Sod production and the effects of liquid organo-mineral fertilizers and thickness of sod (2024)

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Doses de nitrogênio e potássio na produção de grama esmeralda

Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 2007

claudinei lima

O nitrogênio e potássio são os nutrientes requeridos em maiores quantidades pelas gramas e no Brasil não se tem informação da quantidade a ser aplicada para se obter a formação de tapete em menor tempo possível. Dois experimentos foram instalados em vasos em casa de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de doses de nitrogênio e de potássio na produção de tapetes de grama esmeralda (Zoysia japonica). O delineamento utilizado para cada experimento foi fatorial com doses de N ou K e épocas de avaliação. Foram aplicadas quatro doses de nitrogênio (0, 200, 400 e 600 kg ha-1) e quatro doses de potássio (0, 100, 200, e 300 kg ha-1). As doses de nitrogênio e potássio foram aplicadas parceladamente em cobertura. O aumento das doses de N influenciou a taxa de cobertura do solo pela grama (TCS) permitindo a formação do tapete com a dose de 408 kg ha-1 de N aos 198 dias após a colheita do tapete anterior, tempo menor quando comparado com as demais doses. A concentração de N na folha e d...


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Equipamento Portátil Para Medição Da Resistência À Tração De Tapetes De Grama


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Com a crescente demanda para produção e comercialização de gramas em tapetes, critérios de qualidade devem ser estabelecidos. Um atributo que pode ser determinante da qualidade dos tapetes e do rendimento (número de tapetes por área) é a resistência mecânica ao manuseio na colheita e transporte. Objetivou-se com este trabalho relatar a construção de equipamento para medição de resistência de tapetes de grama, dando ênfase ao seu funcionamento e eficiência como ferramenta útil na determinação deste atributo. O equipamento é constituído de estrutura rígida com acessórios que fixam o tapete e imprimem tração no sistema, registrando-se a força exercida em dinamômetro de carga. Para a realização do ensaio foram colhidos tapetes de grama em área experimental numa propriedade, em Capela do Alto, SP, em que os tratamentos foram constituídos por dois tipos de adubação (NPK: 300 kg ha-1 + kg ha-1 P2O5 + 200 kg ha-1 K2O e somente N: 300 kg ha-1) e três espessuras de corte do tapete (9, 16 e 22...


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Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.): Growth behavior and multipurpose usages

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Nitrogen fertilization of warm-season turfgrasses irrigated from varying irrigation systems: 2. Carbohydrate and protein content

Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2017


Stolon Growth Characteristics and Establishment Rates of Zoysiagrass Progeny

HortScience, 2011

David Okeyo

Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) is recognized for its low requirements for pesticide and fertilizer input, but Meyer (Z. japonica Steud.), the cultivar commonly used in the transition zone of the United States, is slow to establish. We evaluated new zoysiagrass progeny for stolon growth characteristics and rate of establishment and determined the relationship between stolon growth characteristics and coverage. ‘Meyer’, DALZ 0102 (a Z. japonica), and 18 progeny from crosses of ‘Emerald’ (Z. japonica × Z. tenuifolia Willd. ex Thiele) or a Z. matrella (L.) Merr. × Z. japonica were planted as 6-cm diameter plugs on 30.5 × 30.5-cm centers in 1.5 × 1.5-m plots in 2007 and as single 10-cm diameter plugs in 1.2 × 1.2-m plots in 2008 in Manhattan, KS. Data were collected weekly on number of stolons initiated per plug, stolon elongation, and number of stolon branches. Two researchers rated coverage visually near the end of each growing season. Rate of stolon initiation ranged from 2.2/week to 8.6/w...


Differences in proteome response to cold acclimation in Zoysia japonica cultivars with different levels of freeze tolerance

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A Review of Turfgrass Fertilizer Management Practices: Implications for Urban Water Quality

George Hochmuth

ABSTRACT Urban watersheds include extensive turfgrass plantings that are associated with anthropocentric attitudes toward landscapes. Native and construction-disturbed urban soils often cannot supply adequate amounts of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) for the growth and beauty of landscape plants. Hence, fertilization of landscape plants is practiced. Mismanaged fertilization and irrigation practices represent a potential source of nutrients that may contribute to water quality impairment. This review focuses on turfgrass fertilization practices and their impacts on urban water quality. Research results show that fertilization during active growth periods enhances turfgrass nutrient uptake efficiencies. The major concern regarding the fertilization of turfgrass and landscape plants in urban watersheds, therefore, is selecting the proper combination of fertilizer rate, timing, and placement that maximizes nutrient utilization efficiency and reduces the risk for nutrient loss to water bodies. Encouraging individuals to adopt best management practices (BMPs) is a priority for watershed managers. Research has found that educational programs are an important part of changing fertilization habits and that education needs to be thorough and comprehensive, which is beyond the scope of many seminars and fact sheets currently in use.


Defoliation management and grass growth habits modulated the soil microbial community of turfgrass systems


Grady Miller


Warm-season Turfgrass Species Generate Sports Surfaces with Different Playability

HortTechnology, 2014

Roberto Armeni

Synthetic sports surfaces are increasingly subject to standardization of athlete-surface and ball-surface interactions (playability parameters). Such standardizations have led to an increase in the level of the engineering and predictability of these surfaces, and as such may be beneficial also for natural turf. In warm and temperate climates, many natural turf sports surfaces are established with warm-season (C4) turfgrass species due to their suitability to the environment in such areas. This study was aimed at evaluating the Féderation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)-standard playing characteristics of different sports turf surfaces obtained from three commonly used C4 turfgrass species: 1) ‘Tifway 419’ hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon × C. transvaalensis), 2) ‘Zeon’ manilagrass (Zoysia matrella), and 3) ‘Salam’ seashore paspalum (Paspalum vagin*tum) for factors concerning leaf tissue (silica, lignin, water content) and canopy structure (shoot den...


Effect of Cultivation and Timing of Nitrogen Fertilization on Large Patch Disease of Zoysiagrass

Plant Disease, 2013

Ken Obasa

Large patch of zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) is caused by Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 2-2 LP. The effects of summer cultivation (core-aerification, verticutting, and sand topdressing) and spring and fall versus summer nitrogen (N) fertilization on large patch in fairway height ‘Meyer’ zoysiagrass were investigated from 2008 to 2011 in Manhattan, Haysville, and Olathe, KS. Disease was assessed by measuring patch diameters or analyzing digital images of affected plot areas to determine the percentage of non-green turfgrass within patches. Cultivation did not affect thatch temperature, soil temperature, soil water content, or turf recovery from large patch in early summer. Furthermore, cultivation did not result in overall significant reductions in patch diameters or average weekly rate of patch diameter increase among plots at the three experimental locations. In some site–year combinations, spring and fall N fertility was associated with lower percentages of non-green turf withi...


Effects of Shade Stress on Growth and Responsive Mechanisms of Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L

maryam noor, Xuebing Yan

Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (bermudagrass) is a member of family Poaceae. It is a C 4 grass that grows extensively from both rhizomes and stolons, as well as by producing seeds. Due to its superior turf quality and outstanding durability, bermudagrass is widely used for residential and recreational areas worldwide. However, the grass is also considered as a troublesome weed in several crops mainly sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), maize (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum aestivum) and rice (Oryza sativa). It grows well in tropical and subtropical regions between 45°N and 45°S in more than 100 countries worldwide. Due to its ability to form a dense mat and fine textured appearance, bermudagrass is suitable for ornamental home lawns, golf course fairways/tees, athletic fields, industrial parks and soil erosion control as well. However, a major limitation to bermudagrass cultivation is susceptibility to shade stress. The shade come from trees in home lawns, shrubs or physical structures bring challenges for grass. Therefore, understanding how it adapts and grows well under shade is essential for the utilization and management of the important genetic resource of this species. Bermudagrass has been found to be moderately tolerant against shade because tolerance varies from genotype to genotype. It can tolerate shady conditions morphologically, physiologically, and anatomically by developing structural modifications (external/internal modifications), activating antioxidant enzymes and releasing primary/secondary metabolites. The objective of the current review is to better understand the growth and development of bermudagrass and its response mechanisms against shade stress.



Lambert McCarty


Assessing glyphosate injury and forage bermudagrass regrowth using Canopeo

Applications of glyphosate for weed control in bermudagrass pastures are permitted; however, product labels are vague regarding use after spring green-up. In-season weed control with glyphosate could be a feasible option if bermudagrass tolerance to glyphosate was better understood. Also, a quantitative method might improve glyphosate injury assessment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the tolerance of bermudagrass cultivars Goodwell and Greenfield to varying glyphosate rates and develop a quantitative methodology to determine glyphosate injury based on relative green canopy cover (RGCC). The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial containing the two bermudagrass cultivars and five glyphosate rates (0.4, 0.5, 1.1, 1.5, and 3.1 kg a.i. ha-1) plus a nontreated control. Visual green canopy cover (VGCC) and RGCC ratings were collected at 8, 16, 24, 37, and 56 days after glyphosate application (DAG), and biomass from canopy regrowth following applications was...


Effects of Silicate Fertilizer on Growth and Silicic Acid Accumulation in Turfgrass

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Winter-applied Glyphosate Effects on Spring Green-up of Zoysiagrasses and ‘Yukon’ Bermudagrass in a Transition Zone

Horttechnology, 2012

Stefano Macolino


Nitrate Leaching, Turf Quality, and Growth Rate of ‘Floratam’ St. Augustinegrass and Common Centipedegrass

Crop Science, 2015

Bryan Unruh


Seeding Time Affects Bermudagrass Establishment in the Transition Zone Environment


Maurizio Giolo

Bermudagrass is becoming increasingly popular in the Mediterranean transition zone of Europe for establishing new sports and recreational turfgrasses. In these regions, the quality and winter hardiness of bermudagrass turf is influenced by the establishment. It has been demonstrated that an early establishment of bermudagrass results in a longer growing season with a greater stolon and rhizome production, which favors cold hardiness and a quicker green up after the first winter. Dormant seeding is reported to be beneficial for an early establishment. However, the response to early seeding depends on local environmental conditions. A field study was conducted in northeastern Italy during spring 2018 and 2019. Four bermudagrass cultivars (“Transcontinental”, “Jackpot”, “SR9554”, and “La Paloma”) were compared under three seeding times from March to May to evaluate whether early spring seeding allows anticipating the establishment of bermudagrass compared with late spring seeding which...


Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Some Turfgrass Characteristics of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)

Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B

hakkı akdeniz


Synthesis of Some Substituted 2 H -Pyrano[3,2- c ]pyridine-2,5(6 H )-diones. Reaction of Their 3-Acetyl Derivatives with Methyl 3-Amino-2-butenoate

Synthetic Communications, 1998

Ivo Ivanov


Zoysia Grass Growth Affected by Physical Attributes of Substrates Formulation / Crescimento De Grama Esmeralda Afetado Pelos Atributos Físicos De Formulações De Substratos

Maximiliano K Pagliarini


Physiological and morphological factors influencing leaf, rhizome and stolon tensile strength in C4 turfgrass species

Functional Plant …, 2011

Roberto Armeni

Physiological and morphological factors influencing leaf, rhizome and stolon tensile strength in C4 turfgrass species Filippo LulliA,D, Lorenzo GuglielminettiB, Nicola GrossiA, Roberto ArmeniC,Sara StefaniniB and Marco VolterraniA ... 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 G luco se (nm ...


Regenerating Agricultural Landscapes with Perennial Groundcover for Intensive Crop Production


Sharon Weyers

The Midwestern U.S. landscape is one of the most highly altered and intensively managed ecosystems in the country. The predominant crops grown are maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr]. They are typically grown as monocrops in a simple yearly rotation or with multiple years of maize (2 to 3) followed by a single year of soybean. This system is highly productive because the crops and management systems have been well adapted to the regional growing conditions through substantial public and private investment. Furthermore, markets and supporting infrastructure are highly developed for both crops. As maize and soybean production have intensified, a number of concerns have arisen due to the unintended environmental impacts on the ecosystem. Many areas across the Midwest are experiencing negative impacts on water quality, soil degradation, and increased flood risk due to changes in regional hydrology. The water quality impacts extend even further downstream. We propose ...


BMPs for Turfgrass Water Conservation in Landscapes

Clint Waltz

Use a turfgrass that is best adapted to its region or microclimate. Plant selection and adaptation are the most important factors in planning, planting, and main- taining a lawn for water conservation. A properly selected grass species or cultivar is more likely to thrive and need fewer inputs (e.g. water, fertilizer, pesticides, etc.). Selection and adaptation include the influence of


Response of Twenty Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.) Cultivars to Low Mowing Height

Agronomy, 2021

Stefano Macolino


Planting Rate and Nitrogen Fertility Affect Runoff Losses during Hybrid Bermudagrass Establishment

Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 2019

Kayla Sanders


Drought responses of above-ground and below-ground characteristics in warm-season turfgrass

Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2018

Kevin Kenworthy


Lawn Grasses-A Review

International Journal of Horticulture

Lakshman De


Zoysiagrass ( spp.) History, Utilization, and Improvement in the United States: A Review

Crop Science

Kevin Kenworthy


Phenotypic Plasticity and Turf Performance of Zoysiagrass in Response to Reduced Light Intensities

Crop Science, 2016

Kevin Kenworthy


Produção, acúmulo e exportação de nutrientes em grama esmeralda adubada com lodo de esgoto

Bragantia, 2010

claudinei lima

Objetivou-se com o trabalho avaliar a extração total de macronutrientes pela grama esmeralda em função de doses de lodo de esgoto. O experimento foi instalado em área comercial de produção de grama esmeralda, localizada na cidade de Itapetininga (SP). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso; em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições, sendo as parcelas principais constituídas de cinco doses de lodo (0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 Mg ha-1, base seca), e as subparcelas com dois sistemas de manejo (com e sem o uso de escarificador utilizado para romper uma camada superficial compactada). As doses de lodo aplicadas correspondem às doses de 100, 200, 300 e 400 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio. O aumento das doses de lodo de esgoto promoveu maior remoção de nutrientes pela grama esmeralda. As doses mais elevadas de N fornecido com o lodo de esgoto promoveram excessivo crescimento da grama e a redução do sistema radicular. Doses intermediárias entre 20 e 30 Mg ha-1 foram mais interess...


Sod production and the effects of liquid organo-mineral fertilizers and thickness of sod (2024)


What is the process of sod production? ›

Sod production involves growing a solid stand of high quality turfgrass and then harvesting the grass along with roots and a thin layer of topsoil. Many sod pro- ducers also transport and install the sod. The demand for sod is highly dependent on new home construction and industrial development.

Do sod farms use fertilizer? ›

If American Sod Farms is installing your lawn, you won't need to worry about this step. American Sod Farms fertilizes every yard we install with 15-15-15 right after we lay your sod!

Does sod farming result in soil loss? ›

Soil erosion from sod production should be minimal; previous research has demonstrated the advantages of handling and rooting sod that is thinly cut (less soil loss, quicker rooting and reduced trucking costs); when sod is harvested, most of the grass root system is left in the soil; sod returns the equivalent of ...

Which factor affects the amount of nitrogen fertilizer that should be applied to turf? ›

Turfgrass nitrogen requirements are based on many factors including species of grass, soil texture, air and soil temperatures, clipping removal, amount of rainfall, irrigation level, and the general maintenance and aesthetic level desired by the grower.

How long does it take for sod to work? ›

Although sodding is much faster than the natural lawn seeding and growing process, it isn't instantaneous. Technically, once it s been installed, sod should begin to take root within 10-14 days. And with the right balance of sun, air, and water, your sod will fully take root in 2-6 weeks.

What is the best fertilizer for sod? ›


A fertilizer with an adequate amount of phosphorus is best. Apply fertilizer with a listing of 16-16-16 (rate: 6.5 lbs / 1000 sq. ft.) or 10-20- 20 (rate: 10 lbs / 1000 sq.

Do sod farms make money? ›

Grass can be a real cash crop. Grass is also known as sod, and sodding a barren patch of land is the quickest, easiest way to achieve a lush, green lawn. So growing sod can be a lucrative agriculture commodity in areas with a steady local market, especially during a housing boom.

Is fertilizer bad for new sod? ›

Why fertilizing is important for new sod. All plants, including grass and crops, require nutrients for healthy growth. Newly laid sod and established grass have different needs, with new sod benefiting from phosphorus-rich fertilizers to encourage root development and soil connection.

Why is sod bad for the environment? ›

Maintaining grass lawns increases greenhouse gasses, pollutes ecosystems, wastes water, and diminishes biodiversity. Grass lawns are expensive, unsustainable, and poor investments. While more environmentally friendly than pavement, grass lawns and their upkeep come with heavy carbon costs.

Why is seeding better than sod? ›

Seeding a Lawn

More grass types and varieties to choose from. Less expensive than sodding. Deeper root system. There is no thatch layer present which may harbor unwanted diseases or insect pests.

Will dry sod grow back? ›

There is no way to revive dead grass, but you can lay new sod to grow your landscape again from scratch. If you notice brown, bare, or thinning areas in your lawn, these are clear signs that you need to sow new seed or replace the sod.

What happens if you put too much nitrogen on grass? ›

Conversely too much nitrogen creates succulent tissues, which greatly promote the two most common and devastating diseases that occur during the summer on home lawns: brown patch and Pythium. In lawn situations, you can kill your grass more readily with nitrogen kindness in the spring by encouraging these two diseases.

Does nitrogen make grass thicker? ›

Nitrogen will also help your lawn grow fuller by increasing the blade density and thickness.

How long will urea last without rain? ›

But with the enzyme urease, plus any small amount of soil moisture, urea normally hydrolyzes and converts to ammonium and carbon dioxide. This can occur in two to four days and happens more quickly on high pH soils. Unless it rains, you must incorporate urea during this time to avoid ammonia loss.

What is the process of planting sod? ›

How to Lay Sod
  1. Remove the Old Grass.
  2. Prepare the Soil.
  3. Lay the Sod.
  4. Neaten the Edges.
  5. Water Frequently.
  6. Don't Forget to Fertilize.
  7. Overseed the Shady Spots.

What is sod process? ›

Segregation of Duties (SOD) is a basic building block of sustainable risk management and internal controls for a business. The principle of SOD is based on shared responsibilities of a key process that disperses the critical functions of that process to more than one person or department.

How is sod created? ›

Sod production involves growing a solid stand of desir- able grass species and then harvesting it intact with a thin layer of soil and roots attached to it. Most sod operators also ship the product to market, and many offer custom installation.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.