited them. The venue was adorned with elegant decorations, and soft music played in the background as everyone gathered to congratulate the newlyweds.

Jungkook and Taehyung were soon approached by friends and acquaintances, all eager to offer their well-wishes and blessings. They were surrounded by warmth and happiness, and the genuine smiles on their faces spoke volumes about the love and support they received from those around them.

Among the guests was a group of mutual friends, including Namjoon, who made their way over to Jungkook and Taehyung with glasses of champagne in hand. Namjoon, ever the observant one, had a knowing smile as he congratulated the newlyweds.

"Congratulations, Jungkook, Taehyung," Namjoon said warmly, clinking his glass against theirs. "May your marriage be filled with happiness and prosperity."

They returned the smile, thanking Namjoon sincerely. "Thank you, Namjoon. It means a lot."

As Taehyung excused himself politely from Namjoon's company, Jungkook couldn't help but watch as Taehyung walked away, captivated by how handsome he looked in his tuxedo. The soft golden lights of the venue seemed to accentuate Taehyung's features, making him appear radiant and confident.

Namjoon, ever perceptive, noticed Jungkook's gaze lingering on Taehyung as he walked away. With a knowing smile, Namjoon leaned in slightly and remarked, "Seems like you're quite taken with Taehyung."

Jungkook's cheeks flushed slightly, caught off guard by Namjoon's observation. "Oh, well, he does look great tonight," Jungkook replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Namjoon chuckled knowingly, sipping his champagne before speaking again. "I was present at your wedding with Eunae, Jungkook. I can't help but notice the difference this time around."

Jungkook furrowed his brow in confusion, not quite understanding where Namjoon was going with this conversation. "Difference? What do you mean?"

Namjoon's smile widened, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt. “What I mean it’s that the vows you and Taehyung made are more than just convenient. There's sincerity, respect, and yes, even love."

Jungkook's eyes widened slightly, his mind racing to process Namjoon's words. "Love? No, this is... this is a partnership for our families' businesses," Jungkook replied, trying to convince himself more than anyone else.

Namjoon chuckled again, shaking his head gently. “Sure, sure. But anyway, let's toast to your new chapter with Taehyung and embrace whatever the future holds!”

With that, Namjoon raised his glass, and Jungkook couldn't help but join in. As Jungkook made his way back to the lively celebration, the words of Namjoon echoed in his mind, causing a swirl of emotions within him. He couldn't deny the truth in Namjoon's observations, but he also couldn't shake off the practicality of the situation. It was a marriage of convenience, wasn't it? Yet, as he glanced around at the joyous faces and felt the warmth of the atmosphere, a part of him wondered if there could be more to it.

As he reached the center of the dance floor, his eyes fell upon Taehyung, who was gracefully moving to the rhythm of the music with Binna nestled comfortably in his arms. The sight tugged at Jungkook's heartstrings, a mixture of admiration and affection welling up within him.

Taehyung looked so natural, so at ease, as if Binna was always meant to be in his embrace. His laughter filled the air, infectious and genuine, as he twirled Binna around playfully, her tiny giggles adding to the melody of the music.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile, a softness overtaking his features as he watched the scene unfold before him. There was a tenderness in Taehyung's gestures, a carefree joy that spoke volumes about the bond he shared with Binna.

Approaching them, Jungkook couldn't contain the warmth in his voice as he spoke, "Hey, you two look like you're having a blast."

Taehyung's eyes lit up as he noticed Jungkook's approach, and he beamed, "Jungkook! Join us, she's a fantastic dance partner."

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, feeling a rush of emotions as he gazed at Binna's delighted expression. She looked so happy in Taehyung's arms, so content and carefree. Without a second thought, Jungkook nodded and joined in, taking Binna's tiny hand in his own.

As they danced together, a sense of peace washed over Jungkook. It was a simple moment, yet it held a world of meaning. He felt a connection, not just to Taehyung but to Binna as well, as if they were forming a family right there on the dance floor.

The music swirled around them, the lights twinkled overhead, and for that fleeting moment, everything felt right. Jungkook's heart swelled with affection as he watched Taehyung's gentle smile and Binna's gleeful laughter, and he couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, there was more to this marriage than business.

As the song came to an end, Binna clapped her tiny hands, her eyes sparkling with joy, and Jungkook couldn't help but be grateful. As the night progressed, Jungkook found himself stealing glances at Taehyung, noticing the way he interacted with their guests, the genuine kindness in his gestures, and the way he effortlessly charmed everyone around him. There was a certain magnetism about Taehyung that Jungkook couldn't ignore, a magnetic pull that seemed to draw him closer with each passing moment.

Deep down, Jungkook knew that this marriage was more than just a business arrangement. There was something special brewing between them, something that went beyond contracts and negotiations. He knew it wouldn't be easy, navigating the intricacies of their new life together, but for the first time in a long while, he felt a sense of hope and excitement about the possibilities that awaited them.

And as he looked at Taehyung, who was busy bidding farewell to the last of their guests with a warm smile, Jungkook couldn't deny the growing affection in his heart. Maybe, just maybe, this marriage could blossom into something beautiful, a partnership built on trust, respect, and a shared journey towards happiness.

right people, wrong place - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.