B. Wharton Co. The New Modes foremost -in fashion of the Spring I' DOOXSWEREySEDWOyEARS METIIEKG0FCI5T. Dr. Stephen Herbert Lanjrdottfs 'Translation of the Liturgies of Sumer, Written on Clay Tab-" lets Found at Nippur, Light on An- cient Religions fFrora the New Turk Tim For loi eonumne(l to 1 U'brt I in all probability the'bor.
wnrld i flrat vemloa of the of Aaclraf PrajMa. Faradlae, th Klooa" end lb Fall of )ir Iha volume Jort pubiuhed I her Wan, burled for mora fhan frv iraaJ.UIoa of fifteen prayer 'tbnUMBd year. ha kni rurrett4 uiMa from ancient Mppur and 'from tb rain of ancient In frJtient lititoM from tablets Uabyh.nU. and now tranlat4 into in other muaeum, the aaeaalnc of modern by Dr. Htepbes ller-whi ja obaeur heretofore.
1 A si Spring Suit Fashions Suit in which shorter jacket lengths dominate, Eton and Pony Jack ih- ets share honors with Goats with belts and rippled pepluns. The skirts are both plain and pleated, TricotinesC Poiret, Twills and Serges, strictly tailored or with rich silk embroidery. Novelty suits of trrcotine, covert worsteds, and other wonders of the loom that have come. to make these creations so distinctive and different for the spring season. bert Laotiion.
profcaaor of Aaayrio-) Tiy rmveraity faenm or rnii-1 logy at Otford uiitveriity, Koaland. 'b'II'bJ'. ant four eipedltlone to Mp-j Ir. Lanndon formerly wu raraior ptiV. Ktplorera worked for mora thaBj ba llabylonian section, Vnlvrliy tarlv year la all Ilia rain and, JUtiaeum.
ruiladelpbia. Ha has Jt diarovered lhat tbey bad Mfill; publUhed booh of hta aerie of merely la cretrhln tha anrfara. al-l Fnmerlaa llturslra. ihfKJwb l.aipl, statu, bftoricalj Tbla work by all odd th nwet memorial, and InwrlptitHi of rar aeusatloBal scientific publication na ali er found. reiuiona In" rw ral year, aimertiiiir.
Half of all tha tablet eaplorer aa It doM. lhat many of tht moat! unearthed went to tha tnuntnat at' fundamental belief ami prinrlplee of Under tha permit hrntlanliy ar aurvlval In one form from the Turkish government Aa It' .1 a -r 11 Hi ''1 Vi. A i i ii'ti i tor another or Kim wriuen into id wa impotteiDie iranaiai in prayer book of Humer. perbap a 'tablet at ib time. It followed oat- long aan aa five thouKand year U-rlly tbal tba tnuiiram In Phlladi'l-ore C'hrUt wa Imimi.
iplila n. aartlaaa (if tablet a for wbUh But Ita Interrat not confined other parta hae been found IB atodenta or the Hcrlture. It i of.lUe Conatanttnopla connection. tmmrniie Importanra lino from tha llnvina; been, prtrileged to eiam- hUtortral and artharolotfra point. ina the rollortlon In I'liUHdeljihla at of view, reTrallng new faita aa that In CooMantlnoplo.
aaya ancient elite that really eitated butr. Langdoa. i wrlta with a eaa wtra coneUrred at?) ho logical until 'of repontiblllly. In giving to the acently. public a brief aUtement coBrernlng Tha af Waater.
I hut the temple library of anclfcnt "Chic" Spring Frocks When such delightful frocks offer themselves it is utterly impossiblc to fully describe their true charm.r,0ne sees saucy ruffles, new'pock- ct effects, bouffaute hips, elastic harem hems, French puffiings--frocks with bead and metal -f thread treatments'; in i the latest block pat- terns. The outstanding renaisanpe hip plaits and short sleeves.are two of the i reliable edicts for all frocks, for 'F rumer -ndonbtwlly the gronp of leta land In tb. latabyioiita. Prtor fc mfrrA MoaC. before Bm-at Orm n( tP- talH Hbmerlan aa bUtory eboaa.
waa atlll a lawd. Tk. i i of untutored aavagea. Iha BumerUna ()m bad Ml i haologlral treatlaea concerning Iha tha moat 1t.aJe.tte of an uf lh, greit V. nna Iraki -hfnra tllA HOW I raua a prang or bow many tnoHaann, "'I' KrBia fa Iha Klag.
ITB I pip-hi ih height of raltura and proaperlty ln-" diuated by tba tablets found at Nip- "One of tha nuwt Intareatlng a-amplea 1 a hymn to tba deified King iHingl of I'r. tly accident, both tha Georgette Waists from $7.50 to E.98 A 1 098 pur and elnewhere. Hut today, tba Philadelphia and tba Conatantinople plain, half awatnp. half la atlll L. la "l.ll....
IM. TLriikl. tha amir. ftj belt l-n racnnatrui-tad. Vrti, jiijeiti men lion tha flood.
i purpoaea to every corner of tha laud and provided mean of transportation which, -aircnriUng to the Kpic of 1'ara-ilinr, tfrniltiated by divine punlah- ininit the uioplan axe. The hymn' to; for tba Inhabitanta. Tha etory of IWIe. wrltlen lit, cuneiform aerlpt luto cluy lablrta and i tk.ti nru. rv.l ffil poatorlty by i -lag.
allmlnatea tha Kre of tha In Iha temple librarlea throughout' There are Frocks of; Taffeta, Faille (Printed Georgette Charmeuse Serge and Tricotine The colorings and designs are most favored by Don't You Need a Nice New Spring Underskirt? These new arrivals will be sure to please you some of Jersey with Satin ruffles, some changeable Silks, others of Satins. All the popular- colors and combinations for spring. 1 Bcrlpturea.awordlng to Suuiertan be- lief, ten patrlarcha ruled for three hundred and aixty thou mind yeara before tha Flood wa thirty-ftva Ihouaand yeara after that cala- Sumer and liHbylonia wera-llturgiea: tu each of the grent gmla. A tend-' eui'y to Include In all ervt-B iii lo the wrathful word- of tha grtda and a aong to tha aorrowful, down and conquered tha country. Tha he Burner Lt wa.
-ta, cheated from deity. V. .11 lie areat infloem-a lilih thaao prin ciple undoubtedly exerctaed upon tha belief and formal of Awivrla and Habylonla )iixin (ha late Later, wIltlB the wra of tba great Enkl, ba-Hrater god, wa aroueed, aha protected Ztugiddu. Iibwtlfled by I)r. Langdon a tha equivalent of the ZJihlcal Noah, by providing him with boat, Ha landed In i'aradtsa and then ata of the forbidden fruit, aald to have been that of tha caatila tree.
Jnwlnh li arch and Chrletiatil springly, new-arrivals are just placed for your visit A tablet the granulation of which will be of tntrtmil to all student of nyTiN if that containing an an-! ili.iil I.ihiIi I Inn ntl Ih. rillluvB and I New Spring Sweaters shown, in many new weaves and styles. Blouse ef--, fects, handkerchief sleeve styles, ripple tail and slip-over; 'styles in new colors. deetructon of t'r, tha aama I'r of the ChaliMva named tn tha Old Teatamcnt us uarcotrHl home of the pair I itri ihruham. 'Chla la one of the 1.11 il.l..l..
i'. i iiiv i.inriB I i .1 -S trniiiiau-o nj it, ingaon Spring Wash Goods Our wash goods section is fairly running over with charming fabrics for spring frocks. Early buyers will have the best selection. Voiles! Rich colorings in elegant fabrics are seen in many new patterns. 75c to $1.50 Per Yard (md tablet Just iiuide public by Or Hosiery i i i i for the whole am-' ily, here for spring buying, Many( wise shoppers have taken our.
ad-" -2V Jngitfu contain a lamentation on ltbr ptllaga of UitBsh by the Elam inyHtorioits race not yet lilt'niified by anhaeolo-1 gush was -on of the famous I in. af Kit cities of. burner. kA village1 tilt today sand that covers iijoip iue aiouua ilrutn. vice and are buying hosiery Deposit Your Money Greenwood's1 501dest, AVcalth Cannot Buy Women's Silk Hose All colors in black and' white in many qualities -and prices from $1.25 to $5.00 5 The Lovelist ew Silks They are new arid it is hardly necessary to say they will not remain La'rffest and Strongest in stock.
at the present prices. Bank-The Bank of Green- wood-ana rest easy. i wvuiut vi VAU tha frold and jewels In the) 'world Will not buybnrk liealfh It nay patch up the broken down ma china and make it last a little longer but as axi eminent physician recently said: "In tJie end tba old oachina wears The body is the most wonderful Did' You Get Pick'At These New Blouses! The; like of which bachtoa in the world. Its peKec- i. I i i Sir yA wonderful selection of Silk 'Shirting.
They arc priced, from ($3.00 to $375 Per, Yard Dont fail to see our Fancy, Ribbons. They a.re moderately priced. Creton's and Curtain Nets for Spring unnaren urrcsses' not we urge your early visit. The most beautiful line of, frocks, nve have ever seen. Decidedly new styled and effects White -and Colored Organdies.
Beautfiul colorings, all sizes from 2 A ncSv shipment arrived last week. ypu never saw rr Hand Embroidered Blouses of real elegance and charm as only such artists can create. These arc distinctly different and iridi-vidual 1 a A i $15 to $25 not delay your purchase as these materials are quick sellers and the selections are sure to be reduced. new patterns and color ef-ects are shown this season. uw la uiMfciuui oui uu any oeu" kately adjutad machine it need, intelligent eare, HwUth ia worU' piore than untold wealth.
It has been demonstrated po.iU pvely- that the human body is merely collection of cells, and' that health depends entirely upon tha red blood cells that carry Iba oxygen, whieh 1b absolutely hecesaary to maintain human life. Tha cells of the Jody contain 13 Bifferent cell-aaltaand "tlie ab fence of these salts causes diwasa ymptoras juat as lack of water tauaea a plant to droop and die. Thesa cell-salta. attract hnd re-, -)ain the oxygen, aa it parses from the lunsra into the blood, rind repair; and main'. lain the health of the cells, REOLO combines these 12 cell-halts ao perfectly that they are easily assimilated by tha blood.
It has remarkable tonic and recon- atrurtive qualities and furnishes to blood the invigorating, organic Iron revitalizinjr, life-giving oxy Ipwn and reconstrartjvo cell-galls hat nature requires to maintain health, strength and energy, Dont neglect yotir health. It's irafu'er to "keiep than to "get (well" and much lesa expensiye. If yoa are not fueling well taite tha rystematie EEOLt) Treatment that r'ftkes rich red Llood vitalized with Je-giving oxyge and the cell-. that Nature must hare to 3 1 ,.1 tp 16 Moderately ft d. price neu very giad lo anow Ym KfTerat ruing jou aught io What wo know.
I at the din-poiiHt of our iMtu-otiV Our' toiowlodpet will help keep your tar In" good running orders autf will rciwlr it tor 4 you when', nptcaaary. We can improve your car's -behavior. Our Buyer, Mr; J. B. Wharton, Has Just Returned From the Northern Markets, Where He Secured Some Wonderful Values, TT.TT T-8 (4 A 7 Ir- r-a Go con V-V112U.
Prompt, Efficient. MAIL ORDER SERVICE. We Give S. 1L TRADING STAMPS Greenwood's Style Leaders. Greenwood, S.
Greenwood Repair Shop 9 "1" SMt OAK STREET lleackam Drug Co..