BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088… · patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (2024)

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (1)



FOR( 11th& lihCLASS)





"The object of teaching a child is to enable himto get along without his teacher"Contact: 27497521

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (2)




S.No. Description Page No.1 Important Events and Dates to be remembered for the session 2017-18 032 Courses Offered 053 Medium of Instruction 054 Method of Imnartinz Education 055 Personal Contact Programme-I 066 Personal Contact Programrne-2 067 Eligibility for admission 078 Promotion of Class XI students to Class XU 079 Eligibility for admission (class XII - Science) 0810 Eligibility for admission (class XII - Commerce) 0911 Eligibility for admission (class XII - Humanities) 0912 Payment of admission fees 1013 Mode of Payment ofCBSE Exam fee 1014 Proof of residence II15 Documents to be attached (class XI) . 1116 Documents to be attached (class XU- All Streams) 1217 Guidelines for students enrolled in Class XI in Patrachar Vidyalaya 1318 Admission Procedure 1419 Reimbursem*nt of fee for Govt. servants 1520 Subiects 1521 Examination Fees & Form for Class Xl & XII 1722 Direction for foreign students (Outside India) 1823 School schedule & holidays 1924 Cancellation of admission 1925 Fee structure 2026 Detail of subiects 2127 Annexure !Proforma of Affidavit 2228 Instructions for filling un the admission form 2017-18 23-2529 Admission form 2630 CBSE exam fees form 2731 Bank Challan form 28

·32 CBSE Examination fees Bank Challan Form 29


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (3)



-51.No. Months Activities Remarks

1. 16.06.2017 to Submission of Admission31.07.2017 Forms( Without late Fees)

2. 01.08.2017 to Submission of Admission <: <:o .~31.08.2017 Forms( With late Fees) rc .~

3. 01.09.2017 to Collection of Patrachar > <:re •- -02.09.2017 Vidyalaya Identity Card re QJ>"0

4. 01.09.2017 onward as Submission of CBSE Exam "0 :::lscheduled by CBSE

.- "0Fees > QJ•... .

(see re ::also) s: ::. u

5. 13.09.2017 onward Personal Contact Programme re ::•...+-' ..

(Saturdays, Sundays & IRegular Classes re QJ

Gazetted Holidavs)c, +-'<: VI

6. Starting From Remedial Classes 0 .0u Q)

01.01.2018 (continue .- 3Q)

classes for 25 days) Q) -VI 0VI Q)- eo7. Starting From . eSSEExamPracticals .-re re

15.01.2018 +-' c.Q) Q)

8. 20.02.2018 onwards Collection of Admit cards "0 E•...0 0

L.L. .s:9. 1-March, 2018 Annual.Exams

( approximate)



BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (4)


~ • 4?11<1" I4EllclW' ~ fum *~ '1'1' ~ ml!.IT t I ~ ~"'~,,~ 1968 1\" ~. 'H1~IRiI",. ~vq >it "'~""< ~ ~I~I"I~ >it ~ ~",14d.if ...t fum llGT'I ~ * ,";:~.~>it<tt ..,-w t I ~ """ p.,...,fcl*t.a qq'f *~ 1RoT "qcl"l t 0-

1 flrR;f\ ...-r p.,.mi'l (flrR;f\ 1\" f.r<Irn ...-rIf'ITUT "" 31p.,,, I<I)

3 q;; ~ Ui't 'm<f1~ ~,.,~", t ~RiI~";) ~fiffi ~ 1\" ~ l<a1~ l>r>R *31d·fa t I4 <flit <ffiRr ~ (Ui't p.,~llIa 'Wf >it14Ell 01<I 1\" ~ 1\" 31W••.r t)

q~I"1< I4Ellcl~. fum f.R'lITcl<I. flrR;f\ *\,." 'Hp.,,,, (ferr f<rcfTl! p., <I'"" " I 1\" ...-r<f<tmfT t I 1RoT <"i<i.:ft F-r<r>IT ~ ~ <tt3fifuT 1\" 311".~",alj'HR 'lft<ffi'f ~ ...-r'Lui 31~ "'I< fum f.R...,.." ...t t I <flit14"'~It<l~ ~ *'fcl flrR;f\ * ••• ,<1,01<11'1\" jft 14"l<lof ~ ~ '"' ~ t" I

q~I"1< fll4"'ElTTI"'cl""<I"<IT fum f.R'lITcl<I liRT~ "" (ferr W'I' Vl'(f ~ ~ ~'ffi('I ~~. ~ mon.~c. \lRlp.,~"<IT",)Ri" '!l'e< ...t ~"" "11ft liP<rr Tf'ITt I ~ >It WflI. 7Ifl:" I4ElI 01<I <tt""~""~ .1\" 3ffiIT t Ill> """off ot 1RoT tq,"<IT~ 3RI ~ 1\" ~ ~ men<tt lJGG ol\ t err \f'H<PT 311~~~ ~~ '" I~." " 'Ilm U!i<I"" ol\ UfT<11ft I

Patrachar Vidyalaya IS the plOneerinstitution in the field of correspondenceeducation at school level. It was establishedin January 1968 with the sole purpose ofopening new vistas of education for thedrop-outs and those belonging to weakersections of society who could not continuetheir educational facilities. Admissions areopened for following categories:

1. Those who are residing in Delhi (proofof residence in Delhi is required as perguidelines given in prospectus).2. To Soldiers posted in the borderregions.3. Wards of Indian National residingabroad and working in India Missions.4. Drop outs Male and Female( whoare not able to go to regular schools)

The Patrachar Vidyalaya runs under theadministrative and fiscal control of theDirectorate of Education, Delhi. TheDirector of Education. Govt. ofNCT. Delhihas the right to modify the rules andregulations regarding admissions orwithholding the candidature of any studentif considers necessary. All the disputes andcourt cases be settled in Delhi Courts only.Caution

Patrachar Vidyalaya has notauthorized any outside individual or agencyor consultancy or academy or anyorganization like Coaching Center to workon its behalf in any manner. At any stage, ifit is found that the candidate has taken thehelp of any of these private agencies forseeking admission to the course or in anyother manner concernmg this course ,his/her candidature will be cancelled andfee shall be forfeited.


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (5)


1 q~''''<~q'~ 'T'fIUT tff· "<iIrtt 1 Character Certi ficate is not issued to"'Ilff 'ffiIT t I students ofP.V.

2,lt'1'ffi qft ~14'" "4"'iEI "'Ilff t I DTC. pass is not permissible to P.V.2.Students.

3 -.;rffi to!'! fcr i:t'( {til etil -.y f.'I"md 31ffrl! 3. No application will be accepted after the~ q;t f.'I"md -.r'flI qm: 10:00 -.rut ~ expiry of the last date as mentioned in31q'(I~"1 02:00 -.rut "'" 1ft t<l1<b 1'( f<l;m the prospectus (with in 10.00 a.m. to~I 31ffrl! ~ ~ Q!l'iUC1 <!>hI to!'! 2.00 p.m.)'t4) if) I'( o:nff 1%m \ill ,p II I

4. The candidate must submit application4 -.t-<rcl 3l'<I1off """ 3l'AT ~ "" form in person only and not through any

UI'IT iIm1Il f.l;-<fi 'I"lc:. 'l Rlf.'I~. agent, representative, coaching! tuitionOil f,j 'I ~ 3l"l'lT f.l;-<fi >fi 3Rl "ifTi('l center are any other outside person.~ 3llflt ~ to!'! t4l(f)h! "'Ilff ~UfP}-.\.I

'Ii" I~ <l 'ITcpr",,!: Courses Offered:4?11-q1'< fcr 'ill clll ~~ J{1~fiI(f) Patrachar Vidyalaya prepares

fum mf ~ -;;m fiillfcl ct <'i<po"fj students for Secondary and Senior'f!ft!~c 'lfrm (Gfriff <pm) 3lh: ",1f.'1~< Secondary School Certificate Examinations"'!.cl 'f!ft!~ 'lfrm ('~I<~'fr <1* (X, XI, XU Classes) of the Central Boardiiill'<Sq"j iplffi) ~ ~ ••' ••••fcr<f>"t. CllfUl\ilI l[<f of Secondary Education, Delhi in all theflr.rR <l'l>l1IT -.y ..-reIT q;t fum 1IGT'f three streams viz, Humanities, Commerce'ffiIT t I and Science.

firl!1ul <PT 111t411:- Medium of Instruction:1fTlfI3IT ~ 31R1R"" Jt 1"1~ if>') <1"11 Except in languages, the medium of

" Ifill"" ~ wft f.'r<;nIT ~ fu~ '"' >[lW'f instruction in the subjects of Arts and~ t I flIWff 'lfrm ~~ tq, 3i-.J-oft, Commerce stream is Hindi. The -students~ q i3{ 1fTlfI '"' '1"'1T'f <P< -.r<!>dT t I can, however, offer English, Urdu or,,<~<ff qft iIRf 'lfr1ffi3lT -.y flr.rR WIin:i Punjabi as the medium of answenng(ufiq flr.rR, Htll1"1 ~. <1RI.,,1 flr.rR) questions in response sheets and in Board's~ fR'I 3i-.J-oft >[lW'f 3lf.'l.,zI -.wrr I Examinations. The Medium of instruction

m Science subject at seruor secondaryschool level (physics, Chemistry, Mathsand Biology) is English.

ful!fUT f<JRr- Method of Iml!arting Educationf?lElI <."Ill 14lf1I tHIEf) wft The Patrachar Vidyalaya supplieslJ""I-qI~

flr<rrf':fm q;t ~ 'II I~~~ ~ "<'ill -.y the study-material to all the students who\3q~iEI .",.,e I t ~ flr<rrf':fm q;t are enrolled in Patrachar Vidyalaya. The


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (6)


f.'r<r>I<I>Tet-tsr-t "If ,.. lIT I (<fr.<fi.1[fl.~. material is in the shape of printed lessons"il"ffi f.'t" fRd qld.q..,., 'R f.'t"md ~ on all the subjects to supplement the study'811t•••1 4:::'41~1'< ~EJI&tll GRT "tPft ~ for text books and to help students to graspq;t f.!0W"l' <3qOl••••qfi umfI ~ I) the subject contents in the each subject.

Available study material based on CBSE~ q;t 4'(IIWf ~ umrr ~ syllabus will be supplied to the students at

f.\i-ij ~.~ '8I1P.ft 4:::'41i11'( ~f.Jlclll. free of cost.<fi."I[<1.i<1'f<I> ~II cl'1Jt 1'< iIT'T "fl 'IT'<! ..RI Students are advised to personally~ "I"~~ ftrlllT ~ "il"ffi «fI"iRi 'IT'<! collectJ receive their study materials from-.;r.t 'R 'lGT'I qfi umfI ~ I 31<10w!\ -.mT Patrachar Vidyalaya, BL Block Shalimarq;t Wffi'J ~ umrr ~ f.\i -ij 3!'A\ Bagh, Delhi-88.Patrachar Vidyalayaq Id~:q jl)1'1 qfi ~ ~ 'Il~ provide the study material after obtaining",",!"EIT'I ~ ('R.<fr:{3!R.iT.) "il"ffi the approval of the Directorate off.'t" md 9;'k1iI')" ~ 1!t'2f'I "fl """ or I Education. Apart from this study material,

Students are advised to study with the helpof prescribed books ofN.C.E.R.T.lC.B.S.E.which is easily available in the market.

1fi:~.1fi. il>1!f[1:1.1 (UI nit!" d ~ ftrlllT Personal Contact programme<will>'! 1) (P.c.P.1)

~Ellclll ',l;fur " ~4:::'41i11'< "il"ffi 't11~~JI

3lRlR'Id ..,,1llT4'Q1,!i5ifl" q ~ [,(IS<fr ~ -.mT Besides providing printed lessons in the~ fuq ~d'" "Jjffi"fl ~.."'. "Jjffi "'" form of books! booklet, Patrachar;;:Facth!, VN<\I .ftd "',<11., 3ltllf)I!i!1 <!"-IT Vidyalaya organizes Personal Contact,&fc>;c:>IT >l """ ..,,1lfTli 18 fe=r ~ umfI Program from September to December ont I flIm2ff 3!'A\ ~f.\m ~ f.ri!rn ~ Sunday and all days during Autumn Break!lffiI ~ f.'t{l"d. FaEllclll >l qi5i1 I """I tr-iI Winter Break for Classes XI & XII for 18~ '" ''''. lI1f>r -R 'f[1Ijffi ~ I days. Students are advised to attend these

classes on the basis of their Patrachar I-cardat any centre prescribed by PatracharVidyalaya.

1fi.~.1fi. il>19I1t.2 (UI fltd.t d ~ ftrlllT Personal Contact programme<will>'! 2) (P.C.P.2)

Fctm<:>tll c;Qf~'tPld ~ ftrlllT After the completion of 18 PCP classes4?1I'l1I'<

<wi"", qfi •• ."rq, ~ "iITG 4?1,,,,. FctElI<:>tll Patrachar Vidyalaya organize 18 remedial18 Iji*ziI'l1~ If) Cf)lffiaIT ifiT 311ziI\iI"""I \iI"""I tI~ q classes III the month of January and

~ 'lIl' >l 2000 .-cit "fl f.'tqllid Vi'I"fl February on daily basis from 2:00 p.m.3l,~lftld <RdT ~I f<mT>ff 3!'A\ W4m onward. Students are advised to attend31'j'tt 1'( f.ri!rn ~ lffiI~ f.'t{l"d FctEll (it II these classes on the basis of their Patrachar>l q~" H tr-iI ~ '" ,"'. lI1f>r -R 'f[1Ijffi ~ I I-card at any centre prescribed by Patrachar



BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (7)


1l<hT lj'f '1T'<I 'IR'lT:",m ~ <I'IT <:<I<ff * ~ qit"<Ilff<I> 'litm >l -to-t ~ q" 'ill< 14<II '" "~ rt'IT 'P-I 1IT'<I<R'IT oPrr. ftRr<t ~""l4>d"d ~ fum ""4<,,.,)" 1 .•• 2 ~"'~iIi ~ 75% "r.rr 31f.l",4 t ,

'''1<6Q1 ",m >l ~ * ~~ ~''''d' 1IT'<I;ffi!/ 14."14""",,, ~>lft",/-;mf ~/ ;/Ii!l.,,>!'! ~ 'litm310m ~ WfiIi~'litm >l i:ffiIof "r.rratl<l!tllij) t I

",m •" "6 iff * m>IT qit f.l '" RlIt. d'litlHT«~. oPft

1. c>l 1 >l ~ qit 'litm ~oPft ft1" iii' fI ii'"'~ """" ~11\.,,,,< 'lffi >l oPrr <ro 'litm. 203iqit ~ oPft ,

2. c>l 2 "'~iIi 'litm <ro 'litm ~~ '1T'I 'lffi >l oPft, <ro 'litm 803i-...l' ~ oPft ,

3. ",m ''''<6Q1 >l ,,«fl·f/~",1.flJ]"';f *"'" q"'il' 'I 14<II '" " >l 1ft",m ., <6Q1 >l rt'IT ~ ~ t,~ q ::41ill '( (1) i'll (;it 1I ErRT (fiaTJill '< 6 cff qJ'fr ifiT fit i'l k"tll C'&PT lJ1llVT'P-I f.r<hr 'fiff oPrr, ftRr<t ~ ""~ lriI>R "ifiT GT<IT 'fiff "'" ~,~ flmT>ff q"'il'< 14""",,, *31RI~iId~ * ~ <IT 'Ihi! <61 "~ Ell C'l1I -q 'ft 'Of) 1.f1 'tt 5 Fli d I qyt:{f /

To collect admit card.The studends of class IX and X will collectthe admit card from Patrachar Vidyalaya onsubmission of 75% mandatory attendancecertificate of PCP-I & PCP-II.

Eligibility for Admission

Class Xl:Students must have passed Matriculation!High School/ Secondary SchoolExamarion from a recognised Board!Univeristy or any other equivalentexamination.

Promotion of Class - Xl Students toClass - XII (p.V.)The students of Class XI will appear in theExams as detailed below:

1. Term -1 (May be scheduled in themonth of November to December)of 20 marks each exam.

2. Term -2 (Annual Exam) 80 marks ofeach subject exam scheduled in themonth of February-March .as perinstructions issued by PatracharVidyalaya from time to time.

3. The pass/fail out students is eligiblefor Admission in Class XI inPatrachar Vidyalaya only. Theyshall not claim their XII classpassed SLC for admission inregular schools of Delhi.

The pass out students shall not beeligible for admission in class XII in


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (8)


~I"'dl '1T'<f f.l""",~ 1f 12<ft 'I'.m '"1fiffl <i> ~'I'im '!"iff ID~ I tflflIm>ff ~ III"l Rl <i><rcl q ~ Iimf.l '" I '" ~ <i> ~ 1ft 'IRI 6l-.ft I"cti).r urn <tit .1<~<11-'I'm >f1fiffl <¥t <f; ~ q~,,,,< f.l", I",~ >f1I..rn 1l>fIf 'I'Al -"t.rr I

.m;4'r '!>IID (~", I'1 'Ij<lilll) ~ lI<hr~ ql~dl:('I') .,«,<11- 'I'm '" ~ <i> ~

~ fJl;:JOJt1I llTt<f iITi / ~~qFclEllclll-.1 '~I<~<ff (~ i/I'I>flI -.1)~ /"':L-d'i.r flIm>ff '!'" SLCuit f.p fum ",~",,{l/i/l1!llI"'~." l{l -.1 IIRl~i/dI~ <i> 3ITEIR'R 1fiffl ot wW t I

"'''fillIInn2fl 'I'm Gi/Iiff ~ <liB <i>q''''d, 'I'm .,<~"'j'" '11M 1fiffl tq""~"" 'I>< wW t. <m<f f.p 'I'mGi/Iiff ~ <liB <i> 0fTG 'I'!' qof

..". 'r'f '"'to " '" lIT I ftrnq\ ~'I'm Gi/Iiff ~ <liB ..". '!'"SLC uit f.p fum ",~",,{l/i/l1!llI",~",,{l -.1 lIRl~i/dI~ lIT ~UI'IT iPU<! I

(<ll) tfl flIm>ff ftA;l'ol '!'" SLC (b)W ~ jf ""IT SLC ~ "':!~f.l'" I'" ~ -.1 orR) ~ jf. <tit 'IT'I'itp.j (fUo ill." I lIT<>l1f.lq, PlI." I <i> 3RI'" i/l'or9 jf). <i> i/IT<!fUI'IT 'IRT1T jf

('I') .1<~<11-'I'm '" ~ <f; ~f1lRft ~ I '" d I '1T'<f f.l ,q f.l '" I '" ~

. -.1 '~I<~<11- (~/qIPlI"" 'Ii'l>fll-.1) ~ /3fj"<fiuf flIm>ff '!'"SLC uit f.p fum ",~",,{l/i/l1!llI'"~."I{l -.1 IIRl~i/dI~ <i> 3ITEIR


any Govl. /Govl. Aided /Recognized school and any otherschool of Delhi state.

Eligibility for Admission in Class - XII( Science Stream)(a) Those candidates who have passed

or failed in class Xl (Science) or itsequivalent examination fromrecognised Board/University on thebasis of original SLC dulycountersigned by EducationOfficer/Competent authority.

ORThose candidates may seekadmission directly to class XIIhaving atleast one year gap afterpassing class X exam fromrecognised Board on the basis oforiginal SLC duly countersigned byEducation Officer/Competentauthority.

Candidates seeking admission In

class XII on the basis of duplicatecopy of SLC duly countersigned by

. the Education Officer! Competentauthority must furnish AFFIDA VlTill the prescribed format annexedwith the prospectus.

( Commerce Stream)(a) Those candidates who have passed

or failed In class XI( Science!Commerce) or its equivalentexamination from recognisedBoard/University after passing class

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (9)


j<I><'IT ;Hif>I'1L (Humanities Stream)('li) <I<,,<fi 'lim -q ~ <f; Itr<i (a) Those candidates who have passed

fiI><fi ~I"'dl 11T'<f om! /14."14,,,,<'1" or failed ID class XI( Science/~ '~1<6q"i (fu<rR/",fill"'l/iPclT Commerce/Arts) or its . equivalentWl>r>l ~) i:r<ftuf 13lj'<f\uf flrnT>ff examination from recognised¥I SLC uIT ~ tmn Board/University after passing class31f?;jij)I;ft/~ef1{ 31~<fjI;ft ~ X examination on the basis ofIIRI"'kl11fffuJ <f; 3lT'IR 'R v<hr <l original SLC duly countersigned by~ t I Education Officer/Competent

3!o:r<iT Authority.II<1.".,ff 'lim GWff i:r<ftuf ~ <f; ORq~illttCf)ffi fill'uSq''j .q ~ ~ tq Those candidaets seeking admission",,<1,," 'Ii<.~ t. .-.rd' ~ 'lim directly to class XII having atleastGWff i:r<ftuf ~ <f; 'ITG 1f<I' qof one year gap after passing class Xq;r T'f 31"1<1<'1 m I ftmq\ Itr<i exam from recognised Board on the""" 'lim GWff i:r<ftuf ~ <f; basis of original SLC duly",",<\ ¥I SLC uIT ~ fum countersigned by Education3!~"'I;fl/'fllWl 3!~",,;fl ~ Officer/Competent Authority.11RI" 'klI1fffuJ st 3I<WI WIT """l' I

3!o:r<iTII<1.".,ff 'lim GWff i:r<ftuf ~ <f;q.",<\ 'lim .,wfl -q ~ v<hr -q~ 'Ii< ~ t. .-.rd' ~ 'limGWff i:r<ftuf ~ <f; 'ITG 1f<I' qofq;r T'f 31"" <I<'I m I 'lim GWffi:r<ftuf ~ <f; ¥I SLC uIT ~tmn ~",,;fl/'fllWl 3!~",,;fl ~IIRI"'klI1fffuJ st 3I<WI WIT """l' I

(.••)~ flfm.,ff RiI,,;r4 ¥I SLC W (b)~ t tr"lT . SLC <6't 31:l~14"" <'I" ~ urrft ~ t. -..T 'I'[q"fIf'f (f\;!.,'" I 'IIT'Qq 14,,< fill'" I <f; ~-q 'fl'('lT.f t). IIh".,ff -..T WIT<RATtl

X examination on the basis oforiginal SLC duly countersigned byEducation Officer/Competentauthority.

ORThose candidates seeking admissiondirectly to class Xll having atleastone year gap after passing class Xexam from recognised Board on thebasis of original SLC dulycountersigned by EducationOfficer/Competent authority.

Candidates seeking admission Inclass XII on the basis of duplicatecopy of SLC duly countersigned bythe Education Officer/Competentauthority must furnish AFFIDAVITin the prescribed format annexed( A)with the prospectus.


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (10)


(.••) t« lriffir>ff ~-.t '!,Of SLCW fttm t <f1!lT SLC ~ 3!1f.;t IIIfilalcl" .t -;:;rRt '!RTl! t, q;t w:I"f'I?I (~ 'li"I 1Iw<1 fil," Pli if> I q'; 3RI>l "ffi;Jr.J t), iif'lT "iIffi'IT t

~, 'It~<f1- -.,,-err >l 3!1"i1'ff<MT>ff "" 'I d "'" .t ~eSSE >l 3!1~~~ <!R>YI ~ 1liT'iq~lill'{ Fcl€llcl"-lGRT tlt'lIlfild FcPmGtlI'plI I

~ W"I' filq~ 'I if> I >l fmI 7J'I'iJ'lrr.lcl"'I"'~1liT'i .t "Ital" Rc t-.,,- ~ ~>l ~ f.1><ft = >l iif'lT 'Im<IT urr""'"'t I ~ W"I' ~ '!,Of 1Iftr ~~ 'I?I q'; ~ "ffi;Jr.J <!RI ~lT W"I'iif'lT qmit q'; '{if ~r..~'ld OR or fil; 3lT'J~ ~ 'IBffiT ~ -.,,-m t" I 'f'I> ." iif'lTqmit q'; 4''1 Id 3!I~~~ W"I' f.1><ft >It~ >l "<ITfirn "'IllY fil;m "" q '" I<fl:,[tI_{ 'li1err !f"'I' UIl!T ~ qll-yfll><rr:-<fl -1[tI_~ _ 'li1err W"I' filq~'I if> I>l fmI 7J'I 'llclH 1liT'i .t tiuJnr -4lT'fcl t-.,,-~ ~ >l ~ f.1><ft >It = >l iif'lT'Im<IT urr ""'"' t I -.fi_<ft_1[tI_~_ 'li1errW"I' ~ '!,Of IIfir -.fi_<ft_1[tI_~_ 'li1err 1liT'iq'; ~ "ffi'IT'I <!RI -.fi_<ft_1[tI_~_ 'li1errW"I' iif'lT qmit q'; '{if 'li1err W"I' ~"<Tfu~r..~'ld OR or 'f'I> ." iif'lT qmitq'; 4,'l1d -.fi_<fl_1[tI_t 'li1err W"I' f.1><ft>It ~ >l "<ITfirn "'IllY fil;m "" q '" I

(b ) Candidaets seeking admission Inclass XII on the basis of duplicatecopy of SLC duly countersigned bythe Education Officer/Competentauthority must furnish AFFIDA VlTIn the prescribed format annexed(A)with the prospectus.

Note: Students who have failed in XII classmay appear directly as private candidateand their exam forms shall be verified toCBSE from PV_

Mode of Payment of Admission Fees:Admission fee must be paid only

through the prescribed form of BankChallan annexed with the prospectus in anynearby branch of State Bank of India. atDelhi, The paid copy of challan form ofPatrachar Vidyalaya is to be enclosed alongwith the admission form at the time ofadmission. Before depositing the requisiteadmission fee through Bank. challan,students must ensure that their fulfill thecriteria of admission and requireddocuments. Fees once deposited shall notbe refunded in any case.

Mode of Payment of CBSE Exam Fees:CBSE Exam fee must be paid only

through the prescribed form of BankChallan annexed with the prospectus in anynearby branch of Punjab National Bank,at Delhi. The paid copy of challan form ofPatrachar Vidyalaya is to be enclosed alongwiththe CBSE examination fee form at thetime of submission. Before depositing therequisite CBSE examination fee throughBank Challan, students must ensure theamount. Fees once deposited shall not berefunded in any casco


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (11)


PI,ml ~ <;ffil ~'" Proof of Residence:~ >f f.r<rn! <f; 1I1f!UT-tp.{~ As a proof of residence candidate

f.r"'f <mt<r '111 <:WI~un' >f -fl ~ 'f'I' may enclose anyone of the following~ \ifIlT q) '«(11"11 awn 1Iq) t w:fi V1JTUT lP.{ documents: (All the following documents~W1-flNI should be of Delhi Only)

1- ,Itlfi.1[OI. i!>R! / <I<1~ '" 1;J ~ <'Pi 1) Self attested copy of BPL Card IRation

"It" 1Ill" "') it IIRl ftrn>f =off ••• Card issued in the name of parents having

'IJ1I 'I'I'C vq -fl <:., f., '!<IT lIT I name of the candidate.2) Self attested copy of Voter I-Card

2. Ila;:: I (II q (l:q H 'Q"3I'qft T<ni fklll f?Id showing the name of the candidate in",lil IIRl ftrn>f =off ••• 'IJ1I legible form. In case of Minor, the Voter I'I'I'C vq -fl <:., f., '!<IT lIT I """"" Card of his/her parents Icandidate is alse=off <f; ~ 'IT<IT 'IT fun ••• acceptable.qd~ldlQ6i11'1 -lfi 1fRl m-m I 3) Self attesetd copy of Passport in

3. 3I"IToff/ 3If1't'l'" '" ••• q1'IIcr1 e I the name of any of the4. f,l",ffi/'IT'ft / ~51~'1< ~ffiqi)~ parents/child.

••• ~ (=off <f; 'IT<IT-fun <f; 4) Self attested copy of Electricity'IJ1I ••• lIT) billlMTNL telephone billlWater bill in the

5. tj~ fq)i(llll'illil -un f<l> =off name of Parents'IT 'IT<IT-fun <f; 'IJ1I ••• lIT I 5) Self attested copy of Current registered

6. 1I~'''off ~ qRCh:; ••• ~ ~ Rent agreement in the name of parents!~'II "IR\ ~ 'IlOfi m..rr 6ffi candidate as a tenant.f.r>hr 3I1R l<1~R', ~'II ~ <'Pi 6) Self attested Photocopy of Driving

"1f'HIll" qi)chlftr wrni I license in the name of candidate issuedfrom Delhi Transport Authority.

7.~ >f f.r<rn! '1'lT"T-tp.{ 11_ 7) Domicile of Delhi issued by 1st.,Juft <f; ~f,;,":c 6ffi "IR\ '{R Class Magistrate in Original.'1'lT"T-tp.{ I

8.3!mR i!>R! / 3!mR q" \jf'lifi I( U I ~ 8) Self attested Photostat copy of Adhar<'Pi 'II"" 1III" lIf1r I Card or EID number.

1lmT>ff lIiffi q;pf (Admission Form) <f; Documents to be Attached withm>:r f.'I "" ~ It;!" '1'lT"T tp.{/ <:WI~'" Admission Form:3liPflI 'Iti>rr.! <ot I"'Iffi ' ~ I~ilifr For Class XI

1. G'!I<ff /"<f;"""V~ tJRI <f; L Self attested Photostat copies ofm 'IIfl!fll><f;c aih: :Ii..,,- ",~q;, Secondary I X-class pass Certificate~ <IT-<IT "'" 'th:lIl~d lIf1r and mark sheet along with original'Iti>rr.! <otl ('It"" 1q~ <f; ~ '{R certificate for verification.lI1f!UTtp.{ m>:r ~) 2. Original School Leaving Certificatel

2. Fa •• Ii'," ~ ••• '\.'" 1I1f!UTtp.{ Transfer Certificate of Class X-un f<l> 'II1lJlI 31~ '" 1;!1 6ffi issued from the School last attended\lRl5wmfur lIT I (<IT <'Pi & duly countersigned by the'II"" 1III" lIffrlIi >ft 'Iti>rr.! -..Rl concerned Education Officerl

Inspector of school alongwith twoself attested copies of the same.


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (12)


3. Migration Certificate in those caseswhere the student has passed Xclass from any other Board exceptCBSE

Two Self attested photo copy of S.C.IS.T.Certificate issued by CompetentAuthority of Gov!. of NCT of Delhionly.Two self attested copies ofCertificate for physical disabilityissued by the Competent Authority.Two Self attested copies for theProof of residence in Delhi.Original Bank Challan Form ofPatrachar Vidyalaya showing therequisite fee deposited and journalnumber of any branch of S.B.1.situated in Delhi.One self addressed envelope withRs.5 stamp affixed.

For Class XII (All Streams)1. " Original School Leaving Certificate/

Transfer Certificate of Class Xlissued from the School last attended& duly countersigned by theconcerned Education Officer!Inspector of schools alongwith twoself attested copies of the same andtwo self attested copies of XImarksheet.

OROriginal School Leaving Certificate!Transfer Certificate of Class XCwith atleast one complete year gap)issued from the School last attended& duly countersigned by the

,concerned Education Officer!Inspector of schools alongwith twoself attested copies of the same.

3. "",."","", '1'1T"1'l?I ~ ""~ <i> ~ ~'it GWff'Plffi ~.oft.'ffl.~_ <i> 3IFaR<t<I~ 3RI m; ~ -mfiuf -.n of I

4. <!ef'i ~ l<l'IT ~ 4.3!"ft.fmI unf1r / iii~"" Fa '1'1T"1'l?I -.nm 'II<"11flI" qi) c1 IIfuwrnIl<!ef'i ~ l<l'IT ~ 5..".fIR", 3TWIill <i> 1I~1"lq?l -.n'IIc~IflI" qi) c1 IIfu wrnIl~ -q f.rqm lr'I'JUT 'l?I -.n Gl 6m 'II<"11flI" '1fum Iq?ll" I< f<l", Icl ~ -.n '1-" 'i'ITcl'T'I 7.-.n Iffu ftrn-.f Uf'lT fil>m >R'lT

W"l'. "md'l~Rc ~'P.~-.n = -.,,-,'IT'I 3l't< "I"'I'fcl

""" ~ ofl'I'P 3TI'mi'! ~ lj{ff ~ l\3fT 8~ q" q" Iti'll q " 5 ~ -.,,-,f?:<I;c<f"TT of I





1. 'Plffi' ~I'Ii'<q"j 'ffiI / <t" o1'it -.,,-,lr'I'JUT 'l?I "l1 f$ fulffi

3T~ '" I .fI / ftR>rr f<l '" Icl ~f.rtl1!fiP l<l'IT f<l~" ",llRi15fdlerftff "ff~ IlIl,{E(ff

'ffiI / <t" -.n 3i "''' I~ '" I -.n~ 'II<"11flI" Gl- Gl'I>Tcl-Iffu'm

'Plffi G'II' . -.n 3i "''' IrtI '" I 'I'I'lm; l<l'IT "I'Ri 'fffl!fi»<i>c -.n~ 'II <"11flI" Gl' qitcNfum IGWff 'ffiI <i> 'iITG' 'I'P 'iflf -.,,-,'Luf 'l'\mur." 3i<f'lR'f ot'IT "ITf%lI1


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (13)


2. GWlf / _~ /'l!5;., 'Iffi q; ot;S 2.~~c 3IR 3l., t1lft1"" qft<IT-<IT 'I'f'l '" "" 1flI tI "') il IIRI" i~ q;t I (tI"" 1q~ if; ft;r« '@If'ITUI tP.f W>.r ~)

3. ~I;>J""d'(ol lJ1ffUT-~ ~ \FJ~ .if; ft;r« uIT GWlf if;

3lTUT'/'" .w rl'lT ot ~ of <IOU'ttr-m"ot GWlf .,Iffi <fi.<Il.'f/I.-;1.~ if; 3lRI~iItI ~ 3Rl ~~ qft!IT1

4. ~ "'."',. if; 'ffa!'l 3l~""~ Gffi 4.f.pffi '"1"lf<! tI unfIIl '"~""RIIf'ITUI tP.f qft m '"c" IflI tI <IT"') '" IIRI"i <'I'IT'i I'ffa!'l ~ Gffi f.pffi ."~~'"5. 5.3lef1faT "$ Y'""IIOIQ'5t ~ 'fIflilftldQ» il IIRI"i <'I'IT'i I

6. ~ -q f.\<rrtI If'ITUI tP.f qft <IT 6m '"""IflI tI Q» dIIRI" i I

7. q",ili. ~<lI"''' qft ~ ~ qft 7.'Iftr ftrtI1l" Vf'lT qft ". "q <I 'IF'f'.,,,,,tfI,, RC of.,. ~ qft 'lIT!iIT

'lIT "'" 3IR '" ~.'" ~ <'fIC !IT I

8. ~ 3l1ql'ft')lI lfill ftororr "S3TT R>i4>lq)l 8Itt", q. 5 ~ 'lIT ~ "i'I'IT !IT I

<f;<l<'i \f'f ~ * ~fu-m-4 "m6<ff <pm 4'.:4limf4 >:II <'I <l <l "i$l t

1. '@ ~ If'ITUI tP.f 'I'i ~ <IT l.m '"""IflI tI Q» "'" RI"i I

2. GWlf/<1~u"'~/~ 'Iffi if; 3IR 3lQi t1lft1"" qft 2.<IT-<IT 'I'f'l '" "" 1flI tI 'Iftr ~q;t I ('" "" 1q~ if; ft;r« '@ If'ITUI tP.fW>.r ~)

3. ~ "'."". if; 'ffa!'l ~ Gffi 3.


Two self attested Photostat copies ofSecondary! X-class pass Certificateand mark sheet along with originalcertificate for verification.

3. Migration Certificate in those caseswhere the student has passed Xclass from any other Board exceptCBSE Delhi and seeking admissionin Patrachar Vidyalaya on the basisof X Class.

Two Self attested photostat copies ofS.C. IS.T.Certificate issued byCompetent authority of Govt, ofNCT of Delhi only.Two self attested photostat copies ofCertificate for physical disabilityissued by the Competent Authority.

. Two Self attested photostat copiesfor the Proof of residence in Delhi.Original Bank Challan Form ofPatrachar Vidyalaya showing therequisite fee deposited and journalnumber of branch of S.B.1. situatedin Delhi:One self addressed envelope with

Rs.5 stamp affixed.


, Promotion letter in Original issued byPatrachar Vidyalaya & two selfattested copies of the same.Self attested Photostat copies ofSecondary / X-class pass Certificateand mark sheet along with originalCertificate for verification.

Two Self attested photo copies of

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (14)


I-J1t<r 3I"ft,1T«f ~I \1FI en fa S.C. IS.T.Certificate issued by1f1IT1Tf 113 <tI 'f<I'l" 'H("lll~(1 Competent Authority of Govt, ofQ,lc1q Rl~ i WTnt I NCT of Delhi only.

•• "WI 31 1t1 •• ,;fI liT'/T r.r.hf .,,;fIR •• 4. Two self attested copies of3I1H'Iill <i: g1=l11l1Q'51 <tI <IT 'f<I'l" Certificate for physical disability,"" ,flId 'l>1it qRl~ i WTnt I issued by the Competent Authority.

5. ~ -q ~ 1f1IT1Tf 113 <tI <IT 5. Two Self attested copies for the~ ",,,,,,flId 'l>1c1qRl~i I Proof of residence in Delhi.

6 Q'51fl:UI{ Rtmi'tll <tI'l<'! -qlcll"'t <tI 6. Original Bank Challan Form ofqfff ftm>Y "<>f'lT <tI ~ lI<ffi ~. Patrachar Vidyalaya showing the1"{1i(tflq ~ t••.~ <tI m<ID requisite fee deposited and journal.••.• """ ail..- "'~ '''' ~ ~ lit I number of branch of S.B.1. situated

7 <r4> ~31lql;ff1"l '«IT fum s3iT in Delhi.11wI4i 14i1 ftl'HQ\{ 5 ~ ••••• ~ 7. One self addressed envelope with<'I'TT lit I Rs.5 stamp affixed.

lI<ffi q flO~ " Admission Procedure:'~,,,;<fI ail..- • ",,<ft .•• err -q lI<ffi Candidates seeking admission Inol-it qffi qih,,>ff lI<ffi 'l>1'f 'R 'f<I'l" Class XI and XII should fill in Admission'fI1:'ll1 ftlt1 "" •. ~ q;r:;c q,,,,q)t ~ Form with self attested passport Size Black'liTit f<lq •• ,~ \ti",q, 1mn>ff est

"""q & White photograph with computerized

'liTit"'~<tI fIIfu ""'L"" liT'/T 3ifllm name of the candidate and current datelit '1f'fi 'Ii<i1t1 d ~ '" "" ,flId ~ ""' ~ ",), <i: affixed on it and submits it along with allf4€lI'"~ -q 1ffiI' 10 rut -fl 2m~q';t!'ith: relevant documents! papers at the patracharrut f4>'1fi 1f\ .......t

~31q'(I t't"'1 "'" Vidyalaya admission counter from 10:00'<11~"" -fl ,,!iI>" " "'" "<>f'lT "'" """" t I AM to 2:00 PM on Monday to Friday.(<I "",f]~ 31qifjl~1 <lit $"",) 6T'I> liT'/T-.turr 'I<rr lI<ffi 'l>1'f T'f ~ -fl 'lTI lit<rr (except gazetted holidays) Incomplete

~ ail..- ~ '1f'fi admission fonn shall be treated as'1II>i 31lq~:q(f)

cancelled and the admission fee will beC::f(ll~ut ~ lit-it ~I \ti","" forfeited. Students should confirm theirr.,,,fRd 3iflrq fIIfu "'" 1ft 't<fl(f)I'( ~utl~PII ail..- f4>'1fi 1f\ ~ -q ~ "fiff admission personally from Patrachar~ UfT11'lT I f4>'1fi 1f\ <ff6 -fl 3J1!:'f 'lTI Vidyalaya.

s3iT lI<ffi 'l>1'f "\. "'" ~ urril'IT (['-IT Patrachar Vidyalaya will givetfu! ~ "fiff <tI ~ I provisional admission and IssuelI<ffi 'l>1'f "<>f'lT 'iI>'11-it <i: "q" '" IJ ~ tll1:ll1!f acknowledgement for enrollment! P.V. No.liT'/T 1mn>ff <lit nftG ~ oft I The admission will remain provisional tillq••,•.•" f4", "'~ <i:'ft't lI<ffi 'l>1'f "<>f'lT ~ the time it IS continned by PatracharfWT>ff <lit ~ lI<ffi ffi I lI<ffi 'l>1'f Vidyalaya, after re-checking the required<i: m...- ~ <J1( ~f<1I~'" <tI TI' Wi! <i: documents enclosed along with theq ••••,,\ 1ft ~ lI<ffi <tI '!~<tI I admission form. The fee will not be

refunded In case of cancellation ofadmission form.


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (15)


;a ~if)l;fl ij IR >iI <i> fYrtI '@Ii <1ft Re-imbursem*nt of Fee for Govt.'1R1till! Servants

l1l'lI'II/ ijjl~fcl~l ~ fmTur 'l!"'I' Govt. employees are entitled to the<liT¥,!'fifR ot ~ t I m"'l;(1 ijjofijl;(1. facility of re-imbursem*nt of fee paid by'lffiI 'tN(f) Ii( <5 arm-r "ffO 'i'1'. 3 (15) their wards vide Gov!. ofIndia No. F3115,(:l')-2/ofi/74 ~~i",15.1.1985 <5 ~ E-I1 B/74 dated 15-1-1985. Such persons3!tR ~ <5 ~ '!'ldH lIT'<I iIR"~ should apply to the Vidyalaya to the effectt I tfl 311~.",l -.,,'t '" ifRI <liT'PIT"I tEf with a certificate that their wards aret<rr Non- ~ "'" "\3""'f OR ~ tl dependent upon him. The Vidyalaya willf4EJlcllf -q~ 311~.",1 -.,,'t ¥,!'fifR issue the re-imbursem*nt certificate on the'PIT"I-tEf ~ "<J>t>rrfttflijj) lI'W' ~ production of which the eligible Govt.<t 3!tR flI>wr/ (f) IIIh:>t l( ~ fmTur 'l!"'I' Employees can get the tuition fee<liT¥,!'fifR ot ~ t I reimbursed from their department! office.

3IUllFI zi'Iu1"1I: Scheme of Studies~ -.,,'t -.ft<t fu: i\c-I <5 31ifll'< Students should strictly follows thef<tonif <liT<l"fhI'fl'T ~ 31f'l q [11t [ pattern of the subject combination as given

below:f<r!m Subjects:141'(641 u2IT f.11,(6<ri (f)apl" : FOR CLASSES XI I XII

'II '1 fil "" 'Iiif)I'I <i> ftn: HUMANITIES STREAM1. -.,,'t;f 1/'1> /<IT "IT'II'l-m"Ofi LANGUAGES:


(m). ~I. Opt any one or two languages)


(Elective) q~(Electi ve) English (Core), Sanskrit. . (Core),Hindi (Elec) Punjabi"'1.' (Elective)2. f.R .r ~ -.,,'t;f <m / clR ~ (Elective), Urdu (Elective)

~R!'''fl. oR! 2. MAIN SUBJECTS:«1\11'1' 'Rw.f.Any four or three of the Following:31~. ~. ~.

'ti til UFlil e-a. '[~I1l;;l[~. .11-1)~ijj History, Pol. Science, Economics,ftrlffi <1m 100% 'i~ill~ ,..-ffi Geography, Maths, Sociology,<5 ~ ~"'«1Iofl "l.ftrq; -.T<i>cl Home Science, Physical Education(034) & Hindustani music Vocal (034)

only for 100% Visually31R!~iffi fiI>I>I; (<1ijj~",) impaired.

\iq{t<td .r ~ -.,,'t;f 1/'1> 'IT'fI ADDITIONAL SUBJECT( OPTIONAL)(~fWq;l 'IT '!"'I ~ .r ~ : Students can O~t one Janl:;ual:;e1/'1> fiI>I>Iot ~ t I (Elective} or an:y one subject from the

main subjects}


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (16)


<II~I ~'l q>f ~ f<;r<: COMMERCE STREAM1 ~ ","/«1 "fTIWl-3i'.luft ('!>fi), LANGUAGES : Opt anyone or two

t1~t1 ('!>fi), ~ (Elective) , languages)q'urr;fi(Elective) , iJi( (Elective)

2 f.I""! >l "fl ~ 'IN / <fR ~ English (Core), Sanskrit (Core),HindilflfalV'lJ 3{UFlFt. ~ ciI~ISf)I'f. (Elec) Punjabi (Elective), Urdu (Elective)3l~, '!'ffir, ~, MAIN SUBJECTS:>Ilfllh, fulff! om 100% <;;~;Il'l Any four three of the Following:ortmf * ~ ~"1'k1l"1 "!.itr<o Business, Studies, Accountancy,~ (O34) Economics, Geog., Mathematics, Physical

Education & Hindustani music Vocal(034) only for 100% Visuallyimpaired.

3lRl~<it1~: (aif>~if» ADDITIONAL SUBJECT( OPTIONAL),m'l<it1>l "fl ~ "'" "IT'ff (~~) 'lIT : Students can O~t one laol:,uage'!"'I ~ >l "fl "'" ~ ~ ~ t I (Elective) or aOl: one subject from the

main subjects)~>ll'l q>f ~ ~~- SCIENCE STREAM

1 ~ ","/«1 'lr'IfIl' --<li'.luft ('!>fi), L LANGUAGES : Opt anyone or

ift\f4id ('!>fi), ~ (Elective) . two languages)

li'iifTifi(Elective), ",,-' (Elective) English (Core), Sanskrit (Core ),Hindi

2 f.I""! >l "fl ~ 'IN / <fR ~ (Elec) Punjabi (Elective), Urdu (Elective)

'l1R1<61,H"~'l ~, uflqfl1.,I'l, 2, MAIN SUBJECTS:

~, ,"fl~if> fulff! om 100% Any four or three of the Following:

'i~;Il., tmf * ~ ~"1'R1H1 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology"!.itr<o ~ (O3_) Mathematics, Physical Education &

Hindustani music Vocal (034) only for100% Visually impaired.

3lRl~"" ~: (aif>~"'l\lQ<'l<it1>l "fl ~ "'" "IT'ff ADDITIONAL SUBJECT( OPTIONAL)(l/~) 'lIT '1"" ~ >l "fl , Students can Out one lanl:;u3::c,

"'"~~~tl {Elective} or aOl::one subject from themain subjects)

• Fat21i·1 \I~"I>If >"fI~ if>fum ~'lit '!"'I 3l""IT aif>~if> ~

.. Physically challenged candidates are* '1i>'I>l 'fill' ~ ~ I not eligible to opt physical educationas main or additional subject.

-rrc:- Note:-1. <fi.ofi.'I'I.~ * PHPII 1'61 '( ~ '<1\ 1. As per CBSE norms candidate can

\I~.,,>If f.I""! ~ >l 'Tffi ~ opt streams as under:WI>ill ~ I a) Science stream passed! faileda] ~ ~ "fl "lI<~<fj ""Iff! >l student m class Xl cao get\I""'f /3Rnfiuf ~ ~, admission in Science, commerce &


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (17)


qlfalWl ~ 'I I~f4 <b1 'Ii<Pfl! -.f 1T'f'IT Humanities stream.01 'fI'!>TIT t I b ) Commerce stream passed! failed0) ",fill"" <i<!>l<l ~ '~I,"<l\ q;m 1{ in class XI can get admission indrift'! /3F!«fiuf flIwvff ",fil,~~ '0i commerce & Humanities stream.'I I~f4 <b1 <i<!>l<l 1{ 1T'f'IT 01 ""fill t I C) Humanities stream passed! failed<I) 'I1~f4",~ <i<!>l<l ~ J til '<6~'l" <pm students get admission III1{ XJcrftDf L3r.l~ flIwvff *"<>r Humanities stream only.'I I~f4 <b1 'Ii<Pfl! 1{ 1ft q..rn 01 'fI'!>TIT

tl 2. Candidates of Vocational Stream2. 'Il<t'<T'R'f ~ /m?IT fIN<r 'IG{'I "'Ii'< can change their subjeets and opt

*"<>r 'IHf4<b1 <I<!>I<I 1{ q..rn 01~tl

only Humanities stream in PatracharVidyalaya as there is no provision ofvocational stream III Patrachar

3. y~." off 1T'f'IT 'l>T'i >mf Wf'I flt'I'llVidyalaya.

"'liT "i'f'R u"~'l<l", <lR1 q..rn 'l>T'i3. No request will be entertained for

Uf1lT ~ <6 4!i'illd ~ qRqo'1 the change of subject, after

"'liT ~ ""~,,,,4 .ftI Wrr I submission of admission form.Students should select the subjects& their correct codes very carefully.

1Rt1ffT 'I>Pf 1[<1 1Rt1ffT 'I"'" ("m~'ff Examination Form and Fees for

1f'I' 'm~'ff) Classes Xl and XII;

tRlmoff ~. ift.1[fI >I ...-m f.!trffur Candidates will personally deposit

f<rfu* ~<m tRIm ~ f.!l'Iffur their examination fees III Patrachar

;t"q; Vidyalaya, BL Block, Shalimar Bagh1{ ;t"q; ill cll"'l ...-m Uf'IT "ifi'<T1/ ([\!IT

Uf'IT "<b1 ~ tR1m ~ "<b1 ~ Delhi-88. Candidate cannot appear III3T'I'[l/

lIT'<! "'Ii'< 01" I tRIm ~ Uf'IT 'I m "<b1 CBSE examination without submission of

~ 1{ flrwoff ~.ift.1[fI.>I tRIm 1{ on!T requisite his/her examination fee.

~o 'fI'!>TIT I tRIm ~ Uf'IT ~ * Wf'IExamination fee will be paid III Bank

tRlm>ff 'TiImullff ...-m tRIm 'l>T'i ~ through Bank Challan. Patrachar Vidyalaya

('IOf.oit.~.) iI "<b1 ~ wfi ~f4~>iI "'liTwill not hold any responsibility for any

amf\ <R"O31tI cl)qFI .."...'t * q!tillt"l 1ft delay regarding submission of Examination

3I1R jffijTlff'< <lR1 'IOf.oit.~. 1{ 'It 'f'/Sheet (LOC) are correct before marking

fIN<r ([\!IT 'ff;jfQ<r fIN<r m 'f'f tRIm their signature. Subject and their respective

'ITUI'I F,,,r;: qf4~~r 1{ ~ >fI qR,,"'~ subject code filled once in the LOC will not

~ >fI ~ 1{ 'IRI on!T Wrr '0i be changed in any circ*mstances. Student

q'.'llill< f4""",~ ""* ~ dct'~I>fl on!T must get the receipt of Examination fee

srnn deposited by their from the ConcernedAdmission Incharge.

- Q?llill'! RlEllclll fum ~ "<b1~"""~c * 'ITUI'I ~

All informations pertaining toadmission, CBSE Exam fees,


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (18)

~~~~~~~[li~[§t;t~~~"'~Direction for Foreign Students~ >¥ ~ 'IT"R ." I<a"," 'i$I,,";ffi. '"•••••f.><ld'P'iiIlR'if "' ~ "' !WI, (Outside India): Indian National

Working in Foreign Embassy:Those who are residing outside India

are required to submit N.O.C. issued byEmbassy '0 C.B.S.E, Preet Vihar, oneattested copy of N.O.C. should besubmitted to Patrachar Vidyalaya, BL-Block Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-88. At thetime of admission in Patrachar Vidyalaya,BL-Block Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-88following documents are to be enclosedwith the admission form.

I. Self attested Copy of Pass-port(One)Self attested Copy of NOC fromconcerned Embassy.The paid copy of Challan formof Patrachar Vidyalaya is to beenclosed along with theadmission form deposited in anybranch of SRI. in Delhi or draftissued by International bank infavour of DDO PatracharVidyalaya.Those candidates who seekadmission In Class X on thebasis of Affidavit are required toproduce affidavit through theirconcerned Embassy in prescribedformat an annexed with thenrosnecrus.


~ "'"., ,<I WIll 2 tR urR) iI><OTt I=, "i!"'fiIit 'IR'ITl' <fr "IT<fi t fip <l fumfi\>wr ..:t "iJ<I"1{"ifd ~ ••• , {" <liT "''' ct1 "'.,m ~ "'-IT ~ "':\ •• ,. 1I>Tlf T'i -.,f I

flRw >¥ ~ 'IT"R \I~ ." off .m <;;0," ,.. <i",.,'4Rt! 1f'IJUT tj"j! ~1:'f<I> f.ni_ -.ft.-,ft.\f<t.t. IfidFa", • .m -.ftm *'r'1T oPrr "d'-lT~ 'fI till fQ d l:fiTcl ~ q~ I'iI h! ~ til ("Ill.

."",1'11< "iIT'T.<f\.'[{'I.. ~-88 >¥ ~6Pf\ I 4",r'm Fa"" '" 'I >¥ ,..-.rn tq f.'r...-<;ttI'~'" ,..-.rnq;J1! "' <WI ~ M,

2 '{[iIim ~1('lllfQd 'fIR4f%1d "~"omli:l"""'''<i 1Il'"d ",.,'4Rt! 1f'IJUT-tj"j! ('R.3It.-.ft.) .:t "<i>1tI\

3 ,..-.rn 'IF'!' 'm~1" Rc til> .:t~ ~ 'lTmlT >¥ ii,,,, ,., "<IilfI'i2r'I <i WIT "ifm1i "'''f'IT ~.~.3It.

4""iI'. "' "'1T'I~'I ~ ","".f~til> -.;m f.!lhJ lIT I

4 il>1ffT ......-<ff >¥ ,..-.rn oM 'IT"Rlfitmoff vIT 'lPl'!l" tj"j! "' 3T1'-IT< tRq..m <>'tot .:t ~iI> g <l rn•••••f.<ld <;;0'''''' <i Fa"mil,,,,, >¥WOI"f 1lf'I~ •• "",flld 'IRT"t "'\i 4. '"" v!l«J -.,f I

PCP/Rernedial classes, Practical Schedule,issuance of admit cards & any otherinformations are conveyed to studentsthrough the icon of Patrachra Vidyalayaavailable at the official website ofDirectorate of Education i.e, Hence students areadvis.edto go through official website asper the calander of events available Inonline prospectus.





BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (19)


, "",' 'Ill: flrmm 'l '{'! lffrm<ft'l'l.~. Note: In case student has studied otherqi 31R1~<rn ~ 31"' <l -.M -,t "",",,1 ql\ than CBSE Board he/she will submit thet ~<ft.'I'I.:l. ~ -,t ""'"Iff '1'1T"T equivalency certificate from CBSE Delhi.'l?I 1I'Wf '!><'IT lIT<rr I

f.'l~ I01'1 <fill! <I"-lT 31q <t> I~I:- School Schedule and Holida:ys<PI'f ~ lR "Ifffi <i<iEft "<i!"'ffilfit Admission form will be accepted

1fRI' 10:00 ..-u't -,t 31 q I{ I&:'1 2:00 ..-u't <f'P and related enquiries will be dealt with,strn t I <fil " ". "' PI",. <!"IT 3RT <I UIq ~ 0 between lOam to 2pm from Monday to31" "i[", qi ~ -q filEll '" " 'f'G 'Il'<lT t I Friday. Patrachar vidyalaya, will remain

closed on Saturdays, Sundays and GazettedHolidays.

"Ifffi <'" '" -;:torr:- Cancellation of Admission'Flm<>fi

""""Ifffi ",G <Ii'< ~ Admission of a student will be

"fTlPIT. 'Ill: cancelled without any further intimationunder the following conditions:-

. 1. "Ifffi 'l>T'i 3l'l'f lIT. I. If the admission form is incomplete.2. <!'r ~ <fuI <!>'I lIT. 2. If the fee paid in Short.3. 311'1>" '" G'Rfl'!"UI" ~ "'l1ft lIT I 3. If the supporting documents are not4. '1<fm<>fi qi 'lffi 31liHll(fJ 'Ilfu<p complete.

<it "ldI "'l1ft lIT I 4. If required educational qualification5. 'Ill: 11<l.,,<>fi ql\ ~"'fdT{ 3lT'j is not fulfilled .

fil" <flIl '" I .y <!'r ~ ..rn qi 31:\"ffi<" 5. If the minimum age criteria is not"'l1ft t. fulfilled as mentioned in prospectus.

6. 'Ill: ~/31~ ~'<RT <!'r ~ t. 6. If the incorrect or wrong information, 'Ill: t"lIU1 flI<fj lffrm ~7. Jtl~dl is given.lIT'<! -.M -,t ~ "'l1ft <t\ lIT I 7. . If the secondary examination is not

8. '1ffi 'l>T'i ~ -.jf lffE'f'I -,tpassed from a recognised board.

PlElI~o 'ff'f<I 'f'i ~ lR 'I 'l1(<rT 8. If admission form received after duelIT. date and time.

9. urJ"i'ft ",@<l UI Uf1lT ~ 'f</ lIT I 9. If the documents are fakelbogus.10.31:\."","111"01 ql\ ~ -q I 10.In case of gross indiscipline

-m:- 'T<i'lT f.rffif ~ lR "Ifffi 'l!""'" "UI'<I Note: Fee submitted shall be forfeited incase of cancellation of Admission on any

<Ii'<~ "fTlPIT I one of the above cited reasons.

q?1I't:.1I~jqm(>tll q~'t:.II~ lf3J PatracharVidyalaya Identitv Card"Ifffi qi flrm<>fi-.,,1 Patrachar vidyalaya issue an identity card\3q~l"'d 45"t011'1

'l?I ~ umrr t ftrn lR q", I ill< 31:\lP'li<I> to the students mentioning P.V.No. after

(P.V. No.) 3T~ ..rnrr t I flrm,ff '"" -.jf the admission. Students are advised to~ mclll 3ITq a:rq-;n q~-iH"1 lf3J ~ m bring P.V. Card while visiting Patrachar"'lIT"!"clT'! I Vidyalaya.


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (20)



Date Gen. Student SC/ST/Handicap Foreign student facility Foreign studentped! Teacher with Diplomatic bag having no facilitywardl Ex- of DiplomaticServiceman bao

Without 16-06-17 to Rs,3001 Rs 1501 Rs 3001 Rs. 10001late fees 31-07-17With 01-08-17 to RS.5001 RS.3001 Rs.5001 Rs. 12001late fees 31-08-17

Annual Fees Class X to XII


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (21)


Details of subjects :-

CLASS STREAM LANGUAGE CODE SUBJECT CODE REMARKSXI & ARTS English Core 301 History 027 1 or 2 Language + 4 or 3Xli Sanskrit Core 322 Pol. Science 028 Subjects and one

Hindi Elee. 002 Geography 029 additional (elective)Punjabi Elee. 104 Economics 030 subject from the concernedUrdu Elee. 003 Sociology 039 stream

Maths 041Home Science 064Physical Education 048Hindustani Music 034(Vocal) only for100% VisuallyImpaired students

XI & Commerce English Core 301 Accountancy 055 I or 2 Language + 4 or 3Xli Sanskrit Core 322 B.Studies 054 Subjects and one

Hindi Elee. 002 Economics 030 additional (elective)Punjabi Elee. 104 Geography 029 subject from the concernedUrdu Elec. 003 Maths 041 stream

Physical Education 048Hindustani Music 034(Vocal) only for100% VisuallyImpaired students

XI & Science English Core 301 Physics 042 1 or 2 Language + 4 or 3xn Sanskrit Core 322 Chemistry 043 Subjects and one

Hindi Elec. 002 Biology 044 additional (elective)Punjabi Elec. 104 Maths 041 subject from the concernedUrdu Elec. 003 Physical Education 048 stream

Hindustani Music 034(Vocal) only for100% VisuallyImnaired students








BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (22)



Proforma for Affidavit (A)

From lSI Class Magistrate Rs. 10 Stamp Paper

Only for those students seeking admission on the basis of duplicate SLCrrC

1 S/o D/o Sh. RIo

do hereby

solemnly affirm and declare as under:

I. That the original SLC/TC was not used in seeking admission in any other class.

2. That the original certificate has been lost & FLRlDDR has been lodged in Police station (

Copy attached)

3. That if original SLCrrC is found, the same will not be used to seek admission in any

other class.


Verified at Delhi/ N. Delhi on this day and the contents of above affidavit are true

to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed there from.



BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (23)


Instructions for Filling up the Admission Form

For the Session 2017-2018

2017-2016 <il If'l'IT'I>T'f <!iT>WI -q F-t<"

General Instructions ~ ~~:-

I. Before filling up the admission form. please ensure your eligibility for admission as givenin the prospectus, otherwise the admission form will be cancelled and the fee paid by youwill not be refunded. Neither any intimation will be sent to you nor any correspondencebe entertained in this regard.'I>T'f >WI -.l 'TOOl l<1"fillO" " <!t 'Il qffi <iTrmrr3IT <il -.rt " "" <'I m. "" ;!f'l~~", .,.-.l fil; 3I1'J "dO"'"" qffi &-'t o\TO it I 'Ill: an<h:<I> <ill<iTrmrr '!iff t q 3l1'R 'I>T'f q"J"" "" fhT'll <it an<h:<I> j;ffi 'ffi "'" 'I>T'f "'" "" ~ urnl'fT q an<h:<I> j;ffi ~"'" qffi "J"" """'" '!iff urr>l'fJ m. ~ 'I:'ffi '!iff <!t urnl>fll

2. Applicant must fill his/her admission form in his/her own handwriting in legible<h:<I> 3I'RT "'*"" 'I>T'f ....,; 1ft >rt, r" <>,.e """ .r.ft ~ I

3. Two copies of admission form are annexed with the prospectus. First copy is MainAdmission form and second copy is meant for CBSE Exam fees (for LOC)1<1.<1',."" 'I>T'f <illG\ lfflI'li """" t I v",," lIflI ~ qffi 'I>T'f t "'"~ lIflI .t\.",.l[<f:~. 'liIm 'I>T'f (Loq -q t I

4. Information in the admission form should be filled in English only.qffi 'I>T'f " 'It4\ 'Il 'l:'ffi3IT <!iT""'" ri-.fl " tl 'It I

5. Paste self attested (Black & White) passport size photograph with computerized name &date (Date of Photography) on the admission form. Don't make any mark on thephotograph. Paste one unattested photo grapb & staple ODe (Black & white withcomputerized name and date) on the CBSE Exam fees form. Second copy of theform be submitted at the time of submission of CBSE exam fees.qffi 'I>T'f 'R .;t•• """ = ..tit 1tm'R ""'l.'" j;ffi 'IT'! "'" ,.'tit R<I~.,"<ilI'_<lifil><r-.IT ....,; ~""flI" """ f.j,,,,,,, "'" "" 'R ~ ~ •• -.r>mt I .t\.",.l[<f.t 'liIm "J""'I>T'f 'R '1'1' ..tit f.j '""" "'" '1'1' ""'" -.;t I

6. You should ensure that the particular filled in the admission form are correct. Don't leaveany column blank in the admission form.If'lm>ff ;jf'I~~", .,. -.l fil; qffi 'I>T'f " <!t 'Il "'11.,,~.i "'" t I qffi 'I>T'f "" ~ >fIqif"" -.m!\ •• uhi' ,

7. Write class in the space provided for which the candidate seek<h:<I> ~ '111 fffir •••••• " ••m rom-. ~ ,,-.t qffi *" t I

Other Instructions: '3f'<I for-hr1. P.V. No. /Enrollment number will be allotted by Patrachar Vidyalaya. Please leave it



BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (24)


~ iliT 1fr.<ft."flGzrr/'114i<hOJ ~o ~ f<lElI('t~ Gm 'Jf'U~"lff il!lflff ~ 'f' $ cf I2. Choose and write region where the candidate resides (North, East, South, West and

Central)fltm>ff ;wr-\ f"r<!m """ .., ftron '!,"! "" ttm """'. ~. ,.... _ m -J

3. Name of Candidate: Write your name in block letters, in English. Each letter should bewritten in a separate column, as per specimen given below, leaving one space betweenname, middle name and surname.flImoff .,. ""'- ~ 3I'RT "'" aPtvft <t ~ ..rr >l fffi;l. ~ qvf "'" 3IWf ~ >lfWo1 "iifTII'II1 ;:tm f.1> oft";!.<t .""'1 >l fl:<rr '1'lT t I ftr<pf ""'. _ "'" ~ 'IT'! <t -<to>l "'" -.wIT """" m<fi uM I

4. Mother's name: Write mother's name in block letters English as per specimen givenbelow. Do not write Smt. & Mrs. before the name.'ffiff "" ""'- ~ 3l'!'ft 'ffiff .., 'IT'! ai>:lvft <t ~ ..rr >l ttm I ;:tm f.1> oft";! .""'1>l fl:<rr '1'lT t I "'" .t m <II.,fi'l<f\", ttm I

Your mother's name should tally with your previous records. This will be recorded in theCertificate. No change will be permitted later on.~ 'IT<!T <t "'" .., ~ flnTR ftornf <t ~ .r.rr ~ I ..,.,y _ >l\ """' ..,.R.d" "!iff .r.rr ~ I

5. Father's Name: Write father's name in block letters English as per specimen given below.Do not write Shri & Mr. before the est ""'- ~ ;wr-\ fun .., 'IT'! aPtvft <t ~ ..rr >l ttm I ;:tm f.1>oft";! • .,0"1 ,yfl:<rr '1'lT t I "'" .t m <II. ~ "' ttm I

Your father's name should tally with your previous records. This will be recorded in theCertificate. No change will be permitted later on.

6. Date of Birth: Mention your Date of birth correctly as given in the required documentsfor your date of birth for example, if your Date of Birth is 18th April, 1980 it should bewritten as under:

18 04 1980•••••~- 3l'!'ft UF'!flrtl:r ••••• ~ .t ~••r...d 1I'I1Vf "" <t ~ 1ft ttm, •• ,."1 <tfm1 'Iflt ~ ••••• ~ 18 ani •• 1980 t at ;,-,l flI..,r"flod """' .t fWo1 "iifTII'II1

18 04 19807. Gender: Write I for Male and 2 for Female and 3 for others in the box provided.

fui<r- ft</ 'T'I .."."... >l 'I"" <t fm1 1 m 'lfu;rr <t fm1 2 m 3RI <t fm1 3 ttm I8. Category: Write 0 I for General, 02 for Schedule Caste, 03 for Scheduled Tribe, 04 for

Ex-Service man ,05 for differently abled ,06 Other backward classes and 07 for TeachersWard.<PI- ft</ 'T'I ..,"" ,y """'" <t fm11. "':l'!-~un1l! <t fm1 2. "':l'!-~","""ta <t fm13. 'i'f'liI -.If'l<l> <t fm1 4. F<l"'cll'l <t fm1 5. ~ <PI <t fm1 6. fir ••.•• <PI <t fm1 7 ttm I

9. Nationality: Write I for Indian and 2 for any other in the box provided.~,- ft</ 'T'I ..,..,. >l """'" <t fm11 m 3RI <t fm1 2 ttm I

10. Differently abJed: Write I for yes and 2 for No


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (25)


rct<tlt'ljlll;l] : tIT <6 ~ 1 Clm ';fift"-t ft;n) 2 ~ t11. Medium of Study: Write 1 for Hindi Medium and 2 for English Medium in the box

provided."''''''" est 'IT'2P!- fur >f<I iITiffi "" ~ 'IT'2P! <t fOr<! 1 ort< "Muft <t fOr<! 2 _ 1

J 2. Mother Tongue: Write Ifor Hindi, 2 for Urdu, 3 for Punjabi and 4 for Others."',!~'.' ~ <t fOr<! 1. ¥ <t fOr<! 2. ~ <t fOr<! 3. ''''IT """ <t fOr<! 4 _,13. Religion: Write I. For Hindu 2. Muslim, 3. For Christian 4. for Sikh and 5. for Other..-.! - ~ <t fOr<! 1. ~ <t fOr<! 2. ~ <t fOr<! 3. _ <t fOr<! 4. "'" """ <t fOr<! 5-,14. Your Previous Qualification: Write VIU,IX, X, XI in the box provided.

~ 'iii ~- fur >f<I mol "" VlII. lX. X. Xl _ 115. Subject Choices: Write carefully correct code No. and the name of subjects given in the

prospectus in the space/ box provided. Changes of subject are not allowed aftersubmission of admission fonn.F<ftfzI'''Ef1f"'I~ ~ <t "'fTIf q m r..<l,(~Jifll 1l <ft ~ ~ ~ fllqE:lI.;'ill\<fifi 'if ~ ~ I'I>T'f WIT lit ",-R <t .-r< fmIl <fI fa'!<! -.IT iI""<fO!T'l1ff UIW'TT 1

16. Details of Fee: The admission fee is to be paid only through prescribed Challan fonnannexed with the prospectus in any nearby branch of S81 at Delhi and enclosed the copyofChallan form for Patrachar Vidyalaya, after the depositing the requisite fee.a) Branch of the bankb) Challan Number! Journal No.c) Date of' Challand) Amount paid (in Rs.)"F'" ~- 1f'hT "F'" f!f!r«qf1f1;'",,",ml"" fur >f<I ....-ro!R <t '""'" " 'fffiIto Rc of., -oft fmIl<fI l/TlID "" WIT <RR <t <mnq """"' ilia,'" "" ....-ro!R -oft 1!flI 1f'hT 'I>T'f <t -.n •• "d'T1li''''IT r...... ~ '" .•. 1a-. of., -oft l/TlIDOf- ~~/~'ll'~<f- ..".."., -oft flrti:!G- ':rf'IT"l' -oft ~ "<Jfu (in Rs.)

17. Postal Address: Please write your complete address in block letters in English andtelephone number. Do not forget to enclose proof of address as given in the Prospectusotherwise your application will be rejected. Please do not give the Coaching Centeraddress. In that case you application will be rejected."" "10m "" 'I<!T- "1"'" fur >f<I """'" "" 30RT '!.uf 'I<!T ai-.Juft <t ~ uerf "" _ / 'I<!T3l1'l"-.l lrRT ~ "" m <t fOr<! <'" 1~.. <t "':IV" "" "OfRT ilTfurl fmIl <fI'I ~

esr 'I<!T "OJ _ """ •••• 311'!'1>1 1f'hT "'" "'"' ~ um\"qJ 1 """" """" <fI """" _ 118. Email ID

~~<ftl19. Parental annual income (in Rupees)

aI~Pil it<b <tfr ~ 31'Tll' I20. Details of pre examination passed on which admission is being sought.

'iii .,••.•an .,. ..m ftR<t """'" •.• """ 1f'hT <if -.if t 1


BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (26)

lfffi-llirl (<R2017-18)

Admission Form (Session 2017-18)~ f'Iww:r (PATRACHAR VIDYALAYA)


<1'\-"[01. ",*", ",&11"" 'iJI'T, ~-88 (BL-BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-88)q\'lfm 'lWlfitq; rom ilRl 'it w% ffi'lR (Affilia1ed with CBSE)

((ian / Class XIIXII .. StreamtI),<I'\, ~ (;;[r ~ f'Iww:r 'IJ1Ti[RI 'GITirn)P.Y. No. (To be given by the Patrachar Vidyalaya) ~lp~fVLJbLlI7ZJICCCr::IIIJ

_ f.'rim I (IMPORT ANT INSTRUCTIONS''I1'f1ITlfffi 1i1, ~ 0, 'il # ~ '11/ ~ q;) <g.\ q\ WII11m lfffi Ilirl ,p I

Please fill the Admission Form after reading the instructions given in the Prospectus.'I6'IR 'P-I 'fI 4 x 3 'it>Il. 3W!iR C!iI 'liIit ~ CI'lI ~ '11/ "lR 'fI iO«lIaR cR I 'I6'IR 'P-I q;) "I'i ,p IPaste 4 x 3 em Size Photograph on the Identity Card and Mark his/her signature in the space provided. Studentshould fill up the columns in the I-card.fiI'I'ii C!iI 'flT'I ~ cR I 1. fiI'I'ii # 'IfffiR finffi ~ ~ # "f@ f<lKrr 'GITirn IChoose subject carefully. Change of subject is not allowed at a later stage.

1. ~0t ~ ~ fuR;ITit it 3l1f.t ~ ~ CflTftrc;rr fc;r& 1/ Choose and write the District where the studentresides (North, East, South, West, Central) _2. fctw~cor -gyr "f1l1/ Name of the Candidate (In CAPITAL LETTERS)

3. lffi'fT cor -gyr "f1l1/ Mother's Name in CAPITAL LETTERS

4. -rmr CfiT-gyr "f1l1/ Father's Name in CAPITAL LEITERS

5. "\ifri{ fufu"/ Date of Birth

[IJ [IJ c::r::::r:::::o6, roMI Gender D 7. q<f I Category D8. '!lr:¢:Il1dl/ Nationality D9. ~/ MotherTongue D 10. trl/ Religion D11. ~ ~ ~/ Your Previous Qualification D12. fWro/ Subjects m ~/ CodeNo. ~ / Medium

1. ............... EEB I2, ................ I3, ................ [ll] I4, ................ [ll] I5, ............... [ll] I6. Additional Subject ............ [ll] I

Paste Self AttestedBlack & White

Photograph withComputerizedName and Date

13. ~ ~/ Detail of Fee

1. Branch Name _

2. Journal No. _3. Date _

4. Amount __ ====[ll][ll]

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (27)


14. Divyang Candidates with Disabiltiy (if any) N.A. 0 Visual impairment DHearing Impairment D locomotor disability 0 Dylexsic D Spastic 0 Autistic D

15. f.1<rn:rcpr qm/ Address of Residence (in eAPIT AL LEITERS)

~/ StatePinCode~

~/ Telephone No . ~/MobileNo .

16. Emailldtl-"i)(;r ~ .17 '!i" qJfil<p 3!T'IG'fi '"

Parental annuallncome Rs " p.a.18. ~ <t\ ~ tRten "" Imur Itrnq\ O!l<m '" lIt.T *" t I

Detail of Examination passed on the basis of which admission is bctna souahtI ill1M tRtenl ~ """"'I I <ffil I Board ~/ Result ~ /Rall IlI'I/v""

Exam Passed Name of'the No.School




4 '""" lImITI lImi\ t fiI; iI'I <I'll 1Wmrr >R1 ~ Wf!I oil ~. ftrn """""' <I; fR'I 4 '""" 'OR 'm 1m t I iI'I <I'll'!""I'i ~ ~ <Ilft ~ t I iI'I .••• '""" "" >RIt I ~ UIFffiTI0IR<l\ t fiI; ~ ,) ~ """ 'II WI ~ m <!Toi\~ ~ ill """'" ~ Gffi iI1l "",l"I~ f.m<I <t\ iij] wmft t I ~ ~"~I"I ~ ~ '111 <I'll f.lll'iI "" 'lIOR

'"'""/~I(I hereby declare that I have carefully read and understood all the conditions of the eligibility and Ifulfill the criteria for the course for which l'seek admission. I have furnished all the necessaryinfonnationl document correctly. 1 have filled the form in my own writing. I understand that mycandidature is liable to be cancelled by the Patrachar VidyaJaya, if any infonnationl document isfound to be misleading or incorrect at any stage. I undertake to abide by the rules as laid down in theprospectus.

ft-:liqi IDate

'ffiIT-flmi/~ <I; ,1i\'ffiI<R

Counter Signature of the Parents! Guardian

'""'"'" f.1fu lIt.T 'l>T'I<I; mI f.1"1~ III d ~ """ 1iw-! '"' I

1. 'lffi1i1l Ro ~ illl _ ~ ~ "RT ~ '1'/ 'l"" tg <!IOIR lIfu I

2. ~ ~ ibI _ "" (SLC) illl 'l" lIfu _ 6T<I '~"",.R<1I3. ""'" "" '" <>lit flI'IibI'/ • ~ '"' I """"' "" ibIlllom 6T<I 'RI """"'4. _ "'" illl <I'll 'I>ictlIfu ••• ~ '"' l!'II 'l" _ "" WI ""II5. 3f'j.OI1/3I}"I."lTJ_I_ lI'f ii\ WIff '" WI it-) '"" fWI'I1 "'"' 3lfm;I1\ 6T<I ""'" "" illl ••• ~

'I>ictlIfu I6. ~ ij "., 'liT f.J<Jrn """ 'liT _ 'f)J I

Signature of the Student

Signature of Admission Incharge Signature of Principal

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (28)


Exam. Fee Form (Session 2017*18)1:RTilR ~ (PATRACHAR VIDYALAYA)


oft-~. ~, ~ am,~-B8 (BL-BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGlI, DELI-D-88

~ ~ fuerr ii'R! 'it ~ ~ (Affin'ted with CBSE)

'lierr / Class Xl/XU1ft.<ft ~ (ui\ 1:RTilR ~ 'l1'T &RT ;;rnFn)P.Y. No. (To be given by the Patrachar Vidyalaya)

Staple UnattestedBlack & White

Photograph with

ComputerizedName and Date


D11. ~ ~ ~ / Your Previous Qualification D12. fitr:nJj Subjects ~ ~/ Code No. l{]t.lIl{/ Medium


"1'I1ll wrn i4qR"I'li1 ~ ~ '1l/ f'r<lW q;) ~ </; 'IN<! t\ <rtIerr q;rI\ oR[?

Please fill the Admission Form after reading the instructions given in the Prospectus.'Wi'IR tf'I 'R 4 x 3 ~. 3!1il>R "" 'liIit ~ <I'll ~ '1l/ <'lR 'R ~ <IRI 'Wi'IR tf'I q;) wi oRlPaste 4 x 3 em Size Photograph on the Identity Card and Mark his/her signature in the space provided. Studentshould fill up the columns in the I-card.m-m "" 'fll'l ~""I4)~4<" <IRI 1. m-m ~ lIftRR ~ 1jj N ~ 'fI'f I4>m ;;rnFn IChoose subject carefully. Change of subject is not allowed at a later stage.

1. ~ ~ 1ft:; furc;IT-q tl Jw.l ~ ~ "qj"f fuR;rr ~ II Choose and write the District where the studentresides (North, East, South, West, Central) _2. ~ (pf ~ ~I Name of the Candidate (In CAPITAL LEITERS)

3. Tffffi Cfif ¥ ';f111/ Mother's Name in CAPITAL LEITERS

4. firnT"" '!'1 'I1'l/ Father's Name in CAPITAL LETTERS

Paste unattestedIllatk & White

Photograph withComputerized

Name and Date

5. VI"! /DateofBirth

DO DO CI:I:IJ6. fWrl Gender D 7. <M/ Category

8. ~1t?hlt'11I Nationality D9 .~ I Mother Tongue D 10. tT41 Religion

1. . .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

ffijOIJOIJITTIOIJ6. Additional Subject .

13. ~ ~/ Detail of Fee

1. Name of the Branch

2. Journal No.. _

3. Amount _

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (29)

14 Personwith Disability (if any)

locomotor disability c=JN.A.


Visualimpairment Hearing Impairment

spaD AutisticD

15. f.Iqm •• 1[{ff / Address of Residence (in CAPITAL LElTERS)

~/ SlatePinCode~

~/ Telephone No . ~/MobileNo ....

16. Email Id .

17. "l" • 3W!G-l\ "".Parental annual Income Rs . .. ... p.a.

ta. Only for the candidates of class Xl & XII

a) Roll No. of Class X passing

b) Year

c) Name of Board! University

d) Year of class XI passing (ifapplicable)

Note: Attach two Self Attested copies of all the following documents:

For Class Xli

I) Tenth Class mark sheet

2) Tenth passing certificate (issued by board)

3) Caste certificate! disability certificate (ifappJicable)

4) Copy of the Admission Form Receipts


'lRIT-jqoj/3!fil>nqiji .;; ,,,,,,11.' Signature of the Student

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (30)

Patracahr VidyaJaya CopySTATE BANK OF INDIA

JOURNAL No.Branch.............. Date

Please credit in SB Ale No. 30821405922 of 0.0.0.Patrachar Vidyalaya, DelhiName of the Candidate .Address............ . .

On account ofI. Admission Fee Rs .2. Late Fees Rs.

Total Rs ..3. Bank Charges RS... 60.. . /-

Grand Total Rs .Rs .

(in words)

Patracahr Vidyalava COPySTATE BANK OF INDIA

JOURNAL No. . .Branch.... Date .Please credit in SB Alc No. 30821405922 of 0.0.0.Patrachar Vidyalaya, DelhiName of the Candidate .Address .

On account ofI. Admission Fee2. Late Fees

Total3. Bank Charges

Grand TotalRs ...

Rs .Rs .Rs .Rs 60 /-I{,;

(in words)

All S.B.L Branches shall mention journal number allcopies of the challan.(To be attached with form by the Depositor.


JOURNAL No.Branch Date

30821405922 of 0.0.0.Please credit in SB Alc No.Patrachar Vidyalaya, DelhiName of the CandidateAddress ..

On account of1. Admission Fee Rs , .2. Late Fees Rs .

Total Rs.3. Bank Charges Rs 60 /-

Grand Total Rs .Rs .

Patrachar Vidyalaya Copy through SBI Old Sectt.Delhi


JOURNAL No. .. .Branch ...

Please credit in SB A!c No.Patrachar Vidyalaya, DelhiName ofthe Candidate ..Address

Date30821405922 of 0.0.0.

On account ofI. Admission Fee2. Late Fees

Total3. Bank Charges

Grand TotalRs .

R,Rs .Rs .Rs .. 60... . J-I{,;.

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (31)


USE-FCMBR MENUJOURNAL No. . .Branch............... Date..Institutional ID : DDarV Collectiun Code DDOPV

Please credit in S8 Ale No. 41840001002096290f0.0.0. Patrachar Vidyalaya, DelhiName of the Candidate .Address.... . .

On account of1. eSSEExam Fees2. Practical Fees3. Additional Sub. Fees

Total4. Bank Charges

Grand TotalRs....

Rs .Rs .Rs .Rs .Rs... . .. 30/-Rs .....

(in words)

Patrachar Vidyalaya Copy through BT Block, ShalimarBagh., Delhi



JOURNAL No .Branch Date. ..Institutional 10 : DnarV Collection Code DOOPV

Please credit in S8 Ale No. 4184000100209629 of0.0.0. Patrachar Vidyalaya, DelhiName of the Candidate .Address .

On account of1. CBSE Exam Fees2. Practical Fees3. Additional Sub. Fees

Total4. Bank Charges

Grand Total~.

Rs .Rs .Rs .Rs .Rs 30/-Rs .

All P.N.a. Branches shall mention journal number allcopies of the challan.(To be attached with form by the Depositor.



JOURNAL No. .. .Branch..; . Date .Institutional ID : ODOPV Collection Code DDOPV

Please credit in SB Alc No. 4184000100209629 of0.0.0. Patrachar Vidyalaya, DelhiName of the Candidate .Address..... . .

On account ofI. CBSE Exam Fees2. Practical Fees3. Additional Sub. Fees

TotalBank Charges

Grand TotalR;

Rs .Rs .Rs .Rs .Rs .Rs .




(in wnrrl~)



JOURNAL No. . .Branch Date .Institutional ID : DDOPV Collection Code DDOPV

Please credit in SB Ale No. 4184000100209629 of0.0.0. Patrachar Vidyalaya, DelhiName of the Candidate .Address...... .. .

On account of1. CSSE Exam Fees2. Practical Fees3. Additional Sub. Fees

Total4. Bank Charges

Grand TotalRs .....

Rs ..Rs .Rs. .Rs .Rs 30/-Rs .

(in words)

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088…· patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (32)

ATTENTION: Students arc directed to deposit the CBSE Examination fees in the month of September,2017 as per schedule available at website at Patrachar vidyalaya icon in any branchof Punjab National Bank at Delhi and immediately submit the receipt alongwith CBSE Exam fees Formin Patrachar Vidyalaya BL Block Shalimar Bagh Delhi-88 • otherwise student will not be eligible toappear in CBSE Exams



ENROLLMENT NO.1 P.V. NOJ",p---",-Kl_I",1",IL7--'-----'----'----'----'----'----'---"CLASS , .




11JU1ll I Medium

Paste unattested Black &

White Photograph withComputerized Name and





I. . .


3 .

4 .

5 .

6. Additional Subject .



NOTE: Student must bring this card while visiting the Patrachar Vidyalaya.

BL- BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088… · patrachar vidyalaya bl- block, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.