The Roanoke Times from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)

1 ROANOKE TIMES. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1900. PERSONAL I There's Anything Under the Sun, We Have It We Are Talking To Women, For women buy most of the House Goats m.and Robes, There's easy and splendid choosing here. Good sorts at $3.50, $4, $5, and so by easy steps the prices rise up to the $10 mark.

There isn't a safer gift give him. He don't want you to choose his cigars, but you're away ahead of him on the House Coat or Gown subject. The styles. here are different from those shown elsewhere, SO 110 danger in buying one that's just like Mr. Smith's or Mr.

Jones'. Taylor Payne. Hatters, Mens' Furnishers 112 JEFFERSON ST. THE FAIR. Reopens Under Auspicious Conditions---Visitors Present.

The Ancient Order of Hibernians entertained their many friends last night with a most attractive concert. Tonight the fair will be formally closed with the engineer's contest, between Mr. Cousins, of Norfolk, and Mr. Meredith, of Roanoke, and the exciting contest between Chief McFalls and James Richmond will both be settled. The friends of both sets of contestants are working hard and zealously in behalf of their respective candidates, and close and exciting finish is anticipated.

evening. for Wandree's the merry Orchestra dancers furnished from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock. The musical program was under the direction of Mrs. Nellie Brophy, which to a Roaaudience is an al guarnoke antee of its excellence. The concert began at 8 o'clock.

The reopening was an unqualified success, and one of the most delightful of evenings was spent by all of the participants. Homemade mince meat, 10 cents a pound, at Markley's Market, 141 Salem avenue. PALAIS ROYAL STORE WILL BE REMODELED. On acount of renovating our storeroom, every dollar's worth of Trimmed and Ready to Wear Hats. Skirts, Jackets, Plush and Cloth Capes, B.

B. Corsets, Furs, Feather Boas, Baby Caps, Boys' and Girls' Capes, Plumes, Tips, Velvets and all Millinery Findings be sold irrespective of former prices. Call and see the bargains are offering. THE PALAIS ROYAL, 101 Salem avenue. Always the best fresh pork, veal and mutton at Markley's Market, 141 Salem avenue.

QUAY GOES BACK TO FLORIDA. Augustine, Dec. M. S. Quay.

of Pennsylvania, a yarty of five friends, passed and through this city last Mr. Quay's winter home at St. Lucie. It 15 said he will spend several days fishing and hunting in Florida and return to his home for Christmas. REWARD FOR TRAIN ROBBERS.

New Orleans, Dec. number of suspects have been arrested in connection with the Illinois Central but none of them have been positively hold connected with the case. The postoffice department will offer $1,000 reward. The mail has all been traced and not over $45 is missing. MACHEN DENIES A RUMOR.

Brunswick. Dec. 14. --E. C.

Machen, the railroad builder. arrived here today with Edwin Gould. Rumor has it that Gould is backing Machen in his proposed Brunswick and Birmingham road, for which Machen has just obtained a charter. Machen denies the rumor. A CRASH ON THE SOUTHERN.

Macon, Dec. Southern railroad freight train tonight ran into some cars on the Central's siding here and demolished a car of wagons, one of coal, one of cotton seed and an empty. Two negroes were crushed and buried under the ruins. They were working in the cotton seed. COUNTY OFFICALS INDICTED.

Brunswick, Dec. grand jury of Glynn county has found a true lagainst former County Clerk and ex-State Prisoner Commissioner Jacob L. Beach for the embezzlement of conn funds in 1894. 1896 and 1897. He brought from Atlanta this morning and gave bond.

THE EUREKA FLOATED. Key West, Dec. 14. -The American steamer Eureka, from bore to Massachusetts, Port, phosTampa phate, which has been ashore near Rebecae shoal light, has been floated by the wreckers and brought into port. A survey will be held on the steamer to see what damage was done, which considerable.

Several of the wreckers were also damaged while giving asistance. A DASTARDLY SHOOTNG. Pensacola, Dec. Hallastre, a merchant. was fatally shot last night by unknown persons.

He was called to the door of his store after he had closed the night, and as he opened the door. two shots were fired at him, one penetrating the right lung. and chattering a rib. There is no chie 10 his assailants. Miss Mattie Taylor left yesterday for Bedford, to visit relatives.

Daniel Breslin, a' former Roanoker, is in the city for a few days. Miss Lizzie Taliaferro yesterday from a visit to Abingdon." Miss Marion Hawkins left yesterday for Cloverdale on a visit to her sister. Mrs. James H. Waper, of Clifton Forge, is visiting relatives in this Mrs.

Arthur Turner, of Winchester, is visiting her son, Howard Turner, in this city. Louis H. James, of Pittsylvania, is on a visit to his aunt, Mrs. Cayman, in this city. Miss Lena Hurt returned to Bedford yesterday, after a visit to the Misses London, in this city.

M. M. Wright and C. A. Wright, of Franklin county are visiting Mrs.

Hayden on Campbell street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Moorman, of Lynchburg, are the guests of Mrs.

Moorman, on Roanoke street. Wilson Sloan, familiarly known in Concord as "Pat McGuire," is over today. His present home is in Charlotte. Mrs. Henderson, wife of Dr.

Henderson, of Petersburg, returned home yesterday, after a visit to Mrs. N. G. Figgat. If you wish anything in cigars, 25 to 100-something appropriate for Xmas present, call on BILLY FUSSELL, No.

5 Jefferson street. Bell 'phone 396. Dressed chickens at 8c a pound today at H. H. Markley's, at 141 Salem avenue.

A DIAMOND EXHIBIT. K. W. Green, the jeweler, will have an exhibit of diamonds all day at his store today. The collection, which is valued at $100,000, is the largest display ever shown in this city.

Homemade mince meat, 10 cents 2 pound, at Markley's Market, 141 Salem avenue. FOOTBALL TODAY. There will be a game of football this afternoon on the "bottom," near the Walnut street bridge, between the Young Men's Athletic team and the N. W. shop team.

Play will begin at 3 o'clock. SEEING IS BUYING. We have a $1.25 amber stem pipe with case which is a bargain. Van Lear Bros. a Homemade mince meat, 10 cents a pound, at Markley's Market, 141 Salem avenue.

MAN AND WIFE IN DISTRESS.Rev. Dr. Bochror, of Buffalo, says: "My wife and I were both troubled with distressing Catarrh, but we have enjoyed freedom from this aggravating malady since the day we first used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pawder. Its action was instantaneous, giving the most grateful relief after the first application." Sold by Paul Massie.10.

Always the best fresh pork. veal and mutton at Markley's Market, 141 Salem avenue. Paris is said to be the cleanest city in then world. Every morning 2,000 male 600 scavengers, divided into 149 brigades, turn out to perform the toilet of the capital. The men work from 4 in the morning till 4 in the evening.

less two hours of for meals, or ten hours a day. The women are engaged in the morning only. The scribes on the banks of a river in Algeria have considerable induce. ment to write, as the river is composed of pure ink. This phenomenon 15 caused by the fact that the river is composed of two branches, one of which runs through a peat swamp con taining much gallic acid, and the other through soil impregnated with iron, and when the two join pure ink is formed.

The English government is called the "Court of St. James" because of the old palace, although all of it that now remains is the picturesque gateway of the present palace of St. James. After Westminster was burned Henry VIII obtained a grant which gave him all the land between Charing Cross and Westminster as a royal manor. This gave him "York palace," the residence of Cardinal Wolsley, and St.

James. to Whitehall and connected it with St. He changed the name York palace James by St. James Park. Royalty lived here when in town from the time of Henry VIII to William Ill.

When Whitehall was burned Kensington was bounght but St. James was still the court palace. All state ceremonials have taken place in the palace since the reign of William and Mary, and hence the English court is called the "Court of St. James." A nice pocketbook with initials is a most appropriate present. Any style or price at Van Lear Bros.

Complete outfits of Safety Razors, containing from one to seven blades. Any man or boy can sharpen and shave himself with this Razor. MASSIE'S PHARMACY. Always the best fresh pork, veal and mutton at Markley's Market, 141 Salem avenue. ELECTION OF OFFICERS.

At the regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian Association the following officers were elected for the suing president; year: Mrs. J. B. Stephenson, Mrs. G.

H. Hooge, vice president: Mrs. J. G. Bringman, secretary and treasurer.

The Auxiliary shows a remarkable gain in membership during the past year. The ladies gave the Association a fine piano, and in many ways have been of great assistance to the Association. All the ladies of Roanoke who can are requested to join the Auxiliary and encourage these ladies who have been so faithful and earnest in their efforts to help the young men of our city. No Gripe, Pain Or discomfort, no irritation of the intestines healthful -but cleansing, gentle, when prompt, thorough you take Hood's Pills Fold by at 25 conts. A 8 2 DEED A We plain have effects: a number they all of have designs that in quality colors which and makes them remarked.

If you say so, we' 'll Little Of course use our them prices on are your printing. right--right, we mean, from your stand point. Oddity in the decoration of The Stone Printing and your printed matter. little out of -the Manufacturing Co. wayness about the get-up of it.

will at- 110:114 N. Jefferson St. tract attention. a Coward I. Stone, pres.

Roanoke, Wa. Holiday Goods at Cut Prices Perfume Atomizers, newest and latest styles and 37c and 23c Perfume Bottles, sprinkler tops, new goods, dainty, imported. and 48c Perfumery, newest and latest odors, in handsome Cut Glass Bottles, in fancy packages, and in bulk. The packages this season are the daintiest and sweetest that we have ever 63c, 48c, 23c and 10c Bulk Extracts, popular odors, per 25c and 20c Sachet Powder, Heliotrope, Violet, White Rose, Jockey Club, per Triplicate Mirrors, Hand Mirrors, and Shaving Mirrors, cut 33c, 23c, 15c and 10c Toilet Sets, consisting of Mirror, Brush and Comb, in handsome Celluloid and other styles of boxes, with hinge top and provided with clasp. All boxes neatly $1.37, $1.23, 98c, 73c and 48c Military Hair Brushes, in cases and without.

Some have solid' Ebony Backs, and 1 other natural woods. Sterling silver mounted, and plain; good, stiff bristles, and low at these $1.23, 87c and 67c a Pair Gentleman's Hair Brush and $1.23, 87c, 73c, 48c and 23c Children's Toilet Sets--Hair Brush, Comb and Mirror, in neat hinge Work and 23c Manicure 48c Photo. -Aluminum, Celluloid, and hand painted and 13c, 10c, 8c and 4c Pin Trays and Boxes, odd and 10c, 8c, 7c and 5c Necktie. Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Celluloid top, hand painted; I H. C.

BARNES, Collar and Cuff Boxes and Sets, over a hundred to choose from. Some are Real Japanese Cups and Saucers, made and decorated in Japan. Per cup and 15c, 13c, 12c and 7c Other Japanese and 8c Toilet Bottles, latest styles, hand painted; per 63c and 48c Toilet Sets, consisting of five and six pieces, hand painted, entirely new; cut $1.73, $1.48 and 50c Pipes and Smokers' articles; Cigar and Cigarette Holders; the largest and handsomest display in hoanoke. This is the place to visit if anything the smokers' line is wanted. A glance will convince you that we have the best assortment, and the plain price tickets will prove that we sell at cut prices.

Lot of real Briars and genuine Meerschaums, gold and silver mounted, amber bits, in plush-lined pocket cases Worth $4.00, $3.50 and your pick for this $2.48 Lot of $3.00 and $2.50 Pipes; your Lot of Two Dollar Pipes, cut to $1.48 Lot of $2.00 and $1.50 Pipes, now $1.23 All of the above four lots are either French Briar or real Meerschaums; are gold or silver mounted, or plain; all have genuine Amber Bits, are in handsome cases, and each and every one is a pipe bargain at these prices. See our 25c, 15c, 10c and 5c line of pipe bargains in front Show Case. Cigar and Cigarette Honders-newest and largest assortment here. Real Meerschaums and Ambers; gold and silver mounted and plain; in cases. Up Tobacco Jars, odd and new shapes; Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Jars, with 48c, 23c and 10c Puts Up Prescriptions," Opposite the Passenger Depot.


B. Vico-President ANDREWS. Vice-President. Fishburn, and Cashier. United States and City Depository, THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OF ROANOKE, VA.

Deposits Capital 1, 1896....... Surplus $145,287.63 Undivided Profits $15,000. Deposits 1, 1897....... 261,549.31 Deposits Deposits July 1, 1900. 1899......

471,133.63 Deposits July 1, 1898...... 347,075.91 Deposits 1, 543,973.00 July Aug. 10, 1900...... 603,563.28 410 THUS' Solid Comfort TRUSS. Sizes JOHNSON JOHNSON, Cor.

Jefferson Street and Salem Roanoke, Va. Carbol-Quin Lotion For Chapped Hands and Lips or A superior preparation to Glycerine, any roughness of the skin. Camphor, Ice Cold Cream, without being greasy or sticky. Dries and leaves the skin soft, white and smooth. quickly be worn immediately after using.

Price 15c. Kid gloves can Prepared by JOHNSON JOHNSON, Pharmacists. Cor. Jefferson St. and Salem avenue, s.

w. ROANOKE, VA. ALL KINDS OF SINGING BIRDS, BEETON, THE BIRD MAN, Carries a full stock of Birds and Cages. Bird Food of all kinds. Birds shipped are guaranteed to be in good condition when received.

Write for terms. Address D. J. BEETON, 104 Campbell Avenue, Roanoke, Va. Money Saving Reduction Sale Are you aware of the Great Reduction Sale EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE, 24 Salem Avenue? on now going at the If not, we want you to know that we have made a great reduction in our entire stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Up-to-Date Clothing and Gents' Furnishings.

We need the money and must have it, therefore we offer you such inducements. We call special attention to our line of RUBBER we are entirely overstocked, and if you value CLOTHING, in which will not neglect this your dollar or dollars you opportunity. anteed. Remember we carry up-to-date High-Grade Goods. Everything GaurOur stock is too numerous to mention will convince prices, but a glance at our goods you.

Respectfully yours, Eagle Clothing House, H. SILVERMAN. Proprietor, 24 Sa'am Roanoko. Va. ALASKA'S CENSUS.

Was Taken on Dog Sleds Under Numerous Difficulties. The Census Bureau recently completed the enumeration of the district of Alaska. The schedules have been at the office and are now in received process of tabulation, says the Washington Post. The director of the census has given out the following statement with reference to the work in the great territory: "Mr. Samuel C.

Dunham, who had charge of the work in the Northern district, returned to Washington a few days ago and submitted his final report Many of the special agents had great difficulties to overcome and suffered great hardships, but all completed their work. Perhaps the most difficult district to enumerate was that the Arctic coast from Point comprising Hope to Demarkation Point. Mr. Charles D. Bromer, the agent of the district, traveled two thousand miles by dog team during winter, and enumerated 1,860 people-24 whites, 9 Japanese and 1,837 natives.

"The native and mixed population of the Northern district of Alaska is 652. The most populous with respect to the native populations is the country lying between the mouth of the Yukon and Kuskoquin rivers, and extending back from the coast one hundred miles. Mr. Maurice Johnson, the agent for this district, traveled more than two thousand miles with dog teams, during persons, the all winter, of and whom are enumera- Indians. Mr.

Johnson reports that from December 1 to March 15 he visited 74 Indian villages. "The Nome district is the most populous in Northern Alaska. The enumeration showed a permanent white population on June of 2,704. During the summer about 18,000 people at Nome, about 2,500 these coming from Dawson. About 12,000 have returned to their homes in the States, leaving about 9,000 in the region contiguous to Nome." IT SAVED HIS LEG.

P. A. Danforth, of LaGrange, suffered intensely for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg, but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Burns, Boils, Pain or Piles it's the best salve in the world. cure guaranteed.

Sold by Massie's Pharmacy. Dressed chickens at 8c a. pound today at H. H. Markley's, at 141 Salem avenue.

Open evenings until after Xmas. See our stock; get our prices. We can't be undersold. No notes to sign. Roanoke Music Company, C.

T. Jennings, Manager, 22 Salem avenue W. W. K. Andrews Coal and Wood Dealers, are at the old stand, 219 Salem avenue, and are still in business.

Listen, and you will hear the merry jingle of the bells as their teams deliver coal and wood in all parts of the city. The Union Central Life Insurance Co. POLICY Highest Rate of Interest. Lowest Death Rate. Assets Over $25,000,000.

WM. R. MOORE, Gen'l Agent, Terry Building, (WANT COLUMN. WANTED. -Good, all round carpenSteady work and good wages to ter.

right man. Apply to the Peerless Coal and co*ke Company, Vivian, W. Va. 12-14-3t $60 A MONTH AND EXPENSES.Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenses. Permanent position.

Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. CLARK 4th A and Locust streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 7-18-tt to handle our household specialties in principal towns on N. W.

from Hagerstown to Bristol, and from Radford to Welsh. Capital and experience not necessary. BROOKS. MEAD 212 Commerce street, Roanoke, Va. 10-6-tt LOST.

oblong plain gold watch charm. Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving same at Catogni's Restaurant. WESTBROOK. 12-13-3t FOA RENT FOR RENT. -Furnished room for one or two gentlemen, 28 Sixth avenue, 8.

W. 12-9-6t Wood, Wood Dry, Green, Oak and Hickory. $1.10 per cord in woods. $3.00 4 delivered. $3.50 per cord for block wood sawed any length.

Cash on Delivery, F. A. EATON, 384 Mounta'n Ava, S. W. $300 ONLY $300 For Two of The Best Lots in WEST END on Rorer Avenue.

Large, fine Silver Maple shade trees, corner lot and one ad. joining. Will sell one or both at $150 each. Call now. These lots are beauties and worth twice the price asked.

We advertise nothing but genuine bargains. ELLIS BROS 104 Jefferson Street. ROANOKE, VA. Ask for the Some Live Bargains. the One of the handsomest city of residences in ment, heated Roanoke, 14 rooms, basebrick, plate glass windows, steam, solid nicely pressed by ed and painted paperconveniences.

built at throughout, a cost all modern 000. Has large and of of two or three spacious grounds enclosed by iron acres, fence excellent stable, magnificent residence and wall. This at about one-third is being offered its cost. A seven room house nue, s. lot 50 feet by 130 aveon Seventh alley.

feet to an with seven House living complete in every detail, cellar, bath and closets and besides hall, rooms, Three rooms heated pantries. heater. The house has just by Baltimore first class and painted throughout; in papered been newly room in condition. Nice servant's coal back yard. Wood house house.

Beautiful shade and front; fruit trees in rear. Lot trees in and level. Altogether lies high' most desirable this is one of the Price, $500 residences in the city. ance to $1,000 cash; baleasy. Six-room frame house nue on Centre aven.

between Ninth streets, the north side and of Tenth the on street, terms in of fairly $100 good condition, for $850 per month with interest. cash, balance $12.50 This is a bargain. fronting RAILROAD on Railroad FRONT-100x130 feet, building with brick ing alone thereon 35x70 feet. The buildcost more than we offering are now $1,000 the cash. entire property namely have easily sold in 1890 $10,000 would This property, or $15,000.

TRUCK FARM. We have 217 acres of fine land to 3 miles from trucking on the Roanoke this city to river that we will sell suit purchaser in lots of from five acres up. FARMS. 55 acres of the finest land in the county, lying north of the city, 3 miles from Terry building, in the richest belt of land in the county. This land is worth $60 per acre, but is offered at the low price of $2,500 as a whole.

One-third cash, balance one and two years. FOR RENT. Store room on Salem avenue, between Jefferson and Henry streets. Best stand in the city for any kind of bustness. If are in search of a house, lot or farm, mineral or timber lands, or want your rents promptly collected and remitted, and your property carefully looked after, see us.

LOTS. One of the most desirable lots on Terry's Hill, and a corner. Price $600. Beautiful lot corner of Eleventh avenue and Commerce street, fenced, and several nice young trees on same. This lot can be bought cheap at a quick cash sale.

For further particulars see us. Two lots on Ninth avenue, near Roanoke street, 46 by 150 feet. Price $500 each. Two pretty lots in West End on Patterson avenue, 96 by 150 feet. Price $500 for the two.

feet on Chapman avenue, commencing at corner of Chapman avenue and street. $750 for the whole. 100 feet on Chapman avenue, corner street. Price $300. BELLER HARRELL, 204 S.

Jefferson street, Roanoke, Va.

The Roanoke Times from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.