The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

4 THE PLAIN 0470 Houses for Rent West W. 119, bsmt apt, sep water bed $350. 252-2581 W. Rd, 1 bdrm up, low 661-1877 W. 122nd single, 2 freshly painted, $500.

671-4591 W. 128, 2 bdrm. single, No pets. 941-8876 leave message or 330-625-4131 after 3. W.

129 newly remodeled 2 bdrm. up No pets. 476-7961 W. 143-Leroy: 3 bedrm. single, garage, 281-9740 W.

150: Remodeled 2 bedrm. dn, appl, new carpet, $485. 476-0775 28, 2 bdrm. parking. No pets.

941-5712. W. 33 (3120) 2 bdrm dn, heat included No pets. 251-3612 W. 45-Storer, 2 bdrm.

up, 572-3489. W. 47, 2 bdrm. very clean, $385 util. dep.

961-5221 W. 47-Bridge 3 bdrm. duplex, clean carpet no pets $475 631-0090 W. 47 Place-3657, 5 rooms up. $300 No pets.

886-4177. W.50th-3 bdrm up, garage privledges, 651-9760 after 4 W. 52, off Clark, 3 bdrm, dble home. Sec. 8 OK.

732-9798. W.58th (2009) 3 bdrm. single. 1st, Call for appt. 281-7467 W.

65 area, 2 bdrm, bath, drive, carpeted, remodeled bath no pets. 651-0743 or 850-0148. CLASSIFIED -IT W. 73, 3 duplex, no pets. 631-3768 W.82/Dearborn, up.

5 rms. modern, apps. carpet, Call 961-1407 W. 91 Nice Ige. 1 bdrm suite, $300 or Remodeled Effc'y, $260.

Security Heat 819-7837. W. 3 totally renovated, Sect. 8 OK. 441-3540 W.

Madison, nice 3bdrm, appi, garage, $450. 835-9472 W. 98. 2 BEDROOMS. 5 ROOMS UP.

$395. CALL 871-4075. WEST Blvd 2 bdrm. up. Avail Jan 1, Call for appt.

651-0867 WESTLAKE bdrms, air, $1175. 892-0155. WESTLAKE, 3,400 sq.ft. Magnificent 4bdrm. bath.

Cul-de-sac 999-2143 WESTLAKE3bdrm. $850. mo. dep. No pets.

871-9298 WESTLAKE newer 4 bdrm. den, fam. $1700. 871-1900 WESTPARK 3 bdrm. appl's, garage, fenced, clean, no pets, 330-225-9464.

WESTPARK 3 bdrm bung. freshly remodeled, air, very clean, pets O.K., 251-2977 WESTPARK 4 bdrm alum bung. all new garage fenced $695 267-4835 WESTPARK area 2 bdrm single, appls, bsmt, new carpeting, Garage. 808-9256 0471 Condominiums for Rent West BAY Cashelmara 2 2 bath, lake view, $1650. 331-8291.

BEREA, 1 bdrm. 734-7855 eves or leave message BRECKSVILLE 2bdrm bath FP, wooded view. $675. 526-0260 BRECKSVILLE Carriage Hill 2 bath, WBFP, carport. 526-6114 BROADVIEW HTS.

Country Lakes Estate Condo. Lge. barm fireplace, kitchen security system. Immediate occupancy. 582-4202 0471 Condominiums for Rent West BROADVIEW 3 bath townhouse, appls.

Attached garage, $850. Call 524-6924. CLASSIFIED IT BROADVIEW HTS. Ige. 1 bdrm.

air, fireplace, garage. 661-0319 LAKE Ave fully furnished 2 bdrm, many amenities, long orshort term 642-9117 0471 Condominiums for Rent West 1-90, SHEFFIELD, luxury 2 bdrm, 2 bath, Jacuzzi, fireplace, sunroom patio, 2 car att'd garage, appls more. Lease purchase available. 216-327-0812 or 216-327-2326. LAKEWOOD-Gold Coast, Ige.

2 bath. $1050. 521-0612 N. Olmsted: 1 barm. Appls.

Remodeled. No pets. $495. 779-8321 N. OLMSTED, TUDOR HOUSE 2 bdrm.

2 bath. Washer -dryer. Garage. No pets. $650.

777-8449 PARMA-1 2 BEDROOMS Incl. Heat, appls. mini-blinds. Agent 398-1608 PARMA HTS. Corner of York N.

Church Dr. 2 large living dining big balcony. RTA. $650. No pets.

886-0059, call anytime WESTLAKE 2 bdrm, 2 bath, garage, ammenities. $660. 692-2588 WESTLAKE-King James Bramer bldg. 2 bdrm. 2 bath, 2nd floor, no pets.

892-4078 0480 Houses Wanted to Rent CORP. exec couple, mature nonsmoking, no pets. Req. up-dated 3 bath, 2 car garage. Prefer hdwd fir.

Hts. Beachwood vic. 1-800-989-7575 ext 20346 0490 Houses for Rent Furnished East E. 63: Clean 1 carpet, appl, ref's, 432-2762 0500 Houses for Rent Furnished West kitchen BRECKSVILLE1 $550 incl 1 util bdrm, 838-5771 LAKEWOOD-Bunts, 3 lge rms. electric included.

$375. 237-3487 W. 52 off Clark, 2 bdrm up, carpet, no pets. 961-3426 0520 Housing to Share and Rooms for Rent East and West Roommates Wanted 01 NORTHFIELD single share utils. 467-8798.

CLEVE HTS to share Ige single family home. util. Call 790-4045. WESTSIDE, reduced rent for housekeeping, 651-0737. MALE with 11 yr.

old son looking to share your Southeast home until June, has small pet 558-7974 WORKING man to share far west home 235-1698 ROOMMATE wanted Broadview Hts. util. 237-0321 MALE will share Broadview Hts. 2 bath. util.

Non smoker. 230-2356 MATURE responsible female to share furnished 3 bdrm. home in Parma Call 749-0006 Rooms for Rent East 02 E. Cleveland. Near transportation.

$250 includes utils. 249-2110 E. 53 sleeping room, reasonable; kitchen privileges, 881-2289. Every day is a good day to Advertise in The Plain Dealer Classifieds 114 off Superior; room $150 mo. references.

231-8099 CLEVE Clinic area, must have verifiable income 840-9067 SLEEPING rm, quiet sober man private entry. 795-7695 E. Mature drugfree male 451-2222 E. 222 St. Male.

House privileges Near Library. 732-9445. E. 89-CHESTER. Cooking facilities.

Util. Furnished 721-6733. E. 96: incl. cable, kitchen privileges.

Non-smoker, clean. 761-6348. E.55 St. off Cedar. Reasonable rates.

541-1076. Rooms for Rent West 03 BEREA, pleasant furnished room for non smoker. 234-7782. DAYS INN weekly rates from $125. 4501 East Royalton Rd.

Broadview Hts. 216-526-0640 JAY HOTEL. 2515 Jay Ave. Seosonal Special 621-1675. HOTEL Detroiter Furnished Weekly rm.

rentals $70. 651-7563 0540 Homes Aged, Convalescent and Nursing LUXURY adult group home, Parma, 696-3510, 845-1513. 0550 Vacation Places, Resorts, Houses, Apartments, Cottages and Timeshares for Rent DEALER 0550 Vacation Places, Resorts, Houses, Apartments, Cottages and Timeshares for Rent Florida 13 CANCELLATION-unit avail. now, very reasonable, NaplesFt Myers area 330-666-1022 St Pete Isla 2 bdrm. 2 bath condo 1st fl.

On bay. Sunsets. Avail Jan after May 15. Roberta 838-5855 DELRAY Beach-Luxury 2 bdrm 3 blocks to ocean, washer 954-753-7667 PORT Charlotte 3 bdrm. 2 bath home.

2 car garage. Heated pool Jan 1-31 $1800. 419-433-3329 MARCO on beach 2 bdrms, pool Front balcony, wkly 212-472-1414 sale 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo Ft. Myers Beach. Avail Jan 1.

Call 546-9774 MARCO ISLAND. Ocean front luxury 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo overlooks Gulf. Tennis pool. Avail. Week of April 5-12 '97 $2,000.

216-255-0933 after 6pm. Indian Rocks Beach 1,2,3 bdrm. beachfront condo. 800-597-8063 FT. Myers Beach 2 2 bath condo on Gulf.

Jan. 4-18, April 8 thru-1998 289-3882 or 289-2165. SARASOTA or Englewood Ige. private homes, 3 pool. Weeks avail.

before 951-1826 FLA. KEYS Waterfront Apt 216-333-6449 DISNEY, 3-bdrm. 2-bath, pool sleeps 8. 835-1080, 800-554-1383 St. Pete Beachfront Condos $42 656-3539 Jamaica 20 THE DREAM VACATION yoU thought you could never afford is now possible: a seaside group of villas.

Ea. bdrm. air. 1, 2,3 bdrms, of 3953-1082 New York 38 HOLIDAY Valley new chalets, save Wknds. 216-582-8139 South Carolina 48 N.

Myrtle Beach 2 bdrm. 2 bath. golf 741-8279 HILTON HEAD Oceanfront luxury villa, sleeps 6 through 12, Pool, tennis, golf, 581-0470 MYRTLE Beach condo, 2 bdrms. Winter rates. 835-3582 N.

Myrtle Condo on ocean. pool. 892-6965 0650 Commercial Property Lease, Sale and Wanted A-1 LOCATIO SPACE Approx 3,000 sq. ft. 1-480 -271, spray booth-air lines-3 ph.

power office space or storage upstairs. Former body shop. 786-0008 Approx. 5000 saft. Prime Loc.Brookpark Ridge-1stfl.

nextto Value City for retail or office M.W. REALTY CEDAR CENTER, A 4,750 sq. ft. Recently remodeled. 464-1140.

Elyria For Lease Two locations. 4600 Sqft. and 1000 Sqft office or retail space. Located on Cleveland Street in Elyria. high visibility, high traffic area, great exposure in the heart of a highly populated area.

Free offstreet parking for employees and customers. Call Paul or Jim at (216)988-2855 for additional information. Continental Realty Large 3 bdrm. house zoned commercial. Enclosed porch, 3,264 sq.ft..

garage, 99x214 lot. Northfield Center. L.R. FORRER RLTY. 467-4288 approx.

13K sq. ft. 1200 sq. ft. new office lobby, excellent location.

4 blocks from 176 177. 4 loading docks in unloading area. Lge. inside loading area, 13 ft. high dr.

to 2 main streets. Free heat in warehouse. Immediate occupancy. Call 1-330-773-3327, Akron, OH N. Olmsted-7 story office bldg.

sq. ft. retail storefront space. Can be divided 475-9255 OLD BROOKLYN-4316 PEARL 1,000 Sq. Ft.

Storefrontor OfficeCentral Air. $500. 330-225-7025. STORE FOR SALE, State Rd. 33x17ft.

884-2994. 0670 Office Space Lease, Sale and Wanted AAA Location, SOM across Eastgate. All util. Very reasonable. Agent.

831-8089 Elyria For Lease Two locations. 4600 Sqft. and 1000 Sqft office or retail space. Located on Cleveland Street in Elyria. high visibility, high traffic area, great exposure in the heart of a highly populated area.

Free offstreet parking for employees and customers. Call Paul or Jim at (216)988-2855 for additional information. Continental Realty LORAIN COUNTY, eastern. New office warehouse space for lease. Up to 4200 sq.

ft. Avail. 899-1930 eves. MAYFIELD Hts. Mayfield, 125 sq ft up.

446-0700. MENTOR Prime office space Mentor Avenue 750 sq. ft. 621-6576. N.

OLMSTED 7 story quality office bldg. 950 sq. ft. 475-9255. PRIME space.

1-480 and Tiedeman. Lease. 741-7524. WESTLAKE sq.ft, 2 rms, file room, secretarial area, bath, private entrance $500., 899-2164. WICKLIFFE Lloyd Rd.

Ground floor, 1,000 sq. ft. 944-3737. 0680 Investment Property Apartments, Commercial Office Buildings and Sites MUST SELL- Income property. Bargain priced only $17,500.

Turnkey investment. Hottest market in the U.S. 1-800-479-3200, ext. 3 ROOMING HOUSE 12 Rms. 3 stores, Income $60,000 623-0321 0700 Industrial Property Lease, Sale and Wanted Factory 7,200 sq.

ft. loading dock, 3 craines, NE area. George Knaus Rity. 481-9300 LAKELAND 3,310 sq. ft cond.

offices. 12' overhead door, low Lake County insurance. $950 mo. 944-1020. LEASE 10,000 sq.

ft. bldg. Twinsburg. 425-8186 for details. SOUTHEAST: 1,400 sq.ft.

stand alone 883-1344 WAREHOUSE MFG. Lease or Sale, Cleveland, E. 36th and Perkins Ave. 12,500 sq. ft.

including 850 sq. ft. office, loading docks, 440 power. CALL BILL at 485-8800 0720 Garages and Storage for Rent WAREHOUSE STORAGE space available, heated, DecemberApril. Perfect for cars, boats and recreational vehicles.

237-1500 between 8 and 4:30. 0800 Business Opportunities Area MCI Payphone Prepaid Phone Card routes avail. Local sites can earn to High Yrly. Lowest prices. Will train Call 24 hrs.

1-800-235-2625 AUTO BUSINESS-USED CARS. Lease. Broadway Auto Mile. Call eves, after 6pm. 247-5973 BAR, bldg.

SE. $45K. Steal it! Collins Broker, 362-1692 BLDG. Net $100,000 Collins Broker. 362-1692 BUSINESS Advisers of Cleve.

Free Counseling 781-6155 BUSINESS Workshops Monthly SCORE For Detoils 522-4194 BUY Foreclosed Property Use our money! Split big profits! Training! 908-409-6869. CAR lot for lease, great location Corner E. 55 Cedar 361-0050 COVERALL CLEANING CONCEPTS FROM $1700 DOWN You can own a successful office cleaning business. Coverall provides training, equipment and customers. Financing available.

In Northeast Ohio call 524-2560. PAYPHONE Route New FCC Approved Hi-Tech 19 Potential hrs DON'T Be A Business Failure BAC Free Counseling 781-6155 FOR a better you and more vitality and fitness with a financial opportunity join the Omnitrition Team. For Information call Barbara at 216-790-9746 Richard at 216-850-2171 Independent Distributors Home Computer Users Needed High Income Potential 1-800-513-4343 Ext. B-9040 Call for details INVESTMENT shares available in up and coming gentlemen's club, Flats area. 741-6787.

LET US help your start your own janitorial business. 382-0521. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 0800 Business Opportunities LAUNDERMAT, all sold contents imme- of laundermat. Must be diately. All offers considered.

Call 871-0325. FIND YOUR NEW HOME IN OHIO'S LARGEST DEALER The Plain Dealer Classified To Place an ad call 999-5555 Toll Free 1-800-275-SELL New existing stores for sale. Excellent locations income, Financing avail. Call Art Roy at wide Laundry. (800)643-9274 or (330)273-9718 VEND Hersheys 4 local routes.

Excellent Work 1 Invest $2,990. 1-800-926-5005 VENDING: potential $500 to work 1 day Invest $2880. For brochure 800-365-9329 VENDING route. Strong cash business. Established accounts.

Financing. 1-800-449-9801 0840 Financial buy R.E. note, annuity, lotto, insure payment. 1-800-600-4887. 0850 Money to Loan AAA CASH FAST FROM YOUR HOME Good Credit, Bad Credit, No Credit Bill Consolidation Rental Property OK Past Bankruptcy OK ALTERNATIVE LENDING 1-800-613-6179 AAA CREDIT NOT REQUIRED Cash for any reason.

Home owners only. 1-800-USA-MONY AA CASH TO HOMEOWNERS 1st, 2nd Mtgs; Refi, Pay Bills -trailer, water ballast 491-9535 1220 Clothing, Furs and Repairs All Credit Welcome! Call Today! MASTER MORTGAGE CO. 944-4700 1-800-566-5680 BAD or NO CREDIT? Easy to Qualify up to $2,500 Call 1-800-220-6563 GET OUT OF DEBT NOW! Stop collection calls 1-800-366-9698 PAYDAY ADVANCES No Credit, 0860 Money Wanted NEED $15,000 pay back aggree to your terms. Chris 237-2193. 1210 Boats and Marine Supplies A GPS-Loran-Radio $249-159-149 Eagle $299 Manda Akron 1-644-6774 7 days BAYLINER 20' 2052 Capri LS many extras.

$15,900. 886-2338 CARVER MAXUM SIMA 663-7900 236-5236 EVINRUDE 35HP MOTOR Electric Start, New Prop, Needs Points $300. (216) 846-7440 I SCARAB 34' Raider, twin 220 lazers trailer, $27,900. Call 330-220-7717 SEADOOs '96, 1 GTX, 1 GSX, low extended warranty, dble. trailer $13,500.

216-562-8917 1212 Sailboats MACGREGOR 26X, 1997, wheel steering, 5' 11" head rm, sails CANADIAN sable cikra fur size10-12, $3000. 357-6059 DESIGNER full length black mink, fox trim, medium size, $3850. (216) 963-0544. LADIES white rabbit jacket, size medium, excellent cond. $75.

Call 249-9256. LEATHER ladies black biker jacket, waist length, never worn, size 14, $140. Call 553-4721. MINK coat, full length sized 12 to 14, excellent cond. Originally $5000 asking 498-0899 MINK Coat-Mahogany crystal fox trim.

Full length. Valued: $7000; Asking $4500. 524-1405. MINK COAT Plus size. Full length.

Good cond. $3700. Call 786-1639 MINK jacket paid $2,250, black, sell for $450. Black, Size 12. Like new, great 521-6812.

MINK jacket, black, size medium, was $1000, want $400, no calls after 7pm. 371-4297. MINK, natural ranch, 1 yr, 12-14 size, like new, stored, Paid $4000 asking $1250. Includes matching ear muffs, must sell. 381-7010.

NATURAL Mink stroller collar, size 10, like new. Was $4000; asking $2300. 524-2706 PATEK Philippe 18K open face pocket watch, $2500. 656-2239. REAL fur jacket, excellent condition.

Hardly warn, size medium, $75. Call 249-9256 RED FOX full length fur coat. Size 12. offer 216-327-8026 WEDDING GOWN with train and veil, excellent 371-5377. cond.

Ivory, size 22. $350. Call WEDDING gown, Pucci, opprox. size 12, paid $4000, asking offer. 216-277-5945.

1230 Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles ATV '91 220 Bayou, Mint! offer. 216-676-2081 POLARIS'88 Classic 500 CC, liquid cooled, electric start, Speedo tach tripometer. $1450. 330-735-2308 eves. POLARIS '94 Indy Storm $5700.

Call after 6pm 216-257-6537 POLARIS '96 Indy XCR 600 600mi, A-1, 327-9476 SNOWMOBILES '95 Mach 1600 mi, $4,995. 330-837-5770 or 330-494-2873. '96 Thundercat 900, 600 mi, $7,400, 330-494-6608. 1240 Dogs, Pets and Supplies ADOPT-A-DOG. Husky mix.

Young, very active needs someone special to work with him. $45. 661-2292. AKC Dachshund, long hair male. $250.

4 mos. 330-549-3257 AKC Miniature Schnauzer, Vet checked, shots, wormed, groomed. 729-4174 pups (5), Pugs- BostonsCarins-Poodles-Bichons, health guarenteed 833-6556 AKC Welsh Corgi (Cardigan). $300 up, 8 wks. 330-549-3257 AKC WIRED FOX TERRIER Male.

Mr Personality. 11 wks. old, shots, wormed, no shed, $350. 330-947-3831 AKITA mix puppy. 6 mos.

Neutered. Cute. $40. Parma Animal Shelter, 886-3245 or 885-8014. AKITA puppies AKC champion bred and champion Written guaratee.

419-924-2946 AMERICAN Bull dog line, puppy, pick of 6 the mos. litter, must sell! $450. 587-1135 or pager 579-5746. AMERICAN BULLDOG Puppies, big boned, sire parents here $450 up. 412-748-3339 AMERICAN PiT Bull Terrier, ADBA reg.

Indian Bilio Colby 3 lines, 4 males, 2 females, brindie, shots worming done. Asking $450 each. 330-872-6450. A Nice Shepherd Mix Needs Home Soon, 9 Months, Shots, Fixed, Kids $45. 291-1804.

AUSTRALIAN Blue Healer Mix, 6wks, shots, wormed, tri-colored. $60. 941-5200 BALL Python snakes-2. Asking $75 or best offer for both with stand and tank. Call 777-3286.

BASSET pups (4), 8 wks, AKC, multicolor, shots, wormed. Adorable. $200. 741-1913. BEAGLE, AKC pups, 5, $100 ea.

Shots, wormed, 330-334-3870. BEAGLES: cute pups Hold older for xmas 330-929-1071 BENGAL kittens, 3, TICA reg. Domestics. Exotic appearance personality. 614-594-2169 or 614-593-7047.

BICHON-FRISE male puppy, old. $350. Vet check. 419-368-3697. BIJON Frise AKC 7 mo.

old, all shots, housebroke, $300. 244-9033. BIRD, BABY (YELLOW NAPE AMAZON) HAND FED $1000. CAGE AVAIL. 357-5600 Days.

1 18, 1996 1240 Dogs, Pets and Supplies BIRD Breeder. Teals $35, Keets $12, Canarys $40, Conures $125, African Greys $900, 729-4174 BIRD CAGE Very Large. 5'x24" wide on wheels. $450. 216-226-2215.

BIRD Jenday Conure 3 mo. old $150 offer. 961-6195 BIRDS Gouldion Finches, 1 male, 2 female with cage. $200. (216)-891-9805 BLACK LAB MIX tee yr neutered, shots, sweet $50.

old BORDER Collie Mix, male, 5 yrs, well behaved, $40. Parma Animal Shelter 886-3245. BORDER Collies, 6 pups, imported lines BOSTON Terrier pups, AKC, 2, healthy and adorable, great $450. 330-667-2761. 6 BOSTON Terrier 9 mo.

female spayed, cute, playful, healthy, $175 886-1967 eves. BOXER, AKC, female, 4 partially house trained. $300. Call 883-2308 BOXER Female, papers, 3 yrs. old, spayed, trained, can't keepstudent.

$300., 721-0630. BOXER pups, AKC (4), Ch line, excellent temperament. Avail. Christmas. $400.

216-775-0400. BOXERS AKC Puppies, male and female, flashy, fawn, white er and brindle, CH sired. $500 and up. 419-929-1276 BRIARD puppies. Both parents.

CH, OFA, CERF. $750. Show Quality, tawny. BRITTANY pups, 8, Ch. line.

hunters pets $250. 216-968-3431 BRITTANY pup, AKC, hunter or pet. $200. 330-929-1071 BRUSSELS Griffon pups very rare (same dog as seen in movie 1st wives' club) 888-7608 BULLDOG- French puppy, male, all shots, housebroken, family raised $600. 330-220-7778 BULL Mastiff-5, red brindles, CERF.

tested, OFA parents on premises. 614-397-7146 BULL bloodlines, Terrier female, AKC $1200 home mini, 826-4748. raised ch. a male BUNNIES-20, Hollands, French, Mini Lops Flemish Giants. $25 to Drawfs, $25, all pedigreed stock.

285-7017 Chardon. BUNNIES'5 Netherland Dwarfs, and care instructions. 476-8805 BUNNIES babies breeders. Lops $25, Drawfs $20, Dutch $10. Some with papers.

729-4174 BURMESE 4 KITTENS CFA Nat'l. Award Winning Lines. $400. Call 330-928-4214. BURMESE Python, 8', 100 galIon aquarium $200.

330-626-2548. CAIRN Terrior puppy AKC, male, $400. Dep, will hold until Call 330-735-3161. CAIRN Terrier, AKC, 6. month old male.

Good with kids. $200 or best offer. (216) 422-3503. CAIRN Terrier pups, AKC, 5, shots, wormed, will be ready Jan. 3rd.

$350. 419-446-2619. CAIRN terrier pups-3, AKC, 1st shots, ready to go Jan. 8. $350- $400.

Near Wooster 330-695-4875 CANARIES (4) great singers, $45 ea. Call 941-8126 CANARIES 5, Chinchillas, 2, $20-50. 216-524-4815, 330-825-0144 CANARY male, guaranteed singer. $60. Call 884-2673, CAT -CALICO 1 yr.

female. Spayed, shots, tested. Loveable lap cat. $25. 230-9049.

CAT, female Calico, declawed 4 paws, spayed, shots, $75 negotiable 230-2440 CATS (2) affectionate male yrs, female 6 both CATS ADOPT Home for the holidays Let us give YOU a present of year round love! Variety, vet checked. Fee. 234-9119 CATS "loved" healthy: 1 male neutured, female spayed. All shots. $5 ea.

397-1370 CAT, young adult, spayed, shots, lovable. $30. 442-8553, 226-8598. CHIHUAHUA, AKC, female, shots, wormed, 5 smooth coat, friendly, $375. 419-282-4331 CHIHUAHUA, AKC pups, 11 black white, long hair, male.

1st shots, wormed, dew claws. $350 383-1239. CHIHUAHUA pups, 1 male, 3 females, shots, Available January. 229-4903 CHINESE Crested AKC (10) $250 Up. 556-3297 CHOW mix male, 2 yr, neutered, clean, lovable $30.

289-5274. CHOW PUPPY AKC, old male, all black, Great gift! $185. 491-8870. CHOW pups (3), AKC, in time for Holidays! 5 wks. wormed, 518-1129 CHRISTMAS CUBS Hybrid Wolf cubs, 5 wk, 4 females, $200 firm.

330-767-3371 COCKAPOO female. looking to breed with a small Poodle or Cocker. 475-6986 COCK-A-POO Pups (5), adorable, shots, $350. 656-2823. COCKATIEL baby gentle adults.

Tame lovable. Spoon-fed sweetie. $65. 289-6302 COCKATIELS (3): Young. Hand fed.

Health guaranteed. Private Berea Breeder. Will hold for Christmas. Mary, 234-7813. COCKATOO-10 yrs old, Lovable 2 944-1017 COCKATOO Mulukin, surgically sexed male, 4 yrs.

old, very lovable. $1000. 330-626-9152 COCKATOO-UMBRELLA 5 mos. old, $900 incl. vet check.

Call 238-4341 COCKER Spaniel Christmas puppies (4) AKC, ch lines, shots, wormed, $300. 447-9198 COCKER Spaniel AKC. Christmas pup, CH lines. 1st shots. $350.

216-322-5272 COCKER SPANIEL AKC puppy, shots, wormed, $200. 330-488-0628 COCKER Spaniel AKC 1 male female 6wks, COCKER Spaniel (4) AKC. Ch lines, Christmas pups! Shots, wormed. 330-542-0860 COLLIE, AKC, 2 sable pups, starting at $250. Shots, wormed, eyes checked, 330-855-8624.

COLLIE AKC, 3 pups, big, fluffywhite factored males, shots, wormed healthy. Ch lines. 216-968-3270 COLLIE AKC PUP, Shots, Wormed, Vet Checked, Lovable, Gentle, $250. (216) 285-8294 COLLIE PUPS (8) sables, tri, blue merle, $200 to $350. Will hold for Christmas.

419-853-4439 DACHSHUND dapple male stan: dard 6 smooth coat, all shots, $200. 216-636-5125 DACHSHUND pup 9 wk old mini male, Brindle long hair, shots, dew claws, $250. 216-636-5125 DACHSHUNDS mini (3) 8 wks, AKC, shots $275-400 330-273-2781 DALMATIAN AKC 9 puppies, vet checked, shots, 6 wks, $150 each. 330-753-8424 DALMATIAN INFORMATION Puppies, Meetings, Education. Call us before you buy.

Western Reserve Dalmation Club 216-236-8282 or 216-428-2318 DALMATION femole, 2 yrs, spayed, shots current, one of the family, socrifice $185. 252-3870. DOBERMAN AKC 6 wks, 1 white, 1 black, D. OH Troyer, 6185 77, Millersburg, 44654 DOBERMAN -Bull Mastiff pup, wks. old, redbone.

"Ready for $150. 561-6193 DOBERMAN male pup, AKC, 12 shots wormed, ears cropped $350. 330-869-6448. DOBERMAN pups, AKC, rust and bred for health and temperment. 216-926-2098.

DOGUE de Bordeaux- (Turner Hootch) puppies, 2 females, big boned, excellent bloodline, health guaranteed. 441-5795 ENGLISH Bulldog AKC Red. yrs. old female. $500.

Call 330-637-8006, leave message. ENGLISH Bulldog pups, AKC, females, Great pets 419-762-5595 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel AKC 10 pups $250. 216-437-6638 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel Puppies 2 males, 1 female, Ch. sired, $450. 330-865-4202, eves.

ENGLISH Springer Spaniel pups (2) both parents AKC Ch. show dogs 216-275-3900 GERMAN Shepherd, AKC, Top German Lines, Huge, Shots, Guaranteed, $400. (216) 354-0588 GERMAN Shepherd, AKC white females $100, and 5 males $75. Mother and father on premise. Just in time for Xmas.

no papers. Kinsman 330-638-3948 GERMAN Shepherds, 2 AKC pups, Ohio's finest West German imports. Lifetime guarantee. $650 ea. 216-298-1335.

GERMAN Shepherd 8 wk female outgoing, pretty, parents OFA, health guaranteed. $550 248-6676 GERMAN Shepherd AKC 2 females, 261-9573 GERMAN Shepherd 6 yr, old female spayed, exceptional watchgood, housebroken, good natured. Good price to good home. 283-4333 7-G Pets and Supplies 0470 Houses for Rent West No pets. 631-5767 DENISON, 9908, large 5 rms.

dn, newly remodeled $400. 433-3176 DENISON area, 2 bdrms. up, clean, $375 dep. 556-0076. 2 bdrms up, no pets, 642-3976.

DENISON W. 97: Remodeled 3- bedrms. dn. 845-4659 DENISON W. 98: 1 or 2 parking, $400 845-4659 ELYRIA, 7 acre park.

Friendly 4 bdrm. Appls. WBFP. Bsmt. On river by 1-480.

$860. 1-934-4911. FAIRVIEW, Ige. 2 2 bath ranch, newer country kitchen, 2 WBFPs, hardwood floors, deck. $1100 mo.

security. 871-9027. FAIRVIEW Park col. 4 bdrm. bath, liv.

din. kitchen, fam. FL. rm. with fireplace, car garage, air, ref's, 979-0888.

FLORIAN 2 bdrm. UP. Newly remodeled. No pets. Ready Jan.

1st. deposit. Leave message 251-4684. FULTON Rt 71, 6 rms up, 941-7582 CLASSIFIED -IT LAKEWOOD-1275 Gladys 5 rms dn, no pets, 521-3653 LAKEWOOD, 1265 St. Charles, 2 yarage, new carpet, incl.

water. $525. 228-4641 LAKEWOOD, 12818 Franklin, 5 rms dn, appls, garage. New carpet. Lovely.

$525. 331-7427 LAKEWOOD 1345 Phelps UP, brand new 3 bdrm, 2 story, west, appl's, parking, $765. 333-1075. LAKEWOOD 1623 Ridgewood, 4 rms. up, carpet, appl.

Dep. lease, no pets. 892-1186 LAKEWOOD 1606 Larchmont, Gorgeous 2 garage. $525. No pets.

226-7063 LAKEWOOD 17807 Cliftonspacious 6 bdrm townhouse, new carpeting, appls, garage, no pets, 235-2764 LAKEWOOD: 1 bdrm. $380; 2 bdrm. $460. appls, 226-8496 LAKEWOOD, 1 bdrm dn, all appl, 226-1660 LAKEWOOD- 1 bdrm. UP.

Appl. No pets. 226-9234. LAKEWOOD1 bdrm, appls, carpet, no pets, refs, 749-4328 LAKEWOOD 2208 Lincoln, Very clean Ige 2 bdrm. up.

Appls. Gorage 459-0834 LAKEWOOD-2bdrm Up. 1191 Andrew clean wood floors, appl, porch. avail $510. 235-9829 LAKEWOOD 2 bdrm up, carpet, appls, no pets, 331-8383 LAKEWOOD, 2 bdrm.

1 bath, dn. 1 car garage. Clean, 999-8052 LAKEWOOD 2bdrm up stove. no pets garage 221-3859 LAKEWOOD 2 bdrms UP, clean new garage siding. $550 mo.

226-0041 after 5pm LAKEWOOD 2 bdrm dn, carpet, garage, appl. $550. 221-2871 LAKEWOOD 2 bdrm. up, all appls, hardwood 777-7372. LAKEWOOD 2 bdrm.

dn. A-1. Clean. Modern kitchen bath. No pets.

871-3144. LAKEWOOD-2 bdrm. dn, clean. new appls. 835-1678 LAKEWOOD-2 barms.

dn. Redone. No pets. Call 871-5233 eves. LAKEWOOD-2 bdrm dn, garage no pets.

$525. 835-9990 LAKEWOOD, 2 bdrm up, carpet, appls. Garage. $525. 521-4948 LAKEWOOD 2 bdrm.

Parking Remodeled. 521-9230 LAKEWOOD 2 bdrm up, carpet garage. Clean Free rent until Jan. 1st. 546-0260 LAKEWOOD 3 bdrm.

Free Rent Dec. only $595 dep 356-0998 0470 Houses for Rent West Appls, garage. No pets. $625. 216-221-3457, 330-483-4715 LAKEWOOD 3 bdrm up, appls.

Garage. No pets. $625. 892-8736 LAKEWOOD 4 bdrm. single, new kitchen, bath, carpet.

1-272-5573. LAKEWOOD 4 sunporch, garage. $475. hot water incl. No pets.

228-1797 LAKEWOOD: 5 rms up. Carpet. Porches. Garage $490. 226-2053 LAKEWOOD 5 rms.

up, clean, oppls, garage. RTA. No pets. Avail now. 779-4587 LAKEWOOD5 rms up, sunroom appls.

garage, no pets. 226-5733 LAKEWOOD, 5 rms Dn, garage, 226-6184 LAKEWOOD: 6 clean, garage. 226-9562 2 bdrm. dn, Appls. Garage.

A1. 5 rooms Up, as low as $495. 656-4565. LAKEWOOD Delaware 2 bdrm. carpeting, appls, garage, 333-8045, 642-0330 Lakewood double 2 BR totally renovated $550 Koula 835-0272 LAKEWOOD DUPLEX N.

of Lake 3 bdrms. baths, fireplace no pets, $800. 221-4310. LAKEWOOD EXECUTIVE SINGLE HOUSE, 5 BDRMS. CALL 333-0071 LAKEWOOD fully remodeled 2 bdrm.

dn. all hardwood floors, No pets. $585. 237-3487 LAKEWOOD-Lake Ave. Min.

to downtown, Ige. 4 2 baths up, all appls. 226-5863. LAKEWOOD Ige 1 bdrm 1st fir, bkcase, wbfp, util $575 321-4309 LAKEWOOD McKinley Hilliard Ige. dble.

2 bdrm. up, garage. 333-1151 9am to 4pm LAKEWOOD Single, 1329 Cook. Open Sat. 2-3 pm LAKEWOOD, Slone, 1 bdrm, stove refrig $275.

333-8095 Lakewood twnhse 2bdrm. appl 0 smoke $610 835-9580 parking, 3rd appl's. $425. 216-933-8121 46. 3 remodeled.

230-0022. $425. 130 3 bdrm. 651-6655. no pets, avail.

NEWARK Ave. upstairs, clean, 2 appis. $350. 556-6891. N.

Olmsted 3 appis, WBFP, air 734-6151 N. OLMSTED-3 baths, att'd garage. No 891-4322 N. Olmsted, 5771 Decker, 3 bdrm, central air, appls, garage, avail. dep.

By appt. 216-777-6006. N. OLMSTED avail. Jan 1st, 3 garage, 5130 Whitethorn (off Lorain, near Dover Center).

1st, last security. 777-1721. NORTH Royalton 3 bdrm, bath, all appls, finished bsmt, 2 car garage, $975. 582-5556 NORTH ROYALTON 2 bdrm. no pets, 884-1949.

N. RIDGEVILLE, 3 no pets, $650 security. 351-6538 N. Royalton-2 barms. dn.

Appls. 2 car garage. Nc pets. Avail. Ref's.

Call 237-3297 after 5. N. Royalton, 8527 S. Akins, 3 bdrm remodeled duplex, new carpet, no pets. 838-4200 OHIO City clean 2 3 bdrm, new laundry $525.

$610 incl. 228-9274 OHIO City nice 2 bdrm. up, carpet, shower, appls. $400 961-1961 0470 Houses for Rent West dep. pager 1-800-254-6893 carpet, shower.

$650. 961-1961. OLD Brooklyn, 2 bdrms. dn, carpet, garage, $425. Call 661-6065 OLD Brooklyn, 2 bdrm.

up, appls. No pets 447-0824 OLD Brooklyn, 2 bdrm. up, carpet, appls. $450. 459-2934, 1-9pm OLD Brooklyn 3 bdrm up, completely remodeled, new carpet, $525.

day 631-3818 OLD Brooklyn 2 bdrm. up, big, clean, appls. garage, some newer carpet 398-5968 OLD Brooklyn 5 rms. up, freshly painted. appls ceiling fans.

No pets. dep. 741-1743 OLD Brooklyn, 5 rms. up. New paint carpeting.

Garage. No pets. $405. 524-5648. Agent.

OLD Brooklyn 2 or 3 bdrms. Avail Jan 1. Sec. 8 OK. 582-0551 OLD Brooklyn-1 bdrm.

up. with office space. Appls. Fully carpeted. Garage.

Cat ok. Call: 381-1340 or 327-8372. OLD Brooklyn, 2 bdrm up, appls. No pets. 216-808-1947 OLD Brooklyn, 6 carpeting.

No pets. 216-933-2534. PARMA, 1 bdrm. utils incl, 1 mo dep $475 No 884-6430 PARMA 2101 Lorimer Rd. 3 nice barm.

UP No pets. 228-7365 PARMA 2 bdrm. up, appl. 362-7512. PARMA 2 bdrm.

up, garage, bsmt. $600 dep. 235-4890 PARMA-2 bdrm up, modern spacious. Air, heat, $650. 524-0652 PARMA, 2 story.

1 bdrm. incl $550. Immediate occupancy. No dogs. 886-6075 PARMA 3 bdrm bung.

bsmt, 979-4805 go: rage, air, $795. Mint. PARMA, clean, fully furnishe, 2 bdrm. up, Call 251-3210. PARMA 3 bdrms.

Up. No pets, 237-5026. PARMA Hts. 3 bdrms. up.

Appls. carpeting, bsmt. Garage. No pets. $675 eves.

642-0167 PARMA-Pearl Rd. 2 bdrm up. Spacious, no appls. $600 security, 333-0007 or 661-6300. PLATTEN Ave.

2 bdrm. Up. Newly painted, no pets. Sec. 8 ok.

Deposit. Ref's. 651-8539. RENT TO BUY 3 bdrm, bung. 2 car $400 month.

$39,543. RUSSELL REALTORS 267-3300. ROCKY RIVER 2970 Gasser 4 Call bath 331-4080 Appls. for ROCKY RIVER, 5 lge. rms.

great view. 331-7755. ROCKY River Ige 1 bdrm. appls. air, garage, pool, $515 including heat.

No pets. 235-4544 ROCKY River-Luxury 4 bdrm bath, Master Suite Air, Rec rm. Deck, Fam rm WBFP. Very nice! $1600 459-0834 SEVEN Hills 3 bdrm. Brick Ranch.

Central air. 546-0247 STRONGSVILLE 2 barm duplex din util rms, gas heat, air. Nice yard. $650. mo.

330-483-4186. TREMONT, 1 newly renovated loft, skylights. $585. Days pager 790-8715; eves. 589-9544 105, 3330, 3 bdrm dn, appls, din rm, new carpet $375.

234-7551 1072 bdrm. duplex, $500 mo util. dep. No pets. 671-6860 110 Fidelity Unique 2 bdrm up, remodeled 252-4111 W.

114, N. of Franklin. Exquisite 4 bdrm. home. 2 baths, 2 car garage.

6 near everything. No pets. $900. 221-9053. W.

2 bdrm. UP, Call 676-6011 W. area, 3 bdrm. new appis. Residential Home Values 1130 Real Estate Miscellaneous All real estate advertising In this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act, the Ohio Falr Housing Law, and the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY HOUSING City of Cleveland Fair HousIng Ordinance, which make it Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitations or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, handifamilial status, sexual orientation, age, ethnic group, or Vietnam or disabled veteran status, or an Intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.

This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is In violation of the law. 0900 Cleveland West and Southwest OLD Brooklyn: 3 bdrm, 2 car Col. Owner flexible. 237-7498 WEST PARK! 20x12 Master Bedroom! Country Kitchen! New Roof! New Furnace Central Air! New 2.5 Car Garage! Glass block windows! WESTWAY REALTY 941-7600 0910 Lakewood, Rocky River, Fairview, Bay, Westlake and North Olmsted NORTH OLMSTED: Northwood Condo, 23881 David; excellent 2- bdrm, 1 bath ranch. Close to shopping trans, $46,900.

Kevin 331-8500. 1st time buyers, 3 bdrm. suburb. Lawrence Rity. Inc.

331-7200 0920 Avon Lake, Sheffield, Sheffield Lake, North Ridgeville and Balance of Lorain County BEAUTIFUL 3 bdrm. bath, on large lot next to deep woods, in Elyria Twp. Totally remodeled from top to bottom. $94,500. 572-5918 or 299-5500.

ELYRIA 3 bath. Liv. fam. rm, garage $89,900. 324-6942 0930 Brook Park, Berea, Middleburg Heights, Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Township and Strongsville NEW HOMES BY HYMAN BLDRS.

N. Royalton, Seven Hills, Strongsville FIRESIDE REALTY 842-6604 0940 Parma, Parma Heights, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Heights and North Royalton RANCH Extra sharp remodeled home on a large wooded lot. Fireplace, Owner wants quick BURMEISTER RLTY 526-8692 PARMA-3 bdrm. Col. Air.

2 car garage. $112,900. Call 885-2165. PARMA Brick Tudor, Lovely 3 bdrm, 2 bath, formal dining, car garage, bsmt, $109,900. DEED RLTY 888-8200 PARMA CIRCLE OWNER 8308 Kenton Ave.

4 bdrm, 2 bath, $106,900, By appt 885-0848. 0950 Seven Hills, Brecksville, Independence and Broadview Heights BRECKSVILLE Luxury Condo. 1426 sq ft. Pilgrim RIty. 526-4626 BROADVIEW HTS.

8 yr old 3 bdrm, bath ranch. $219,900. 1780 Rusnak Trail. 526-2795 0960 Medina, Brunswick and Balance of Medina County BRUNSWICK NEW LISTING By Owner, Brick Ranch, 3 bdrm. 2 bath, finished bsmt, Newly decorated, shows nicely.

Bettie Lane. See by Appt Today thru Friday, 330-225-3155 6781 Neff, $160s 2813 Weymouth, $2605 4068 Mapes, Ranch $100s M. SCHILL REALTY Yours Considered In Trade 734-2600 845-1144 0990 Mobile Homes and Parks CAMERON '73 mobile home trailer park. 2-3bdrms, bath, all appis stay. 2 sheds more.

Lot rent $145 offer. 650-0591 COLONIAL OAKS AFFORDABLE ELYRIA1-800-887-6665 1240 Dogs, Pets and Supplies GERMAN SHEPHERD AKC, 12 white puppies, Vet check, $350 or best offer. 330-863-2633. CLASSIFIED -IT GERMAN Shepherd AKC reg. tan, pups, white, (5), 10 black, wks.

old, sable. Block shots wormed, $200 each. 3 yr. old black female, $100. 419-483-3596.

GERMAN Shepherd puppy male AKC. Father OFA. 2 yr, guaranavail. $175. 330-227-9840.

GERMAN SHEPHERD, female pup, AKC, shots, Vet checked, very friendly. $350. 216-238-5562, pager 216-487-7803. GERMAN Shepherd pups AKC OFA, ready for holidays 12-23-96. Import, guaranteed.

Deposit required. $350. 216-858-2259. GERMAN Shepherd AKC pups, German lines, OFA, parents on premises, $350. 330-725-5303.

GOLDEN Retriever, AKC wks at Christmas. $350. Will deliver 614-926-2053 1240 Dogs, Pets and Supplies GOLDEN Retriever pups, 10, AKC. Forget SPOTS! Go for the GOLD! Ready around Xmas. Shots, wormed, PennHip check, CH.

bloodline. Days 614-382-6594; Eves. 614-389-3054. 6 GOLDEN Retriever pups, father (show dog) OFA certified 4 males 1 female. $475.

419-892-2170. GOLDEN Retriever AKC Pups 7 wks. old. (6) 1st shots wormed. 216-988-5753 GOLDEN Retriever AKC, OFA, Cerf certification, female, all shots wormed, hips eyes guaranteed, great for hunting or household pet.

Excellent $350. 216-659-3213 Let your classified ad do the selling Call 999-5555 or 1-800-275-SELL GOLDEN Retriever AKC, Cerf certification, male, all shots wormed, hips eyes guaranteed, great for hunting or household pet. Excellent $300. 216-659-3213 GOLDEN Retrievr pups 8 thoughtfully bred lovingly raised in home with children. Deposit holds, shots, wormed, guaranteed, parents here $300-450ea 330-875-9276 GOLDEN Retriever AKC 3 males ready to go 1st shots $300.

419-744-2498 evenings GOLDEN Retriever Pups AKC, Ch lines, 5 females, 4 males 216-282-3412. GOLDEN Retreiver AKC 9-pups guaranteed, vet checked, see parents 398-8519 GOLDEN RETREIVER pups Reserve after holidays. Ch. bred 243-7742 GOLDEN Retriever pups, 10, AKC, $350. 216-968-3510.

GOLDEN Retriever pups, AKC. 2 litters ready for holidays. All Ch bloodlines. OFA, CERF. show pet.

Quarantee 26 mos hips, eyes, disposition, heart. 216-647-3254 GOLD retriever pups, parents on premises. $250. 419-483-2826 GREAT Dane AKC pups-6, Boston harlequin, Parents yr. old-female $150 and large male $400.

729-0638 GREAT Mix, 5 yr. male, housebroken. neutered, shots. Berea Rescue 234-9119. HEDGEHOG BABIES 3, $50.

ea. 631-3665 HEDGE HOG BABY FEMALE. OFFER OR TRADE FOR BABY MALE. 729-4174 HIMALAYAN CFA Torti-lynx point female, proven breeder rights $250. 883-2727 HIMALAYAN Kittens 3 CFA CH Sired, Gorgeous, Shots, Guaranteed $350.

(216) 354-0588 HIMALAYAN kittens-3, shots, Adorable! 283-1116 HIMALAYAN kittens CFA, shots, $300. 216-953-3871. HIMALAYAN Kitten, 8 wks, CFA, colorpoint cutie, Vet OK, shots, 663-9317 (2) 8 Wk. Girls, CFA, $300. (216) 221-0349 HIMALAYAN Persian Kittens (5) CFA, $300 each.

943-3476 HIMALAYAN, Seal Point male, CFA, homeward bound kitty, shots, $250. 883-2727 HIMILAYAN kittens-4 CFA, Ch. sired. Dep. holds for X-Mas.

$350. 216-272-5557. HUSKIE Retriever Mix female, very loving friendly, good with children $60 464-7527 IGUANA female, 2 yrs, over 2 ft long. with aquarium $50., 888-6008. IRISH WOLFHOUNDS, world's tallest most expensive dogs.

JACK Russell puppies, 3 left, $350. 330-654-5757. JACK Russell terrier pups (2), 9 wks. $350. 216-775-1783.

JACK Russells, ready after short hair, will stay small, solid colored pups, $200. White pups, $350. Call 330-264-0632 KITTEN 6 mo old. Russion blue female declawed. $10.

961-6195 KITTEN, a real cutie, shots, wormed, $30. 349-1331, 442-8553. KITTEN -CALICO, 6 months, spayed, shots, tested. Precious playful! $25. 230-9049 KITTENS-2 females, 3 mos.

oid, black calico, $10 ea. 961-5991. KITTENS (32) Test Neg. Shots. Xmas.

330-225-5874 KITTENS, 4 cute males. 7 wks. $35. Lkwd Shelter 529-5020 KITTENS-6 2 young adult cats medical records 289-0496 KITTENS CATS $50. Tested.

Spayed. Declawed. Shots. KITTEN, SHOTS, $15. CALL 247-1879 LAB: 7wks pups outstanding, 6, AKC, black, chocolate, yellows, OFA CERF parents.

Bench Field Champ breeding, $450. Holmes County, 330-674-3147 LAB AKC 6 Christmas Pups, ready Ch Line 330-887-5732. LAB AKC Christmas pups (6) Yellow, black $300. 216-775-2426 LAB AKC Pups, 6 Yellow, shots, wormed, 330-530-4603. LAB pups 9 wks.

(5) blacks yellows. OFA. Will hold till Xmas. 216-647-3490 LAB AKC X-Mas 3. Parents OFA Certified.

Chocolate. Shots, wormed. $350. (419)-334-4535. LAB AKC yellow 2 yr.

3 mo. female. Ch lines. All shots. Must sacrifice.

$350. Call 835-5340 LAB MIXED PUPS (4), shots, $50. AKC 656-2823. LAB puppies, AKC, 4, Black, 7 $250. 419-289-0337.

LAB PUPPY Chocolate AKC, 14 wk. old female, shots, beautiful. guaranteed $350. 330-947-0928 LAB PUPS (4), AKC Reg. Chocolate, shots, dewclaws, wormed.

$350. 330-645-9591 LAB pups, 6, chocolate, AKC, OFA, CH. lines, $250- $500. 419-883-2174 Mansfield LAB PUPS 8, AKC-OFA-CERF, black chocolate, sq. English look, raised for laid back personality intelligence.

Parents, grandparents here photographed by major greeting card featured on many national '97 calendars. Pups ready for Xmas, also older obedience troined dogs, excellent instant companions. 330-882-3977 LAB pups-8 AKC, yellow. $250- $275 1st Dep. will hold.

330-699-0871 LAB pups blacks yellows, males, females. Both parents AKC OFA on premises. Health guaranteed. $350. 216-967-6521 LAB pups, black, AKC.

English stock. Ch. lines. Excellent tempermant. Health guarantee.

Shots. Wormed. Dew claws. $400. 330-296-2937 LAB retriever (6), AKClight yellow, english CH line, dews, health guarantee LABS AKC chocolate, 2 males ready to go $275 ea.

216-293-5533 LABS -Chocolate, AKC, order Holiday pups now, bring home after the Holidays. Dews, shots guaranteed. $350. 330-492-8559 LHASA APSO-5 adorable pups, Cuddly, playful, pedigree, gentle mother. Ready Christmas week.

$300. Call eves. 267-0505. LHASA APSO AKC pups, (4) rare colors, Champion line. $300-350, 614-965-1244 LHASA APSO Puppy AKC, shots, wormed.

paper trained must go. $195, 421-7172 LOVEBIRDS peach face pair. Both tame friendly. Will hold for the Holidays. $100 884-2673 MACAW Blue Gold.

surgically male, 3 yrs. old. $1000. 330-626-9152 MAESTRO wants a home for the holidays, he's a 40lb shepherd mix with a great attitude, loves kids. Housebroken, neutered, shots.

Berea Rescue 234-9119. MAINE Coon kittens ready for Holidays. CFA registered. All shots. $400.

ea. 216-933-8172 MALTESE, 2 adults a 3 mo. old male, $300 ea. 254-4242 MALTESE, AKC. spoiled babyface doll, shots wormed.

$500. Call 216-237-7393 MALTESE AKC Male, 12 Weeks, Small, Housebroken, All Shots, $600. (216) 285-8294 1240 Dogs, Make your house a home. ADOPT A PET! We have many puppies, kittens, dogs cats waiting for your love and friendship. Come in today and adopt the pet that's just right for you! ANIMAL PROTECTIVE LEAGUE RECEIVE FREE WITH ADOPTION PRE-ADOPT SHOTS LOW COST ID TAG STARTER KIT AND MUCH MOREI 1729 Willey Cleveland 216-771-4616 Open: Mon-FrL 11am-7pm Sat.

9am-7pm Sun. 10am-4pm Directions -Between W. 14th Train Ave. Easy access from l-71 VALUABLE COUPON ADOPTION ADVERTISING FUNDED BY THE PET SAVERS FOUNDATION, INC. 3.

7 MALTESE puppy 10 all shots, trained, loves kids. $250. 330-584-1710 MANCHESTER terrier toy 3 pups, all each. AKC, 398-5423 Ch line, 4 mos, $400 MASTIFF FEMALE PUP (1) mos. old.

330-898-3484 MASTIFFS Cane Corso 11 puppies, big and healthy, vet checked. $900-1300. 330-723-2342 MINIATURE Pincher, AKC, vet check. $300. 330-549-0878.

NEAPOLITAN Mastiff, 4. Rare breed. 9 wk. old pups. Blues, Blacks, 1st vaccine, wormed.

Ch. lines. 330-297-9189. NEWFOUNDLAND lines, female, 90 5 excellent health disposition. $50 to good home.

236-8650. OLD English Sheepdog 12 wks AKC, show quality female, beautiful, $800. 330-274-2030 OLD English Sheepdog pup, $400. ed, shots. 419-945-1417 near Medina.

Old English Sheep dog pups, AKC, CA, raised Ready 12-18-96. 884-1767 PARROT bronze wing Pionus. Hand fed baby. Lovable! Needs special home. $395 884-2673 PARROT Scarlet Macaw and steel cage.

$1900. 461-0889 PEKINESE 'The Perfect Christmas Present" AKC male puppie, adorable. Only 1 left. $200. 330-898-7350 PEKINGESE Male, 8 very lovable.

$250. 226-2231 PEKINGESE, very mini, 17 mos. female, red, just too-too cute. Too lovable. Too charming.

$475. PERSIAN 5 Cats, retired breeders, spayed, $50 475-6145 PERSIAN Cat, Shaded, silver male, CFA, shots $250. 826-4131 PERSIAN male, white, 12 wks. Clean $300. 216-428-3466.

PERSIAN CFA WHITE FEMALE KITTEN, 8 WKS. $250. 216-257-3924, 313-7610 PERSIAN- CFA Calico breeder. 2 yrs. Call 1-216-257-3924 or 313-7610.

PERSIAN Kitten, CFA, beautiful, $250. Call 247-1879 PERSIAN Kitten, Female. Tortie, CFA Reg. All shots. Copper eyes.

12 wks. $300. 476-1272. PERSIAN kitten black male, CFA reg. all shots.

Pet quality. 12 wks old. $100. 476-1272 PERSIAN Kitten CFA Grand Ch. Sired.

Shots, vet checked. Asking $250. Call 216-352-4628. PERSIAN kittens 4, CFA, silver, blue smoke tortoise, 7 $150-200. 216-255-2308.

PERSIANS CFA 2 female adults cream $200. 1 tortie $100. All shots. Call 330-682-7387. PERSIAN, shaded Silver kitten, female, feline tested, declawed, $250.

886-9661. PERSIAN silver yr CFA female $200; female $100. Spayed, declawed, all shots, NICE, 641-2830 9am til 5pm PINCHER Mini pups ch. stud service. 216-992-4684.

POMERANIAN pups 4, black sable, 330-345-5417 POMERANIAN AKC, lyr. male $150. 2 puppies, cute cuddly $275. 1-216-576-0101. POMERANIAN Pups, 4 adorable fluff balls 232-5385 POMERANIAN AKC Pup, Tiny Female, 4 All Shots, Housebroke $550.

216-285-8294 POMERANIAN AKC Male, Parti, Shots, Housebroken, Quiet $350. 216-285-8294 POODLE Adorable AKC Pups (3), shots, $425. 656-2823. POODLE AKC Male pup, tiny, very unique, 1 of a kind, $450. Must see.

Call Meka 888-4230 POODLE, AKC, Standard, White With Apricot, 2 Shots, $350. (330) 343-5976 POODLE AKC tea cup black female $550. guaranteed, shots. Call Meka 888-4230 POODLE AKC toy pup, black male, guaranteed. Shots.

$450. Call Meka 888-4230. POODLE, black, mini male, mos. AKC, parents ore CH's. $400.

941-8576, evenings. POODLE Pup AKC Tiny Toy Male, White, shots, guaranteed. $450. Call Meka 888-4230 POODLE puppy, standard, AKC, black male, housebroken, shots $500. 330-482-5005.

POODLES AKC (12) Sizes Colors, $250 Up. 556-3297 POODLES AKC, Tiny Toy (5) Housebroken $350. 216-285-8294 POODLES Standard, 3, $300. Call after 5pm, 288-6170. POODLE-standard black female AKC, top CH lines, great $450.

330-488-1774 POODLES Toy AKC (3), white. $300. 216-671-5064 POODLES Yorkies (10), Toy, Mini, Tiny, shots. Bred for disposition. (330) 856-4039 PRESA CANARIO pup, male, brindle, show quality, 4 shots, cropped, $500., 749-2819.

PUG 8 wks. old male, shots, wormed, parents on premises, $400. 330-756-2651. RARE Cane Corso pups. Large Italian breed.

1-330-757-2355 REPTILE Show Sale, Dec. 22, 10am-4 American Legion Hall, 22001 Brookpark Rd. Admission $3. For information 419-433-3639 RHODESIAN Ridgeback puppies 10, $300, 614-875-4585 ROTTIE MIX neutered male, yr. Shots, $50.

216-582-1749 mix pups (6), 8 wks. wormed, cute, $125ea. Call 439-1035 ROTTWEILER pups-4, AKC, selectively bred, good temperament, lg. size. Price reduced piace quickly! $250.

330-654-4677 ROTTWEILER, 2 yrs neutered, all shots. Great with kids. No cats. Good security. papers.

$150. 883-6480. ROTTWEILER pups-3, AKC, shots, dewclaws $400. 741-5390 ROTTWEILER Pups 2, picks litter never claimed, will last. $250.

961-3564 ROTTWEILER AKC pups 2 OFA Ch. line 271-6273 ROTTWEILER Puppies, 6, 9 wks old. 1st shot, parents premises. 330-225-5861. ROTTWEILERS AKC parents 5 pups, line, premises 631-6731 ROTTWEILER, 6 AKC pups, wks.

old, shots, wormed, parents on premises. $300. 330-947-0166 ROTTWEILER AKC pups, 3, 1st on shots, premises, wormed. Amy 671-1271 ROTTWEILER Pups AKC, OFA (3). $325.

506-2648, leave msg. ROTTWEILER 10 pups. Born Parents on premesis. Dep. will hold.

973-9557 ROTTWEILER pups (2), AKC, females, very Ige. 11 wks. old, shots wormed. Must sell. offer.

ROTTWEILER puppies, 5, 7 wks. old, mother and father on premises, $150. 330-648-2684. AKC1 huge female, father 150 lbs. $400.

Parents on premises, 216-283-5604 leave ROTTWEILERS- German papers. 3 males, mos. 65 lbs. Last time offered $500 671-3628 ROTTWEILER AKC 4, born shots 216-659-0708 eves ROTTWEILERS, Xmas pups 13. born 11-13, tails, dew claws, wormed, weaned $250.

961-7841 health AKC male guarantee $300, 330-688-4462 ROTWEILLER pups, 11 AKC, 751-7954. ROTWEILLER pups (4). $250. 3 females, 1 male, 884-5277 SCHIPPERKE AKC Male pup, old. Shots, wormed, $300.

330-877-6350. SCHNAUZER-miniature 10 mo. old, chopped ears. Affectionate male, AKC. $600.

439-9636. SCHNAUZERS Adorable AKC Pups (4), shots, $425. 656-2823. SHAR PE1 AKC, black horsecoat, $400. Will hold til Christmas.

330-882-3560. SHARPE AKC puppies 2, $350, Mansfield 419-747-6119 SHAR-PEI, AKC, wrinkled, 10. Ch. lines. Shots, wormed, housebroken.

$300-400. 330-773-7435. SHAR-PEl pups (8), AKC, chocolate, fawn red. Multi-AKC Chompian pedigrees. Shots, wormed, housebroken by exp'd.

Shar-Pel breeder. For the buyer wanting the best. Ready now or for the holidays. $400 to $1200 cash. 216-224-0400.

SHELTIE, mini Collie pup, calm, good with children. Shots. Healthy, trained. $395. 543-4546.

SHELTIES-sable, 2 males, 2 femoles, ready for Christmas, parents on site $350. 561-6494 SHEPHERD AKC female 11 wks $150. UKC American Eskimo Spitz female $150. 330-385-0817 SHIBA INU pups, AKC, 4, shots, wormed, 419-446-9108. SHIH-TZU Adorable AKC Pups (4), shots, $425.

656-2823. SHIH-TZU Adorable, tiny pup. Shots. Guaranteed. $395.

351-4964 or 806-7745 pager. SHIH TZU AKC female, 7 months, shots, gold black, 9 pounds. $350. 244-9033. SHIH TZU AKC, yr.

female, black white, 9 Ibs, shots, wormed, $125. 244-9033. SHIH-TZU AKC Male, 8 Shots, Wormed, Lovable $350. (216) 285-8294 SHIH-TZU AKC, Tiny Imperial Female, Housebroken, All Shots, $800. 216-285-8294 SHIH TZU Mix male, 8 wks.

Black shots, great disposition. $250. 871-1825 SHIH TZUs AKC, 3 female pups, Medina 330-667-2805 SIAMESE 3 kittens Blue seal point. $125. call 419-627-1573 SIBERIAN Huskys AKC (6) red white, born Ch lines, taking deps.

$350. 232-2507 SIBERIAN Husky pup AKC blue eyes. $400. 216-224-2758; 216-577-1129 SIBERIAN Husky AKC 8 mo. male, all shots, $200 incl.

dog house. 216-576-3219 Mix, 1 male 1 female, very good (the pr.) 230-2440 TABY kittens, shots, 3, $20 each, Call 526-6171 after 6 pm. THE gentleman the pick up Lab Shepherd on please call 341-8678 its urgent, got your number. TOY Fox Terrier pups, 3, shots, $100ea. 330-336-7341.

TOY poodles (3) vet check, 1st shots. $250. 330-549-0878. UMBRELLA COCKATOO 5 yrs. old, very tame loving 631-2617 WEIMARANER AKC, 1 male, 2nd shots, cage trained: Avail now! $400.

Call 330-686-9542. WELSH CORGI, AKC, 4 wk. old female, red and white, well socialized. $450. Call 943-3476.

WEST Highland White Terrier, AKC, male puppy, guaranteed $475., 826-4131 WEST Highland White Terrier pups. AKC. 2. Ready to go week of Christmas. $400.

330-695-4875 West Highland Terrier AKC male 11 wks. $300. 330-359-6166 WESTIE AKC pup, Deposit will hold for holidays. $350. Call 277-4042 or 288-6302.

WESTIE pups, AKC, 5, shots, wormed, 419-446-2619. WIRE HAIR TERRIER-AKC, Ch. bloodlines, shots, wormed, 2 females. $400. Ready Jan.

4th. 216-354-7421 WISHBONE Pups-8 UKC Reg. Terriers. Ready at X-Mas. $325 incis.

neutering 216-965-5611. WOLF Belgian NOWHA Pups (4) 6 Weeks. $400. 330-225-5874 WOLF 10-pups, ready for Christmas. Beautiful.

ea 748-9836 or 322-2935. YORKIE, AKC, spoiled babyface doll, shots wormed. $500. 216-237-7393 YORKIE puppy AKC 3 all shots, trained, loves kids. $350.

330-584-1710 YORKIES AKC puppies (4), small. $450 to $550. 330-358-2253. YORKSHIRE terrier AKC small 3 female 5 mos. $425.

237-3005. 1110 Farms and Acreage for Sale BRUNER LAND COMPANY 1-330-869-5899 ASHTABULA COUNTY: 16 wooded acres, smaller trees, priced at only $21,000., owner financing with $2.000. down and $251.09 per month for 10 years at A.P.R. with 4 year call date. CARROLL COUNTY acres.

Leesville Lake region. Beautiful rolling, part open and part wooded property. Plenty of views and wildlife. Perfect for hunting and fishing. Only $12,900.

Owner financing. 1-330-699-5723 1110 Farms and Acreage for Sale GEAUGA COUNTY 5 ACRES Nice open view home site. $27,900. Owner financing. 1-330-699-5723 Looking for a place to get away? Read this! WILDLIFE RETREAT Be the envy of your of your neighbors! While they are stuck in the city, your vacation retreat will be surrounded by the roaming wildlife of Southern, Ohio.

Yes, you can have a lot in Jackson, Ross, Pike County, other counties available soon. range 3 from "Owner financing through our land contract program with only down" Call today to schedule your personal showing during the week or on weekends or call for free maps details Anthony Land Co. 1-800-213-8365 Local: (614) 286-0081 TAPPAN LAKE REGION By owner. 4 acres. Scenic hill top meadow overlooking valley.

Excellent home site on quiet country road. $7,950. Low down. Owner financing. 1-330-699-5723.

TWO bldg lots, western Lorain county, Country Rd 216-775-2119 1120 Real Estate Out of TOWn Ohio SANDUSKY The Harbour 3 3 bath. For sale or exchange. Call 330-493-1140 Tennessee 50 LAKEFRONT GOLF COMMUNITY Offered by developer! Save thousands! Lakefront lake access. Million view of golf couse and Norris Lake. Golfview only $19,900 Golfcourse only $39,000 Now taking reservations.

Call today. 800-552-9432 ext. 3084. A Bluegreen Golf Community 1130 Real Estate Miscellaneous CUYAHOGA- FORECLO Find them all first in the Foreclosure Reporter 321-1997 FORECLOSED GOV'T HOMES Save up to or more. Min.

or no downpayment. Call now! 1-800-338-0020 ext. 1360 1160 Real Estate Wanted ALL CASH FAST Any price, condition, or location. Call Reggie at 1-800-903-3372 CASH FOR HOMES, any condition, any location, Dan 749-6594 EXECUTIVE needs home to lease with option to purchase. Call 216-934-0065 FAST CASH! We buy houses.

Any price, condition! 486-OMNI Real Estate, Apt. bidgs. Forclosures, pre-forclosures. Cash buyer. 546-0989 1190 Mortgages Bought and Sold CASH paid for Mortgages.

Call Michael, 1-800-479-3200, ext.1 COMPANY Buys mortgages and land contracts nationwide. Please call us last. 348-0066 or 1-800-348-0864. Easy shopping is yours when you turn to today's Classified Pages Classified Pages 1250 Lawn, Garden and Farm Equipment 0990 Mobile Homes and Parks COLUMBIA PARK 7100 Columbia Rd. Olmsted Twp.

For Call Today 235-5300 HUGE Selection of Spectacular single dble wide new model homes. Buy now! Be in by Christmas! Don't Sahara. RT. 20 Madison. 946-3660.

OLMSTED all appls. Very nice. 235-4108 ONE bdrm. mobile home. Near Solon.

Will finance 232-3114. 5 1- 1 1000 Shaker Heights, University Heights, Cleveland Heights and Beachwood Hackett Arnold Fine Residential SHAKER HTS. CONDO 2 bdrm, 2 bath, designer decorated, overlooking golf course, all amenities in bldg. $69,000. 473-1153 UNIV Hts-3 bdrm, 3 bath executive home.

$199,000. 932-7095 1010 East, Northeast, East Cleveland, Euclid and Bratenahl MLK DR. 2 blocks S. of Shaker Blvd. 4 bdrm.

2 bath Tudor. Fenced yard. 2 car garage. New roof and waterproofing. $80,000.

Call 721-4642. 1020 Southeast, Garfield Heights, Maple Heights, Bedford, Walton Hills and Warrensville Heights CLEVE. SE-Single 2 family. 295-8055 1030 Wickliffe, Willowick, Willoughby, Eastlake, Mentor, Painesville, Madison and Balance of Lake and Ashtabula Counties ATTRACTIVE So. Wickliffe 3 bdrm, 2 bath brick ranch, central air, close to schools park, $114,900, by owner.

944-8305. 1040 South Euclid, Lyndhurst, Richmond Heights, Highland Heights, Mayfield and Mayfield Heights LYNDHURST CONDO At Acacia On The Green Lge 1 baths, new carpet, outdoor patio. 473-0290 S. EUCLID: Spacious Semi. 4 bdrms.

2 att'd. Herbert E. Kohn Realty. 291-1500. 1060 Northfield, Sagamore Hills, Macedonia, Twinsburg, Aurora Hudson, Richfield and Balance of Summit and Portage Counties Almost ready.

Brand new home, 1st floor master great 4 baths, basement. acre lot. L.R. FORRER RLTY. 467-4288 1080 Sale Lots Residential acre lots.

286-1400 pgr 790-6592 VACANT LAND: 35x136, Cleveland, $35,000. Call Ralph Lozada at 267-3300. RUSSELL TORS WESTLAKE Fully Improved homesites. 734-3434. 1110 Farms and Acreage for Sale FREE Property Lists.

S.E. Ohio. BUCKEY LAND CORP. 1-800-342-9357 Home 614-685-6350 CRAFTSMAN lawn tractor, 18hp, 44" mower deck, snow plow, $2500. 808-1477.

CRAFTSMAN wood 5 HP, $325. Honda self propelled lawn mower, electric start 5HP, 1 yr old, like new $475. 585-5342 FARMALL Cub completely rebuilt. Asking. $4300.

216-775-3102 FORD 640 $4975. Mint cond. with good tires. 236-5132. GRAVELY start, sulky 30" mower, 50" mower snowblower attachments.

$575. Call 330-220-7717 JOHN Deere 322 garden tractor, mower $4500. 419-483-5086 JOHN DEERE 420, very good cond. With brush hog. $3500.

216-593-1957 LADDER Extension 40' $220. SuperXL Chain Saw $150. Saddle and hand saw $80. 498-1369 MEYERS ft snow plow set up, like new, $1800. 354-2165, Pager 696-9198 SEARS riding tractor, 14 hp, older model for repair or parts.

$195. Call 243-2721. Snowblower Honda, 8 HP, electric start, top of the line, mint used 4x, $975. 656-3931 Snowblower, 5 HP, 2 stage self propelled, older model, good working cond. $190.

676-4295. S200, electric start, good cond. $175. Call 216-561-0224 SNOWBLOWER 50" attachment for John Deere tractor $900. 419-483-5086 SNOW PLOWER 8 ft.

Lorenze. 3. hitch, hydraulic chains 20.8 tires. $2400. Will deliver.

614-687-0939. SNOW THROWER, Troybilt, 8HP, electric start, 7 yr. warranty. $1300 firm. 890-4938 STEINER 420 4x4.

New Onan 20hp, 5' deck, 4' snow blower, extra clean. $7,500. Call 330-877-7744 eves. TORO hp. snowblower.

Electric start, pwr. shift, lights $1100. Excellent cond. 562-1189 1260 Horses, Stables, Trailers, Stock and Equipment APHA 17 yr mare, been theredone it, Loves kids, shown 4-H Cosca $2000. 236-8163.

APHA Reg. '94 Gelding, blue roan Overo, this young horse is quiet, and has been on rough trails in indoor arena, loves to be used and ready to start show training $2600. 216-357-0904. APPLOOSA reg. 9 yrs.

World CH bloodlines, runs Barrels, has cutting blood, has won at games showing. Exp'd. rider $2500. 216-992-0379 AQHA Appendix '96 Bay Colt, big, handsome, kind personality. $3000.

527-4190 AQHA mare, cute, shown by 11 yr. old girl, kid safe, pts. in western pleasure, hunter under saddle, showmanship, horsemanship. $5000 firm. 428-2927 AQHA Mare Flashy, 14.2, Trails, Ch.

Halter Pleasure, child safe, $2500. 330-939-1801 ARABIAN filly, dark bay, hunter, chief justice granddaughter. Egyptian related, very typy, sweet disposition. offer. ARABIAN reg.

Stallion, gentle 12 yr. old rides drives $1250. Terms: Call 814-756-5886 ARABIAN registered 5 yr. old mare, bred, rides, $1550. Terms.

Call 814-756-5886 ARAB mare reg, 8 yrs grey, wonderful child mount or adult 1st horse. $2500. 216-466-4481 Horse, Bay Pony Mare, 12 yrs old, great childrens Hunter, has won Championships at Ohio State Fair Cleveland Circuit, Professionally evaluated at $5500. Must sell. Will Negotiate $5000 or less.

330-837-4909 BISON '91, 2 horse trailer compartment, A1 cond. very light, $1600, 216-992-0379.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.