Sec. 3 TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1998 lyier Morning Telegraph 3 Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted 420 General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted 420 Medical Help Wanted Medical 420 420 420 420 420 .425 425 COUNTER SALES Pereennel needed foe avatarige, 6 pm ta 10 anL, 8 days a weak. CHICKEN 8 8URQERS, BLACKEYED fA ia taking sppHcations for an experienced cook. Apply M-F 2-4pm at 322 ESE Loop 323. Body ahop naada experienced" Be your own Dose.
ChooM your own hours. Decide how much you make. Can (or an interview with TUPPERWARE today. 830-2211. SOKxlVEBTeJ Is now hiring eervers.
Apply M-F 2-4pm at $22 ESE Loop 321 CACE'S Now hiring part time day hoetfeashier. Tuea. thru Ffl Part Urns servers, must be able to work weekends and lunches. Apply In person at 7011 S. Broadway Hwy 1B8 8.
Dogwood Ctty Church Chicken la now taxing apohcaOone for tut time Manager Trainee. Must be good reedrig, writing 8 math; have good running car with ineurance; avaasbls for work at anyomt. Staring salary wit range from S6mr to $7mr. Also have good benefits, apply in person at 822 West Gentry, 3pm-4pm, Mon-Thurs. No phone 820-0328 Cat 8824602.
Help Wanted General Help Wanted 420 General 420 CASH TODAY CAREER OPPORTUNITY or ooaMyiented, motivated par-ton. Fun-tune aaJaa position In up-acale ratal bridal salon, coma ba a part of our growing business. Pay scale based on experience. Cat 581-8211 M-F fr.SOam-l :30 amtorappt CARPENTER HELPER'S NEEDED 838-8182 Carpet cleaning Professional carpet 8 furniture cleaning technician needed. Carpet Installation exp.
heipfuL Base salary commission. Call Andrews Carpets, 566-3068 CARPET SALES PER40NV INTERIOR DECORATOR with experience to work In show room Fridays 8 Saturdays. Ma) resume to P.O. Box 130429 Tyler, Texas 75713-0428. Church Day Care eeeklng experienced teachers.
FTPT positions. Cas) 809-8038 81-8888. $25.00 Donate Plasma Bring ma ad to receive $5.00 bonus on your first donation only, Muet be healthy Cat for Into. 592-M44, Plasma Center, Tyler 1827 W. Gentry Parkway Now talcing applications: CRTTfRCP Full Time Evening shift with some week-ends Contact Paula Greenlee, DON 561-3771 ext 407 Doctors Memorial Hospital 1400 WSW Loop 323 Tyler, Texas 75701 Dependable office help needed.
Drug teet required. Apoiy ri person 114N.OaatonM-F8em-4pm. Custom Home Sunder naada. Cabinet 8 Trtm man, 12 homes a veer, stssrf, work. Lake Athene area.
Randy Ward ConeL 803-877-2087 DELIVERY Driver for Wholeaeie-Florist Must be 25 vrs old. Some heavy lifbng. Apply ki person after to 2004 Brouteanl Direct Care Providers needed to work with TnenteHy disabled adufts. Mutt have a valid Taxes -Drivers scenes and a High School diploma or GEO. Apply at 1611 E.
5th St for application Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM cat 595-5644, Do you enfoy working with children? Use your parent ig skits In your own horns. No exp. necessary. Comprshenaiva training 8 support provided. For mora info, cat 1-800-556-5760 DONUT PALACE now hiring FT countercashier for early mornings 8 weekend.
Paid holiday 8 vacation. Apply in parson 4007 -C S. Broadway. Hairstylist Needed Income Potential Substantial Experience preferred. Starting salary $6.05 plus commission.
Paid vacation and birthday. No late nights. No Sundays. Full-timepart-time hours negotiable. Call Lou.
593-5593. CAStHER NEEDED Applications are being accepted 8am-1 2pm. Mon-f rial 621 SSE Loop 323 CastHy Jonas. Coffee Landing Restaurant Is taking applications for experienced servers, muet ot dependable, hard working 8 able to work Fri 8 Sat nights. Apply at 8388 Hwy 155 South In Cones City, between 2-Spm, Tuss Sun or cat 876-4823 for interview.
Commercial Door Company hat Immediate opening for fabricatorDelivery person. Witt train person WeldingFabricating Layout slu*ts. Must be dependable, clean, have good driving record, ref. req. Appty-1 322 W.
Erwin. Having a Garage Sale this month? txroaet your advertising mee-aaga? Want Ads an your Help Wanted 420 General Help Wanted General DRILLING-SAFETY REPSCLERKS Estabeshed oHAeld service company la eeeklng qualified vidrvidu-ate to work as Satety RapeClerks on onang tocabone. Job requve-ments: strong oomputer sluHs; fletd experience in dnNing opera-none; strong safety background; good clerical 8 communications skits. 1414 work schedule. Excellent pay Apcecabona tor.
P.O. Box 53912, Lafayette, LA 70505 or ax 318-2354278. DftverFumiture Delivery For a Tyler Co. Mutt have dean MVR, neat, dean appearance, oornmunicationa state, ba raapon-aMainteHigent, good physical condition. Good pay benefrta.
Tryout Starting A Tempt 3320 Troup Hwy, Ste 230 SE Crossing by Post Office 528-2480 Drivers, Roller Operators, and Aa-phart Paving Operators. Please cat Richard Sites 803-863-7484. EARN $400 While you loose up to 28 fcs In the next 30 days. 588-5048. Electronic Company is seeking a qualified electronic technician.
Muet be 21 years of age with no prior tetany convictions. Security related experience 8 computer experience a plus. Send resume to Electronic Concepts 19541 Hwy 16 West Lindale, TX 75771 or cat 903882-0323 after 6pm. EtTL ENGINEERS 4 CONSULTANTS INC. has openings for ths Mowing kv dividuata: DRILLER Requires minimum two (2) years environment geotechn teal experience with mobile dnang rigs Installing groundwater monitoring wells.
Auger, rotary and geoprobe experience preferred. Must have Texas Water Wed scenes. OSHA 40 hour certification preferred. HELPER Requires high school graduate who it physically At Wit train right IndMdual. Starting salary la OSHA 40 hour oarttfl- 420 to (818 aiiMt 'jiKMi'- WH" Help Wanted 420 General Help Wanted General ACTIVITY 420 DIRECTOR 'JjVt- Wit 8I8-- 'Mi 18I8I ViiV-frrJ Good Salary Benefits.
Apply jn person TERUINIJP Ruth Nulf, Admin. Lindale Healthcare Center 215 Margaret Lindale, TX 33-882-7561, TECHNICIAN Immediate opening for permanent position. Previous applicants need not apply. Apply In person 7906 South Broadway No Phone Calls LONG TERM CARE ADMINISTRATOR Ready for a change? Want to make the most of your abilities in a relaxed, but professional environment? Are yoijexperienced, enthusiastic and computer proficient? Do you have a heart for the elderly and want to love your work again? If you answered yes to the above, don't pass up this opportunity to lead our small East Texas facility with a stable, established ownership. We may be small, but we have a big personality! Send or fax resume to: P.O.
Box 612 Mt. Vernon, Texas 75457 Fax: 903-537-7089 raxxxxxxxxxxxxxi BUSINESS IS GREAT GROWING Efficient ASE Certified Technicians. Import dealership turning away work daily. Good pay and benefits including retirement. Contact: Crown Motor Co.
John Baldridge CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TECHNICIAN One year experience preferred but ww) train right individual. Re-' quires high school graduates with tome college preferred. NICET AO certification piston eU. These positions may required overnight fravei. A dear driving record la msndarory.
ETTL benefits include medical, 401 (k), and vacation. Apply in person at 1717 E. Erwin, Tyler or call (903)5954421. 903-581-7688 ALABAMA COUSIIATTA Employment Training Program Need help finding a job or vocational training? If you are at least 14 or more American Indian with Tribal Documentation call collect at (903)581-0416 or Come by our office located at 625 Chase Suite 105, Tyler, Texas 75701 (Behind Chili's, off Brookside Dr.) Must bring drivers license, SS card and Tribal Documentation. Open M-F 8am-5m.
(except holidays) viiiiiiiiiiniird Peltier Nissan Service Department in Tyler in looking for an experienced Service Advisor. We offer paid vacation, incentive driven pay plan. Major medical insurance. If you are a team player willing to work in an environment surrounded by customer driven people. Call for an appointment with Tun Oliver or Mark Dixon 561-7300 Experienced Individual needed for our Accounting Are you that special PHYSICIAN that we are looking for? Office.
Minimum requirements: High School Diploma 3 years Experience in an Accounting Environment. Experience In MS EXCEL, MS WORD, and 10Key. Self Starter and Self Motivated Person for this Position Is required. MAS90 and WIN 95 are preferred but not required. Benefits, 401K, Dental and Medical and an Excellent Incentive Program.
Please respond by calling: DISTRICT MANAGER EXCEL 8 WORD These skills can get you job offers! Cat SNELUNG at 581-7181 tor a confidential interview. NO tea. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY hiNiioUiule need. Word 8 Excel akWa required Top pay Benefits. NO fee to applicant For con-ftdantial consideration cad: SNEUJNQ TEMPORARY SERVICES 5201 S.
Broadway 581-7181 Exp Gutter Installer wanted. FT only muet have TX Uo 8 ba familiar wTyter area. May train right pereon. 886 6034 Expanding day spa naada axp. hair stylist apeclelUkng "In cotor; axp.
net tech 8 axp maaaaga therapist. 8and resume to: 201 Harper, Marshall, TX 75872. Experienced Brick Layers Expe-rienced Mason Tenders Needed 'cat 849-2631or7-5 903-849-3032 Experienced Desk Clerk 8 Mainte-nance Helper. Fut 8 part time. Apply in person.
Contact Larry McCollough at Days Inn, 3300 Mlneola Hwy, Tyler, TX 75702. Experienced installer for Here We Grow Service Representative POSITION The Tyler Morning Telegraph is Marching for the right individual to become a City District Manager. Must be available to work weekends nights. Experience in the newspaper business helpful but will train. Apply in person at The Tyler Morning (903)687-2363 or Fax your Resume to (903)887-2143 CORRECTIONAL PHYSICIANS SERVICES A private Correctional Health Care Co.
is recruiting for health care professionals for Bradshaw State Jail Facility, a 1650 male population facility, in Henderson, Texas. Positions Available: Full-time Physician Excellent Salary with eligible benefits. Interested parties send resume, references, and salary history to: Correctional Physicians Services, Inc. P.O. Box 2350 Henderson, Texas 75653 Attn: G.
Ferguson, RNC Healthcare Administrator Metal Caning el Texas, Inc. Telegraph, 401 W. Erwin. Ask for Dan, Techntform Metal Curving, Inc. Mabank.
Texas EOA EXPERIENCED Ranch Help needed. Duties Include: Baling hay, feeding silage 8 other ranch duties on large pure-brad operation. Salary will be baaed on experience. Cal 566-3240 or 566-3792 after 6 p.m Experienced Torch and Coiwnevclel Roofers) Wantnel. The World's largest temporary help service is seeking mature and energetic service representative for entry level, career positions in Tyler and Jacksonville.
Applicants must be service oriented, possess sales ability and be capable of learning new technology in the fields of data and word processing. Responsibilities include interviewing and testing applicants, extensive customer contact by phone and in person and record keeping. Position requires organization skills and decision making ability. Two years customer service experience andor college degree preferred. Fax resume and salary requirements to: MANPOWER 903-534-0231 E.O.E.
RECEPTIONISTBOOKKEEPER Growing plastics manufacturing company has a SecretarialBookkeeping position open. AP, AR, payroll and GL knowledge a must. MUST be computer literate. Knowledge of Peachtree helpful. Need good communication skills and good work history.
Only experienced Tfp Now Forming Two Yard Positions Available 1 Full Tune $1375 plusmonth 7:30 am to 6:00 p.m. M-F 7:30 am to 5:00 pra Sat. 2 Part-Time $6.00 an hour 7:30 am to 1:00 pm Good Driving Record Required 401(k) retirement available Apply in Person at: McCoy's Building Supply Center 1000 SSW Loop 323 Tyler, Tx Drug Test RequiredMust be 18 years or older EOE it nnrj daai need apply. Send Resume to: P. O.
Box 1149, Jacksonville, TX 75766 THE CHANCE TO USE FAT DOG BEVERAGES Now hiring for Carry Out positions. Apply in person Coffee City, Texas. FENTON'S SALON Experienced Licensed Cosmetologist Needed. Cal Debbie EneU 561-8494. FITE'S CLEANERS Dry Cleaning Pressor Needed, We wit Train, Apply at 5028 Old Bullard Between 7AM 8 3PM Floor Covering Technician traineee needed In flooring Industry.
Oat paid while learning valuable skill. Oood career opportunity, onto work experience required. Apply ki pereon to Jaaoni Home Ptua, 3818 SSW Loop 323; 803 834-2W0. FT dishwasher 8 waltstaff YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS! No phone calls PLEASE! Rfj, as Full Time CM A Positions Also Available With BONUS PROGRAM Apply in person: Soutbview Nursing Center Hon Hiring anagcrs ki person. 6011 S.
As a national leader in home healthcare products and services, LINCARE puts a premium on both technical expertise AND communications ability. Right now, you can join us as a HEALTHCARE SERVICES SPECIALIST and put your well-rounded skills to good use. You will evaluate and assess our service to home care patients. To qualify, you must be a certified Respiratory Therapist. LINCARE offers a competitive compensation and benefits package.
For immediate consideration, Please send resume to: Lincare, 1861 Troup Hwy. Tyler, TX. 75701 EOE, MFH. LINCARE The Caring Choice TRANSIT MIX CONCRETE MATERIALS COMPANY needs an experienced diesel road truck mechanic. Must also have excellent motor vehicle record, verifiable work references and provide own tools.
Applicants must be at least 21 years of age, meet DOT requirements have a class A CDL, pass a pre-employment road test, physical, and pre-employment drug and alcohol tests, competitive wages and excellent benefit package offered including medical, dental, profit sharing, and pension plan. Please apply in person at Transit Mix Concrete 4200 Old Troup Hwy. Tyler, TX 75707 Contact: Brad Edwards EEOAAP I 3505 Old Jacksonville Rd. Tyler, Texas Now taking applications for Managers at the Tyler area McDonald's Restaurants. If you are interested in a career opportunity that offers excellent wages, benefits and opportunity for advancement.
Please call the McDonald's Office in Tyler at 903-509-4958 or mail your resume' to the Tyler McDonald's office at 2012 Anthony, Suite Tyler, Texas 75703 BUY IT SELL IT FIND IT IN THE CLASSIFIEDS CALL 592-3818 TO PLACE YOUR AD Help Wanted Oeneral 420 Director of Nursing Jordan Health Care, a provider of skilled nursing care to patients throughout North and TEAM LEADER NOW MANPOWER, INC. Put your talent and know-how to work at Target as a Team Leader specializing in A 1 merchandising. 1 is looking for Entry-Level Production Associates for one of Jacksonville's Largest and most progressive employers. ATTENTION EMPLOYERS To help defray the cost of hiring new employees, East Texas Employment Training, lnc(ETlfhas On-The-Job Training Money Available for employers in Smith, Cherokee Wood Counties East Texas, is currently seeking to fill a D.O.N, vacancy. Candidate must be a RN with 5 years of management level experience possessing a broad background of knowledge in home health care and a good working knowledge of JCAHO certification requirements and Medicare regulations.
Our employees are tops in their fields and enjoy their work and the relaxed but professional atmosphere we encourage. If association with professionals such as these and the opportunity to work where your work is acknowledged, we invite you to submit a resume with cover letter and salary requirements to: Human Resources DON, P.O. Box 1387, Mt. Vernon, TX 75457. FAX (903) 537-4565.
Allegiance Healthcare Corporation (Formerly a division of Baxter International) Great Pay and Benefits (plus shift differential) AT 110 COST TO THE EMPLOYER After successfully completing a probationary employment period witn Manpower, Allegiance We are looking for a career minded, self motivated individual who enjoys working in a fast paced environment. This position requires you to have 2-4 years related retailing in a supervisory capacity, excellent customer service skills, and a high energy level. Target offers competitive salaries, a generous benefit package including dental, retirement, tuition reimbursem*nt programs along with a wealth of advancement opportunities. For immediate consideration, send your resume to: offers: We screen JTPA eligible Adults Age 22 older ETI reimburses the employer for up to 50 of the training cost. Interested Employers CALL: Judy Starkey Tyler: (903) 597-8131 Rusk: (903) 683-2586 Quitman: (903) 763-5421 Employers must carry Workers Compensation OR Comparable Insurance for their employees.
tsaaaaeaaaaaaaasaa Wage increase (plus shift differential) with regular increases Excellent benefits are provided including: health, dental, and life insurance, 401 (k), employee stock purchase plan; tuition reimbursem*nt, bonus plan, paid holidays, sick days, and vacation. Plsase do not call Allegiance. Apply at Manpower 120 S. Ragsdale 586-4200 Debra Bancook, Target Store Vaaaawaaejaai 5001 S. Broadway Tyler, TX 75703 An Equal Opportunity Employer XXX An EOE Employer 7.